[Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds, or his son Admiral Peregrine Osborne, 2nd Duke of Leeds, as Marquis of Carmarthen.] Drawn note (cheque), signed ‘Carmarthen P:’, directing his banker Sir Francis Child to pay £100 to William Vernon.

Thomas Osborne (1632-1712), 1st Duke of Leeds, or his son Admiral Peregrine Osborne (1659-1729), 2nd Duke of Leeds [Viscount Osborne, Earl of Danby, Marquis of Carmarthen] [Sir Francis Child the elder
Publication details: 
'Febry. ye 9th. 1693/4'.

See the entries on the two Dukes in the Oxford DNB, as well as that of Sir Francis Child the elder. Both Dukes are significant; the first was a leading Tory politician and one of the ‘immortal seven’ who invited William of Orange to England, and the second was a naval adviser to Peter the Great of Russia. The present item is signed ‘Carmarthan P:’, which would seem to suggest it is the signature of the 2nd Duke, Peregrine Osborne, but the Oxford DNB states that he became Marquis of Carmarthen a few months after the present item, on his father being made Duke of Leeds on 4 May 1694.

[‘Gray’s Desk on which he wrote the Elegy’: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London auctioneers.] Letters and accounts from Sotheby’s to Mrs Sarah Turpin, relating to the 1915 sale of ‘Letters and Relics’ by Thomas Gray, including priced catalogue entries

Thomas Gray (1716-1771), poet, author of 'Elegy written in a Country Churchyard' [Mary Antrobus; Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London auctioneers; Sarah Turpin, wife of organist Edmund Hart Turpin]
Publication details: 
Eleven items dating from 1914 and 1915. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, Auctioneers, 13 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.

A nice collection of ephemera, relating not only to one of England’s best-loved poets, but also to Sotheby’s auction practice during the Great War. The provenance of the Gray letters put up for auction by Mrs Turpin is given in a New York Times article of 27 June 1915 (‘To sell relics of Thomas Gray; many letters by the poet will also be put up at auction at Sotheby's’), which stated in a report on the forthcoming sale that the letters ‘were transmitted to the present owner, Mrs.

[‘F. Anstey [Thomas Anstey Guthrie], humorous writer and frequent contributor to Punch.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Anstey Guthrie’) to 'Mrs Sturgis', daughter of the novelist of George Meredith, explaining why he must decline an invitation to dine.

‘F. Anstey’, pseudonym of Thomas Anstey Guthrie (1856-1934), humorous writer whose reputation was made by ‘Vice Versa’ (1882), and a frequent contributor to Punch [George Meredith]
Publication details: 
21 July 1891. On letterhead of 16 Duke Street Mansions, Grosvenor Square, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient is the novelist George Meredith's daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight spotting from blotting at the head of the page, and minor traces of glue from mount at corners of the blank reverse. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Miss Meredith’ and signed ‘Anstey Guthrie’.

[Tom Clarke, editor of the News Chronicle, as Director of Practical Journalism, King's College.] Typed Letter Signed ('Tom Clarke') to Morley Stuart of the Cambridge Daily News, regarding. his talk and journalism.

Tom Clarke [Thomas Clarke (1884-1957)], editor, News Chronicle; Director of Practical Journalism, University of London King's College [Morley Stuart (c.1887-1949), editor, Cambridge Daily News]
Publication details: 
11 January 1937; on his letterhead, University of London King's College, Strand W.C.2.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. He is pleased that Stuart is 'coming along on March 15 to talk to the journalism students, and tell them from a practical point of view what they have to expect when they make a start on a good provincial newspaper'. He agrees with Stuart's plan to 'emphasise that Fleet Street is not the only place in the world', his own view being that 'the best traditions of British journalism are still enshrined in the provincial press'.

[?The Bachelor Duke?: William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Charles Eastlake, regarding his painting ?The Spartan Isadas?, one on payment, delivery and repair by Sir Thomas Lawrence.

William George Spencer Cavendish (1790-1858), 6th Duke of Devonshire, ?the Bachelor Duke? [Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) and Sir Charles Eastlake (1793-1865), Presidents, Royal Academy of Arts]
Publication details: 
ONE: 7 October 1827; Chatsworth House [Chesterfield, Derbyshire]. TWO: 25 July 1852; Brighton.

Two letters providing an insight into the relationship between artist and patron in nineteenth-century England. See the the Duke?s entry, and Eastlake?s, in the Oxford DNB, as well as James Lees-Milne?s biography ?The Bachelor Duke? (1991).

[Conquest of Cayenne, 1809.] Manuscript Petition to King George III, signed by Thomas Sevestre, surgeon of HMS Confiance, asking permission to 'enjoy the Privileges' of a Portuguese order. With seal of Portuguese ambassador Sousa Coutinho.

Conquest of Cayenne, 1809 [French Guiana conquered by the Portuguese under British leadership]; Sir Thomas Sevestre (1784-1842) [Sir James Lucas Yeo (1782-1818)]
Publication details: 
Certified correct in London on 31 March 1810.

The Conquest of Cayenne - part of Britain’s strategy of using its naval power to attack French colonial interests in the Napoleonic Wars - is described in the fifth volume of William James’s ‘Naval History of Great Britain’ (1827). Britain was only able to contribute HMS Confiance, but its captain James Lucas Yeo was put in charge of the whole expedition, and he and his crew performed with distinction (see Yeo’s entry in the Oxford DNB).

[Dr Thomas Guthrie, Scottish divine and popular preacher, leader of the temperance and Ragged School movements.] Autograph Letter Signed, acknowledging a 'Kind Gift of £1 to the Original Ragged School'.

Thomas Guthrie (1803-1873), Scottish divine and philanthropist, one of the most popular preachers of his day in Scotland, where he was a leader of the temperance and Ragged School movements
Publication details: 
16 February 1872. 28 Westbourne Terrace, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded twice for postage. Firmly written in a somewhat florid hand. Reads: ‘Dear Sir / Accept my Grateful thanks for your Kind Gift of £1 to the Original Ragged School & believe me with much respect yours truly / Thomas Guthrie’.

[Thomas Lamb Phipson, editor of the Scientific Review and violinist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the meteorologist G. J. Symons, asking for advice on where to get a good rain-gauge.

Thomas Lamb Phipson (1833-1908), scientific and musical writer and violinist, editor of the Scientific Review [George James Symons (1838-1900), British meteorologist]
Publication details: 
15 September 1868. 4 The Cedars, Putney, [London] S.W.

C. A. Russell’s 2003 biography of Edward Frankland contains a thumbnail biography of Phipson, who ‘obtained a doctorate at Brussels in 1855, and after editing Cosmos in Paris, directed an analytical laboratory at Putney (at 4, The Cedars, almost on the site of Frankland’s earlier exploits at the now demolished College of Engineering). He became a Fellow of the Chemical Society in 1862 and was a prolific author of short papers as well as an accomplished amateur violinist’. See the short biographical notice in C. J. Bouverie, ‘The scientific and literary works of Dr. T. L.

[T. H. S. Escott [Thomas Hay Sweet Escott], journalist, newspaper editor (‘The Fortnightly Review’) and biographer of Anthony Trollope.] Six Autograph Letters Signed, mainly concerning autographs for the unnamed recipient’s collection.

T. H. S. Escott [Thomas Hay Sweet Escott] (1844-1924), Fleet Street journalist, newspaper editor (‘The Fortnightly Review’) and biographer of Anthony Trollope
Publication details: 
Three letters from 1898 and one letter from 1899; the others from around the same time. All six letters from 90 Buckingham Road, Brighton.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The six items - written in the semi-retirement that followed Escott's breakdown in 1885 (Joseph Chamberlain and Lord Randolph Churchill took up a subscription for him) - are in good condition, on lightly aged paper. A total of 12pp, 12mo. Closely written in a well-nigh illegible hand. All six letters are addressed to ‘My dear Sir’ and signed ‘T H S Escott’. Considering the execrable nature of the handwriting, it is ironic that the main topic would appear to be the supplying by Escott of autographs for the recipient’s collection.

[Thomas Burt, trade union leader and Radical Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to A.G.L. Rogers, Secretary of the Liberal Publication Department, regarding a piece of parliamentary legislation on the question of mining.

Thomas Burt (1837-1922), trade union leader and Radical Member of Parliament; General Secretary, Northumberland Miners' Association [A. G. L. Rogers, Secretary, Liberal Publication Department]
Publication details: 
2 June 1892. On House of Commons letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Under Gladstone Burt served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, 1892-1895. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son of the editor of the economist Thorold Rogers, and written while Rogers was Secretary of the Liberal Publication Department (a sort of public relations department), a position to which he was appointed in November 1891. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Signed 'Thos Burt'. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage.

[‘The Reefer’s pain’: Royal Navy, 1806.] Unpublished Autograph Poem ‘The Cockpit’, Signed by ‘J H Grose Assistant Surgeon’, HMS Captain, describing a midshipman's life, with reference to Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds and Thomas John Dibdin.

J. H. Grose, Royal Navy Assistant Surgeon of His Majesty’s Ship Captain, 1806 [Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds; Thomas John Dibdin; Lord Nelson]
Publication details: 
3 February 1806. On board HMS Captain.

An interesting and well-written poem, unpublished, casting light on the life of a midshipman in the Royal Navy in the year after Trafalgar. The author of this poem is frustratingly elusive (he was perhaps a member of the family of the antiquary Francis Grose, 1731-1791), but the 1787 Captain was a 74-gun third rater of some renown, having been captained by Nelson at the 1797 Battle of St Vincent. In the year following this poem she would act as one of the escorts for the expedition that left Falmouth and eventually attacked Buenos Aires.

[Henry Jutsum, landscape painter.] Autograph Note Signed, directing ?Mr. Vaughan? [Thomas Vaughan, Clerk of the Royal Academy] to ?deliver to Mr Green? his ?picture not received for the Exhibition?.

Henry Jutsum (1816-1869), landscape painter [Thomas Vaughan, Clerk of the Royal Academy, London]
Publication details: 
?174 Edgware Road / Maida Hill / 27 April 1832?. [London]

An uncommon signature. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On one side of 18 x 10 cm piece of paper. Discoloured and worn, with spike hole. Good firm signature, full of character. Reads: ?174 Edgware Road / Maida Hill / 27 April 1832 / Please deliver to Mr Green or [aide? drdee?order?] my picture not received for the Exhibition / Henry Jutsum / To / Mr. Vaughan / Royal Academy?. See Image.

[Lord Balogh, Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson’s economic advisor.] 36 items of correspondence to Philip Dosse of Hanson Books, in connection with reviews by him for ‘Books and Bookmen’.

Lord Balogh [Thomas Balogh, Baron Balogh, born Balog Tamás] (1905-1985), British economist of Hungarian Jewish descent, advisor of Labour prime minister Harold Wilson [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
Between 1973 and 1978. Letterheads: 10 of the letters from the House of Lords; 15 from the British National Oil Corporation, London; 5 from Queen Elizabeth House, 21 St Giles, Oxford.

Balogh’s entry in the Oxford DNB notes his ‘flamboyant mind and considerable moral courage’. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Films and Filming. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The collection is in good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[Christ’s Hospital, London public school.] Six forms and circulars relating to the application for admission of Stanley Thomas Cross (later of the League of Nations); two letters from Cross to his mother about going up to Pembroke College, Oxford.

Christ’s Hospital (The Blue-coat School), charitable public school founded by Henry VIII [Stanley Thomas Cross (1884-1950) of the League of Nations; City of London; Pembroke College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
Eight items from Christ's Hospital, London and West Horsham. The first six from 1894 and 1895, the last two from around 1903.

Eight items from the papers of Stanley Thomas Cross, including six evocative pieces of Christ’s Hospital ephemera. Four of the items have some singing to extremities (in a couple of cases affecting a few words of text), otherwise the material is in fair condition. The material ranges in dimension from foolscap 8vo to 12mo. Items One to Five are printed circulars (each with the school crest) relating to the Christ’s Hospital admissions process, dating from 1894 and 1895, all from ‘R. L. Franks, Clerk’. ONE: 17 October 1894.

[A trip up the Nile by a gentleman-artist, 1864.] Manuscript agreement between Thomas Kennet Were and Fairman & Co. of Alexandria, to charter a dehabeah for a four-month trip up the Nile, signed by him, certified by the consul's clerk, with receipts.

Thomas Kennet Were (1838-1916) of Sidmouth, traveller and gentleman-artist [Fairman & Co. (latterly Kelson, Hankey & Cie.), Alexandria, Egypt]
Publication details: 
Agreement and certification dated from Alexandria, Egypt, 9 December 1864; receipt for balance dated 17 April 1865. Separate receipt for payment in account, 9 December 1864.

The University of Wyoming American Heritage Center has mounted a ‘traveling exhibit’ of watercolours and diaries from Kennet Were’s 1868-9 journey across the United States, a long account of which he published in the Gazette (‘Nine Months in the United States’) on his return. Were’s obituary in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol. 48, (1916), p. 54, describes him as one of Sidmouth’s ‘most respected inhabitants’ and ‘the prime mover in movements for the improvement of the resort and a supporter of all good causes’, but does not refer to his artistic activities.

[Thomas Cook, travel agent.] Autograph Note Signed to lithographic illustration of his ?Leicester Temperance Hall and Hotel / Designed by J. Medland Esq., Gloucester?.

Thomas Cook (1808-1892), travel agent; Leicester Temperance Hall and Hotel, designed by James Medland (1808-1894), County Surveyor for Gloucestershire
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed in another hand on the reverse, including years 1866 and 1867.

See Cook?s entry in the Oxford DNB. His temperance hall and hotel illustrated here, were built in 1853. The hall was demolished in the 1960s, to be replaced by a building typical of those that blight Leicester in 2011; the council gave permission for the hotel to be demolished to make way for another monstrosity. Sepia lithograph printed in landscape on 20 x 13 cm leaf of laid paper, extracted from a book or pamphlet. Attractive illustration of an imposing structure, with those that flank it, and people and coaches in the foreground.

[Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler], the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed declining an invitation ‘to lecture on some Aspect of Renaissance Sculpture’.

Sir Charles Wheeler [Sir Charles Thomas Wheeler] (1892-1974), the first sculptor to be President of the Royal Academy, 1956 to1966
Publication details: 
10 January [1961?]; on his letterhead, 2A Cathcard Road, South Kensington, SW10 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The year of the letter looks more like ‘1901’ than ‘1961’, but the letterhead names the writer as ‘Charles Wheeler, C.B.E., R.A.’ Addressed to ‘Dear Sir’ and signed ‘Charles Wheeler’. Having received two letters from the unnamed recipient, he explains that the first ‘got mixed with some papers sent to my Accountant and therefore was not answered’. He apologises for ‘the consequent neglect’.

[Ben Purse [Benjamin Ormond Purse], trade unionist and campaigner for the rights of blind people.] Typed Letter with cyclostyled signature, to Carmichael Thomas, describing his ‘interests’ while asking for help in joining the Royal Society of Arts.

Ben Purse [Benjamin Ormond Purse] (1874-1950), British trade unionist, social worker and campaigner with the National Institute for the Blind [Carmichael Thomas; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
21 April 1921; on letterhead of the National Institute for the Blind, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and with two creases from folding for postage. Addressed to ‘Carmichael Thomas, Esq., / Mount Cottage, / Borough Green, / Kent.’ Cyclostyled signature of ‘Ben Purser.’ Begins: ‘For some time I have been desirous of becoming a member of the Royal Society of Arts. Mentioning this matter to your daughter a few days ago, Miss Thomas thought that if I wrote you in this connection you might possibly be able to arrange this matter for me.

[John Randolph of Roanoke (1773-1833), Virginia congressman, Thomas Jefferson's spokesman, Andrew Jackson’s Minister to Russia, leader of the ‘Old Republicans’ or ‘Tertium Quids’.] Signed Autograph cheque to Jacqueline P. Taylor of Richmond City.

John Randolph of Roanoke (1773-1833), Virginia congressman, Thomas Jefferson's spokesman, Andrew Jackson’s Minister to Russia, leader of the ‘Old Republicans’ or ‘Tertium Quids’ [Jacqueline P. Taylor]
Publication details: 
22 February 1829. [Roanoke.] Drawn on the Bank of Virginia.

1p, landscape 12mo. Aged, worn and lightly discoloured. Laid down on larger leaf removed from an album. The text, all in Randolph’s hand, reads: ‘Pay to Jaqueline [sic] P. Taylor or bearer Fifty four Dollars 84 Cents / John Randolph of Roanoke / Decr. 22d. 1829. / To the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia’. Despite the name Jacqueline P. Taylor of Richmond City, Virginia, was male. See image.

[Thomas Burt, trade union leader and Radical Member of Parliament.] Three Autograph Letters Signed and one Secretarial Letter Signed to A.G.L. Rogers, Secretary of the Liberal Publication Department, regarding the composition of publicity leaflets.

Thomas Burt (1837-1922), trade union leader and Radical Member of Parliament; General Secretary, Northumberland Miners' Association [A. G. L. Rogers, Secretary, Liberal Publication Department]
Publication details: 
2 June 1892; and 2 and 11 February, and 11 October, 1893. The first two on House of Commons letterhead; the third on letterhead of the Reform Club, Pall Mall; the fourth from Cromer, on letterhead of the Board of Trade [Whitehall, London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Under Gladstone Burt served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, 1892-1895. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son of the editor of the economist Thorold Rogers, and written while Rogers was Secretary of the Liberal Publication Department (a sort of public relations department), a position to which he was appointed in November 1891. The four items, all addressed to ‘Dear Mr Rogers’ and signed ‘Thos Burt’, are all bifoliums in good condition, folded for postage. ONE (2 June 1892): 2pp, 12mo.

[‘A Princess instead of a Queen’: Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury, as Dean of Windsor and Queen Victoria’s domestic chaplain.] Long Autograph Card Signed and Secretarial Letter Signed, both to Canon Jacob, the card regarding a royal visit.

Randall Davidson [Randall Thomas Davidson, Baron Davidson of Lambeth] (1848-1930), Archbishop of Canterbury [Philip Jacob (1804-1884), Archdeacon of Winchester]
Publication details: 
Secretarial Letter of 28 May 1887; Autograph Card of 18 July 1887. Both on letterhead of the Deanery, Windsor Castle.

In 1883 Queen Victoria appointed Davidson Dean of Windsor and her domestic chaplain. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged; the letter folded for postage. Both addressed to ‘My dear Jacob’ and both signed ‘Randall T Davidson’. ONE: Autograph Card Signed. Marked ‘Private’. Eighteen lines of text, covering both sides. Begins: ‘I talked the whole matter over so fully last night with Sir H.

[‘100% Socialist but disrespectful to Marx’: Sir Richard Acland, Labour politician and a founder of CND.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, describing his self-published book ‘The Next Step’.

Sir Richard Acland [Sir Richard Thomas Dyke Acland, 15th Baronet] (1906-1990), Common Wealth Party and Labour politician, a founder of CND [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
8 February 1974; Sprydon, Broadclyst, Exeter.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. This item is 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with the two leaves attached by a slightly rusty staple. Folded twice for postage. Large sprawling signature ‘Richard Acland’ above typed name ‘Sir Richard Acland’.

[A Lancashire slaver and his coach.] Two itemised manuscript receipts for work on a coach from the London coachmaker Thomas Thorpe to the Lancashire slave trader William Atherton of Prescot Hall, one signed by Thorpe.

Thomas Thorpe, London coachmaker [William Atherton (1742-1803) of Prescot Hall, St Helens, Lancashire, slave trader and owner of plantations in Jamaica]
Publication details: 
1799 and 1801. [Thorpe & Co., Coachmakers, 210 Holborn, London.]

An indication of how slavers spent the fruits of their slaves’ labours. With the advent of slavery studies William Atherton has been the subject of a deal of interest, reflected on his Wikipedia page. Thorpe and Lee are listed as coachmakers at 210 Holborn in 1791; in 1803 the firm is named as Thorpe and Co at the same address. The two items are written out in a secretarial hand, each on a long strip made by cutting a folio leaf in half vertically. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Each with slight damage from the breaking open of the wafer.

[Sir Thomas Armstrong, Principal of the Royal College of Music.] Autograph Letter Signed T.A., on his retirement, thanking the RAM Professor of Cello Ambrose Gauntlett for sending him a book about breadmaking.

Sir Thomas Armstrong [Sir Thomas Henry Wait Armstrong] (1898-1994), organist, Principal of the Royal Academy of Music, 1955-1968 [Ambrose Gauntlett (1889-1978), Professor of Cello at the RAM]
Publication details: 
22 May 1968; on letterhead of the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London NW1.

See Armstrong’s entry in the Oxford DNB.

[Thomas Thomson, botanist, geologist and plant hunter in India with Joseph Dalton Hooker.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed friend, discussing their burgeoning friendship and his plans for his career.

Thomas Thomson (1817-1878), botanist and geologist, plant hunter in India with Joseph Dalton Hooker
Publication details: 
‘8 Teviot Row / Edinboro’ / June 25th. 1859.’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bivolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to ‘Dear Friend’ and signed ‘Thos. Thomson.’ Begins: ‘Having a few moments to spare, I take the opportunity of writing to you. I am sincerely sorry I shall not be back in time to see you before you leave for school, it would have afforded me much pleasure to have cemented our friendship more firmly.’ He likes the medical profession ‘better than any other’, and there is ‘every probability’ of his joining it. He would like to know the recipient’s opinion.

[Thomas Wright, antiquary and historian.] Autograph Letter Signed to Jerdan [William Jerdan, editor of the Literary Gazette] on topics including Charles Roach Smith’s excavations at Hartlip.

Thomas Wright (1810-1877), antiquary, historian and editor of medieval texts [William Jerdan (1782-1869), editor of the Literary Gazette; Charles Roach Smith (1807-1890), antiquary and archaeologist]
Publication details: 
16 September [no year]. 18 Gilbert Street, Grosvenor Square [London].

See his long and appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Worn and aged, with part of paper mount adhering over half of the reverse. Written in a tight close hand. Begins: ‘My dear Jerdan / The inclosed is for you to do what you like with. / I am off to Lord Albert’s tomorrow morning - the weather is improving.’ He suggests that ‘Smith [i.e.

[Samuel Carter Hall, editor of the Art Journal.] Autograph Letters Signed and Autograph Note Signed to ‘Crofton’, i.e. Thomas Crofton Croker, the letter regarding ‘the Palatines’ and the note a ‘certificate’ at ‘the Antiquaries’.

Samuel Carter Hall (1800-1889), Anglo-Irish journalist and author, editor of the Art Journal [Thomas Crofton Croker (1798-1854), Anglo-Irish antiquary, folklorist; George Godwin (1813-88), architect]
Publication details: 
The letter undated [circa 1843?] and the note 27 February [no year]. Neither with place.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. Each item 1p, 12mo, on a bifolium. Both in fair condition, lightly aged, and both folded twice for postage. Both addressed to ‘My dear Crofton’. LETTER: Signed ‘S C H’. Presumably while working on ‘A Week at Killarney’, the book he and his wife published in London in 1843, Hall asks for ‘one or two morsels about the Palatines’ (see ‘Killarney’, pp. 78-79, a peculiar race of strangers): ‘Why were they planted in Ireland? - when precisely? by whom precisely’. NOTE. Signed ‘S. C. Hall’. ‘Godwin tells me the certificate is not “up” at the Antiquaries.

[Society for Irish Church Missions to the Roman Catholics.] Printed promotional pamphlet, including ‘The West Galway Church Building Fund / Appeal from the Bishop of Tuam.’ [i.e. Thomas Span Plunket]

Society for Irish Church Missions to the Roman Catholics, Anglican missionary society, founded 1849 [The West Galway Church Building Fund; Thomas Span Plunket, Bishop of Tuam; Rev. Alexander Dallas]
Publication details: 
[November, 1850.] For the Society for Irish Church Missions to the Roman Catholics [The West Galway Church Building Fund].

A scarce item: the only copy on COPAC at Trinity College Dublin. (WorldCat records a German library holding). See the entry on the Society’s founder, Rev. Alexander Dallas, in the Oxford DNB. The organisation, which still operates, is a controversial one. It was founded to convert Irish Roman Catholics to Protestantism, and the attitude of those involved can be gauged by the fact that its members considered the Potato Famine a judgement on the Catholics and made relief conditional on conversion, and that the Bishop of Tuam evicted tenants for not sending their children to Protestant schools.

[London publishers’ 1909 catalogue.] Printed catalogue of ‘Macmillan’s Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors’; with separate prospectus for ‘The Novels of Charles Dickens’ in ‘Macmillan’s 3s. 6d. Series’.

Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London publishers [Charles Dickens; William Makepeace Thackeray; Thomas Hardy; Charles Kingsley; F. Marion Crawford; Rolf Boldrewood; Rosa N. Carey; Charlotte M. Yonge]
Publication details: 
Macmillan & Co, Ltd., London. The catalogue by ‘J. Palmer, Printer, Cambridge’, and dated ‘20. 8. 09’, i.e. 20 August 1909. Dickens prospectus undated.

Two pieces of uncommon Edwardian bibliographical ephemera. Both items worn and aged, and the catalogue somewhat dogeared. Both with some pencil marking. ONE (1909 catalogue): 32pp, 12mo. Drophead title on first page: ‘Macmillan’s Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors / Crown 8vo.’ The first two pages carry a description of the series, which ‘comprises over four hundred volumes in various departments of Literature. Prominent among them is a new and attractive edition of The Works of Thackeray, issued under the editorship of Mr. Lewis Melville.

[Sir Thomas Armstrong, Principal of the Royal College of Music.] Typed Letter Signed, praising Professor of Cello Ambrose Gauntlett, whilst renewing his contract for the last time.

Sir Thomas Armstrong [Sir Thomas Henry Wait Armstrong] (1898-1994), organist, Principal of the Royal Academy of Music, 1955-1968 [Ambrose Gauntlett (1889-1978), Professor of Cello at the RAM]
Publication details: 
6 December 1963. On letterhead of the Royal Academy of Music, London.

See Armstrong’s entry in the Oxford DNB. For Gauntlett, who was Professor of Cello at the RAM from 1947 to 1965, see the excellent article on the ‘Semibrevity’ blog: ‘Ambrose Gauntlett, forgotten gamba player and continuo cellist’, beginning: ‘Although Ambrose Gauntlett (1889-1978) spent most of his career as a full-time orchestral principal, he was the most sought-after continuo cellist and gamba player in the UK for many years.

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