[Mary Russell Mitford, author of 'Our Village'.] Autograph Letter in the third person to the bookseller William Baynes, expressing pleasure at sending contributions for his 'intended publication'. With reference to her publisher G. B. Whittaker.

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), author and playwright, best known for her collection of sketches, ‘Our Village’ [William Baynes & Son; George Byrom Whittaker (1793-1847), London publisher]
Publication details: 
'Three Mile Cross, near Reading / June 10th. 1825.'

See her entry, and that of Whittaker, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. A corner of the letter carrying a few words of text has been torn away on opening; it is still attached, beneath a red wax seal, so that the entire document is present in two parts. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed by Mitford 'To / Messrs. Baynes & Son / 23 Paternoster Row'. Begins: 'Miss Mitford presents her Compts. to Mr.

[‘I feel a survivor: Winston should be dead’: Lady Diana Cooper, society beauty, actress and memoirist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘My dear admiral’ (Sir William Milbourne James), regarding their books, people and the past.

Lady Diana Cooper [née Lady Diana Olivia Winifred Maud Manners] (1892-1986) Viscountess Norwich, actress and memoirist, wife of Duff Cooper, [Admiral Sir William Milbourne James (1881-1973), RN]
Publication details: 
5 January [1960]. No place.

Written with the charm for which she was renowned. See her entry and his in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to, on two leaves of cartridge paper. In good condition lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Mostly written in pencil, with good firm signature (‘Yrs / Diana Cooper’) and last few lines in red ink. Begins: ‘My dear admiral - Forgive the scruffiness of the paper & the rudeness of a pencil but I’m in an unoccupied house & can find no essentials, tho’ I found y. letter to-day & have no idea when it was posted.

[Francis Joseph Bigger, ed.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Legislative Union. A Protest by Dr. William Drennan.’ [‘Protest against a union with Great Britain’.]

Francis Joseph Bigger (1863-1926), editor; Dr William Drennan; R. Carswell & Son, Belfast printers [Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted. / Belfast: R. Carswell & Son, Ltd., Printers, Queen Street. / 1911.’

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce item: five copies on JISC. In NLI, but not in the British Library. Bigger, a notable antiquary and republican (see Dictionary of Irish Biography), is the friend to whom Sir Roger Casement entrusted the ‘black box’ of incriminating documents, which Bigger destroyed after Casement’s execution. 12pp, 16mo. Stapled. In good condition, lightly aged, with lightly-rusted staples.

[Irish Land Question, 1854.] Autograph Letter Signed from Serjeant Shee [later Sir William Shee] [to James Johnstone or Robert Knox?], regarding the parliamentary response to his speech bringing in the ‘amended Tenants’ Compensation (Ireland) Bill’.

[Irish Land Question, 1854.] Sir William Shee [Serjeant Shee] (1804-1868), English-born Irish Liberal politician and judge [Richard Cobden (1804-1865), Radical politician; James Johnstone (1815-1878)]
Publication details: 
'House of Commons / Feby 17 1854'.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, Shee entered the House of Commons as Member for County Kilkenny in 1852, and promptly took charge of the Irish Tenant Right Bill. ‘On 16 February 1854 Shee brought in a bill which, with the exception of three clauses, was the exact counterpart of Sharman Crawford's bill of the previous session, but it met with little encouragement.’ Shee’s speech is reproduced in his ‘Papers, Letters, and Speeches in the House of Commons, on the Irish Land Question’ (London, 1863).

[Sydney Smirke, RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room.] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow Royal Academician Edward William Cooke, regarding a photograph by Vernon Heath.

Sydney Smirke (1797-1877), RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room [E. W. Cooke [Edward William Cooke] (1811-80), RA, marine painter; Vernon Heath (c.1819-95), photographer]
Publication details: 
'The Hollies / Tunbridge Wells / Aug: 7 [no year]'.

See Smirke’s entry, and those of Cooke and Heath, in the Oxford DNB. His most celebrated design is the Reading Room of the British Museum. 2pp, 12mo. With monogram and mourning border. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Vernon Heath, of Piccadilly, has made me a photograph of our new front, which is I think fairly satisfactory.’ He has told Heath to deliver a copy ‘addressed to you at the R. Academy’. As it is ‘rather large’, he did not like to send it ‘by post or Parcel’, as it ‘might get crushed on its way to you.

[Lyme Regis, Dorset.] Autograph Letter Signed from ‘Wm Curtis’ [William Curtis] to ‘Mr Wh[encon?] / Town Clerk / Lym’, regarding legal action with ‘Mr Preston’ (‘Mr Recorder’) who ‘Threatens to play the very Devil’ with him.

Lyme Regis, Dorset: William Curtis of Lym [Richard Preston ('Mr Recorder') of Marino; Lowton of the Temple]
Publication details: 
‘Lym July 1 / 1795’. [Lyme Regis, Dorset.]

Neither Curtis nor the 'Mr Recorder' named Preston mentioned in the letter feature in G. Roberts’s ‘History of Lyme Regis’ (Sherborne, 1823). Preston may be ‘Richard Preston Esq.’ of ‘Marino’ named as living near Barnstaple in Cary’s New Itinerary, 6th ed, 1815. The recipient’s name is not decipherable. Six years previously a parliamentary committee had examined ‘Mr. Follett, the town clerk of Lyme. He said, he had held that office fifty years.’ (Luders, Reports, 1789) 2pp, 4to. On first leaf of bifolium, the reverse of the second leaf being addressed to ‘Mr Wh[encon?] / Town Clerk / Lym’.

[Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Küchenmeister-Rudersdorf], German soprano and teacher.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to ‘Mrs. Sprague’.

Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Küchenmeister-Rudersdorf] (1822-1882), German soprano and teacher, born in the Ukraine, who perrformed in England and settled in America [Sir William MItchell (1811-1878)]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [London, 1868.]

See her entry in Grove. The letter can be dated by the reference to Sir William Mitchell (see Oxford DNB) and the operetta 'The Rival Beauties', which he produced in London and then Plymouth. The letter is on one side of the paper, has been cut down to 11 x 9 cm, and laid down on a piece of card. Aged and worn, with slight loss at top right, affecting one word of text. Thirteen lines of close and neatly-written text, addressed to ‘Dearest Mrs. Sprague’ and signed ‘Yours affectionately, / Erminia Rudersdorff’, with a little of the flourish beneath the signature cut away.

[William Jay, Congregational divine and noted preacher at the Argyle Chapel in Bath.] Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr Godwin' [Bath bookseller Henry Godwin], regarding the binding of his books. With order for the books, presumably in Godwin's hand.

William Jay (1769-1853), Congregational divine, religious writer and preacher at the Argyle Chapel in Bath, praised by Sheridan for his oratorical skills [Henry Godwin, Bath bookseller]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Bath.]

ay is said to have preached nearly a thousand sermons before the age of twenty-one. On 11 x 8.5 cm piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, but with patches of sunning. At the head of the page is the order for the books, presumably in Godwin's hand: 'A Volume of Crabbe's Works - to bind / 2 Vols to match it'. Beneath this is Jay's heavily-inked response: 'Will Mr Godwin leave the ordering of the binding till I see him? / Wm Jay'. Scan on application.

[William Morley Punshon, Wesleyan methodist minister and public lecturer.] Autograph Signature and part of letter.

William Morley Punshon (1824-1881), Wesleyan Methodist minister and public lecturer
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 12 x 5 cm piece of paper, cut from letter for an autograph hunter. In good condition, lightly aged. On one side: ‘With much esteem, / Believe me, my dear Sir / Yours ever Sincerely / W Morley Punshon’. On the other side: ‘[...] desire, of every part of the service but the Sermon & while we would not on [...]’ Annotated in pencil: ‘An eminent Wesleyan minister not long dead’. Scan on application.

[W. W. Jacobs, writer noted for his ghost stories and tales of the sea.] Autograph Signature.

W. W. Jacobs [William Wymark Jacobs] (1863-1943), English short-story writer, noted for his tales of the sea and ghost stories
Publication details: 
No date. On letterhead of 'Beechcroft, / Berkhamstead.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 10 x 7 cm piece of paper, cut down from letterhead. In good condition, lightly aged, with pin holes at top left. Clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'Yours very truly / W. W. Jacobs'. See scan

[‘Silly Billy’: Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh.] Autograph Signature on frank addressed to Rev. Dr [Christopher] Wordsworth, his Vice Chancellor at Cambridge University.

Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh ['Silly Billy'] (1776-1834), great-grandson of George II, nephew and son-in-law of George III
Publication details: 
Dated from London, 27 June 1827. With frank of same date.

See his entry and Wordsworth’s in the Oxford DNB. The Prince was Chancellor of Cambridge University from 1811 to his death. Wordsworth was Vice-Chancellor twice: 1820-1821 and 1826-1827. On 13 x 7 cm panel cut from the cover of the envelope. In fair condition, lightly aged, laid down on brown paper cut from album, with slight wear to corner of letter just touching the initial ‘W’ of the Prince’s name. Laid out in the customary fashion, and reading: ‘London June Twenty seven 1827 / The Revd / Dr. Wordsworth / Vice Chancellor of the University / of Cambridge’.

[Mary Anderson de Navarro, American Shakespearian actress.] Autograph Signature on postcard.

Mary Anderson [later Mary Anderson de Navarro] (1859-1940), American Shakespearian actress
Publication details: 
On postcard with stamp and postmark of Broadway, Worcestershire [USA], 26 August 1905.

Anderson spent six years in England in the 1880s, acting to much acclaim at venues including the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford-on-Avon. In 1887 she was the first actress to take on both roles of Perdita and Hermione at once in the Winter’s Tale. On 14 x 9 cm postcard, addressed (by the recipient) to ‘Norman Wetton / 7, Claremont Road, / Forest Gate, / Essex.’ Slightly grubby and worn, but in fare condition overall. On the blank side she writes: ‘Broadway / Worc / Mary Anderson de Navarro / Auto Graph only’. Scan on application

[King William IV as Duke of Clarence.] Signature on [attempted] frank addressed to Mrs Skelton of St Albans.

King William IV (1765-1837), from 1789 Duke of Clarence and St Andrews, ascended the throne in 1830
William IV
Publication details: 
23 December 1837; Bushy.
William IV

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11 x 7 cm panel cut from the cover of the envelope. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on brown paper cut from album. The intial ‘C’ of the Duke’s name curls under the rest of the signature with a loop, and with end of flourish possibly trimmed in cutting the panel. (Comparison with other examples of the future king’s signature as Duke of Clarence indicate that whatever loss there may be would be minimal.) Laid out in the customary fashion. Reads: ‘Bushy. December twenty third 1827 / Mrs: Skelton / Sandridge Lodge / St: Alban’s / Street’.

[Bill Johnson, Hollywood and Broadway actor and singer.] Autograph Signature on publicity photo James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey.

Bill Johnson [William Thomas Johnson] (1916-1957), Hollywood and Broadway actor and singer [James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey]
Publication details: 
No date (1940s?). By James J. Kriegsmann of New Jersey.

Johnson’s career began with a job singing on an NBC radio show. His 1940s Hollywood films included “Keep Your Powder Dry”. He later returned to Broadway, where in 1956 he received a Tony nomination for his performance as ‘Doc’ in Rodgers and Hammerstein's last musical ‘Pipe Dream’. He died of a heart attack in 1957. 10.5 x 10 cm black and white glossy photographic print on shiny art paper. In good condition. Stylish signature 'Bill Johnson' in white at bottom left.

[Lord Beresford [William Carr Beresford, 1st Viscount Beresford, 1st Marquis of Campo Maior], Commander in Chief of Portuguese army in Peninsular War.] Two copy letters to Duke of Wellington; apparent autograph draft of letter, 1809; one other item.

Lord Beresford [William Carr Beresford (1768-1854), 1st Viscount Beresford, 1st Marquis of Campo Maior], Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army during the Peninsular War [Duke of Wellington]
Publication details: 
Copy Letters dated 16 March (Elvas) and 25 May 1812 (Fuente Guinaldo). Probable draft letter: 'Abranles July 4. 1809'. Other item 6 May 1809..

Four interesting Peninsular War items, from a collection of Beresford material. In 1813 the Duke of Wellington described Beresford as ‘the ablest man I have yet seen in the army’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The four items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn (but see descriptions of Items One and Three), and folded for postage. ONE: Apparent Autograph Draft of Letter. ‘Abranles July 4. 1809’. 2pp, 4to. On laid Whatman paper. Reverse somewhat grubby with glue stains (from display in an album?) at foot of reverse of leaf.

[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Thomas’, discussing the Duke of Wellington’s mode of pronunciation, elementary education, King Lear and Shakespeare scholar H. H. Furness.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [Duke of Wellington; Horace Howard Furness; William Shakespeare]
Publication details: 
18 November 1893. The Hotel, Sidmouth.

A good letter, not the least of whose interest lies in the fact that it provides first-hand information about the Duke of Wellington. See Martin’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Begins: ‘Dear Mrs. Thomas, / Your variant of the King Lear story will, I am sure, delight Mr. Furness. Unfortunately King Lear has already been dealt with by him. It forms one volume of his magnificent Edition. But he loves every thing that concerns old England.

[Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1840.] Certificate of Morton Grove Mansel, signed by Sir George Scovell, Gov.; Thomas William Taylor, Lt Gov.; Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge; Sir Thomas Bradford; Sir William Henry Clinton; Sir John Gardiner.

Sandhurst, Royal Military College; Sir George Scovell, Gov.; Thomas William Taylor, Lt Gov.; Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge; Sir Thomas Bradford; Sir William Henry Clinton; Sir John Gardiner
Publication details: 
'At a Collegiate Board, held for the Half Yearly Public Examinations, on the 4th. & 5th of Novr. 1840.' [Royal Military College, Sandhurst.]

A large, attractive printed certificate, somewhat in the style of an early Victorian public notice, with heavily leaded font. Printed in black on one side of a 32 x 41 cm piece of cream vellum paper. Discoloured and ruckled from having been rolled up, but in good overall condition, and highly suitable (once flattened out) for framing. At bottom left, signatures of six ‘Commissioners, and Members of the Board’, one above the other: ‘Adolphus Fieldmarshal / W. H. Clinton / Thomas Bradford A Gnl / J Gardiner DAG / G Scovell Govr. M. Genl. / T W Taylor Col: Lt Governor’.

[Charles Isaac Elton,and B. F. C. Costelloe; Markets.] Printed work, inscribed by Elton to William Bliss.] ‘Royal Commission on Market Rights and Tolls. Report on Charters and Records relating to the History of Fairs and Markets [UK]'.’

Charles Isaac Elton (1839-1900), lawyer, antiquary and Conservative politician, and B. F. C. Costelloe, Assistant Commissioner [William Bliss]
Publication details: 
Drophead title with printed date at foot of page '1/89', i.e. January 1890. [London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.] Inscription by Elton dated 14 January 1890.

Rare: The BL has a copy (not annotated) and there's a copy on JISC at Reading, with the entry stating that consists of 104pp, rather than the 231pp of the present copy. See Elton’s entry in the Oxford DNB. He first served as a Conservative MP for Somerset in 1884-5, and the present item was composed during his second term, 1886-92. No title-leaf: drop-head title. At foot of first page: ‘A 55729. 30.?1/89. Wt. 6590,’. Introductory section credited on p.30 to 'Charles Elton. / B. F. C. Costelloe, / Assistant Commissioner.' Folio, 231pp.

[‘Collector and preserver of Autographs’: William Upcott, antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution.] Autograph Document Signed, with four pieces of advice in life.

William Upcott (1779-1845), antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution
Publication details: 
‘London Institution / Finsbury Circus. / January 17. 1834’. On paper watermarked ‘GATER / 1815’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, together with A. N. L. Munby’s entertaining ‘The Cult of the Autograph Letter in England’ (1962). 1p, 4to. No fold. In good condition, on lightly aged paper extracted from a notebook. Signed at foot: ‘William Upcott / a collector and preserver of Autographs. / London Institution / Finsbury Circus. / January 17. 1834’. The four memoranda are neatly written out over fifteen lines in Upcott’s distinctive hand.

[William Upcott, antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution.] Autograph Document Signed, listing English sovereign, to show that 'not one has ascended the Throne in the blooming month of May'.

William Upcott (1779-1845), antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution
Publication details: 
‘London Institution, / Finsbury Circus. Jan. 18. 1834.' On paper watermarked 'GATER / 1815'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, together with A. N. L. Munby’s entertaining ‘The Cult of the Autograph Letter in England’ (1962). 1p, 4to. No fold. In good condition, on lightly aged paper extracted from a notebook. Signed at foot: ‘William Upcott / London Institution, / Finsbury Circus. Jan. 18. 1834.' Very neatly written out in Upcott’s best hand, which is more like type (including the signature) than the document offered separately, on the same watermarked paper.

[William Warde Fowler, historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln College, Oxford.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Bridge’, discussing 'the diminution of corn-growing' and an ornithological excursion.

William Warde Fowler (1827-1941), classical historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln Colege, Oxford
Publication details: 
‘Kingham, April 13 1913’.

Fowler’s entry in the DNB states that he resigned his tutorship in 1910, when he ‘retired to Kingham, where, since 1873, he had enjoyed a country home and entertained his pupils. From 1899 he lived there with his sister Alice’. On both sides of what was an 8vo leaf, the lower part of which has been torn away, leaving a piece roughly 20 cm square, with 26 typed lines and the autograph valediction, in a large bold hand, ‘Yours sincerely / W. Warde Fowler’. Aged and worn, but with the remaining text clear. A nice letter, combining Fowler’s main interests.

[William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister and the ‘Grand Old Man’ of Victorian politics.] Autograph Signature cut from document.

William Ewart Gladstone ['The Grand Old Man'] (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister under Queen Victoria
William Ewart Gladstone
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
William Ewart Gladstone

One of the great figures in British history. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Good neat signature 'W E Gladstone' on 7 x 2.5 cm slip of card. In good condition, lightly aged. See Image.

[William Gillespie Dickson, Scottish legal writer and lawyer, Advocate-General of Mauritius.] Autograph Letter Signed to Glasgow Member of Parliament George Anderson, regarding his bill for extending the ‘jurisdiction of Sheriff Courts in Scotland'.

William Gillespie Dickson (1823-1876), Scottish legal writer and lawyer, Procureur and Advocate-General of Mauritius [George Anderson (1819-1896), Liberal MP for Glasgow]
Publication details: 
‘Sheriff Chambers / Glasgow 4 March / ’75 [1875]’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 4to. Bifolium. Fifty-eight lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. Minor traces of grey-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Addressed to ‘George Anderson Esq / M.P. / House of Commons’, and signed ‘W. G. Dickson’. Two annotations in a contemporary hand, one beneath the signature. The first paragraph reads: ‘My dear Sir / I have to thank you for the copy of your bill “to extend the jurisdiction of Sheriff Courts in Scotland,” which I received this morning.

[Sir Richard Runciman Terry, musicologist and choirmaster at Westminster Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. W. J. Phillips, with ‘Copy of Testimonial’ in favour of Phillips' application as organist and choirmaster at Salisbury Cathedral.

Sir Richard Runciman Terry (1864-1938), organist, choir master and musicologist, Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral [Dr William James Phillips (1873-1963)]
Publication details: 
ALS from Terry to Phillips, 'at Cronkley / Horley Bridge / Aug 31. 1916'. Testimonial: 'Westminster Cathedral / August 31. 1916'.

See Terry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing Dr. W. J. Phillips was the organist at St Barnabas, Pimlico; he was unsuccessful in the present application, but was subsequently organist of the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court. See his entry in Humphreys and Evans, ‘Dictionary of Composers for the Church in Great Britain and Ireland’ (1997). These two items are uniform on a total of three leaves of light paper. Both discoloured and worn, and folded three times. ONE: ALS from Terry to Phillips. 1p, 4to. He is ‘most pleased to have opportunity of supporting’ Phillips’s application.

[Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.] 37 items, including 21 ALsS from librarian W. S. Brassington to one of the Theatre’s governors, Dr E. M. Boddy, regarding his gift of portraits to Shakespeare Memorial, and resulting disagreement.

Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon [William Salt Brassington (1859-1939), archaeologist; Evan Marlett Boddy (c.1847-1934), FRCS; Stewart Dick; Edgar Flower; Archibald Flower]
Publication details: 
20 of Brassington’s 21 letters from between 1899 and 1902, and on letterheads of Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford-upon-Avon; the other is from 1910. Among the other items are ones dated from between 1899 and 1928.

The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre was founded through the efforts of local brewer Charles Edward Flower (1830-1892), after whose death its management was taken over by his brother Edgar Flower (1833-1903), also Chairman of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. On Edgar’s death these duties fell to his son Archibald Flower (1865-1950), several times mayor of Stratford-upon-Avon. The present correspondence concerns a gift to Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist Evan Marlett Boddy.

['Be fair to yourself - Be decent to yourself': Lord Leverhulme [William Hesketh Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme], soap manufacturer, industrialist and philanthropist.] Signed Typescript of his reflection on 'Vision and Service'.

Lord Leverhulme [William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925), 1st Viscount Leverhulme], soap manufacturer, industrialist and philanthropist
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Circa 1919?]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Eighteen lines of typed text, under the heading ‘VISION AND SERVICE.’ Undated, but certainly written after 1918, since the document is responding to changes since ‘the pre-war world of yesterday’. The final reference to a ladder, echoes a passage in Leverhulme’s 1919 tract ‘The Six-hour Day and other Industrial Questions’. Large bold signature at bottom right: ‘Leverhulme’. The signature and its environs are in good condition, on a document of aged and worn paper, with tearing to a central horizontal fold repaired with archival tape.

[Percy Bysshe Shelley: supposed portrait by George Romney.] Five Autograph Letters Signed from William Salt Brassington, Librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial, to the donor of the picture Evan Marlett Boddy.

[Percy Bysshe Shelley; George Romney] William Salt Brassington, archaeologist and librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon; Evan Marlett Boddy; Richard Garnett
Publication details: 
Three of the five from 1900 (28 and 31 August, and 4 September); and two from 1901 (5 and 13 December). All on letterheads of the Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford-upon-Avon.

These five items are part of a collection of correspondence (the rest is offered separately) relating to a supposed portrait of a young Percy Bysshe Shelley by George Romney, which was in a group of paintings donated to the Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist Evan Marlett Boddy. (The Shelley portrait is reproduced in ‘The Magazine of Art’, 1901, with the caption ‘Reputed portrait of Shelley as a boy, by Romney. In the Shakespeare memorial, Stratford-on-Avon.’, in an article on ‘Portraits of Shelley at the National Portrait Gallery’, p.

[William Manning, Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner.] Autograph Letter Signed to Francis Freeling of the Post Office, regarding a 'communication' indicating 'the delusion which prevails in the public mind' on a subject

William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner, Tory MP, father of Cardinal Manning [Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office]
Publication details: 
‘Bank of England, / April 28th. 1818.’ London.

See his entry, and Freeling’s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Aged and worn, with nicks and closed tears around the edges, but not near the valediction ‘Yours very faithfully / W: Manning.’ Addressed to ‘Francis Freeling, Esqr.’ Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Your Letter of yesterday I have just received & am exceedingly obliged to you for the communication it contains - it is quite distressing to see the delusion which prevails in the public mind on this subject -’. He is ‘submitting the Extract of the Norwich paper sent by Mr.

[Lord Ullswater [James William Lowther, 1st Viscount Ullswater], Speaker of the House of Commons.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Courtenay Ilbert, Clerk of the Commons, regarding telegrams he has ready to send after the Prime Minister’s ‘intimation’

Lord Ullswater [James William Lowther, 1st Viscount Ullswater (1855-1949)], Conservative politician, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1905-1921 [Sir Courtenay Ilbert (1841-1924), Clerk of the Commons]
Publication details: 
18 August [no year, but during his tenure as Speaker]. On letterhead of Campsea Ashe High House, Wickham Market.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. Eighteen lines. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Folded once. Addressed to ‘Dear Ilbert’ and signed ‘James W Lowther’. He has ‘prepared a series of telegram [sic] to all the news agencies and to the Clerk of the Works at Westminster’, and will dispatch them as soon as he receives ‘any intimation from the P.M’. He has another telegram ready for the London Gazette. ‘I think we can reasonably expect that, with 48 hrs notice, all M Ps and the staff would have sufficient notice’.

[Lord Canning [Charles John Canning, Earl Canning], Governor-General and first Viceroy of India.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lord Fitzgerald, as Under-Secretary to Lord Aberdeen at the Foreign Office, concerning Baron Brunow.

Lord Canning [Charles John Canning, Earl Canning (1812-1862)], Governor-General and first Viceroy of India [Lord Fitzgerald [William Vesey Fitzgerald (1783-1843)], Anglo-Irish politician]
Publication details: 
'F. O. [Foreign Office, Whitehall] Nov 11. 41 [1841]'.

Showing signs of the early stirrings of the Great Game. See Canning's entry, and that of Fitzgerald, in the Oxford DNB. At the time of the letter Canning was serving in his first governmental appointment, as Under-Secretary to Lord Aberdeen in the Foreign Office, in Peel’s administration, while Fitzgerald was President of the Board of Control. The ‘Baron Brunow’ referred to in the letter is Russian Ambassador in London, Philipp Graf von Brunnow (1797-1895). 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. Docketed on second leaf, ‘Lord Canning / respecting Baron Brunow Novr 11/41’.

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