[Sir Charles Hastings, eminent surgeon, angers Sir Thomas Phillipps.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Thomas Phillipps, regarding the Worcestershire Natural History Society, with Signed Autograph Draft of reply by Phillipps.

Sir Charles Hastings (1794-1866), surgeon and founder of the British Medical Association [Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), collector of books and manuscripts; Worcestershire Natural History Society]
Publication details: 
Both from Worcester. 25 and 29 January 1846. Draft of Phillipps' reply dated 31 January 1846.

Both letters in good condition, lightly aged. Both bifoliums, and both signed 'Charles Hastings'. ONE: 25 January 1846. 4pp, 12mo. He is 'glad to hear' that Phillipps is thinking of 'coming down to one of our evening meetings at the Natural History Society' (Hastings being the chairman). The date for the next meeting will be fixed on the following day, and Hastings' son, who is a member of the committee, will communicate with Phillipps. 'Our last meeting went off very well.

[Jane Octavia Brookfield, novelist and literary hostess, close friend of William Makepeace Thackeray.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane O. Brookfield') to the actress Leonora Wigan, regarding her 'charming house' and her son's theatrical ambitions.

Jane Octavia Brookfield (1821-1896), novelist and literary hostess, close friend of William Makepeace Thackeray [Leonora Wigan [née Pincott] (1805-1884), actress, wife of actor-manager Alfred Wigan]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 30 Thurloe Place, S.W. [London] 24 January [1870s].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Mrs. Wigan' and begins: 'I am sorry to find that the friends I mentioned to you, have decided on another house already – but if I hear of any one else who would be glad of your very charming house, I will not fail to mention it.' She thanks her for offering to 'help Charlie some day with a word or two of advice – in case he should eventually decide on choosing the Stage as his career'. She would be 'very grateful for your valuable opinion on many points connected with it'.

[ Geological Society; Charles Lyell obituary; pamphlet ] Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London, On the 18th of February 1876 [...] continued below

[ Geological Society of London, 1876; Charles Lyell ] John Evans, FRS, President of the Society.
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Taylor and Francis, 1876.

Title continued: [...] Prefaced by the Announcement of the award of the Wollaston Medal [...] The Murchison Medal [...] and the Lyell Medal and Fund [...]. [76]pp., 8vo, lacking blue front wrap, remnants of binding in miscellaneous volume of pamphlets at spine, title sl. sunned, otherwise good condition. It includes a lengthy obituary of Charles Lyell who had died the previous year. Scarce: copies held by copywright libraries and Columbia.

[Thomas Pell Platt, orientalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T P Platt'), as Librarian to the British and Foreign Bible Society, to Rev. Charles Sumner [later Bishop of Winchester], on presenting a set of volumes to 'His Majesty's library'.

Thomas Pell Platt (1798-1852), English orientalist, Librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society [Charles Sumner (1790-1874), Bishop of Winchester]
Publication details: 
Bible Society's House | Earl St. London. | Octr. 11. 1824.'

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with dogeared corners. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'The Rev. C. Sumner'. Begins: 'Rev. Sir | I have been encouraged by the advice of friends to propose to you confidentially a question, to which you would much oblige me by returning a reply. The Committee of the British & Foreign Bible Society have occasionally transmitted to different quarters, as presents, a set of Copies of the version of the Holy Scripture executed by their aid, and the new edition, which they have published.

[Rev. Charles Edward Kennaway, Vicar of Chipping Campden and Canon of Gloucester Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Sabrina', ruminating on youth and age, with inscribed copy of his book 'Poems of the Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A.'

Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A. [Charles Edward Kennaway (1800-1875), Vicar of Chipping Campden and Canon of Gloucester Cathedral]
Publication details: 
Book: London: Francis and John Rivington. Cheltenham: Henry Davies. 1846. Letter: Campden Vicarage. 30 October 1868.

The son of Sir John Kennaway of the East India Company, Kennaway was well-connected. In 1819 Poet Laureate Robert Southey provided him with a letter of introduction to Walter Scott. ONE: 'Poems of Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A.' (1846). xv + 216pp, 12mo. Black leather binding, with stamp of Nisbet & Co, 21 Berners Street, London, on front free gilt, stamped with the words 'Bagster's Binding'; all edges gilt. Internally a good tight copy on lightly-aged paper; in worn binding, especially at the spine and hinges. Bookplate of Sarah Godley.

[C. L. F. de P. Barentin, Keeper of the Seals to Louis XVI of France.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Barentin'), in French, (to the Procureur Général?), regarding an appeal for clemency which Barentin intends to make to the king.

Charles Louis François de Paule de Barentin (1738-1819), French statesman, Keeper of the Seals of France to Louis XVI at the time of the Revolution
Publication details: 
Dated from Versailles. [1789]

2pp, 4to. On leaf tipped-in onto a piece of light-green card from an album, at head of which is attached a printed slip: 'BARENTIN C. L. F. de P. | Born 1738. Died 1819. | KEEPER OF THE SEALS TO LOUIS XVI.' The letter is undated, but the year '1789' has been added in pencil in a nineteenth-century hand. (That same year, following the Storming of the Bastille, Barentin was dismissed by the king.) Nineteen lines of closely-written text. Addressed at bottom left of first leaf to 'M le P Gl' (Monsieur le Procureur général?).

[Karl Johan Andersson [Charles John Andersson], Swedish explorer in Africa.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chs. J. Andersson'), in English, suggesting that his London publisher 'Mr. Blackett' advertise that the Swedish king has given him a medal.

Karl Johan Andersson [Charles John Andersson] (1827-1867), Swedish explorer in Africa, hunter, ornithologist, travel writer [Henry Blackett (1825-1871), London publisher (Hurst & Blackett)]
Publication details: 
14 Cecil Street, Strand [London]. 26 June 1856.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with fold lines. Annotated up one margin: 'Writer of Travels &c'. Andersson writes: 'Dear Mr. Blackett, - | I enclose a literal translation of a paragraph extracted from one of the best Swedish newspapers, by which you will see that the King has honoured me with a medal. If you think that this paragraph may be of any use to you when advertising the 2d. Edition of “Lake Ngami”, it is quite at your service. Of course you may put it any [sic] language you may think proper. | Yours faithfully | Chs. J.

[Frances Anne Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, grandmother of Winston Churchill.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr. Adam', regarding the Duke's attendance at a parliamentary 'Committee on the Vane Estate Bill'.

Frances Anne Spencer-Churchill [Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane] (1822-1899), Duchess of Marlborough, wife of the seventh Duke, John Spencer-Churchill (1822-1883), and grandmother of Winston Churchill
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of Blenheim Palace, Oxon. 26 July 1861.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. She asks Adams to inform her 'what day has been fixed for the Committee in the Vane Estate Bill' (in which she clearly has a family interest), continuing: 'When the Duke of Marlborough saw Mr Adam with Lord Redesdale last night he understood that Tuesday next was the day on which he was to be present in order to give his consent to the Bill; he has since heard from Mr. Wagstaff to say that Friday or the following Monday will be the earliest day on which the Bill can be committed.

[Catherine Frances Macready, actress and wife of William Charles Macready, to homeopathist Dr F. F. H. Quin.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C F Macready') inviting Quin to dinner, with signed postscript requesting 'Powders' for her 'Nose & Legs'.

Catherine Frances Macready [née Atkins] (1823-1852), actress, first wife of the actor-manager William Charles Macready (1793-1873) [Dr. Frederick Foster Hervey Quin (1799-1878), homeopathic doctor]
Publication details: 
'5 Clarence Terrace [London] | Wedy. Morg.' [No date, on paper with watermarked year 1837.]

2pp, 16mo. Bifolium, with the letter on the recto of the first leaf, and a long postscript on the recto of the second. In good condition, lightly aged, folded twice. A friend of Charles Dickens and his circle, and physician to Queen Victoria's uncle Prince Leopold, Quin founded the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1849. The letter invites Quin to 'dine with us on Tuesday the 23rd. Inst at a quarter before seven o' clock'. The pith is in the two postscripts: 'P.S.

[Catherine Frances Macready, actress and wife of William Charles Macready.] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr. Kenneth', telling him to direct letters to her husband to the Theatre Royal, Birmingham.

Catherine Frances Macready [née Atkins] (1823-1852), actress, first wife of the actor-manager William Charles Macready (1793-1873)
Publication details: 
'Pinner Wood. | Saturday 17th. Octr.' [no year, but 1820s]

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to one edge, folded several times. 'Mrs. Macready' in a contemporary hand at the head of the page. Written in a neat hand the letter reads: 'Mrs. Macready presents her compliments to Mr. Kenneth, - any Letters directed to Mr. Macready Theatre Royal Birmingham will find Mr. Macready until Saturday Morng. 24th Inst.'

[Charles Williams, C. S. Lewis.] Proof Copy: 'Arthurian Torso Containing the Posthumous Fragment of The Figure of Arthur by Charles William and a Commentary on the Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams by C. S. Lewis Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford'

Charles Williams, C. S. Lewis [The Inklings, Oxford University; J. R. R. Tolkien]
Publication details: 
London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press. 1948.

[8] + 200pp, 8vo. In light-brown wraps with title repeated on front cover. Worn, on aged paper, with the upper back few leaves dogeared, and spotting at foot of first few leaves. The present proof must in some regard differ from the published version, whose various listings on COPAC give it 200pp, rather than the 199pp here. Lewis's two-page 'Introductory' concludes with a vivid picture of the Inklings: 'The first two chapters had been read aloud by the author to Professor Tolkien and myself.

[William Moy Thomas, theatre critic, and associate of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Draft, signed with initials ('W M T'), of long 'Letter to Hare [i.e. actor-manager John Hare] about Grundy's Comedy An Old Jew produced at the Garrick Janry 6 1894'.

William Moy Thomas (1828–1910), journalist, theatre critic, novelist and associate of Charles Dickens [Sir John Hare (1844-1921), actor-manager; Sydney Grundy (1848-1914)]
Publication details: 
At head of first page: 'Copy | January 16, 1894'.

A highly interesting letter from a leading Victorian dramatic critic (Thomas describes himself in the letter as 'For five & twenty years [...] theatrical critic of the Daily news & the Graphic', who has 'served under at least thirteen editors') to a leading actor-manager (Hare was knighted in 1907), on the subject of alleged editorial pressure on Fleet Street's theatre critics. 4pp, 8vo. On four leaves. Aged and worn, but with text complete and clear.

[Leslie Hotson and Norman Holmes Pearson on a George Washington letter.] Autograph Letter Signed from Hotson, and Typed Letter Signed from Pearson, both to Robert Beloe, discussing the proposed sale of his George Washington letter.

Leslie Hotson [John Leslie Hotson] (1897-1992), authority on Elizabethan literature; Norman Holmes Pearson (1909-75), Yale academic [Robert Beloe (1905-84), educationalist; George Washington]
Publication details: 
Hotson's letter from Northford, Connecticut (but sent from a museum in Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, Amsterdam), 29 January 1955. Pearson's letter from 233 Hall of Graduate Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1 February 1955.

Two Air Mail letters, both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both letters are addressed to Beloe (author of the 1960 Beloe Report - education at The Hill House, Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey. The subject of the two letters is a letter from George Washington to Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie, Belvoir, 7 March 1754, beginning ''Honble. Sir | If the Vessel you Honour hir'd of Colo. Eyre has not left York'. The letter is now at Mount Vernon. ONE: Hotson's letter, signed 'Leslie Hotson'. 29 January 1955. 1p., 12mo.

[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall.] Anonymous Manuscript of the lyrics of two comic songs: 'Balooning [sic]' (inspired by a piece in Charles Dickens's 'Household Words') and Harry Sydney's 'It's just as well to take it in a quiet sort of way'.

[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall; Harry Sydney, music hall artiste and songwriter; Charles Dickens and 'Household Words']
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London? Circa 1865.]

3pp., foolscap 8vo. On a bifolium of laid paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. The first poem, 'Balooning [sic]', covers both sides of the first leaf. No evidence has been discovered that this poem was ever published, but it is inspired by the exploits of 'Mr. Green' in a humorous essay titled 'Ballooning', which appeared in Charles Dickens's 'Household Words' on 25 October 1851. The choice of two phrases ('pipes & backy' and 'Mounted Meershaums') is given in the present manuscript, these variants perhaps suggesting that this item is authorial rather than a transcription.

[George Cruikshank, celebrated caricaturist, on Sir Charles Wheatstone and the 'Submarine Telegraph'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geoe Cruikshank') to C. Le Motte, describing Wheatstone's attempts to 'lay a wire across the Thames' and in Swansea.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), celebrated caricaturist, friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens [Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), inventor, pioneer of the submarine telegraph]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 263 Hampstead Road, N.W. [London] 17 October 1866.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. With Cruikshank's splendid sprawling signature. Addressed to 'C. Le Motte Esq' and beginning: 'Sir, | Professor Wheatstone did not lay the wire across the Thames as he proposed to do, on account of the “Trawling” in that River and also finding some trouble in obtaining permission from the Lord Mayor – as “Conservator of the Thames” - In 1840 he had all the plans and apparatus ready – and in 1844 he in company with the Member for Swansea [i.e.

[BBC General Television Training Course, 1958.] Folder compiled by the producer Charles Chilton, containing documents (typescripts and forms) relating to the course, headed by Andrew Miller Jones, another attendee being the poet Louis MacNeice.

BBC General Television Training Course, 1958, headed by Andrew Miller Jones (1910-1994), Chief Television Instructor [Charles Chilton (1917-2013), producer; Louis MacNeice (1907-1963), poet]
Publication details: 
The British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC], London. April to June 1958.

A significant document in the history of BBC Television, casting valuable light on production practices and internal procedure in the years following the end of the BBC's television monopoly. From the papers of distinguished producer Charles Chilton (1917-2013), best known for his radio series 'Journey into Space' and association with the Goon Show. The present item relates to the first of the BBC Television Training Courses.

[C. J. Traviès, Swiss-born French artist and engraver.] Hand-coloured proof of his lithograph 'Club jesuitique'.

C. J. Traviès [Charles Joseph Traviès de Villers] (1804-1859), Swiss-born French artist, lithographer and caricaturist
Publication details: 
[Paris, 1830.] Only the title beneath the engraving; no publication details.

On one side of a 38 x 24 cm piece of wove paper with watermarked date 1828. In fair condition, lightly worn and creased. The engraving is roughly 21 cm square, and shows three figures gathered around a table, their arms tangled as they reach forward to sign a document.

[Richard Bentley, London publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed to Leicester Buckingham, regarding his 'Life of Mary Queen of Scots'.

Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher for whom Charles Dickens edited 'Bentley's Miscellany' [Leicester Silk Buckingham (1825-1867), dramatist and author]
Publication details: 
New Burlington Street [London]. 11 May 1855.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Leicester Buckingham Esq'. Bentley writes that the matter of Buckingham's life of Mary Queen of Scots is 'just now brought to [his] attention'. 'If you are passing this way any day between 12 and 2 o'C you will be sure to find me, or my son, who will be able to discuss the subject with you'. He finds that he 'paid to Mr Wageman for a copy of the Miniature of the Queen executed for yuou at your desire, £3 . 3. 0', and asks to be sent this.

[John Percy, metallurgist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Percy') to society homeopathist, making a long transcription from his 'Metallurgy of Lead'.

John Percy (1817-1889), metallurgist, lecturer on metallurgy at Woolwich Arsenal [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist]
Publication details: 
1 Gloucester Crescent, Paddington. 26 May 1885.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Addressed to 'Dear Dr.' and written in a neat and close hand. He gives a 22-line transcription of 'the extract [] from my vol[um]e. on Lead, p.177, published in 1870', headed 'Refining or Cupellation'.

[Emilia Francis, Lady Dilke, and her adulterous husband Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke.] Autograph Signatures ('Charles W. Dilke' and 'Emilia F. S. Dilke'), made together for an autograph hunter after the Crawford Scandal.

Emilia Francis, Lady Dilke [née Strong] (1840-1904), English author, art historian, feminist and trade unionist; her second husband Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke (1843-1911), Radical Liberal politician
Publication details: 
Dated by Lady Dilke 'Newham | 10 June | 1891'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Charles W. Dilke. | Emilia F. S. Dilke | Newnham | 10 June | 1891'. Written after the celebrated Crawford Scandal of 1886, which resulted in Dilke losing his seat in parliament, and becoming a music-hall figure of fun as a result of the revelations of his adulterous behaviour.

[William Gorman Wills, Irish dramatist, novelist and painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W G Wills') to 'Chepmell' [i.e. the society homeopathist Edward Charles Chepmell], expressing thanks for 'the cure you accomplished'.

W. G. Wills [William Gorman Wills], Irish dramatist, novelist and painter [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Garrick Club [London]. No date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition. He has 'from week to week been purposing a visit to you to express my gratitude & sincere thanks for your kindness to me & the cure you accomplished'. He can only write his thanks, having been overwhelmed by 'the arrears of work that followed my illness', and leaving for Paris the following day.

[Sir Edgar MacCulloch, Bailiff of Guernsey, folklorist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edgar MacCulloch') to 'Chepmell' [society homeopathist Edward Charles Chepmell], discussing the arrangements for his forthcoming adoubement.

Sir Edgar MacCulloch (1808-1896), Bailiff of Guernsey, expert in Guernsey Folklore, and founding member of La Société Guernesiaise [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Tavistock Hotel, London. 30 April 1886.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. He begins by thanking him for his 'kind note and ticket for the Private View at the Academy'. He explains that he 'must pay a visit to the Home Office at noon to report myself', and from there he will find his way to Burlington House. He hopes 'to learn from Mr Childers or one of the Under-secretaries when there is a likelihood of a day being fixed by the Queen for dubbing knights, and am in hopes that it may not be far distant, as I don't wish to be kept here for any lengthened time.' He explains that he came up to London 'on Genl.

[Sir Charles Trevelyan and the Union of Democratic Control.] Typed Letter Signed ('Charles Trevelyan') to 'Mr. Armstrong [the journalist George Gilbert Armstrong]', offering to review his book.

Sir Charles Trevelyan (1870-1958), Liberal politician, one of the founders of the Union of Democratic Control, prominent group opposing the First World War [George Gilbert Armstrong (1870-1945)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Union of Democratic Control, 37 Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. London. 31 March 1916.

1p., 4to. Aged and creased, with closed tears and damage to extremities. He will be 'very glad if you will instruct Allen's to send me a copy of your book. I will review it, though I cannot promise to do it in any particular month for the "U.D.C".' The organisation will be glad to 'enclose a number of your circulars, if you will have them sent. Not more than a thousand.'

[Punch history; C. L. Graves and Punch editor E. V. Knox.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'C L. G.' to 'Evoe', discussing in detail questions relating to his planned history of Punch, with long autograph 'Notes on your Memorandum'.

C. L. Graves [Charles Larcom Graves (1856-1944), assistant-editor of Punch and the Spectator, uncle of poet Robert Graves [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, 'Evoe'), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Kent Lodge, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. 30 May 1938. Memorandum undated.

For information on Graves see his generous obituary in The Times, 18 April 1944. Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor staining from paperclip to first leaf of letter. The work was not published, and although Graves states in Item One that the greater part of the text is 'in the hands of my typist', there is no record of its survival, or of the thousand related documents he states were sent to him by M. H. Spielmann. ONE: ALS from 'C L. G.' to 'Dear Evoe'. 4pp., landscape 8vo.

[Sir Allen Young, Arctic explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Allen Young') to society homeopathist Dr Chepmell, conveying a message regarding an appointment.

Sir Allen Young [Sir Allen William Young] (1827-1915), English master mariner and Arctic explorer who searched for Sir John Franklin [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885); Lillie Langtry (1853-1929)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Turf Club, Piccadilly [London]. 'Wednesday Evg' [no date].

In addition to his achievements, Young is remembered for holding a dinner party in 1877, at which the Prince of Wales arranged to sit next to Lillie Langtry while her husband was discreetly seated elsewhere, thus beginning their affair. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and ruckled, with two small pinholes at head of first leaf, and traced of mount on blank reverse of second leaf. The letter begins: 'I have just got note from Mrs Langtry saying that she will have to go out of Town tomorrow morning and asking me to write to you to tell you'.

[Admiral of the Fleet Sir Doveton Sturdee, victor in the Battle of the Falkland Islands.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F C D Sturdee') to marine artist W. L. Wyllie, regarding celebrations of the Glorious First of June.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir Doveton Sturdee [Sir Frederick Charles Doveton Sturdee] (1859-1925), victor in the Battle of the Falkland Islands [William Lionel Wyllie (1851-1931), marine artist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Wargrave House, Camberley, Surrey. 21 May [1923].

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small pin hole to corner. The letter relates to celebrations of the anniversary of the Glorious First of June at Portsmouth (involving HMS Victory). He begins by expressing the hope that Wyllie has 'asked Lord Howe for the Function on June 1st? […] If not I have asked the Com[mande]r. in Chief to peform the Function, which he is agreeable to do.' It is 'desirable to know', as 'time is short', and 'The C in C wishes to ask him to lunch.

[William Charles Macready, celebrated actor, friend of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. C. Macready.') [to 'Hawtrey'], regarding Prince Albert, the education of the poor, and the recipient's brother's school.

William Charles Macready [W. C. Macready], celebrated actor, friend of Charles Dickens [Hawtrey; Sherborne, Dorset ]
Publication details: 
Sherborne House [Dorset]. 31 May [no year, but before 1860].

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium with mourning border, on paper embossed with the Macready crest. In fair condition, lightly aged, with torn hole to one corner of the first leaf (not affecting text), presumably caused by removal from mount. The recipient is clearly a member of the Hawtrey family (and presumably a relation of Edward Craven Hawtrey of Eton), as the letter concludes with the Macready family's best wishes 'to Mrs. Hawtrey'. It must date from before Macready's departure for Cheltenham in 1860.

[Hall Caine and William Lestocq of Charles Frohman's: a playwright and his producers.] Typed Letter Signed from Lestocq regarding 'the whole matter of the prospects of "The Christian" tour', with Autograph Copy of Caine's response.

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), Isle of Man author; William Lestocq (1851-1920), playwright and London manager for New York producer Charles Frohman (1856-1915)
Publication details: 
Lestocq's letter on his letterhead, Charles Frohman's, Duke of York's Theatre, London. 3 April 1900. Copy of Caine's reply daterd 5 April [1900].

An interesting exchange, casting light on manegerial practices in late-Victorian theatre. ONE: Typed Letter Signed by 'W. Lestocq'. 2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. A long letter, single-spaced. He has 'talked over the whole matter of the prospects of “The Christian” tour with Mr Frohman for next season, and he does not desire to send out a company on tour himself. Now I could of course let it on Mr Frohman's behalf or perhaps sell his rights and the production outright.' He gives details of his first choice if the latter course were pursued.

[ Charles Young, head of the Kensington booksellers Lamley & Co., to John G. Wilson of Messrs Bumpus. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C.') to Wilson

Charles Young, head of the Kensington booksellers Lamley & Co. [ [John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963)] of the London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus; John Murray Ltd ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Lamley & Co., 1, 3 & 5 Exhibition Road, S.W.3. [ London ] 19 July 1931.

R. J. L. Kingsford, in his history of the Publishers Association, describes Young as 'a bookseller of outstanding character and ability, a friend of Arnold Bennett, and the discoverer of the literary distinction of George Sturt'. 1p., 12mo. Neatly and closely written. Headed 'private', and addressed to 'Dear John'. Young is apparently following a dinner (of the Publishers Association) at which George Bernard Shaw was present, and the subject of the letter would appear to be an exhibition Wilson's firm has mounted of books by the London publisher John Murray.

[Parliamentary expenditure in the Napoleonic Wars, including 'the Sum wanted for American Loyalists'.] 'Accounts and Estimates: Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 11 November 1813.'

C. Arbuthnot [Charles Arbuthnot (1767-1850)], Joint Secretary to the Treasury [House of Commons; Houses of Parliament; Napoleonic Wars]
Publication details: 
'Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 11 November 1813.'

6 + [1]pp., folio. Side stitched and unbound. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light staining at foot of first page. The contents of the document are given as follows: '1. - Account of Sums advanced, for Public Services, from the Civil List Revenues, pursuant to Addresses, not being part of its Ordinary Expenditure. | 2. - Account of Sums advanced, for Public Services, from the Civil List Revenues, not being part of its Ordinary Expenditure. | 3.

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