[Eden Philpotts] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Wilfrid C. Mosley', regarding Mosley's poor choice of a piece of his prose for an anthology. [not traced]

Eden Philpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, author of many works about Dartmoor and his native Devon [Helen Allingham]
Publication details: 
Torquay | 14 March 1913.

4to, 1 p. Ten lines, edges a little damaged but text clear and complete, on flimsy paper. "You are welcome to the quotation from my school-boy story - if it is worth while. I could have wished, however, that in an anthology of serious prose you had given me credit as a serious writer & chosen something more interesting. With compliments [...]"

[Anglo-Spanish author] Autograph Letter Signed "Telesforo de Trueba y Cosia" to an unnamed male correspondent (pencil note on second leaf says "To [William]Jerdan", the editor, about an article on "Spanish romance" for Colburn's "New Monthly".

[Don Joaquín] Telesforo de Trueba y Cosio [Cozio/Cossio] (1798?-1835), Spanish (or Anglo-Spanish?) author.
Publication details: 
8 Leigh St, Burton Crescent, [London]1 Dec. (no year)

Two pages, 12mo, bifolium, tipped on to larger piece of paper, substantial, good condition.

[Peter Levi, poet and Jesuit priest.] Holograph collection of nine poems, titled 'The Element', with signed autograph note from Dom Moraes explaining their background.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford, 1984-1989, and Jesuit priest [Dom Moraes (1938-2004), Indian poet]
Publication details: 
Dated by Levi to the period November 1957 to January 1958. Moraes' note dated 10 June 1963.

14pp., 4to. In exercise book with green printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. The first page carries the title 'The Element', with the words 'Peter Levi S.J. | Nov. '57-Jan. '58' in the top right-hand corner. With occasional light corrections. The second poem ('Out of shaking') has the directions: 'No title & no commas', and the last but one ('Unfinished Elegy'), which is the longest at 4pp., is annotated: 'There ought to be three parts or possibly four.

[Peter Levi, S.J., English poet.] Unpublished holograph poem ( 'P. L.') titled 'For Henrietta and Dom. | (December, 1960.)' Addressed to the Indian poet Dom Moraes and his wife Henrietta Moraes, lover of Lucien Freud and model for Francis Bacon.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford and Jesuit priest [Dom Moraes (1938-2004), Indian poet; his wife Henrietta Moraes (1931-1999)]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. December 1960.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. A fair copy of a twenty-eight line poem, arranged in seven four-line stanzas. Signed at end 'P. L. | December 1960.' The first stanza reads 'Rain-threaded gull-wheeling bell-clamorous air, | by wind shifted, by smoke lightly weighted, | in which sirens beautifully despair, | no monumnet crumbles uncelebrated,'. The poem ends with a simile of 'Adam when he woke: | stood for a moment as if he had been blind, | and bent suddenly over Eve, and spoke.' There is no indication that the poem has been published.

[Alfred Austin, poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Chevalier de Chatelain, thanking him for gifts, and reminiscing about the Chevalier and his wife Clara de Chatelain.

Alfred Austin (1835-1913), English Poet Laureate from 1896 to his death [Jean-Baptiste François Ernest De Chatelain (1801-1881) and his wife Clara de Chatelain (1807-1876), author]
Publication details: 
67 Queen's Gardens, Bayswater. 2 August 1877.

2pp., 16mo. 17 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by thanking him for 'the History of the Flitch of Bacon Custom at Dunnow. I well remember reading in the papers of 55 the celebration of the fete at which you & poor Made. de Chatelain were the hero & heroine'. He has called on de Chatelain to thank him for the 'Fleurs et Fruits' which he sent him, but did not find him at home. He will try again before leaving town for the autumn, 'which I shall do in a few days'.

[E. Temple Thurston, Anglo-Irish author.] Autograph Letter Signed to his (American?) publisher 'Jewett', discussing his literary affairs and his plans for future writing.

E. Temple Thurston [Ernest Temple Thurston] (1879-1933), Anglo-Irish author
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gellibrands, Horn Hill, Chalfont St. Peter. 7 November 1914.

4pp., 16mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. He begins: 'No - I am not going to write the sequel to The City [his 1909 book 'The City of Beautiful Nonsense'] - but I am now hard at work on a book that is going to give me more pleasure to do than anything I have done yet. It is all laid in Ireland - which I have not written of for some years - & I believe will be as interesting to read as it is engrossing to me to write.' He asks him to 'go & see my play "Driven" when Johnson does it - some time this month in New York - & let me know - in

[William Hurrell Mallock, novelist and conservative writer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('W. H. Mallock') to 'Lady Dorothy [Nevill]', with his short story 'Positivism on an Island: The New Paul and Virginia', extracted from the Contemporary Review.

W. H. Mallock [William Hurrell Mallock] (1849-1923), novelist, journalist and conservative writer [Lady Dorothy Nevill (1826-1913), hostess]
Publication details: 
The two letters from L<airbeck?> Cottage, Keswick, Cumberland. 28 and 31 March 1878. The printed short story extracted from The Contemporary Review, London, vol.32, 1878.

The present short story, based on Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's 1787 novel Paul et Virginie, was expanded into a novel published by Chatto & Windus in the same year, and is regarded as a significant example of the dystopian literature popular during the period. The three items are attached to one another along margins. All in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Letter One (28 March 1898): 2pp., 12mo. He explains that he is hoping to send her a copy on the following day 'a copy of a new production of mine, which is to appear in the "Contemporary Review".

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

Jane Wells [born Amy Catherine Robbins] (1872-1927), wife of H. G. Wells.
Publication details: 
4 Whitehall Court, London; 'Tuesday' [1924].

ALS, on letterhead of 4 Whitehall Court, London; 'Tuesday' [1924], in envelope, 2pp., 8vo. 'You know all sorts of useful things - can you tell me of any way of getting in touch with Mary Ansell - Mary Barrie - Mary Cannan - Mary? here my knowledge stops. [...] Are you "sitting under" Bernard Shaw evening after evening - as I believe is said of preachers? I am going to begin my course on Friday.'

Autograph Note Signed and poem by the Congregational minister James Bennett of Rotherham, with manuscript poem ('Psalm 149.3, Let the Saints sing about upon their beds') by James Gray of Nailsworth, titled 'Elijah's Interview with God'

James Bennett (1774-1862) of Rotherham, Congregational minister; James Gray of Nailsworth
Publication details: 
Bennett's note dated from Rotherham, 26 November 1829. Gray's poem dated from Nailsworth. 19 January 1828.

On a 4to leaf removed from an album, with Bennett's piece on one side of the leaf, and Gray's on the other. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a short closed tear to the fore-edge. Bennett's note reads: 'Dearest Brethren, ye know how that a good while ago, God made desire among us, that the Gentiles, from my mouth, should hear the word of the Gospel & believe. And God, who knoweth the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us: put no difference between us & them, purifying their hearts, by faith'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the English poet Eliza Cook, sending what she describes as a 'specimen' of her 'pothooks' and hangers': a holograph poem titled 'Impromptu on being told the death of my Mother would leave a scar on my heart'.

Eliza Cook (1818-1889), English poet and Chartist, close friend of the American actress Charlotte Cushman
Publication details: 
9 Gloucester Buildings, Old Kent Road [London]. 11 December 1845.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor evidence of previous mounting. Apparently addressing an autograph hunter, she writes: 'I beg to forward you a specimen of my "pothooks and hangers" trusting you will "admire" if you honestly can. Believe I have pleasure in gratifying your request and am with truth my dear | Ever yours faithfully | Eliza Cook'. The poem, also signed 'Eliza Cook', is four lines long, beginning 'That stroke indeed would deeply gash'. There is no indication that the poem was published.

Autograph Letter Signed from the South African poet Albert Broderick to the editor of 'South Africa' E. P. Mathers, enclosing a corrected typescript of a translation of one of his poems into Afrikaans by 'Ex-President' Dr Francois Willem Reitz.

Albert Brodrick (1830-1908), English-born South African poet [Edward Peter Mathers, editor of the journal 'South Africa'; Dr Francois Willem Reitz (1844-1934), President of the Orange Free State]
Publication details: 
Brodrick's letter, from 22 Cockspur Street [London, England], on cancelled letterhead of 141 Gloucester Road, SW. 9 January 1899. Reitz's typescript: Pretoria. 14 November 1898.

Brodrick's Autograph Letter Signed to Mathers: 1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. 'Dear Sir - It may interest you to read the enclosed, written by Ex-President Reitz whose "renderings" of "Maid of Athens" & "Tam O'Shanter" are so well known. Somebody once said that "the only thing that doesn't lose by 'translation' is a Bishop" and as a rule this is correct, but I think in this instance I have gained'. In a postscript he asks for the return of the 'M.S.', underlined twice.

Holograph Poem by the English poet Sir William Watson, titled 'To the Lady Katharine Manners | (with a volume of the author's poems)'.

Sir William Watson (1858-1935), English poet
Publication details: 
Dated 'William Watson | Windermere | Aug 1897'.

2pp., 8vo. Neatly written out on two leaves of laid paper with watermark of Caxton Superfine Vellum. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The poem consists of twenty-eight lines arranged in seven four-line stanzas, the first reading: 'On lake and fell the loud rains beat, | And August closes rough and rude.

Autograph Letter in the third person from the Scottish clergyman and writer Archibald Alison to Lady Charlotte Campbell, playfully lending her a copy of Thomas Campbell's recently-published poem 'Gertrude of Wyoming'.

Sir Archibald Alison (1792-1867), Scottish lawyer and historian [Lady Charlotte Campbell (1775-1861), novelist and diarist; Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish romantic poet]
Publication details: 
'Bruntsfield Links [Edinburgh, Scotland]. Sunday Eveng. [5 March 1809]'.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed by Alison on reverse of second leaf to 'The | Lady Charlotte Campbell | D<?>cks Hotel'. Good, on aged paper, with label at head in a contemporary hand attributing the letter to Alison, who was seventeen at the time of writing, but already at Edinburgh University. Docketed by Campbell 'from Mr. Alison | recevd Edinh. | March Seven 1809'. An interesting letter, casting light on the reading practices of the upper classes in Georgian Scotland. Alison's conceit is that he is writing a letter of introduction for a real person.

[Printed handbill poem.] "La Belgique Martyre." Poème du maître belge Emile Verhaeren, dont la publication a été autorisée par l'auteur comme contribution a l'oeuvre "Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges."

Emile Verhaeren [Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges; German war crimes in Belgium; the First World War]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1918.]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The poem, of 60 irregular lines, is placed (with a facsimile of Verhaeren's signature at the foot) within a thick floral border, reminiscent of the Arts and Crafts movement. It begins: 'Ce n'est qu'un bout de sol dans l'infini du monde. | Le Nord | Y déchaîne le vent qui mord. | Ce n'est qu'un peu de terre avec sa mer au bord | Et le déroulement de sa dune inféconde.' Scarce: no copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, on COPAC or in the Imperial War Museum.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mackenzie Bell') from the poet Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell to 'Prof. Candy', regarding 'the most pressing difficulty we have'

Mackenzie Bell [Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell] (1856-1930), English poet, writer and literary critic
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 11 Buckingham Gate, S.W. [London]. 23 May 1911.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on aged and worn paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Prof. Candy, | I think you would wish to see enclosed which please return after perusal. | If you hear of anything kindly let me know. It is the most pressing difficulty we have and we see no present way of surmounting it. | With renewed thanks, | always sincerely yours, | Mackenzie Bell'.

Copy of Victorian manuscript Masonic poem, apparently unpublished, divided into 'Opening' ('Hail, Thou from whom all light is shed', '1st. Degree' ('Lo, here we meet in brotherhood') and '2nd. Degree' ('Brother, thou upon whose eyes').

[Masonic poem; nineteenth-century American Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
[American? 1870s?]

2pp., folio. On two leaves of yellow paper, with 'PATENT' lion and unicorn watermark. Text enclosed within faint blue vertical lines. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. No record found of the publication of this item, the first page of which is headed 'Opening: -', with the last section ending two thirds down the page, suggesting that it is complete. A rhymed poem of 36 lines: the first section consisting of 10 lines, the second of 16 lines, and the third of 10 lines.

Autograph Note Signed ('R. H. Horne') from the poet Richard Hengist Horne [previously Richard Henry Horne] to James Holden. With portrait of Horne, photographed by Elliott and Fry.

Richard Hengist Horne [born Richard Henry Horne] (1802-1884), English poet, author of 'Orion'
Publication details: 
Note: 21 Beauvoir Street, Portland Place, London, on his crested letterhead; 10 November 1869. Portrait: 'Photographed by Elliott and Fry, London'.

Note: 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, laid down on paper with traces of glue to one margin. In response to a request for an autograph it reads: 'Novr 10/69 | 21 Beauvoir St | Portland Place | London. W. | Dear Sir | I send this in accordance with your request to Mr Lacy.' | I am | Dear Sir | Yours | R. H. Holden Esqre'. Engraving: On 14 x 10.5 cm paper, laid down within border on 21 x 14 cm paper. Good: Photogravure 11 x 8 cm image cut from a magazine. Showing a bearded Horne in old age, with velvet writing cap.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Allen Brockington') from Cecil Sharp's collaborator the Rev. Alfred Allen Brockington to a Roman Catholic priest at St Andrew's, inclosing a holograph of a 'carol for Easter'.

Rev. Alfred Allen Brockington (1872-1938) of West Kirby, Cheshire, poet and collaborator with Cecil Sharp in the collection of folk-songs
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Haven, West Kirby, Cheshire. 'St Paul [29 June] 1938'.

4pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Father'. He begins by thanking him for his letter: 'I can picture the long-nailed Neb. sitting down to answer your request for an autograph. Strange, that you should have been hearing of Vaughan Williams just at that time!' He reports that he has been 'doing many poems for The British Weekly. The Editor saw something of mine & asked me to send whatever I liked. And his nonconformist readers do not seem to jib.

Part of Autograph Letter Signed by the novelist Charles Reade [to Manton Marble, proprietor of the New York World?], asking that a 'gentleman' should not be 'my public critic in the World', and that the recipient should himself review his play.

Charles Reade (1814-1884), English novelist and playwright [Manton Marble (1834-1917), editor and proprietor of the New York World]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Post 1860.]

2pp., on both sides of the lower half of a 4to leaf. The recto is numbered by Reade '2', indicating that the two pages constitute the second leaf of a letter. The text reads: '[...] therefore you will consent to do me a bare act of justice viz not to let that gentleman be my public critic in "the World." Of course I should be still more pleased if you would do me the honor to see the play yourself and pronounce upon it. However half a loaf is better than no bread.

Autograph Note Signed from the novelist John Galsworthy to Charles Seddon Evans of the London publishers Heinemann & Co. Ltd., enclosing a manuscript and stating its price.

John Galsworthy (1867-1933), English novelist and playwright, best-known for his 'Forsyte Saga' [Charles Seddon Evans (1883-1944) of the London publishers Heinemann & Co. Ltd.]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Grove Lodge, The Grove, Hampstead, London, NW3. 20 April 1929.

In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Galsworthy writes: 'Dear Evans | Here is the MS. Price £300 [amended from 315] less half your Commission £30. = £285. nett. | Sincerely yours | John Galsworthy'. For such a short message, the manuscript shows signs of indecision: the latter part, from the word 'less', has clearly an addition, and the word 'half' has been inserted with a caret. While the manuscript referred to may well be the second collection of Forsyte Novels, 'A Modern Romance', published by Heinemann's in 1929, Galsworthy's price does seem rather cheap.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Gerald Massey') from the poet and writer Thomas Gerald Massey to the autograph hunter John Bacon of Blackburn, discussing his English publications, and stating that he is 'busy with the real Work of my life'.

Gerald Massey [Thomas Gerald Massey] (1828-1907), English poet and writer [John Bacon of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
New Southgate, London N. 11 August 1882.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope, with postmark and stamp, addressed to 'John Bacon Esqr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Robt Buchanan') from the poet and novelist Robert Buchanan to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the publication of his work.

Robert Buchanan [Robert Williams Buchanan] (1841-1901), poet and novelist, born in Stoke-on-Trent
Publication details: 
16 Langham Street, W., London. Undated; postmarked 13 March 1882.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Buchanan to 'J. T. Baron Esq | 18 Griffin Street | Witton | Blackburn | Lancashire'. Both letter and envelope have thick mourning borders, Buchanan's wife having died the previous November. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, | The works you mention, with the exception of "Idyls of Invention," are just now out of print. The plays have never been pubd. | Thanking you for your kind expressions I am | Yrs truly | Robt Buchanan'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Eight Poems from Clifford Bax to [Robert Lynd].

Clifford Bax (1886-1962), English author; Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd] (1879-1949), Irish essayist
Publication details: 
72 Addison Road, London, W14. Christmas 1928.

12pp., in original buff wraps, with 'EIGHT POEMS' in red on front cover. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusty staples. A nice production, With the name 'Robert Lynd' added in manuscript, probably by Bax himself, in a space provided on the title for such personalisation. Uncommon: the only copies on COPAC at the British Library, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh and Cambridge.

Five Autograph Letters Signed (one 'Alex Comfort' and four 'Alex C') from the poet and sexologist Alex Comfort to John Rogers, regarding poetry, including a discussion of whether poetry is 'finding a language in England, rather than losing one!'

Alex Comfort [Alexander Comfort] (1920-2000), poet, novelist, doctor and sexologist
Publication details: 
Three from Havengrove, Tudor Road, Barnet; one on letterhead of Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, and another on letterhead of the Royal Waterloo Hospital, London. All undated [c.1942]

Item One: From Havengrove. On reverse of printed 12mo prospectus for the first issue of 'Poetry Folios' magazine (which appeared in 1942), edited by Comfort and Peter Wells. 1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged and creased paper. He thanks him for his letter. 'It is appreciation of this kind that makes one want to go on writing. [...] I wish I could meet you.' Item Two: From Havengrove, on letterhead of 'Poetry Folios'. Undated. 2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-creased and aged paper.

Holograph extract of a translation from the German of Wieland's 'Oberon' by the English poet William Sotheby, beginning 'Sweet Isle! methinks once more I hear'.

William Sotheby (1757-1833), English poet and translator [Christoph Martin Wieland, German author of 'Oberon']
Publication details: 
No place. 26 September 1804.

1p., 8vo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of previous mounting along two edges. Headed, in a contemporary hand: 'Given to Mrs. Richards by Miss Calhoun Fanshawe'. 22 lines of verse, in couplets. Signed in the bottom right-hand corner, apparently at a later date than the rest of the text: 'William Sothbey | Sepr 26 - 1804'. The extract - possibly written out by Sotheby for an acquaintance - begins: 'Sweet Isle!

Thirty typewritten poems by the American poet Louis How, some with manuscript emendations, and all apparently unpublished.

Louis How (1873-1947), American poet and translator, grandson and biographer of inventor James Buchanan Eads and brother of hobo activist James Eads How [St Louis, Missouri]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

Each of the thirty poems ends with the typed name 'Louis How'. The collection is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with each poem printed on one side of a 4to leaf. There is no record of any of the thirty being published. Six of the poems have minor manuscript emendations, and several include minor corrections in type. A prolific poet, in 1915 How was grouped with Amy Lowell and Ezra Pound in an article by Zoe Akins in Reedy's Mirror (published in his native St. Louis).

Autograph Note Signed ('Max Pemberton') from Sir Max Pemberton to 'Dear Betty' [i.e. Elizabeth, daughter of the actor Seymour Hicks and his wife Ellaline Terriss]

Sir Max Pemberton (1863-1950), popular Victorian novelist [Sir Arthur Seymour Hicks (1871-1949)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Georgian House, Bury Street, St James', SW [London]. 12 January 1914.

1p., 12mo. On thick deckled-edge paper. He apologises for the delay in sending a copy of his 'Iron Pirate', due to a delay in receiving it from the publishers.

Engraving of the poet Walter Savage Landor by H. W. Smith after a drawing by Alfred d'Orsay, with original sample of his handwriting.

Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864), poet and author of the 'Imaginary Conversations' [Alfred d'Orsay [Count d'Orsay] (1801-1852), French dandy and artist]
Publication details: 
Neither item with date or place.

The engraving, which is not in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, is on a piece of 19 x 14 cm paper, with tissue guard. The image measures around 8 cm square, and shows Landor's head in profile, looking to the left, with 'A. D'Orsay' beneath to the left, and 'H. W. Smith' beneath to the right. In good condition, lightly-aged, with small stain to one edge of border. Attached to a piece of paper, along with the piece of Landor's autograph, which is on a 1 x 18.5 cm strip of grey paper cut from a letter, and is in fair condition, lightly-creased.

Autograph Letter Signed by the Scottish poet Thomas Campbell, author of 'Gertrude of Wyoming', writing in memorable style on presenting a book to an American visitor about to return home.

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish Romantic poet, author of 'The Pleasures of Hope' and 'Gertrude of Wyoming'
Publication details: 
61 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 16 July 1840.

2pp., 4to. An excellent letter, stylish and charming, and a lucky survival. In poor condition, apparently as a result of fire damage: with wear and chipping repaired with archival tape.

Manuscript Memorandum and Manuscript Receipt, both signed ('Mortimer Collins') by the poet and novelist Edward James Mortimer Collins, assigning copyrights of his works to the London publishers Henry S. King & Co.

Mortimer Collins [Edward James Mortimer Collins] (1827-1876), English poet and novelist [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Both dated from Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks. 19 March 1872 and 14 December 1872.

ONE (memorandum): Headed: 'Memorandum of an Agreement between Messrs: Henry S. King & Co: of 65 Cornhill London of the one part and Mortimer Collins Esqre. of Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks of the other part.' 19 March 1872. 1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Pencil annotations. Five stamps at head (four embossed and one ink).

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