[Lottie Venne, Edwardian actress and comedienne.] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male recipient, describing her painful separation from her husband Walter H. Fisher of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.

Lottie Venne (1852-1928), English actress and comedienne, wife of Walter H. Fisher [Walter Henry Fisher], singer with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Norfolk Road, St John's Wood, NW [London]. 18 July 1910.

2pp., 8vo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She begins by asking whether the recipient is 'the same gentleman who wrote to me from Bournemouth', and to whom she replied that she was 'unable to give the information required, for many years before my husband's death we were seperated [sic]'. She explains that when Fisher was not 'travelling about in the Country he lived with his Father I believe, who has now been dead some years. The whole thing was very tragic and painful, & I shall feel obliged to you not writing to me again on the subject'.

[Thomas John Dibdin, playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T Dibdin') to the Pall Mall bookseller Clement Chapple, regarding terms for his 'New Opera'. With Signed Autograph Copy of Chapple's reply on reverse.

Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841), playwright and actor [Clement Chapple (d.1835), bookseller and publisher in Pall Mall, London]
Publication details: 
Dibdin's letter: place not stated; 'Sep 11 - mn' [dated in pencil in another hand '1824']. Copy of Chapple's reply: 'Pall Mall [London] Sep 12'.

Dibdin's letter: 1p., 12mo. On bifolium, with the Signed Autograph Copy of Chapple's reply (also 1p., 12mo) on the reverse of the same leaf. Reverse of second leaf addressed to 'C. Chapple Esq', with a nineteenth-century shelfmark at the foot of the page: 'C.68.Coll.CR.' In fair condtion, on aged paper.

[Mme Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Rudersdorff Mansfield], operatic soprano.] Autograph note signed ('Erminia Rudersdorff') to the violinist and conductor Alfred Mellon, asking for the largest box he 'can afford', and calling him 'a naughty man'.

Erminia Rudersdorff [Hermine Rudersdorff Mansfield] (1822-1882), Ukrainian operatic soprano, mother of English actor-manager Richard Mansfield (1857-1907) [Alfred Mellon (1820-1867), violinist]
Publication details: 
'Saturday morning [no date] | 16 Wellington Road, | St. John's Wood.'

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged, and laid down on a leaf removed from an album. In a close tiny hand, the note reads: 'Dear Mr. Mellon | can you oblige me with a private box for Monday evening next? The largest you can afford. | You are a naughty man. | Your's most truly | Erminia Rudersdorff'.

[Sir Henry Alfred Lytton, comic leading actor in D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Gilbert and Sullivan productions.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry A. Lytton'), granting permission to an unnamed recipient to dedicate his 'most beautiful lines' to him.

Sir Henry Alfred Lytton [born Henry Alfred Jones] (1865-1936), English comic actor, known for his leading roles in D'Oyly Carte Opera Company productions of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Lion Hotel, Cambridge. Undated.

2pp., 12mo. On aged paper, with creasing and short closed tear at foot of leaf (affecting first letter of signature). The letter reads: 'My dear Sir | So many thanks for your most beautiful lines. I should be grateful if you would dedicate them to me | Yrs Truly | Henry A. Lytton'. Lytton gives his Chiswick home address on the reverse.

[Margaret Francis Harris, theatre designer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Margaret Harris') to 'Mr Rhodes', discussing the sale of her 'Motley designs' to the University of Illinois.

Margaret Harris [Margaret Francis Harris] (1904-2000), English opera, costume and theatre designer [Motley Theatre Design Group]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Theatre Design Course at Riverside, Riverside Studios, Crisp Road, Hammersmith. 17 June 1982.

2pp., 8vo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She apologises for not being able to be 'helpful on any of your questions'. She does not even possess a copy of her own 'Designing and Making Stage Costume'. 'I have no Motley designs at all, as every one which was in my possession has been sold to the University of Illinois, who have taken the whole collection of about 3000 swatches.' She is glad to hear that he has some of them, 'as it means that there are a few still in this country'.

Autograph Letter Signed from John Coates to Miss Hood, explaining why he could not sing the song 'Nancy's Hair' at Preston.

John Coates (1865-1941), leading English tenor
Publication details: 
On letterhead of [11] Beaufort House, Chelsea, SW3 [London]. 26 January 1925.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He writes that he is sorry that he could not sing the song 'Nancy's Hair' at Preston. He had not brought it: '(I only got your letter on arrival at the concert hall.) Funnily enough I picked it up before leaving home to put in my case as a possible encore & then put it back.' He is 'delighted to know that your mother liked my singing of it, I most certainly enjoy singing it & I hope to be able to help it along'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (one with a drawing) and an Autograph Note Signed from the editor of 'Ballet' magazine Richard Buckle to Dr Erich Adolph Alport, with typed circular from Buckle and Typed Letter Signed to Alport from his secretary.

Richard Buckle [Christopher Richard Sandford Buckle; 'Dicky'] (1916-2001),dance critic and editor of 'Ballet' magazine [Dr Erich Adolph Alport (d.1972), art connoisseur and book collector]
Publication details: 
One from Overstrand [Norfolk]; 27 May 1950. The other four on letterheads of 'Ballet', 'Ballet and Opera' and 'Ballet Publications Ltd'. Between 1949 and 1950.

The five items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Item One: Autograph Letter Signed (with a crude drawing of Buckle sitting on a rope slung between the printed names of the two magazines). 1p., 4to. On Fleet Street letterhead of 'Ballet Publications Ltd.' Dated by Alport 14 February 1950. The letter concerns an article on the conductor Karl Rankl, and begins: 'Dear Erich | I have just spoken to Harewood [the Earl of Harewood, co-founder with Buckle of 'Opera' magazine].

Five Autograph Letters Signed, in French, from the French artist and designer Jean-Denis Malclès to an unnamed correspondent, regarding the sale of maquettes of costumes of a production of 'Orphée aux Enfers'. With price list of 31 items.

Jean-Denis Malclès (1912-2002), French artist, illustrator and costume, set and poster designer for film, theatre, ballet and opera, who worked with Cocteau, Anouilh and others
Publication details: 
The five letters from 152 rue Leon-Maurice Nordmann, Paris. One from 1980 and the other four from 1982.

The first four letters are each 1p., 12mo; and the fifth letter is 1p., 4to. The price list, which accompanies the last letter, is 2pp., 4to. All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In the first letter (4 May 1980) he replies to his correspondent, thanking him for a letter 'concernant la representation d'Orphée aux Enfers que vous avez vu à Oxford en 1977'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Harewood') from George Henry Hubert Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood, as editor of 'Opera' magazine, to Dr Erich Adolph Alport, regarding a 'muddle' over an article on Karl Rankl, caused by a letter from the conductor's wife.

George Henry Hubert Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood (1923-2011) [Dr Erich Adolph Alport (d.1972), art connoisseur and book collector; Karl Frankl (1898-1968), English conductor, born in Austria]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Harewood House, Leeds. 14 February 1950.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. 36 lines. Harewood explains that he 'originally asked Mrs Rankl to think of someone who had known her husband for, at any rate, a portion of his continental career who would be prepared to review his career before he came to this country, and also to give some idea of what he had achieved since arriving here [...] when the moment came she had to say that there appeared to be nobody who had known him abroad who had the necessary musical qualifications. When I saw her about 10 days ago I said I would find someone myself.

[Manuscript Notebook] "Rebecca Diary" [Notes concerning the libretto of the opera "Rebecca", music by Wilfred Josephs], based on the Daphne du Maurier novel

[Wilfred Josephs, composer (1927-1997)] Edward Owen Marsh, librettist, author, translator (Anouilh, Cocteau, Gogol, etc)
Publication details: 
[Opera matinée 1983]

Circa 78pp., used, some pages added, text worked over, red boards, hinge strain, mainly good condition. Indexes to Acts, lines through manysections. Contents include: questions for Wilfred [Josephs] ("Sets? | Scenes? | Act II???"]; stage directions; suggestions about characters; directions; music ("(5) Mrs v H [van Hopper] tells A. she is hopeless against Rebecca"); "final faults"; sets; dialogue; problems; phone numbers and addresses; more (detailed) points for Wilfred [Josephs]; suggested lines for a duet; characters with actors' names e.g. Mrs v. H[oppen] Nuala Willis (as happened); etc.

[Printed handbill poem.] Part Song. | "The Torpedo and the Whale" | From Comic Opera "Olivette" | By Audran.

Edmond Audran (1840-1901), French composer of operettas [Henry Brougham Farnie (1836-1889), Scottish librettist]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p., 16mo. On a piece of watermarked laid paper, 17 x 10.5 cm. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a manuscript correction ('tracts' to 'tracks'). In three numbered stanzas, Farnie's version being in effect an entirely new poem: 'This Fish was indeed Oh! | A Woolwich Torpedo, | But Oh! But Oh! | The big whale did not know.' 'Les noces d'Olivette' was first performed in Paris in 1879; Farnie's English language adaptation starring Florence St. John was performed at the Strand Theatre in London from 1880 to 1881.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American opera singer Marie Jansen to Walter Scott jnr of Butler Brothers, New York, regarding the manufacture of tumblers with her photographic image on them.

Marie Jansen [née Hattie Johnson] (1857-1914), American opera singer
Publication details: 
New York. 27 February 1895.

1p., 4to. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive closed tears along crease lines. 'Mr. Ben Fack [Falk?], the photographer, will, I am sure, give you such a photograph of me as you may select from the assortment he has, if you inform him of your business.' She asks him to send her a sample, if 'the tumblers prove a success, as far as my likeness is concerned [...] If I like it I will possibly order a quantity.'

Autograph Letter Signed from Hon. Rosa Hood, Lady in Waiting to Queen Victoria, informing Mrs Gye of the Queen's response to her letter denying authorship of an article in the Church Journal. With autograph draft of response by Mrs Gye, signed 'Be'.

Hon. Rosa Hood (d.1922), Lady in Waiting to Queen Victoria [Mrs Elizabeth Gye, wife of the manager of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Frederick Gye]
Publication details: 
Hood's letter: On letterhead of Osborne [Isle of Wight]. 8 January 1891. Mrs Gye's draft reply: without place or date.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Rosa Hood's sister Adelaide Fanny was the wife of Herbert F. Gye, and letter and reply are written informally. Hood's letter: 3pp., 12mo. She received Mrs Gye's letter that morning, 'and the Queen has read it' and is 'quite pleased with your reply'.

Manuscript reminder from the Lord Chamberlain [Marquess of Breadalbane] to the Manager of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden [Frederick Gye the younger], that 15 November 1849 is a Public Day of Thanksgiving, to be 'reverently and devoutly observed'.

John Campbell (1796-1862), 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane, Lord Chamberlain from 1848 to 1852) [Frederick Gye (1810-1878), manager of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden [now the Royal Opera House]
Publication details: 
Lord Chambelain's Office [London]; 10 November 1849.

1p., folio. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight staining to blank reverse. Fairly written out on a piece of Britannia laid paper. 'Lord Chamberlain's Office | 10th. November 1849. | The Lord Chamberlain thinks it right to draw the attention of the Manager of the Theatre Royal Covent Garden to The Queen's Proclamation of the 6th. Instant, in which Her Majesty, for the Reasons therein stated, earnestly exhorts that the Public Day of Thanksgiving, the 15th. Instant be reverently and devoutly observed'.

Four Typed Letters Signed from H. Hugh Harvey to the diplomat Frederick Ernest Gye, regarding gramophone recordings of Gye's mother Dame Emma Albani.

H. Hugh Harvey, musicologist [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), Canadian soprano; her husband Ernest Gye (c.1848-1925) and son Frederick Gye (1879-1955)]
Publication details: 
11 and 19 September, and 6 and 27 October 1952; all four on his letterhead of 24 Wessex Gardens, Golders Green, London.

Totalling 5 pp, 4to. All texts clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He begins the first letter 'I am venturing to address you on the assumption that you are the son of the revered singer DAME EMMA ALBANI, and most sincerely trust that my letter may not come amiss.' Harvey is writing an article for Albani's centenary the following year 'for Sir Compton Mackenzie's magazine The Gramophone - for November, 1952' and is 'very anxious to obtain definite details of the two UNPUBLISHED Records which Madame ALBANI made for The Gramophone Company in 1904', of which he gives the details.

Typed Letter Signed ('Hector Charlesworth') from the Canadian writer Hector Willoughby Charlesworth to the English diplomat Ernest Francis Gye, concerning Mme Albani, the latter's mother,

Hector Charlesworth [Hector Willoughby Charlesworth] (1872-1945), Canadian writer [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), Canadian soprano; Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat]
Publication details: 
On his Toronto letterhead; 1 June 1945.

1 p, 4to. 20 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper. In response to a letter from Gye states that he did not hear Albani sing 'until her last two Canadian tours when she was approaching 50', when he 'thought her best in her singing of Mozart, which revealed her rare vocal finesse'. Charlesworth was told by the 'late Edwin R. Parkhurst, a Toronto music critic, 30 years my senior who had heard her frequently in his younger days in London', that 'these appearances gave no adequate idea of how glorious her voice had been in the seventies'.

Signatures on detached album leaf of Agnes Nicholls Harty, soprano, Hamilton Harty, conductor, Frank Mullings, tenor and others

Agnes Nicholls Harty, soprano, Hamilton Harty, conductor, Frank Mullings, tenor and others
Agnes Nicholls Harty, soprano, Hamilton Harty, conductor, Frank Mullings, tenor
Publication details: 
[Stoke-on-Trent, no date, c.1920?]
Agnes Nicholls Harty, soprano, Hamilton Harty, conductor, Frank Mullings, tenor

Page detached from album, some wear and tear but no losses, which contained numerous autographs provided at performances in Stoke mainly in the 1920s. One side of the leaf has the signatures of Agnes Nicholls Harty, Hamilton Harty, an illegible, and Frank Mullings, while overleaf are the signatures of John Booth, Margaret Balfour and Andrew Clayton.

Bold signature and image on detached album leaf.

Florence Austral, Australian opera soprano.
Florence Austral, Australian opera soprano.
Publication details: 
No date but another example of her signature from the same album was on same page as Elgar's, dated 1922 (Stoke) .
Florence Austral, Australian opera soprano.

Deatached page from album, 17 x 14cm , good condition, yours sincerely | Florence Austral [underlined], with image of head and shoulders cut from magazine and laid down.

Archive of material, mainly comprising 150 Typed Letters addressed to the English operatic tenor Stephen Manton [Stephen Manton Bradbury], from the British Broadcasting Corporation, between 1944 and 1952, and concerning his work for the BBC.

Stephen Manton [Stephen Manton Bradbury] (1908-1970), operatic tenor, director of the Intimate Opera Company from 1944 [British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC]
Publication details: 
The letters, all on letterheads of the British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC], mainly from Broadcasting House, London, dating from between 1944 and 1952.

For more information about Stephen Manton Bradbury, or Stephen Manton as he was known professionally, see his obituary in The Times, 8 September 1970. The collection is in good condition, on aged paper. The correspondence from various figures in various BBC music departments, both London and regional, and in a variety of formats from 4to down to 12mo, breaks down to the following number of items per year: 1944, 8; 1945, 5; 1946, 30; 1947, 34; 1948, 32; 1949, 22; 1950, 11; 1951, 15; 1952, 1.

Manuscript Letter, written for publication in a 'valuable periodical', signed by 'Uno dell'Antica Scuola', containing 'observations' for 'students of the Vocal Art'. ['The art of Vocalization', with especial reference to Italian opera.]

'Uno dell'Antica Scuola' [Italian Opera; vocalisation]
Observations' for 'students of the Vocal Art'
Publication details: 
Undated. [England, 1880s?
Observations' for 'students of the Vocal Art'

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. 87 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with wear to extremities and a spike hole to one corner. Written in ink in a Victorian hand, and with three changes in pencil. Docketed at head 'The art of Vocalization'. Towards beginning writes that the subject is one which he has 'studied many years in close connexion with the most eminent Masters of Italy, most of whom I may rank among my personal friends, and the pith of whose conversations, added to my own experience I propose embodying in a few short essays upon the Formation of the Voice'.

Photographic portrait by Nadar of the opera singer Christine Nilsson, with presentation inscription by her to 'Mr Montiguani'.

Christina Nilsson (1843-1921), Countess de Casa Miranda, Swedish opera singer, inspiration for the character of Christine Daaé in Gaston Leroux's novel Phantom of the Opera [Nadar; 'Mr Monteguani']
Photographic portrait by Nadar of the opera singer Christine Nilsson
Publication details: 
"Edinburgh le 6 Décembre 1869.' On Nadar's carte de visite, 'Nadar | 35, Boulevart [sic] des Capucines | PARIS.'
Photographic portrait by Nadar of the opera singer Christine Nilsson

Albumen printh, 8.5 x 5.5 cm, laid down on card, 10.5 x 6 cm. In fair condition: lightly faded on slightly-aged card. Card printed in red on both sides, with Nadar's address and facsimile signature on reverse, and his initial within the border containing the photograph on the other side. Head and shoulders shot of the singer, staring at the viewer in a dark dress attached at the neck.

Manuscript list of British subscribers' names, headed 'Nightingale Fund. | Subscription to present Madame Jenny Goldschmidt-Lind with a Marble Bust of the Queen'.

Jenny Lind [Johanna Maria Lind; Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt] (1820-1887), opera singer, known as 'the Swedish Nightingale'
Publication details: 
[London, England; 1855.]

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with minor evidence of the letter having been laid down on the blank reverse of the second leaf. Thirty names, with sums subscribed. The list is headed 'The Lord Mayor (Salomons) 5. - [five pounds]'. (David Salomons was Lord Mayor of London in 1855.] Several of the names are ticked in pencil, with another noted as 'Not paid' and another as 'Dead'. Among the subscribers is the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper (one pound). Jenny Lind had raised money for the "[Florence] Nightingale Fund".

Autograph Letter, third person, to "Mr Andrews" (no further information).

[ Andrews, bookseller and bookbinder [?]] Lord M[oun]t Edgcumbe
Publication details: 
Twickenham, 27 Feb. (no year).

Four pages, 8vo, vestiges of an album page on final page, text clear and complete. He is sending some MSS. to be bound up, giving detailed instructions. He reminds Andrews of previous work, and insists on secrecy. He asks him to post (and pay for) a "foreign letter", and asks "how the Opera succeeds & if the men singers are liked. In a postscript he asks for the third volume of "Johnson's Life" since he has nearly finished the second.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Edith Coates (1908-1983), English mezzo-soprano opera singer.
Publication details: 
Undated; 31 Makepeace Avenue, Highgate, London.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Punch-hole in top left-hand corner. Replying to an autograph hunter, she states that she has 'signed the programme' and has 'much pleasure in returning it with every good wish'. Good, firm signature.

Typed Note Signed ('Geo R Sims') to F. Leslie Moreton.

George R. Sims [George Robert Sims] (1847-1922), English journalist and writer.
Publication details: 
24 March 1900; on letterhead of 12, Clarence Terrace, Regents Park. N.W. [London].

4to: 1 p. Text complete and clear, on aged, spotted and lightly-creased paper. He has exchanged letters with 'Mr Morell' 'with reference to "Faust up to Date" ', but does not believe any contract has yet been arranged. He does not have a copy of 'the Score and Band Parts': 'I should say Mr Geo. Edwardes or Mr Meyer Lutz has these.' Sims co-wrote 'Faust up to Date' with Henry Pettitt. The music was by Lutz. It was produced by Edwardes, and first performed at the Gaiety Theatre, London, on 30 October 1888.

Autograph Signature ('Steuart Wilson').

Sir James Steuart Wilson (1889-1966), English tenor and musical administrator
Publication details: 

On a fragment, roughly 11 x 16 cm, of a page of laid paper from a diary. Good, on lightly aged paper. Two signatures, under the heading 'July 22': 'Spencer <?> | Steuart Wilson.' Lightly docketed in pencil.

Autograph Signature ('Frank Barrington Foote').

Francis Barrington Foote [Frank Barrington Foote] (born c.1850; fl. 1911), English singer
Publication details: 

On piece of laid paper (roughly 13 x 11 cm). Aged and chipped. Reads 'Yours truly | Frank Barrington Foote'. Chipping to the outer edge, very close to the last couple of letters of the signature. Foote, who frequently sang with Adelina Patti at Covent Garden, ended his days destitute in New York City.

Autograph Letter Signed to "William Lyster", operatic entrepreneur, introduced Wagner to Australia.

B.L. Farjeon, novelist
Publication details: 
12 Buckingham Street, Strand, WC [London}, 28 Oct. 1880.

One page, 8vo, grubby but text clear and complete. He introduces a colleague from his Green Room, Frederick Mervin, whom he describes as a good fellow as well as an actor and singer of ability. He hopes his correspondent will make Mervin's "trip to the Colonies pleasant to him (presumably Australia) . "I hear all the news about you from your brother Alfie when I meet him. I trust this new venture will be hugely successful." Note: Lyster opened in Melbourne with a new company but died in Nov. 1880, presumably shortly after receiving this letter.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mischa-Léon'), in English, to 'M. Rosing' [Vladimir Rosing].

Mischa-Léon' ['Mischa Leon'] [Harry Haurowitz (1889-?)], Danish tenor, Monte Carlo Opera [his wife Pauline Lightstone Donalda (1882-1970), 'Madame Donalda'; Russian tenor Vladimir Rosing (1890-1963)]
Publication details: 
London. Monday. [no date]'.

8vo, 3 pp. Bifolium with dimensions of leaf 18.5 x 14 cm. Good, on slightly grubby and lightly creased paper. Small slip of paper mount adhering to one margin (not affecting text). Written in a bold and distinctive hand. He will not be able to make 'an appearance with "Lhada" [?]' as he is 'sorry to see that I am in Brighton the 22nd and 23rd of April, where I sing with Madame Donalda'.

Manuscript and Typescript sections of an apparently unpublished work on 'British music and its present state'; 2 Typed Letters Signed, 3 Autograph Cards Signed, 1 Typed Card Signed to Mary Eversley, Covent Garden Opera, with copies of two replies.

Scott Goddard (c.1895-1965), British musicologist
Publication details: 

The collection as a whole is in good condition on aged paper. ITEM ONE: 90-page typescript headed 'II | ANTECEDENT', beginnning 'It has become a commonplace of musicology, at least in this country, that the first two decades of the Twentieth Century show an immense increase of creative activity in the composition of works of music by an astonishingly rich group of their [sic] young composers.

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