[Sinking of RMS Titanic, April 1912.] Long unpublished contemporary manuscript poem, signed by 'William Hall', titled 'Titanic', written within weeks of the sinking.

RMS Titanic sinking, April 1912 [William Hall]
Publication details: 
No place [English]. Dated at end 'May 1912'.

4pp., 4to. On three leaves. In fair condition, aged and creased. The poem, headed 'Titanic', is 64 lines long, divided into 15 stanzas (the first ten numbered), and is signed and dated at the end, following 'R.I.P.', 'William Hall | May 1912'. The verse is heartfelt and devout, in style something of a cross between Walt Whitman and William McGonagall. Apparently unpublished. The author is unknown, but the poem reflects the popular response to the celebrated maritime disaster.

[Sir Henry William Lucy, celebrated Victorian political journalist.] Autograph Card Signed to Bristol printer and publisher J. W. Arrowsmith

Sir Henry William Lucy [H. W. Lucy] (1842-1924), celebrated Victorian political journalist, parliamentary correspondent of Punch magazine [J. W. Arrowsmith [James Williams Arrowsmith] (1839-1913)]
Publication details: 
42 Ashley Gardens, Victoria Street, S.W. [London], on card with embossed letterhead of the House of Commons. 27 February [1900].

In good condition, lightly aged. Written with purple ink. Addressed to 'J. W. Arrowsmith Esq | Publisher | Bristol.' The message begins, without salutation: 'Booking Office blocked with Copy. But I have had the "Modder River" taken out of turn. You will find a notice in tomorrow's "Punch"'. He announces that on the fifteenth of the following month he is 'to be a guest of the New Vagabond Club', and notes that Arrowsmith is a member, adding 'we may possibly meet'.

[William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon and chaplain to Queen Victoria, complains of his 'demoralizing' workload.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. B Ripon') to 'Marian', explaining how pressure of work makes it impossible to meet.

William Boyd Carpenter (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon and chaplain to Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Palace, Ripon. 13 October 1886.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Aged and grubby. Written with purple pencil. He begins by thanking her for the 'letter & two Photographs', and is 'looking forward some day to see my god child whom the photographs picture as very bonny'.

[William Guidott embezzles John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough.] Two printed documents: 'The Case of the Appellants' (including Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough) and 'The Respondent's Case', the latter carrying the judgement in a contemporary hand.

[William Guidott (1671–1745) of Lincoln's Inn, lawyer to John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, and MP for Andover, Hampshire, embezzler] C. Talbot; Tho. Reeve; P. Yorke; Tho. Lutwytche
Publication details: 
Both documents with docket title stating that the case is to be heard at the bar of the House of Lords, 4 March 1727. [ESTC tentatively dates the items to 1728.]

The background to the two documents is given in Guidott's entry in the History of Parliament, which states that his uncle Anthony was 'for many years a lawyer to the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough and described the latter in his will as “my particular good friend”. Guidott benefited from the connexion, succeeding his uncle as lawyer to the Marlboroughs. […] He proved a disappointment to the Duchess of Marlborough, however, as by 1711 he had begun the embezzlement of funds from the Marlborough estates for which he was sued in 1725.

['Coke of Norfolk': Thomas William Coke, 1st Earl of Leicester, politician and agricultural reformer.] Autograph Signature ('T W Coke') as frank on letter to William Barth of Yarmouth.

'Coke of Norfolk': Thomas William Coke (1754-1842), 1st Earl of Leicester, also known as Coke of Holkham, British politician and agricultural reformer
Publication details: 
'Holkham. Aug. Twenty Third | 1830 -'.

On 14 x 12 cm section cut from front panel of envelope. In fair condition, lightly aged. Cropped postmark at head. Laid out in the customary fashioni, and reading: 'Holkham. Augt. Twenty Third | 1830 - | Willm. Barth Esq | Yarmouth | Norfolk | T W Coke'. Manuscript note at foot in another nineteenth-century hand: 'Mr. Coke, M.P. of Holkham Norfolk - afterwards 1st. Earl of Leicester'.

[ Policing in Victorian England: Essex County Constabulary. ] Manuscript volume containing 332 General Orders by reforming Chief Constable Major W. H. Poyntz, including one relating to the murder of Inspector Thomas Simmonds.

[ Essex County Constabulary; Major William Henry Poyntz (1838-1892). Chief Constable; the murder of Inspector Thomas Simmonds, 1885; Rochford ]
Publication details: 
[ Rochford, Essex Police Constabulary. ] Entries dated from the Chief Constable's Office, Chelmsford. 6 December 1881 to 30 October 1885.

179pp., foolscap 8vo, and contains 332 general orders by 'W. H. Poyntz | Major and Chief Constable'. The volume is entirely in manuscript, but is not in Poyntz's handwriting. It comprises 168 paginated pages, followed by an eleven-page index giving a one-line summary of the 'Purport' of each order. The volume is a ruled notebook, in original quarter binding of black cloth spine and marbled boards, with the words 'GENERAL ORDERS' printed on a label on the cover, with 'Rochford' written in manuscript beneath.

[ Algernon Charles Swinburne, poet who scandalised Victorian England. ] Signed Autograph presentation inscription to his sister Isabel, on fly-leaf of William Clarke Russell's book 'Nelson's Words and Deeds'.

Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909), English poet who scandalised the Victorians with his decadent verse [ William Clarke Russell; Isabel Swinburne ]
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Publication details: 
Dated in autograph 'November 1890'.
Algernon Charles Swinburne

On a single 8vo half-title leaf removed from the William Clarke Russell's 'Nelson's Words and Deeds: A Selection from the Dispatches and Correspondence of Horatio Nelson' (London: Sampson Low, 1890). In fair condition, lightly aged and with a central horizontal crease. Printed at the centre of the page are the words 'NELSON'S WORDS AND DEEDS', and at the head Swinburne writes: 'Isabel Swinburne | from her affectionate brother | Algernon Charles Swinburne | November 1890'.

[ Mary Cowden Clarke, author and Shakespearian scholar. ] Signed Autograph Presentation Inscription on half-title of book.

Mary Cowden Clarke [ Mary Victoria Cowden Clarke, née Novello ] (1809-1898), author and Shakespearian scholar, wife of Charles Cowden Clarke
Publication details: 
Dated in autograph 'July 1881.'

On a single 8vo half-title leaf removed from the front of her 1881 verse collection 'Honey from the Weed'. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor loss to one corner. Printed at the centre are the words 'HONEY FROM THE WEED'. At the head of the page is the presentation inscription, in a pleasing hand: 'George Frederick Martin Esqre. | with kind regards & good wishes from | Mary Cowden Clarke | July 1881.'

[ Stationery for the Georgian House of Lords: William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments ] Manuscript Receipt, Signed twice by 'Wm Cowper', of stationery 'Delivered for His Majestys Service to The Honble. Wm. Cowper Esqre. Clerk to The House of Peers'.

William Cowper, Clerk of the Parliaments [ i.e Chief Clerk of the House of Lords ], 1716-1740, uncle of the poet William Cowper (1731-1800) and son of the judge Spencer Cowper (1670-1728)
Publication details: 
[ Houses of Parliament, Westminster. ] Entries dated from June to August 1737.

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On a single leaf of laid paper (with crown 'G R' watermark), signed at the foot of each page 'Wm Cowper'. Entries dating from 30 June to 2 August 1737. Around fifty items of stationery, placed together in twelve groups, the twelve totals amounting to £46 4s 0d. Items include paper, '5 hundred pens', ink, pencils, cloth bags, 'Tortoise penknives', 'Indian Sand', binding tape and wax.

[ Cholera outbreak in Victorian Wales: a poetry pamphlet in Welsh. ] Pryddest Ar Paul Yn Athen, Act. XVII; At Ba Un Yr Ychwanegwyd, Awdl Ar Ymweliad Y Geri Marwol A Chymru Yn 1849. Gan J. Rhys Morgan, (Lleurwg,) Aberafon.

J. Rhys Morgan, (Lleurwg,) Aberafon [ Cholera epidemic in Wales ]
Publication details: 
Caerfyrddin [ Carmarthen ]: Argraffwyd Gan William Thomas, Yn Heol-Y-Bont. 1852.

64pp., 12mo. Disbound pamphlet without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Two poems, the first on a biblical topic and the second on an outbreak of cholera. Three copies on COPAC: at the National Library of Wales, Cardiff, and the British Library. Now extremely scarce.

[ Sir Arthur William Rucker, physicist, Principal of the University of London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur W. Rücker') to 'Mrs Green', wife of the geologist A. H. Green,, explaining the difficulty in forwarding her letter to 'Dr Thorpe'.

Sir Arthur William Rucker [ Sir Arthur William Rücker ] (1848-1915), British physicist, Professor of Physics at the Royal College of Science and Principal of the University of London
Publication details: 
South Kensington [ London ]. 11 July [ no year ].

From the papers of the family of the second wife of the geologist Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), previously Miss Wilhelmina Maria Armstrong of Clifton. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. As 'Dr Thorpe' has not send him his address 'as he promised to', Rucker does not know 'exactly where he is'. He will send her letter to Thorpe's house, 'whence it will be forwarded'.

[ William Jacobson, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr Baker', regarding his bill.

William Jacobson (1803-1884), Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University and Canon of Christ Church; Bishop of Chester
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford. 20 June 1861.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with light staining to corners from previous mounting. Reads: 'Dr Jacobson presents his Compliments to Mr Baker and begs leave to inclose a Post Office Order for the Amount of his Bill of May 21st.'

[ Sir William Molesworth, Radical English politician: 'I'll give you a beginning, which I hope you'll finish'. ] Autograph Note Signed ('W. M') to 'W.' (the editor of a journal), stating that he cannot 'do an article'.

Sir William Molesworth (1810-1855), Radical English politician
Publication details: 
No place. 1 December 1837.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Clearly addressing the editor of a journal, Molesworth writes: 'Dear W. I cannot do an article, but I give you a beginning, which I hope you'll finish. | I'll attend to what you say. | Yrs. | W. M'. The note is accompanied by an engraved portrait of Molesworth, orating with right hand held high, captioned 'Sir William Molesworth, Bart., M.P.', from the Illustrated London News.

[ William Dobinson Halliburton, physiologist and a founder of the science of biochemistry. ] Autograph Note Signed ('W. D. Halliburton') to [ V. G. Plarr ] the editor of 'Men and Women of the Time', returning the corrected proof of his entry.

W. D. Halliburton [ William Dobinson Halliburton ] (1860-1931), Professor of Physiology at King's College London, one of the founders of the science of biochemistry [ Victor Gustave Plarr (1863-1929)]
Publication details: 
9 Ridgmount Gardens W.C. [ London ] 20 April 1898.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is enclosing 'the Extract from "Men and Women of the Time"' that the editor sent him, with corrections and additions, and would like to see a proof.

[ Catherine Gaskin, Irish-Australian author of romantic fiction. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Catherine Gaskin Cornberg') to 'Miss Cord [sic]' [ i.e. Eileen M. Cond ], discussing her former publisher William Hope Collins and his family.

Catherine Gaskin [ Catherine Gaskin Cornberg ] (1929-2009), best-selling Irish-Australian novelist in the field of romantic fiction [ William Hope Collins (1903-1967), Glasgow publisher ]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Ballymacahara, Wicklow, County Wicklow, Ireland. 14 June 1970.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. She begins by agreeing to inscribe Cond's bookplate, before continuing: 'Ye, I did know Hope Collins – not particularly well, since he was based in Glasgow, and I lived in New York and the West Indies from 1955 to 1967 and so our visits to London rarely co-incided.' She remembers Collins as 'a most kindly and courteous man', and he is 'greatly missed.

[ West Indies: signatures of four British Governors: Sir Edward Brandis Denham of British Guiana; Sir Thomas Reginald St Johnston, Leeward Islands; Sir William Charles Fleming Robertson, Barbados; Sir Alfred Claud Hollis, Trinidad and Tobago.

Sir Edward Brandis Denham, Governor of British Guiana; Sir Thomas Reginald St Johnston, Leeward Islands; Sir William Charles Fleming Robertson, Barbados; Sir Alfred Claud Hollis, Trinidad and Tobago
Publication details: 
No place. Three of the signatures are dated from January 1932, the other two are undated.

The five signatories are: Sir Alfred Claud Hollis (1874-1962), Governor of Trinidad and Tobago, 1930-1936, and author of a historical account of Spanish Trinidad; his wife Enid Mabel Hollis (née Longman), Lady Hollis (1888-1939); Sir Edward Brandis Denham (1876-1938), Governor of British Guiana, 1930–1935, and Jamaica, 1935–1938; Sir Thomas Reginald St Johnston (1881-1950), Governor of the Leeward Islands, 1929-1936; Sir William Charles Fleming Robertson (1867-1937), Governor of Barbados, 1925-1932. On one side of a 13.5 x 16.5 cm leaf of cream paper torn from an autograph album.

[ William Small, Scottish painter. ] Autograph Signature and part of Autograph Letter to 'H. Roberts, Esq'

William Small (1843-1931), Scottish painter and illustrator, belonging to the realist school and depicting the everyday life of the poor
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On one side of a 7.5 x 11 cm piece of paper cut from the conclusion of a letter, laid down on another piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: '[...] I have got in the birds they come all night - I send in either tomorrow or next day. The above is my new address | Yours truly | William Roberts'. Addressed at bottom left to 'H. Roberts, Esq'.

[ Lord Harris of Belmont House. ] Autograph Note in the third person [ to his bookseller ], regarding two books sent to him.

Lord Harris of Belmont House, Throwley, near Faversham, Kent [ Lieutenant General William George Harris (1782-1845), 2nd Baron Harris, British soldier under his father in Anglo-Mysore War ]
Publication details: 
'Belmont [ i.e. Belmont House, Throwley, near Faversham, Kent ] | 16th. Decr. 1841'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, with central spike-hole and a few burn marks at foot. Reads: 'Lord Harris has just recd the Illustrations to Deserted Village, but retyrns Retsch's Othello by this night's Coach, having received a copy of it about a week since.'

[ David Garrick and William Shakespeare. ] Engraving of the autograph manuscript, with facsimile signature, of 'Some additional shift to ye Comic part of ye Midsumer Night's Dream', 'Song for Epilogue' ('Most noble Duke to us be kind').

David Garrick (1717-1779), English actor, playwright and producer [ William Shakespeare ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ Victorian? ]

1p., 12mo. Lithograph engraved facsimile of Garrick's autograph manuscript on unwatermarked wove paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. The origin of the engraving is unclear. Headed: 'Some additional shift to ye Comic part of ye Midsummer Night's dream. | Song for Epilogue | By Quince, Bottom Snug, Flute Starvling, Snout.' The first nine lines of the poem follow, beginning: 'Most noble Duke to us be kind, | Be you and all your Courtiers blind, | […]'. The poem as published in Colman's edition of 1763 does not feature the penultimate line: 'That will not do at Court:'.

[ Ex-Officers Book Union, London. ] Printed book catalogue ('Part I'): 'A Collection of Choice & Charming Books of the 17th 18ty & 19th Centuries & a few Modern Authors offered for sale by the Ex-Officers Book Union'.

[ Major George William Redway (1859-1934), soldier and military historian, trading as bookseller under the name ] 'Ex-Officers Book Union', Ealing, London
Publication details: 
London: 16 Rathgar Avenue, West Ealing. [ The Westminster Press, London W. ]

The 'Ex-Officers' Book Union' (the apostrophe was omitted in later years) was an obscure business. The firm was certainly active between 1919 and 1936, mostly from 16 Rathgar Avenue, West Ealing. In the early 1930s its address was given as '87 Bishop's Mansions, S.W.6', which was also Redway's residence. It seems likely that the business was a joint-venture between Redway and at least one other former army officer. The present item is 40pp., small 4to. Stapled in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, on worn and creased wraps.

[ William Roupell, forger and fraudster. ] Two Autograph Signed documents, the first a draft [ for his election agent ] of a circular to electors on his standing as Member of Parliament for Lambeth; the second another election letter (draft?)

William Roupell (1831-1909), forger and fraudster, Member of Parliament for Lambeth, 1857-1862, ruined in the Roupell Case
Publication details: 
Both from Roupell Park, Brixton. March 1857 and 25 April 1859.

The first letter has the damaged signature 'William: Roupe', the second is signed 'W: Roupell'. ONE (March 1857): 1p., 8vo. Signed autograph draft of a circular Roupell made for his election agent at the time of his first parliamentary contest. On the reverse of a letterhead of 4 Wolsingham Place, Lambeth, which was the office of solicitor R. C. Barton, who was Roupell's election agent (see George Hill, 'Electoral History of the Borough of Lambeth', 1879). In poor condition, heavily worn, with loss to the outer edges and text, including the end of Roupell's signature.

[ Printed defence of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association. ] Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise [...] By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.

Rev. William Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D.; Rev. George Vance [ Robert Watts (1820-1895 of the Presbyterian College, Belfast); the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association ]
Publication details: 
Belfast: Phillips & Sons, Bridge Street. Dublin: J. Robertson & Co., Grafton Street. [ 1872 ] [ Allen, Johnston & Co., Book Printers, Up. Arthur St., Belfast. ]

The full title reads: 'Calvinism not the Theology of the Bible. A Reply to Rev. Dr. Watts' Treatise, entitled “Arminian Departures from Reformation Principles, as exhibited in the Writings of Watson and Wesley, and in the Publications of the Belfast Wesleyan Ministerial Association.” By the Rev. Wm. Appelbe, LL.D., T.C.D. With Observations appended by the Rev. George Vance.' No copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Manchester and Queen's University Belfast. 44pp., 8vo. No wraps. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[Standish]The Antient Usage In Bearing of such Ensigns of Honour ... commonly call'd Arms. With A Catalogue of the present Nobility and Baronets of England. ['Catalogue of Books Printed ... Theatre in Oxford [...] sold in London, by Moses Pitt' at end.]

[ Myles Standish; Miles Standish ] Sir William Dugdale, Garter Principal King of Arms [Catalogue of Books Printed at the Theater in Oxford; Moses Pitt, bookseller of St Paul's]
Publication details: 
The Second Edition Corrected, 1682. Oxford: Printed at the Theater for Moses Pitt, and sold by Samuel Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London.

12mo, [viii] + 210 pp, together with four unpaginated pages before p. 79 and two unpaginated pages before p. 165. With fold-out list of Knights of the Garter. Includes a "Catalogue of the Nobility of Ireland". On aged paper, in worn eighteenth-century binding, modern rebacking. Ownership inscription, at head of p.1, 'Mary Standish of Standish - Her Book' (suggesting a relationship with Myles Standish, pioneer American); and a couple of ownership initials on title-page.

[ William Harrison Ainsworth, historical novelist and friend of Charles Dickens. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Harrison Ainsworth') to his publisher 'Mr. Tinsley', complaining of the delay in forwarding a letter, and of printers Savile & Edwards.

W. Harrison Ainsworth [ William Harrison Ainsworth ] (1805-1882), historical novelist and friend of Charles Dickens [ Tinsley Brothers, publishers; Savile & Edwards, London printers ]
Publication details: 
Hill View Lodge, Reigate. 10 March 1874.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with tissue labels from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Tinsley Brothers of 8 Catherine Street, Strand, were Ainsworth's publishers during this period. The letter begins: 'Dear Mr. Tinsley, | You are quite incorrigible.' Ainsworth complains that Tinsley has sent him a letter, 'delayed since Novr. 11th. last', and that he has 'been obliged to write a long letter of explanation and apology'. He hopes that 'the lady – for the writer is a lady – will be satisfied'.

[ Bret Harte, American author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bret Harte') to 'Colonel Colville' [ Col. W. J. Colville ], concerning an 'Inspection' at Clarence House, and 'a sentimental pilgrimage' of 'old London'.

Bret Harte [ Francis Bret Harte ] (1836-1902), American short story writer and poet [ Col. William James Colville (1827-1903), Comptroller of the Household of the Duke of Edinburgh ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 15 Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. [ London ] 12 June 1890.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of glue on reverse of blank second leaf. He thanks him for his 'kind remembrance', and undertakes to 'come with much pleasure to Clarence House, a little before the time of Inspection and bring two friends'. The letter concludes: 'Meantime we must not forget that you and I are going to set apart some afternoon to make a sentimental pilgrimage into the Past in some corner of old London!'

[ James Dredge Jr, civil engineer and co-editor of 'Engineering'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Dredge') to 'Willy' [ presumably Stanhope Forbes of Newlyn's brother -see note below], condolences on death of his father, ruminating on mortality.

James Dredge Jr (1840-1906), English civil engineer and co-editor with William H. Maw of the periodical 'Engineering'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal, Edited by William H. Maw and James Dredge', 35 & 36 Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C. 8 December 1888.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Letterhead in black and red ink. In fair condition, aged and worn, with creasing at head. A sensitive letter of condolence, beginning: 'Dear Willy | I was so shocked to hear on Thursday of the great loss you have sustained, and I hesitated to write to you, for letters of condolence are such empty useless things. But on the other hand I dont want you to suppose that I feel indifferent to anything that touches you so closely & deeply.

[ Blandford Fletcher and Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn School artists. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Blandford Fletcher') from Fletcher to Forbes, on the occasion of his father's death, discussing the low state of his fortunes and health.

Blandford Fletcher [ William Teulon Blandford Fletcher ] (1858-1936) and Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (1857-1947), RA, English artists of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
The Mill, Steventon, Berkshire. 9 December 1888.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. A splendid long letter in a close hand, revealing and informative, written a year after Fletcher had completed his masterpiece 'Evicted', painted at Steventon, and the first painting acquired by Queensland Art Gallery in 1895. Addressed to 'My dear Forbes', the letter begins: 'Your letter reached me yesterday having been sent on from home to the above address | Yes! Indeed you have my deepest sympathy.

[ Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to William Jerdan, editor of the Literary Gazette, an amusing letter of introduction for Henry Glassford Bell, editor of the Edinburgh Literary Journal.

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author, a member of the 'London Magazine' circle of John Scott [ William Jerdan; Literary Gazette ; Henry Glassford Bell; Edinburgh Literary Journal ]
Publication details: 
37 Belgrave Place [ London ]. 28 September 1830.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Will. Jerdan Esq | Grove House | Brompton', with second signature 'Allan Cunningham' at bottom left of address. Docketed on the same page, presumably by Jerdan: 'A Cunningham | Introduction of Mr Bell | Ed. Of Edinh. Lit. Journal'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The author, recipient and subject of the letter are all Scottish. A spirited and amusing letter: 'My dear friend. | Peace and health be with you in spite of captious authors and high-trotting horses.

[ The Shakespeare Memorial Endowment Fund. ] Five items: circular, signed by H. C. Lacey, Organising Secretary, publicity booklet, notice,'Donation & Subscription Form', 'Associate's Card' of C. W. Townsend.

The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Endowment Fund; H. C. Lacey, Organising Secretary [ Stratford-upon-Avon; Cecil William Townsend, Shakespearian actor ]
Publication details: 
Memorial Endowment Fund [ Shakespeare Memorial Theatre], Stratford-upon-Avon. 1923.

Five items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn. From the papers of C. W. Townsend, who acted in six productions at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in 1922. No other copies of any of the items located, either at the Folger, on COPAC, or on OCLC WorldCat. ONE: Typed Circular Letter, with genuine signature of 'H C Lacey'. on letterhead, in red and black ink with Shakespeare's , of 'Shakespeare Memorial Theatre | Stratford-upon-Avon | Endowment Fund.' 1 November 1923. 1p., 8vo. Addressed to 'Dear Madam'. 32 lines of text.

[ William Cooke, privateer in American War of Independence, afterwards appointed by Washington to command of the cutter Diligence. ] Autograph Signature ('Wm. Cooke') to Autograph Bill and Receipt ('Francis Peyrimant') for 'Ship Queen of France'.

Captain William Cooke (disappeared 1796), appointed by George Washington to the command of United States Revenue Cutter Diligence
Publication details: 
Note of receipt at foot signed by Cooke and dated from Wilmington on 12 April 1789.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed on reverse: 'Acct. | Capt W. Cooke | £51.2.9.' A bill for wages, in Cooke's autograph, headed 'Ship Queen of France | To William Cooke . . . Dr.' Listing monies due with dates and details. For example: '7 Jan [1789] wages . . .@ 18 dollars p. mo[nth]  30.9.7' (Other sums also on 7 Jan. and 12 April.) At the foot Cooke has written "Rec[eive]d Wilmington 12th April 1789 from Francis Peyrimant the above bal[anc]e. in full. | Wm Cooke.' The year of this transaction was also the year of the French Revolution.

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