Autograph Letters

Letter Signed "[V?] Broglie" to "Monsieur le Baron Denois", Milan (French consul)..

Jacques Victor Albert, Duc de Broglie, French Statesman, publicist and historian.
Publication details: 
Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Direction Politique, Paris, 26 March 1833.

IN FRENCH. One page,m folio, minor defects, but text clear and complete. He discusses the case of a M. de Cormel whose family business requires his staying in Milan and Padua (the death of his uncle, Colonel Paolo Angelini "deced dans le royaume Lombardo Venitien"). He wanst to believe that M. de Cormel will cause no trouble to the Government of "Lombardo Venitien" and requests the Baron's "bons offices" during his stay and for his ultimate journey to Dalmatia.

Autograph Letter Signed "V. de Broglie" to an unnamed correspondent.

Jacques-Victor-Albert, 4th duc de Broglie, sometime French Ambassador in London.
Publication details: 
Londres, le 21 mars 1871.

In French. Two pages, 8vo, some staining but text complete and clear. He says that his wife would be happy to take his daughter "[en course?]". They will pass Rutland Gate [Kensington] at midday. He hopes that the weather improves.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Monsieur Anselin, Rue Dauphine No.9, Paris", also bookseller. In French.

L. Michelsen, Bookseller
Publication details: 
Leipzig, le 6 Octobre 1832.

One page, 4to, chipped with small loss of text, paper fragile. Text as follows: Monsieur Anselin, Paris, Je vous prie de m'expedier aussitot [underlined] par l'entremise de Mr Ren[loss of text] les livres suivants, je vous recommande surtout les petits brochures vieux dont je suis tres presse." There follows a list of 22 titles, all military (e.g "Dictionnaire d'artillerie", "Manoeuvres de chevres & de forces 1821", etc.). Usually one copy required, but he requires 3 of one book (the Dictionnaire) and 2 of its supplement.

Twenty-eight Typed Letters Signed, seventeen Autograph Letters Signed, etc, to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, and others.

John Alexander Milne [Henry Stone & Son; the Medici Society; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1938-43; various letterheads, including 11, Old Cavendish St, W.1.; Greengates, Sunningdale, Berks; and 35 Grosvenor Square, W.1.

British businessman (1872-1955), chairman of the Medici Society Ltd, chairman and managing director of Henry Stone & Son Ltd, printers. Very good. Mostly octavo, with a few quarto and 12mo. Some bearing the Society's stamp and others docketed. Occasional rust marks from paperclips. Mainly concerned with the day-to-day activities of the Royal Society of Arts, of which Milne was a prominent member, around the time of the Second World War. On 7 September 1939: 'I hardly anticipate that you are likely to have trouble in regard to occupation of the premises.

Autograph [letter] list signed, half only to Baynes, Bookseller, No. 54 Paternoster Row, London.

Author illegible [B. Thickins?]
Publication details: 
Ross, 25 Aug. 1800.

Autograph letter/order/list, top half lost, leaving frayed edge and some loss of text, generally poor condition but most of text clear.. Remainder a list as follows: "1 Epistle to Peter Pindar 2n[d] [Edi]tion - 2/ [shillings] Wright/ 1 Thett on the Prophesies[sic] - Rivingtons/ [tickedby bookseller] 1 Walpoliana 2 vols - Phillips/ 1 Sotheby's Wieland's Oberon 2 vols Cadell [another tick] / 1 Reports for bettering the condition of the poor vol 2 pt 2/ 1 Bishop of Londons[sic] Summary &c Cadell/ 1 Castle Rackrent. A Tale - Johnson/ 1 Hinderwell's Antiquities &c of Scarborough 4to.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Rhys Roberts') to Sir Frederick George Kenyon (1863-1952), Director of the British Museum.

William Rhys Roberts (1858-1929), Professor of Classics at Leeds University, and associate of J. R. R. Tolkien
Publication details: 
28 January 1918; on letterhead of the University, Leeds.

Three pages, octavo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Kenyon's paper was 'much enjoyed' when read on Saturday, and there was 'a good attendance'. '[T]he pleasantries were not missed': '1. the confusion of the inexhaustible emender; 2. the thrift of the canny Odysseus in his role of wooer; 3. Burne Jones's Law.' 'At the end some interesting questiosn were asked', for example, 'why second-rate Greek annalists shd. seemingly have been preferred to Herodotus & Thucydides'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Pearce to Keppel, docketed by the latter 'Tallemachs Charges &c'.

W. Pearce; Frederick Walpole Keppel (1797-1858) of Lexham Hall near Swaffham, Norfolk; Tallemach; Windsor Park and Castle
Publication details: 
29 December 1837; 10 Whitehall Place [London].

Three pages, octavo. On aged, dampstained paper with a few nicks, but with text entirely legible. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium to 'F. W. Keppel Esqre | Lexham Hall near | Swaffham | Norfolk', with two postmarks ('Swaffham | Morning Post' in black and maltese cross containing date in red) and red wax seal. An unusually intimate agent's letter, of significance to Windsor local history. Keppel's letters 'are always most acceptable to us "Old folks"'. Despite some 'little Relapses', Mrs Pearce's health continues 'tolerably well'.

Letter in secretarial hand signed by Webb ('Aston Webb') to Alice Bertha, Lady Gomme (1852-1938).

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), English architect, best-known for Admiralty Arch, the Victoria Memorial and his work on Buckingham Palace
Publication details: 
1 March 1912; on letterhead '19, QUEEN ANNE'S GATE | WESTMINSTER | LONDON, S.W.'

One page, octavo. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 'Pray use me as you think fit on Monday March 4th. & I will do what I can | Perhaps you would not mind telling me if it is to be in reply to a toast & if so what & also whether decorations are worn. I imagine it is more or less of a private dinner & therefore they will not be'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Willows'.

Clara Jecks (1857-1951), English actress and singer, briefly associated with the D'Oyly Carte Company, daughter of Harriet Coveney and actor-manager Charles Jecks
Publication details: 
31 May 1898; 20 Hart Street, Bloomsbury, WC [London].

Three pages, 12mo. Good, on lightly spotted and aged paper. Traces of glue and previous mount adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. Concerns a 'concert on June 16yh in aid of the <?> L G[uild] at Mrs. Beudel's house'. 'It grieves me more than I can express to find that I shall be unable to attend, or give my services on that occasion, unfortunately my arrangements will not permit of my being in London then'.

Autograph Card Signed from Sutro to Hicks.

Alfred Sutro (1863-1933), British author and dramatist; Seymour Hicks (1871-1949)
Publication details: 
26 October [no year, but c.1910]; on letterhead 31 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park [London].

One page, on piece of grey card roughly three and a half inches by four and a half wide. Very good. Twelve lines and one-line postscript in Sutro's tiny and difficult hand. Sends his 'sincerest congratulations on the best volume of memoirs I have read this many a day' (Hicks published his autobiography in 1910). 'There isn't a dull line in it from start to finish; I could dine out for a week on the stories'. Reference to Irving and other actors. Ends 'A damned good book, Seymour! Tous mes compliments!' Postscript reads 'This does NOT require an answer!'

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Durand') to Smith.

A[uguste]. Durand [presumably the printer and bookseller rather than the composer] [Charles Roach Smith (1807-91), British archaeologist]
Publication details: 
Saturday 29 Octr. [no year, but between 1843 and 1873]; no place [Paris?].

Two pages, 12mo. Good, on aged and creased paper. Engraving of ancient medallion as letterhead. He takes 'the opportunity of a friend going over' to send Smith 'a parcel which I have just received from Monsr De la Plane, Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries of the <?> & the Bulletin of the Society, for the Royal [sic] Society of Antiquaries, the British Archaeological Association [founded 1843], the Numismatic Society, and Smith himself. He is also sending a letter for J[ohn]. Y[onge]. Ackerman (1806-73).

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Rt Revd Edward Churton (1800-1874), Archdeacon of Cleveland [The Oxford Movement]
Publication details: 
1 May 1861; 'Crayke nr. Easingwold'.

One page, 12mo. Good, on grey paper and with the merest trace of cream mount adhering to blank reverse. The previous month he received 'an engraved Circular' from his correspondent, from which he now quotes a passage stating that his subscription of a guinea [to the Church Institution] is due. 'I have no recollection of having ever promised a subscription to the Institution referred to.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

William Whitaker (1836-1925), British geologist, the 'father of English hydrogeology' [GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN]
Publication details: 
1 January 1867; East Molesey, Kingston, Surrey, on embossed letterhead of the Geological Survey of Great Britain.

Two pages, 12mo. Very good, with the merest spotting at head. He 'will be at West Drayton by the train due there nearest to 4 o'clock'. He has no time-table to hand, 'but shall see one at Jermyn St. to-morrow'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Leigh Sotheby') to unnamed male correspondent.

Samuel Leigh Sotheby (1805-61), British auctioneer and antiquary
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Three pages, 12mo. On aged paper, with a few closed tears and rust marking to blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. He thanks him for sending the books for examination. 'Mrs. Sotheby will take a photograph of the phiz of Peter Schoeffer, But as to the woodcut being of that I do not at present believe it - | The letters & papers are not of the time.' He asks him to translate a passage, comments further on Schoeffer, and asks if his correspondent has 'any new of Paper Factory for me.' Concludes 'Write me the full particulars of what Dutch Collection in the library of Sir Ths.

Cheque endorsed on reverse "Edmund Dulac"

Edmund Dulac, book illustrator.
Publication details: 
London, 27 July 1923

National Provincial and Union Bank of England, made out to Dulac for £21 by "R. Grahame Smith", stamped by two banks and attractively fra\med so that both front and back of cheque (i.e. the signature) may be seen.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. M. Weston') to James Rees, with the latter's docketing addressed to 'F Powell'.

J. M. Weston, 'comedian', playwright and stage manager of the Charles Street Theatre, Baltimore [James Rees; F. Powell]
Publication details: 
[6 April 1847]; place not stated.

One page. On piece of paper roughly seven inches by three and a half wide. Bottom part of letter cut away. Reads 'Dr Sir | In compiance with your wish | I subscribe myself | truly yours | [signed] J. M. Weston | To/ | Jas. Reese Esq'. Docketed by Rees 'The above autograph is that of my friend J M Weston, Stage Manager of the St Charles Theatre - he is the Author of Several popular pieces, among which is the beautiful drama of Lucretia Borgia'. Dated in another hand on reverse. Not much appears to be known about Weston, whose translation of Victor Hugo's play was first published in 1850.

Autograph Letter Signed to I[saac]. Wilkinson[, Manager and Secretary of the Brighton Aquarium].

Dudley Smith (born c.1852), English and Foreign Musical and Dramatic Agent [The Brighton Aquarium; Victorian Circus]
Publication details: 
22 March 1883; on ornate letterhead in blue and gold carrying address at 449 Strand, London (as well as addresses in Paris and New York).

One page, quarto. Very good, though slightly aged and creased, and with minor damp staining at foot, affecting bottom three lines including signature. Wilkinson has written to say that he 'has not the space' Smith has 'named'. '[Y]ou express an opinion that Circus business would pay, & I, from my personal knowledge of Brighton & experience therein, feel sure a really good Circus would prove an immense attraction & a paying one, & would stand some time by introducing fresh novelties'.

Autograph Note Signed ('John Hullah') to 'My dear Strettell'.

John Pyke Hullah (1812-1884), English composer, firnd of Dickens, and collaborator.
Publication details: 
18 July 1856; on letterhead, embossed with crest, of St Martin's Hall.

One page, 12mo. On creased, brittle, aged paper. Repaired with archival tape on reverse, which carries traces of previous mounting. He is sending some lines of introduction 'to my cameo friend who lives in Grafton St Bond St. - No. [i.e. number] unknown, but it is the second or third house on the right going from Bond St.' Hullah's 'Music Hall' - St Martin's Hall in Long Acre - opened in 1850. It burnt to the ground ten years later.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Rackrill'.

Storey Wilson, British author
Publication details: 
12 March [no year]; on letterhead 23 Claremont Road, Leamington.

Two pages, 12mo. On aged and creased paper. Was 'taken by surprise the other afternoon when you mentioned my book and paid me such a high compliment [...] I cordially appreciate your warm approval of what I have written concerning hospitals, and as you take such a warm interest in health matters I beg to send for your acceptance some other titles of mine on such subjects'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Paul Blouët') in English to unnamed correspondent.

Max O'Rell' (Paul Blouet, 1848-1903), French humorous writer and journalist, Editor of the Paris 'Figaro'
Publication details: 
20 September 1893; 4 Bentinck Terrace, Regent's Park, London N.W.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Giving details of a proposed lecture. He was to have been in Salford, Manchester, but the dates have been changed. Can only offer two dates. '<?> the two years' <?> has been a huge success & a most interesting journey by which we have all benefited. I remember the Bolton audience with great pleasure. Kindly name the subject you choose. My fee: ten guineas as before.' Accompanied by magazine cutting of photographic portrait captioned 'M. PAUL BLOUET ("MAX O'RELL"), NEW EDITOR OF THE PARIS "FIGARO."

Autograph Letter Signed to <J. J. Dolone>, and Hand-coloured Engraved Portrait.

Laura Honey [nee Young] ['Mrs Honey']
Publication details: 
The letter without date, but bearing postmark postmark dated 20 May 1838.

Letter, docketed 'Mrs Honey', addressed to ' Esqre | York - Leeds - or Hull | Theatre Royal'. Three pages, quarto. Good, though aged and creased, and with small section cut away on breaking seal. Text clear and complete. Small strip of mount adhering to one edge. Interesting and intriguing letter addressed to 'Dearest Papa' and beginning 'Barnett has never been near me nor do I know where to find him - write by return and tell me where I commence and what you would like me to '. Ends by saying she is 'very busy indeed just now'. Signed 'Laura'.

Unsigned Typed Letter; with two-page Typed Letter from 'The Advertisers'; both to Morley Stuart, Croydon House, Pelham Road, Seaford, Sussex.

George Thompson Brown Davis [John Wilbur Chapman; Charles McCallon Alexander]
Publication details: 
Letter from 'The Advertisers': 20 July 1908, Birmingham [England]; letter from Davis: 27 November 1908, 158 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

American evangelist (1873-1967), founder of the Pocket Testament League and the Million Testaments Campaign. One page damp-affected but text clear, some creasing. The letter from Davis is mounted on a leaf from an autograph album, and the two leaves of the other item are both glued along one edge to the same leaf. Letter from the Advertisers, two pages (on two leaves of different size), quarto. Some words of text on second leaf obscured through first leaf being glued over left-hand margin of leaf, but legible through paper of first leaf.

Autograph Note Signed (F Matania) to unnamed correspondent.

Chevalier Fortunino Matania (1881-1963), Italian artist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

One page, quarto. On lightly creased, aged paper with a few closed tears. Rust marks from paperclip at head. Reads 'Il triangolo della perfezione arte scienza ad amore | [signed] F Matania'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice (1780-1863), 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne, Whig politician and abolitionist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly one and three-quarter inches by five and a quarter wide. Aged, ruckled, and with traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Reads 'Your very faithful | servt | Lansdowne', and on reverse, '<...> as if I did so I shou<...> | be referred to the answer <...>'.

Autograph Signatures together with Autograph self-caricatures.

Flotsam and Jetsam [Bentley Collingwood Hilliam (1890-1965), tenor, and Malcolm McEachern (1883-1945), bass], British Music Hall entertainers of the 1920s, 30s and 40s
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper four inches by three and a half, neatly mounted on slightly larger piece of blue paper, docketed 'FLOTSAM & JETSAM | 2 POPULAR ENTERTAINERS'. The crude caricatures (probably by Hilliam rather than McEachern) consist of a crude and highly-stylised image of the heads and shoulders of the two, looking to the left, in hat and cap and both smoking pipes. Beneath is 'Yours very sincerely | [signed] Flotsam and [signed] Jetsam'. Among the duo's recordings is a comic song entitled 'What was the matter with Rachmaninov?' (1927).

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. D.') to 'E. W.'

Taffrail' (Commander Henry Taprell Dorling,1883-1968), British sailor and author
Publication details: 
18 December [no year], on letterhead 'FROM CAPTAIN TAPRELL DORLING, D.S.O., R.N. | MARLINGS, | WOKING. | TEL: 981.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good on lightly-foxed blue paper. He has sent his correspondent's letter to the naval correspondent of The Times, and hopes 'that some good may come of it.' Would like to receive 'any more snippets you have from time to time. I didn't know, for instance, that the racing whaler had Sussex until the other day, otherwise I should have tried to make a song about it!' Sends seasons greetings, and wishes him the 'Best of luck'.

Autograph Letter Signed by George Lumbard ('Geo Lumbard') to unnamed correspondent.

Christy's Minstrels [The Christy Minstrels; Edwin Pearce Christy; George Christy [Harrington]; George Lumbard]
Christys Minstrels
Publication details: 
Town Hall, Buckingham; 12 March 1866.
Christys Minstrels

One page, 12mo. Good on piece of lightly-creased and aged paper, neatly mounted on slightly-larger piece of paper. Enclosing funds 'for the Use of St Andrews Hall April 2nd. 3rd. & 4th./66 for Christys Minstrels Concerts'. Postscript requests that receipt be sent to Reading in Berkshire: 'Shall be there on Thursday next'. A significant document. 1866 marked the introduction of the minstrel show into England by Christy's Minstrels, and the first of several extremely successful tours by the company.

Autograph letter signed to the Lord Mayor

George Grenville, Lord Nugent
Publication details: 
Wardour Castle nr. Salisbury, 2 Nov. 1825

Statesman and writer (1788-1850). 3pp., 8vo. He has heard that his name has been used in the prospectus for the Gwennap mining company. H explains that he was approached but decioded not to allow his name to be used or to buy any shares in it. He hopes the Lord Mayor will take any opportunity of saying this.

Autograph letter signed to [?] Young,

Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey of Bulkeley,
Publication details: 
13 September 1905, with letterhead "SUNBEAM RYS".

Politician and maritime administrator (1836-1918). 3pp,12mo. "If you could postpone the date for a week, it would afford me the greatest pleasure to present the testimonial to Canon Simpson. Kindly send me list of a few leading subscriptions as a guide, addressed to Chapel Wood / Nutley / Uckfield. / I am at Milan International Maritime Conferrence last week Septr / Yours faithfully / Brassey"..

Autograph Card Signed ('Lamb') to Ian Treg. Jenkyn, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London.

Lynton Harold Lamb (1907-1977), British painter, book illustrator and designer
Publication details: 
[Venice; 1970].

Postcard with painting of Rialto Bridge by Canaletto. Postmarked 1970. Ruckled with damp but entirely legible. An amusing communication, beginning 'Thought I would let you know that we were not involved in the great tornado that sunk a voporetto [sic] on Lirica 4, and that the Hotel alla Fava is still very comfortable.' Refers to the Lambs' 'self-contained eyrie' and 'the weak fast coffee which tastes of mud; but clearly and obviously isn't'.

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