[Vertès, Hungarian-French costume designer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vertès') to 'Cher M. Ede', accompanying a Typed Signed Article on his oscar-winning collaboration with John Huston on the 1952 film 'Moulin Rouge'. Both documents in French.

Vertès [Marcel Vertès] (1895-1961), Hungarian-French costume designer and illustrator, winner of two Academy Awards [John Huston (1906-1987), American film director; Eliot Elisofon; Oswald Morris]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 4 January 1954. No place. Typed account without date or place.

Vertès won two Oscars for his work on John Huston's 1952 biography of Toulouse-Lautrec, 'Moulin Rouge': Best Art Direction (with Paul Sheriff) and Best Costume Design. The second of the present two items is an article Ede had invited Vertès to write on his role in the film; the first is the covering letter with which it was sent. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed to 'Cher M. Ede'. 4 January 1954. 2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He is enclosing 'le petit texte', which he hopes will be to Ede's taste.

[ Littleton Powys, second-eldest of the Powys family, Sherborne schoolmaster and naturalist.] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Littleton') to the journalist Collin Brooks ('Collin'), mainly regarding his late wife the novelist Elizabeth Myers.

Littleton Powys [Littleton Charles Powys] (1874-1955) of the Powys Family, teacher (Sherborne) and naturalist [his wife the novelist Elizabeth Myers (1903-1947); Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist]
Publication details: 
All four letters from The Quarry House, The Avenue, Sherborne, Dorset. (The first on a letterhead of the address.) 5 May, 20 August and 10 September 1948; and 28 April 1949.

Four good letters, in which the author's love for his wife and grief at her death are apparent. Littleton Powys was the second-eldest of eleven, his siblings including writers John Cowper Powys, T. F. Powys and Llewelyn Powys, architect A. R. Powys, artist Gertrude Powys, lacemaker Marian Powys, and poet and novelist Philippa Powys. His autobiography 'The Joy of it' was published in 1937, with the sequel 'Still the Joy of it' appearing in 1956. The four letters are in good condition, lightly aged. They total 12pp., 12mo.

[Val Guest, film director associated with Hammer horror.] Signed Autograph Score of his song '”Swell” | Lyrics and music by | Val Guest'.

Val Guest [Valmond Maurice Guest] (1911-2006), Hammer horror film director and screenwriter
Publication details: 
No date or place. [London, 1940s?]

In the 1940s Guest wrote the lyrics to several songs by the American composer Manning Sherwin (1902-1974), several of them for his comedy 'I'll be your Sweetheart' (1945), but he is not known to have written any music himself. No record has been found of the present item, but it presumably dates from the same period. It is 4pp., 4to. On bifolium of printed music paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with central vertical fold. The title is on the cover: '”Swell” | Lyrics and music by | Val Guest'. There is an illegible name lightly written at top right in another hand.

[Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby School.] Autograph Signature ('T. Arnold') on part of letter to close friend or family member.

Thomas Arnold (1795-1842), headmaster of Rugby School and pioneering educationalist; father of the poet Matthew Arnold
Publication details: 
No place or date.

4.5 x 18.5 cm slip of paper. In fair condition, aged and laid down on piece of card. Four lines from the conclusion of a letter. Reads: '[…] Things here are going on as usual, – and all our Friends are well. – Tucker will write to you soon himself about your Visit to Malling, - which I yet hope will be accomplished. I hope your next Letter will contain some Account of the State of the Inhabitants of Fled:, and when you expect your Uncle Home – Adieu & believe me ever your | very sincerely attached & affectionate Friend. | T. Arnold.'

[Thomas Clater, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Clater') to T. W. Winstanley, Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution, giving catalogue details of two paintings he is exhibiting in the Manchester Exhibition of 1842.

Thomas Clater (1789-1867), English artist [T. W. Winstanley, Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution; Manchester Exhibition, 1842]
Publication details: 
11 Whiteheads Grove, Chelsea. 12 August 1842.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed by Clater on verso of second leaf to 'T. W. Winstanley | Royal Manchester | Institution'. Opens: 'Dear Sir | I beg leave to forward to your Exhibition two pictures'. 'No 1', which Winstanley has given the catalogue number 294 is 'May day', priced at 100 guineas, for which Clater provides a six-line poetic quotation. 'No 2' (catalogue number 135) is 'The Village Post Office', priced at 30 guineas.

[Nina Bawden, novelist and children's writer.] Autograph Signed Inscription on card.

Nina Bawden (1925-2012), English novelist and children's writer
Publication details: 
Card with her letterhead, 22 Noel Road, London N1 8HA. No date.

On one side of 10.5 x 14.5 cm grey-blue card. In very good condition. Inscription in blue ink, beneath the letterhead (which includes email address and phone number): 'This is for the Autograph Auction next March. | Good luck, | Nina Bawden'.

[Philip Henry Wicksteed, economist, theologian and Dante scholar.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Philip H. Wicksteed'), first to 'Mrs. Chepmell', second to 'Mrs. Borrer', topics including his love of his work, a bicycling holiday, a meeting.

Philip Henry Wicksteed (1844-1927), economist, Unitarian theologian, classicist, medievalist, literary critic and Dante scholar
Publication details: 
[Chepmell letter on letterhead of Childrey near Wantage, 7 February 1904. Borrer letter on letterhead of Mount Pleasant, Sidmouth, 22 April 1904.

Both letters are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 'Mrs. Chepmell' was the wife of Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist. Mrs. Borrer' was the wife of Cary Hampton Borrer (1838-1918) of Hurstpierpoint. ONE: To 'Dear Mrs. Chepmell', 7 February 1904. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Begins: 'I find that Mr. Cranage the Cambridge secretary [Rev. David Herbert Somerset Cranage (1866-1957)] is coming down to Hurstpierpoint on Thursday & is going to lunch with Mrs.

[Seán MacEntee, Fianna Fáil politician and Tánaiste.] Typed Letter Signed ('Seán MacEntee') to T. J. Hickey, editor of 'The Statist', commending an article on Hilaire Belloc by Collin Brooks. With Autograph Note Signed from Hickey to Brooks.

Seán MacEntee [Seán Mac an tSaoi] (1889-1984), Irish Fianna Fáil politician, Tánaiste [Thomas J. Hickey; Collin Brooks (1893-1959), Fleet Street journalist; Hilaire Belloc; Easter Rising, 1916]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Oifig an Aire Airgeadais, (Office of the Minister for Finance) Baile Átha Cliath. (Dublin). 27 July 1953.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with punch holes at margin. MacEntee begins his letter to Hickey: 'In the tribute which “The Statist” pays to the late Hilaire Belloc a reference is made to his essay on usury. I read this some time ago but cannot recall the title of the volume in which it appeared. I should be grateful, indeed, if you would be kind enough to make good the lacuna by supplying the missing title.' He congratulates Hickey 'on the article itself'.

[Sir Shane Leslie, diplomat, author and Winston Churchill's cousin.] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Shane Leslie'), three to the journalist Collin Brooks and the other a letter of condolence to Brooks's widow. With TLS from Brooks to Leslie.

Sir Shane Leslie [Sir John Randolph Leslie] (1885-1971), Irish diplomat, author and first cousin of Sir Winston Churchill [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), Fleet Street journalist]
Publication details: 
Three from London addresses: The Shamrock Club, 28 Hertford Street; 38 Knightsbridge Court, Sloane Street; letterhead of 5 Morpeth Mansions. One from Glaslough, County Monaghan, Eire [Ireland]. 1945 (2), 1948, 1959.

The four letters are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Each 1p., 12mo. The first three letters are written to Brooks, as editor of 'Truth'; the fourth is a letter of condolence to Brooks's wife. In the first letter (14 April 1945) he apologises for the delay in sending in a review: 'I have been two months out of the country and nothing could be forwarded.' He adds: 'I wish I saw more of Charles Webster.

[Francis Ralph Gray, first High Mistress of St Paul's School.] Autograph Signature ('Frances R. Gray' to an eight-line transcription 'From the St Paul's Girls' School Song', inscribed to Margery Clerk.

Frances Ralph Gray (c. 1863-1935), first High Mistress of St Paul's School, 1902 to 1927
Publication details: 
5 April 1927. In envelope with printed address of St. Paul's Girls' School, Brook Green, Hammersmith, S.W. [London]

An attractive item, neatly written out by Gray on 1p., 4to. In good condition, with central horizontal fold. Headed 'From the St. Paul's Girls' School Song'. The eight transcribed lines begin: 'In Faith and Knowledge! May it prove | When here our work is done, | […]' Beneath the quotation Gray has written: 'With my love to Margery | Frances R. Gray | 3rd. April 1927'. In envelope with the address of the school printed at top left of cover, addressed at centre by Gray to 'Margery Clerk'.

[George Augustus Sala: 1881 Christmas Day menu by 'Sala & Co | Refreshment Contractors'.] Hand-written menu on decorative card.

George Augustus Sala (1828-1895), journalist, author and bon viveur, associated with the Illustrated London News (as G. A. S.) and the Daily Telegraph, founder of the Savage Club,
Publication details: 
'Sala & Co | Refreshment Contractors | 46 Mecklenburgh Sq. | W.C.' 1881.

An attractive item, neatly written out in black ink on one side of a 13 x 8.5 cm piece of shiny card, with printed decorative border of flowers in gold and blue. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with traces of mount adhering to reverse. As a joke, at the foot, in block capitals, the menu is attributed to 'Sala & Co | Refreshment Contractors', at Sala's address. An interesting artefact of the Victorian Christmas. The menu reads:'[fleuron] Menu. | CHRISTMAS DAY | 1881 | oysters on the half shell.

[Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Seignelay, Navy Secretary to Louis XIV.] Autograph Signature ('Seignelay') on valediction to a document.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Seignelay (1651-1690), Navy Secretary to Louis XIV
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On 6 x 11.5 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a document. In good condition, on aged paper, laid down on piece of grey paper cut from an album, with the words 'Marquis Seignelay.' in a nineteenth-century hand at the foot of the mount. Seignelay's signature is large and bold, above the following words in a neat secretarial hand: 'Vostre tres humble & tres Seruiteur.'

[Jeanne de Casalis, film and stage actress, writes to 'Mr. Knot' (E. V. Knox) of 'Punch'.] Autograph Card in the third person, informing him when she will be doing a BBC radio broadcast of his 'Reparation'.

Jeanne de Casalis [born Jeanne Casalis de Pury in Basutoland] (1897-1966), Anglo-French stage and screen actress [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox, pseud. 'Evoe'] (1881-1971), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Hunger Hatch, Little Chart, Kent. Postmarked 28 June 1941.

Card with stamp and postmark. Of the two addresses in her letterhead, she has deleted the London one (105 Hallam Street, W1). In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed to 'Secretary to | E. V. Knot [sic] Eq. | Offices of “Punch”'. The card reads: 'Miss de Casalis hopes to broadcast Mr. Knot's “Reparation” at the end of her turn on Friday 27th 9.35 to 10.15 (Forces programme) & again on Sunday to Forces abroad.'

['George' Strube, Daily Express political cartoonist.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both '”George” STRUBE') to journalist Collin Brooks, regarding the the photographic reproduction of a picture. With copy of a letter from Brooks.

'George' Strube [Sidney Conrad Strube] (1891-1956), Daily Express political cartoonist, receiving the highest salary in Fleet Street Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist, editor of Sunday Dispatch]
Publication details: 
On (different) letterheads of the Daily Express, Fleet Street, London. 18 April and 9 May 1947.

Both 1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with paperclip stain to first letter. Unusual signature, in block capitals. Both addressed to Brooks at the Savage Club, with both salutations to 'Collin'. ONE: 18 April 1947. Begins: 'My dear Collin, | I consulted my firend in the Process Department here and he said that a half-tone block would not be very successful, as there is a dash of colour in the picture and the half-tone would not bring it out very well. He thought that a photograph on a piece of Matt bromide paper would look much better and not spoil the detail of the drawing.

[Caleb Robert Stanley, English artist.] Autograph communication, with Stanley's name ('C R Stanley') and address, to [T. W. Winstanley] Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution, giving details of two paintings for its 1842 exhibition.

Caleb Robert Stanley [C. R. Stanley] (1795-1868), English artist [T. W. Winstanley, Secretary, Royal Manchester Institution; Manchester Exhibition, 1842]
Publication details: 
'C R Stanley | 25 Gt Maddox St | Hanover Sqre. [London]' 9 August 1842.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed by Stanley, with red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, to 'The Secretary | In the Manchester Institution | Moseley [sic] St | Manchester'. The text itself consists of the names and prices of the two pictures to be submitted to the 1842 show, with the date and Stanley's name and address: 'No 1. | Water Mill | North Devon | 25£ with Frame. | No 2 | Lane Scene | Painted from Nature | 25£ with Frame | C R Stanley | 25 Gt Maddox St | Hanover Sqre. | August 9th. 1842'.

[Dame Margot Fonteyn, the Royal Ballet and Rudolf Nureyev.] Indexed volume from the editorial office of the magazine 'Ballet Today', containing reviews and photographs of Fonteyn, some with Nureyev, with typed and manuscript annotation.

'[Dame Margot Fonteyn, the Royal Ballet and Rudolf Nureyev] Ballet Today', London dance magazine, founded by P. W. Manchesterr [Janet Sinclair]
Publication details: 
'Ballet Today', London. Between 1954 and 1970.

Ballet Today was a monthly magazine founded in 1946 by Phyllis Winifred Manchester (1907-1998). In 1951 Manchester settled in New York, leaving four colleagues, one of whom was Janet Sinclair (c.1922-1999), in joint charge of the magazine. The present item is a volume from the editorial office of 'Ballet Today', containing numerous cuttings of photographs and reviews from the magazine, with typed captions and manuscript annotations, also a few photographic prints, laid down over 104pp., 4to, of a scrapbook bound in green cloth.

[John Moore of Tewkesbury, writer, naturalist and conservationist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Moore') to Edward Thomas's friend R. N. Green-Armytage, asking for personal recollections of Thomas, and the loan of letters, for his biography.

John Moore [John Cecil Moore] (1907-1967) of Tewkesbury, author and conservationist [Robert North Green-Armytage, friend of Edward Thomas]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 11, The Gastons, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. 17 January 1936.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Addressed to 'Dear Mr Green-Armytage', corrected from 'Armitage'. The letter begins: 'You may have heard that a Committee, of which Walter De la Mare is chairman, is considering the question of putting up some sort of memorial to Edward Thomas. At the same time I am beginning work on a Life and Letters of Edward Thomas, which has Mrs Thomas' approval, and is intended to be something in the nature of a memorial edition.' He will 'shortly be issuing an appeal in the press for the loan of letters etc in the possession of E.

[Kathleen Teresa Blake Butler, Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge.] Autograph Card Signed ('K. T. B.') to Eric Dingwall, regarding the reception of Richardson's 'Pamela' in late eighteenth-century Italy.

Kathleen Teresa Blake Butler (1883-1950), Italian scholar and Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge, 1942-1949 [Eric Dingwall ('Dirty Ding') (1890-1986), bibliographer and anthropologist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead: 'From The Mistress, Girton College, Cambridge.' 17 September 1948.

In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Eric Dingwall Esq | 19 Grange Court | Grange Rd | Cambridge'. Written in a neat close hand. She gives details of a 1744 Italian translation of Richardson's Pamela she has found of a Parisian catalogue of 1774: 'Translator's name not given'. She adds: 'Pamela was v. popular in Italy in the second half of the 18th. century. It inspired two of Goldoni's comedies Pamela Fanciulla and Pamela Maritata'. In a postscript she explains that she brought the present postcard 'into the U[niversity]. L[ibrary].

[Sir Henry Irving, illustrious Victorian actor-manager.] Autograph Signature ('Henry Irving:') on printed circular invitation to act as stewerd at the Annual Dinner of The Actors' Benevolent Fund, made out by Irving to the novelist Hall Caine.

Sir Henry Irving [John Henry Brodribb] (1838-1905), illustrious Victorian actor-manager [Hall Caine, novelist]; Artists' Benevolent Fund
Publication details: 
Lyceum Theatre [London], 29 April 1891.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Aged and worn, with small spots at head and foot. Irving's signature is firm and bold. The only other words in his autograph are 'Dear Hall Caine', but there is slight offsetting of other writing by Irving on the blank second leaf. The circular is an invitation to be 'placed on the list of Stewards on the occasion of the Annual Dinner of "The Actors' Benevolent Fund," of which I am the President'. Irving will be in the chair, and the dinner will take place at the Whitehall Rooms, Hotel Metropole.

[King George III and his Prime Minister the Duke of Portland.] Signatures of 'George R.' and 'Portland', to the commission of William Griffith as 'Captain in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly & its neighbourhood' (Carnarvonshire, Wales).

King George III (1738-1820); Duke of Portland, British Prime Minister [William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)]
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at St. James's the 24th Day of June 1798 in the Thirty Eighth Year of Our Reign.'

1p., 8vo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with closed tear along fold line of second leaf, which is blank other than the manuscript docketing: 'William Griffith Esq. | Captain | in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly and it's [sic] neighbourhood'. The actual document, on the recto of the first leaf is a printed form completed in manuscript. The king's bold signature 'George R.' is at the top left, while the Duke's ('Portland') is appended 'By His Majesty's Command' at the end.

[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and Ramsay MacDonald's lover.] Manuscript score of song titled 'Pierrot', with 'Words by Lady Margaret Sackville' and 'Music by Ann Pearce'.

Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), English poet and children’s author, lover of Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, daughter of Earl De La Warr, cousin of Vita Sackville-West [Ann Pearce]
Publication details: 
Without words and music.

4pp., 4to. In red ink on bifolium of printed music paper. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with a few minor smudges. The song is andante, and the lyrics begin: 'Pierrot, lovesick And out of tune, Took his guitar and sang to the moon. Sang all night With mouth awry, Whilst light clouds drifted across the sky.' Also included is a Post Office Telegram from 'Aunt Margery' to 'Lady Catherine Sackville Fishers gate Withyham', 29 July 1946: 'Terribly disappointed held up missed train by one minute best love'..From the Sackville papers.

[Lord Beaverbrook responds to Collin Brooks's appeal for a job.] Two telegrams ('Maxwell Beaverbrook' and 'Max'), one in reply to Brooks's appeal on loss of editorship of Truth, with copy letter from publisher Ronald Staples.

Lord Beaverbrook [Max Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook] (1879-1964), Fleet Street press baron [Collin Brooks, journalist and editor; Ronald Staples, publisher of the magazine 'Truth']
Publication details: 
Four items from 1952, the other from 1950.

Five documents. The two telegrams are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn; the other items are in good condition. A photocopy of a typed page from Brooks's diary explains the context in entertaining fashion: '”Staggerer number one,” whispered Dick Swiveller over my shoulder this morning when on my office desk I found a letter from Ronald Staples giving me a twelve month's statutory notice of dismissal from the editorship of Truth.' He explains that the magazine is losing money, and criticises Staples's plans. 'However – here's a how-de-do!

[Hall Caine's brother Ralph threatens Lord Northcliffe's Amalgamated Press with legal action for 'stealing my idea' on popular publishing.] Two Typed Letters Signed from 'Ralph' to his 'Papa & mama', with his Typed 'complete [solicitors'] statement'.

Ralph Hall Caine (1865-1939), Isle of Man author and journalist; brother of novelist Hall Caine [Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe; Sir Harold Harmsworth; Amalgamated Press]
Publication details: 
Letters on letterhead of 2 Tudor Street, London E.C. [Amalgamated Press Ltd offices] 15 March and 18 April 1907. Statement without place or date.

The three items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS, 15 March 1907. 4pp., 4to. He is sending a copy (i.e. Item Three below) of 'a complete statement of what has taken place up to date. In fact it is the actual statement I placed before my Solicitor this afternoon […] Of course this is what we might have expected from these people, and it does not come as a very great surprise. | It is a direct attempt to get out of their obligations, as they have done before, as they can get this new man, and have got him – at something like £500 a year without an interest'.

[C. E. M. Joad, philosopher, member of 'The Brains Trust' BBC radio panel, and convicted railway fare dodger.] Typed Letter Signed to Collin Brooks, editor of the Sunday Dispatch, outlining a proposed article on 'Nazi rule in Germany'.

C. E. M. Joad [Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad] (1891-1953), English philosopher and radio broadcaster, whose career ended in disgrace [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), ournalist and Fleet Street editor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 4 Easrt Heath Road, Hampstead, N.W.3. [London] 25 September 1939.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed 'Cyril Joad'. Written in the same month as Britain and France had declared war, the letter begins: 'I don't know whether you are still running the Sunday Dispatch, but if you are, how about an article on the philosophy which underlies the Nazi rule in Germany?

[Hall Caine, novelist: studio portrait and signed autograph inscription.] Signed Autograph Inscription ('Hall Caine') to Lady Campbell Clarke, with print of studio portrait photograph.

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), popular Isle of Man author [Lady Campbell Clarke]
Publication details: 
No place. 9 November 1905.

An attractive item, in good condition, lightly aged and spotted. On one side of a piece of 17.5 x 25 cm landscape paper, with the autograph writing on the right-hand side and the 15 x 10 cm print of a studio portrait laid down on the left-hand side. Caine was a striking and instantly-recognisable individual, and the photograph shows him in characteristic style, bare-headed in his usual dress of long double-breasted coat with white cravat, staring intently at the camera, with a book in his right hand, and his right hand draped across his left thigh, his left leg being elevated on a chair.

[Beauchamp Tower, inventor, describes his 'yachting cruises during the past season' in the Gwynfa to Sir Richard Harington.] Nineteen-page Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dick', comprising extracts from his diary, including a pair of hand-drawn diagrams.

Beauchamp Tower (1845-1904), English inventor and railway engineer, discoverer of full-film or hydrodynamic lubrication [Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet (1861-1931)]
Publication details: 
Warley Mount, Brentwood, 30 October 1901.

19pp, foolscap 8vo. On five bifoliums. Neatly and closely written. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Tower's letter begins: 'My dear Dick | I enclose a chart [not present] which will show you at a glance my yachting cruises during the past season'.

[The Earl of Dartmouth wishes to remain anonymous.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dartmouth') to an unnamed cleric, regarding his subscription to a forthcoming volume.

The Earl of Dartmouth [William Legge, 4th Earl of Dartmouth] (1784-1853), FRS, FSA, styled Viscount Lewisham between 1801 and 1810, peer and politician
Publication details: 
Sandwell. 2 May 1850.

1p., 12mo. Mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 'Dartmouth' neatly written in another hand at head. With reference to a forthcoming subscription appeal for a book by the recipient the letter reads: 'Revd. Sir, | With reference to your note of the 30th. April, I must beg to stipulate that you neither print mine, to which it refers, nor insert my name in any list of subscribers that you may circulate, my subscription may be entered, if you please, as that of a friend fo the Revd J. Hermby'.

[the Earl of Shaftesbury, Liberal politician and philanthropist.] Autograph Note Signed ('Shaftesbury') to 'R. G. [Davies?], giving instructions on the sending of a report.

The Earl of Shaftesbury [ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury ] (1801-1885), Liberal politician, philanthropist and social reformer
Publication details: 
No place. 17 November 1873.

1p., 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Sir | There is no need to notice the enclosed, beyond sending the writer a copy of the Report, as soon as it is out.'

[Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Canadian Arctic explorer, regarded by Roald Amundsen as 'the greatest humbug alive'.] Typed Letter Signed ('V. Stefansson') to English author Clifford Bax; regarding plans for a meeting in New York.

Vilhjalmur Stefansson [Vilhjálmur Stefánsson] (1879-1962), Canadian Arctic explorer of Icelandic extraction, ethnologist and archaeologist [Clifford Bax (1886-1962), English author; the Harvard Club]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 67 Moreton Street, New York. 25 March, 1935.

Stefansson was involved in two disasters: the loss of the Karluk during the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913–1916 to explore the regions west of Parry Archipelago for the Government of Canada, which he led; and the Wrangel Island fiasco, 1921. 1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He writes to Bax 'c/o Hill & Peters'. The letter begins: 'Just as I am starting on a lecture tour, a letter comes from Marjorie Humphreys saying you are about to arrive and asking that I do something for you.

[William Charles Macready, celebrated actor, friend of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. C. Macready.') [to 'Hawtrey'], regarding Prince Albert, the education of the poor, and the recipient's brother's school.

William Charles Macready [W. C. Macready], celebrated actor, friend of Charles Dickens [Hawtrey; Sherborne, Dorset ]
Publication details: 
Sherborne House [Dorset]. 31 May [no year, but before 1860].

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium with mourning border, on paper embossed with the Macready crest. In fair condition, lightly aged, with torn hole to one corner of the first leaf (not affecting text), presumably caused by removal from mount. The recipient is clearly a member of the Hawtrey family (and presumably a relation of Edward Craven Hawtrey of Eton), as the letter concludes with the Macready family's best wishes 'to Mrs. Hawtrey'. It must date from before Macready's departure for Cheltenham in 1860.

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