[Apartheid in South Africa and British Foreign Office] Foreign Office briefing document titled 'The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities'.

Apartheid in South Africa and the British Foreign Office [Information Research Department; Special Intelligence Service]
Publication details: 
[United Kingdom Foreign Office, Whitehall, London. Circa 1953.]

From a batch of Foreign Office documents, including material from the Information Research Department (for whose activities, financed from the budget of the Special Intelligence Service, otherwise MI6, see The Times, 17 August 1995; and also Michael Cullis's obituary of Sir John Peck in the Independent, 20 January 1995). Duplicated typescript. Headed: '(g) The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities.' 10pp, foolscap 8vo. Pagination on pp.2-10 preceded by '(g)'.

[Sir Day Hort Bosanquet, Governor of South Africa.] Autograph Note Signed ('Day H. Bosanquet'), from the papers of marine artist William Lionel Wyllie, regarding his work for a Conservative candidate in a General Election.

Sir Day Hort Bosanquet (1843-1923), Governor of South Africa, 1909-1914, and Royal Navy admiral
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [1900?]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, wtih light paperclip damage at one corner. The recipient is not named, but the item is from the Wyllie papers. Reads: 'I have been in Herefordshire working for Captain Clive the Conservative candidate - I daresay you may have seen we got him in. | Yours very truly | Day H. Bosanquet'. Percy Archer Clive (1873-1918) was member of parliament for Ross, Herefordshire, 1900-1906 and 1908-1918.

[ A 'rapid survey of the British Spheres of Africa' [ by H. M. Stanley? ]] Printed pamphlet: 'Our Future Relations with Africa. Speech at Newtown, N. Wales. July 23rd, 1897.

Sir Henry Morton Stanley [ born John Rowlands ] (1841-1904), Welsh journalist and African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Speech delivered at Newtown, Powys, Wales. 23 July 1897. ]

13pp., 8vo. Stapled. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight rust to staples. Consisting of a title leaf and 9pp. of text in small print, paginated [2] 3-11. The author is not named, and no other copy of the title has been traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, but the item comes from a collection of papers by Stanley - and Africa is his specailist subject.

[ Sir Henry Morton Stanley, African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone. ] Magazine article titled 'Captain Salusbury's Congo "Revelations."'

Sir Henry Morton Stanley [ born John Rowlands ] (1841-1904), Welsh journalist and African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone [ Captain Philip H. B. Salusbury ]
Publication details: 
Extracted from 'The United Service Magazine', London, September 1896. Reproducing a letter dated from 'Grayshott, Hants. | August 15th, 1896.'

8pp., 8vo. Paginated 645-652. In good condition, lightly aged. Extracted from the magazine and with traces of stitching. Reproducing a letter dated from 'Grayshott, Hants. | August 15th, 1896.' Stanley takes offence to 'the many ridiculous calumnies found in amost every sentence of [Salusbury's] article in your magazine'. He begins: 'I greatly regret being compelled to reply to an article in the June number of your magazine called "The Congo State: a Revelation;" but I am sure Captain Salusbury, the writer of it, must have expected me to do so.'

[ 'The Livingstone Memorial. At Chitambo's, British Central Africa.' ] Leaflet carrying printed circular letter by Henry M. Stanley, 'soliciting a small subscription'.

Henry M. Stanley [ Sir Henry Morton Stanley; Doctor David Livingstone; The Livingstone Memorial at Chitambo's, British Central Africa ]
Publication details: 
Stanley's letter dated from 2 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, London. May 1899.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tear at head of both leaves. There are gaps to the document, for the insertion in manuscript of the recipient's name and for the completion of the date. First page headed 'The Livingstone Memorial. At Chitambo's, British Central Africa.' The first part of the leaflet reproduces a letter by 'HENRY M. STANLEY', dated from Richmond Terrace, May 1899. The second part, on the lower two-thirds of the last page, consists of an extract in small print, headed: 'The following is extracted from “Africa,” February, 1898.

[ Sir Henry Morton Stanley Welsh journalist and African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone. ] Printed pamphlet titled 'In Stanley's Footsteps: By E. Hughes, and what the World says of the Candidate for North Lambeth.

E. Hughes [ Sir Henry Morton Stanley [ born John Rowlands ] (1841-1904), Welsh journalist and African explorer associated with Dr David Livingstone ]
Publication details: 
Printed & Published by McCorquodale & Co. Ltd., "The Armoury," London, S.E. [ Dated in manuscript 'July 1895'. ]

16pp., 4to. Stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged, with two punch holes to the inner margin. Laid out in double column in the manner of a newspaper article, with drophead title, and a photographic portrait of Stanley taking up most of the first page. A seven-page endorsement of Stanley is followed by nine pages of positive extracts and quotations concerning him, beginning with 'The Finding of Dr. Livingstone. | Message of the Queen to Mr. H. M. Stanley' and 'Dr.

[ Jeremy Thorpe, disgraced Liberal Party leader. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jeremy') to 'Peter' [ documentary-maker Peter Morley ], with 'Memorandum on suggested Programme for "This Week"', 'on the South African question', signed 'Jeremy Thorpe.'

Jeremy Thorpe [ John Jeremy Thorpe ] (1929-2014), disgraced Liberal Party leader [ Peter Morley [ Franz Peter Meyer ] (1924-2016), television documentary maker; Apartheid; South Africa ]
Publication details: 
Both the letter and the memorandum on House of Commons letterheads. Letter dated 3 June 1960; memorandum undated.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, and stapled together. Between 1960 and 1963 Morley was producer of ITV current affairs series 'This Week'. ONE: ALS from 'Jeremy' to 'My dear Peter'. 3 June 1960. 1p., 12mo. Enclosing the 'preliminary Memorandum', and giving his contact details at the Liberal Club. 'In Kenya I have very good contacts who cd lay on a private plane (gratis!) to investigate the re-emergence of mau mau. | In the Protectorate I think I cd arrange Transport.' He ends by opining that 'this scheme has possibilities'.

[ Sarah Gertrude Millin, South African author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Magraw' [ children's author B. I. Magraw ], regarding her biography of Cecil Rhodes, the film version, and the recipient's 'play' of it.

Sarah Gertrude Millin (1889-1968), South African author, born in Lithuania [ Beatrice Irene Magraw [ B. I. Magraw, born Beatrice Irene May ] (c.1888-1970), author ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 34 Pallinghurst Road, Westcliff, Johannesburg. 22 March 1940.

1p., 4to. She is 'very happy that RHODES gave you pleasure when you so badly needed it'. She hopes she will 'use your play in any way you wish. I hope it will go very well. It should.' She points out that there is 'a film made from the book - not much to my liking'. The letter ends: 'I hope your eyes are well again.'

[ Sir Charles Dundas and the British East Africa Protectorate. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Dundas') to his sister Hilda [ Whitaker ], sending news regarding his posting.

Sir Charles Dundas [ Sir Charles Cecil Farquharson Dundas ] (1884-1956), colonial administrator, Governor of the Bahamas, 1933-1940, and of Uganda, 1940-1943
Publication details: 
'Kilim' [ Kilimanjaro, British East Africa Protectorate. ] 6 February 1909.

Dundas and his sister Hilda Guilhermina Whitaker were children of the 6th Viscount Melville. See his entry in Who Was Who, and his obituary in The Times, 11 February 1956. The present item was written during his first posting, as Assistant District Commissioner in the British East Africa Protectorate, 1908-1914. He would go on to publish a book on the region, titled 'Kilimanjaro and its People' (1924). 7pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He has 'just returned from a trip to an uninhabitated [sic] place in search of people who do not exist.

[ A British Prisoner of War Camp in the aftermath of the Boer War. ] Mimeographed document headed 'Camp Orders by Major M. L. Ferrar | Comm[an]d[in]g Depot Batt[alio]n | Green Point Camp | 16fh. August 1902'.

Major M. L. Ferrar [ Michael Lloyd Ferrar (1876-1971) ] of the Green Howards [ Green Point Prisoner of War Camp, Cape Town South Africa; Boer War, 1902 ]
Publication details: 
Green Point Camp [ Cape Town, South Africa ]. 16 August 1902.

1p., 8vo. A mimeographed document duplicating fifty lines of handwriting (that of Ferrar himself?). Embossed government crest at top left. A scarce survival, on aged and heavily-worn paper, with closed tears and slight loss to extremities, repaired with archival tape.

[ Sir Allan Wolsey Cardinall. ] Printed bibliography: 'A Gold Coast Library by A. W. Cardinall, F.R.G.S., F.R.A.I., Author of "Natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast."'

A. W. Cardinall, F.R.G.S., F.R.A.I. [ Sir Allan Wolsey Cardinall (1887-1956); the Gold Coast; Ghana; Africa; African ]
Publication details: 
Francis Edwards, 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W.1. 1924.

36pp., 12mo. Stapled in grey printed wraps. On worn and aged paper. A list of 791 titles, with commentary and index. In an introductory paragraph Cardinall explains that as 'the Gold Coast is merely a conventional term for a portion of Western Africa which belongs to the British Crown, and has no definite boundaries save arbitrary ones of European agreement', it is 'impossible to confine oneself to works dealing exclusively with that portion of the world which we know as the Gold Coast.

[ African Expeditionary Force ][MS, in French, titled 'Avis de la Commission, chargée de l'étude préparatoire des questions relatives à l'armement des Navires à Vapeur, sur l'embarquement des troupes expeditionnaires à bord de ces Navires.'

V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon [members of an official Commission of the French Government producing a report on the foundation of a French naval expeditionary force]
Publication details: 
dated 'à la Cote d'Afrique. Paris; le 19 Mars 1849. Les Membres de la Commission, Signée: V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon.'

Folio, 30 pp. In brown leather half-binding, with marbled boards. One simple pen illustration, p. 18, showing arrangement of 'Muraille' and 'Pont'. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. Neatly set out, in a secretarial hand, with a synopsis beside each paragraph in red ink in the widened left-hand margins. As a loosely-inserted printed slip explains in English, the manuscript sets out 'instructions by a French Official Commission for the preparation and arming of a fleet of steam ships to be equipped to carry marines to form an expeditionary force to the coast of Africa.

[ North African Campaign, 1940-1943. ] Duplicated four-page document giving 'Some Golden rules for the desert', 'Tips for the desert' and 'Hints on desert driving for "B" vehicles'. With signature of Lt M. P. M. Ollard, Leicestershire Yeomanry.

North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943 [ Lt M. P. M. Ollard of 154 (Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; Field Marshal Montgomery of Alamein ]
Publication details: 
[ North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943. ]

4pp., 4to. On four leaves. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with minor rust marks from paperclip. Ownership signature at top right of first page: 'Lt M P M Ollard'. The pages are numbered in type 5 [corrected in manuscript to '1'], 2, 3 and 4. The first page is headed 'Some golden rules for the desert', with subheadings 'Desert March Discipline', 'Protection', 'Navigation', 'Messing, Rations etc.', 'Maintenance' and 'General'. The next section is headed 'Tips for the desert', with subheadings 'Clothing', 'Stores and Equipment', 'M.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Information Document prepared by Africa Committee' on 'The West African Cocoa Industry' (Gold Coast, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and French Cameroons).

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department ] [ West African Cocoa Industry; Gold Coast; Nigeria; Ivory Coast; French Cameroons; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Department, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. May, 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves. In good condition, lightly aged. The report is single-spaced, and factual rather than polemical, describing the 'network of buying stations' (run by 'non-European intermediaries (African or Syrian)') maintained by the 'European firms that buy and export practically the whole crop', and the recommendations of the 1938 Nowell Report.

Autograph Letter Signed to (Charles Edward) Fagan.

Arthur Donaldson Smith
Publication details: 
25 January 1895; Barre.

American physician and explorer of Africa (1866-1939). The recipient was Assistant Secretary at the Natural History Museum, London. One page, 12mo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper, and with remains of stub still neatly attached to one edge. A significant letter, sent on the eve of Donaldson Smith's most notable expedition. 'Just a line in haste to tell you I & Dodson [a taxidermist engaged for the expedition] are ready to start for Rudolph Gillitt [another taxidermist] having left for England after hearing of his father's death.

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr [Albert] Gunther.

Arthur Donaldson Smith
Publication details: 
24 January 1895; Barre.

American physician and explorer of Africa (1866-1939). The recipient (1830-1914) was Keeper of the Zoological Department at the British Museum, 1875-95, and Vice-President of the Royal Society, 1875-6. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, on slightly discoloured paper with a little light spotting. Traces of previous mount adhering to one edge. He is sending some 'spirit-specimens' from his collection and has written to Sir William Flower 'as to the disposition of the entire collection'.

Autograph Letter Signed to (Charles Edward) Fagan.

Arthur Donaldson Smith
Publication details: 
25 January 1895; Barre.

American physician and explorer of Africa (1866-1939). The recipient was Assistant Secretary at the Natural History Museum, London. One page, 12mo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper, and with remains of stub still neatly attached to one edge. A significant letter, sent on the eve of Donaldson Smith's most notable expedition. 'Just a line in haste to tell you I & Dodson [a taxidermist engaged for the expedition] are ready to start for Rudolph Gillitt [another taxidermist] having left for England after hearing of his father's death.

[ Tanganyika Territory in the nineteen-thirties; Big Game Hunting ] Six long Autograph Letters Signed from Hugo Meynell to his father F. H. Lindley Meynell, including a sixteen-page letter describing a safari in the Serengeti.

Hugo Meynell (1909-1960), son of Francis Hugo Lindley Meynell (1880-1941) of Hoar Cross, Burton-on-Trent [ Tanganyika Territory in the nineteen-thirties; big game hunting in Africa; African Safari]
Publication details: 
Four of the letters on letterheads of Mtotohovu, Tanga, Tanganyika Territory; one on letterhead of Union-Castle Line SS 'Durham Castle', and another from Thaba Bosigo, Fouriesburg Rail, Orange Free State. Between 1 September 1932 and 4 January 1933.

A total of 46pp., mostly on 4to Mtotohovu letterheads. In fair condition, aged and worn. From the Meynell family papers. In the first letter he describes his preparations for an elephant shoot on the Serengeti: 'I a taking a 400 elephant gun a 300 high velocity gun, and a shot gun. My escort consists of a gun bearer, cook, tent boy lorry driver & skinner.' Of the participants in the '"Ngoma" native dance games' he writes: 'they really were awful, covered in red & yellow clay or mud - they really did look maniacs & I am sure are more than half Savages'.

British Army Boer War map of 'Melmonth [ i.e. Melmoth ]': 'Sheet No. 37' in 'Transvaal (Major Jackson's Series)'.

Major H. M. Jackson, Royal Engineers [ Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria; Boer War map: Melmoth, Transvaal ]
Publication details: 
[ British Army ] Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria, 1901. 'Photo-lithographed - Pretoria - June 1901 | Mapping Section - Field Intelligence Dept - Army Head Qrs.'

Photolithographically printed in black on one side of a 51 x 63 cm. piece of cloth, folding into a 16.5 x 11 cm. packet, in green printed cloth covers backed with card. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor signs of age and wear. Cover reads: 'Transvaal. | (Major Jackson's Series). | Sheet No. 37. | Melmonth. | Field Intelligence Department. | Pretoria, 1901.' Signed in pencil on front cover 'G S Scovell | Cam Hrs.' In top left-hand corner of map: 'No. 37'. In bottom left-hand corner: 'Compiled in Surveyor General's Office - Pretoria underdirection [sic] of MAJOR H. M. JACKSON R.E. Mch.

[ Adolphe Shedrow, French-language poet. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Adolphe'), both in English, to 'Henri', discussing the role of the 'purposelessness of life' in the work of the poet, his latest work ('Anneaux de Mousse') and other matters.

Adolphe Shedrow [ Abba Shedrovitsky ] (1897-1961), Russian-born South African French-language poet
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of A. Shedrow ('M.D. (Paris) M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (London)'), with addresses of his residence and consultation rooms in Johannesburg. 8 and 24 February 1958.

Each letter 2pp., 12mo. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He starts the first letter by expressing 'great pride and immense joy' in sending 'my seventh book of French poems [...] According to the reviews, it is the best I ever wrote'. He continues with references to the recipient's 'short but memorable visit to Johannesburg', and to 'the uncomplimentary remarks passed by my confreres in Johannesburg', these being 'indeed compliments, for they indicate that I do not belong to them, in spite of our common profession.

[ Will Till, South African photographer. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed to English royal photographer Marcus Adams, discussing his work, methods and circumstances.

Will Till (c.1893-1971), photographer, 'the greatest South African pictorialist' [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959), English royal photographer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Will Till, Hon. F.R.P.S., "Bryro", 3 Grays Terrace, Kensington, Johannesburg, South Africa. 2 July 1956.

4pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Long closely-written letter, friendly and informative. Topics include the breaking of his right arm, the weather in Johannesburg ('I do not take my landscapes in winter - but our Transvaal summer is my time to operate with the camera to record the trees - the clouds & all the mood that goes with it'), Adams's support for 'the London Salon panel of prints'.

[ Élisabeth de Mac Mahon, wife of the French president Patrice de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Male. de Mac Mahon'), in English, to the artist and women's activist Barbara Bodichon, regarding meetings in Algeria.

Élisabeth de Mac Mahon [ née Castries ] (1834-1900), La Maréchale de Mac Mahon [ MacMahon ], Duchesse de Magenta, wife of French President Patrice de Mac Mahon (1808-1879) [ Barbara Bodichon ]
Publication details: 
One dated 'Alger the 16th March' and the other 'Alger Sunday' [ Algiers. Between 1864 and 1870? ]

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Accompanied by an envelope, with broken red wax seal, addressed by the Maréchale to 'Madame Bodichon | Mustapha Supérieur | Chemin de la Colonne Voirol | à El Biar'. (In 1857 Bodichon had married the French physician, ethnographer, and scholar Eugène Bodichon (1810-1885), and thereafter divided her time between Algeria and England.) General MacMahon was Governor General of Algeria between 1864 and 1870. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 'Alger Sunday'.

[ South African 1920s petrochemical industry. ] Substantial manuscript double-entry ledger of a company with international interests

South African petrochemical industry in the nineteen-twenties [ South Africa; Standard Oil Company; tanning; petrol; petroleum ]
Publication details: 
Ledger by H. C. Cray & Co, Account Book Makers & Printers, Port Elizabeth [ South Africa ]. 1921 to 1928.

340pp., folio. In sturdy brown calf binding with geometric decoration using thin leather strips and marbled endpapers. 'PRIVATE LEDGER' on label on spine. Thumb indexed. A further 12pp., 8vo, of manuscript accounts for 'Jan June 1928' on loosely-inserted leaves. The ledger indicates a substantial company (even possessing a 'Doubtful Debt Reserve'), its trading account showing a healthy balance, generally hovering around the £25,000 mark.

[ Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell. ] Papers relating to 9th Corps, BNAF, compiled immediately after the Tunisia Campaign, including a 'General History of Ninth Corps' by Campbell, original manuscript tracings, duplicated maps, order by Crocker.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, IX Corps, BNAF [ British North Africa Force ]; General Sir John Tredinnick Crocker (1896-1963), Officer Commanding [ Tunisia Campaign ]
Publication details: 
On folder: 'Field B.N.A.F. [ British North Africa Force ] 29th May, 1943.' Campbell's 'General History' dated from 'FIELD, | 18 May 43.'

Twenty-seven items in paper folder with printed (not duplicated) cover: '"If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle" | General History of Ninth Corps | Field B.N.A.F. 29th May, 1943.' The collection is in fair condition, with rust staples from paper clips and other signs of age and wear. The presence of matter including the manuscript originals of maps makes it clear that the collection derives from Campbell himself. The following description divided into six items. ONE: Duplicated typescript: 'GENERAL HISTORY OF 9 CORPS'. 10pp., 8vo. Anonymous.

[ Major General Douglas Wimberley. ] Author's copy, with bookplate and autograph additions, of typed volume: '"Scottish Soldier". An Autobiography by Douglas Wimberley. (A private account for my wife and family) Volume II Part IV - World War II'.

Douglas Wimberley [ Major-General Douglas Neil Wimberley (1896-1983), commander of the 51st (Highland) Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein in the Second World War; North African Campaign]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1974.

[3] + 280pp., 8vo, on the rectos only of the leaves. Bookplate of Douglas Neil Wimberley on flyleaf. Around half a dozen additional duplicated maps inserted. With copious autograph additions on upwards of 70pp. of the blank reverses of the leaves, several taking up the whole page, and a number initialled 'DW'. Internally in good condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn green fake-cloth binding, with 'SCOTTISH SOLDIER | VOLUME II | BY | DOUGLAS WIMBERLEY' in faded gilt on cover.

[ Albie Sachs, South African activist. ] Typescript of his book 'Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter', with variations from the published version.

Albie Sachs [ Albert Louis Sachs ] (b.1935), African National Congress activist and former judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but between 1988, when the events described occurred in South Africa, and the publication of the book in 1990.

113pp., 8vo. On 57 leaves, stapled together, with white card backing. No title-page. Worn and aged, with first leaf detached, but in fair condition overall. In 1988, in Maputo, Mozambique, where Sachs was exiled as an ANC activist, he lost an arm and his sight in one eye when a bomb was placed in his car by agents acting for the South African Regime. Sach's memoir is an important document in the history of the South African freedom struggle. Widely praised on its publication, it received the Alan Paton Award in 1991.

[ Guillaume Lejean, French ethnographer and African explorer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Lejean') to unnamed correspondent, regarding his writing for various publications, and a spat in Le Pays between Lamartine and the Vicomte de La Guéronnière.

Guillaume Lejean (1828-1871), French ethnographer and African explorer. [ Alphonse de Lamartine; Louis Étienne Arthur Dubreuil, Vicomte de La Guéronnière (1816-1875) ]
Publication details: 
Orléans. 23 July 1851.

2pp., 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. 52 lines of text, written in a close and difficult hand. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'. He refers to 'notre ennuyeux papier, comme Guilmer continue à appeler les journaux', and states that he has been doing 'un peu de redaction dans le Pays, soit la Revue de la Presse, soit les comptes rendus des Académies'. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'.

[ Herbert John Gladstone, 1st Viscount Gladstone. ] Autograph Signature ('Gladstone') as Governor-General of the Union of South Africa.

Herbert John Gladstone (1854-1930), 1st Viscount Gladstone, British Home Secretary, 1905-1910, and Governor-General of the Union of South Africa, 1910 -1914
Publication details: 
South Africa. 27 April 1914.

On 9 x 13 cm piece of paper torn from bottom right-hand corner of document. In fair condition, lightly-aged. Typed document, with date added in manuscript. Reads: '<...>and and the Great Seal of the Union of South Africa at | [...] on this the [twenty-seventh] day of [April] 1914. | Gladstone | GOVERNOR-GENERAL.'

[ Henry Brougham Loch, 1st Baron Loch, High Commissioner for South Africa. ] Autograph Signature ('Henry B Loch').

Henry Brougham Loch (1827-1900), 1st Baron Loch, High Commissioner for South Africa, 1889-1895; Governor of Victoria, 1884-1889; Governor of the Isle of Man, 1863-1882
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4 x 9.5cm piece of paper. In fair condition, aged, and with rust staining from staple to left of signature.

[ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa. ] Autograph article titled 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro. A character study from "German East"'. With newspaper cutting about the author Captain Francis Robinson, and a print of a drawing by him.

Captain Francis Robinson, Chaplain, 4th South African Horse [ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa ]
Publication details: 
The article (regarding Morogoro, German East Africa, in the First World War) and the drawing are both without place, the latter being dated to 1902. Newspaper cutting from 'The Pictorial', Durban, 9 February 1917.

12pp., 4to, including title-page: 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro | A character study from "German East" | by Capt. Francis Robinson | Chaplain. | South African Horse | with the British Expeditionary Force | German East Africa'. In good condition, on aged paper, with closed tear to last leaf. A reference dates the item to after the Battle of Salaita Hill on 12 February 1916. The following captures the tone of an enthusiastic tribute: 'Wherever you go in that unattractive collection of miscellaneous buildings, you come across a little nurse, prim & smart in her uniform & cap.

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