Field notebook compiled by J. H. Driberg, later Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, compiled while a British colonial official, and dealing with local, linguistic and other matters.

Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42; and brother of the Labour MP and gossip columnist 'William Hickey' Tom Driberg (1905-1976); Uganda; Africa]
Publication details: 
The earliest dated entry from Longarim, Uganda, 27 March 1923; and the latest from Loriya HIll, 15 January 1925.

A significant item, written, as his biographer Roy Abrahams explains, by a man who was 'almost single-handedly responsible for keeping academic social anthropology, and one might add the place of African research within it, alive in the small Archaeology and Anthropology Department in Cambridge in those otherwise rather barren days of the 1930s'. 45pp., 12mo. In a ruled, stitched notebook without cover. Written in pencil on stained and aged paper. Some of the text is faded.

Typed Letter Signed from John Papworth to Mrs Ena Driberg, wife of the Labour MP Tom Driberg

John Papworth (b.1921), English economist and activist, personal adviser to the President of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda [Ena Mary Binfield, née Lyttelton, wife of Tom Driberg of Bradwell Lodge, Essex]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Asian and Overseas Socialist Fellowship (London Branch). 15 November 1957.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged paper, with one small burn-hole to margin. Addressed to 'Mrs. T. Driberg, | Bradwell Lodge, | Bradwell juxta Mare, | nr. Southminster, | Essex.' He thanks her for receiving 'an African boy from Northern Rhodesia and some members of my family', and 'showing us the details of your charming house so unhesitatingly'. He discusses the 'astonishing contrast the house is to the landscape around it.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Homburger'), in English, from the French linguist Lilias Homburger to the Cambridge anthropologist J. H. Driberg, discussing the difficulties arising from mixing anthropology and linguistics, with reference to Africa.

Lilias Homburger (1880-1969), French linguist, authority on African languages [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), social anthropologist]
Publication details: 
Written from 'London Tuesday [no date]', giving the French address as '98 rue de la Tour | Paris | 16e'.

2pp., 12mo. 28 lines. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. Homburger begins by thanking Driberg for his 'papers' and expressing pleasure at their meeting. He encloses 'a list [not present] of feila words (just a few typical) and a draft of my paper not complete nor absolutely definite but which will shew you that I have pretty sound basis for my ideas as to the sénégalais nilotique.' 'Great difficulties', he considers, 'have arisen [...] from mixing anthropologie [sic] & linguistics.

Printed paper on 'Occupation', giving the position on 'annexation' and 'settlement' of a 'civilised State' in international law, with a section on 'The West African Conference of 1884-1885', and a reference to 'the original uncivilised inhabitants'.

[Thomas Joseph Lawrence (1849-1920), Fellow and Tutor of Downing College, Cambridge, and authority on International Law; The West African Conference of 1884-1885]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Cambridge. 1890.]

A significant document, providing a clear exposition of the late-Victorian colonialist position on the two branches of occupation: annexation and settlement. Untraced. T. J. Lawrence of Downing College is the probable author, as the section on 'annexation' also features in his 'Handbook of Public International Law' (1890). 1p., 8vo. Printed in landscape on one side of a piece of unwatermarked laid paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. The document begins: 'Occupation in International Law applies only to territory not previously held by a civilised State.

[Printed Georgian pamphlet of song lyrics, not in ESTC.] The Gentleman's Concert. Being A Choice Collection of Favourite Songs. Containing, [twenty numbered song titles, including '15. I am a poor black, it is true.'

[Georgian song book; Cluer Dicey & Co., London publishers; 'George Seghious'; 'The Black's Lamentation'; slavery]
Publication details: 
Publication details and date not give. [London: Cluer Dicey & Co. 1770s?]

The full drophead title, beneath a headpiece of three lions in folliage, reads: The Gentleman's CONCERT. | BEING | A Choice Collection of Favourite SONGS. | Containing, | [following 10 lines in left-hand of two columns] 1. Where's my swain so blyth and clever | 2. To an arbour of woodbines. | 3. The flame of love sincere I felt. | 4. When all the Attic fire was fled. | 5. Cupid, god of pleasing anguish. | 6. As I walk'd forth, &c. | 7. O give me leave to love you dearly. | 8. When Fanny I saw as she trip'd, [sic] &c | 9. Bumpers 'Squire Jones. | 10. Sweet Annie.

Mimeographed typed list of amendments to the articles of the Dar es Salaam Club, with proxy voting slip and amendment slip

Dar es Salaam Club, Tanzania [Forodhani Hotel Training Institute; Court of Appeal building; Evelyn Waugh; Tanganyika]
Publication details: 
[Forodhani Hotel Training Institute, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.] Undated.

In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. Comprising seven folio pages, each in two columns: 'Existing Articles' on the left, and 'Proposed Amended Articles' on the right. These seven pages are each on separate leaves, and all stapled to a proxy voting slip (not filled in) and an amendment slip. The Dar es Salaam Club, 'solidly built with much fine joinery in dark African timber and heavy brass fittings on doors and windows', was housed in what became the Forodhani Hotel Training Institute building, Dar es Salaam.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. R. Aldrich') from the philatelist and cricketer Charles Roper Aldrich of Huyton, to an unnamed female correspondent, regarding a possible exchange of African stamps with the Indian ones of 'Mrs. Dighton'.

Charles Roper Aldrich (1935), philatelist and cricketer, of Park House, Huyton, near Liverpool [Mrs Dighton; stamp collecting]
Publication details: 
Park House, Huyton, near Liverpool. 26 November 1895.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged and chipped paper. As 'Mails for India leave at the end of the week', he considers the letter to be more convenient for her to forward. What attracted his attention to 'Mrs. Dighton's advertisement was the mention of African Stamps which she wished to obtain in exchange for those of Travancore'. He describes his own interests: 'I am especially strong in African Stamps having much correspondence from the West Coast'. He lists sets he would be willing to send to Mrs Dighton 'in exchange for 3 or 4 full sets of Navancore'.

Autograph Signatures of the German pianist Wilhelm Backhaus and the Australian pianist and composer Lindley Evans.

Wilhelm Backhaus (1884-1969), German pianist and pedagogue; Lindley Evans (1895-1982), Australian pianist and composer
German pianist Wilhelm Backhaus and Australian pianist/composer Lindley Evans
Publication details: 
Both dated 20 November 1922.
German pianist Wilhelm Backhaus and Australian pianist/composer Lindley Evans

Both signatures on the same side of a light-green leaf removed from an autograph album, roughly 18 x 14 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The first signature is the larger of the two: 'Wilhelm Backhaus | Nov. 20th. 1922.' The second reads 'Lindley Evans. | 20/11/22'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Napier') from Lieutenant-Colonel E. Elers Napier to his bookseller [George Routledge?], concerning his 'theory as to the "Sources of the Nile"'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Napier') from Lieutenant-Colonel E. Elers Napier
Publication details: 
24 May 1853; Newport, Isle of Wight.
Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Napier') from Lieutenant-Colonel E. Elers Napier

Folio, 1 p. Twenty-three lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. His mother Lady Napier, who went to town the previous day, has 'taken charge of the 2 Vols of the Athenaeum' his correspondent sent him. 'Lady Napier has promised to call herself at Leicester Square & deliver the books to you'. If he should be in when she calls, Napier asks him to 'explain to her my theory as to the "Sources of the Nile", briefly embodied in the accompanying paper'.

Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1. ['By kind permission of Mr. Martin Johnson and Mr. A. Blayney Percival.']

Martin Johnson; A. Blayney Percival [The East African Standard, Nairobi, Kenya Colony]
Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1.
Publication details: 
[1920s?] 'Published, printed, and engraved by the East African Standard, Limited, Nairobi, Kenya Colony.
Kenya Colony. Camera Studies No. 1.

4to, 27 pp. Stitched with red thread. In original buff wraps, printed in red and black, with photograph of a Masai woman tipped in on front cover. Fair: slightly dog-eared, in worn wraps, with ownership inscription on front wrap. Printed on twenty-six leaves of art paper. Consisting of a covering page of text and 24 pp of captioned black-and-white photographs, two to each page, with two pages of advertisements at rear. Photographs of wildlife and members of the Meru, Masai, Wakamba, Samburu, Turkana, Waikikuyu tribes. Printed on rectos only, except for last page.

Sabi Legend and Other Poems

N.H.D. Spicer and John Spicer, with illustrations by D.J. Avery.
Publication details: 
Published by John Spicer, [Rhodesia, 1947

31pp., 12mo, illustrated blue wraps (a warrior), contents crudely joined to wraps with sellotape, wraps sl. chipped and worn, contents mainly good. No copy listed on COPAC; four copies listed on WorldCat (3 in South Africa, and Texas).

Signatures of the Emir of Katsina, his son, brother, brother-in-law, and his official scribe and personal attendant on detached leaf of album.

Emir of Katsina [Nigeria] and Family Members.
Signatures of the Emir of Katsina, his son, brother, brother-in-law
Publication details: 
Stoke-on-Trent, 27 Oct. 1921.
Signatures of the Emir of Katsina, his son, brother, brother-in-law

Deatched leaf of album with these five signatures in hhArabic script [?] the rest of the page being occupied by the list of signatorees and the information about the visit to Stoke in 1921 (as above). On the verso are the signaturs of Fred Terry and Julia Neilson-Terry, actor and actress.

[Pamphlet] The History of a Poor Black Widow; shewing How she grieved for the death of her Child, and the consequences of her doing so.

[Legh Richmond]
The History of a Poor Black Widow;
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Augustus Applegath and Edward Cowper, Duke-street, Stamford-street; Sold by F. Collins, 56, Paternoster-row; and Evans and Sons, 42, Long-lane, Smithfield [London], no date [c.1830??]
The History of a Poor Black Widow;


Union of South Africa. Department of Native Affairs. Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the Social, Health and Economic Conditions of Urban Natives.

[Union of South Africa, Department of Native Affairs, Report on the Social, Health and Economic Conditions of Urban Natives, 1942] [South African; apartheid]
Union of South Africa, Department of Native Affairs, Report
Publication details: 
Printed in the Union of South Africa by the Government Printer, Pretoria. 1942
Union of South Africa, Department of Native Affairs, Report

Folio, 30 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Stapled. Text clear and complete. On discoloured, frayed and creased paper. Ownership inscription of A. Copeman, Cambridge. Only copies on COPAC at the British Library and University of London SOAS.

Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad, Orange Free State.

South African Institute of Race Relations (Incorp.) / Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Rasseverhoudings (Ingelyf) [Bantu; apartheid]
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad
Publication details: 
Dated in type 'A. L. S. July 1st, 1940.'
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad

Folio, 13 pp. Mimeographed typed document on seven leaves stapled together at head. Some leaves separated. Text clear and complete. On aged high-acidity paper with slight chipping to extremities. Report over first seven pages, followed by two appendixes: 'Minimum Diet for Urban Bantu Family of Husband, Wife and Three Children and Cost thereof in Kroonstad' and 'Occupational and Wage Statistics'. No copy on COPAC or in the British Library.

Writers Against Apartheid [broadsheet magazine containing poems by MacDiarmid, MacNeice, Empson]

I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid' [South Africa; racism; Sean O'Casey; Hugh MacDiarmid; Louis MacNeice; William Empson]
I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid'
Publication details: 
Printed by Villiers Publications Ltd., Ingestre Road, London, N.W.5.
I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid'

Broadsheet bifolium, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper, worn along fold lines. Poetry collection, containing twenty-eight poems by writers including 'Mazizi Kunene (In Exile, London, 1960)' and Hugh MacDiarmid, whose two poems have the footnote 'We are especially pleased to print these two new poems by Hugh McDiarmid, contributed despite the painful after effects of his recent car smash. We wish him a speedy and complete recovery.' Masthead endorsement by Sean O'Casey: 'I am with you in all efforts to create perfect race equality the world over.

Manuscript journal of a South African lady, 1948, returning after many years in England, including an account of her memories 'of the Cape as a girl'.

[South African journal of a returning middle-class lady, 1948]
Manuscript journal of a South African lady, 1948
Publication details: 
Dated 'Bellaire Private Hotel | Fish Hoek | Cape Province | Jan. 18th. / 48.' [18 January 1948]
Manuscript journal of a South African lady, 1948

4to, 166 pp. In ruled 'University Exercise Book'. Text clear and complete. On lightly aged paper, tight, in shaky binding with worn boards. The identity of the diarist is unclear. Her husband is named 'Berten', and their are references to 'Minie' (daughter?) and 'Kate' (South African sister-in-law?). A loosely air mail letter may provide a clue to the identity of the diary's author. Dated 30 April 1962, it is written by P. J. Duncan of Newlands to Miss Ruth Ince-Jones (diarist's daughter) of Geneva, Switzerland.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'J Rose Innes') from Sir James Rose Innes, and one letter from his wife ('Jessie Rose Innes'), all to Lady Bower.

Sir James Rose-Innes (1855-1942) and his wife, born Jessie Dods Pringle (d.1943) [Lady Maud Bower (born Maude Laidley Mitchell), wife of Sir Graham Bower (1848-1933)]
Publication details: 
Sir James's letters: 1935, 1936 and 1939. His wife's letter: 1937. All four on letterheads of Kolara Farm, Gibson Road, Kenilworth [South Africa].

All items good, on aged paper, with Lady Rose-Innes' letter in its envelope. Bower and Rose-Innes had worked together when the former was Imperial secretary to the High Commissioners for Southern Africa at the time of the Jameson Raid. Rose-Innes three letters are dated 17 October 1935 (12mo, 4 pp), 9 July 1936 (12mo, 4 pp) and 13 April 1939 (12mo, 4 pp). All are closely and neatly written. In the first letter Rose-Innes describes a journey 'through the S.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Eric A. Walker') to Bower.

Eric A. Walker [Eric Anderson Walker] (1886-1976), first holder of the King George V Chair in History at the University of Cape Town, South Africa [Sir Graham John Bower]
Publication details: 
30 June 1927; on University of Cape Town letterhead.

4to, 2 pp. Thirty-nine lines of text. Clear and complete. Neatly and closely written. Begins by discussing two books recommended by Bower: Otto Hammann's 'World Policy of Germany' and a work by Sir Francis Younghusband. Hammann's book 'confirms what Sir Sidney Lee writes about the Kaiser's telegram'; he is pleased that Younghusband's, which he has not yet read, contradicts the story that 'Lord Ripon was prepared for such drastic measures'. He has been 'correcting the proofs of the 600-page history of South Africa which I undertook to write for Longmans Green five or six years ago'.

Darkest Africa And An Easy Way Out.

W. L. Warden [Harold Sidney Harmsworth (1868-1940, 1st Viscount Rothermere]
Publication details: 
[1940.] 'For Private Circulation Only.' ['Printed by Warden & Co. Ltd., 71, Church Road, Hendon, N.W.4.'] [Introductory note by Warden dated '38, Portland Place, London, W.1. March, 1940.']

8vo: 12 pp (unpaginated). Wraps and stapled. Fair: on aged and lightly-creased paper. A few marks in pencil and red pencil (on two occasions 'my "Owner" ' in the text noted as 'Lord R.'). Stamped with limitation number 57. Printed in small type in double column. In his introductory note Warden explains that the text is 'made up of extracts from a diary, which I more or less kept, and letters sent home during a recent voyage of 20,000 miles.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ofori /') to 'Mr. Parsons'.

Nana Sir Ofori Atta (1881-1943), Member of Executive Council of Gold Coast (Ghana)
Publication details: 

Written in green ink on one side of a piece of watermarked paper roughly 20 x 12.5 cm. Nineteen lines of text. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of pin holes. Heavily stylised signature with long gap between the 'O' and 'f' of 'Ofori'. He thanks him for the letter, and is 'very pleased to welcome you to Ryebi [capital of Akem]'. He was 'awfully delighted to hear that Mr. Myerstein has completely recovered from his recent serious illness' and is pleased to learn that they are 'starting work on the reef very shortly'.

Inventaire des documents provenant de la mission Frantz Cornet au Congo (1948-49) et conservés au Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale a Tervuren.

Marcel Luwel [Frantz Cornet; the Belgian Congo; Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale; Belgium]
Publication details: 
1960: Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer. Classe des sciences morales et politiques. Mémoires in-8o. Nouvelle série. Tome XXIV, fasc. 1. (Histoire). Rue de Livourne, 80A, Bruxelles 5. [Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale.]

8vo: 87 pp. In original light-green printed wraps. Internally very good. Front wrap with minor spotting and slight damage to one corner. Presentation copy, signed on title 'To Mrs. H. Stanley from M. Luwel | 14. XI. 1960.' Inventory divided into ten sections, beginning with 'Baptist Missionary Society' and 'Missions protestantes au Katanga', and ending with 'Uele'. Uncommon: copies at the British Library, Oxford, Cambridge, University of London and SOAS.

Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan', carbon printed on cloth, giving a detailed layout of the gold mine, keyed to seventy-seven entries. With Manuscript table of results of 'Crown Deep tube milling tests, 1907'.

Crown Deep Ltd (gold mine) [South African Gold Mining; Mines]
Publication details: 
Insurance Plan' dated in manuscript 1898. Manuscript table covering the period from 1 August to 9 October 1907.

The two items rolled into tubes. The 'Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan' carbon printed on one side of a piece of cloth roughly 44 x 102 cm. In good condition: slightly discoloured and frayed. The keyed entries range from '1 No. 1 Headgear & all appurtenances' to '77 Shed near Feedwater tanks', and include '69 Coolie Compound at Dam' and '57 Stable Boy's House'. The table of results of the 'milling tests', approximately 37 x 74 cm, is clear and complete on discoloured paper with closed tears at head repaired with archival tape.

Studi d'Indianistica in Italia dal 1911 al 1938. [Indian studies in Italy from 1911 to 1938.]

Giulia Porru [India; Indian studies in Italy; Italian bibliography]
Publication details: 
Pubblicazioni della R. Universita degli Studi di Firenze Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia. - III Serie - Volume X. Firenze [Florence] - Felice le Monnier - Editore - MCMXL-XVIII'.

4to: viii + 257 pp. In original grey printed wraps. Internally tight, on lightly-aged and foxed paper. Wraps spotted and worn, with chipping to extremities. The preface describes the work as 'una bibliografia descrittiva degli studi di Indianistica fatti in Italia nel periodo che va dal 1911 al 1937.' A descriptive bibliography of Indian studies in Italy, 1911 to 1937. Scarce in Britain: COPAC lists copies at the British Library, Oxford and SOAS.

A Quarterly Token for Juvenile Subscribers. A Gift from the Church Missionary Society.

Rev. J. D. Valentine, Rev. H. Davis, et al. [J. Johnston, illustrator; the Church Missionary Society; serpent worship in India; West African native catechist preaching; Santal]
Publication details: 
No. 79. October, 1875.'

12mo: 8 pp. Unbound. Text and illustrations complete and clear. On grubby, creased and spotted paper. Title enclosed in a decorative border, and carries a 9.5 x 6.5 cm illustrating the article 'Serpent Worship in India'. Second article entitled 'Mission-work in East Africa.' Third article, 'Native Catechist Preaching', accompanied by a full-page illustration captioned 'West African Native Catechist Preaching'. Fourth article: 'Progress in Shaou-Hying' by the Rev. J. D. Valentine. Fifth and final article, 'Baptism and Death of a Santal Boy' ('The Rev. H.

Victorian panoramic sepia photograph of the bay at Simon's Town.

Simon's Town [Simonstown; Simonstad], Cape Town, South Africa [photograph; panorama].
Publication details: 
Taken on Saturday July 10th. Simons Town'. [mid-nineteenth century]

Made up of four sepia photographs, each roughly 7 cm square, laid down overlapping each other to make a strip of 7 x 27 cm. Somewhat faded (especially to the right of the image) and with one small stain, and a one cm closed tear to the left. The paper on which the panorama is laid down, which is captioned in a contemporary hand, is somewhat grubby and chipped.

Four Autograph Letters Signed by Florrie Cockle (one signed 'Florrie Cockle (soon Iggulden)' and another 'Willie and Florrie'); one Autograph Letter Signed ('Birt') by Birt Cockle; all to their sisters Kate and Maggie.

Florrie Cockle and Albert ('Birt') Cockle [Willie Iggulden; Boer War; South Africa]
Publication details: 
East London, South Africa; 1898 and 1899.

Very good, on aged and lightly creased paper. Six long letters to family in England written during a turbulent period in South African history. Affectionate, chatty, and written from a lower-middle-class point of view (Florrie: 'we always have an h[ou]r., when I change my dress for the afternoon after dinner'). Mostly dealing with family matters. Letter One (from 'Florrie', 4 September 1898, 'P.O. East London, South Africa', 4to: 4 pp): tells an amusing story about Birt, a cart and a goat. Letter Two (from 'Florrie', 11 September 1898, address as Letter One, 4to: 2 pp).

[Headed "The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society] Four Typed Letters Signed, to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (2), S. Digby (1) and G. K. Menzies (1), of the Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John H. Harris [SLAVERY]
Publication details: 
3 and 6 March 1917, and 31 January and 25 March 1918; all four on letterhead of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.

Campaigner against slavery and colonial exploitation in Africa (1874-1940) and Liberal MP for North Hackney, 1923-24. All four items one page, quarto. All in good condition, though on somewhat discoloured paper. Two items docketed in pencil and two bearing the Society's stamp. ITEM ONE: He hopes to be present at Dr. Max Horn's lecture, and wants to know whether the Society is 'publishing the lecture by Mr. Wilson Fox on Imperial Resources'. He thinks he should join the Society, 'if not now soon after the war', and asks to be sent the conditions of membership.

Handbill, listing the Association's officers, describing its aims, and appealing for funds.

The Hausa Association [George Taubman-Goldie; John Owen Murray]
Publication details: 
London, 20th May, 1897.'

Quarto: 4 pp. Bifolium. Unbound. Creased and grubby. Half-page map ('Sketch to show position of Hausa-land'). Headed in red ink 'Funds are urgently needed both to secure the results already obtained and to carry forward the work.' 'The Hausa Association, For Promoting the Study of the Hausa Language and People' is said here to have been founded in 1891 in memory of the Rev. John Alfred Robinson.

Autograph Signature.

Chief Jonathan M. Moshoesh [Moshesh, Moshoeshoe, Mshweshwe] , of modernday Lesotho [Basutoland]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated (but between 1905 and 1913).

Dimensions roughly 2.3 x 11.5 cms. On paper with three vertical rules. Reads 'chief Jonathan M. Moshoesh'. Neatly laid down on larger piece of grey paper (roughly 6 x 12 cms), docketed in a contemporary hand 'Basuto chief called Jonathan. He is the biggest chief in Basutoland after "Letsia", the Paramount Chief & next to the throne, being Uncle to "Letsia" who has no heir.' From the reference to childlessness 'Letsia' is clearly Parmount Chief Letsie II Lerotholi, who reigned between 1905 and 1913.

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