[Christopher Fry discusses Christopher Hassall.] Two-page Typescript, with extensive Autograph Emendations by Fry, of a (BBC radio?) 'programme' by Fry about Christopher Hassall, with a separate Typescript poem (by Hassall?) 'Pilgrim's Way'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, a leading exponent of verse drama [Christopher Hassall [Christopher Vernon Hassall] (1912-1963), poet and dramatist, biographer of Rupert Brooke
Publication details: 
No place or date, but some time after Hassall's death in 1963, and probably written from Fry's house, The Toft.

3pp, 4to, each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. There is no indication that either item was published, nor even that the poem is connected to the 'programme'. (If unpublished the poem may have found its way into Fry's papers from Hassall's.) The 'programme' - with no title or heading - is two pages long (with slight damage from a small staple to corners of both leaves) and complete, being divided into six numbered sections.

[Christopher Fry: BBC Schools talk on 'A Sleep of Prisoners', with reading.] Copy of typescript of BBC Home Service (Schools) talk and reading headed 'Religion and Philosophy | 9. A Play for a Church | by | Christopher Fry'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, with Auden and Eliot a leading exponent of twentieth-century verse drama [BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation], Bush House, London]
Publication details: 
TRANSMISSION: BBC HOME SERVICE (SCHOOLS) [Bush House, London] | Monday 29th June 1953: 9.40 - 10.00 a.m.

Contemporary duplicated typescript, from the Christopher Fry papers. 14pp, 8vo. Each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged. Fry's introductory talk is present in its entirety on pp.1-5, this is followed by an unpaginated page, then pp.8-15 with p.[10] also unpaginated. Hence p.6 or p.7, beginning the extracts from the play, would appear to be absent. On the front page, between the heading and transmission details is: 'Rehearsal: Thursday 4th June 1953: 10.00 onwards | Recording: Thursday 4th June 1953: 12.15 - 1.00 p.m. 3A | Recording of Insert: [BLANK]'.

[Christopher Hassall's poem on Andrew Young, with annotations by Christopher Fry.] Typescript of Hassall's poem 'For Andrew Young', with a couple of minor autograph corrections by him, and biographical note on his association with the two men by Fry.

Christopher Hassall [Christopher Vernon Hassall] (1912-1963), poet and dramatist; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, leading exponent of verse drama [Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet]
Publication details: 
At end, in type: 'Christopher Hassall | November, 1939.'

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. On Croxley Script cartridge paper. Folded three times. Typed at top left: 'For Andrew Young'. From the Fry papers, with the playwright apparently stating that he found the typescript in a copy of Robert Frost's poems. Hassall's poem is apparently unpublished (but see below). It is divided into two sonnets, numbered I ('Yours is the Wildern World beyond my door') and II ('Speak for us to the earth, interpreter -').

[Alan Hadfield, sculptor and author.] Inscribed copy of his pamphlet 'An Essay on Bernard Shaw (being an account of one man's approach to our Anglo-Irish dramatist)'; with conclusion of Autograph Letter Signed to playwright Christopher Fry.

Alan Hadfield (b.1904), sculptor and children's author under name 'Robin Dale', proprietor of the Northern Lights Press, Harrowgate [and latterly Devon] [Christopher Fry, playwright]
Publication details: 
Pamphlet by the Northern Lights Press, Devon, undated, but with inscription dated February 1975. Conclusion of ALS without date or place.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. PAMPHLET: 12pp, 8vo. Stapled in green wraps, printed on both sides of covers, and with drawing of Shaw by Hadfield, dated 1974, on front cover. Containing a few autograph emendations. Inscribed on front cover: 'To Christopher Fry, | from | Alan Hadfield, | Greetings! | Feby 1975'. A quirky and highly personal response to Shaw, combining anecdote, reminiscence and original poetry.

[Derek Stanford, biographer, essayist and poet, to playwright Christopher Fry.] 19 Autograph Letters Signed ('Derek S.' and 'Derek'), Autograph Card Signed, and carbons of three reviews. With 2 [copy?] letters to Stanford from Fry, and Stanford's CV.

Derek Stanford (1918-2008), biographer, essayist and poet, supporter of Muriel Spark and Dylan Thomas [Christopher Fry, playwright]
Publication details: 
Stanford's 19 letters between 17 February 1970 and 31 October 1978. Early letters from 1 St Catherine's Court, Bedford Park, W4 [London]; later letters from 5 Cricketfield Court, Cricketfield Road, Seaford, Sussex. Postcard from Worthing, 1997.

Stanford's study of Fry in the British Council's 'Writers and their Work' series was re-published several times, and the early letters in the present collection refer to the preparation of the fourth edition, published by Longmans in 1971 (the bibliography to which Stanford refers as 'CHRISTOPHER STATE PAPERS'). A total of twenty-six items. The material in good condition, lightly aged. Stanford's nineteen letters total 65pp, 12mo. In an undisciplined hand, in different-coloured ink, on different-coloured paper. Stanford's 19 letters between 17 February 1970 and 31 October 1978.

[Edward Lowbury, bacteriologist and poet, to playwright Christopher Fry.] Nineteen items including Ten Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Edward') by him, two by his wife, three printed poems, including material relating to his father-in-law Andrew Young

Edward Lowbury [Edward Joseph Lister Lowbury] (1913-2007), physician, bacteriologist, pathologist and poet [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet]
Publication details: 
The twelve letters between 29 June 1972 and 20 March 1989; all from 79 Vernon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham (nine on letterheads). Card: 10 December 1986; Birmingham. Three Phoenix Broadsheets (Toni Savage of Leicester), 1986 (2) and 1992.

See the appreciative obituary of Lowbury by Christopher Hawtree, Guardian, 15 October 2007. Nineteen items, five of which are accompanied by envelopes addressed to Fry at his home The Toft, East Dean, Chichester, Sussex. The material is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Edward Lowbury's ten ALsS and one ACS, 1972-1989, with one undated Christmas card. A total of 17pp, 12mo.

[Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge.] Printers' dummy for the author of 'Root & Sky. Poetry from the plays of Christopher Fry. Compiled and arranged by Charles E. and Jean G. Wadsworth. Collagraph-intaglios designed and printed by Charles E. Wadsworth.

Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Charles E. Wadsworth and Jean G. Wadsworth; Will Carter and Sebastian Carter
Publication details: 
Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge. [Circa 1975.]

A very nice artefact relating to a beautiful Rampant Lions production, published in 1975. Printers' dummy, produced to indicate the intended layout of the book, consisting of duplicated typed leaves, with emendations and printing instructions in manuscript, showing the intended arrangement of the 125 pages of letterpress (and including an alternative version of p.78), with eleven illustrations loosely interleaved. In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[P. C. Wren, novelist, author of 'Beau Geste'.] Typed Letter Signed ('P C Wren') to 'Miss Mills', explaining that he is sending her his autograph 'on one of my own private book-plates'.

P. C. Wren [Percival Christopher Wren] (1875-1941), writer of adventure fiction, best remembered for his novel 'Beau Geste'
Publication details: 
3 January 1928. On letterhead of the Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once. Her letter has been forwarded to him and he has 'much pleasure in sending you my autograph. In order to make it a little more personal, I am sending it on one of my own private book-plates.'

[Christopher Fry, playwright.] Programme, with illustrated cover by him: 'Christopher Fry's Coronation Revue "The Birds Began to Sing". In aid of Dr. Barnardo's Homes.' With 'Coronation Enrolment' carrying autograph note by Fry loosely inserted.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, noted for his verse dramas [Dr. Barnardo's Homes; Barnardo Helpers' League, Tunbridge Wells Habitation; Agra House]
Publication details: 
Advertised for Royal Victoria Hall, Southborough, 19-22 May 1937. 'Printed at The Wood Press, Printers, Hopwood Gardens, Tunbridge Wells.'

24pp, 4to. Stapled pamphlet. Aged, and with spotting to covers, creased closed tear at foot of spine, and slight loss to bottom out corner of back cover. With one vertical fold. The cover is printed in black, with a charming cartoon by 'C. F.' in red ink of five happy birds singing and flying around with musical scores in wings, with one bird on box with conductor's baton tapping a music stand.

[Christopher Fry's copy of W. H. Auden's first published book, with Fry's ownership inscription dated to the year of publication.] Poems.

W. H. Auden; Christopher Fry
Publication details: 
London: Faber & Faber, 24 Russell Square. 1930.

In folding box, dark blue, gt. 79pp, 8vo. In plain white card wraps, in blue dustwrapper printed in black, with red border to cover. Ownership inscription in blue ink on front free endpaper: 'Christopher Fry | 1930'. Hardly the best of copies, but a good association between two of the three giants of the twentieth-century English verse play (Eliot being the other). Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. The dustwrapper is in poor condition, stained, chipped, and separated into several loose parts along the folds, with spine and back cover tipped-in onto the wraps.

[Christopher Fry: 'The Dark is Light Enough', Corrected Proofs.] Revise Proofs of the first edition of 'The Dark is Light Enough' (Oxford University Press), with Autograph Emendations.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Oxford University Press]
Publication details: 
[London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.] Red ink stamp at foot of first page: '15 APR 1954 | REVISE'.

103pp, 8vo. Revises of the text of the play (and not the prelims) in unbound signatures. In fair condition, lightly aged. Red ink stamp at foot of pp.1 and 40: '15 APR 1954 | REVISE'. Numerous autograph emendations, nearly all minor and relating to accidentals, but with five verbal changes, of which the following two are the most significant. Printed on p.9: 'KASSEL. Well, Bella, does she seem to be in trouble? | BELLA. She says the only trouble is us who trouble ourselves.' amended in autograph to 'KASSEL. Well, Bella, where has she been/ | BELLA.

[Christopher Fry, 1930s pantomime (author's first book?) by the writer of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'.] Printed play text: 'The Sleeping Beauty | A Pantomime | by | Christopher Fry.'

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas, author of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'
Publication details: 
Printers' slug on title-page: 'Courier Co., Ltd., Tun. Wells.' [Tunbridge Wells, 1934.]

Possibly the author's first book (see below), from the Christopher Fry papers (despite the ownership inscription). 54pp, 12mo. Stapled into green printed wraps (title and words '(ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)'). Tiny ownership signature in initials ('R. G.') in top right-hand corner of title-page. No details of publication or date, other than the printers' slug at bottom left of title-page.

[Christopher Fry, dramatist and poet.] "Thor with Angels" Copy of the 'Acting Edition for the Festival of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral 1948', with anonymous manuscript copy letter, in two hands, of a rebuttal of a critical review in The Times.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas, author of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'
Publication details: 
Copy Letter dated 21 June 1948; no place. Play: [Friends of Canterbury Cathedral.] Canterbury: H. J. Goulden, Ltd. [1948.]

From the Christopher Fry papers. PLAY: [1] + 47pp, 12mo. Stapled into buff wraps printed in red, including the statement that it is the 'Friends of Canterbury Cathedral Edition'. In fair condition, lightly aged, in worn wraps, with a trace of rust to staples. This edition of the play (the first?) is uncommon: the only copies on OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and University of British Columbia. COPY LETTER: 4pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Written out in two hands, Recipient not named. With salutation 'Dear Sir,' and valediction 'I am | Yrs truly,'.

[Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953.] Typed and Autograph Drafts by playwright Christopher Fry, of prose and poetry for his screenplay of the documentary film 'A Queen Is Crowned'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953; Laurence Olivier; Rank Organisation, London]
Publication details: 
[Production by the Rank Organisation, London. Released in 1953.]

Seven items from the Christopher Fry papers, relating to the film 'A Queen Is Crowned', which was a British box office hit in coronation year, and was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. At the time of writing Fry was at the height of his popularity: around this time he had four plays running in the West End at once.

[John Van Druten, dramatist.] Typed Letter Signed ('John van Druten') to W. J. Macqueen-Pope, discussing his memories of Ivor Novello, and his new play 'I am a Camera', based on Christopher Isherwood, and Julie Harris.

John Van Druten [John William Van Druten] (1901-1957), English playwright and theatre director [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960),; Ivor Novello; Christopher Isherwood; Julie Harris]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the A. J. C. Ranch, Thermal, California. 15 January 1952.

2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A very good and informative letter. Written from the A. J. C. Ranch, which Van Druten had purchased with his former lover Carter Lodge (now his business manager) and the British actress Auriol Lee. Van Druten left his interest in the ranch to Lodge, together with the rights to his work, including the play discussed here, 'I am a Camera', an adapatation of Christopher Isherwood's stories. (For the relationship between Van Druten and Isherwood, see Peter Parker's biography of the latter.) This entitled Lodge to income from the film 'Cabaret'.

[Marsha Hunt, Hollywood and Broadway actress.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marsha Hunt') to the English playwright Christopher Fry, describing her admiration for, and association with, his work, with reference to Richard Burton and Vincent Price.

Marsha Hunt [Marcia Virginia Hunt] (born 1917), Hollywood and Broadway actress [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Sherman Oaks, California. 28 February 2005.

3pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. A long and entertaining letter, beginning: 'Dear Mr. Fry, | Probably late in 1949, in a New York City duplex living room, two married couples lay prone on the floor, fanned out around a single copy of “The Lady's Not for Burning”, the better to read aloud all its colorful roles. The couples were Alfred Drake (with whom I had played the previous season in my first Broadway play), his wife, my writer husband [i.e. Robert Presnell Jr] and I.

[Walter Starkie, Irish author, Hispanic and Romany scholar.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Christopher Fry regarding Spanish translation, W. B. Yeats and Abbey Theatre; with five letters from Geoffrey Cumberlege of OUP, two from G. W. S. Hopkins.

Walter Starkie (1894-1976), Irish author, Hispanic and Romany scholar; Geoffrey Cumberlege (1891–1979); Gerard Walter Sturgis Hopkins (1892-1961) [Christopher Fry (1907-2005); Oxford University Press]
Publication details: 
All items dating from 1955. Two of Starkie's three letters from Madrid, the other on letterhead of the Athenaeum, London. Seven letters on letterheads of the Oxford University Press, London.

Fourteen items, including three letters from Starkie and seven letters from the Oxford University Press – five of them from Geoffrey Cumberlege and two from G. W. S. Hopkins – and copies of two letters from Cumberlege to Fry's agent Emanuel Wax, and a copy of a letter from the OUP to Starkie. All dating from 1955. The collection is in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The three Starkie letters are all in autograph, and total 7pp. The first two are written from Madrid, and the last from the Athenaeum in Pall Mall.

[Christopher Fry, playwright.] Fry's own copy of his book 'Can You Find Me: A Family History', with autograph notes, containing correspondence from relatives, photographs, and a typed transcript of a radio interview, with autograph additions by Fry.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Oxford University Press]
Publication details: 
Book: Oxford University Press, 1978. Correspondence between 1982 and 1987. Interview [1979].

The book is 272pp, 8vo. A good copy, lightly aged, with binding sunned along top, in worn dustwrapper. The volume contains – along with autograph corrections of incidentals – a couple of autograph notes in pencil, one of a minor nature and the other reading: 'Daisy & Charles attended the funeral – March 26 – as recorded in Archibald Marshall's diary'; also one minor emendation in ink. The material inserted in the volume is described below. Accompanying the volume is a long typewritten radio script of an interview between Fry and 'Leslie', with autograph additions in pencil by Fry.

[Christopher Fry, playwright.] Typescript of a cinematic 'Story Treatment' of 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens: 'A 90 Minute Animated Color Version', 'Adapted by Christopher Fry'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
With address of Fry's agent: ACTAC (Theatrical & Cinematic) Limited, 16, Cadogan Lane, London S.W.1'. Without date [1970s or 1980s?].

In addition to his distinguished career as a playwright, Fry had some success in Hollywood. He completely rewrote (uncredited) the screenplay of 'Ben-Hur' (1959), and was responsible for the screenplay of the Dino De Laurentiis epic 'The Bible: In the Beginning' (1966), directed by John Houston. The present item is a treatment for a film that did not make it into production. It is [1] + 71pp, 8vo. Each page on a separate loose leaf. With thin card covers, also loose, the front cover carrying a duplication of the title-page, and the back cover blank. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Christopher Fry makes directorial suggestions.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Christopher') to 'Dear George', giving detailed comments on a production of Congreve's 'Way of the World', with reference to Joan Plowright and John Moffatt.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Joan Plowright; John Moffatt; William Gaskill; Chichester Festival]
Publication details: 
[From the 1984 Chichester Festival?]

The item would appear to relate to William Gaskill's 1984 Chichester Festival production of Congreve's 'Way of the World', in which Joan Plowright played Lady Wishford, and John Moffatt played Witwoud, although it is not clear why Fry should have been making directorial suggestions in this case. 2pp, 8vo. Written in pencil. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded twice. From the Fry papers, and so possibly either a draft or not sent. The identity of the recipient is not clear.

[Rolando Pieraccini, Italian sculptor, author and publisher ('Eurographica').] 43 Typed Letters Signed to playwright Christopher Fry, regarding the publication of signed limited editions of his works.

Rolando Pieraccini [Roland Pieraccini], Italian sculptor and publisher ('Eurographica'), settled in Finland [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
Earlier letters on letterheads of his Helsinki publishing house Eurographica; later letters on his personal Helsinki letterhead. Between 1984 and 1996.

43 letters in 8vo and 12mo, making a total of 44 pp. Signed 'Rolando Pieraccini' and (latterly) 'Rolando'. Thirteen of the letters (1984-1986; all 8vo) on 'Eurographica' letterhead, the others (1986-1996; 27 in 12mo and 3 in 8vo) on Pieraccini's personal letterhead. Also present is a carbon copy of a two-page letter from Pieraccini to Penny Eckley of Oxford University Press, regarding copyright matters. The collection in good condition, lightly-aged.

[Christopher Fry; Dino De Laurentiis; John Houston.] Photostat pages of the first part of Fry's screenplay of the 1966 American-Italian religious epic film 'The Bible: In the Beginning...', produced by De Laurentiis and directed by Huston

Christopher Fry (1907-2005) [Dino De Laurentiis; John Houston; 20th Century Fox]
Publication details: 
On p.2: 'Property of: | DINO DE LAURENTIIS CINEMATOGRAFICA S. p. A. | Via Pontina Km. 23-270 | ROMA'.

Photostat pages of the first part of Christopher Fry's screenplay of the lavish 1966 American-Italian 20th Century Fox religious epic film 'The Bible: In the Beginning...', produced by Dino De Laurentiis and directed by John Huston. [2] + 7pp, 4to. Photostats of a typescript, on seven leaves.

[Anthony Grey, novelist and journalist.] Five Signed Letters, three in Autograph and two Typed, to playwright Christopher Fry, with material relating to his organisation Hostage Action Worldwide.

Anthony Grey (born 1938), novelist, journalist and author, imprisoned by the Chinese government for 27 months from 1967 to 1969 [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
The five letters between 1989 and 1991. Three of the letters on letterhead of The Old Granary, Charlton, West Sussex. Hostage Action Worldwide material all c/o The Charlton Foundation, 28 Nottingham Place, London.

Nine items, all in good condition. All of the letters are signed 'Anthony', and four of them (two autograph and two typed) are each 1p, 8vo. The other letter, in autograph, is 1p, 16mo. With four items of material relating to Hostage Action Worldwide. The first letter (11 May 1989) accompanies 'our first reply to our first 350 donors – we're hoping to build rapidly now'. He reports that 'The Archbishop of Canterbury has this week responded positively to us and appointed a man, John Lyttle to our Advisory Council.

[Jon Stallworthy, literary critic and poet.] Typed Letter Signed ('Jon') to the playwright Christopher Fry, praising Fry's 'screen-play for the film of Genesis', which John Bell of the Oxford University Press had wanted to publish.

Jon Stallworthy [Jon Howie Stallworthy] (1935-2014), literary critic and poet, Oxford University Professor of English [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; John Bell; Oxford University Press]
Publication details: 
Wolfson College, Oxford; 8 February 2001.

1p, 8vo. In good condition. Folded twice. With secretarial note in blue pencil, recording response by 'C.F.' The letter concerns Fry's screenplay for the 1966 film 'The Bible: In the Beginning...', produced by Dino De Laurentiis and directed by John Huston, which recounts the first 22 chapters of the Book of Genesis. Stallworthy wonders whether Fry remembers 'that, “in the dark backward and abyss of time”, the OUP wanted to publish your screen-play for the film of Genesis, but the film company's lawyers wouldn't allow it.

[Kathleen Raine, poet and author.] Autograph Note Signed ('Kathy') with copy of typescript of Father John Gilling's requiem speech on the poet Jonathan Griffin, and photocopies of three obituaries of Griffin.

Kathleen Raine [Kathleen Jessie Raine] (1908-2003), poet and critic, founding member of the Temenos Academy [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Jonathan Griffin (1906-1990), poet; John Gilling]
Publication details: 
ACS on letterhead of 7 Sharples Hall Street, London; 1 March 1990. Other items from 1990.

Five items in good condition, all lightly aged. ONE: ACS. Signed 'Kathy'. 1 March 1990. Clearly a covering note on sending the other material. Simply reads: 'Good to speak – | love | Kathy'. TWO: Duplicated copy of typescript of speech by 'Fr. John Gilling'. Headed: 'REQUIEM MASS: St. Mary the Virgin, Bourne Street. 7th February 1990. | JONATHAN GRIFFIN'. 2pp, 8vo.

[Richard Church, poet and author.] Typed Poem, signed 'Richard Church', titled 'For Andrew Young. 1885-1971.'

Richard Church [Richard Thomas Church] (1893-1972), poet and author [Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [1971.]

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Folded three times. Sixteen-line poem, neatly typed (with one error overtyped an autograph proof mark separating two words) titled 'For Andrew Young. 1885-1971.' Signed at bottom 'Richard Church.' A charming poem, which was published in the Cornhill Magazine in 1971.

[Rita Spurr, poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to playwright Christopher Fry, with copy of her Guild Press poetry pamphlet 'Footprint in Snow', and New Year card with photographic print.

Rita Spurr, Manchester poet and social worker [John Hoffman, proprietor of the Poetry Guild, Holymoorside, Chesterfield, whose imprint was The Guild Press; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
Letter: Flat 4, 7 Netherhall Gardens, Hampstead [London]; 31 December 1954. Pamphlet (in 'The Guild Poets' series): The Guild Press, Holymoorside, Chesterfield; August 1954. New Year card for 1954 / 1955.

Three items (letter, photographic card, and pamphlet), all in good condition. ONE: ALS. 31 December 1954. 1p, 8vo. Signed '(Mrs.) Rita Spurr.' and addressed to 'Dear Mr. Christopher Fry'. She begins by thanking him 'for the very great pleasure & stimulus' which she derived 'during the year that is passed' from his play 'The Dark is Light Enough'.

[Walter Rilla, German actor in more than 130 films.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter (Rilla)') and Autograph Card Signed ('Walter'), in English, to playwright Christopher Fry, recalling with affection happy times travelling together on the Rhine.

Walter Rilla (1894-1980), German film actor of Jewish descent, who fled to Britain from the Nazis, and acted in more than 130 films [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
Letter from Vienna, on letterhead of Lohbachhof, Oberaudorf/Inn; 7 November 1966. Viennese postcard, dated 26 November 1966.

Both items in good condition, but the postcard (of a Viennese street scene) with stamp torn off. ONE: ALS. Signed 'Walter (Rilla)'. Vienna; 7 November 1966. 1p, 8vo. Twenty-six lines of text, in a neat close hand.

[Jon Silkin, poet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jon Silkin') to the playwright Christopher Fry, asking permission to print Fry's poem on Edmund Blunden, with reference to his own book 'Out of Battle'.

Jon Silkin (1930-1997), poet and editor of the literary magazine 'Stand' [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Edmund Blunden]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Stand Magazine, 179 Wingrove Road, Newcastle upon Tyne; 19 July 1997.

2pp, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'Dear Christopher Fry, | I am sorry to contradict you, but I showed my co-editor, the poet Rodney Pybus, your poem “For Edmund Blunden”, and we both [last word underlined] feel it should be published, and that we would like to publish it. Please.' In the hope that Fry will agree, he asks him to 'sign and return an acceptance form and send us the biog. note you would like to print alongside the poem'. He continues: 'I do hope you'll agree.

[Edward Lowbury, physician and poet.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Edward') to the playwright Christopher Fry, regarding various topics including his poetry and Fry's praise of it.

Edward Lowbury [Edward Joseph Lister Lowbury] (1913-2007), physician, bacteriologist, pathologist and poet [Christopher Fry ()1907-2005), playwright; Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterheads of 79 Vernon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham; 24 September 1969 and 24 November 1987.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged, as is an enclosure to the second letter, a photocopy of Lowbury's pamphlet 'A Letter from Hampstead'. ONE: 24 September 1969. 2pp, 12mo. In envelope addressed to Fry at his East Dean home The Toft. He is grateful for Fry's letter praising his collection of poems 'Figures of Light'.

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