[ Sir John Bland-Sutton, surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons. ] Two Autograph Letter Signed (both 'J Bland-Sutton'), one to 'Miss Smith', the other to 'Mr Milburn', regarding an interesting tumour.

Sir John Bland-Sutton [born John Sutton] (1855–1936), surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 47 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. [ London ]. Letter to 'Miss Smith', 26 February 1905; letter to 'Mr Milburn', 10 March 1905..

Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: To 'Miss Smith'. 2pp., 12mo. He 'would like the tumour very much, and a photo if you have it of the baby with the tumour in situ'. If the tumour proves of interest he would request 'Dr Milburn's permission to send it to the Royal College of Surgeons'. TWO: To 'Mr Milburn'. 2pp., 12mo. He is returning his specimens. 'I am at a loss to say much about this specimen as it requires a careful and very detailed examination to decide its nature.' After Milburn has shown the specimen to his 'society' he asks him to send it 'to Mr Shallock of the R.

[ Mary Cowden Clarke, Shakespeare scholar and author. ] Autograph Signature taken from letter.

Mary Cowden Clarke [ Mary Victoria Cowden Clarke, née Novello ] (1809-1898), author and Shakespeare scholar with her husband Charles Cowden Clarke (1787-1877), daughter of Vincent Novello
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 3.5 x 8.5 cm slip of paper, cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of a leaf from an autograph album. Reads: 'faithfully yours | Mary Cowden Clarke'.

[ Frederick Tayler, landscape artist, President of the Royal Watercolour Society. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredk. Tayler') to 'My dear Correspondent', giving advice to the recipient's mother over the sale of two sketches at a charity auction.

Frederick Tayler [ John Frederick Tayler ] (1802-1889), landscape artist, President of the Royal Watercolour Society
Publication details: 
Kensington [ London ]. 19 May 1864.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Mourning border. The recipient's 'most entertaining note' finds Tayler 'just starting off to Highgate'. He only has time 'for a line in reply', and he ventures 'at the risk of being thought impertinent' to advise the recipient's mother not to 'put too Fanciful a price on the Sketches, but let them go to the advancement of the Charity with all their imperfections on their heads'. Tayler considers himself 'the obliged party', and ends with his best respects.

[ The Royal College of Surgeons of England. ] 'Letters Testimonial' certifying the qualification of Oliver Sunderland, signed by president Sir William Scovell Savory, vice-presidents John Whitaker Hulke and Christopher Heath and eight other surgeons.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England; Sir William Scovell Savory, President; John Whitaker Hulke and Christopher Heath, Vice-Presidents
Publication details: 
The Court of Examiners of The Royal College of Surgeons of England [ London ]. 2 August 1888.

Impressively printed in black on one side of a 58 x 43 cm sheet. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight loss to the edge on one side, and light creasing. Impressively laid out in copperplate, beneath the College's coat of arms. The signatures are arranged in two columns, with the first two bracketted as 'Vice Presidents': '[left-hand column] J. W.

[ John Galsworthy, author of the Forsyte Saga, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. ] Printed facsimile of an autograph letter signed, regarding a coming Royal Literary Fund dinner of which he will be chairman.

John Galsworthy (1867-1933), novelist and playwright, author of the Forsyte Saga, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature [ The Royal Literary Fund, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Literary Fund, Stationers' Hall, Stationers' Hall Court, E.C.4. [ London ] March 1929.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A circular appeal for donations and a well-printed facsimile. Galsworthy writes that he is taking the chair at 'the 139th Dinner of the Royal Literary Fund, on May 9th: in the Edward VIIth Room of the Hotel Victoria. | The beneficial work of the Fund must be well known to you; nor is it needful for me to stress the urgent nature of the many appeals that tax its resources to the utmost.

[ Lord John Manners, Marquis of Granby, army officer after whom many English pubs are named. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Manners') regarding the broken health of one Lieutenant Hawkins, and his inability to rejoin his regiment in Jamaica.

Lieutenant-General John Manners (1721-1770), Marquess of Granby, British army officer, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, son of the 3rd Duke of Rutland
Publication details: 
Parliament Street [ London ]. 23 August 1770.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn, with fraying to edges, and loss at one corner from the opening of the seal. There is a faint pencil note on three lines in another hand at the foot of the letter. The letter reads: 'Having considerd Lt Hawkins situation, and the effect the Climate of Jamaica has had upon him – I am of opinion that He is totally unable to join his Regiment, and there is great reason to fear, his health will never be such as to enable him to do duty with it, in that Island | John Manners | Parliament St. | Augst. 23d. 1770'.

[ Major-General Sir Henry James of the Royal Engineers, Director General of the Ordnance Survey. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry James.') to Sir John Fox Burgoyne, regarding Sir Emerson Tennent and 'abstracts from Meteorological observations'.

Major-General Sir Henry James (1803-1877) of the Royal Engineers, British army officer, Director General of the Ordnance Survey, 1854-1875 [ Sir Emerson Tennent (1804-1869); Sir John Fox Burgoyne]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Ordnance Map Office, Southampton. 20 November 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Sir John F. Burgoyne. | Bart:'. He is sending 'a copy of the Abstracts from Meteorological observations taken at our Foreign stations, in which Sir Emerson Tennent will find the abstract from the observations taken at Columbo in the year 1853-4'. He is also sending abstracts from subsequent years which 'have not yet been printed'.

[ Sherard Osborn, Royal Navy admiral and arctic explorer. ] Part of Autograph Letter Signed ('S Osborn') to 'Dr. Allchin' [ Sir William Henry Allchin ] , regarding a 'consideration' to a woman.

Sherard Osborn (1822-1875), Royal Navy admiral and Arctic explorer who searched for Franklin [ Sir William Henry Allchin (1846-1912), physician ]
Publication details: 
33 Charles Square [ London ]. 1 March [ no year ].

Written on both sides of the top two-thirds of a 12mo leaf with mourning border, the bottom third having been torn away. In good condition, lightly aged. The recto reads, beneath the address, 'My dear Dr. Allchin | I should be glad if you would come here on Wednesday evening as <...> 1/2 past 4 at [...]'. The reverse reads: '[...] after hearing her own story you can say whether a consideration on Saturday would be advisable | Yours truly | S Osborn | I am progressing steadily [...]'.

[ Royal Navy commission to 'Her Majestys Steam Ship the Simoom'. ] Appointing Lieutenant Peter Mackenzie Godfrey, on vellum and signed by Admirals Sir Alexander Milne and Lord FitzHardinge, and by First Secretary of the Admiralty John Parker.

[ Lord FitzHardinge ] Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge Berkeley, 1st Baron FitzHardinge (1788-1867); Sir Alexander Milne (1806-1896); John Parker (1799-1881), First Secretary of the Admiralty
Publication details: 
The Admiralty [ London ]. 10 February 1852.

Printed on one side of a 28 x 34 cm piece of vellum, and completed by Parker in manuscript. With the customary tax stamp and embossed Admiralty seal. In good condition, with the customary aging and wear of the vellum. Headed 'By The Commission for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland &c.' Godfrey's seniority is given as 30 August 1841, and the document is signed by 'J Parker', 'M. F. F. Berkeley' and 'Alexr Milne'. The word 'Commissioned' is written at the foot.

[ Earl St Vincent, British naval hero and patron of Horatio Nelson. ] Autograph Signature ('S. Vincent'[) on autograph frank addressed by him to Edward Hawke Locker.

[ Earl St Vincent ] Admiral of the Fleet John Jervis, 1st Earl of St Vincent (1735-1823), British naval hero and patron of Horatio Nelson
Publication details: 
Dated from Brentwood, 5 May 1811.

In good condition, lightly aged. Front panel (9.5 x 13.5 cm) of envelope neatly placed in a thin windowpane mount, bearing frank, with two postmarks, one the red frank and the other in black from 'BRENTWOOD | 18', addressed in the prescribed fashion by St Vincent: 'Brentwood fifth May 1811 | Edward Hawke Locker Esq | 47 Davies Street | Berkeley Square | London'. Signature at bottom left: 'S. Vincent'.

[ John Harmon Charles Bonté, Professor of Legal Ethics at the Hastings College of the Law. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J H C Bonté') to Alexander Ramsay, praising his periodical 'The Scientific Roll', and offering to contribute to it.

J. H. C. Bonté [ John Harmon Charles Bonté ] (1831-1896), Professor of Legal Ethics at the Hastings College of the Law, Secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of California
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the University of California, Berkeley. 12 November 1882.

1p., 4to. Aged and worn, with tear along fold line repaired on reverse with archival tape. He lists the numbers of the Scientific Roll he has just received through the Smithsonian Institution, and has spent the last hour looking them over. 'The idea of the work is superb. - Just what is needed. The execution is fine, and I shall enjoy and profit by your work.' Ramsay has done him 'a great favor which will be reciprocated as soon as possible'. He is 'making original researches' which he believes 'will be of value', and will write to Ramsay again.

[ 'Arthur Sketchley' (i.e. George Rose), 'Mrs Brown' and the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. ] Autograph Note Signed ('A. Sketchley') to 'Jno. Kinloch Esq', requesting 'A Box for this evening'.

'Arthur Sketchley', pseudonym of George Rose (1817-1882), dramatist, creator of the once-celebrated 'Mrs Brown' [ The Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London. 5 November 1864.

Having left the Church of England for Roman Catholicism, Rose had had a number of well-received plays produced on the London stage before the huge success of his creation 'Mrs Brown'. 'Mrs Brown at Home and Abroad' was performed at the Egyptian Hall in 1864, and the 'Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance' refers to 'Mr. Arthur Sketchley's snug little auditorium at the Egyptian Hall' for a performance of 'Mrs Brown at the Play'.

[ John Hollingshead, theatrical impresario who brought Gilbert and Sullivan together. ] Autograph Note Signed to 'Teget', i.e. the naturalist W. B. Tegetmeier, inviting him to examine 'The Italian Hercules'.

John Hollingshead (1827-1904), theatrical impresario who brought Gilbert and Sullivan together, manager of the Alhambra and Gaiety theatres [ William Bernhardt Tegetmeier (1816-1912), naturalist ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ Circa 1868? ]

1p., 12mo. On a piece of grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, folded, and with minor traces of mount on reverse. Reads: 'Dear Teget: | Come on Friday night by all means. The Italian Hercules is bona fide, as far as I can judge, & I shall be glad to have him examined.' After a career in journalism, Hollingshead managed the Alhambra Theatre, and was later the first manager of the Gaiety. He brought Gilbert and Sullivan together in 1871 to produce their first joint work, a musical extravaganza called Thespis. Tegetmeier was natural history editor of 'The Field'.

[ The Boer War, the Rifle Brigade and Brigadier-General John Harington. ] Nineteen items relating to the embarkation of the 2nd Battalion, including 'Nominal Roll', drill instructions, 'Musketry Orders for Pembroke Camp', orders, letters, telegram.

Brigadier-General John Harington (1873-1943), son of Sir Richard Harington, 11th Bart [ 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade; Second Boer War; Natal Field Force ]
Publication details: 
South Africa, including Pembroke Camp and Klein Oliphant. 1902.

For details of Harington's distinguished military career, see his entry in Who Was Who. The present collection, from his papers, is an interesting assemblage of ephemeral items, casting light on British Army practices at the time of the Boer War. Nineteen items. In fair condition, with some signs of age and wear. ONE: Duplicated orders in mimeograph of handwriting. Titled: 'Depôt Battalion | Orders for Reservist Companies passing through'. At end: 'By order | B St Clair-Ford Captain | Adjutant Depôt Battalion' and 'Green Point | 1st August 1902.' 2pp., folio.

[ William Curtis, Tory politician and banker who coined the phrase 'the three Rs'. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'his friends Mess Nichols & Son' [ i.e. John Nichols and John Bowyer Nichols ], conveying directions for bookbinding.

Sir William Curtis (1752-1829), banker and Tory politician, who coined the phrase 'the three Rs' [ John Nichols (1745-1826), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine; John Bowyer Nichols ]
Publication details: 
Lombard Street [ London ]. 9 April 1823.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Frank on reverse of damaged second leaf to 'Mess Nichols & Son | Parliament Street | Printers | W Curtis'. Seventeen lines of directions to ' his friends Mess Nichols & Son', regarding the binding of legislative works, beginning with 'two Statute books of Geo the Fourth'. Regarding 'an odd, abridgment of some of Geo 3d' he writes: 'it is probable there may be more, if so begs Mess N & Son would get them & bind them, if not it will hardly be worth the expense of binding the one'.

[ Lady Elizabeth Romilly; Minto] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Elizth. Romilly') to her father the Earl of Minto, on topics including 'Charley' and 'the China news', Lord John Russell and the Cagliari outrage in Sardinia, and the Swiss Alps.

Lady Elizabeth Romilly [ Lady Elizabeth Amelia Jane Romilly ] (1820-1892), daughter of Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Minto, wife of Col. Frederick Romilly, son of Sir Samuel Romilly [ James McNeill Whistler ]
Publication details: 
ONE: Porthkerry [ Wales ], 6 August [ 1857 ]. TWO: Eaton Terrace [ London ], 13 February 1858. THREE: Wildbad [ Germany ], 8 July 1869.

Three interesting letters, intelligent, well-informed and affectionate, by a member of a leading Liberal family.

[ Lord Rolle [John Rolle, 1st Baron Rolle ], statesman, subject of 'The Rolliad'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rolle') to 'E. Mitford Esq', a character reference recommending his family physicain 'Caddy' for the position of coroner.

Lord Rolle [ John Rolle, 1st Baron Rolle ] (1750-1842), statesman and subject of the satirical poem 'The Rolliad', supporter of Pitt the Younger and opponent of Fox and Burke
Publication details: 
Bicton [ Bicton House, Exeter, Devon ]. 5 November 1834.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. A character reference, written in a shaky aged hand. Begins: 'Mr. Caddy the Bearer of this letter is a Candidate for the vacant Coronership in the Northern district of our County by the very melancholy Death of Mr Kingdom - | Mr Caddy has applied to me for his Character, who I have known for a great many Years'.

[ Macclesfield District Wesleyan Methodists. ] Autograph Letter by John Meek, signed by him and Samuel Wood as 'Circuit Stewards', asking Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham to work on the circuit after the next conference. With autograph copy of reply.

John Meek and Samuel Wood, Wesleyan Methodists of Macclesfield, Cheshire[ Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Macclesfield [ Cheshire ], December 1851. Reply [ from Nottingham ], 20 December 1851.

4to bifolium, with the letter of Meek and Wood on the recto of the first leaf, and the autograph copy of Walker's reply on the recto of the second. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'The Rev Saml Walker | Wesleyan Clergyman | Nottingham'.

[ Eliza Weaver Bradburn, children's author and daughter of Rev. Samuel Bradburn, 'the Methodist Demosthenes'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliza W. Bradburn') [ to Rev. S. Walker ] regarding the sale of her 'little books', and her 'Missionary capes'.

Eliza Weaver Bradburn, children's author and biographer of her father Rev. Samuel Bradburn (1751-1816), 'the Methodist Demosthenes' [ Rev. Samuel Walker of Nottingham ]
Publication details: 
'At G. Laishley's Esq. | 71 Finchley New Road | St. John's Wood | London'. 5 December 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter indicates that Bradburn was deriving some sort of income from the sale of her books, and was making 'Missionary capes', possibly for charity. She writes that she is concerned that 'the two notes written to Mrs. Walker and the one to yourself, were not received', and asks whether ''the Missionary Books' and magazines were sent to him as ordered, 'I trust Mr. Thomas Walker had the dozen for which he kindly prepaid me.' She has 'an affectionate respect for Mr. and Mrs.

[ Sir David Carnegie, Scottish politician. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Lord Spenser [sic]', i.e. Lord Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty, urging the suit of 'Mr Moodie'. With Autograph Draft of Spencer's reply.

Sir David Carnegie of Pitarrow (1753-1805), Scottish politician, Baron Carnegie of Kinnaird and Leuchars, de jure Earl of Southesk [ George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834); Admiralty ]
Publication details: 
25 Portman Square [ London ]. 19 June 1798.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and creased paper. Carnegie's letter is on the recto of the first person, with Spencer's instructions regarding the response as customary diagonally on folded over outer corner of the reverse. Spencer was First Lord of the Admiralty between 1794 and 1801. Carnegie begins by addressing 'Lord Spenser [sic]', and stating that he 'is sorry to trouble his Lordship again about Mr Moodie, whom he had the goodness to put on the list of Marine Expectants at Sir David's request'.

[ Henry Charles Hoare of Fleet Street, London banker. ] Autograph Letter Signed [ to John Bowyer Nichols, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine ], correcting biographical details [ in an obituary of Sir R. C. Hoare ].

Henry Charles Hoare (1790-1852) of Fleet Street, London banker, father of Sir Henry Ainslie Hoare [ John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine ]
Publication details: 
Fleet Street [ London ]. 11 September 1838.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Handwriting practice in a nineteenth-century hand on the blank reverse of the second leaf. He 'must beg to correct' Nichols's 'intended Paragraph' (in the Gentleman's Magazine obituary of Sir Richard Colt Hoare) on the question of 'my Father's Christian names'. He has written 'Hugh Henry', 'which must be reversed to Henry Hugh'. He proceeds to give a transcription of how 'the paragraph will run': 'The Baronetcy devolves on his eldest Half-Brother Henry Hugh Hoare Esqr. the head of the eminent banking house in Fleet St.

[ John Harraden of the Post Office. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Chesterfield, complaining of the 'hardships' of his case, and requesting his intervention, with reference to William Hayley of Earlham, John Palmer, George White Thomas.

John Harraden of the Post Office [ Philip Stanhope, 5th Earl of Chesterfield (1755-1815), Postmaster General; William Hayley (1745-1820); George White Thomas (c.1750-1821); John Palmer (1742-1818) ]
Publication details: 
No. 26 Compton Street, Soho. 10 November 1808.

The recipient of the letter, the 5th Earl of Chesterfield, was Postmaster General between 1790 and 1798. The 'Mr. Palmer' mentioned in the text is John Palmer (1742-1818), MP for Bath, who was Comptroller General of the Post Office between 1786 and 1792. Harraden appears to have been regarded by his superiors as a whistle-blower and trouble-maker.

[ George Allen, London publisher and associate of John Ruskin. ] Sale catalogue of 'Books and Pictures from the Estate of the Late Mr. George Allen', containing a large number of books and pictures by Ruskin.

[ George Allen (1832-1907), London publisher, craftsman and engraver associated with John Ruskin [ Allen and Unwin ]
Publication details: 
'For Sale | May be seen at 156, Charing Cross Road | London | December 1908'.

12 pp., 8vo. Modern marbled bds. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. This interesting item is of significance to Ruskin scholars, containing a whole page describing 24 drawings and engravings by him, as well as a number of interesting books from the library of a close associate. The item was previously bound by Rossetti in a volume with two, unrelated, others. It then passed into the collection of the art historian Rose Sketchley, whose sister C. J. Sketchley presented it to Fulham Public Libraries in 1949. It is scarce: no copy has been traced on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

[ Sir John Pender, Manchester textile merchant and submarine telegraph cable pioneer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Pender') [ to the physician Sir William Henry Allchin ], explaining why he cannot dine with 'the Directors of your Company'.

Sir John Pender (1816-1896), Scottish textile merchant in Manchester and submarine telegraph cable entrepreneur [ Sir William Henry Allchin (1846-1912), physician ]
Publication details: 
'Manr. July 10/65', i.e. Manchester, 10 July 1865.

2pp., 12mo. A square has been cut away at thee head of the leaf (probably to remove Pender's monogram), otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The recipient is not named but it is the physician Sir William Henry Allchin. The letter reads: 'On my arrival here last evening I found an invitation from the Directors of your Company to dine with them at Richmond on the 17th. inst. I regret that I will not be in Town at the time. The Card I fear by some mistake reached my hands late.' From the Allchin papers.

[ Jeremy Thorpe, disgraced Liberal Party leader. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jeremy') to 'Peter' [ documentary-maker Peter Morley ], with 'Memorandum on suggested Programme for "This Week"', 'on the South African question', signed 'Jeremy Thorpe.'

Jeremy Thorpe [ John Jeremy Thorpe ] (1929-2014), disgraced Liberal Party leader [ Peter Morley [ Franz Peter Meyer ] (1924-2016), television documentary maker; Apartheid; South Africa ]
Publication details: 
Both the letter and the memorandum on House of Commons letterheads. Letter dated 3 June 1960; memorandum undated.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, and stapled together. Between 1960 and 1963 Morley was producer of ITV current affairs series 'This Week'. ONE: ALS from 'Jeremy' to 'My dear Peter'. 3 June 1960. 1p., 12mo. Enclosing the 'preliminary Memorandum', and giving his contact details at the Liberal Club. 'In Kenya I have very good contacts who cd lay on a private plane (gratis!) to investigate the re-emergence of mau mau. | In the Protectorate I think I cd arrange Transport.' He ends by opining that 'this scheme has possibilities'.

[ Sermon by Sampson Kingsford, with preface by John Evans. ] A Sermon, preached, Sunday, Nov. 3, 1811, at the General Baptist Chapel, Chatham, upon the interment of the Rev. Joseph Seaton, who died October 13, 1811, aged sixty-nine years.

Sampson Kingsford [ John Evans (1767-1827), Welsh Baptist minister; Rev. Joseph Seaton (c.1742-1811) of the General Baptist Chapel, Chatham, Kent; Whittingham and Rowland, London printers ]
Publication details: 
'Published by particular request.' London: Printed by Whittingham and Rowland, Goswell Street; and sold by Townson, Chatham; Cotton and Co. Canterbury, T. Wiche, Beech Street, Barbican; and D. Eaton, High Holborn. 1812.

26 + [2] pp., 12mo. The title-page has at its head: 'The End of the Good Man – Peace.', and carries a quotation from Blair's 'Grave'. The sermon is preceded by a six-page preface by 'J. EVANS', dated from 'Islington, Feb. 11, 1812.', incorporating Smeaton's obituary from the Monthly Repository, December 1811. Following the eighteen pages of the sermon are two pages of advertisements for books by Evans and Kingsford. Stitched and unbound. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight spotting to title-leaf.

[ Dr. Williams's Library, London. ] Printed Circular concerning the 'general Register of Births of Dissenters' Children', comprising a letter from John Webster, Secretary, and two notices.

Committee of Deputies, appointed to protect the Civil Rights of the Three Denominations of Protestant Dissenters (John Webster, Secretary) [ Dr. Williams's Library, London; Dissenters; Unitarians]
Publication details: 
Webster's letter from Queen-street, Cheapside, London, 11 December 1808 [ amended in manuscript from 13 June 1806 ]. Printed by C. and W. Galabin, Ingram Court, London.

2pp., folio. On a bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper repaired with archival tape. The printer's slug is at the foot of both pages of text. At the head of the recto of the first leaf is Webster's printed letter, reading: 'Reverend Sir, | I am directed by the Committee of Deputies to send you the enclosed Notices.

[ Thomas Hood, English poet. ] Autograph Note Signed ('T. Hood.'): a joke on the name 'Furlong' and 'A mile of daughters'.

Thomas Hood (1799-1845), English poet, author of 'The Song of the Shirt' and 'The Bridge of Sighs', member of John Scott's 'London Magazine' circle
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On one side of a 6 x 11.5 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with small strip of glue staining along right-hand edge. Reads: 'A mile of daughters - | Family of Furlongs having 8 girls | 8 furlongs = 1 mile. - | T. Hood.' A joke on the surname of the person who requested Hood's autograph, as explained in Walter Jerrold's 'Thomas Hood, his Life and Times' (1907), which states that in 1838 Hood wrote to his friend Wright: '[…] only think of a mile of daughters! There is a family of Furlongs coming to live here, whereof eight are daughters – 8 furlongs = 1 mile.'

[ William Henry Black, antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H Black') to John Bowyer Nichols, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine

William Henry Black [ W. H. Black ] (1808-1872), antiquary [ John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine ]
Publication details: 
6 Pratt Street [ Camden Town, London ]. 7 November 1834.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. Aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf by Black, with his initials, to 'J B Nichols, esq | 25 Park Street.' An interesting glimpse of the editorial workings of the Gentleman's Magazine and Georgian periodical publication in general. Black complains that he has been 'waiting some days for the concluding sheet (as I suppose) of that part of which contains the Ferrar, - the end of the quarto MS. copy'.

[ St John Adcock, journalist, novelist and poet. ] Typed Letter Signed ('St. John Adcock') to J. Cuming Walters, on his health (a year before his death), work as editor of 'The Bookman', 'Collected Poems', and Cuming Walters's 'Charm of Lancashire'.

St John Adcock [ Arthur St. John Adcock ] (1864-1930), poet, novelist and editor of 'The Bookman' [ J. Cuming Walters [ John Cuming Walters ] (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 55 Queens Road, Richmond, Surrey. 3 November 1929.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Cuming Walters, | Forgive me for not writing sooner. The fact is I have been down with influenza and pneumonia for the last three weeks. The worst time of the year for me! After the first week I contrived with difficulty to carry on with things, lying on my back dictating letters to my daughter, who has helped me enormously. But I am up again, and though not allowed out of doors have for the last four days been working in my room here, so shall manage all right and get my Christmas No.

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