[Peter Opie, folklorist, with wife Iona Opie, of children's games and nursery rhymes.] Two Typed Letters Signed to W. J. MacQueen-Pope, on the music hall, John Dunn and 'Jump Jim Crow', the Great Macdermott and 'Jeremiah, blow the fire'.

Peter Opie (1918-1982), folklorist who, with his wife Iona Opie (1923-2017), worked on children's games and literature, donating their collection to the Bodleian [W. J. MacQueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
Opie's two letters on letterhead of 'IONA OPIE | PETER OPIE', Rockbourne House, 100 High Street, Alton, Hampshire. 20 and 25 January 1951. With carbon copy of a reply from MacQueen-Pope, 23 January 1951.

The three items (two letters from Peter Opie to MacQueen-Pope and carbon copy of his reply to the first of these) are in fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with a slight nick at the head of the first letter. Inspired by the recent publication of MP's 'The Melody Lingers On: The Story of Music Hall' (1950), Opie writes to MP via his publishers W. H. Allen & Co, and signs both letters 'Peter Opie.' MP writes to Opie at Rockbourne House. ONE: TLS from Opie to MP. 20 January 1951. 1p, 4to.

[Ruby Dunn, widow of Sussex poet Peter Dunn, writes to Christopher Fry.] Autograph Letter Signed to Fry from Ruby Dunn, discussing the effect on her of editing her husband's work, with duplicated copies of his poems.

Peter Dunn (1918-c.1998), Sussex poet, naturalist and printer (Poet and Printer, Hatch End), and his widow Ruby Dunn [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, leading exponent of dramatic verse]
Publication details: 
Letter with printed label of 84 Eldred Avenue, Withdean, E. Sussex; 17 October 1998.

Dunn was a teacher (presumably at Dulwich College), Sussex naturalist and poet. Around 1984 he published his own poem 'Death of a Scarecrow' at his Poet and Printer press, Hatch End. The present collection, from the Christopher Fry papers, is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed ('Ruby Dunn') to Christopher Fry. 1p, 12mo. She begins by asking him to accept a 'small token' of her thanks 'for a memorable occasion', presumably a memorial reading of Dunn's poems in which Fry was involved. She continues: 'I can think of no greater pleasure for me, Peter's widow.

[Dudley Moore, comedian and jazz musician, interviewed by Les Tomkins for 'Crescendo'.] Typescript of 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore', with second part ('More Music and Moore'), gig review, and carbon of Tomkins letter to editor Victor Graham.

Dudley Moore, comedian and musician, half of the 'Pete and Dud' duo with Peter Cook; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'
Publication details: 
The interview appeared in the July and August 1966 numbers of 'Crescendo' magazine [London].

The interview was published in two numbers of 'Crescendo' ('The world's most authoritative music magazine', founded 1962). The first part, retitled 'Music & Moore | Les Tomkins interviews “The Genuine Dud”' – was the leading article (pp.18-19) of the July 1966 number of ), with Moore featuring on the cover. The second part was published in the following number, August 1966, pp.18-19 and 25. Four items, all in good condition, with light aging.

[Lady Cynthia Asquith, author, as personal secretary of Sir J. M. Barrie.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Greene. | (For Sir James Barrie)', to Theo Feilden, conveying Barrie's answer regarding 'the honour of your suggestion'.

'C. Greene', i.e. Lady Cynthia Asquith (1887-1960), personal secretary and principal legatee of Sir J. M. Barrie, author of 'Peter Pan' [Theo Feilden, Director General of the Empire Trade League]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Adelphi Terrace House, Strand, W.C.2. 17 May 1922.

Lady Cynthia Asquith was Barrie's personal secretary in his later years, and inherited the bulk of his estate, but not the rights to 'Peter Pan'. The letter is 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small holes to one corner from staple. With red date stamp marking receipt. Begins: 'Dear Sir | Sir James Barrie directs me to express his regret at your letter having remained unanswered for so long – but he has been absent from London, and unable to attend to his correspondence.

[Peter Ustinov, film and theatre actor.] Autograph Card Signed ('Peter (USTINOV)'), describing himself as a 'lousy correspondent', regarding his mother's death and his own 'shyness'.

Peter Ustinov [Sir Peter Alexander Ustinov] (1921-2004), Academy Award winning film and theatre actor, author [his mother the artist Nadia Benois [Nadezhda Leontievna Ustinova] (1896-1975)]
Publication details: 
Paris. 23 June 1975.

Seventeen lines of text, on both sides of a piece of grey card. In good condition. Written in felt-tip pen, and difficult to decipher in places, as for example the Paris address and name of recipient. Begins: 'Surprise, surprise, dear [?], it is no longer true that I have not answered a single letter. Dear Nadia was so popular a person that I am still struggling with an Everest of condolences, and this far happier event has given me a momentary pause in my labours'.

[Thomas Sutton, physician who first described delirium tremens.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Peter Mark Roget, regarding Alexander J. G. Marcet and 'a paper deliver'd to the Medical & Chirurgical Society'.

Thomas Sutton (c.1767-1835), physician who first described delirium tremens [Peter Mark Roget (1779-1869); Alexander John Gaspard Marcet (1770-1822)]
Publication details: 
No place; 12 September 1812.

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper adhering to the reverse of the second leaf, which is addressed, with postmarks, 'To | Doctor Roget M.D. | Bernard Street | London -'. See the entries on Sutton, Roget and Marcet in the Oxford DNB. The letter concerns a misunderstanding between Sutton and Marcet. (Two of Sutton's letters to Marcet with a copy of a reply by Marcet are offered together separately elsewhere.) The present letter is 2pp, 4to. Bifolium.

[Benjamin Harrison, Treasurer of Guy's Hospital.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B Harrison') to Alexander J. G. Marcet, Senior Surgeon at Guy's Hospital, regarding candidates to a post there, including Peter Mark Roget.

Benjamin Harrison (1771-1856), Treasurer of Guy's Hospital, London; Alexander John Gaspard Marcet (1770-1822), Genevan-born physician to Guy's Hospital, London, and chemist; Peter Mark Roget]
Publication details: 
Worthing [Sussex]; 5 September 1816.

See the entries on Harrison and Marcet in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded twice, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse. Marcet is not identified as the recipient, but the item comes from his papers. It relates to an election to a post at Guy's Hospital, with reference to Peter Mark Roget (1779-1869), author of 'Roget's Thesaurus', whose father came from Geneva. The letter is written in a difficult hand, and the following transcriptions are tentative.

[Lord Brougham, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Lovejoy', regarding a 'proposed Institution' and any assistance he can give by means of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.

Lord Brougham [Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)], Lord Chancellor [Owen Lovejoy (1811-1864), American abolitionist; Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge]
Publication details: 
Calehill, Charing, Kent; 29 October 1840.

At the time of writing Brougham was recuperating from a serious illness, and trying to dodge the Chartists, who were reorganising under new leadership. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. The letter begins: 'Lord Brougham presents his compliments to Mr Lovejoy and assures him that it would give him very great satisfaction if he could be of any service to the proposed Insttitution – to which he heartily wishes every success.

[Sir Digby Wyatt, Slade Professor at Cambridge.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'M. Digby Wyatt') to Peter Le Neve Foster, Secretary, Society of Arts, the first two regarding his paper on the Staffordshire potter Herbert Minton.

Sir Digby Wyatt [Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt] (1820-1877), architect, Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge [Peter Le Neve Foster (1809-1879), Secretary, Society of Arts, London; Herbert Minton]]
Publication details: 
First three from 54 Guildford Street, London: 'Saty.' [22 May 1858], 27 May 1858 and 19 June 1858. Fourth on letterhead of 37 Tavistock Place, Russell Square, W.C.: 5 December 1863. Fifth: 15 October 1871.

The influential potter Herbert Minton (1793-1858), of the Staffordshire firm Thomas Minton and Sons, had died on 1 April 1858. A couple of months later, on 26 May 1858, Wyatt read before the Society of Arts his paper 'On the Influence exercised on Ceramic Manufactures by the late Mr. Herbert Minton'. The first four letters carry the stamp of the Society of Arts. All five items in good condition, lightly aged. The first two 1p., 12mo; the third 2pp., 12mo. The fourt 3pp., 12mo. The fifth 1p, landscape 12mo. ONE ('Saty'): Reads: 'I have selected at Phillip's (Chamberlaine's) in Bond St.

[ Ljuba Welitsch, Bulgarian operatic soprano. ] Christmas card with Autograph Note Signed ('Ljuba' and 'Ljuba and Karl') in English and German.

Ljuba Welitsch [ Lyuba Welitsch ] (1913-1996), Bulgarian operatic soprano, who settled in Austria, noted for her performance in the 'Salome' of Peter Brooke
Publication details: 
Without place or date [ between 1956 and 1969 ].

14 x 11.5 cm Christmas card, with illustration of cherubs singing and message in German on cover. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The message, written in red ink, reads: 'Love and all best wishes for Christmas and New Year, your| Ljuba and Karl' Eleven-word postscript in German, signed 'Ljuba'. Regarding 'Karl', see Welitsch's obituary in the New York Times (6 September 1996): 'In 1956, when she was 43, Miss Welitsch caused a stir in Vienna when she married Karl Schmalvogel, a 29-year-old traffic policeman who had assisted her after an accident a year earlier.

[ Lord Brougham, Lord Chancellor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Brougham') to 'Mr. A.' [ Armstrong ], regarding 'the bills respecting penal statutes' and an 'abuse'.

Lord Brougham [ Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ] (1778-1868), Lord Chancellor, Scottish Whig politician
Publication details: 
Grafton Street [ London ]. 29 February 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair conditon, lightly aged. Brougham's handwriting is bad, and the reading is in part tentative. He is 'extremely sorry to learn from Mrs A's letter' that the recipient has been indisposed. Brougham could not have made the appointment suggested in A[rmstrong]'s letter as he was 'in the House of Lords every day except Wednesday'. He has received the document, but has not been able to look into the matter, 'so oppressed as I have been with business which could not be postponed'. He will be free to do so after the following Monday, and will write to A then.

[ Joseph von Linden, senior minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Linden') to his 'sister' ['the Baroness de Linden'), regarding a visit by 'Edmond and Eugenie'.

Joseph von Linden [ Joseph Franz Peter Freiherr von Linden ] (1804-1895), senior minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg
Publication details: 
No place. 'Friday' [ dated in another hand 'July 1864' ].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. In a close, disciplined hand. Reads: 'My dear Sister | Edmond and Eugenie will pass this evening by us. If the preparations of your travel do not trouble you too much, we should be extremely glad to see you also in our house with your dear children - at half past 6 o'clock'. Note in a contemporary hand at foot: 'July 1864 | To the Baroness de Linden | from the Minister her Brother in law'.

[ Royal Navy commission to 'Her Majestys Steam Ship the Simoom'. ] Appointing Lieutenant Peter Mackenzie Godfrey, on vellum and signed by Admirals Sir Alexander Milne and Lord FitzHardinge, and by First Secretary of the Admiralty John Parker.

[ Lord FitzHardinge ] Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge Berkeley, 1st Baron FitzHardinge (1788-1867); Sir Alexander Milne (1806-1896); John Parker (1799-1881), First Secretary of the Admiralty
Publication details: 
The Admiralty [ London ]. 10 February 1852.

Printed on one side of a 28 x 34 cm piece of vellum, and completed by Parker in manuscript. With the customary tax stamp and embossed Admiralty seal. In good condition, with the customary aging and wear of the vellum. Headed 'By The Commission for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland &c.' Godfrey's seniority is given as 30 August 1841, and the document is signed by 'J Parker', 'M. F. F. Berkeley' and 'Alexr Milne'. The word 'Commissioned' is written at the foot.

[ George Brodie, Scottish historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Richard Griffin and Co., discussing Lord Brougham and the last volume of his 'Lives of Men of Letters of the Time of George III'.

George Brodie (c.1786-1867), Scottish Whig historian and lawyer [ Lord Brougham [ Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ] (1778-1868), Lord Chancellor ]
Publication details: 
20 Northumberland Street [ London ]. 4 December 1856.

6pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Brodie's hand is not easy to decipher, but the letter is fulsome in its praise of Brougham and his latest work. Brodie begins by acknowledging the receipt of 'the last volume of Lord Brougham's Works published by you', a copy of which he had 'previously got as a subscriber'. He continues: 'In my poor apprehension it is even, if possible, superior to its predecessor, & more than justifies the character I formerly ventured to sketch of that illustrious individual', He continues in his praise, with reference to 'Dean Swift', 'Captn.

[ Cuthbert Kelly and the New English Singers. ] Autograph Signatures of the six members of the ensemble, including Dorothy Silk, Nellie Carson Mary Morris and Kelly himself.

Cuthbert Kelly, Director, The New English Singers; Dorothy Silk (1883-1942); Nellie Carson; Mary Morris
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 2 March 1934.

On one side of an 11.5 x 17.5 cm page removed from an album, dated 2 March 1934 and headed 'THE NEW ENGLISH SINGERS'. In good condition, lightly aged. To the right of the page are the signatures of 'Dorothy Silk' and 'Nellie Carson' (sopranos), and 'Martin ' and 'Mary Morris'; to the left are those of 'Vernon and 'Cuthbert Kelly' (bass). According to Chapter One of 'The Travel Diaries of Peter Pears, 1936-1978' (1999), titled 'American Tour with the New English Singers (1936)', the ensemble was 'a vocal sextet specializing in Elizabethan madrigals and English folksongs.

[ Jeremy Thorpe, disgraced Liberal Party leader. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jeremy') to 'Peter' [ documentary-maker Peter Morley ], with 'Memorandum on suggested Programme for "This Week"', 'on the South African question', signed 'Jeremy Thorpe.'

Jeremy Thorpe [ John Jeremy Thorpe ] (1929-2014), disgraced Liberal Party leader [ Peter Morley [ Franz Peter Meyer ] (1924-2016), television documentary maker; Apartheid; South Africa ]
Publication details: 
Both the letter and the memorandum on House of Commons letterheads. Letter dated 3 June 1960; memorandum undated.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, and stapled together. Between 1960 and 1963 Morley was producer of ITV current affairs series 'This Week'. ONE: ALS from 'Jeremy' to 'My dear Peter'. 3 June 1960. 1p., 12mo. Enclosing the 'preliminary Memorandum', and giving his contact details at the Liberal Club. 'In Kenya I have very good contacts who cd lay on a private plane (gratis!) to investigate the re-emergence of mau mau. | In the Protectorate I think I cd arrange Transport.' He ends by opining that 'this scheme has possibilities'.

[ Peter Le Neve Foster, mathematican, photographer, and Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts. ] Autograph Note Signed ('P. Le Neve Foster') to George Ranken at Hull.

Peter Le Neve Foster (1809-1879), mathematician, Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, and photographer of the Calotype Club
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, & Commerce [ now the Royal Society of Arts ], John St, Adelphi, London. 11 March 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. The note reads: 'Dear Sir, | All the Catalogues at my disposal have long since been distributed. | Yours faithfully | P. Le Neve Foster | Secy'.

[ John McOwan, Wesleyan Methodist minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J McOwan') [ to Rev. Walker ] and discussing a number of topics, in particular 'Bro. S Dunn' and 'the Division Question'

John McOwan, Wesleyan Methodist minister, superintendent of the Huddersfield Buxton Road circuit
Publication details: 
Halifax [ Yorkshire ]. 19 February 1847.

6pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The recipient is not identified, but is a 'Brother' minister, husband of the 'Mrs Walker' and father of the 'young Sam' named at the end.

[ Mandela; Sir Ronald Harwood, playwright and screenwriter. ] Shooting Script, with numerous pages of amendments, of the British television drama film 'Mandela'.,directed by Peter Saville and starring Danny Glover.

Sir Ronald Harwood (born South Africa, 1934 as Ronald Horwitz), Oscar-winning playwright and screenwriter [ Peter Saville (1930-2016), British film director; Nelson Mandela ]
Publication details: 
[ TVS Limited, Shepperton Studios. ] Dated 9 September 1986.

Typed screenplay, 103pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Paginated to 99, but with the pagination heavily disrupted by the addition and removal of a large number of pages of revisions on pink or blue paper, each amended leaf dated at the head. Held together with two metal studs, in yellow card binding with windowpane for title. Title-page states 'MANDELA | by | Ronald Harwood | 9 September 1986', without further details. Loosely inserted is a six-page 'Call Sheet No.

[ Edward Harbord, Lord Suffield. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Suffield') to John Richardson of Heydon, containing a splendid assessment of the character of his friend the Lord Chancellor, Henry Peter Brougham, and reminiscences of Lord Eldon.

Edward Harbord, 3rd Baron Suffield [ Lord Suffield ] (1781-1835), radical politician and abolitionist [ John Richardson of Heydon; Henry Peter Brougham; John Scott, Lord Eldon; Lord Chancellor ]
Publication details: 
Vernon House [ Park Place, St James's, London ]. 22 September 1831.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on the blank reverse of the second leaf is a frank (also signed 'Suffield'), addressed to 'Jn. Richardson Esqr. | Heydon | Aylsham | Norfolk' An excellent letter, containing a splendid assessment of Brougham's qualities, and a vivid reminiscence regarding his predecessor as Lord Chancellor, Lord Eldon. The identity of the book that is the subject of the letter is unclear. Suffield begins by reporting that Brougham has promised Suffield that he will 'attentively consider' Richardson's book.

[ Joseph Ady, fraudster. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Ady') to 'Mrs Jackson', giving details of funds he claims are due to her, and attacking Sir Peter Laurie for 'Malice'; on reverse of one of his lithographed fradulent circulars.

Joseph Ady (1775-1852), Quaker fraudster [ Sir Peter Laurie (1778-1861), Lord Mayor of London ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place [ 1846 or later ].

For details of Ady and his methods, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is on one side of a 9.5 x 22 cm piece of paper.

[ Hans Schmoller and The Imprint Society for the Advancement of the Graphic Arts in South Africa: corrected proof of pamphlet by Hortors Limited. ] The Imprint Society | An Account of its Inception to which is appended a Draft Constitution.

Hans Schmoller [ Hans Peter Schmoller ], typographer; The Imprint Society for the Advancement of the Graphic Arts in South Africa, Johannesburg [ Hortors Limited, printers ]
Publication details: 
'For circulation to members and prospective members'. Johannesburg, 1944.

8pp., 12mo. Stitched into grey printed wraps. Aged and worn. On reverse of title: 'This booklet is produced in accordance with Paper Control regulations and is therefore limited in size and scope | It is publication number one of the Imprint Society and was first issued in August 1944'. The pamphlet begins: 'The idea that led to the Imprint Society being formed was conceived when two compositors, working in Johannesburg in 1939, realized that most of the printed matter produced in South Africa was ugly and uninspired, and that nothing was being done to remedy this.

Printed pamphlet: 'Agriculture'.

Peter Kropotkin [ James Tochatti, Liberty Press, Chiswick ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed and Published by James Tochatti, "Liberty" Press, Chiswick, W. 1896.

18 + [2]pp., 8vo. Disbound. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Two pages of advertisements at rear: the first carrying a list of titles in the 'Liberty Bookshelf' series, the second listing 'Liberty Pamphlets'. Now uncommon.

[ Sir John Peter Grant, Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal and as Governor of Jamaica. ] Autograph Signature ('J P Grant') on part of document.

Sir John Peter Grant (1807-1893), Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, 1859-1862, and Governor of Jamaica, 1866-1874
Publication details: 
Without place. 1868.

On 6 x 9.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, laid down on slightly-larger piece of paper (part of leaf from an album). Grant's distinctive forward-sloping signature at centre. At top of paper: '<...> Reign, Annoque Domini 1868.' Beneath the signature, in a contemporary hand: 'Sir John Peter Grant Lieut-Governor of Central Provinces of India during Mutiny. [sic] Governor-General of Jamaica born 1807'.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London. ] Exchequer receipt signed by ministers James Eynard and David Durand, and Elders John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London ] James Eynard and David Durand, ministers; John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior, Elders
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 13 November 1749.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records a payment of £12 10s 0d to the 'Ministers and Elders Of the French Church of St Martin Orgars of London as Assigned by Margin', and signed at foot by 'James Eynard Minister', 'David Durand Minister', and elders 'Jno Bonnet', 'Matthew Clarmont', 'Philip Rigail' and 'Peter De Visme junr'.

[ Cynthia Asquith; J.M. Barrie ] Autograph Note Signed "C. Greene" [Cynthia Asquith] to Morley Stuart, Editor, "Cambridge Daily News", Barrie's response to an article in the newspaper about his change of hand for writing. With related clippings etc.

Cynthia Asquith ("C. Greene"), Secretary to J.M. Barrie, wife of Herbert Asquith, the PM's son.
Publication details: 
[Headed] Adelphi Terrace House, Strand, W.C.2, 1 February 1937.

ANS, one page, 12mo, good condition, saying "I am asked by Sir James Barrie to thanmk you very much for a nice letter and an interesting article. | Yours daithfully | C. Greene | (For Sir James Barrie)". Accompanied by: a. newspaper clipping about "Barrie Handwriting Contrasts" - Barrie's change from right to left (because the right 'gave out') illustrated and discussed; b. a small clipping entitled "Sir James Barrie's Last Autograph", with detail and illustration; c. Typed Statement concerning "The Mysterious C.

[ Benchara Branford (see ODNB) annotations; book ] Branford's copy of Cargill Gilston Knott's 'Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait', heavily annotated by him, mostly with references to 'this genius' James Clerk Maxwell.

Benchara Branford [Benchara Bertrand Patrick Branford] (1867-1944), Scottish mathematician, Professor of Mathematics in the University of London [P.G.Tait; James Clerk Maxwell]
Publication details: 
Book published in 1911 (Cambridge: at the University Press). Annotations dated by Branford between 1934 and 1943.

4to: x + 379 pp. Frontispiece and plates. Tight copy on aged paper, in worn binding. Annotated throughout, with the endpapers and almost every page of the first 146 in particular crammed with notes by Branford in pencil and pen. On the front free endpaper Branford writes 'Finished (fairly thoroughly) on Feb. 26th 1934', and on the title-page, 'B. B. Sep. 3d. 1943'. On the same page he has added to the title 'and many notes (additional to those in text) on his intimate & great friend James Clerk Maxwell [...] the notes being taken from his Life by Campbell & Garnett'.

[ E. Rimbault Dibdin, art critic and curator. ] Five Typed Letters Signed (all 'Edwd Rimbault Dibdin') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding the Liverpool artists Richard Wright, Peter Perez Burdett and William Tate.

E. Rimbault Dibdin [ Edward Rimbault Vere Dibdin ] (1853-1941), art critic, curator of the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
The five on letterheads of the Walker Art Gallery, City of Liverpool, and dating between 27 November 1915 and 23 February 1916.

The letters total 5pp., 4to; and 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. On the reverse of one letter are pencil notes, presumably by Wood.

[ Peter Wardle, British portrait painter. ] Around 90 items from his papers, including incoming material relating to his work for the National Portraiture Association; correspondence with Ruskin School of Drawing, Oxford; receipts; payslips; tax.

Peter Wardle (b.1929), British portrait painter [ William Deeves (1893-1977), Director, The National Portraiture Association; ]
Publication details: 
Mainly from London. Dating from between 1972 and 1974.

Peter Wardle studied at Leicester School of Art and the Ruskin School of Art, Oxford. He began his career as a professional portrait painter and sculptor in the 1970s, and has work in a number of institutions including the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Ten of his works in the National Portrait Gallery collection include portraits of Athol Fugard, H. J. Eysenck and Edmund Blunden. He was also responsible for the portrait of Sir Geoffrey Keynes used as the frontispiece to his 1973 festschift. The present collection, containing around ninety items, is in aged and worn condition.

[ Jane Wardle, psychologist. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Jane') to her father the painter Peter Wardle, together with a small collection of childhood writings and drawings.

Jane Wardle [ Frances Jane Wardle ] (1950-2015), Professor of Clinical Psychology, University College, London [ Peter Wardle (b.1929), English artist ]
Publication details: 
Two of the letters from 48 Abingdon Road, Oxford, and one on letterhead of the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford. One of the childhood items from Lidstone, Enstone, Oxfordshire. All items undated (adult letters pre-1991).

Wardle's achievements as a leading behavioural scientist in the field of cancer prevention are described in her obituary in the Guardian, 24 November 2015. The three adult letters addressed to 'Daddy'. One four-page letter on yellow paper with loss from damp damage, the other items in fair condition, with light signs of age. One of the other two letters also of four pages, and the last of one page. The letters are intimate and positive, filled with loving encouragement and advice and giving family news.

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