[Trinidad in 1842.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'G. E.' to the banker William Wilson of Messrs. Hankey, Plummer & Wilson, London, describing his activities on the island, including a visit to the Pitch Lake and capture of an alligator.

[Trinidad in 1842; William Wilson, banker, of Messrs. Hankey, Plummer & Wilson, 7 Mincing Lane, London]
Publication details: 
Port of Spain, Trinidad. 30 December 1842.

4pp., 4to. 112 lines of text. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with closed tears along fold lines. Addressed, with two postmarks (one of Trinidad) to 'W. Wilson Esqr. | 7. Mincing Lane | London | Packet'. A closely-written letter, well-written and filled with content, and with a few clues about the identity of the writer. It begins: 'A merry Xmas to you & all my friends in England. I remembered you in my cups, but the liquor was only water for I have become almost a teetotaller of late, having had a little about me when I left St Kitts.

[Robert Byron, traveller.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Strutt, discussing areas in Ceylon and South India that she should visit.

Robert Byron (1905-1941), traveller and authority on Byzantine civilization, author of 'The Road to Oxiana'
Publication details: 
'as from 91 Bishopsgate | EC2 [London]'. 2 February 1938.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope addressed to Mrs Strutt at the Galle Face Hotel, Columbo, Ceylon. He lists four locations in Ceylon, and six in South India, with brief comments including:'15 sq. miles of ruins - the oldest tree in the world'; 'lovely temple, Adams Houses, Flaxman monuments'. The regarding the last location he writes: 'Madras itself has charming classical buildings, & in the Old Durbar Hall is to be

[Edwin Sandys, 2nd Baron Sandys.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ed: Sandys'), to an unnamed bookseller, asking a number of questions on published accounts of voyages to the Amazon.

Edwin Sandys, 2nd Baron Sandys (1726-1797), successively Member of Parliament for Droitwich, Bossiney and Westminster
Publication details: 
Ombersley [Worcestershire]. 14 September 1758.

2pp., small 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight loss to one edge. He begins: 'Sr! | I wrote to you a Post or two ago to desire you to send me Voyage de M. Condamine sur la Riviere des Amazons impr. a Paris en 1745. If you have it not in your Shop Pray enquire for it, & send it to me at Ombersley near Worcester: and I wish you would inform me if M. Condamine or any of his company that went with him to Peru, have publish'd any other account of any part of their Expedition? I have read Don Ant.

[Florida.] Printed guidebook, titled 'Into Tropical Florida. A Round Trip upon the St. Johns'.

W. B. Watson, Manager, and C. B. Fenwick, Central Passenger Agent, De Bary Merchants' Line, Florida
Publication details: 
'Issued by the Passenger Department De Bary Merchants' Line. Undated [circa 1882].

33 + [25] pp., including wraps. Stitched, in brown printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with repair to front cover. The inside cover and 24 of the last 25pp. are filled with advertisements, many of them illustrated. The volume begins with a 21-page description of 'The State of Florida' from 'Jacksonville (Duval County)' to 'Lake Monroe', with illustrationss of various views. It is followed by two pages by 'W. B. Watson, Manager' and 'C. B. Fenwick, Central Pass. Agent', headed 'A First Class Line'; a page of 'Distances to Landings on St. Johns River'; and a two-page 'Hotel List'.

[Nineteenth-century coach building.] Lithographed handbill advertisement for 'Wright's Patent Drag' (i.e. brake for a horse-drawn coach), with two illustrations by Baddeley, and four testimonials. With accompanying engraving.

[Wright's Patent Drag (the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho [subsequently 138 Holborn Bars]), London [Baddeley, engraver; nineteenth-century coach building; Victorian carriages; transport]
Publication details: 
'Royal Pier Hotel, Ryde, | July 25th, 1842.' ['Office of the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho, London' , amended in manuscript to '138 Holborn Bars']

Text: 2pp., foolscap 8vo (35 x 20.5cm.). Engraving: 12 x 16cm with corners clipped. Both items in fair condition, on aged paper. The text is cropped at the head, through a royal crest, and has rounded corners at the head and trimmed corners at the foot. The engraving has traces of grey paper mount on reverse. The text has lithograph illustrations of two side-views of four-wheel carriages with the drag applied, beneath the cropped crest and above the title 'WRIGHT'S PATENT DRAG.' Text consists of around 60 lines in copperplate.

Autograph journal of a 'Trip to Singapore' from Johannesburg, by an unnamed female doctor (presumably the wife of the South African political activist Basil Stein).

[Journal of a trip to Singapore from Johannesburg, South Africa, 1967-1968; Basil Stein (1928-2012), South African political activist]
Publication details: 
From Johannesburg, South Africa, to Singapore. 21 October 1967 to 31 January 1968.

57pp., 4to. In ruled notebook, with marbled boards and brown cloth spine. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A light, observant account of a holiday, with details of her pastimes, the individuals she encounters, social engagements. First page headed 'Trip to Singapore Oct. 1967'. The first entry begins: '21st Oct. Left Jburg by train at 6.30 PM Ben [her husband] saw me off - gave me a box of Lindt chocs! but still could not refrain from pointing out how expensive they were.

Autograph Letter Signed from Alfred Musty, an immigrant to Canada, writing to a benefactor [Mr Challinor?] back in England, to describe his 'first year', and including a reference to M. H. Cochrane, 'the great celebrated Herd Farmer of Canada'.

Alfred Musty [Matthew Henry Cochrane (1823-1903), Canadian industrialist and breeder of livestock]
Publication details: 
Huntingville, Eastern Townships, Province of Quebec, Canada. 29 September 1883.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 77 lines of text. In good condition, on aged paper, with a little wear and a few closed tears along folds. He begins by describing his 'prospects': 'My first year in Canada I stayed with Mr. Bridges, during which time I got a pretty fair knowledge of the country. I then decided to speculate on a woodland Lot of Fifty Acres, price Five Hundred Dollars.

Contract signed by Sir Polydore De Keyser, in which he undertakes to give a copy of the 'Stranger's guide to London and its environs' to 'every one of the travellers who are living, every day, in my hotel [De Keyser's Royal Hotel, London]'.

Sir Polydore de Keyser (1832-1918), Belgium-born proprietor of De Keyser's Royal Hotel, the first Roman Catholic since the Reformation to be elected Lord Mayor of London (1887-1888)
Publication details: 
With stamp of the Royal Hotel, London. 12 March 1859. The contract printed by 'Imp. Hervey, 20, rue Cades, Paris.'

The contract is a form (1p., 12mo) printed in English in Paris by Imprimerie Hervey, and completed in autograph by De Keyser, with his stamp. It is in good condition, on aged paper, laid down on a larger sheet on which the words 'Royal Hotel, | 26, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars' are written in red ink in a large hand. In the same hand, on the form itself, is written: 'Published separately in English, French, German and Spanish'.

Original lithographic engraving by Dupare, from a drawing by Arago, of 'Nouvelle Hollande. Vue d'une partie de la presqu'île Péron, et 1re entrevue avec les sauvages', depicting a meeting of Aborigines and Frenchmen at Shark Bay, Western Australia.

[Jacques Etienne Victor Arago (1790-1855), artist; Louis Claude Desaulses de Freycinet (1779-1842), Paris publisher; [Dupare, French engraver; Australian aborigines; Shark Bay, Peron Peninsula]
Publication details: 
[Paris: de Freycinet. Circa 1825.]

Dimensions: 18.5 x 25.5 cm. Laid down on a piece of 19.5 x 26.5 cm grey paper. The print has been trimmed, so that there is no margin. In good condition, lightly-aged and ruckled. Against a rocky backdrop, with aborigines viewing from the top of a hill, a group of six aborigines are shown to the right, naked and waving sticks and spears. To the left are the five Frenchmen, with a stack of rifles in front of a tent at far left. In the centre of the image the leading Frenchman places gifts on the end of a long stick held by one of the aborigines.

Holograph poem (signed 'Julia S. H. Pardoe') by Julia Pardoe, apparently unpublished, beginning 'Fairyland! Fairyland! | That must be a pleasant spot'.

Julia Pardoe [Julia S. H. Pardoe] (c.1804-1862), English poet, novelist, historian and traveller, author of 'The City of the Sultan' (1836) and 'The Beauties of the Bosphorus' (1839)
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., landscape 16mo (8.5 x 13 cm). Good, on aged paper, with blank second leaf of bifolium bearing evidence of previous mounting. The poem is neatly written out, in a sensitive hand, and is eight lines long: 'Fairyland! Fairyland! | That must be a pleasant spot: | Silver rippled over the strand, | Murmurs in each cave & grot, | Jewelled fruits upon the trees, | Music floating on the air, | Perfumes breathing on the breeze -, | How I wish that I was there! | [signed] Julia S. H. Pardoe'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('V. D. Vroom') from the Democratic Party Governor of New Jersey, Peter Dumont Vroom, to the State Treasurer Charles Parker, informing him that he has issued travel warrants for two women, Hannah Alloways and Mary Ann Daniels.

Peter Dumont Vroom (1791-1873), Governor of the State of New Jersey, 1829-1832 and 1833-1836; Democratic member, House of Representatives, 1839-1841 [Charles Parker, Treasurer of New Jersey]
Publication details: 
Somerville [New Jersey]. 29 May 1835.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, with address on reverse of second leaf: 'Charles Parker, Esqr. | Treasurer | Trenton. | N.J.', together with red circular Somerville postmark, and docketing. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with light contemporary staining to second leaf, from which the seal has been cut away. The letter begins: 'I have issued warrants for the two following visitors - vizt. | 1. Hannah Alloways. Burlington Co. Warrant dated 20 May '35. | 2. Mary Ann Daniels - Cumberland - [Warrant dated] 29 May '35.

[Printed book.] A Soldier's Sojourn in British Guiana by Lt. Thomas Staunton St. Clair 1806-1808. Edited by Vincent Roth.

Lt. Thomas Staunton St. Clair [Vincent Roth, ed.; The Daily Chronicle Ltd, Printers and Publishers, Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana]
Publication details: 
The Daily Chronicle Ltd. Printers and Publishers, Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana. 1947.
Upon request

[iii] + 281 + [viii] pp., 8vo. With illustrations in text and occasional annotations by the editor. Stapled, in illustrated card wraps with illustrated endpapers. On aged paper, with front cover, endpapers and first two leaves loose. The book is, as the editor explains in his foreword ('Georgetown, 1946'), extracted from Staunton's 'A Residence in the West Indies and America, with a Narrative of the Expedition to the Island of Walcheren' (London: Richard Bentley, 1834).

[Printed item.] The History of Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom of Coventry, with a Description of St. Michael's Church, the Holy Trinity, and other Places of Worship, with numerous Local Illustrations. [...]

[J. Tomkinson, Coventry publisher; Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom; the Coventry Cemetery]
Publication details: 
Fifth Edition. Coventry: Printed and published by J. Tomkinson, High Street, 1877.

After '[...] with numerous local illustrations.' the title continues: 'To which is added a short account of The Coventry Cemetery, Waterworks, St. Mary's and Draper's Halls, School of Art, New Free Library, Bond's and Ford's Hospitals; also the History of Stoneleigh and Combe Abbeys, Kenilworth Castle, &c.' 48pp., small (15 x 12 cm) 4to. With fold-out frontispiece and nine engraved plates, including 'The Countess Lady Godiva riding through Coventry' and 'Peeping Tom of Coventry'. In green printed card wraps with red cloth spine.

Typed Letter Signed and Memo from the Claims Section, British Embassy, Athens, regarding clothing and money allegedly lent to Major Patrick Leigh Fermor by Kyriakos Pattakos of Amariou.

[Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor [Paddy Leigh Fermor] (1915-2011), British scholar, travel writer and soldier who fought in Crete in the Second World War] [Kyriakos Pattakos of Amariou]
Publication details: 
Letter addressed to Leigh Fermor from Claims Section, British Embassy, Athens. 22 October 1946. Memo without date or place.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The two are attached with a rusty pin, and there is a tiny hole at the head of the memo, affecting the word 'Kyriakos'. LETTER: 1p., 4to. Signature illegible. Addressed 'To: Mr. P. Leigh Fermor | British Council | ATHENS | From: Claims Section | British Embassy | ATHENS'. With 'Ref: 133/2803/109' and headed 'Subject: Force 133 Claim - Kyriakos PATTAKOS (2803)'. Requesting Leigh Fermor's 'general observations' on the enclosed memo regarding Pattakos's 'petition to H.M. Ambassador requesting payment of compensation amounting to £150/200.

Mimeographed printed notice to Fellows of the British Interplanetary Society by Arthur C. Clarke, as 'A.C. CLARKE, Chairman of the Council', regarding a reorganization of the Society's finances at a 'vital period in the development of astronautics'.

Sir Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction writer and Chairman of the British Interplanetary Society, 1946-7 and 1951-3
Publication details: 
The British Interplanetary Society, 'Secretarial address: 157, Friary Road, London, S.E.15.' 1 July 1947.

1p., 8vo. A fragile piece of ephemera, on aged paper, with wear at head (not affecting text). The notice begins: 'For several months past the Council has had under consideration the question of the Society's finances since it has become apparent that our annual income is insufficient to ensure a continuous and regular flow of publications.' References follow to 'donations from private members', an 'enforced summer recess', 'the acquisition of library shelves, desks and other fittings'. Two reasons are given in justification of the doubling of the 'Fellowship subscription'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the wood-engraver Robert Gibbings to Mrs de Navarro in Canada, discussing his future plans.

Robert Gibbings (1889-1958), Anglo-Irish wood-engraver and author
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 91 Warwick Road, London, SW5. 1 January 1953.

1p., 4to. Eight lines. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight discoloration to the blank reverse, caused by tape repair to a short closed tear. In envelope addressed by Gibbings to 'Mrs. de Navarro | P.O. Box 88 | Mont-Rolland | P.Q. | Canada'. He thanks her for her 'nice letter'. He is 'now hard at work on the engravings for my new book "Coming Down The Seine" to be published in the autumn; then I may be going back to Ireland again.' He ends in sending 'every good wish for 1953'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. H. Pardoe') from the novelist Julia Pardoe to 'Mrs. Cooper', describing a 'severe accident' met with by her parents.

Julia Pardoe [J. S. H. Pardoe; Julia Sophia Pardoe] (1804-1862), English novelist and poet, best-known for her accounts of her travels in the Ottoman Empire
Publication details: 
13 Upper Eaton Street, London; 'Wednesday' [no date, but before 1849].

3pp., 16mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She begins: 'I am sure you wil grieve to hear that my dear Parents have met with a severe accident, altho', thank God! we have every cause to hope that there wil be no latent results. They were knocked down by a horse, in attempting to avoid an Omnibus: both are cut on the head, & Mama is much bruised in several places.' 'Quiet and care' will restore them, she trusts. Her mother has asked her to write, as it will be impossible for her parents to keep the dinner engagement with Mrs Cooper.

Autograph Manuscript of Captain Basil Hall, RN, FRS, cut from letter, and with his signature, giving his plans while in America.

Captain Basil Hall (1788-1844), RN, FRS, naval officer, traveller and author, friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
Note in contemporary hand reads 'From Washington - 13 Jan: 1828.'

On one side of a piece of paper approximately 18.5 x 6.5 cm, neatly cut from a letter. Laid down on a piece of 22.5 x 28 cm paper, and with a border drawn around it. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'We have been most kindly & hospitably received by every body & I find such a variety of character & even of incident (of a political kind) that I rejoice exceedingly at having come here in the first instance. We still propose leaving this on the 1st. of Feby., Charleston on the 1st. of March, & New Orleans on the 1st.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Golden Valley, Herefordshire, by Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone. [The Golden Valley: Its Parishes; Its Beauties; Its Salubrity; The Objects of Interest. A Trip for a Day.]

Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone.
Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone.
Publication details: 
Hereford: Printed by Jakeman and Carver, Printers, Widemarsh Street, High Town, Hereford. [1880s]
Thomas Powell, Rector of Dorstone.

12mo, [iv] + 48 pp. In original brown printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Aged and lightly worn, with slight staining to edges of wraps. Can be dated to the 1880s, as Powell died in 1886, and the latest date in the text is 1881. Preface: 'This little work professes to give merely a sketch of the objects of beauty and interest to be found in The Golden Valley. The Landscape-Painter, the Archaeologist, the Botanist, the Historian, will there find ample occupation.

[Printed pamphlet] The Excursionist's Guide to the Neighbourhood of Hereford, containing Itineraries of the Railways and Roads, [...] papers on the Geology of the District, [...] the Flora of Hereford and Ten Miles Round, and a Glossary [...].

W.S. Symonds
 The Excursionist's Guide to the Neighbourhood of Hereford,
Publication details: 
Hereford: Joseph Jones & Son, 10, Broad Street. [1867]
 The Excursionist's Guide to the Neighbourhood of Hereford,

12mo, iv + 56 pp. Stitched in original wraps, printed in red and black on yellow. Text clear and complete. Aged and in worn and faded wraps. Full title: 'The Excursionist's Guide to the Neighbourhood of Hereford, containing Itineraries of the Railways and Roads, Descriptions of the chief Abbeys, Castles, Churches, Seats of the Gentry, and Spots of Historical Interest, Papers on the Geology of the District, By the Rev. W. S. Symonds, of Pendock, T. Curley, Esq., and the Rev.

[Periodical] Le Courrier Interplanetaire [( British Edition)

Editor: Prof. A. Nahon, Founder-President, Association Mondialiste Interplanetaire.
 Le Courrier Interplanetaire
Publication details: 
Issued by the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Archers Court, Hastings, England.
 Le Courrier Interplanetaire

Unbound Issue described as First Year Nos.7-33, but is paginated 82, 83, 84, no page no., no page no., 69, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96. 97, 94-96 (duplicated) 101, 104. Printed wraps, 8vo, reproduced from typescript. Perhaps extracts from the continental edition, with an involuntary duplication of pages. Scarce.

[Pamphlet] Thos. Cook & Son Ltd. Facsimile Specimen Signatures February 1st, 1949.

[Thomas Cook, travel agency]
Thos. Cook & Son Ltd. Facsimile Specimen Signatures
Publication details: 
[London, 1949].
Thos. Cook & Son Ltd. Facsimile Specimen Signatures

16 pages, 4to, original grey/blue wraps, dusted and some foxing, mainly good. List No.1 of Signatures authorised for signing Letters of Credit, Letters of Indication in conjunction therewith, and Drafts, 4pp. (56 signatures), and Supplementary List of Signatures authorised for signing drafts only, 12pp., both lists including list of foreign branches with signing rights.

Autograph Letter Signed Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer, to Mrs Geo. R. Parks [née Elizabeth Robins, author], 24 Iverna Gardens, Kensington, W [London] about Mrs Pennell and the Yukon.

William Healey Dall, American naturalist, a prominent malacologist, and one of the earliest scientific explorers of interior Alaska.
Autograph Letter Signed  Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer
Publication details: 
[Headed] Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Washington, DC, 12 Feb. 1907.
Autograph Letter Signed  Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer


Ten glass slides of Edwardian photographs of Spain (Seville, Madrid, Hendaye, Gandia, Toledo).

[Edwardian photographs of Spain: Seville, Madrid, Hendaye, Gandia, Toledo]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1912.]

All ten slides bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded. The slides, apparently from a newspaper library, all carry the shelf-mark 'T46', and all but three are captioned in manuscript. Evocative and instructive images, apparently all dating from the Edwardian period. Captions of 'Protestant College, Madrid; Toledo Cathedral; La Feria [Seville]; Gandia Market; Hendaye; and the Patio de Los Leones, Alhambra, Granada.

Manuscript Journals containing accounts of an Englishman's (or Scotsman's) two fishing trips to Canada, the first in 1874 and the second in 1876, primarily to Quebec and New Brunswick.

Walter A. MacGregor [Canada; Quebec; New Brunswick; freshwater; salmon fishing]
 MS Diary Englishman's (or Scotsman's)  two fishing trips to Canada
Publication details: 
1874 and 1876-7.
 MS Diary Englishman's (or Scotsman's)  two fishing trips to Canada

Both volumes 4to, and uniform in dark-green leather bindings. A total of 195 manuscript pages. The journals reveal the author to be a man of leisure and means, fully able to induldge his taste for freshwater fishing, at camps with 'canoemen', cook, and canoes. The English sections indicate that he was a clubman, that he worked in the City (with possible business interests in Liverpool), and lived in West London with (sister?) 'Lola' and his mother. 'Alick', presumably a brother, is occasionally mentioned. (It may be that he was the Walter A.

Autograph Signature ('P. B. Du Chaillu').

Paul Du Chaillu [Paul Belloni Du Chaillu] (1835-1903), French-American traveller and anthropologist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

In pencil, on strip of paper roughly 2.5 x 13 cm. Laid down on piece of card. On lightly-aged and creased paper, with small tear close to the right of the signature.

Itemised financial accounts, in Shepherd's hand and initialled by him ('C. Wm. S.'), for the expedition described by him in his book 'The North-West Peninsula of Iceland'.

Rev. Charles William Shepherd, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Alpine Club [G. G. Fowler; H. M. Upcher; Iceland]
Publication details: 
Dated from 14 June to 7 July [1862].

4to, 5 pp, on five loose and uniform leaves. Very good, on lightly aged paper. The first leaf is headed 'C. W. S. Acc' and is initialled at the foot 'Rt C. Wm. S.' The second is headed 'Sheet (2)', with the rest numbered 3 to 5. It is clear from sheets 2 to 5 that one leaf - what should have been 'Sheet (1)' - is lacking.

Indicaciones Sumarias para el Immigrante á Bolivia

Luis S. Crespo, Sub-Director de Estadistica y Estudios Geográficos del Ministerio [Ministerio de Colonización y Agricultura, Sección de Immigración, Bolivia]
Publication details: 
[Ministerio de Colonización y Agricultura, Sección de Immigracion] La Paz: Taller Tipo - Litográfico - J. M. Gamarra. 1907.

8vo, viii + 160 pp. Fold-out map at rear, and five maps (one of them fold-out) as five of the seven plates, with the other two plates photographic portraits of Doctor Ismael Montes and of Manuel V. Ballivián. In original printed wraps, with title on front. In poor condition, on brittle, aged high-acidity paper, with chipping and loss to margins, and the wraps discoloured and with loss at rear. Ownership inscription of Pedro Suarez of London.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Würtz'), in French, to 'mon cher Martin'

J. Würtz [Commission Scientifique pour l'exploration des Antiquités Américaines, Paris]
Publication details: 
19 September 1851; on letterhead of the Commission Scientifique pour l'exploration des Antiquités Américaines, Paris.

8vo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In a difficult hand. Apparently relating to a proposed meeting and dinner for 'tous les trois' (including ''). It is curiously difficult to discover anything, either about Würtz or about the Commission.

Manuscript letter from 'Mummie' to 'Babsie', consisting of a long description in English of Burma from a visiting mother to her daughter.

[Mandalay; Burma; Myanmar]
Publication details: 
March 17 [no year] [around 1927]. Mandalay, Burma.

12mo, 15 pp. On watermarked laid paper. Very good, with slight wear to crease on first leaf damaging two words (both still legible). Otherwise text clear and complete. The item can be dated from a reference to 'a Dempsey-Tunney fight'. Although neatly written, the handwriting is so stylised that deciphering the text presents difficulties. Begins 'What a whirl since I wrote you on the boat before we landed in Rangoon [...] HOT. Yes! Right now it is 90 degrees in our room which has windows on three sides & there are two big fans going.

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