Pamphlets and Books

[Nina Hamnett Annotation; Queen of Bohemia; Periodical] Wales 3

Keidrych Rhys, Editor [Nina Hamnett]
Publication details: 
January: February: March, 1944.

Printed wraps, advts back and front, pp.[1]-116, wraps dulled, stained and sl. worn, Contents in good condition, including Daniel Jones, Vernon Watkins, John Betjeman, Ruthven Todd. The phrase Nina Hamnett annotation is written top of front wrap by an unknown hand. See image (includes Contents).

[N.C. Daruwalla; booklet] Bombay as an Educational Centre

N.C. Daruwalla
Publication details: 
The Minerva Publishing CompanyLtd, London, [1921?]. See image.

Small booklet, 24pp., 16mo, small wormhole, through blank space of text, , rust around staple, punch-hole slightly affecting the text characteristic of material from the papers formerly held at the headquarters of the National Indian Association and the Northbrook Society, 21 Cromwell Road, later by its former Warden, Roland Knaster. Scarce. One other copy traced, in the National Library of Wales.

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group; Periodical; One issue of United India, vol.II, No. 26

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group]
Publication details: 
September 29, 1920. Printed at the Pelican Press [...] and published by United India Co., Ltd [...],

Paginated [387]-402, fold marks, small rust marks from staples, punch-hole. From the papers formerly held at the headquarters of the National Indian Association and the Northbrook Society, 21 Cromwell Road, later by its former Warden, Roland Knaster. BUT stamped 1917-CLUB, a club founded by Leonard Woolf, frequented by his friends and (re. Wikipedia entry, Gordon Childe, Ramsay MacDonald, Aldous Huxley, H. G. Wells, H. N. Brailsford, Elsa Lanchester, Rose Macaulay,[3] Frederick Pethick-Lawrence, J. A. Hobson, Norah C. James, W. C. Anderson, Mary Hamilton, Emile Burns, E. D.

[Gurdit Singh Dara, Activist; Indian Independence; Pamphlet] Government of India In Miniature at 21 Cromwell Road, London. WITH additional related material from the Cromwell Road papers.

Gurdit Singh Dara (Bar[rister]-at-Law, Lahore) [Mrs Sarojini Naidu, Activist]
Publication details: 
London: Murray & Co., 1921.

Pamphlet from the Papers of the objective of the attack, 21 Cromwell Road, 15pp. 8vo, grey paper wraps, stapled together (staples rusted), small rust mark on cover, one punch-hole, marginally affecting the printed text. No other copy recorded (on WorldCat or COPAC). Annotated in pencil, probably by Roland Knaster, Warden of 21 Cromwell Road 1921-1923 (see The India Office and Burma Office List for 1945). The author, Dara, was an agitator for Indian Independence as was the writer of the note that concludes this pamphlet, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu (see Wikipedia).

[C. Abramsky Ltd, bookseller; printed Catalogue; heavily annotated by Abramsky] LIST No. 2

[Chimen Abramsky (1916 – 2010), scholar, antiquarian bookseller, emeritus professor of Jewish studies at University College London]
Publication details: 
5 Hillway, London, N6, March 1963.

Printed Wraps, 49pp., 8vo, some wear and tear due to use, but ow, good condition. Initially Contents page ranging from Autographs, Manuscripts, Jewish Bindings, and Four very rare Hebrew Books To T.J. Wise Pamphlets and Woman's Emancipation, including Russian Books. The extensive annotation includes (front wrap) FILE COPY IMPORTANT. WITH a forest of catalogue item numbers of sold items & marginal notes of sales (major institutions worldwide from Alberta to Jerusalem to Yale, Isaiah Berlin, Lelio Basso (both multiple orders), Haward (University) (many more than their multiple).

[ Kimberley; Diamond Fields Advertiser ] The Siege of Kimberley 1899-1900. Specail Illustrated Number of the Diamond Fields Advertiser, Kimberley

[ Kimberley; Diamond Fields Advertiser ]
Publication details: 
The Diamond Fields Advertiser, Ltd Kimberley [1900]

Photographs mainly supplied by Mr. F.H. Hancox [...]. Not paginated. A very good copy, original dark red morocco gilt, sl. rubbed, raised bands, all edges gilt, patterned endpapers, with label of Arthur Probsthain, [eminent] Oriental Booksellers. See photo.

[ Sylvia Pankhurst; suffragette and activist; Pamphlet ] The Execution of an East London Boy.

E. Sylvia Pankhurst [ Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (1882–1960), campaigner for the suffrage and suffragette movement, a socialist and later a communist , and so on.]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the WOMAN'S DREADNOUGHT, April 22nd, 1916, published by the Worker's Suffrage Foundation [...]

Leaflet, 4pp., sl. dusted, aged, one small closed tear, ow. good. Pankhurst prints selections from the letters of a Private on the Western Front who was court-martialled and executed. Apparently very scarce, two copies (USA) listed in WorldCat (and one of those might be microform).

[ J.O.; Book ] The Story of the Mhow Court-Martial with Notes and an Appendix

J. O. [Jacob Omnium, pseud., i.e. M. J. Higgins.]
Publication details: 
London: Smith, Elder and Co., 65 Cornhill, 1864

[iv].80pp., 8vo, beige paper wraps, dusted, good condition. Reprinted from the Cornhill Magazine of November 1863. This edition scarce, copies recorded in BL, North Carolina and Australia.

[ F.R. Maunsell; Delhi; Indian Mutiny; Pamphlet ] The Siege of Delhi. A Record by a Survivor who filled an important post at the 'Glorious' Siege.

[ F.R. Maunsell, K.C.B. ]
Publication details: 
London Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd, 1912

Pamphlet, 23pp., 8vo, with addendum slip, green wraps quite heavily sunned, contents good condition. Copies in copyright libraries plus NY.

[Arthur Holmes, geologist, and Robert W. Lawson, Einstein's English translator.] Offprint, inscribed by the authors to Prof. C. G. Curtis: 'Lead and the End Product of Thorium. (Part II.)'

Arthur Holmes, A.R.C.S., B.Sc., F.G.S., Imperial College, London, and Robert W. Lawson, M.Sc., Radium Institute, Vienna
Publication details: 
'From the Philosophical Magazine [London], vol. xxix. May 1915.'

16pp, 8vo, paginated 673-688. Stitched into brown wraps, with typed white label on front cover. At the head of the front cover, in manuscript: 'II | Prof C. G. Curtis | With the Authors' Compliments.' The offprint in good condition, on lightly aged paper, the brown wraps aged and chipped, with small of back wrap torn away at rear. The only other copy of this offprint on OCLC WorldCat at Durham University.

[Christopher Fry, dramatist and poet.] "Thor with Angels" Copy of the 'Acting Edition for the Festival of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral 1948', with anonymous manuscript copy letter, in two hands, of a rebuttal of a critical review in The Times.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas, author of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'
Publication details: 
Copy Letter dated 21 June 1948; no place. Play: [Friends of Canterbury Cathedral.] Canterbury: H. J. Goulden, Ltd. [1948.]

From the Christopher Fry papers. PLAY: [1] + 47pp, 12mo. Stapled into buff wraps printed in red, including the statement that it is the 'Friends of Canterbury Cathedral Edition'. In fair condition, lightly aged, in worn wraps, with a trace of rust to staples. This edition of the play (the first?) is uncommon: the only copies on OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and University of British Columbia. COPY LETTER: 4pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Written out in two hands, Recipient not named. With salutation 'Dear Sir,' and valediction 'I am | Yrs truly,'.

[ Slave Trade 1805; Thomas Bayly Howell ] The Report from A Committee of the HOuse of Assembly of Jamaica, [...] To Inquire into the Proceedings of The Imperial Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland relative to The Slave Trade, &c &c.

[ Slave Trade 1805; Thomas Bayly Howell ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed and Published according to the Order of the House of Assembly, By Edmund Pusey Lyon, Esquire, Agent for Jamaica. 1805.

40pp., 4to, disbound and defective, foxing, sl. frayed but main text complete, missing title/printed wraps (present as photocopy) with two folding Appendices (Tables) (one missing small section in middle with loss of some letters all the way down): Appendix No. 1. Statistics re. Raw and Refined Sugar up to 1804; No. 2 An Account of the Total Value of the Impor[t] into and Exports from Great Britain in 1801 and 1802, distinguishing the [Brit]ish Manufacturers from the Foreign Ones. INSCRIBED "T.B.H.

[Lithographed Victorian satire on the Royal Academy.] The Dolefulle Ballade of Arthur Scumble, Now First Imprinted From Ye Originalle M.S. Embellished with Drawynges after Ye Quicke. [Drophead title: 'Arthur Scumble or The yonge Probationere.']

'I S' [The Royal Academy, London, in the nineteenth century]
Royal Academy
Publication details: 
London: Ford & West, Imp. 54, Hatton Garden. 1852.
Royal Academy

6pp., small 4to. Stitched into brown wraps with lithographed title on cover, in pastiche of Gothic design, including monogrammed initials 'IS' in shield, with the letters picked out in red. In fair condition, aged and worn. An extremely scarce item (no copies found on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC), whose text and illustrations cast light on the practices at the Royal Academy in the mid-Victorian period.

[ Sydney Holland, Chairman, London Hospital. ] Printed pamphlet: 'Two Talks to the Nurses of the London Hospital, Dec. 1897, Dec. 1905.'

Honble. Sydney Holland, Chairman, London Hospital [ Sydney Holland, Viscount Knutsford (1855-1931) ]
Publication details: 
[ London Hospital. ] First talk: Eleventh Thousand. 5th Edition. December 1897. Second talk: Third Thousand. December 1905. 'Copies of these Two Talks can be obtained of Whitehead, Morris & Co., Ltd., 9 & 10, Fenchurch Street.'

Two items bound together. 40pp., 8vo, and [2] + 31pp., 8vo. Stapled into black printed wraps, with title in white on cover: 'Two Talks to the Nurses of the London Hospital, Dec. 1897, Dec. 1905.' The first talk (1897) is titled: 'A Talk to the Nurses of the London Hospital'. Holland states: 'I am proud, Nurses, of being at the head of what I believe to be one of the best nursed hospitals in England, and it is an added joy to me to be associated in the work with a woman whose life's work it has been to perfect hospital nursing, [i.e.

[Standish]The Antient Usage In Bearing of such Ensigns of Honour ... commonly call'd Arms. With A Catalogue of the present Nobility and Baronets of England. ['Catalogue of Books Printed ... Theatre in Oxford [...] sold in London, by Moses Pitt' at end.]

[ Myles Standish; Miles Standish ] Sir William Dugdale, Garter Principal King of Arms [Catalogue of Books Printed at the Theater in Oxford; Moses Pitt, bookseller of St Paul's]
Publication details: 
The Second Edition Corrected, 1682. Oxford: Printed at the Theater for Moses Pitt, and sold by Samuel Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London.

12mo, [viii] + 210 pp, together with four unpaginated pages before p. 79 and two unpaginated pages before p. 165. With fold-out list of Knights of the Garter. Includes a "Catalogue of the Nobility of Ireland". On aged paper, in worn eighteenth-century binding, modern rebacking. Ownership inscription, at head of p.1, 'Mary Standish of Standish - Her Book' (suggesting a relationship with Myles Standish, pioneer American); and a couple of ownership initials on title-page.

[ The London College of Educational Dance Training (later the London College of Dance). ] Printed prospectus from 1946, with one letter from the principal Grace Cone, and four from vice-principal Anita Heyworth, to Phrosso Pfister.

[ The London College of Dance [ The London College of Educational Dance Training ]; Grace Cone; Anita Heyworth; Phrosso Pfister (1922-2013) ]
Publication details: 
The London College of Educational Dance Training, The Lodge [ Rawdon Hall ], Holyport, near Maidenhead, Berkshire. 1944, 1945 and 1946.

The London College of Educational Dance Training opened at Rawdon Hall in 1944, merged with Middlesex University in 1994, and shut in 2003. Grace Cone, the first principal, retired in 1966, and was replaced by her vice-principal Anita Heyworth. Heyworth retired in 1973 and was replaced by Phrosso Pfister. Pfister had become a student at the college in 1945, following war service with the SOE in Egypt and Italy, and had become a staff member in 1949. The present collection of five items is from Pfister's papers.

[Printed 'album', with programme. ] The exhibition Le Théatre de la Mode in London | Sponsored by the "Continental Daily Mail" | under the auspices of “L'Association Francaise d'Action artistique” | In aid of British and French charities.

Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Théâtre de la Mode, 1945-1946 [ Gérard Bauër; Christian Bérard; Jean Saint-Martin; Eliane Bonabel; Rebull; Boris Kochno; Michel de Brunhoff ]
Publication details: 
[ Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Paris. ] 'This album was compiled and produced by Aljanvic Publicité under the supervision of Boris Kochno and printed by l'Imprimerie de Bobigny. Paris, August 1945.'

Substantial unpaginated ring-bound 4to volume, with striking coloured cover illustration by Christian Bérard. Internally in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, in worn covers detaching from ring binding. A stylish volume, printed on both shiny art paper and thick rough grey stock. In three sections: 'The Story of this Exhibition'; 'Style in French Art by Gérard Bauër' and 'Twelve Scenes'. Profusely illustrated, including tipped-in plates. Several pages of advertisements for up-market Parisian shops at front and rear.

[ Pamphlet ] Dreams; A Paper read to The Maryport Literary and Scientific Society [...] On March 11th, 1890.

Rt. Rev. Abbot Snow, O.S.B.
Publication details: 
Printed by the Western Chronicle Company, Yeovil [ 1890 ]

Disbound, 21pp., 8vo, foxing on first page, ow good condition. He discusses the most prominent aspects of dreams without attempting a scientific analysis of mind and brain that must enter into any complete theory. Note: Freud's work on Dreams was published in 1899. No other copy of this pamphlet is listed on COPAC/WorldCat. Note: Item extracted from bound volume of pamphlets with the bookplate of L.A.St L. Toke, scholar.

[Masefield; Autograph Signature of Stopes in copy of ] The Collected Poems of John Masefield (London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1935).

John Masefield [ Marie Stopes ]
Publication details: 
1935; Norbury Park.

Marie Carmichael Stopes (1880-1958), British paleobotanist and eugenicist, influential advocate of birth control. Clean neat inscription on recto of front free endpaper reads 'Marie C. Stopes | Norbury Park | 1935'. The volume is in good condition, in a grubby dustwrapper worn at the head and tail of the spine. Pages 324-5 and 339 have been marked up in soft pencil.

[ Bookseller's catalogue. ] First Editions of Jack London, Thorne Smith, Erskine Caldwell, William Saroyan, John Steinbeck, Illustrated.

The El Dorado Bookstore, San Francisco, California [ props Roskie & Wallace of Oakland; Philip M. Roskie (1921-93) ] [ Jack London, Thorne Smith, Erskine Caldwell, William Saroyan, John Steinbeck ]
Publication details: 
Catalogue No. 1, 1948. The El Dorado Bookstore, 309 Kearny Street, San Francisco 8, California.

32pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. A previous owner has thought well enough of this item to have it put in a sturdy binding of black cloth, with title in gilt on spine. The binding is in very good condition, but a bookplate has been removed from the front pastedown. An interesting catalogue (especially when compared with the staid British book catalogues of the period), with each of the 108 items presented, four to a page, each with accompanying photograph of the covers of the book. The most expensive item, at $100, is a 1902 first edition of 'The Cruise of the Dazzler'.

[ Printed item with ownership signature of John Carter. ] The Cardboard Court. Playing Cards Through History.

Frank N. Jones, Director, Peabody Institute Library [ Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore; John Carter [ John Waynflete Carter ] (1905-1975), diplomat and bookman ]
Publication details: 
'An Exhibition on the History of Playing Cards, Peabody Institute Library, Baltimore. 1 November - 31 December 1960.

42pp., 8vo. Duplicated stapled typescript, with text on rectos only. Not illustrated. Introduction by Jones, in which he explains that 'the list is arranged chronologically under the country of origin, plus special types of cards as, for example, transformation, etc. A selected bibliography has been included for those who may wish to go into these matters more extensively.' A scholarly production, with 264 entries and four-page bibliography. Aged and worn, with printed card cover (on which a playing card has been laid down as part of design) detached and chipped.

[ Bookseller's catalogue. ] Literary Ladies of the Nineteenth Century. A Catalogue of Books: Autograph Letters: Illustrations: etc.

Ian Hodgkins & Co. Ltd, booksellers [ English nineteenth-century women writers; British Victorian female authors ]
Publication details: 
Ian Hodgkins & Co. Ltd., Upper Vatch Mill, The Vatch, Slad, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 7JY. Catalogue 81. Summer 1995.

40pp., 8vo. Stapled in printed wraps with illustration on front cover. In fair condition, somewhat aged and worn. Hodgkin was known for his meticulous catalouging, and 500 items are described, by a range of authors, both prominent and obscure, ranging from Grace Aguilar to Mrs Mary Wood-Allen. There are sub-sections for Louisa May Alcott, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Fanny Burney, Jane Welsh Carlyle, Eliza Cook, Marie Corelli, Maria S. Cummins, Lady Elizabeth Eastlake, Maria Edgeworth, George Elliot, Mrs.

Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, 1921. ] Printed 'Report to the Governor [ of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Michael S. Dukakis ] in the Matter of Sacco and Vanzetti', with letter from the Governor's Press Office and photostat of pardon.

[ Daniel A. Taylor, Chief Legal Counsel, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; the 1921 Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti; Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian-American anarchists ]
Publication details: 
Introduction by Daniel A. Taylor, Chief Legal Counsel, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department, State House, Boston, dated 13 July 1977.

[1] + 38pp., 4to. Stapled in brown printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In his introduction Taylor explains: 'The accompanying Report has been prepared under the auspices of the Office of the Governor's Legal Counsel in response to your questions: first, as to whether there are substantial grounds for believing - at least in light of the criminal justice standards of today - that Sacco and Vanzetti were unfairly convicted and executed, and, second, if so, what action can now appropriately be taken.

[ Printed item. ] A Catalogue of a Choice Collection of Books, Ancient and Modern, in English and Foreign Literature, selected from the Stock of J. Bellchambers, 10, King William Street, West Strand, London.

Jonathan Bellchambers, nineteenth-century London bookseller
Publication details: 
[ J. Bellchambers, 10, King William Street, West Strand, London. ] Printed by W. Blanchard & Sons, 62, Millbank-street, Westminster. December 1846.

16pp., 12mo. Stabbed and unbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The books, from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, are such as would adorn the shelves of a gentleman's country mansion. BBTI only has Bellchambers active in 1846, and there is a hint of desperation about the pricing, with the published price often given along with Bellchambers', and Ritson's 'Ancient Poetry' being offered at 'a very reduced price'. Scarce: no copies traced either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Printed item. ] Catalogue of Choice Books including a Collection of First & Rare Editions of the Works of Oscar Wilde. [ Including reproduction of caricature of Wilde by George Finch Mason. ]

H. Gray & Co., London booksellers [ Oscar Wilde; George Finch Mason (1850-1915), English illustrator ]
Publication details: 
[Number Sixteen, New Series, 1930. ] H. Gray & Co. 188 Lewisham Road, London, S.E.13, and 8 Royal Parade, Blackheath, S.E.3.

24pp., 8vo. Pagination includes the wraps, which carry the last two pages. With frontispiece plate: 'Oscar Wilde | Unpublished Caricature | By Finch Mason | [item 31]'. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn and chipped wraps. Wilde's name has been underlined in red pencil on cover.

[ Printed item. ] A List of Choice Books on Sale by J. Bohn, 66, St. James's Street.

J. Bohn [ James Bohn; James George Stuart Burges Bohn (1803-1880), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
[ J. Bohn, 66, St. James's Street, London. ] J. Tuck, Printer, 6, Helmet Court, 338 1/2 Strand [ London ] ] [ December 1846. ]

16pp., 12mo. Stabbed and unbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Dated in pencil in a modern hand at head of first page. Eighteenth and nineteenth century items in alphabetical order between A and G (but complete, nineteenth-century booksellers' catalogues often being issued as parts of series), The entry for the new edition of Dugdale's 'Monasticon Anglicanum', offered at £31 10s 0d, takes up more than half a page of small print. For more on Bohn see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Now scarce.

[ Printed item. ] Catalogue of Books published by Charles Cox, 12, King William Street, Strand. [ Including 'Knight's Shilling Weekly Volume', 'A Valuable Library of 150 Volumes for 150 Shillings.' ]

[ Charles Cox, London bookseller ] [ Charles Knight (1791-1873) ]
Publication details: 
[ Charles Cox. ] '12, King William Street, Strand [ London ], February 1, 1847.'

8pp., 12mo. Stabbed and unbound. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The main descriptions are for 'Knight's Shilling Weekly Volume' (covering the first four pages), and 'The New Orbis Pictus' (covering three pages), the latter described as '12,000 Engravings on Wood, 72 on Steel, 40 Illuminations, and 13 Coloured Maps.'

Number of the South Atlantic Bulletin, inscribed by Fredson Bowers, author of the leading article 'Death in Victory'.

Fredson Bowers [ Harry Levin; William Shakespeare ]
Publication details: 
[ Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ] South Atlantic Bulletin, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Vol. XXX No. 2, March 1965.

16pp., 4to. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged paper a little rolled at head and foot. Bowers' article, 'an attempt to understand the workings of Shakespeare's tragic effect', is on the first seven pages. He has inscribed the head of the first page: 'For Harry Levin - | With my compliments - | Fredson Bowers'. From the papers of the American critic Harry Levin (1912-1994). Now scarce.

[ Printed article, inscribed by the author. ] Edith Wharton's New York: Two Period Pieces. [ The Progress of a Social Indictment ]

Louis Kronenberger [ Edith Wharton; University of Michigan ]
Publication details: 
Extracted from the Michigan Quarterly Review [ Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Vol. 4 No. 1, Winter 1965 ].

11pp., 4to, paginated 3-13. On six leaves extracted from the magazine, stapled together at head. In fair condition, aged and a little worn. Inscribed at head of first page: 'Best as always. Hope to see you soon | Louis.' From the papers of the American critic Harry Levin (1912-1994).

[ Inscribed offprint. ] Establishing Shakespeare's Text: Notes on Short Lines and the Problem of Verse Division. By Fredson Bowers.

Fredson Bowers [ Harry Levin; William Shakespeare ]
Publication details: 
'A reprint from Studies in Bibliography, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia.' Vol. 33, 1980.

58pp., 8vo, paginated 73-130. Stapled in lavender card wraps with publication details printed on cover. Offprint itself in good condition, wraps heavily-worn at spine. The article is inscribed at the head of the first page: 'To Harry | with my very best - | Fredson'. From the papers of the American critic Harry Levin (1912-1994). Scarce: no copy of this offprint on COPAC.

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