18 Autograph Letters Signed from Captain Hon. Sir Seymour John Fortescue, Equerry-in-Waiting to the Prince of Wales [the future King Edward VII], to 'Lady Edith', filled with English high society and horse- racing news and gossip.

Captain Hon. Sir Seymour John Fortescue (1856-1942), Equerry-in-Waiting to King Edward VII, 1893-1910
Publication details: 
On the following letterheads: 23 Dover Street, London (5); Royal Yacht Osborne; H.M.S. Renown, Mediterranean; The Grove, Watford; 22, Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, Paris; Place Vendôme, Paris; Hôtel Weimar, Marienbad; Turf Club, Piccadilly. 1894-1899.

18 long letters, totalling 106pp., 4to, and 2pp., 8vo. Fourteen signed 'Seymour Fortescue' and four 'Seymour F'. Three with the year stated by Fortescue, ten others dated in pencil in another hand. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. For biographical information about Fortescue, see the end of this entry.

[Printed bookseller's catalogue.] Frederick Warne & Co's List of New & Recent Publications. Season 1900-1901.

[Frederick Warne & Co, 15 Bedford St., Strand, London; catalogue of children's books, 1900-1901]
Publication details: 
London: 15 Bedford St. Strand. [1900.]

16pp., in illustrated wraps with the outer covers printed in green and brown, and three more pages of advertisements on insides and back cover. Bifoliate order form (4pp., 12mo) loosely inserted. The old stalwarts John Ruskin, Kate Greenaway, Walter Crane, Edward Lear, jumbled together with newer titles such as 'Gobbo-Bobo, The Two-Eyed Griffin', 'Prince Cheery-Heart' and 'The Bunkum Book. A Tale of Topsy Turvy Land'. Sadly no mention of Beatrix Potter ("Peter Rabbit" published 1902.). Scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

Part of autograph 'Diary of the War' of Assistant Paymaster (later Rear-Admiral) Noel Wright, describing three months of his service with Jellicoe's Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow, and reporting the Battle off Texel and sinking of HMS Audacious.

Rear-Admiral Noel Wright (1890-1975), Royal Navy [Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Jellicoe, Commander of the Grand Fleet, Scapa Flow; Battle off Texel; sinking of HMS Audacious]
Publication details: 
Covering the period from 18 October 1914 to 4 January 1915.

163pp., 12mo. In a sturdy notebook, with brass clasp, covered in grey paper. Wright has written '4 | N W' on the front board. On the recto of the first leaf he gives the addresses of 'T', 'C', 'J', 'Adml Campbell' and 'Young'; and on the verso he writes the title 'DIARY OF THE WAR | VOLUME II', above the oval stamp 'SUPPLIED FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE'. He signs 'Noel Wright' at head of the recto of the second leaf.

First leaf of Autograph Letter from the landowner and politician John Sawbridge, supporter of John Wilkes [to David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan].

John Sawbridge (1732-1795) of Olantigh [Ollantigh], Kent, political supporter of John Wilkes; Member of Parliament for Hythe; Lord Mayor of London in 1775 [David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan]
Publication details: 
Ollantigh [sic]. 29 December 1772.

2pp., 4to. 31 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper, but the first leaf of the letter only. He writes that he is pleased to receive a letter from Erskine ('your Lordship') after 'so long an interruption'. 'I forebore till I had heard from you to take the liberty of congratulating you upon your Marriage' (Erskine had married the previous October). The second page ends: 'I have never been able to learn whether your Good Mother Lady Buchan was in England or not.

[Printed card.] Inspection Exercise for the Brigade of Bucks Yeomen Cavalry.

[John Seeley, printer, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire; Bucks Yeomen Cavalry; Royal Buckinghamshire Yeomanry]
Publication details: 
'(Seeley, Printer, Buckingham.)' [John Seeley, Buckinghamshire; circa 1825.]

On both sides of a piece of 11.5 x 7.5 cm card, with rounded edges, and with the reverse paginated '(2)'. A nice piece of provincial printing, in very good condition, lightly-aged. The first page headed: 'INSPECTION EXERCISE | FOR THE BRIGADE OF | BUCKS YEOMEN CAVALRY.' , and with the slug '(Seeley, Printer, Buckingham.)' at the foot. The first page carries 23 lines of commands, from 'MARCH past by half Squadrons.' to 'Wheel on Centre of Squadron, by the Right.' The reverse carries 25 lines of commands, from 'ADVANCE, File from right of threes. Front form.' to 'General Salute.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W C Bennett') from William Cox Bennett to J. T. Baron, boasting that his magazine 'The Lark' is a 'powerful influence'; naming Gladstone, Tennyson and other contributors; and urging the 'Newsvendors' of Blackburn to buy it.

William Cox Bennett (1820-1895), English journalist and poet, editor of 'The Lark' [John T. Baron of Blackburn, Lancashire, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hyde Cottage, 68 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE. 27 November 1883.

3pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Bennett to 'John T Baron Esq. | 48 Griffin Street | Blackburn | [signed] W C Bennett'. He begins by informing Baron that four numbers of 'The Lark' have already been published.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. B. Capper') from John B. Capper, Principal Assistant-Editor of The Times, to 'My dear Willie', discussing his forthcoming marriage, personal matters, and the 'Writer of the "Letters from West Ireland"'.

John B. Capper [John Brainerd Capper] (1855-1936), Principal Assistant-Editor of The Times
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 16 Serjeants' Inn, Temple, EC. [London] 19 September 1884.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He begins: 'The above is my permanent address now, this house being given my by the office to live in'. He continues by discussing his forthcoming marriage (according to Who's Who, Capper's wife was 'Emily Sophia, widow of his cousin, Harold Henbest Capper, and 4th d of late Henry Benjamin Spalding'). The marriage is to take place on 26 September, 'at Tighnabruaich on the Isles of Bute', and this 'negatives your kind proposal to be present'. Capper's 'future Wife & my Father & Mother & family' are all there at present.

Autograph Letter Signed from the actor and playwright Henry Leslie to the actor John Clark, sending a copy of a play ['The Village Blacksmith'] which Ellen Terry 'wanted to take to Webster', and commending Clark for the lead role.

Henry Leslie (1830-1881), English actor and playwright [John Clark, actor; Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928), actress; Benjamin Webster (1798-1882), actor-manager]
Publication details: 
36 Queens Crescent, Haverstock Hill, NW [London]. 25 March 1867.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with small hole through both leaves. He will be too busy over the following days to visit Clark in person, 'and so I send you the first act of the MSS I talked to you about - I may say I read the 1st. act one afternoon to Miss Terry who wanted to take it to Webster - but I was disinclined'. If Clark 'had anything to do with it - the Blacksmith would be the [last word underlined] part'. He asks Clark to return it as soon as he can: 'as this is the American copy - and they expect it (but of course won't get it) by next mail'.

[Presentation copy of a printed pamphlet containing a poem on the death of his young daughter.] Pattie's Christmas Tree. By J. A. Langford, LL.D.

J. A. Langford, LL.D. [John Alfred Langford (1823-1903); the Herald Press, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation. 1892. [Printed by Wright, Dain, Peyton & Co., at the Herald Press, Birmingham]

[2] + 8 + [1] pp., small (18 x 14 cm.) 4to. Sewn with green ribbon into white wraps, with 'Pattie's Christmas Tree' in gilt on front. In good condition, with the wraps slightly sunned in panels. Inscribed at head of title-page 'With kind regards'. The pamphlet contains a single poem titled 'Pattie's Christmas Tree', printed on eight pages each with decorative border in gilt. Printer's slug on revers of title, and colophon on last page. The beginning and end of the poem indicate the theme.

Autograph Signature ('Wm Molesworth'), on a frank, of the Radical Member of Parliament for Southwark.

Sir William Molesworth (1810-1855), 8th Baronet, Radical Member of Parliament for Southwark, editor (with John Stuart Mill) of the Westminster Review
Publication details: 
London. 4 May 1839.

On piece of paper cut from front panel of envelope, 7 x 12.5 cm. In fair condition, with hole in paper made by seal or wafer (not affecting text). Red circular government postmark: 'FREE | 4 MY 4 | 1839'. All in Molesworth's hand, and reading: 'London May four 1839 | H H. Molesworth | St John Coll | Cambridge', with the signature as usual at bottom left: 'Wm Molesworth'.

Manuscript Letter, written by an amanuensis for the blind poet 'P. B. Marston' [Philip Bourke Marston], to John T. Baron of Blackburn, referring to two of his books, and to a photograph taken six years before, which 'does not please' his friends.

Philip Bourke Marston (1850-1887), blind English poet, protégé of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and friend of James Thomson ('B. V.') [John T. Baron of Blackburn autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
191 Euston Road, London. 11 October 1882.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed in the same hand to 'J. Y. [sic] Baron Esq. | 48, Griffin Street, | Tritton | Blackburn'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in slightly discoloured envelope. It is not known who acted as Marston's amanuensis after the death of his sister Cicely in 1878: the present letter is written in a neat and somewhat childish hand. It dates from what had been an extremely trying year for Marston, with Rossetti dying the previous April, and the dying James Thomson being carried from Marston's rooms two months later.

Autograph Signature of the artist, children's book illustrator and poster designer John Hassall.

John Hassall (1868-1948), English painter, children's book illustrator and poster designer
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of a 5.5 x 20 cm strip of laid paper, cut away from the bottom of a letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount adhering to the reverse. Reads, in a firm attractive hand: 'Yours very sincerely | John Hassall.'

Autograph Signature of the English botanist and horticulturist John Lindley.

John Lindley (1799-1865), English botanist and horticulturist, Professor of Botany, University College, London
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On strip cut from letter. Dimensions: In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Reads 'have complied with my suggestion | Yours Trly | [signed] John Lindley'. The signature has been cut close, and the downward loop of the final letter of the signature is lacking.

Press Pass, signed by Leslie Boyd, Clerk of the Central Criminal Court, to the Old Bailey trial of the Soviet spy John Vassall.

Leslie Boyd (1914-1998), Clerk of the Central Criminal Court, London [John Vassall [William John Christopher Vassall] (1924-1996), British Admiralty clerk who spied for the Soviet Union]
Publication details: 
Central Criminal Court, London. Undated [October 1962].

Crisply printed on one side of a piece of 9 x 14 cm card, with Boyd's signature in blue ink, and Vassall's name typed. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed in gothic letters 'Central Criminal Court', with the rest reading: 'PRESS PASS | The holder is authorised, as a Press Representative, to obtain admission to the Court during the trial of [typed: 'WILLIAM JOHN CHRISTOPHER VASSALL'] | This pass does NOT entitle the holder to a seat.

Signed engraving by John Cameron, depicting a humorous scene in front of a 'Junk Shop in Chelsea'.

John Cameron, artist and engraver [Chelsea, London]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [1950s?].

In black and white. Dimensions of paper 15 x 20 cm; dmensions of plate 13.5 x 18.5 cm. In good condition, lightly-aged. Cameron's actual signature ('John Cameron') is in blue ink in the bottom right-hand corner of the card; his facsimile signature is in the bottom left-hand corner of the print, with 'Junk Shop | in Chelsea' in the bottom right-hand corner. A detailed, cartoony image (with Ronald Searle undertones), depicting a stretch of three houses in a terraced street, with a number of customers rooting through junk in front of a corner shop.

A collection of material relating to Daniel Defoe, assembled by John Cuming Walters, editor of the Manchester City News, comprising original manuscripts of lectures by him, and newspaper and magazine cuttings of articles by him and others.

John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News [Daniel Defoe]
Publication details: 
Manchester and other English cities. One set of manuscript notes dated 17 July 1931; the cuttings dating from between 1907 and 1932.

A notable man by any measure, Walters is a puzzling omission from the Oxford DNB. For many years a central figure in the literary life of the north-west of England, he was an authority on Shakespeare (his extensive papers on whom are now in the Folger), Tennyson and Dickens. Walters was the author of 'about 20 books and [...] 250 lectures', and an 'actual or corresponding member of close upon fifty' literary societies, in addition to his professional work as editor of the Manchester City News (for twenty-five years), and the Manchester Evening Chronicle.

'Children's Book' in the autograph of Edith Louisa Henderson-Begg, wife of Rev. Canon William Henderson-Begg of Edinburgh, filled with information on the childhood of her three sons Robert John, Colin and Alec, with letters by them and photographs.

Edith Louisa Henderson-Begg [née Cornish], wife of Rev. William Henderson-Begg (1877-1934), Rector of St Paul's and Canon of Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh [their sons Robert John, Colin and Alec]
Publication details: 
St Mary's Rectory, Edinburgh, Scotland. The notebook contains entries dating from January 1911 to June 1926.

43pp., 12mo. Closely written in a ruled black cloth notebook, titled on first page 'CHILDREN'S BOOK'. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; torn scraps of paper adhering to the waxed cloth covers. Containing such information as date and time of birth, weight of child, name of doctor and 'nurse-housemaid', teething ('R. J.s first eye-tooth'), first walk, first words ('R. J. said ("I'm a pe-pe" - this probably only imitation; since called himself Baby).

Four Mimeographed Typed Chapters of 'C. D. N.'s American Diary', an account by Charles D. Notley of Notley Advertising Limited, of a trip to Canada and the United States, with accounts of meetings with Moholy Nagy, John Russell Powers and others.

Cecil Douglas Notley [Cecil D. Notley; C. D. Notley] (c.1900-1962), chairman and founder of Notley Advertising Limited [László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946), painter; John Robert Powers (1892-1977)]
Publication details: 
Canada (Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Vancouver, Victoria) and the United States of America (Chicago, Troy, Seattle, New York). Covering the period 26 October to 27 November 1946.

The four items total 21pp., foolscap 8vo, on 21 leaves. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Comprising the four final chapters of Notley's account, each separately stapled and paginated: Chapter IV (26 October to 4 November), 6pp.; Chapter V (4 to 9 November), 4pp.; Chapter VI (9 to 17 November), 4pp.; Chapter VII (18 to 27 November), 7pp. For more information on Notley, see the appreciative obituary in The Times, 3 September 1962, and the letter by 'C. F. T.' in the same newspaper two days later.

Autograph Signature ('Bernard Partridge') of the 'Punch' cartoonist Sir John Bernard Partridge.

Bernard Partridge [Sir John Bernard Partridge] (1861-1945), cartoonist and illustrator, best-known for his work with 'Punch'
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of a 4.5 x 13 cm strip of paper, cut from the bottom of a letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All in Partridge's hand. Reads: '[...]ment of time occupied. | With many regrets, | I am truly yours, | Bernard Partridge.'

Corrected Autograph Draft and Corrected Page Proofs of the twenty-second lecture, 'The Youth of David', from the second part of 'Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church' by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster.

Arthur Penrhyn Stanley [Dean Stanley] (1815-1881), Dean of Westminster, theologian [King David]
Publication details: 
[London: John Murray, 1865.] Autograph draft undated. Proofs dated by Stanley to 1 August 1864.

The second of the three volumes of Stanley's lectures, subtitled 'From Samuel to the Captivity', was published by John Murray in 1865, the first volume having appeared two years earlier. The autograph draft is 4pp., 12mo, on a bifolium embossed with the Stanley crest (motto: 'Sans Changer'). Good, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Signature ('Jellicoe | AF') of Admiral of the Fleet John Rushworth Jellicoe, on printed menu of 'Un diner à la Française', Palace Hotel, Villars-sur-Bex, Suisse, with 'Les Grands Vins de Champagne'.

Admiral of the Fleet John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe (1859–1935) [Battle of Jutland; Dr Andrew John Morland (1896-1957), physician, University College Hospital and French Hospital, London]
Publication details: 
Palace Hotel, Villars-sur-Bex, Switzerland ['48e diner des Revues "Le Golf" et "Les Sports d'Hiver du Continent']. 5 January 1935.

4pp., 12mo, printed in blue and gold on card bifolium. Aged and with central horizontal fold, with glue from previous mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. Jellicoe's signature, in pencil at the head of the first page, reads 'Jellicoe | AF'. The menu is made out in manuscript to 'Mr John Morland'. Nine champagnes are listed, with their vintages, with eleven suitably-grand courses. 'Cigarettes Ed. Laurens | Les spécialités sont expliquées par le Docteur de Pomiane.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] An Act for Inclosing Land in the Parish of South Moreton, in the County of Berks. [Royal Assent, 8 May 1818.] 58 Geo. III. Sess. 1818.

[The South Moreton Inclosure Act 1818; John Sadgrove; Rev. William James; George Barnes of Andover; Joseph Lousley of Blewbury; Henry Dixon; the University of Oxford; English enclosure of common land]
Publication details: 
'Ley & Jones, House of Commons.' 1818.

35 + [1] pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. Well printed, on good laid paper, watermarked 'IPING | 1813'. In fair condition, on aged paper and lightly-discoloured paper, and folded into a packet, showing the title on the reverse of the last leaf as quoted above. The drophead title reads: Sess. 1818 - 58 Geo. III. | An Act for Inclosing Lands in the Parish of South Moreton, in the County of Berks.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Jn Summerson') from architectural historian Sir John Summerson, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, to Peter Rhodes and his wife Felicity, regarding Soane's Piercefield Hall, Shotesham Hall and Hay Castle.

Sir John Summerson [Sir John Newenham Summerson] (1904-1992), architectural historian, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, 1945-1984
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Sir John Soane's Museum, 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 2 May 1972 and 1 August 1974.

Both letters in very good condition, and each in a stamped, postmarked envelope, and each addressed by Summerson to Cuddesdon Manor, Oxon. Letter One (2 May 1972): To Peter Rhodes. 2pp., 12mo. He is 'rather surprised' to find that the ruins of Soane's Piercefield House are 'still there!' The best he can do is 'to warn the National Monuments Record of the approaching dissolution'. They are 'seriously overworked but they might have a photographer in the area who would improve on Miss Stroud's snap-shots'.

Autograph Note in third person by John Balsir Chatterton, harpist to Queen Victoria, to Henry G. Times.

John Balsir Chatterton (1804-1871), harpist to Queen Victoria [Henry G. Times, London surgeon]
Publication details: 
32 Manchester Square [London]. 'Sunday' [no year].

1p., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. With mourning envelope addressed by Chatterton to the surgeon 'Henry G. Times Esqre. | Manchester Street | Manchester Square'. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, in aged envelope. The note reads: 'With Balsir Chattertons [sic] best thanks. | Sunday | 32 Manchester Street | Manchester Square'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Jn Summerson') from architectural historian Sir John Summerson, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, to Peter Rhodes and his wife Felicity, regarding Soane's Piercefield Hall, Shotesham Hall and Hay Castle.

Sir John Summerson [Sir John Newenham Summerson] (1904-1992), architectural historian, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, 1945-1984
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Sir John Soane's Museum, 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 2 May 1972 and 1 August 1974.

Both letters in very good condition, and each in a stamped, postmarked envelope, and each addressed by Summerson to Cuddesdon Manor, Oxon. Letter One (2 May 1972): To Peter Rhodes. 2pp., 12mo. He is 'rather surprised' to find that the ruins of Soane's Piercefield House are 'still there!' The best he can do is 'to warn the National Monuments Record of the approaching dissolution'. They are 'seriously overworked but they might have a photographer in the area who would improve on Miss Stroud's snap-shots'.

Autograph Letter Signed from John Wishaw, Secretary to the African Association, to the Whig MP James Loch of Bloomsbury Square, regarding the picture galleries of Lord Stafford and Lord Grosvenor, also George Canning, Lord Brougham and elections.

John Wishaw (c.1764-1840), Secretary to the African Association, friend of Malthus and biographer of Mungo Park [James Loch (1780-1855), Whig MP for St Germains, Cornwall]
Publication details: 
9 May [1827]. 'L. I. Fields' [i.e. Lincolns Inn Fields, London].

2pp., 12mo. 40 lines. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. The reverse of the second leaf carries half of a red wax seal, as well as the address to 'James Loch Esqr | Bloomsbury Square'. The letter begins: 'My dear Loch | Some friends of mine from the Country are desirous of seeing Lord Stafford's & Lord Grosvenor's pictures some time next week; & they understand that the obtaining of Tickets is not a matter of course but that some little interest is necessary.' He asks for assistance 'with regard to Cleveland House [...] for Mrs Johnston & party (about 5 or 6 persons)'.

[Printed pamphlet.] [Drophead title] The Claims of Capital considered. By William Browne.

William Browne [of Montreal, Canada] [John Lovell (1810-1893), Canadian printer and publisher; John Stuart Mill]
Publication details: 
'Published by JOHN LOVELL, Montreal, and Rouse's Point, N.Y.' [1870?]

16mo, 36pp. Printed in small type. Disbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A separate title-page may have been printed on a front wrap, now lacking. The pamphlet begins in stirring style: 'The conflict between labor and capital becomes more and more the struggle of the age. On both sides there are titanic powers engaged in what appears to be headlong and indiscriminating war. There may be now and again a lull in the contest - there may be some kind of truce proclaimed - some good sort of people may approach the combatants andn induce them for a season to lay down their arms.

Typed insurance valuation by auctioneers Christie, Manson & Woods of the art collection and library of the Labour Party politician Tom Driberg [Baron Bradwell]. With typed and manuscript material relating to bequests to a number of celebrated friends

Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg, Baron Bradwell] (1905-1976), journalist and Labour Party politician [Sir John Betjeman; Michael Foot; Joan Littlewood; Stanley Orme; Lord Paget of Northampton]
Publication details: 
Valuation: Christie, Manson & Woods, 8 King Street, St James's, London. 1973.

Valuation: 29pp., 4to, in a brown folder bound with green ribbon. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With a few manuscript additions. The title reads: 'T. DRIBERG, ESQ., 601 MOUNTJOY HOUSE, BARBICAN, LONDON, E.C.2. | VALUATIONS FOR INSURANCE | CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS.

Holograph poem by John S. Broad of Newcastle-under-Lyme, titled 'Forbearing Love' ('Heap coals of fire upon the guilty head'), with covering Autograph Letter Signed ('John S Broad'), expressing the hope that the poem will 'answer your purpose'.

John S. Broad [John Samuel Broad (b.1809)], Vicar of St Georges, Newcastle-under-Lyme [Victorian provincial poetry]
Publication details: 
Poem from Newcastle-under-Lyme, undated. Letter from Newcastle, 26 December 1843.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Poem: 1p., 4to. Titled at head: 'Forbearing Love | Romans XII 19-21.' Signed at foot: 'John S. Broad | Newcastle under Lyme'. The poem consists of 24 lines in six four-line stanzas. The first stanza reads: 'Heap coals of fire upon the guilty head, | And melt its malice down; | Let flames of love around it be outspread | And charm away its frown.' The last stanza: 'Thus shall it win its conquering way in peace, | Raise trophies free from blood; | Thus make the storms of sinful passion cease | And bow the heart to God!' Letter: 1p., 12mo.

[Cloth-backed lithographic engraving.] A Chart of Anglican Church Architecture: Arranged Chronologically with Examples of the Different Styles.

F. Bedford [Francis Bedford (1816-1894), lithographer and photographer; R. Sunter, York publisher; John Weale, London publisher; Standidge & Co., London printers]
Publication details: 
Drawn and Lithographed by F. Bedford, 40 Ely Place, Holborn. Published as the Act directs by R. Sunter, 23 Stonegate, York, and John Weale, 59 High Holborn, London: 17 August 1843. Printed by Standidge & Co. 77 Cornhill, London.

An attractive Gothic Revival item, tastefully printed in red and black. Printed on nine 13 x 9 cm panels, laid down on a cloth backing opening out to 39.5 x 28 cm; in original 14 x 10 cm printed card cover, with engraved title on front, within a gothic arch. In fair condition: aged and worn in worn and rubbed covers, with small white circular label on front board. Arranged, appropriately enough, in four columns headed: Name of Style; Reign A.D.; Illustrative Examples; Characteristics.

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