Manuscript Fair Copy, in an eighteenth-century hand, transcribing two poems: 'Prize Monody on the Death of David Garrick Esqr. ffor the Vase at Bath-Easton, By Miss [Anna] Seward.' and 'To Miss Seward | Impromptu' by 'W[illiam] H[ayley].'

Anna Seward (1742-1809), poet known as 'The Swan of Lichfield'; William Hayley (1745-1820), poet and patron of William Blake [David Garrick (1717-1779); Bath Easton, villa of Sir John Riggs Miller]
Publication details: 
Seward's poem dated 'Bath-Easton (the Villa of Sir John Miller,) near Bath | ffeb. 11. 1779.' Hayley's poem without place or date.

Totalling 5pp., 4to, with Seward's poem on the first 3pp., and Hayley's on the following 2pp. Disbound from a notebook. In good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper which has been cropped at the foot, resulting in the loss of two lines of text from Hayley's poem, and with the strip with the trimmed line from the foot of the first page of Seward's poem laid down at the head of the second page.

Typed Letter Signed ('Wyndham. A. Bewes') from the jurist Wyndham Austis Bewes to the British colonial official Sir Graham Bower, regarding a conference at Oxford and the German jurist Walter Simons, and complaining of 'the terrible time'.

Wyndham Austis Bewes (1857-1942) of the Grotius Society and International Law Association [Sir Graham John Bower (1848-1933), British colonial official in South Africa; Walter Simons (1861-1937)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the International Law Association, 2 King's Bench Walk, The Temple [London]. 7 June 1932.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Addressing Bower as 'My dear Sir Graham', Bewes begins: 'Considering the terrible times that we are passing through and which I see are so badly affecting you, I think you are too generous in sending a contribution fitting for halcyon days.' After a reference to Bower's bronchitis, he discusses the conference at Oxford, concluding: 'The German members who have already accepted are few for conditions there are frightful. Simons [the German jurist Walter Simons] is taking a kur [sic] and writes that he is not sure to come. PRIVATE.

[Printed pamphlet in defence of the British House of Lords.] Civilisation and the Constitution. A Catechism.

Graham Bower [Sir Graham John Bower, RN] (1848-1933), Irish-born British colonial official, Imperial Secretary to High Commissioners for Southern Africa, 1884-1897 [Parliament; House of Lords]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [South Africa, 1880s or 1890s.]

2pp., 4to. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. Signed in type at end 'GRAHAM BOWER.' On laid paper with 'SOUTHERN CROSS | FINE QUALITY' watermark, suggesting, with the typographic style, that it was written during the period of that he served as Imperial Secretary. Very good, on lightly aged and creased paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. F. H. McSwiney') from Col. Edward Frederick Henry McSwiney of the Intelligence Division, War Office, condoling with Sir Graham Bower on his brother Denis's death, discussing 'revolver accidents' on the North-West Frontier

Col. Edward Frederick Henry McSwiney (1858-1907), DSO, Colonel on the Staff, Ambala Cavalry Brigade, from 1906
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Intelligence Division, 18 Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. [London]. 21 June 1898.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on aged paper. In a letter clearly written to dispel any suspicion of suicide, McSwiney begins: 'My dear Bower | I write to offer you mhy sincerest sympathy on the death of your brother Denis, which occurred through the accidental discharge of his revolver that he had taken up to unload prior to packing it up - he was to have started from Peshawar that very day to rejoin his regiment en route to England on a year's well earned furlo', which he had been looking forward to with so much delight. [last eleven words underlined] He like many other men on the N.W.

Autograph Signature ('J. C. Sherbrooke.') of Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, 'Commander of the Forces', Governor of Nova Scotia and Governor General of British North America.

Sir John Coape Sherbrooke (1764-1830), Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia and Commander of the Forces, Governor General of British North America
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On piece of 6 x 8.5 cm. laid paper, cut from a document, with discoloration and traces of glue from previous mounting. Sherbrooke's signature is large and firm, with the words 'Commander of the Forces' in another, contemporary hand, beneath it. A scarce signature.

[Issues No. 2 and No. 3 of printed magazine, with contributions by Doris Lessing and Elizabeth Smart, and photograph by John Deakin.] The Fortnightly. A Review of Life & Literature.

Peter Everett and John Rety, eds [Oliver Bernard; Anthony Carson; John Deakin; John Heath-Stubbs; John Larkman; Doris Lessing; Alun Owen; Alan Riddel; Murray Sayle; Elizabeth Smart; Richard Weber]
Publication details: 
Both 'Published by John Rety, c/o Villiers Publications Ltd., and printed by them at Ingestre Road, London, N.W.5.' [Both 1958.]

Both issues 8pp., folio. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged newspaper, with minor creasing and wear to edges. No. 2 has an on the cover a 'Photograph by John Deakin' of a black man, illustrating a symposium on apartheid titled 'The Man Beside You'; also the short story 'Wine' by Doris Lessing, and 'a short except from "Who Cares"' by Elizabeth Smart. No. 3 has a still from Fellini's 'Nights of Cabiria' on the cover, and features a symposium on the Wolfenden Report by the editors, titled 'Tis Pity She's A Whore', with 'Comment by Victor Musgrave'.

Manuscript indenture on parchment, with signatures and seals: 'Conveyance of Lands of Stapleton in the County of Leicester. Mr. Joseph Knight and Mr. John Edwards to The Baroness Noel Byron [Anne Isabella, Lady Noel Byron], and others'.

Anne Isabella Noel Byron (1792-1860), 11th Baroness Wentworth and Baroness Byron [Lady Byron], wife of poet George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale [Lord Byron]; John Edwards; Joseph Knight
Publication details: 
1 August 1853. [Indenture by Fry & Son, London, Law Stationers.]

On two skins, with the usual seals and tax stamps, and further text and signatures on the reverse of the first skin, including a witnessed receipt for £450 from Knight; also a memorandum, 2 August 1853, 'Exparte The right Honorable Anne Isabella Baroness Noel Byron Widow', 'Before me | Wm. Cowdell. | A Master Extraordinary in Chancery'. The first skin carries a plan of the property (8 acres 3 rods 33 perches), to the west of the East Shilton road to Stapleton, and of Wigstones Farm, Stapleton and Kirkby Lordship, and with the road from Barwell to Kirby going through it, coloured in green.

Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from 'Mrs Harford', guest of Mrs Martin of Camden, Chiselhurst, asking 'Mr Wilson' to procure her a ticket 'to see the preparations in the Abbey' [for the coronation of Queen Victoria?].

Mrs Harford (possibly Louisa Harford, née Louisa Hart Davis, wife of John Scandrett Harford) [Mrs Frances Martin (d.1863) of Camden, Chislehurst, wife of John Martin (d.1832), MP for Tewkesbury]
Publication details: 
'Chislehurst [Kent]. | June 22 [1838?].'

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Considering the fact that Mrs Harford states that she is staying at the home of Mrs Martin, and that Mr Martin died in 1832, it seems probable that the letter refers to the preparations for the coronation of Queen Victoria, which occurred on 28 June 1838. The letter reads: 'Mrs Harford understanding that people are admitted to see the Preparations in the Abbey & thinking it probable that Mr Gillen may have been employed in the decoration, will be very much obliged to Mr Wilson if he could procure her a Ticket to see them.

Substantial Autograph Letter Signed ('Frederick Niven') from the Canadian novelist Frederick John Niven to the Irish journalist and essayist Robert Lynd, explaining his ill health and praising Lynd's writing.

Frederick Niven [Frederick John Niven] (1878-1944), novelist from British Columbia, Canada, born in Chile of Scottish parents [Robert Lynd (1879-1949), Irish journalist and essayist]
Publication details: 
Lorenza, Combe Martin, North Devon. 26 December 1916.

4pp., 4to. Fair, on lightly aged and creased paper, with a few closed tears. The letter begins: 'Dear Lynd: I have been very ill and after two months in bed and an introduction to what Marley called "the thick, sweet smell of chloroform" I have been sent down here to get better - with the word of specialist and doctor that when I am well again I shall be better than I have been for a long time. This I write because I have often thought of writing to tell you how much I relish your papers.

[Two printed volumes, with the second volume containing memoranda on the corps by Major Thomas Fraser King.] Incidents and Anecdotes in the Life of Lieut.-General Sprot, Honorary Colonel of the Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

Lieut.-General Sprot [John Sprot (1830-1907) of Riddell House, Roxburghshire], Honorary Colonel of the Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders [Major Thomas Fraser King (d.1928)]
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation only. [Edinburgh: Gordon Wilson, Printer, 47 Thistle Street.] Vol. 1, 1906; vol. 2, 1907.

2 vols, 8vo. Vol.1 (1906): [8] + 106 + [1] + 17. Vol.2 (1907): [6] + 97pp. Both volumes with frontispieces and several plates. Both in original red cloth bindings with Sprot's crest in gilt on front board, and all edges gilt. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, and with the first volume (despite slight damp staining to the binding and damage to one plate) better and brighter than the second, which has wear at the foot of the spine.

[Printed book.] Rational Stenography; or, Short-Hand Made Easy, In a few familiar Lessons, founded on the Principles of the late John Byrom, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. With numerous improvements. By the Rev. J. Nightingale.

Rev. J. Nightingale, Author of "A Comparative View of Mavor's and Byrom's Systems," and of several Works of History and general Science, &c. [Joseph Nightingale (1775-1824); John Byrom (1692-1763)]
Publication details: 
London: J. Robins and Co. Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. 1823. [J. Robins and Co. Albion Press, London.]

40 + 3 + 4 pp., 12mo. With frontispiece, and three plates on one fold-out strip. In original grey printed wraps (giving the price as 2s 6d). In good condition, on lightly-aged and spotted paper, in worn wraps. Excellent frontispiece portrait, with tissue guard, captioned 'Rev. Joseph Nightingale. | Drawn by Shoosmith - Engraved by R. Roffe. | Published by J. Robins & Co. London. Feby. 1. 1824.' Six-page preface, dated 'Southwark Square, 1823.' Three plates on one fold-out strip, facing p.12.

Autograph Note Signed from the novelist John Galsworthy to Charles Seddon Evans of the London publishers Heinemann & Co. Ltd., enclosing a manuscript and stating its price.

John Galsworthy (1867-1933), English novelist and playwright, best-known for his 'Forsyte Saga' [Charles Seddon Evans (1883-1944) of the London publishers Heinemann & Co. Ltd.]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Grove Lodge, The Grove, Hampstead, London, NW3. 20 April 1929.

In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Galsworthy writes: 'Dear Evans | Here is the MS. Price £300 [amended from 315] less half your Commission £30. = £285. nett. | Sincerely yours | John Galsworthy'. For such a short message, the manuscript shows signs of indecision: the latter part, from the word 'less', has clearly an addition, and the word 'half' has been inserted with a caret. While the manuscript referred to may well be the second collection of Forsyte Novels, 'A Modern Romance', published by Heinemann's in 1929, Galsworthy's price does seem rather cheap.

Autograph Letter Signed from H. Appleton of Boston, informing the genealogist John Bernard Burke that he has not received his 'Visitation of Great Britain', and asking for it to be sent to him via the London bookseller John Miller of Covent Garden.

H. Appleton of Boston [Sir John Bernard Burke (1814-1892), genealogist; John Miller of 24 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, 'the American bookseller in London'; Abbott Laurence (1792-1855); book trade]
Publication details: 
Boston. 23 February 1853.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'J. B. Burke' and signed 'H. Appleton' (a member of the Boston firm of publishers?). The letter reads: 'My dear Sir | I find that the 2d. part of your work "The visitation of Great Britain" has been published some time but I have not received mine. Will you be good enough to put one under cover with my name & an outer cover to address of the Hon Abbott Laurence Boston [businessman and philanthropist], and send it to John Miller Esq. No: 24 Henrietta St.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Gerald Massey') from the poet and writer Thomas Gerald Massey to the autograph hunter John Bacon of Blackburn, discussing his English publications, and stating that he is 'busy with the real Work of my life'.

Gerald Massey [Thomas Gerald Massey] (1828-1907), English poet and writer [John Bacon of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
New Southgate, London N. 11 August 1882.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope, with postmark and stamp, addressed to 'John Bacon Esqr.

Six Typed Letters Signed from officials of the Cambridge University Press to J. G. Wilson of London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus: four from Walter Lewis, Printer, and one apiece from S. C. Roberts, Secretary, and assistant manager R. J. L. Kingsford.

[Cambridge University Press] Reginald John Lethbridge Kingsford (1900-1978); Sir Sydney Castle Roberts (1887-1966); Walter Lewis (1878-1960) [John Gideon Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus Ltd, Oxford Street]
Publication details: 
The six letters, all on Cambridge University Press letterheads (three different types), Cambridge (5) and London. Dating from between 24 September 1931 and 5 July 1932.

The six items in good condition, lightly-aged and with slight rust spotting. Four of the letters concern an exhibition of the CUP's work at the Bumpus store, 350 Oxford Street. Lewis's four letters are all signed 'W. Lewis' and on his own CUP letterhead. One: 24 September 1931. 2pp., 8vo. In reply to Wilson's congratulations over the exhibition he informs him that he will be sending his son ('subject of course to your consent'), 'who has been in the printing [sic] now for two years and should know something of types.

Hand-coloured steel engraving by S. Cousen from painting by W. H. Bartlett of a river view of Albany, New York

William Henry Bartlett (1809-1854), English landscape painter; John Cousen (1804-1880), engraver [Albany, New York]
Publication details: 
From the book 'The History of the United States of North America' (New York: Virtue & Yorston, 1855-1856).

11 x 17.5 cm., with the original margin of the print, with caption, trimmed away, and the engraving laid down on a piece of 24.5 x 30.5 card. From the papers of Marie de Grasse, Lady Evans, wife of Sir Francis Henry Evans, and originally Marie de Grasse Smith, daughter of Hon. Samuel Smith of Albany, New York. In pencil on the mount: 'Albany 1837.'

[Offprint.] The British Astronomical Association. Work of the Radio-Electronics Section.

J. Heywood [John Heywood, pioneering radio astronomer] [British Astronomical Association; Sputnik 1 and 2, Russian earth satellites]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 188, No. 4754, pp. 900-901, December 10, 1960. [Printed in Great Britain by Fisher, Knight & Co., Ltd., St. Albans.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Begins: 'In January 1957 the British Astronomical Association formed a Radio-Electronics Section. [...] The great stimulus to the Section's activities was the launching of the first Soviet Earth satellite. Its members made both visual and radio observations of Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 which have been reported elsewhere.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Blanchard Jerrold') from the playwright and journalist William Blanchard Jerrold to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the availability of his works.

William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-1884), journalist and playwright, son of the playwright Douglas Jerrold (1803-1857) [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Reform Club, Pall Mall, SW. 14 March 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly aged paper. In worn stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Jerrold to 'J. T Baron Esq | 18 Griffin Street | Wilton | Blackburn'. The letter begins: 'Messrs Bradbury Agnew & Co are the publishers of my "Life of Douglas Jerrold": but, the "Disgrace to the Family" is, I hope, out of print. It was written when I was a boy.' His plays 'Beau Brummel [sic]' and 'Cupid in Waiting' are both available from Lacy's Acting Drama. He concludes by apologising for being unable to give Baron 'Sir Charles Gibbon's address', being unacquainted with him.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish poet Sir Theodore Martin to John T. Baron of Blackburn, agreeing to a request for his own and his wife's autograph, and explaining the circumstance of one of his Bon Gualtier Ballads.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator, author of the 'Bon Gualtier Ballads', husband of the actress Helena Faucit [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
31 Onslow Square [London], on his crested letterhead. 15 December 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Martin to 'John T. Baron Esq | 48 Griffin Street | Witton | Blackburn'. He begins by explaining that he has 'had every minute so fully occupied of late', that he has not been able to comply with Baron's request. 'Lady Martin has done what she is now most reluctant to do - written the name she once bore with a few lines from Cymbeline. I have copied the verse you wish from the little Bon Gaultier Poem'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Lord John Manners [later the 7th Duke of Rutland] to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the publication by Rivingtons of London of two early books of his poetry.

Lord John Manners [John James Robert Manners, 7th Duke of Rutland] (1818-1906), Conservative politician [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
St. Mary's Tower, Birnam. 18 August 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Manners to 'John Baron Esq | 48 Griffin Street | Witton | Blackburn.' Regarding his books 'England's Trust and Other Poems' (1841) and 'English Ballads and Other Poems (1850), Manners begins the letter by apologising for not being able to give 'very definite information respecting my two little volumes of poetry.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J W Croker') from John Wilson Croker [to George Pellew, Dean of Norwich], stating the opinion that King George IV's letters in Pellew's life of Lord Sidmouth 'give a higher idea of his powers of mind' than was the case.

John Wilson Croker (1780-1857), Anglo-Irish politician, Secretary to the Admiralty [Hon. Very Rev. George Pellew (1793-1866), Dean of Norwich; Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth; King George IV]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of West Molesey, Surrey. 15 February 1851.

4pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper with watermarked date 1848. Addressed to 'My dear Dean'. As the letter clearly concerns Pellew's life of his father-in-law Lord Sidmouth (1847), with Croker referring to his own review of the book in the Quarterly Review, the reason for the gap between the date of publication of the book and the writing of the letter is unclear. Croker writes that he has received Pellew's 'last livraison & kind letter which gives a very just idea of the correspondence'.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, from Lord Stafford [George Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland and 2nd Marquis of Stafford] to 'Mr. Nichols' [John Bowyer Nichols], regarding a work by 'Mr. Dallaway'.

George Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland and 2nd Marquis of Stafford (1758-1833), hugely-wealthy English nobleman [John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), proprietor of Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
27 April 1831.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf by Stafford to 'Mr. Nichols | 25. Parliament St. | Westminster'. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with seal cut away from second leaf and thin strip of stub along one edge. The letter reads: 'Lord Stafford received from the late Duke of Norfolk a Copy of Mr. Dallaway's work, & has since subscribed to one by Mr. Dallaway & Mr. Cartwright - if the volume referred to by Mr. Nichols is an additional work Lord Stafford will be happy to have it. | Ap. 27.

Galley proof of magazine article 'Christmas in America Fifty Years Ago' by Augusta de Grasse Stevens, with note from 'E. Lowe' to her mother Mrs Butterworth; and manuscript biography of 'the young and rising novelist' in her sister Lady Evans's hand.

Augusta de Grasse Stevens (1852-1894), daughter of Samuel S. Stevens (d.1854) of Albany, New York, and his wife, nee Mary Frances Smith [later Mrs John Fowler Butterworth] (d.1890)
Publication details: 
Neither item dated. [1890s.] Lowe's note on the proof from 7 Harley Gardens, SW [London].

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Item One (galley proofs): On piece of 13 x 49 cm. paper. In manuscript at head: '7 Harley Gardens SW | Monday | Dear Mrs Butterworth | The Printer will send you a proper proof tomorrow | Yours in haste | E Lowe'. The first part only, in small type, with one minor correction. The article is attributed to Augusta de Grasse Stevens in Helen O. Black's 'Notable Women Authors of the Day' (1893). Item Two (manuscript biography): 4pp., 4to. With a few minor emendations.

Autograph Letter Signed from the antiquary Albert Way to an unnamed correspondent [the publisher John Russell Smith?] regarding the preparation of a volume on Sussex antiquities [part of the series of 'Sussex Archaeological Collections'?].

Albert Way (1805-1874), English antiquary, principal founder of the Royal Archaeological Institute [John Russell Smith (1810-1894), bookseller and bibliographer]
Publication details: 
12 Grand Parade, St Leonards on Sea. 3 March 1856.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper. The letter begins: 'Sir. | I am glad to find you can oblige my friend Mr Curzon, although I am too late, which I regret, as I should have been able to oblige certain persons who have assisted me.' He asks for 'a few separate sets of the Plates of Seals of the Sussex Cinqueports & Lewes Priory', for which he would pay 'with pleasure'. 'I had written a Title page - & a short prefatory introduction ought to be given - a leaf will be ample'. He assumes that the recipient has given 'the Pevensey Plan'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Hayward') from the essayist and translator Abraham Hayward to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn

Abraham Hayward (1801-1884), essayist and translator [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
8 St. James's St. [London] 14 March 1882.

1p., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Hayward to 'J. T. Baron Esq. | Witton | Blackburn'. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | Messrs Longman are the publishers of my Biographical & Critical Essays & my Translation of Faust. But any bookseller will get them for you, with the exception of the First Series of my Essays, which is out of print. | faithfully yours | A. Hayward'.

[First issue of radio magazine.] T. & R. Bulletin. Published by the Transmitter and Relay Section of the Radio Society of Great Britain. ['Dedicated to the Interests of the Transmitting Amateur.']

[The Transmitter and Relay Section of the Radio Society of Great Britain, 53 Victoria Street, SW1, London]
Publication details: 
The Radio Society of Great Britain, 53 Victoria Street, SW1 [London]. 'For "T. & R." Members Only.' No. 1. July 1925.

12pp., 4to. In original printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged wraps with chipping to extremities and spine reinforced with tape. Articles include 'The Tetrodyne' by H. Andrews, 'Circuit for Reception on 20 Metres Band' by E. J. Simmonds, 'Key Crashes', 'G2W.J.', 'Experimental Work With Mosul'. The T. & R. Bulletin ran from 1925 to 1942. COPAC lists copies at Imperial College, Oxford, Cambridge and the British Library. From the papers of telecommunications expert Pat Hawker [John Patrick Hawker] (1923-2012).

[Printed pamphlet.] Ober-Ammergau. Passion Play. A.D. 1890.

John W. Shackelford, Rector of the Church of Christ of the Reedemer, New York City; Daniel I. Odell, Rector of St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, Massachusetts; James O. S. Huntington, O.H.C. [Ober-Ammergau]
Publication details: 
[New York?] 1890.

8pp., landscape 16mo. An attractive little pamphlet, in the form of a letter 'To any whose privilege it is to have seen the Passion Play'. The pamphlet ends with five points, the last of which is: 'In rthe event of a repetition of the Passion Play in 1900, to urge Christians who may attend it to go in the spirit of pilgrimage, and to make provision for the spiritual interests of those who are present at the Play.' Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at Oxford, and no copy on OCLC WorldCat.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edw. Foss') from Edward Foss, author of 'The Judges of England', regarding the prosecutor of King Charles I, John Cook [Cooke], Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth. With page of extracts on Cook by the recipient.

Edward Foss (1787-1870), legal writer and biographer, under-sheriff of London, 1827-1828 [John Cook [John Cooke] (c.1608-1660, Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth, prosecutor of King Charles I]
Publication details: 
Churchill House, Dover [Kent]. 15 December 1863.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium, with Foss's letter (33 lines) on both sides of the first leaf, and the page of extracts by the recipient (38 lines) on the recto of the second leaf. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with one corner of the first leaf cut away. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Sir', without any indication of the recipient's identity.

[Printed London bookseller's advertisement.] For the Christmas Holidays. New Publications, And other Contrivances to disseminate Useful Knowledge among the Rising Generation, [...].

John Harris (d.1856), Successor to Elizabeth Newbery (1745/6-1821), The Original Juvenile Library, At the Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard
Publication details: 
To be had of John Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, The Original Juvenile Library, At the Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard. 'Bryer, Printer, Bridewell Hospital, Bridge Street.' [1802.]

4pp., 12mo. Paginated bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged laid paper; stabbed as issued. The full heading reads: 'For the Christmas Holidays. New Publications, And other Contrivances to disseminate Useful Knowledge among the Rising Generation, To be had of John Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, The Original Juvenile Library, At the Corner of St.

[Printed London booksellers' catalogue.] Books printed for and sold by Cuthell and Martin, Holborn.

John Cuthell (d.1818) and Peter Martin (fl.1857), booksellers, Holborn, London; S. Rousseau, printer, Wood Street, Spa Fields
Publication details: 
London: Cuthell and Martin, Holborn. ['Printed by S. ROUSSEAU, Wood Street, Spa Fields.'] [Circa 1802.]

16pp., 12mo. Pamphlet of four bifoliums, with remains of the thread with which they were bound. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Listing works in alphabetical order, from 'ANNUAL REGISTER, or a View of the History, politics, and Literature, from 1758 to 1800 inclusive, by Dr. Campbell, Mr. Burke, and others, 42 vols. boards, 18l. 1s. | Any Volume sold separately to complete sets.' to 'Zimmerman's Aphorisms and Reflections on men, Morals, and Things, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, 12mo, boards, 3s. 6d.' According to the BBTI the firm traded as Cuthell and Martin between 1802 and 1810.

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