Autograph Letter Signed ('E J Lindgren') from Dr Ethel John Lindgren to fellow-anthropologist J. H. Driberg, concerning a book by another author, accepted for publication by the Council of the University of Cambridge in 1904, and returned in 1928.

Dr Ethel John Lindgren (1905-1988), anthropologist [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42; brother of Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-76)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 34 Causewayside, Fen Causeway, Cambridge. 8 November 1939.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She asks him if he can 'shed any light' on a book or paper (not named), 'or indicate what amount of interest it is likely to have': 'The author wrote it in 1904, added to it in 1907. Council [of the University of Cambridge] accepted it for publication in 1916. It was returned to the author, at his request, in 1928!' She could send it to Driberg, 'to look through, if you like (or rather if you are willing!)' A postscript regarding Sir E. E. Evans-Pritchard, emphatically underlined, reads: 'Is it true that E-P is married???'

Manuscript 'Report on the Road from Frimley to Yorktown [Surrey, England]' 'Ewart' [Sir John Spencer Ewart, while a Sandhurst cadet], with coloured manuscript map and four other field sketches by him; with sketches by 'Sterling' and 'Gordon'.

Lieut-Gen. Sir John Spencer Ewart (1861-1930), KCB, Adjutant-General to the Forces in the British Army [Frimley, Surrey; Yorktown House; Aldershot; Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
Report on War Office 'Form 33'. Ewart's four additional sketches dated 1880 and 1881, the other material undated.

The collection, deriving from the Ewart family papers, is in good condition, on aged paper, with fraying to the extremities of the report. Sir John Spencer Ewart, son of General Sir John Alexander Ewart, Colonel of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, entered Sandhurst in 1880, and left the following year, with the sword of honour, to join the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. (For more information about Ewart and his father, who also obtained 'special distinction' at Sandhurst, see their entries in the Oxford DNB.) ONE. Manuscript 'Report'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Granville') from Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, vice-president of the Board of Trade, to John Lewis Ricardo, Member of Parliament for Stoke upon Trent, about the 'irregular' nature of certain evidence.

Granville George Leveson-Gower (1815-1891), 2nd Earl Granville, Liberal Home Secretary, 1851-1852 [John Lewis Ricardo (1812-1862), Member of Parliament for Stoke upon Trent; Thomas Rowe Edmonds]
Publication details: 
Bruton Street [Mayfair, London]. 31 May 1851.

1p., 4to. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Granville explains that 'Edmonds' (the economist Thomas Rowe Edmonds (1803-1889)?) asked him before the House of Commons Committee about giving Ricardo 'the evidence - the Committee saw it was quite irregular', but if Ricardo 'can manage to call on me at the Bd. of Trade tomorrow (Saturday) at about 12 o clock, I will show you what you want'. Postscript reads: 'Pray come at all events on Monday at one to the Committee'.

Delicate coloured field plan of 'Part of Hartford Bridge Flats [now near the site of Blackbushe Airport, Hampshire] surveyed and drawn by J. A. Ewart [later General Sir John Alexander Ewart], 35th. Regt. in 12 hours'.

General Sir John Alexander Ewart (1821-1904), KCB, Colonel of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and hero of the Indian Mutiny and Crimean Campaign [Hartford Bridge Flats, Hampshire; 35th Regiment]
Publication details: 
[Hartford Bridge Flats, Hampshire.] Undated, but between 1838, when Ewart was gazetted to the 35th Regiment, and 1848, when he exchanged to the 93rd Highlanders.

On a piece of thick paper, 36.5 x 38 cm. In fair condition, on aged and spotted and dusty paper, flattened out after being tightly furled, with one short closed tear in margin repaired with archival tape. The field plan is delicately drawn in ink to a 'Scale of four inches to one mile', and coloured in green, blue, grey and red.

A collection of material on Dr Samuel Johnson, assembled by the editor of the Manchester City News, John Cumming Walters, being a mixture of original typescript and manuscript, including a lecture by Walters, and newspaper and magazine cuttings.

John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News [Dr Samuel Johnson; Johnsoniana; James Boswell]
Publication details: 
Manchester and other English cities: 1894 to 1921.

A notable man by any measure, Walters is a puzzling omission from the Oxford DNB. For many years a central figure in the literary life of the north-west of England, he was an authority on Shakespeare (his extensive papers on whom are now in the Folger), Tennyson and Dickens. Walters was the author of 'about 20 books and [...] 250 lectures', and an 'actual or corresponding member of close upon fifty' literary societies, in addition to his professional work as editor of the Manchester City News (for twenty-five years), and the Manchester Evening Chronicle.

[Book; Limited Edition; Senhouse copy; HEAVILY ANNOTATED LIST] Bentley's Standard Novel Series

Michael Sadleir
Michael Sadleir and Richard Bentley
Publication details: 
"Printed in Edinburgh, Scotland, for the Colophon, April 1932"
Michael Sadleir and Richard Bentley

Cloth-backed boards, [16]pp. + frontis., 4to, edges and corners rubbed, sl hinge strain, Title on upper cover, frontis (illustration of Bentley bindings), pages within red borders. This is an offprint (no. 44 of 50 copies only) of Sadleir's essay in "The Colophon" in 1932, which later appeared in a slightly revised form in "Nineteenth-Century Fiction", vol.II, revisions of "style rather than content". This copy was apparently acquired by Roger Senhouse, co-owner of Secker & Warburg, in 1936 (according to a note by Alex Fothergill, bookseller, former owner).

Autograph Letter Signed from C. E. E. Childers, British vice-consul in Pittsburgh, to his brother Col. E. S. E Childers, regarding the latter's biography of their father the Liberal politician Hugh Culling Eardley Childers.

Charles Edward Eardley Childers (1851-1931), British vice-consul in Pittsburgh; Liberal politician Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96); Col. Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919)]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 708 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 21 April 1901.

2pp., 4to. 58 lines. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. E. S. E. Childers' biography of his father had appeared earlier in the year, and his brother writes to tell him that the American booksellers 'have not yet received the copies (3) of the "Life" which I ordered on first hearing it was published'. He is ordering a further six, and will send copies 'to some of the leading papers for review, including 1 each to Dean Hodges and Mr Robt Woods of Boston for review in the "Churchman" and Boston "Transcript"'.

Typed Letter Signed from John Papworth to Mrs Ena Driberg, wife of the Labour MP Tom Driberg

John Papworth (b.1921), English economist and activist, personal adviser to the President of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda [Ena Mary Binfield, née Lyttelton, wife of Tom Driberg of Bradwell Lodge, Essex]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Asian and Overseas Socialist Fellowship (London Branch). 15 November 1957.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged paper, with one small burn-hole to margin. Addressed to 'Mrs. T. Driberg, | Bradwell Lodge, | Bradwell juxta Mare, | nr. Southminster, | Essex.' He thanks her for receiving 'an African boy from Northern Rhodesia and some members of my family', and 'showing us the details of your charming house so unhesitatingly'. He discusses the 'astonishing contrast the house is to the landscape around it.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W C Hazlitt') from the author and bibliographer William Carew Hazlitt, grandson of the essayist William Hazlitt, to autograph hunter John Baron of Blackburn, discussing his published writings.

William Carew Hazlitt (1834-1913), author and bibliographer, grandson of the essayist William Hazlitt (1778-1830) [John J. Baron of Blackburne, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
Barnes Common, Surrey. 18 July 1882.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed to 'John J. Baron Esqr. | 48 Griffin St. | Witton | Blackburne | Lancashire'. Although Hazlitt's handwriting is legendarily attrocious, the reader escapes lightly on this occasion. Hazlitt regrets that he has no copy of either of the books Baron names, as he 'printed only a few copies for presents. Nor have I any photograph of myself.' He is 'extremely glad that the perusal of my publications' has 'proved agreeable' to Baron.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spedding Curwen') from Rev. Spedding Curwen of Frome, Dissenting Minister (father of John Curwen), entreating the congregationalist minister Rev. Dr Andrew Reed of Cambridge Heath, Hackney, to preach at Frome

Rev. Spedding Curwen (1790-1856) of Frome, Dissenting Minister, and father of John Curwen (1816-1880), printer and educator [Rev. Dr Andrew Reed (1787-1862), Congregationalist minister]
Publication details: 
Frome, Somerset. 13 June 1835.

2pp., 4to. 23 lines. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with the two pages of text on the two sides of the first leaf, and the address on the reverse of the second leaf, which has minor damage due to removal from mount, and carries two postmarks, and a broken red wax seal, with address by Curwen, to 'The Revd. Andrew Reed D.D.

Autograph Letter Signed from the printer and Congregationalist minister John Curwen, praising in the most affectionate terms his 'loving old friend' the typefounder and Liberal politician Sir Charles Reed.

John Curwen (1816-1880), Congregationalist minister, printer, and founder of the Tonic sol-fa system of music education [Sir Charles Reed (1819-1881), typefounder, philanthropist, Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
Plaistow, E. (on reversed 1875 letterhead of the Tonic Sol-fa College, Plaistow, London, E. 18 December 1874.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 40 lines. In fair condition, creased and with minor damage to second leaf from previous mounting. Addressing Reed as 'Dear Charles', Curwen explains that when asked who he would like as chairman for a forthcoming meeting, 'it was natural I should mention you, because of our old regard'. He is sorry that his 'friends' applied 'again - after your declining'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Southesk') from the Scottish nobleman and poet James Carnegie, 9th Earl of Southesk [Sir James Carnegie of Kinnaird and of Pitcarrow], dealing cannily with the autograph hunter John J. Baron of Blackburn.

James Carnegie (1827-1905), 9th Earl of Southesk [Sir James Carnegie of Kinnaird and of Pitcarrow], Scottish nobleman and poet
Publication details: 
Hotel des Princes, Biarritz, France. On his monogrammed letterhead. 21 January 1883.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp, three postmarks and red wax seal, addressed by Southesk to 'John J. Baron Esq. | 48 Griffin Street | Wilton | Blackburn | England.' Unaware that Baron is a barefaced autograph hunter, he expresses regret that, having no copies of his own works to hand, he is 'unable to accede to the very gratifying request of the lady referred to by you, as desirous to have two verses of my poems, in my own handwriting'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Rose') from the English historian John Holland Rose, writing, while on active service in France with the British Expeditionary Force, to Alfred Tresidder Sheppard to commend his latest novel.

J. H. Rose [John Holland Rose] (1855-1942), English historian best-known for his biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, Reader in Modern History, Cambridge University [Alfred Tresidder Sheppard (1871-1947)]
Publication details: 
On Y.M.C.A. letterhead, 'On Active Service | With the British Expeditionary Force', 15 September 1917.

2pp., 4to. 53 lines. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting at head, and a light and unobtrusive water stain. The letter is headed by Rose 'Y.M.C.A. B.A.P.O.2 B.E.F. France'. Regarding Sheppard's recently-published 'Quest of Ledgar Dunstan', Rose writes: 'You have a wonderfully keen mental eye which sees everything with extraordinary sharpness, & you have a literary hand which etches with just & delicate touch. The book is also one of singular intensity of feeling which carries the reader along fascinated & thrilled.

[Printed Act of Parliament, 9 October 1722.] [Drophead title:] Anno Nono Georgii Regis. An Act to inflict Pains and Penalties on John Plunket.

[British Act of Parliament passed in 1722 against the Jacobite spy John Plunket (1664-1738)]
Publication details: 
London, Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, And by the Assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd. 1723.

ESTC N50263. [1] + 2pp., folio, paginated 503-504. On bifiolium. The recto of the first leaf carries, with the royal crest and printers' details, the title: 'Anno Regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Nono. At the Parliament Begun and Holden at Westminster, the Ninth Day of October, Anno Dom. 1722. In the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.

Printed Victorian handbill poem in Yorkshire dialect, titled 'On the Wing. By John Lawton.', speculating in a humorous style on the effects of successful transport by air.

John Lawton, Victorian Yorkshire dialect poet [aircraft; air transport; aeroplanes; fixed-wing flying; manned flight; ballooning]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Yorkshire, 1850s?]

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper, with slight wear and loss at head. The leaf has been trimmed down to 21 x 16 cm., with rounded corners, around the poem's decorative border. The poem consists of 96 lines, in twelve eight-line stanzas; it is arranged in two columns beneath the title: 'ON THE WING. | BY JOHN LAWTON.' First stanza reads: 'I wor thinkin one neet wol sit i mi cheer, | Wot thowts enter sum people's pates; | Wot useful invenshuns they'n plan'd everywheer | To benefit people un states.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Winchilsea') from George Finch, 9th Earl of Winchilsea to John Preston Neale, accompanying a corrected proof of the section on Burley House in Neale's 'Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen'.

George Finch, 9th Earl of Winchilsea, of Burley House [Burley on the Hill Mansion], Rutlandshire, amateur cricketer and patron of the game, founder of the White Conduit Club
Publication details: 
Letter: Place not stated. 28 December 1822. Proof without place or date.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. On bifolium. On aged and worn paper with closed tears at foot and pinholes at head. Reads: 'Sir, | I return you the account of Burley with some Amendments which I think it requires, I dare say that when I have an opportunity of seeing your Work I shall wish to become a Subscriber.' The proof, with a few minor corrections in Winchilsea's hand, are 2pp., 8vo, printed on one side of a half sheet folded once to make a bifolium, with the first page on the recto of the first leaf, and the second page on the verso of second leaf. On aged and worn paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Duncan') from the engraver and watercolour painter Edward Duncan, inviting John Paget to a meeting of the Chalcographic Society at his house.

Edward Duncan (1803-1882), English engraver and watercolour painter [The Chalcographic Society; John Paget]
Publication details: 
110 Adelaide Road, Haverstock Hill. 17 August 1863.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of small spots of glue from mount. Numbered in another hand at the foot of the second page. He writes: 'The Chalcographic Soicety meet at my house on Friday evening next 21st inst | If you can favor me with your company on that evening it will give me great pleasure.' For information about the Chalcographic Society, founded in 1807, see Dennis M. Read's biography of 'R. H. Cromek' (2011).

Autograph Letter, in the third person, from Elizabeth Charlotte Nugent, Marchioness of Westmeath, to her druggists Messrs Fitz & Ch<ambers?>, ordering 'Canisters of Cephalic snuff' and 'one pound of mustard ground to make Poultices'.

Elizabeth Charlotte Nugent [née Verner] (d.1882), Marchioness of Westmeath, wife of George Thomas John Nugent (1785-1871), 1st Marquess of Westmeath
Publication details: 
Cossey [Costessey] Hall, Norfolk. 7 December 1868.

2pp., 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive spike hole. The letter begins: 'The Marchioness of Westmeath is much obliged to Mesrrs. Fitz & for the two Canisters of Cephalic snuff sent according to desire & requests they will be so good as to forward by the Bearer three or four more Canisters - Also a box of Pills made up exactly according to the enclosed prescription which Lady Wth.

[Offprint.] The Wilde Lecture. V. The Mechanical Principles of Flight. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. Delivered February 13th, 1900.

Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt (1842-1919), 3rd Baron Rayleigh, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics] [The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society]
Publication details: 
Manchester: 36, George Street. 26 April 1900. [Manchester Memoirs, Vol. lxiv. (1899), No. 5; Memoirs and Proceedings of The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society 1899-1900.]

26pp., 12mo. Stitched. In remains of original printed wraps. On aged paper, in chipped wraps, with several leaves loose. An important work in the history of eronautics by one of the great experimental physicists of the nineteenth century. Excessively scarce: no copy of this offprint in the British Library or on COPAC. 'In this lecture Rayleigh discusses the method of calculating the mechanical forces on a plane presented obliquely to a current of air, so far as this can be done. At best, the calculation is very incomplete.

[Printed pamphlet.] Abstract of the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1896; General Rles and Special Rules [...] Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham. [With 'Bye-Laws'.]

[Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham; Committee for Yorkshire; coal mining; Victorian coal industry]
Publication details: 
No. 046. Jenkinson, Marshall & Co., Stationers, Printers, Paper & Twine Merchants, &c., Surrey Street and Tudor Street, Sheffield. Dated 9 August 1888, and amended in manuscript to 7 February 1902.

The 'Abstract' and 'Bye-Laws' total 45pp., 12mo, attached in one unbound pamphlet. Complete, but aged and dusty: an item that certainly saw duty in its colliery. The 'Abstract' is 41pp., 12mo, paginated 1-40; with a single page headed 'Timbering in Mines. | Special Rules' on a leaf tipped in after p.38. The title-page is headed 'Published under the direction of the Committee for Yorkshire.', and the full title includes: '[...] General Rules and Special Rules to be observed by the Owners, Agents, Managers, Under-Managers, Under-Viewers, Enginewrights, Deputies, and Work-people of Messrs.

Engraving titled 'A Curious Piece of Antiquity, On the Crucifixion of Our Saviour and the Two Thieves.' Consisting of a piece of pattern poetry around three crucifixes.

John Fenley, Bristol bookseller [pattern poetry]
Publication details: 
'Bristol: Printed for and Sold by J. Fenley, 20, Broad-Mead. (Typ. Brookman.)' No date.

Printed on one side of a piece of unwatermarked wove paper, 18 x 20cm. Aged and worn, with a number of closed tears. The poem crosses horizontally and verically through three crucifxes, beginning: 'Behold, O God! INRI vers of my Tears'. The poem was first published around 1765 by W. Bailey, 28 Great Tower-street, London, and was reprinted by several other publishers, with an American version as late as the 1850s. No copy of this edition is present on COPAC. According to BBTI John Fenley was active in Bristol from around 1785 to 1811.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Baptist Minister and essayist John Foster, to his unnamed London bookseller (J. Cox or James Nisbet, both of Berners Street?), discussing arrangements on the bookseller's retirement.

John Foster (1770-1843), Yorkshire-born Baptist minister and essayist
Publication details: 
Stapleton, Gloucestershire. 26 January 1823.

2pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. 43 closely-written lines. An interesting letter, in which Foster closes 'a long and amicable communication' with the bookseller, the reason being given in the following passage: 'I am sorry for what you intimated, that your more recent undertakings have not been so advantageous as you had expected. From your hint of the possibility of a continued residence at Hastings I may conclude that you withdraw from business (that of books at least) altogether.

Autograph Signature of the Irish politician and traveller, John Talbot Dillon, Baron Dillon.

Sir John Talbot Dillon (1739-1805), 1st Baronet, Baron Dillon, Irish politician, traveller and author
Publication details: 
Madrid. 1 July 1777.

1p., 12mo. An autograph note, apparently written at the head of the detached fly-leaf of a book. Fair, on aged paper, laid down on a torn page from an autograph album. Reads: 'This is a Curious & very Scarce Book. - | Madrid 1st. July 1777. | [signed] John Talbot Dillon | Knt. & Baron of the S. R. Empire.' The abbreviation stands for 'Sacred Roman Empire'.

[Printed chapbook.] The History of Stoney Bowes, otherwise Andrew Robinson Bowes: being a Minute Memoir of his Infamous and Notorious Character.

[Andrew Robinson Stoney Bowes (1747-1810); John Ross, printer, Arcade, Newcastle upon Tyne; Thomas Hutchinson]
Publication details: 
Printed by J. Ross, Arcade, Newcastle. [Slug: 'Printed and published by J. Ross, Newcastle.'] [1850.]

24pp., 16mo. Woodcut vignette on title-page, showing man in military uniform restraining a struggling woman, under a tree. Stitched, in plain cream wraps. Internally fair, on aged paper, in worn wraps. Ownership inscription on flyleaf of 'John Hutchinson | October 1850'. Thirteen line note by Hutchinson on rear flyleaf, concerning the Bowes family, and further manuscript notes by him on pp. 13, 17, 21 and 22. Slip of paper with another note by Hutchinson loosely inserted.

Autograph Signature of the actor Charles Kean, brother of Edmund Kean.

Charles Kean [Charles John Kean] (1811-1868), Irish actor, brother of Edmund Kean (1787-1833)
Publication details: 
Aster House [New York]. 9 June 1846.

A good, firm signature, written on one side of a rectangle torn from the base of a letter, roughly 15 x 20cm. Aged and little creased. Written while Kean was on an American theatrical tour, the fragment reads 'I remain, | Yours truly | [signed] Charles Kean | Aster House | 9th. June | 1846.' In pencil on the reverse: 'Presented by A. Bassler'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ellenborough') from Lord Ellenborough to John Forbes Royle, commending his 'Essay on the Productive Resource of India'.

Edward Law (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Tory politician and Governor-General of India between 1842 and 1844 [John Forbes Royle (1799-1858), English botanist, born in India]
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Place, London. 1 January 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'I have just received your work on the productive resources of India for which I beg to offer you my best thanks.' The subject has always been to him 'one of the deepest interest', and he rejoices that 'a gentleman of your knowledge has directed his attention to it'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish genealogist John Stuart to 'Miss Yonge' [the novelist Charlotte M. Yonge], concerning 'a Letter of the Great Marquis [of Montrose] recently brought to light, with reference to the historian Mark Napier.

John Stuart (1813-1877), Scottish genealogist [Charlotte M. Yonge (1823-1901), novelist; Mark Napier (1798-1879), Scottish antiquary]
Publication details: 
General Register House, Edinburgh; on embossed letterhyead of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 31 December 1872.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Julian Pauncefote') from Sir Julian Pauncefote, Ambassador to the United States, to Lord Aberdeen, Governor General of Canada, regarding tours of Canada by Justice Harlan and French Ambassador Jules-Martin Cambon.

Julian Pauncefote (1828-1902), 1st Baron Pauncefote, the first British Ambassador to the United States, 1893-1902 [John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon (1847-1934), 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of the British Embassy, Washington, but with the location changed in manuscript in second letter to 'New London' [Prince Edward Island, Canada]. 21 June 1897 and 27 August 1898.

Both items 4pp., 12mo, and bifoliums. Both in fair condition, on aged paper; the first with slight wear to one corner. In the first letter Pauncefote informs Aberdeen that Justice John Marshall Harlan (1833-1911), who has just visited him, is planning a summer holiday 'at Murray Bay in your Dominion'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Rev. Charles Rogers, LLD, to the autograph hunter J. T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the availability of his 'Boswelliana' and 'Century of Scottish Life'.

Rev. Charles Rogers, LLD (1825–1890), Church of Scotland minister and historian [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Brandon Street, Edinburgh. 15 March1882.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With remains of envelope, addressed by Rogers. He states that his 'Boswelliana', which was 'published at a guinea can be got for twelve shillings', and that 'a bookseller has undertaken to hunt for 'A Century of Scottish Life' which has long been sold off; it will cost you six shillings - six was the original price.' After forwarding the address of Sabine Baring-Gould he states that he is 'now living in Edinburgh at the above address'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the London publisher John Murray the sixth ('John Grey Murray') to the diplomat Ernest Frederick Gye ['Dear Ernest Gye'], congratulating him on his posting to Tangier.

John Murray the sixth [John Grey Murray; Jock Murray; John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray] (1909-1993), London publisher [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat, son of Ernest Gye and Dame Emma Albani]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of John Murray, 50 Albemarle Street, London. 9 January 1933.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged paper. He offers Gye his 'very best wishes' on his 'new appointment', adding: 'of course do not trouble to answer for this deserves none'.

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