[Anthony Grey, novelist and journalist.] Five Signed Letters, three in Autograph and two Typed, to playwright Christopher Fry, with material relating to his organisation Hostage Action Worldwide.

Anthony Grey (born 1938), novelist, journalist and author, imprisoned by the Chinese government for 27 months from 1967 to 1969 [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
The five letters between 1989 and 1991. Three of the letters on letterhead of The Old Granary, Charlton, West Sussex. Hostage Action Worldwide material all c/o The Charlton Foundation, 28 Nottingham Place, London.

Nine items, all in good condition. All of the letters are signed 'Anthony', and four of them (two autograph and two typed) are each 1p, 8vo. The other letter, in autograph, is 1p, 16mo. With four items of material relating to Hostage Action Worldwide. The first letter (11 May 1989) accompanies 'our first reply to our first 350 donors – we're hoping to build rapidly now'. He reports that 'The Archbishop of Canterbury has this week responded positively to us and appointed a man, John Lyttle to our Advisory Council.

[Robert Hawker, Devon clergyman called the 'Star of the West'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rob Hawker') to London bookseller Ebenezer Palmer, regarding the marketing of the tracts of the Village Sermon Society.

Robert Hawker (1753-1827), Devon clergyman and hymnologist; vicar of Charles Church, Plymouth, called the 'Star of the West' for his popular preaching [Ebenezer Palmer, London theological bookseller]
Publication details: 
[Plymouth?]; 22 November 1824.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and spotted, with loss at foot of reverse of last leaf, the verso of which is addressed to 'Mr Palmer | Bookseller | 18 Paternoster Row'. The recipient is the theological bookseller Ebenezer Palmer the elder (c.1782-1866). Twenty-two lines of text in a difficult hand. The stridently pious tone perhaps hints at some degree of mental instability. The letter opens: 'My dear Sir & friend in the LORD | I greet you in Him'.

[Professor William Bevan Lewis, psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Bevan-Lewis') to Bedford Pierce of the Retreat asylum in York, discussing a course of lectures they are to give together.

William Bevan-Lewis (1847-1929), Professor of Mental Diseases, Leeds; and Medical Superintendent, West Riding Asylum, Wakefield [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932), Consulting Physician, The Retreat, York]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of W. R. Asylum [West Riding Asylum], Wakefield [Yorkshire]; 22 March 1908.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded once. Forty-three lines of text. He begins by expressing pleasure at the prospect of being associated with Pierce 'in the Course of Lectures on Mental Diseases', and at the news that Pierce has 'decided to take up the Systematic Part'. He leaves the choice of day to Pierce, and offers to put him up for the night.

[Professor William Bevan-Lewis, physician and physiologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Bevan-Lewis') thanking psychiatrist Bedford Pierce for his 'eulogistic & cordial tribute', and discussing the Allied victory in the Great War.

William Bevan-Lewis (1847-1929), physician and physiologist, Professor of Mental Diseases and Examiner at the University of Leeds, and Medical Director, West Riding Asylum [Bedford Pierce (1861-1932)]
Publication details: 
'Elsinore', Dyke Road Avenue, Brighton. 12 November 1918.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Fifty-two lines of text. He thanks Pierce for his 'most kind expressions of regard for myself, & your eulogistic & cordial tribute to my poor efforts in the cause of Psychological Medicine'. which he has read in 'the account of the proceedings at the Edinburgh Meeting in July last', in the Journal of Mental Science.

[Sir Andrew Halliday, personal physician to William IV.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andrew Halliday') to the 'Assignees of Mr George Underwood', regarding the return of works which are his 'individual property'.

Sir Andrew Halliday (1782-1839), Scottish physician, personal physician to William IV [George Underwood, London medical bookseller]
Publication details: 
Hampton Court; 31 August 1831.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a few small holes, and thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Reads: 'The Assignees of Mr George Underwood will please deliver up to Messrs Renshaw & Reid all the Copies of my “State of Lunatic Asylums” also all copies of my “Letter to Lord Robert Seymour” as also Any Copies of “Letters from Germany & Holland” or any other of my works that may remain or be found among the stock of the said George Underwood as the whole are my individual Property - | Andrew Halliday | Hampton Court | 31 August 1831'.

[George IV, King of Great Britain.] Warrant, signed 'George R.', and also signed by the Treasury Commissioners Berkeley Paget, Lord Granville Somerset and E. A. MacNaghten, regarding pensions to servants of younger princes, out of West Indian duties.

George IV (1762-1830), King of Great Britain and Ireland; Lord Granville Somerset (1792-1848); Berkeley Paget (1780-1842); Edmond Alexander MacNaghten (1762-1832) [Barbados; Leeward Islands]
Publication details: 
'Given at our Court at Carlton House this 30th. day of July 1825 In the Sixth Year of our Reign'.

2pp, folio. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Excellent bold signature by the king ('George R.') in the customary position at the head of the first page. Signed at the end of the document by three of the six Lords Commissioners of the Treasury: 'B Paget | G C H Somerset | E A McNaghten'. Embossed tax stamp in left-hand margin of first page, together with remains of red wafer.

[George IV, King of Great Britain.] Warrant, signed 'George R.', and also signed by Chancellor of the Exchequer Nicholas Vansittart, Lord Lowther and Lord Granville Somerset, regarding 'Pensions to late Servants of Younger Princes'.

George IV (1762-1830), King of Great Britain and Ireland; William Lowther, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale (1787-1872); Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley (1766-1851); Lord Granville Somerset (1792-1848)
Publication details: 
'Given at our Court at Carlton House the 1st. day of May 1820 In the First year of our Reign'.

2pp, folio. On a single leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to inner edge of first page. Folded twice. Good firm signature of the king ('George R.') at top left of first page, which has a thin mourning border. Left hand margin of first page with embossed £1 10s tax stamp. Written out ('By His Majesty's Command') in a secretarial hand, and addressed 'To The Husband for taking up all Goods consigned from Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands on Account of the Duties of Four Pounds and one Half Pounds per Centum'.

[Lord Grenville, Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature ('W: W: Grenville') and seal, with those of Samuel Estwick, Richard Molesworth, Philip Deare, John Wigglesworth, to document appointing Isaac Phipps paymaster of British forces in West Indies.

Lord Grenville, Prime Minister [William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville (1759-1834)]; Samuel Estwick (c.1736-1795), Member of Parliament; Richard Molesworth; Philip Deare [West Indies]
Publication details: 
No place. 8 January 1784.

1p, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to an edge. Folded once. At bottom right are Grenville's signature ('W: W: Grenville') and a good impression of his seal in red wax. Twenty-line document, written in a secretarial hand, with two embossed tax stamps at head.

[ Alured Clarke, British army officer in the American War of Independence ] Autograph Note Signed "Alured Clarke" to "Mr Baker" ["Tailor near Covent Garden" from docket]

Sir Alured Clarke (1744-1832), British army officer in the American War of Independence; Governor of Jamaica; Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Canada; Governor-General of India
Publication details: 
Mansfield Street, [London], 8 Dec. 1807.

One page, 12mo, bifolium, docketed with names etc of the sender ("Gen. Sir A. Clarke") and recipient of letter on p.[4], a small part of which is stuck to p.[2], separated from the other docketing. Text clear and complete. A mysterious further note appears above the letter text "Entd. OB[?] 236". He says: The bearer George, one of my Servants, is so much grown that he cannot wear his Blue Livery Coat, and Red Waistcoat.

[Lord Stanley (later Earl of Derby) and West Indian trade.] Manuscript, signed by Stanley, of a 'Circular Dispatch to Governors of West Indian Colonies' on the 'Act to amend the laws for the regulation of the Trade of the British Possessions abroad'.

Earl of Derby, British Prime Minister [Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby] (1799-1869), as Lord Stanley [Sir Frederick Peel (1823-1906), Liberal MP; British West Indian colonies]
Publication details: 
The present draft dated from Downing Street, 30 July 1842. The circular as published, from teh same place, 17 August 1842.

An apparently-unique Manuscript – signed by Lord Stanley as Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, and dated from 'Downing Street, | 30: July 1842' – of what W. P. Morrell describes in his 'British Colonial Policy in the Age of Peel and Russell' (1966) as a 'Circular Dispatch to Governors of West Indian Colonies', regarding the 'Act to amend the laws for the regulation of the Trade of the British Possessions abroad' (5 & 6 Vic. c. 49). The document discusses the act with regard to 'the West Indian Colonists' and 'the British Possessions in South America and the West Indies'.

[Rebecca West, author and journalist.] Autograph Card Signed ('R. W.') to John M[?] of the BBC, postponing arrangements due to illness. With Autograph Note by Rex Moorfoot.

Rebecca West [Dame Cicely Isabel Fairfield (1892-1983)], author and journalist [Rex Moorfoot (1921-1994), BBC producer and broadcaster]
Publication details: 
Card with letterhead of Ibstone House, Ibstone, near High Wycombe, Bucks. Postmark date 21 August 1951.

In fair condition, lightly aged, with punch holes for ring binder. Addressed to 'John M[?] Esq. | (Far Eastern Section) | B.B.C. | 200 Oxford St | London W'. Text reads 'Alas, I have been ill with a virus infection and am going to France for a holiday with Henry, who has been ill too, and I don't think I had better undertake anything. Can I leave it till I come back – that will be at the end of September? | R. W.' In addition to two date stamps and a reference number the card carries two initialled manuscript notes on the address side.

[John Walter Gregory, geologist and explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J W Gregory') to 'Mrs. Green', explaining that he cannot accept her invitation as he must go to 'the Red Lion dinner'.

J. W. Gregory [John Walter Gregory] (1864-1932), English geologist and explorer in Australia and elsewhere, who gives his name to the Gregory Rift in the Great Rift Valley
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Association, Oxford. 14 August 1894.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He cannot accept her dinner invitation as he has 'promised to go to the Red Lion dinner & as the friend who got me the invitation there had I fear some trouble to do so, I do not like to withdraw'.

[Sir William Edward Parry, Arctic explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W E Parry.') to unnamed recipient, soliciting a vote in a charity election for a 'poor girl' named Maria Jones.

Sir William Edward Parry (1790-1855), Royal Navy Rear Admiral, celebrated Arctic explorer who made attempts on the Northwest Passage and North Pole
Publication details: 
Admiralty [London], 12 August 1828.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small spot of discoloration. He explains that he is 'requested by a particular friend' to solicit the interest of the recipient 'in favor of the poor girl mentioned in the accompanying note, who was an unsuccessful Candidate at the last Election'. He knows that 'the applications in such cases are extremely numerous', but hopes that the recipient 'can give Maria Jones your vote on the ensuing occasion'.

[ Edward Morrison, Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. ] Autograph Signature ('Edw: Morrison Lt: Govr | Commr of the Forces at Jamaica <?>', on part of official letter concerning the court martial of Lieutenant Robert Irvine.

Edward Morrison, Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, 1811-1813
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Jamaica, 1811. ]

On both sides of a 13 x 20 cm piece of paper cut from an official letter. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The recto reads: '[…] Having received the enclosed Papers since I wrote to you on the 27th inst transmitting the Proceedings of a General Court Martial on the Trial of Lieutt Irwine of the 55th Regt. I think it right to transmit them to you as they are documents relating to […]'. Reverse reads: 'I have the honour to be Sir | Your most obedient humble | Servant | Edw: Morrison Lt: Govr | Commr of the Forces at Jamaica <?>'.

[ West Indies: signatures of four British Governors: Sir Edward Brandis Denham of British Guiana; Sir Thomas Reginald St Johnston, Leeward Islands; Sir William Charles Fleming Robertson, Barbados; Sir Alfred Claud Hollis, Trinidad and Tobago.

Sir Edward Brandis Denham, Governor of British Guiana; Sir Thomas Reginald St Johnston, Leeward Islands; Sir William Charles Fleming Robertson, Barbados; Sir Alfred Claud Hollis, Trinidad and Tobago
Publication details: 
No place. Three of the signatures are dated from January 1932, the other two are undated.

The five signatories are: Sir Alfred Claud Hollis (1874-1962), Governor of Trinidad and Tobago, 1930-1936, and author of a historical account of Spanish Trinidad; his wife Enid Mabel Hollis (née Longman), Lady Hollis (1888-1939); Sir Edward Brandis Denham (1876-1938), Governor of British Guiana, 1930–1935, and Jamaica, 1935–1938; Sir Thomas Reginald St Johnston (1881-1950), Governor of the Leeward Islands, 1929-1936; Sir William Charles Fleming Robertson (1867-1937), Governor of Barbados, 1925-1932. On one side of a 13.5 x 16.5 cm leaf of cream paper torn from an autograph album.

[ Lord John Manners, Marquis of Granby, army officer after whom many English pubs are named. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Manners') regarding the broken health of one Lieutenant Hawkins, and his inability to rejoin his regiment in Jamaica.

Lieutenant-General John Manners (1721-1770), Marquess of Granby, British army officer, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, son of the 3rd Duke of Rutland
Publication details: 
Parliament Street [ London ]. 23 August 1770.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn, with fraying to edges, and loss at one corner from the opening of the seal. There is a faint pencil note on three lines in another hand at the foot of the letter. The letter reads: 'Having considerd Lt Hawkins situation, and the effect the Climate of Jamaica has had upon him – I am of opinion that He is totally unable to join his Regiment, and there is great reason to fear, his health will never be such as to enable him to do duty with it, in that Island | John Manners | Parliament St. | Augst. 23d. 1770'.

[ William Perfect, physician ] Promissory Note [probably autograph] Signed "Wm Perfect" (an ornate signature)

William Perfect (1731-1809), physician, pioneer of inoculation and mental health treatment
Publication details: 
[Head] Malling, 12 Feb. 1781; [Tail] Town Malling 11 Feb.1781.

Piece of paper, 18 x 10 cm, bottom edge irregularly cut, good condition. Text: Sir | Three days after Sight be pleased to pay Mr Richard Grover or Order this Sum of Eleven Pounds four Shillings for Value received by Bill for Mr Archd Duff from Sr | Yr humble servant | Wm Perfect." Followed by (possibly in different hand) "James Gordon Esq: Bury Couret | St Mary Axe London. | No. 14. On verso, signature of Richard Grover and "witness for Mr Leach | J Williams." Pencil note aded "Wine Merchant", but "The Tradesman" of 1808 records a Richard Grover, Grocer, in Town Malling.

[ International Arbitration Association, Bristol. ] Album containing material relating to the Association, assembled by honorary secretary E. T. Wedmore: announcements, notices, and cuttings from provincial newspapers.

West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association, Bristol [ Edmund Tolson Wedmore (1847-1920), Quaker pacifist; Walter Sturge; Allen Greenwell; Rev. Henry Richard; Peace Society ]
Publication details: 
West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association. 'Offices: 21 College Green, Bristol.'

Around 70 items laid down on 36pp. of an 8vo. exercise book with ruled grey-paper pages, in quarter-binding with marbled boards with green cloth spine. With around eight more items loosely inserted. In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbishop of Dublin and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd. C. Trench, [ to his publisher the London bookseller John W. Parker ] regarding his writing plans and engagements.

Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886), Archbishop of Dublin in the Church of Ireland and Irish poet [ John William Parker the younger (1820-1860), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
'Itchen Stoke'. 15 August 1840.

4pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tears along the fold between the two leaves of the bifolium. Trench's publishers were 'John W. Parker & Son, West Strand'. The letter begins: 'I heartily wish that I could go to the press at once with the 3rd. Edition of the Parables. [ 'Notes on the Parables of Our Lord', first published in 1841 ] I have been however working hard at them & they are nearly ready.

[ Sir George Nugent, Field Marshal and Governor of Jamaica. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Nugent'), congratulating the botanist Nathaniel Wallich on gaining financial independence through the post of Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta

Sir George Nugent, 1st Baronet (1757-1849), Field Marshal in the British Army and Governor of Jamaica [ Nathaniel Wallich [ born Nathanael Wulff Wallich ] (1785–1854), botanist of Danish extraction ]
Publication details: 
Westhorpe [ Westhorpe House, Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire ]. 23 June 1848.

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and creased. See both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[ Victorian Norfolk: auction catalogue. ] Particulars and Plan of the Highly Valuable Freehold Estate of the late Mr. Hugh Aylmer, comprising the Abbey & Manor Farms, in the Parish of West Dereham […]. [ With coloured fold-out 'Plan of Estates'. ]

Salter, Simpson & Sons in conjunction with Messrs. Bidwell [ Hugh Aylmer, Norfolk landowner and cattle breeder ]
Publication details: 
First Edition. 'At the Town Hall, Downham Market, on Friday, August 3rd, 1894.' Printed by the Bury Post Company (Limited), Bury St. Edmund's.

15pp., folio. Stapled. In light-green printed wraps. With black and white photographic frontispiece illustration of 'West Dereham Abbey'; and coloured 50 x 76 cm. fold-out 'Plan of Estates at West Dereham, Norfolk, for Sale by Auction by Salter, Simpson & Sons in comnjunction with Messrs. Bidwell 1894', by 'Alger & Son, Litho. Diss'. Aged, worn and creased, with rusted staples, and map with closed tear and fraying to its outer edge. Containing descriptions of the twenty-five lots into which the estate is divided for the purposes of the sale ('The Estate, containing 1170a. 2r.

[ West Dereham Church Restoration Fund, Norfolk. ] Printed appeal and 'First Subscription List', following the 'collapse of the entire roof of the nave on St. Mark's day, 1901'. With photograph.

West Dereham Church Restoration Fund, Norfolk. [ W. Burleigh, Vicar; H. Steward and J. T. Horn, Churchwardens ] [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Ridlington, 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
[ West Dereham Church Restoration Fund, Norfolk. ] Appeal dated June 1901. 'First Subscription List' undated [ 1901 ].

Both items in good condition, on aged paper. ONE: Appeal dated June 1901, headed 'West Dereham Church Restoration Fund.' Signed in type 'W. BURLEIGH, Vicar. | H. STEWARD, | J. T. HORN, | Churchwardens.' Carrying a small photograph of the ruins of the church, flanked by a description of the church, 'dedicated to St. Andrew', and its features. Beneath these the appeal begins: 'This interesting Church is now lying in ruins, simply from the effects of old age, and the consequent collapse of the entire roof of the nave on St. Mark's day, 1901.

[ Sir John Peter Grant, Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal and as Governor of Jamaica. ] Autograph Signature ('J P Grant') on part of document.

Sir John Peter Grant (1807-1893), Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, 1859-1862, and Governor of Jamaica, 1866-1874
Publication details: 
Without place. 1868.

On 6 x 9.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, laid down on slightly-larger piece of paper (part of leaf from an album). Grant's distinctive forward-sloping signature at centre. At top of paper: '<...> Reign, Annoque Domini 1868.' Beneath the signature, in a contemporary hand: 'Sir John Peter Grant Lieut-Governor of Central Provinces of India during Mutiny. [sic] Governor-General of Jamaica born 1807'.

[ Devon County Cricket Club and Dorset County Cricket Club. ] Autograph Signatures of the twenty-two cricketers taking part in the match 'Dorset v. Devon. Aug. 22 & 23 - 1924'.

Devon County Cricket Club, founded 1899; Dorset County Cricket Club, founded 1896
Publication details: 
[ Dorset v. Devon cricket match. ] 22 and 23 August 1924

On one side of a 16 x 20 cm leaf torn from an album. In fair condition, lightly aged. The signatures of the eleven Devon players in column along the left-hand edge, and those of the Dorset players in a column along the right-hand edge. Details of the match and players are hard to find. Here is a tentative reading of the Devon signatures: 'F H Canok | A R Strephardy | W F Light | S Blakeney | K G E<?> | E. G. Trench | J R Carter | C R Russell | <?> | G H H Sherlock | E A S<?>'. And a similarly-tentative reading of the Dorset signatures: 'E. C. Walby | W Harrison | W. J. Knight | M. B.

[ Sir William Carew, Bart, of Antony, near Saltash, Cornwall. ] Autograph Signature ('W Carew') on Exchequer receipt.

Sir William Carew (1690-1744), 5th Baronet, of Antony, near Saltash, Cornwall, Tory Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 5 June 1739.

On 19.5 x 19 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment of £9 11s 8d on an annuity. With signature of witness 'E Clark'. For more information on Carew, see his two entries in the History of Parliament.

[ Vera Stacey Wainwright, West Country painter and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vera (Wainwright)') to Ida Forbes-Robertson ('Dear Idzie'), with reference to Gaugin's drawing of her father Eric Forbes-Robertson.

Vera Wainwright [ Vera Stacey Wainwright ] (1893-1967), West Country painter and poet, friend of Austin Osman Spare [ Ida Forbes-Robertson, daughter Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist ]
Publication details: 
Crows Nest, Darite, Liskeard, Cornwall. 18 September 1947.

2pp., landscape 8vo. In envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed to 'Miss I. Forbes-Robertson | 30a. Collingham Place | Earls Court | S.W.5.' In good condition, lightly aged. The first part of the letter concerns a lost or stolen letter and cheque. 'Of course I shall pay you - but it is s. sweet of you to suggest the present'. She repeats information she gave in the letter about which artists' materials she would like: 'Paper for water-colour is becoming scarce too but I have some at the moment'.

Publicity album for Harold C. Harvey of the Homasote Company of New Jersey, manufacturers of wall board, containing 96 cloth-backed photographs, mostly captioned and many architectural, with a few signed on the plate 'Rand '29'.

Harold C. Harvey [Homasote Company of West Trenton, New Jersey, wall board manufacturers, founded in 1909 as the Agasote Millboard Company by Eugenius Harvey Outerbridge (1860-1932)]
Publication details: 
[Homasote Company, West Trenton, New Jersey.] A few of the photographs dated on the plate to 1929.

96 black and white photographic prints, each cloth-backed and with the landscape dimensions 20 x 25 cm. In black leather loose leaf album by Wilson Jones Co., Kansas City. Stamped in gilt in bottom right-hand corner of first leaf, 'HAROLD C. HARVEY'. The prints are in good condition, curling a little at the fore-edge, and with slight creasing at right-hand margin of the first two. The binding is somewhat worn, but still tight, with the three original metal screws holding the album together.

[ Nineteenth-century Scottish landowner. ] Manuscript Account Book [ of Thomas Melville ] with itemized expenses and individual accounts, records of livestock farming in the Hebrides, rents in Greenock and Campbeltown.

[ Thomas Melville; Charles Munro of Campbeltown; Alexander Birrell of Inverary ] Nineteenth-century West of Scotland landowner's account book [ Hebrides; Greenock, Renfrewshire; Campbeltown, Argyll ]
Publication details: 
The West of Scotland (The Hebrides; Greenock in Renfrewshire; Campbeltown and Inverary in Argyll). Between 1837 and 1852.

113pp. in a 12mo notebook. Quarter binding with black leather spine and soft covers in marbled paper, interleaved with pink blotting paper on which occasional notes have been made. Printed on front pastedown: 'Sold by John Thomson, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh.' In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn binding. There is a section of 53pp. of itemized expenses at the front of the volume, and another of 47pp. of individual accounts at the back, with groups of six and three pages among the otherwise-blank leaves in the centre.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Information Document prepared by Africa Committee' on 'The West African Cocoa Industry' (Gold Coast, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and French Cameroons).

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department ] [ West African Cocoa Industry; Gold Coast; Nigeria; Ivory Coast; French Cameroons; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Department, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. May, 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves. In good condition, lightly aged. The report is single-spaced, and factual rather than polemical, describing the 'network of buying stations' (run by 'non-European intermediaries (African or Syrian)') maintained by the 'European firms that buy and export practically the whole crop', and the recommendations of the 1938 Nowell Report.

[ Sir John Jeremie, Governor of Sierra Leone. ] Autograph Note in the third person, inviting '- Payne Esqr.' to dinner.

Sir John Jeremie (1795-1841), British judge and diplomat, Chief Justice of Saint Lucia and Governor of Sierra Leone, whose writings contributed to the abolition of slavery.
Publication details: 
Government House, Freetown [ Sierra Leone ]. 10 January 1841.

1p., 12mo. On a bifolium, part of the second leaf of which has been torn away, but with address by Jeremie to 'Payne Esqr. | Commanding the G

'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Reads: 'Sir John Jeremie presents his compliments to Mr. Payne & begs he will do him the favor of dining with him on Tuesday at half past six o'clock.'

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