
[Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; LIst ] Manuscript 'Account of Sales of the Estate of Wm. Fisher dec[ease]d.' by Green A. Fisher

Slavery in Wilcox County, Alabama; Estate of William Fisher (died 1835); Green A. Fisher
Publication details: 
The State of Alabama, Wilcox County. 21 December 1835.

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Headed with the date of the sale 'December 4th 1835'. At end: 'The State of Alabama | Wilcox County | Came into open Court Green A. Fisher one of the Executors of the last will & testament of William Fisher decd. who being duly sworn deposeth & saith that the forgoing is a correct account of the sales of said decedents Estate so far as the same have come to his hands | Sworn to & Subscribed in Open Court this 21st Decr. 1835'. Received, with illegible signature, on same date.

[Lord Denman describes House of Lords 'progress in Women's Suffrage', 1894.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Denman') to 'Sir Thomas [Roe]', sending him a gift on his being knighted, and discussing political affairs.

Thomas Denman, Lord Denman [Thomas Aitchison Denman, 2nd Baron Denman] (1805-1894), Liberal politician, pioneer of women's suffrage [Sir Thomas Roe [later Lord Roe] (1832-1923), Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
'Alderston | Haddington | N[orth] B[ritain] [i.e. Scotland]' 27 January 1894.

Denman was noted for his eccentricities. From 1884 he sat as a crossbencher, and introduced a number of bills on women's suffrage, none of which gained a second reading. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. The first page heavily-spotted, and with the cross-written signature over-written, probably by a child; otherwise lightly-aged and worn.

[Seán MacEntee, Fianna Fáil politician and Tánaiste.] Typed Letter Signed ('Seán MacEntee') to T. J. Hickey, editor of 'The Statist', commending an article on Hilaire Belloc by Collin Brooks. With Autograph Note Signed from Hickey to Brooks.

Seán MacEntee [Seán Mac an tSaoi] (1889-1984), Irish Fianna Fáil politician, Tánaiste [Thomas J. Hickey; Collin Brooks (1893-1959), Fleet Street journalist; Hilaire Belloc; Easter Rising, 1916]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Oifig an Aire Airgeadais, (Office of the Minister for Finance) Baile Átha Cliath. (Dublin). 27 July 1953.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with punch holes at margin. MacEntee begins his letter to Hickey: 'In the tribute which “The Statist” pays to the late Hilaire Belloc a reference is made to his essay on usury. I read this some time ago but cannot recall the title of the volume in which it appeared. I should be grateful, indeed, if you would be kind enough to make good the lacuna by supplying the missing title.' He congratulates Hickey 'on the article itself'.

[King George III and his Prime Minister the Duke of Portland.] Signatures of 'George R.' and 'Portland', to the commission of William Griffith as 'Captain in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly & its neighbourhood' (Carnarvonshire, Wales).

King George III (1738-1820); Duke of Portland, British Prime Minister [William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)]
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at St. James's the 24th Day of June 1798 in the Thirty Eighth Year of Our Reign.'

1p., 8vo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with closed tear along fold line of second leaf, which is blank other than the manuscript docketing: 'William Griffith Esq. | Captain | in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly and it's [sic] neighbourhood'. The actual document, on the recto of the first leaf is a printed form completed in manuscript. The king's bold signature 'George R.' is at the top left, while the Duke's ('Portland') is appended 'By His Majesty's Command' at the end.

[ Sean T. O'Kelly, Republican ] Autograph (brief) Curriculum Vitae Signed "With best wishes from | Sean T. O'Kelly"

Sean T. O'Kelly, sometime President of the Republic of Ireland (1882-1956)
Publication details: 
No date, printed address in Irish.

One page, 4to, edges sl chipped. mainly good condition, complete. He follows his best wishes (see above) with information about the (formal) political positions he has occupied from President (giving dates of inauguration and retirement ); place of birth (Wellington St, Dublin); when elected to the Dublin Council and Parliament; when Minister for Local Government; and for Finance; when Deputy Prime Minister; current residence at Roundwood Park. Overleaf his name and title (President) in another hand.

[ Count Friedrich Waldburg-Truchsess, Prussian soldier and diplomat associated with Beethoven and Napoleon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Waldburg-Truchseß'), in French, congratulating 'Monsieur le Colonell Na<meyr?> and his wife on the birth of a son

Count Friedrich Waldburg-Truchsess [ Friedrich Ludwig Truchseß Graf von Waldburg ] (1776-1844), Prussian soldier and diplomat associated with Beethoven and Napoleon Bonaparte
Publication details: 
[ The Hague, Netherlands. 14 March 1832. ]

Waldburg-Truchsess appointed Beethoven Kapellmeister to the King of Westphalia when serving as the King's Chamberlain, and was one of the four Commissioners responsible for supervising Napoleon's exile in Elba. The letter is written on the eve of his return from the Hague, where he had been Prussian ambassador since 1827. 1p., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear along one edge, and damage to second leaf caused by breaking of seal (not present).

[ Whitelaw Reid, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom. ] Typed Letter Signed to Col. H. V. Higgins of the Grand Opera Syndicate, Covent Garden, comparing his opera box unfavourably with the one he had in Paris.

Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), proprietor of the New York Tribune, historian, Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 1892 election, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Dorchester House, Park Lane, W. [ London ] 5 September 1905.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is sending a copy of a note his secretary has 'just sent about an opera box for the next season. | The box we were able to get this year contrasted so poorly with my old "loge entre les colonnes" in Paris that I am afraid my personal tastes would be about as well satisfied without one!' He feels sure that 'with this long notice and with a friendly word' from Higgins, 'something better can be done'. One of the grandest residences in London, Dorchester House was rented by Reid as the American Embassy from 1905.

[Standish]The Antient Usage In Bearing of such Ensigns of Honour ... commonly call'd Arms. With A Catalogue of the present Nobility and Baronets of England. ['Catalogue of Books Printed ... Theatre in Oxford [...] sold in London, by Moses Pitt' at end.]

[ Myles Standish; Miles Standish ] Sir William Dugdale, Garter Principal King of Arms [Catalogue of Books Printed at the Theater in Oxford; Moses Pitt, bookseller of St Paul's]
Publication details: 
The Second Edition Corrected, 1682. Oxford: Printed at the Theater for Moses Pitt, and sold by Samuel Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London.

12mo, [viii] + 210 pp, together with four unpaginated pages before p. 79 and two unpaginated pages before p. 165. With fold-out list of Knights of the Garter. Includes a "Catalogue of the Nobility of Ireland". On aged paper, in worn eighteenth-century binding, modern rebacking. Ownership inscription, at head of p.1, 'Mary Standish of Standish - Her Book' (suggesting a relationship with Myles Standish, pioneer American); and a couple of ownership initials on title-page.

[ Sir Eric Ashton Carpenter, President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. ] 77 speeches and papers by him, with related material, on industrial and economic topics, including material relating to a 1952 Trade Mission to South Africa and Rhodesia.

Sir Eric A. Carpenter [ Sir Eric Ashton Carpenter ] (1896-1973), President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, banker and industrialist [ Williams Deacon's Bank; South Africa; Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) ]
Publication details: 
Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Lancashire, and other organisations. Almost all 1944 and 1956.

Carpenter, who was knighted in 1951, 'For services as President, Manchester Chamber of Commerce', was a leading Manchester industrialist and banker. Among the numerous positions listed in his entry in Who Was Who, he was for 40 years the chairman and managing director of the Manchester cotton manufacturers Greg Brothers & Co., and for 21 years a director of Williams Deacon's Bank (serving as chairman for 12 years), a leading member of the Cotton and Rayon Merchants' Association, the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, and the International Chamber of Commerce.

[ William Johnstone, General Merchant of Launceston, Van Diemen's Land [ Tasmania ].] Manuscript accounts of six Australian firms with him: William Bayles; Henry Burge; Westgarth, Ross & Co.; Lewis Cohen; Du Croz, Nichols & Co.; Moses Moss.

William Johnstone (c.1819-1874), General Merchant, Launceston, Van Diemen's Land [ Tasmania ]; William Bayles; Henry Burge; Westgarth, Ross & Co.; Lewis Cohen; Du Croz, Nichols & Co.; Moses Moss
Publication details: 
[ Launceston, Van Diemen's Land [ Tasmania ]; and Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. ] Between 1853 and 1866.

See William Johnstone's obituary in the Illustrated Tasmanian News, May 1874. He was born in England and left Somerset for Van Diemen's Land in 1841. He set up in business the following year in Launceston, which had been founded in 1806, and is said to be the third oldest colonial settlement in Australia, after Sydney and Hobart..As the years proceeded he prospered spectacularly, and by the time of his death he was so highly esteemed, that 'many places of business had the front windows partially closed while the shipping in port and the Town Hall had the Union Jack hoisted at half mast'.

[ Lord John Manners (later the Duke of Rutland). ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Manners'), recounting 'a curious episode' at a 'dinner given in the Temple by Mr. Hayward to Louis Blanc'.

John James Robert Manners, 7th Duke of Rutland [ Lord John Manners before 1888 ] (1818-1906), politician [ Abraham Hayward (1801-1884), author; Louis Blanc (1818-1882), French socialist politician ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 3 Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park. [ London ] 8 August 1885.

4pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'I have a very distinct recollection of the dinner given in the Temple by Mr. Hayward to Louis Blanc, in consequence of a curious episode connected with it which I have often related.' He proceeds to tell the anecdote, which tells how Blanc, 'eager for information respecting the Constitution of the country which was sheltering him', is enlightened by fellow guests 'in a rather solid way'. 'This bored old Mr.

[ Hugh Foss, Bletchley Park codebreaker ] Draft Autograph Letter UNSIGNED with substantial corrections, all in Foss's hand, to a "Miss Kaye" thanking her fopr a "pleasant evening's dancing".

Hugh Foss [ Hugh Rose Foss ] (1902-1971), British cryptanalyst, a Bletchley Park codebreaker [Japanese; Chelsea Reel Club (for Scottish country dancing); German Enigma Code; Japanese Naval Codes ]
Publication details: 
No place or date. Written on notepaper with printed heading "Hon. Secretary, London Fencing Club."

Foss was a distinguished cryptanalyst, and his career is described in his entry in the Oxford DNB. At Bletchley Park during the Second World War he was the first person to decode a day's worth of the German Enigma Code (in 1940); and heading the Japanese Naval Section in Hut 7 (between 1942 and 1943). His wife Alison (née Graham, 1908-1979) inspired his interest in Scottish country dancing in the early 1930s. He was Vice-President of the Chelsea Reel Club on its formation in 1935; and became Chairman in 1938.

[ Leon Gautier ] Autograph Letter Signed " Leon Gautier" to M. l'abbe Misset, scholar and collector, about the correction of errors for a new edition of his (Gautier's) "Adam de St Victor"

Leon Gautier, [Émile Théodore Léon Gautier (1832–1897), French literary historian.]
Publication details: 
8 rue Varin, [Paris], 10 Nov. 1893. In French.

One page, 12mo, good condition. In his best hand. He asks for a "petit service". "Je fais une nouvelle edition de mon Adam de St Victor et je viens vous demander de m'indiquer les corrections que vour jugeriez a propos de faire dans mon 2e edition." He holds his corrections in high regard, outlining further what help he is asking for. Note: Gautier thanks the Abbe Mittet in his Preface.

[Joseph Cornudet; Revolution Francaise] Autograph Letter Signed "joseph cornudet' "au ministre de finance", seeking a position for a young man from the Jura.

Joseph Cornudet des Chaumettes (1755-1834), magistrate and politician [French Revolution]
Publication details: 
[No date apparent] In French and lower case.

See image on my website for full text. One page, cr. 8vo, foxed, minor damage, but text clear. Letter headed "Liberte egalite | [?] jour complementaire de lan g de la republique | Cornudet membre du Senat conservateur au Ministre de Finance| je vous [?], citoyen ministre, une petition du cite chabanne mon compatriote de departement tendante a obtenir une place de controlleur des contributions directes. | ce jeune homme sans fortune mais plein d'emulation s'est rendu dans le department du jura [?] d'un parent ingenieur des ponts et chaussees [?

Florence Jaffray Harriman's Visitors' Book: High Society and Progressive Politics in New York and Washington, 1915-1936

Florence Jaffray "Daisy" Harriman (1870–1967), American socialite, suffragist, social reformer, organizer, and diplomat
Publication details: 

The present item - Daisy Harriman's Visitors' Book - is a significant artefact. Harriman was an important social activist and one of New York's leading socialites (at age 86, as Life Magazine reported, she still continued to host regular Sunday dinners for around twenty guests).

Three scrapbooks containing professional and personal material, 1883-1907, with material relating to his father, Quartermaster-General of the United States army.

Montgomery Meigs, Jr, son of The Union Army's Quarter-Master-General
Publication details: 

Montgomery Cunningham Meigs (1847-1931), nicknamed 'Monty', civil engineer and inventor, was the son of the celebrated American army officer and engineer of the same name (1816-1892), Quartermaster-General of the United States army during and after the American civil war. While easily overshadowed by his illustrious father, Meigs was a fascinating figure in his own right, talented in a wide range of fields: manager of the canals and locks of the Old Des Moines Rapids Canal, designer of steamboats and other river craft, and Mississippi river pilot.

[ Panizzi; Italian Independence ] Autograph Letter Signed "A Panizzi" to a member of Lord Minto's family (?) - from Minto family correspondence.

Antony Panizzi [ Sir Antonio Genesio Maria Panizzi (1797–1879), naturalised British librarian of Italian birth and an Italian patriot.
Publication details: 
British Museum, 26 January [1857?}.

Four pages, 12mo, fold mark, good condition. "I shall be most happy to give house room to Lacaita's [see note below] things you mention, and with additional pleasure at their removal to my house will be equivalent to the announcement of Lord Minto's return to [London?] whom long to see. | Lacaita will stay with Mr Gladstone & return with him. | I think they will be back in March. | I do not like the French sympathy; but what can Italy lose should the [worse?] come of it. The French can't be worse than the Austrians in any respect.

[ Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marie, GD de Russie et de Saxe'), in French, thanking the unnamed female recipient for the gift of a book, sending her own presents, and urging her to return to Germany.

Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia (1786-1859)
Publication details: 
'Du Belvédère près de Weymar, ce 22 May / 3 Juin 1830.'

1p., 4to. On bifolium with mourning border. Nineteen lines of closely-written text, with valediction: 'Votre affectionnée, | Marie, GD de Russie et de Saxe'. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with minor traces of grey paper from mount adhering to edge. She begins by stating that the 'charmant ouvrage' that she sent has given her real pleasure: 'il orne ma demeure champêtre'.

[ Sir Isaiah Berlin, philosopher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Isaiah Berlin') to 'Stewart' [ William McCausland Stewart ], discussing his poem 'Alcaics' and criticising the 'experts' on E. M. Forster for 'misdirected scholarship'.

Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997), Russian-British philosopher and historian of ideas [ William McCausland Stewart (1909-1989); E. M. Forster ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Headington House, Old High Street, Headington, Oxford. 21 September 1978.

1p., 4to. Lightly aged and creased.

[ Printed handbill. ] The Princess Anne of Denmarks Letter to the Queen.

Princess Anne of Denmark, later Queen Anne of Great Britain [ Mary of Modena, second wife of King James II ]
Publication details: 
Without publisher or date. [ London, 1688. ]

1p, 8vo. On watermarked wove paper, trimmed down to 26 x 16 cm. Twenty-six lines of text. Worn and aged, with closed tears and strips of backing card laid down on blank reverse. Written by Anne to her mother Mary of Modena, second Queen to James II, at leaving Whitehall on the arrival of the Prince of Orange in England, November, 1688. She does not believe there was 'any one in such an unhappy Condition, so divided between Duty and Affection to a Father, and a Husband'. Wing A3224. ESTC R210019.

[ William O'Brien, Irish Nationalist M.P. ] Autograph Note Signed "William O'Brien" to "Windle" [presumably Bertram Windle, President of Queen's College, Cork ]

William O'Brien, Irish M.P. and nationalist
Publication details: 
No place, 15 June 1911

One page, 16mo (trimmed unevenly), signs of removal from album, minor staining, some text faded, most hard to read (either written in haste or characterusticlally illegible - or both). "You are right in [premising?] that I have many irons in the fire [also &?] that I am not [?] to be [?] [general?] use as to the [Cambridge?] [?] if there are [?] [sales?] I shall be happy to lend a hand, so far as it may be in my power."

[ Valens Comyn, English parliamentarian. ] Autograph Signature on Exchequer receipt.

Valens Comyn (1688-1751), English merchant and Member of Parliament, who made a fortune from speculating in privateering
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer. 15 November 1769. ]

1p., 8vo. On leaf extracted from an Exchequer receipt book. Good firm signature, undamaged, on document with creasing and heavy wear elsewhere. Laid out in customary style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording receipt by Comyn, as assignee of 'Hale' of fifty pounds on an annuity. Witnessed at the foot by 'Jas: Comyn'.

[ Sir Anthony Morgan, English army officer and Commonwealth politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ant: Morgan') to Sir John Maynard, regarding the petition of 'Capt Ed: Lister & Joan his wife'.

Sir Anthony Morgan (1621-1668), English army officer and Commonwealth politician, confidante of Oliver Cromwell, with interest in Irish affairs [ Sir John Maynard (1604-1690), lawyer and politician ]
Publication details: 
'At ye Comttee of Pt sitting in ye Inner Court of Wards this 24th 10r 1656'.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, with seal in red wax, 'for Serieant Maynard | at his Chamber at ye Temple or elswhere'. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with outer cover somewhat discoloured. He states that, as Maynard is 'a party concernd in ye Petn of Capt Ed: Lister & Joan his wife', he is desired by the committee to 'meet them in ye Inner Court of Wards' on the following Friday, 'to ye end you may not be concluded unheard'.

[ Abraham Newland, Chief Cashier of the Bank of England. ] Autograph Signature ('A Newland') on an Exchequer receipt.

Abraham Newland (c.1730-1807), Chief Cashier at the Bank of England, 1782-1807, whose name was slang for a bank note
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 27 July 1789.

On 17.5 x 16 cm. piece of paper. Good firm signature, undamaged, on aged, worn and repaired piece of paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording payment of £20 to 'Abrah. Newland Cashier appointed by the Court of Chancery to receive an Acct. of Thos Walker Esqr Acct General of the said Court Assee'. Signature at foot of witness 'R Ettie'.

[ Sir John Werden, 2nd Baronet. ] Printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, signed by 'John Werden.' and witnessed by 'R: Thornycroft'.

Sir John Werden (1683-1758), 2nd Baronet, son of Sir John Werden [ Worden ] (1640-1715), judge, politician and diplomat [ R. Thornycroft;
Publication details: 
[ The Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 5 September 1739.

Customary printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, headed (manuscript text in square brackets): Record' [the 20th August 1739] | The [th5] Day of [Septr] 173[9] | Received by me Sr John Werden Assignee of Sir. John Werden]'. Calculations in right-hand margin and clerical sign and docketing on reverse. Recording the receipt of £9 13s 4d, from Thomas Townshend. The printed text states that the money was raised 'upon an Act of Parliament, (Entituled, An Act for granting to Their Majestes certain Rates and Duties of Excise upon Beer, Ale, &c.

[ American War of Independence. ] Manuscript British Treasury order and receipt signed 'M Rowe', for money 'To be by him paid over to sundry persons who have been sufferers during the Disturbances in America on account of their Fidelity & Attachment'

Milward Rowe (1717-1792) of Kensington Palace, Chief Clerk of the Treasury and Commissioner of the Salt Duties; Thomas Gibbons [ The American War of Independence ]
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 4 November 1779. ]

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. On single leaf, with first page with light diagonal clerical mark. Reads: 'Milward Rowe | Esqr. | Order is taken this 4th. Day of Novr 1779 By Virtue of his Majesty's General Letters of Privy Seal bearing date the 5th. Of Novr. 1760. And in pursuance of a Warrant under his Royal Sign Manual dated the 4 day of Novr. 1779. That You deliver and pay of such his Majesty's Treasure as remains in your charg Unto Milward Rowe Esqr.

[ 'The Need of a National Party', 1890-1920. ] Material from the papers of J. Cuming Walters, editor of Manchester City News, regarding the formation of a national party, including drafts of autograph letctures by him, pamphlet, cuttings, proofs.

[ National Party, United Kingdom, 1890-1921 [ John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News, 1906-1932, journalist and author; Winston Churchill ]
Publication details: 
Manchester and London. Between 1890 and 1920.

A useful background guide is Geoffrey Russell Searle's 'Country before Party: Coalition and the Idea of "National Government' in Modern Britain, 1885-1987' (London, 1995). As the manuscripts in this collection indicate, Cuming Walters cherished the idea of a national party from the 1890s, and he was able to re-use material from that period on the formation of the National Party in 1920 (not to be confused with the party of the same name, a pamphlet relating to which is present, dating from 1917).

[ Thomas Carte, historian. ] Autograph Signature ('Tho: Carte') on an Autograph Receipt for the loan of four named manuscripts.

Thomas Carte (1686-1754), historian whose collection of English manuscripts now forms part of the Bodleian Library [ The Carte Papers ]
Publication details: 
17 January 1744 / 1745. Place not stated.

On one side of 11 x 15 cm slip of paper. On aged paper, heavily worn at head and at one edge, with some loss of text. The damage has been skilfully repaired. Reads: 'Jan. 17. 1744/5 eived then of <...>ackin Nilliam <...>ynn Bannet the following MS viz. Dares Phrygius & Tyssillons History of the Britions in Welsh, Chronica Britonum in Welsh, & the chartulary of the Abbey de Bello in Latin | which I promise to restore on demand. Witness my hand | Tho: Carte'.

[ Scotland & Military1719 ] Document Signed by the Lords Justices and other parties.

The Lords Justices.
Publication details: 
The Cockpit, 30 July 1719.

Two pages, folio, minor defects including soiling, small holes and tears, but text complete and legible. Signatories at the top are: [Thomas] Parker, Henry Grey, Duke of Kent ("Kent C.P.S.), John Ker, Ist Duke of Roxburghe, James Craggs the Younger ("J Craggs"). "We do hereby direct, that out of such Moneys as are or shall come to your hands for the following Uses you lay unto William Burroughs Esqre late Commissary Generall of his Majesty's Stores, Provisions and fforage in North Britain the respective summs following Viz" Balance due ......

[ Australia; Dampier ]Collection of typed and manuscript material relating to Australia, including the Rev. Charles Powell's unpublished life of Captain William Dampier

[Rev. Charles Powell, East Coker; Captain Dampier]
Publication details: 

An informative collection of material, mainly relating to Australia, assembled in the years immediately following the First World War. The collection consists of fifty items: twenty-one typescripts (1-21), twenty-eight manuscripts (22-49), and one printed (50). Dated items range from 1919 to 1924, with the others appearing to date from around the same time. All items clearly legible, and all except item 2 complete. All but item 50 on loose leaves of paper.

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