
[ H. Irene Champernowne, pioneer in the field of art therapy. ] Typescript of her Jungian paper 'Woman and the Community', with a personal reminiscence of the Jung circle.

H. Irene Champernowne, pioneer in the field of art therapy, founder with her husband Gilbert Champernowne of the Withymead Therapeutic Centre, Oxfordshire [ Karl Gustav Jung; Toni Wolff ]
Publication details: 
Undated. 'A paper read to the Analytical Psychology Club, London, on 26th September, 1955.'

Much of Tessa Adams's paper on Toni Wolff in 'The Feminine Case: Jung, Aesthetics and Creative Process', ed. Adams and Duncan (2003), concerns the 'remarkable woman' Irene Champernowne and her relations with Wolff and Jung, with a discussion of Champernowne's Withymead Therapeutic Centre in Oxfordshire, which operated from 1942 to the late 1960s.

[ H. P. Bulmer & Co. Ltd., Cider Makers, Hereford. ] Printed 1920 'PRICE LIST, | Duty included' for 'Bulmer's Champagne Cider & Perry', with typed circular letter.

H. P. Bulmer & Co. Ltd., Cider Makers, Hereford
Publication details: 
H. P. Bulmer & Co. Ltd., Cider Makers, Hereford. Circular letter dated 29 June 1920; price list dated 1 July 1920.

The two items on aged and worn paper. ONE: Printed circular letter, printed in blue on firm's letterhead, with royal warrant in red at head. 1p., 4to. After boasting of the firm's prices compared with those of other firms, the letter boasts: 'We are the only firm in the world engaged in making bottled Cider and Perry on a large scale by the same processes in all respects as are employed in the production of the Sparkling Wines of Rheims and Epernay.

[ Eric Harold Neville, mathematician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. H. Neville') to 'Sir Dundas' [i.e. Sir Richard Dundas Harington ]

E. H. Neville [ Eric Harold Neville ] (1889-1961), English mathematician, of Trinity College Cambridge and the University of Reading, who convinced Srinivasa Ramanujan to come to England
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Copse, Sonning on Thames. 26 October 1944.

See W. J. Langford's glowing obituary of Neville (described as 'the greatest of them all' from a pedagogical point of view) in the Mathematical Gazette, May 1964. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by reassuring Harington that his books are 'safely here', but continues: 'I fear that every book I possess on numerical equations is on duty for the time being in the computing department of one of the RAF establishments.' He does not know of 'any book which gives an account of the processes actually used nowadays.

[ Henry Aglionby Aglionby, Whig MP for Cockermouth. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H A Aglionby') to Rev. Thomas Farr, concerning his pamphlet on the 'Commercial Tarif' [sic].

H. A. Aglionby [ Henry Aglionby Aglionby, born Henry Aglionby Bateman ] (1790-1854) of Nunnery, Cumbria, Whig politician and barrister, MP for Cockermouth, 1832-1854 [ Rev. Thomas Farr ]
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 17 February 1841.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He has received Farr's 'Pamphlet on our "Commercial Tarif" [sic]' and 'will peruse it the first opportunity'. He has no doubt that he will 'receive much information & benefit from your views & statements on this important question'. The full title of Farr's pamphlet is 'A Short Statement of Facts connected with the Proposed Changes in our Commercial Tarif [sic], and the System of Ad Valorem Duties'.

[ Henry Montagu Butler, Headmast of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H Montagu Butler'), regarding the presentation to 'our best Greek Scholar' of 'two beautiful volumes'.

H. Montagu Butler [ Henry Montagu Butler ] (1833-1918), Headmaster of Harrow School, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
Both from Harrow. 2 and 16 June 1870.

The two items are addressed to the same individual, who is not named. Both in good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount at head of second leaf. ONE: 2 June 1870. 3pp., 12mo. He begins by apologising for the tardy reply which has caused the recipient to write again, saying that he has 'scarcely been able to command a leisure moment'. He hopes that Harrow will be 'more fortunate than last year in securing your presence at our Speeches.

[ William Henry Dallinger, astronomer. ] Autograph Note Signed ('W. H. Dallinger') enclosing payment in stamps for a number of Ramsay's 'Scientific Roll'.

W. H. Dallinger [ William Henry Dallinger ] (1839-1909), microscopist, the first scientist to carry out a controlled experiment on Darwin's theory of evolution [ Wesley College, Sheffield ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Wesley College, Sheffield. 26 May 1881.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The letterhead incorporates an attractive engraved front elevation of the College, of which Dallinger was Governor, 1879-1888. The note reads: 'Dear Sir | Please find enclosed 12 stamps for No 3 of Scientific Roll and oblige | Yours truly | W. H. Dallinger'.

[ Robert Hebert Quick, educationalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R H Quick') to his publishers Messrs W. S. Sonnenschein & Co., regarding their publication of Alice M. Christie's translation of a book by 'Frau Bülow'

R. H. Quick [ Robert Hebert Quick ] (1831-1891), English educationalist [ Messrs W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London publishers; Alice M. Christie;; Quick Memorial Library, University of London ]
Publication details: 
Hill House, Guildford. 3 September 1882.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by thanking them for sending 'a Copy of Hand work & Head work' by Baroness Martha Von Marenholtz Bülow (1810-1893), 'a book on a subject which I trust will soon attract general attention'. In his judgment 'Frau Bu¨low is […] very fortunate in getting so skilful a writer as Miss Christie [Alice M. Christie] to interpret her in England'. He is however 'sorry the circumstances so frankly explained in the translator's preface have not had more influence on the title page.

[ Henry Carvill Lewis, geologist and mineralogist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Carvill Lewis') to 'Prof. A. Ramsay' [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]

Henry Carvill Lewis (1853-1888), American geologist and mineralogist, debunker of paranormal claims
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 7 November 1884.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He is sending 'the first two volumes of the Proceedings of the Mineralogical Section of the Acad - as also some papers of my own'. He has heard of Ramsay's 'Scientific Roll', and desires to 'heartily endorse it', in the 'hope that it may be continued – It will be of very great service to scientific men'. He will be glad to receive it, and in return to send 'from time to time both the Proceedings of the Section and other original material'.

[ H. Lonsdale Elmes, architect. ] Autograph Note Signed ('H. Lonsdale Elmes') to Henry Howard, Secretary, Royal Academy, giving the name of a drawing for exhibition.

H. Lonsdale Elmes [ Harvey Lonsdale Elmes ] (1814-1847), English architect, designer of St George's Hall, Liverpool
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On 10 x 11.5 cm piece of paper, cut down from a longer letter. Aged and worn, with traces of glue and grey paper mount adhering to the reverse, which is addressed by Elmes to Howard at the Royal Academy. Reads: 'I send with this one drawing for Exhibition with my name at the back of which the following is the description | "Design for a National Museum comprised in a space of two Acres | H. Lonsdale Hunter | 11 Park Street | Westminster'. Note: Perhaps he was quoting for St George's Hall(?).

[ John Henry Roberts, stage and screen actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Roberts'), a letter of condolence to the widow of the composer Herman Finck, containing a personal anecdote.

J. H. Roberts [ John Henry Roberts ] (1884-1961), stage and screen actor [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 66 The Ridgeway, N.W.11. 23 April 1939.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with a short closed tear along a fold line and small rust stain. He begins in conventional fashion, with a reference to 'Herman's countless friends', before continuing: 'As I write this there is in front of me part of a small collection of books I have each containing some personal inscription from its famous author. Among them is one from Herman. He had thought of me one evening, &, with his usual kindliness, he took a book from his collection, wrote in it, & brought it to me there & then. He spent most of that evening in my dressing room.

[ Arthur Davenport, librettist. ] Typed Letter Signed to composer Herman Finck regarding his appeal to the Musicias' Benevolent Fund, his career, and two books sent to E. V. Lucas of Methuen & Co.

Arthur Davenport, librettist with H. G. Pellissier (1874-1913) and Charles Wibrow, playwright on BBC 'Children's Hour' [ Herman Finck [ Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer; E. V. Lucas ]
Publication details: 
11 Primrose Hill Road, N.W.3. [ London ] 9 April 1931.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper. Thirty-eight lines of text. Written with the forced Wodehousian bonhommie of a desperate man. He has had an operation at a nursing home, so the beginning of the letter needs to be taken metaphorically: 'My dear Finck, | This is a nice kettle of Fish and no mistake! | Came out of jail day before yesterday, but only on ticket-of-leave. Strict police supervision for two years - finger-prints - strawberry-marks - nothing kept secret! | However, they say they can make a job of it and my tail, such as it is, remains vertical.

[ H. F. S. Morgan and Morgan & Co., 'Automobile Engineers and Agents'. ] Six letters (one by Morgan, one on his behalf and four by the company), responding to the complaints of Sir Richard Harington. With draft letter by Harington to the company.

H. F. S. Morgan [ Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan (1881-1959), founder of the Morgan Motor Company
Publication details: 
All 6 letters on letterheads of Morgan & Co., {with photo) Automobile Engineers and Agents, Worcester Road, Mavern Link, and at 57, Foregate Street, Worcester; 3 to 29 January 1907. Harington's draft from Whitbourne Court, Worcester; 27 January 1907.

The seven items in fair condition, on lightly aged paper. An interesting correspondence, casting light on the company's practices. Both the recipient, Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, and his son 'The Judge' - Richard Harington (1861-1931), the future 12th Baronet - came from a legal background, adding an edge to the correspondence. The six letters total 9pp., 4to. The firm appears to have had a policy of retaining the original and sending out a carbon copy, as each of the letters consists of a carbon copy of manuscript.

[ Printed items. ] Steel engraving by 'R. O'Brien' of Bloodgood H. Cutter, 'The New York Farmer Poet', from a photograph by 'Beniczky'. With another leaf bearing a wood-engraving of Cutter, together with another portrait [ of Mark Twain ].

Robert O'Brien, engraver; K. W. Beniczky, New York photographer [ Bloodgood H. Cutter [ Bloodgood Haviland Cutter; Bloodgood Cutter ] (1817–1906), 'The Long Island Farmer Poet'; Mark Twain ]
Publication details: 
American. Circa 1860.

On two leaves. The illustrations on both are undamaged, but both leages are aged and worn, with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Fragile. ONE: Steel engraving: 'Photo. by Beniczky. | Engd by R. O'Brien.' Captioned with a facsimile of Cutter's signature, with 'THE LONG ISLAND FARMER POET' beneath it. 30 x 24 cm. On thickish wove paper. Head and shoulders image of a middle-aged Cutter, with goatee beard, smartly dressed with bow tie, waistcoat and jacket. TWO: Two small wood engravings on a 31 x 24 cm leaf of wove paper (thinner stock than Item One).

[ Printed item. ] Article by Richard Curle titled 'The Ray Society | Additional Notes and Reflections', in a copy of the magazine 'The Literary Repository', issued by the antiquarian bookseller J. Stevens Cox.

Richard Curle [ Richard Henry Parnell Curle ] (1883-1968), author, friend and associate of Joseph Conrad; J. Stevens Cox, Antiquarian Bookseller, Beaminster, Dorset; H. T. Kirby
Publication details: 
No. 3 / 1954. J. Stevens Cox, Antiquarian Bookseller, Beaminster, Dorset, England.

Complete magazine: 16pp., folio. In good condition, on lightly-aged high-acidity paper. Three-quarters of the magazine is devoted to a catalogue by the publisher.

[Printed periodical.] 'Special Norway Number' of 'Social Credit | A Journal of Economic Democracy | The Official Organ of the Social Credit Secretariat', with articles by Major C. H. Douglas, Maurice Colbourne and Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury.

The Social Credit Secretariat, London [ Major C. H. Douglas [ Major Clifford Hugh Douglas ] (1879-1952); Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury; Maurice Colbourne ]
Publication details: 
17 May 1935 (Vol. 2. No. 14.). The Social Credit Secretariat, 8-9 Essex Street, London, W.C.2. Printed by The Blackfriars Press, Ltd.

16pp., folio, paginated 217-232. In fair condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. The front page is devoted to the article National Dividends are Necessary Says The Very Rev. Dr. Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury'. Pp.221-222 carry the article (with photograph of author and graph) 'The Causes of War | Is Our Money System to Blame? | By Major C. H. Douglas; and the back page carries 'Kings and Kingship | By Maurice Colbourne | (Author of "Economic Nationalism.")'. There are several items of Scandinavian interest: 'A Norwegian Pioneer - By Eric S.

[ Herbert Mills Birdwood, Anglo-Indian botanist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H. Birdwood') to H. B. Wheatley of the Royal Society of Arts

Herbert Mills Birdwood (1837-1907), Anglo-Indian botanist and jurist [ H. B. Wheatley [ Henry Benjamin Wheatley ] (1838-1917), Assistant Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
Both from Dalkeith House, Cambridge Park, Twickenham (one on letterhead). 25 January and 12 June 1901.

Both items in good condition, on grey-paper bifoliums, the first with the Society's stamp and both docketed. ONE: 25 January 1901. 1p., 12mo. Concerning the binding up of his copies of the Society's journal, and the supply of missing parts. TWO: 12 June 1901. 3pp., 12mo. Concerning his 'promised letter' for 'Friday's Journal': 'I cannot hope to have a proof sent me, but if you accept the letter & should be correcting a proof yourself & would, when ordering a proof, order a spare copy for me to see at your office, I shd. be greatly obliged & wd. call in tomorrow afternoon to look through it'.

[ Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ipswich, Suffolk. ] The first 22 numbers of the school magazine, bound together with title-leaf: 'The Elizabethan. Auspicio Laeti Venerato Nomine Eliziae

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ipswich, Suffolk, established 1399, now Ipswich School [ S. H. Cowell, Ipswich printer and bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Ipswich: Printed and Sold by S. H. Cowell, Old Butter Market. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers' Hall Court. Twenty-two issues bound together with new title page. 21 February 1852 to 3 December 1853.

The 22 issues (originals, not a resetting of the text) are continuously paginated, each being 16pp. long, and totalling 352pp., 8vo. Preceded by a title-leaf for 'Vol. I.' and two-page index. Frontispiece engraving of 'Queen Elizabeth's New Grammar School and Chapel, Ipswich.' A differently-inked variant of the same illustration faces the first page of No. 6. In brown morocco half-binding, title in gilt on spine, marbled boards. Internally sound and tight, in worn binding with damage to marbling on back board, and the first leaf of the first issue somewhat grubby.

Mimeographed typescript history of a club for New York antiquarian booksellers, titled 'The Old Book Table | A Social Organisation | An Informal Record 1931-1970 | Lists of Officers & Members and of Guests of The Old Book Table | &c., &c.'

The Old Book Table, club for New York antiquarian booksellers, founded 1931 [Ernest R. Gee; E. Byrne Hackett, Brick Row Bookshop; Frank R. Thoms (Thoms and Eron); Edgar H. Wells; Geoffrey J. L. Gomme]
Publication details: 
Undated [1971]. New York: The OBT [i.e. The Old Book Table].

[iv] + 39 + 7 pp, with a further 17 pp loosely inserted at back (making a total of 67 pp), 4to. Good, in maroon plastic folder. Preface followed by list of 'Past Officers, Roster of Members, etc.', 'Chronology of The Old Book Table [1931-1970]' and 'Alphabetical List of Guests 1933-1970'. The loose leaves mainly consist of 'Extracts from the Minutes: 1931-1954'. The preface begins: 'Five members of the antiquarian booktrade in New York City met for a friendly dinner on the night of 9 January 1931. They were: Ernest R. Gee, a leading specialist in sporting and color plate books; E.

Manuscript Letter and Account Book of H. Crofts, veterinary practitioner, of Offa Street, Bedford, 1869-1879, containing a long list of his Bedfordshire clientele.

H. Crofts of Offa Street, Bedford, Victorian veterinary practitioner
Publication details: 
Bedford, England. 1869 to 1879 (with two items from 1888).

105 pp, in contemporary 4to notebook; started at both ends, with 53 pp at one, and 52 pp at the other. Quarter-bound in brown calf, marbled boards. Aged, in worn binding with a few loose leaves, but fair, and with text clear and complete. Ticket of 'Gotelee, Bookseller Printer and Stationer, Oakingham' on front pastedown. In two hands, the first considerably neater than the other, writing 18 pp of patrons (23 to a page), beginning with 'His Grace the Duke of Manchester Kimbolton Castle Hants', and featuring Sir E. Page Turner Bart Battleden House Woburn'.

[ Privately printed limited edition. ] The Garrick Club | Notices of One Hundred and Thirty-Five of its Former Members | By Rev. R. H. Barham | Author of 'The Ingoldsby Legends' | With Facsimile of the Original MS.

Rev. R. H. Barham, Author of 'The Ingoldsby Legends'
Publication details: 
[ New York. ] 'Privately Printed | 1896'. [ Limited to 240 copies. ]

viii + 58. Collotype frontispiece reproducing part of manuscript. Nicely printed on good paper. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper, in discoloured and lightly-worn cream buckram binding, gilt. Tissue guard to frontispiece detached. The conclusion to the four-page preface, which is dated from New York, January 1896, explains that the 'formal publication in England' of the volume 'might possibly be deemed an offence against good taste, although its Author has been deceased for half a century, and hardly a single person referred to by Canon Barham can now be alive.

[ W. H. Smith, bookseller, newsagent and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Smith') to 'Mr Perkins' regarding 'Crown rights for money advanced', with carte de visite (portrait photograph) and label for his firm's subscription library.

W. H. Smith [ William Henry Smith (1825-1891) ], bookseller, newsagent and politician; First Lord of the Admiralty and the 'Sir Joseph Porter' of Gilbert and Sullivan's 'HMS Pinafore'
Publication details: 
Letter on House of Commons letterhead. 14 March [ no year ]. Undated carte de visite by the London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company, 110 and 108 Regent Street and 54 Cheapside. Undated label of W. H. Smith & Son's Subscription Library, 186 Strand.

LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. On lightly aged and worn paper. He summons him to a meeting, telling him to read a memo beforehand, before writing: 'I am not disposed to waive any Crown rights for money advanced | Lenders may have notice, but if P. W L C advance public money, the public must be protected against persons who are trading for profit'. CARTE DE VISITE: In fair condition, lightly aged, with 'W. H. SMITH, ESQ., M.P.' printed beneath the image, and the details of the London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company on the reverse.

[ Bryan Guinness, Lord Moyne. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bryan') to 'Dear Hubert' [ Wimbledon bookseller J. H. Dingwall ], placing an order and making suggestions.

Bryan Walter Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne [ Lord Moyne ] (1905-1992), poet, novelist and brewing heir [ J. H. Dingwall [ John Hubert Dingwall ] (c.1913-2001), Wimbledon bookseller ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Biddesden House, Andover [ Kent ]. 18 February 1960.

3pp., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with two punch holes for placement in album to margins of each of the three leaves. He congratulates him on his catalogue, states that he is attaching a wants list (not present) and that he is leaving it to the recipient 'to make out the account as I am not good at adding - & also dont know the postage. | The Librarian at the House of Lords showed great interest in your catalogue & is writing to you for one'. He suggests sending a copy to John Hayward, and gives his address.

[ Henry Fanshawe Tozer, Curator of the Taylor Institution, Oxford. ] Autograph Testimonial ('H. F. Tozer | Tutor of Exeter College') 'To the Council of Bath College' on behalf of the application of Rev. R. H. Hutchison for the post of head master.

H. F. Tozer [ Henry Fanshawe Tozer ] (1829-1916) of Exeter College, Oxford, and Curator of the Taylor Institution, author, teacher, and traveler [ Rev. Robert Hugh Hutchison ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Park Villas, Oxford. 9 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Eighteen lines closely and neatly written, headed 'To the Council of Bath College'. An approving testimonial: 'The Revd. Robert Hutchison, who is a candidate for the Head mastership of Bath College, was my pupil during his residence as an Undergraduate at Exeter College Oxford, and I have much pleasure in certifying to the high charater he bore for industry and good behaviour during that period. He was Scholar of the College, and his scholarship was good and sound, as he proved by getting a First Class in Moderations.

[ James Augustus Hessey, cleric and educationalist. ] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('J A Hessey, D. C. L. | Archdeacon of Middlesex, | (late) Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School.') to 'the Governors of Bath College', for Rev. Robert Hutchison.

J. A. Hessey [ James Augustus Hessey ] (1814-1892), Archdeacon of Middlesex and Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford; Bath College ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 41 Leinster Gardens, Hyde Park, W. [ London ] 12 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An approving testimonial, closely and neatly written over thirty lines, beginning: 'The Rev: Robert Hutchison, M.A. was educated by me at Merchant Taylors' School, and, after having reached the distinguished rank of Fifth Monitor, (or Fifth in the whole School,) was sent up by me to Oxford, and obtained by competition an open Scholarship at Exeter College.

[ George Frederick Boyle, 6th Earl of Glasgow. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Glasgow') to Rev. Robert Hugh Hutchison, congratulating him on the birth of a daughter. With envelope carrying the Earl's seal in black wax.

George Frederick Boyle, 6th Earl of Glasgow (1825-1890), Scottish Episcopalian peer, founder of Cumbrae Theological College [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford, and Winchester College ]
Publication details: 
11 Hereford Gardens, London W. 14 April 1877.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly-aged. In envelope with Penny Red stamp and postmark, addressed to 'The Revd | Robert Hutchison | The Parsonage | Studley | near Oxford'. The envelope, carrying the Earl's seal in black wax, has a mourning border, with '11 Hereford Gardens' printed on the back. He is writing 'a few lines very sincerely' to congratulate Hutchison on the birth of his daughter. He is sorry that the 'otherwise happy event should be tempered by the recollection of so recent & so sad a bereavement'.

[ Rev. Henry George de Bunsen, Vicar of Lilleshall. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H G de Bunsen') to 'Mr Clarke | Hodnet', discussing the motives behind collecting autographs.

H. G. de Bunsen [ Henry George de Bunsen ] (c.1819-1885), Vicar of Lilleshall, 1847-1869, son of Christian Karl Josias Bunsen [ Baron Bunsen ] (1791-1860), Prussian ambassador in London, 1841-1854
Publication details: 
Donington Rectory, Albrighton, Wolverhampton. 15 September 1875.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Replying to a request for autographs, he is sending 'an Envelope addressed by my Father' and (writing in a postscript) another 'addressed to me by the Dean of Westminster', but he 'cannot give you one of the great Niebuhr'. He agrees with Clarke's 'feeling as to possessing something coming from, or belonging to some great or good man. It is a link - as is the signature of a loved friend or companion, with the unseen world.' He enquires after Clarke's health, and recalls 'calling at your School once - & another time at your house'.

[ H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister. ] Autograph Signature ('H. H. Asquith').

H. H. Asquith [ Herbert Henry Asquith ] (1852-1928), Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1908-1916
Publication details: 
Without place and date.

On 3 x 9 cm piece of card, cut from the end of a letter. Reads: 'Yours sincerely | H. H. Asquith'. In poor condition, heavily creased and marked.

[ Sir Hugh Jamieson Elles, first commander of the Tank Corps, during the Battle of Amiens, 1918. ] Duplicated Typed Circular 'SPECIAL ORDER No. 15 | by | Major-Genl. H. J. ELLES, CB, DSO, Comdg.', thanking 'all ranks' during 'the present battle'.

Major-General H. J. Elles [ Lieutenant General Sir Hugh Jamieson Elles ] (1880-1945), first commander of the Tank Corps [ First World War; Battle of Amiens, August 1918 ]
Publication details: 
'Tank Corps in the Field. [ Battle of Amiens] | 13th August, 1918'

From the papers of Lieutenant Colonel William Otter Gibbs (1883-1960), Sixth Tank Battalion. Duplicated Typed Circular headed 'SPECIAL ORDER No. 15 | by | Major-Genl. H. J. ELLES, CB, DSO, Comdg. Tank Corps in the Field. | 13th August, 1918.' With facsimile signature of 'H. J. Elles. | Major-General, | Commanding Tank Corps in the Field.' 1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper.

[ Raymond Asquith, son of Prime Minister H. H. Asquith and member of 'The Corrupt Coterie'. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Raymond Asquith') to 'Dummett' [ Sir Robert Ernest Dummett ], regarding speaking at a political meeting.

Raymond Asquith (1878-1916), son of British Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, barrister and member of 'The Corrupt Coterie' [ Sir Robert Ernest Dummett (1872-1941) ]
Publication details: 
The first on letterhead of 1 Paper Buildings, Temple, EC [ London ]. 14 December 1908. The second (with mourning border) on letterhead of 49 Bedford Square, WC [ London ]. 8 January 1909.

Both items in fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. He complains of having done 'no political speaking for 2 or 3 years now', and of being 'a poor hand at it even when in practice'. Dummett is nevertheless invited to 'command' him on 29 January. TWO: 3pp., 12mo. Circumstances having arisen, he has to apologise for 'crying off'. He is certain that 'in the 3 weeks which remain' Dummett will have 'no difficulty in securing a substitute who will be much more effective'. From the papers of Sir R. E. Dummett.

[ Edmund Henry Barker, classical scholar. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. H. Barker') to Frederick Thomas Maxon, regarding 'Dr. Parr's birthday', 'The Chancellor's illness' and 'a very awkward mortality among Booksellers'.

Edmund Henry Barker (1788-1839) of Thetford, classical scholar and editor [ Frederick Thomas Maxon ]
Publication details: 
Thetford. 26 January 1826.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, brittle and chipped at edges. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Fr. Thomas Maxon Esqr. | 6 Little Friday-Street'. 24 lines of text. The letter begins: 'This is Dr. Parr's birthday, & Dr. John Johnstone was to have a grand commemoration of it, to which he invited me. Mrs. Barker is on the whole better, but I cannot say that any great progress has been made towards a recovery, & probably much time will elapse first.

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