Autograph Letter Signed ('E Meriam') from the meteorologist Ebenezer Meriam to the abolitionist and Unitarian minister Samuel J. May of Syracuse, New York, on the education of Onondaga Indian Children.

Ebenezer Meriam (1794-1864), American meteorologist, statistician, pamphleteer and philanthropist [Samuel Joseph May (1797-1871), Harvard-educated Unitarian minister and abolitionist]
Publication details: 
New York; 8 April 1854.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Meriam is enclosing a 'copy of bill appropriating $350 per annum for two years for the education &c of Onondaga Indian Children which was signed by the Governor on the 5th Inst'. The letter ends with Meriam reporting the receipt of two letters. Syracuse University Library holds a collection of 'Ebenezer Meriam Letters on Onondaga Indian Education', including eight from May.

Autograph Letter Signed from Epaphras Hoyt to 'the Commissioners of Canals, in Massachusetts', giving the results of his 'surveys and levels, in the valley of Deerfield River', and discussing the possibility of a tunnel through the Hoosac Mountain.

Epaphras Hoyt (1765-1850) of Deerfield, Massachusetts, Major-General of the Massachusetts Militia and writer on military matters [Hoosac Tunnel]
Publication details: 
Deerfield, Massachusetts; 20 September 1825.

4pp., 4to. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. An important document, not least for the fact that its author discusses the building of a 'tunnel 4 or 5 miles through the [Hoosac] mountain', anticipating the commencement of the construction of the Hoosac Tunnel by 23 years. The letter is closely and neatly written, with the first page headed 'The following Results of my surveys and levels, in the valley of Deerfield River, are respectfully submitted to the Commissioners of Canals, in Massachusetts. | Viz.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. R. Hassler') from the surveyor Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler, head of the United States Coast Survey, to Hon. John C. Spencer, Secretary of the US Treasury, regarding 'the plan of Operation for the Coast Survey'.

Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler (1770-1843), Swiss-born American surveyor, head of the United States Coast Survey and the Bureau of Weights and Measures [John Canfield Spencer (1788-1855), politician]
Publication details: 
Washington City; 28 May 1843.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Hassler begins: 'The peculiar position in which I am, will plead my excuse for addressing you the enclosed papers, and the cold which I have, for not coming personally in the present bad weather, as I intended, and shall do soon as admissible.' He asks Spencer to visit 'this Office before Your ultimate decision upon the plan of Operation for the Coast Survey'.

[Printed programme.] 'Mr. George Riddle will give a course of six afternoon readings' [at the Brooklyn homes of Mrs N.W.T. Hatch, Mrs S.B. Chittenden, Mrs J.S.T. Stranahan, Mrs D.C. Robbins, Mrs John Buckingham and Miss Gilbert].

George Riddle [George Peabody Riddle] (1851-1910), American elocutionist and actor [Mrs N.W.T. Hatch, Mrs S.B. Chittenden, Mrs J.S.T. Stranahan, Mrs D.C. Robbins, Mrs John Buckingham, Miss Gilbert]
Publication details: 
'A. S. SEER'S Engraving and Printing Establishment, 26 & 28 Union Sq., N. Y.' [Between 5 and 29 March [c.1891]].

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper with fold lines. The front page carries the printer's slug, and gives the price of $6 for 'Course Tickets', 'For sale at the houses where the readings are to be given, on and after FEBRUARY 19th.' The middle two pages give the addresses, with owner's names, of the houses at which the six readings are to take place.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New York publisher Henry Holt to 'Professor Platt' [Johnson Tuttle Platt of Yale Law School], enquiring as to the merits of a text book.

Henry Holt (1840-1926), New York bookseller, publisher, editor and author [Professor Johnson Tuttle Platt (1844-1890) of Yale Law School]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 25 Bond Street, New York; 2 February 1876.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with short unobtrusive closed tear along crease line. Holt writes that he is mailing the book which they discussed. 'The specimen appears to contain a trifle over a quarter of the scheme. Whether the bulk would correspond to the theoretic divisions, you can guess better than I.' Holt presumes that 'glancing' at the book will interest Platt, and asks for 'an idea of it's [sic] probable use fulness and the extent of the class, whether practitioners or students, apt to be interested in it'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the abolitionist Hinton Rowan Helper to John Cook Rives, editor of the Congressional Globe.

Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), racist and abolitionist, United States Consul at Buenos Aires, 1861-1866, author of 'The Impending Crisis of the South' (1857) [John Cook Rives (1795-1864), editor]
Publication details: 
43 Pine Street, New York; 22 February 1860.

1p., landscape 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Helper asks Rives to send, with 'back numbers, from the commencement of the present Session [...] the Congressional Globe (and Appendix) for the thirty-sixth Congress'. He discusses payment and method of delivery.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Headley') from Joel Tyler Headley, Secretary of State of New York, [to his father], expressing his desire to return to the Auburn Theological Seminary in New York following a bout of ill health.

Joel Tyler Headley (1813-1897), Secretary of State of New York, clergyman, author and newspaper editor [Auburn Theological Seminary, New York]
Publication details: 
Spencer; 8 August 1837.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged lined paper. Headley's father - a Presbyterian clergyman - is not named, but the letter is addressed to 'Rev and dear Sir', with the valediction reading 'Respectfully & affectionately', and the context makes it quite clear that he is the recipient.

Typed Letter Signed from the American historian Albert J. Beveridge to Charles Gallup. With a transcript, in another hand, of a passage from Beveridge's article 'Pitfalls of a "League of Nations" (North American Review, 1882), signed by Beveridge.

Albert J. Beveridge [Albert Jeremiah Beveridge] (1862-1927), American historian and United States Senator from Indiana [Charles Gallup; Chief Justice John Marshall; the League of Nations]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Beverly Farms, Massachusetts; 10 October 1919. Transcript made around the same time.

Both items neatly tipped-in onto a leaf from an album. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is 1p., 8vo. Beveridge begins by explaining that he is late answering Gallup's letter because he has been 'working so hard for many months to finish the last two volumes of my "Life of John Marshall" that I have been forced to neglect all correspondence'. He is enclosing 'the quotation, autographed as requested'. He is glad Gallup liked the article, and 'flattered by your too partial words'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. S. Henry') from Caleb Sprague Henry. editor of the New York Review, to William Whitwell Greenough, accepting an article, but complaining of Greenough's handwriting, and of 'a difficulty in getting Saxon type'.

Caleb Sprague Henry (1804-1884), Episcopal clergyman and author, editor of the New York Review, Professor of History and Philosophy in New York University [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899]
Publication details: 
New York; 26 April 1838.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 57 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'William W. Greenough | Andover | Massachusetts', with circular postmark in red ink and remains of red wax seal. Regarding 'the article on Bosworth's Anglo-Sax. Dict.', Henry writes: 'From the few first pages that I have read & the glance that I have given at the rest, I am satisfied that I shall be glad to print your article.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Chs G. Greene') from the American newspaper editor Charles Gordon Greene to W. F. Allston, regarding the involvement of 'Capt. Sturgis' [William F. Sturgis?] with a newspaper article.

Charles Gordon Greene (1804-1886), newspaper editor, associated with Boston Statesman, Taunton Free Press, Boston Spectator, National Palladium, United States Telegraph [Captain William F. Sturgis]
Publication details: 
Boston; 17 November 1841.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In reply to Allston's letter Greene assures him that 'Capt. Sturgis did not write the paragraph' Allston alludes to, 'nor did he contemplate the publication of his decision in a newspaper at the time he made it known to the gentleman who furnished me with the information'.

Part of the corrected autograph draft manuscript of Timothy Pitkin's 'Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America' (1816), relating to the renewal of the charter of the Bank of North America at Washington.

Timothy Pitkin (1766-1847), American Yale-educated lawyer, politician, historian and statistician [Bank of North America, Washington (now merged with Wells Fargo)]
Timothy Pitkin
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated, but written before the book's publication in 1816.
Timothy Pitkin

2pp., on one side each of two 4to leaves headed '14' and '15'. 53 lines of text (25 lines to the first leaf and 28 lines to the second), with deletions and emendations. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with negligible cut to margin of second leaf (not affecting text). Neatly tipped-in to nineteenth-century grey paper wallet.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Henry Savage Landor') from the traveller Arthur Henry Savage Landor to 'Mr Roper' of Boston [the inventor Sylvester H. Roper?].

Arnold Henry Savage Landor (1865-1924), English painter, explorer and writer, born in Florence, discoverer in Tibet of sources of Indus and Brahmaputra rivers [Sylvester H. Roper (1823-96) of Boston]
Publication details: 
First Letter: 'Saturday' [1 December 1888]; on lettherhead of the Somerset Club, Boston. Second Letter: 'Sunday' [6 January 1889]; 2 Walnut Street [Boston].

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each with slight trace of paper label at spine. Letter One: 3 pp, 12mo. Docketed at head of first page '1 Dec/88.' and 'The Explorer of Thibet [sic]'. He thanks him 'for the Card of the St Botolph Club' and will try to go there the following day. He has 'so many things to do' that he is not sure he will be able to stay there long. Letter Two: 4 pp, 12mo. Docketed beneath address '6 January 89.', and beneath signature 'The traveller in Thibet [sic]'. Thanking him for the 'note and cheque', and hoping that the sketch arrived safely.

Autograph Manuscript of Captain Basil Hall, RN, FRS, cut from letter, and with his signature, giving his plans while in America.

Captain Basil Hall (1788-1844), RN, FRS, naval officer, traveller and author, friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
Note in contemporary hand reads 'From Washington - 13 Jan: 1828.'

On one side of a piece of paper approximately 18.5 x 6.5 cm, neatly cut from a letter. Laid down on a piece of 22.5 x 28 cm paper, and with a border drawn around it. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'We have been most kindly & hospitably received by every body & I find such a variety of character & even of incident (of a political kind) that I rejoice exceedingly at having come here in the first instance. We still propose leaving this on the 1st. of Feby., Charleston on the 1st. of March, & New Orleans on the 1st.

Autograph Manuscript of the American actor and poet John Howard Payne, either an original poem or a translation, entitled 'Ode the Sixteenth. | The Herb Rue'.

John Howard Payne (1791-1852), American actor and playwright, best-known for his song 'Home, Sweet Home'
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

2 pp, 4to. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear to extremities. On one leaf, with both sides ruled with red borders. In Payne's neat and distinctive hand, and attributed to him in pencil at head.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Josh: Green, Junr:') from the Boston poet Joseph Green, giving instructions regarding an 'Adventure' to his agents in Bermuda 'Mr: John Stevens & Mr: John Phillips Junr.'

Joseph Green (1706-1780), Harvard-educated Boston merchant, poet and British Tory loyalist, friend of Mather Byles, and owner of one of the largest libraries in the city
Publication details: 
10 February 1759; Boston.

2 pp, folio. Bifolium. A frail survival, on brittle, aged paper: a horizontal closed tear across the head and other damage has been obtrusively repaired with archival tape.

Autograph Letter Signed from Sir Gerald Campbell ('Gerald Campbell') to Ernest Gye of the Foreign Office, on his posting to Tangier.

Sir Gerald Campbell (1879-1964), British diplomat, Consul General to the United States, 1931-1938, and High Commissioner to Canada, 1938-1941 [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat]
Publication details: 
'New York', on H.M. Government letterhead; 11 January 1933.

2 pp, 12mo. 18 lines. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Ernest'. The news that Gye has been posted to Damascus is 'exciting', although 'it will be funny & deserted - like to come home & not find you at the seat of custom'. Gye had spoken of going abroad, so he was not surprised, '& Lady Armstrong said recently that you were about to seek another field'. Regarding Gye's painting, he 'will have lots of interesting things to limn (that's a good word)'.

Two manuscript account books, both in German, of the income and expenditure in Hanover of Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen ('Königin Adelheid von Großbritannien'), widow of the English King William IV. With reference by her housekeeper inserted.

Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (1792-1849), Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of Hanover, consort of King William IV
Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (
Publication details: 
The two account books are dated April 1844 to 1845; April 1847 to 1848.
Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (

The two volumes folio, 20 pp, and folio, 18 pp. Both in the same neat hand and in uniform original bindings of green boards, with green cloth spines and white decoratively-cut paper labels on front covers, each carrying a description of the contents addressed to 'Königin Adelheid von Großbritannien'. The first account book (1844-1845) has part of the second leaf (pp.2-3) torn away; and the second (1847-1848) is lacking the fourth leaf (pp.9-10).

Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis of Proctor's Theatre, New York, regarding his acquaintance with the author 'Frank Forester' (Henry William Herbert).

Frederick Mather (1833-1900), author, editor of the Chicago 'Field' and Superintendent of the New York and United States Fish Commissions [Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), 1807-1858)]
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis
Publication details: 
19 November 1893; on printed card of the New York and United States Fish Commissions, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis

13 x 7.5 card. Fair, on aged paper, with minor creasing to one corner. Stamped and addressed on one side to 'Mr. J. Charles Davis | Proctor's Theatre | New York'. The unsigned card (with the words 'and United States' deleted from the heading) has partly printed text. Mather completes it in pencil, acknowledging the 'inquiry about Frank Forester' and stating that 'as a boy I knew him and shot with him but my recollections would be of no value'. He ends by saying that he will 'try to brush them up' on his 'return from the west'.

Philadelphia twenty-shilling Bill of Credit, from the period of the American War of Independence, signed by Matthew Clarkson, Joseph Redman and William Smith.

Matthew Clarkson (1733-1800), Mayor of Philadelphia, 1792-1796; Joseph Redman; William Smith.
Philadelphia twenty-shilling Bill of Credit
Publication details: 
No. 3056. Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1775.
Philadelphia twenty-shilling Bill of Credit

Printed on both sides of a piece of 7 x 9 cm paper. Worn and aged, with damage along edges on both sides, affecting a few words of text, but not the signatures. Both sides with ornate decorative borders. On one side with printing details and decorative pattern of foliage; the other with the number filled in in manuscript, engraving of Royal Crest, and printed declaration, dated 'in the sixteenth Year of the Reign of His Majesty GEO. the Third. Dated at Philadelphia, the 8th Day of December, 1775. Signed at foot 'Jos Redman', 'Wm. Smith' and 'M Clarkson' (the second signature faded).

[Black Book] Volume presented to former Governor of the Bank of England Gordon Richardson on his 90th birthday, signed by 'Friends and Colleagues of the Bank and the City and from abroad', inc. his successors Sir Edward George and Sir Mervyn King.

Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England, 1973-1983 [Gordon William Humphreys Richardson (1915-2010), Baron Richardson of Duntisbourne] [Eddie George [Sir Edward George]; Mervyn King
Volume presented to former Governor of the Bank of England Gordon Richardson
Publication details: 
25 November 2005.
Volume presented to former Governor of the Bank of England Gordon Richardson

8vo volume, on thick laid paper, in black simulated leather binding (a Black Book of Bankers, so to speak), marbled endpapers. Gilt stamp of the Bank of England on the front cover. In very good condition. The recto of the first leaf is inscribed 'To Gordon Richardson | In admiration and With every good wish On your 90th birthday | From your Friends and Colleagues of the Bank and the City and from abroad | 25th November 2005'. Around 70 signatures follow, over seven pages.

[Printed items.] Prospectus and application form for 1897 flotation of London United Laundries, Limited, with poster carrying fifteen photographs of 'Businesses to be acquired by the Company' and publicity flier headed 'A Great Laundry Amalgamation'.

The London United Laundries, Limited [Directors: The Hon. Reginald Brougham, A. C. Lyster, Murray Marshall, F. A. Baldwin, Ernest Honey]
The London United Laundries, Limited
Publication details: 
Prospectus 'Dated May 27th, 1897, London'; Roberts & Leete, Ltd., Printers, London. Other three items contemporaneous.
The London United Laundries, Limited

All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Prospectus. Folio, 7 pp. To raise share capital of £230,000. Lists the '13 modern Steam Laundries', four 'Receiving Depots', 'Dyeing and Cleaning Works' and 'recently-established Laundry Supply Stores' the company was being 'formed to acquire as going concerns, and still further develop'. Includes section on 'Advantages of the Amalgamation', auditors' and valuers' reports and memorandum of association. TWO: Application form. Folio, 1 p. Perforated, with 'Bankers' Receipt'. THREE: Publicity flier. Folio, 2 pp.

Autograph Letter Signed from Abbott Lawrence, United States Minister to the Court of St James, to James Wyld, Member of Parliament for Bodmin, concerning his gift to the American people of his 'New Map of Central America'.

Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of St James, 1849-1852, founder of Lawrence, Massachusetts [James Wyld (1812-1887), mapmaker]
Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary...
Publication details: 
28 February 1850; 138 Piccadilly, London.
Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855), United States Envoy Extraordinary...

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. In original envelope, addressed by Lawrence and with his red wax seal and frank ('Abbott Lawrence'), 'To | James Wyld Esqre M.P. | &c &c &c | Charing Cross East'. On aged and stained paper. He thanks him for his 'New Map of Central America', which he will 'transmit to Washington, where I believe it will be thought, that you have made ample provision for the "Mosquito Indians"'. The following year Wyld would erect his 'Great Globe' in Leicester Square, where it would remain until 1862.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edmund C. Stedman') from the American man of letters Edmund Clarence Stedman to the Blackburn poet John Thomas Baron ('Jack O'Anns')

Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908), American poet, critic and essayist [John Thomas Baron (1856-1922), Blackburn dialect poet, writing under the pseudonym 'Jack O'Anns']
Publication details: 
31 January 1883; on letterhead of 71 West 54th Street, New York.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Forty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Begins 'One must needs be a churl indeed to be a laggard in his response to a letter containing words of so sweet breath composed as yours!' He thanks Baron for his 'kind & encouraging letter', and considers that an author 'has no keener or more lawful pleasure than to find that the errors of his song or tale has [sic] lodged (as Longfellow says) in the heart of some far-off and unknown friend'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the chemist Frederick Early Tozer ('Fred. E. Tozer') to his former employer Alfred Clay Abraham, of Clay and Abraham, Liverpool pharmacists, comparing New York and Ohio in 1889 with England.

Frederick Early Tozer (d.1940) [Alfred Clay Abraham (1853-1942), Liverpool pharmacist]
Publication details: 
15 December 1889. 'c/o H. Waterman, Esq. Ravenna - Ohio'.

140 lines of text, written out on both sides of a strip of ruled paper, with one side forming two outside 12mo pages (each 13 x 10 cm) by the folding the strip horizontally halfway down, and the reverse carrying one continuous column over a 13 x 20 cm single page. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Tozer had shone in his training as a pharmacist, with the British Medical Journal reporting his winning in 1881 of a medal in practical pharmacy and dispensing, and a certificate in botany. By 1889 he was working in Castle Street, Liverpool, for A. C.

An original blotting-paper impression ('Edward R' in mirror image) of the signature of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Edward VII (1841-1910), King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Emperor of India
Edward VII (1841-1910)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Edward VII (1841-1910)

On piece of blotting-paper, 14 x 13 cm; folded horizontally to make two rectangular leaves, each 7 x 13 cm, with the signature presented in the centre of the first leaf, and with the back leaf laid down neatly on a piece of cream card, 14.5 x 17 cm, with caption at foot of card: 'ORIGINAL BLOTTING-PAPER IMPRESSION OF SIGNATURE OF EDWARD VII.' Being the result of blotting, the impression is a mirror image of the original, with the firm signature 6 cm long, with a 7.5 cm underlining.

An original blotting-paper impression ('George R I' in mirror image) of the signature of King George V of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

George V (1865-1936), King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Emperor of India
'George R I' in mirror image
Publication details: 
Caption gives date as 14 December 1910.
'George R I' in mirror image

On piece of blotting-paper, 13.5 cm square; folded horizontally to make a two rectangles, with the signature centred on the front leaf, and with the back leaf laid down neatly on a piece of cream card, 15 x 18 cm, with caption in ink at foot: 'ORIGINAL BLOTTING-PAPER IMPRESSION OF SIGNATURE OF GEORGE V DATED 14 . 12. 1910.' Being the result of blotting, the impression is a mirror image of the original, with the firm signature 4.5 cm long, with 6.5 cm underlining. On aged paper, with neat vertical fold line in centre, crossing the underlining half a centimetre from the right.

Original hand-coloured engraved portrait of 'Dr. Benjamin Franklin' by James Hopwood Senior, 'from an original Picture in the possession of the late General Washington'.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America [James Hopwood Senior (1745 or 1754 to 1819), engraver]
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790
Publication details: 
'Pub[lished]: Nov. 1 1801, by M. Jones, Paternoster Row' London.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790

Oval head-and-shoulders portrait of a bare-headed Franklin, roughly 8 x 6 cm. Well coloured. Good clear impression, on aged paper with some spotting. On paper 16.5 x 10.5 cm, laid down on leaf from autograph album.

[Manuscript Notebook] "Officers of Land Forces | 1763".

[British Land Forces in 1763]
[Manuscript Notebook] "Officers of Land Forces | 1763".
Publication details: 
[Manuscript Notebook] "Officers of Land Forces | 1763".

Notebook, 7pp. used, 12mo, some staining and chipped corners but mainly good. A handwritten compilation of the commanding officers of British Land Forces at the conclusion of the Seven Years' War (The French and Indian War, 1756-1763).

[Printed offprint pamphlet relating to the American President George Washington.] A Washington Token. By William C. Wells. Reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal.

William C. Wells [President George Washington; numismatics]
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.
Publication details: 
London: Harrison and Sons, St Martin's Lane, W.C. 1915.
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.

4to, 7 pp. In original printed wraps. Fair, with an unobtrusive closed tear to the title leaf. The purpose of the article is to explain the relationship between John Washington, the issuer of the token the article describes, and the first American president. Both sides of the token are illustrated on the front page. The last page carries a family tree of 'The Washingtons of Northamptonshire, Sussex and Virginia'. The only copy of this offcut on COPAC is at the British Library.

[Pamphlet] General Basis of Estimates for Labor and Material, as prepared by the United States Light-House Establishment.

[From the papers of Montgomery Meigs, Jr, son of The Union Army's Quarter-Master-General] Anon.
United States Light-House Establishment
Publication details: 
United States Light-House Establishment

Pamphlet, 'Published for the Information of Officers of the Quartermaster's Department', 9pp.,12mo, original grey printed wraps, good, on aged paper, in worn and stained wraps, tiny cross shape neatly punched through the leaves in bottom outer corner.

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