[Priced auctioneers' copy of catalogue.] By direction of the Executors of Mrs. Eliza Jane Moore. Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge. Catalogue of the Valuable and Extensive Library Formed by the late Colonel Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S.

[Colonel Thomas William Fletcher (1808-1893), FRS, FSA, of Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge; Edwards, Son & Bigwood, auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Edwards, Son & Bigwood, F.A.I. At the residence [Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge] on 9 October 1923. [Hudson & Son, Printers, Birmingham.]

18pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. According to the title-page the library comprises 'Topographical and Genealogical Books, County Histories, including Nash's Worcestershire. Plot's Staffordshire. Dugdale's Warwickshire. Hutchins's Dorset. Whitelaw's Dublin. Berry's Genealogies. Publications of learned societies, etc.' In manuscript at head of title: 'MARKED CATALOGUE - PRICES REALISED'.

[The Spenser Society, Manchester.] Autograph notes by John Leigh, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester, of 'Works by John Taylor not yet issued by the Spenser Society' and 'George Wither | Works to be printed | June 1876'.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester [The Spenser Society, Manchester; George Wither; John Taylor]
Publication details: 
[Manchester.] The notes on Wither dated June 1876, and those on Taylor from around the same period.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damp damage to one corner. The section on Taylor covers the first two pages, with the first page is headed 'Works of John Taylor not yet issued by the Spenser Society | The numbers on the left hand are those in Hazlitts Handbook under the head of Taylor. The numbers on the right hand are those of the number of leaves in each work to which the left hand number refers.' No titles are given, only the number in Hazlitt. The rest of the document is devoted to Wither, this time with titles given.

[John Leigh, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester.] Autograph draft of long letter 'To the Editor of the Manchester Courier' on 'Fever Accommodation in Manchester' for children, and the Fever Hospital or House of Recovery at Monsall.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester
Publication details: 
From York Chambers [Brazenose Street, Manchester]. On letterheads of the Office of Health, Town Hall, Manchester. 1 August 1874.

5pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with wear to corner (not affecting text). With deletions and emendations. The letter begins: 'Dr. Reed in his letter dated July 30th has truly stated that both in my Reports and in private conversation I have borne testimony to the great usefulness of the Fever Hospital or "House of Recovery" at Monsall.

[John Leigh, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester.] Autograph catalogue of British Plants in the Herbarium of John Leigh, Sandiway House, Whalley Range Manchester. With two lists of 'Desiderata'.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester
Publication details: 
[Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester.] The catalogue undated; one list of 'Desiderata' dated 8 November 1873, the other ('Desiderata | J. Leigh') undated.

ONE (catalogue): 19pp., foolscap 8vo. On ten leaves of 'A Pirie & Sons' laid paper stitched together. On aged paper, with damp damage causing loss to text of first two pages. Title reads: '<...> tish plants <...> Herbarium of gh, Sandiway House Whalley Range Manchester'. The entries arranged in alphabetical order under letter headings, beginning with 'Anemone nemorosa' and ending with 'Verbena officinalis'. TWO ('Desiderata | November 8th 1873'): 10pp., foolscap 8vo. In pencil. 262 entries numbered by Leigh, at around thirty entries per page.

[Sir Charles Oman, military historian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. W. C. Oman') [to H. E. Wortham], offering to act as guide to 'King Edward's very archaic Oxford abode'.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman] (1860-1946), military historian [Hugh Evelyn Wortham (1884-1959), biographer]
Publication details: 
'As from Frewin Hall, Oxford', and on letterhead of the House of Commons Library. 3 October 1931.

1p., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'If you would ever care to look round King Edward's very archaic Oxford abode, I can shew you it, with engravings of its details in his day - coloured and otherwise. It is a nice old house - half Elizabethan, half Queen Anne.' He concludes by explaining that he is 'at Westminster all the middle days of the week, save in the recess', and so requires notice. From the H. E. Wortham papers.

[Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington, as Lord Binning.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Binning'), docketted 'Mail coaches', and discussing the 'measure of applying to the English counties', ' Mr Mundell' and the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.

Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington [known as Lord Binning between 1794 and 1828] (1780-1858) of Tyninghame House, Tory politician
Publication details: 
'Tynninghame [Tyninghame House, East Lothian, Scotland] | Sunday night' [docketted with date '16/18 Sepr 1810'].

3pp., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damp-staining to one corner. '[...] The measure of applying to the English counties was proper & indeed necessary - and I doubt not that, as the evil complain'd of is very general, we shall find a very general & ready cooperation on their part in our endeavours to procure redress.

[Robert Grosvenor, 1st Marquess of Westminster.] Autograph Note Signed ('Grosvenor'), undertaking to match the Earl of Wilton's contribution of fifty pounds to the Metropolitan Society.

Robert Grosvenor (1767-1845), 1st Marquess of Westminster [2nd Earl Grosvenor], politician and landowner [Earl of Wilton; Metropolitan Society]
Publication details: 
Heaton House [Cheshire]. 21 October 1811.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Sir | I have been requested by the Earl of Wilton, who is indisposed, to say that he shall be glad to contribute fifty Pounds to the Metropolitan Society & I shall be happy to do the same, & am, Sir | Yr obedt. Servt. | Grosvenor'.

[Victorian handbill satirising Lord Randolph Churchill, Gladstone and other members of the House of Commons, headed 'HOUSE OF COMMONS. | PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT'.

[Victorian satirical handbill; Lord Randolph Churchill; William Ewart Gladstone; Charle Stewart Parnell; Prorogation of Parliament, 1881]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but accompanied by annotation in contemporary hand dating it to 1881.

Printed in black on piece of purple paper, 27 x 14 cm. In good condition, laid down on a leaf removed from a contemporary album, with the date '1881' written beside it. The first paragraph sets the tone: 'LORD RANDOLPH CHURCHILL rose to ask Her Majesty's Government a question as to the state of Public Business, and the probable date of the Prorogation of Parliament.

[Alexander Williamson, Laird of Balgray.] Fourteen Autograph Letters Signed to him from his French daughter-in-law, mainly regarding the renovation of her house, Dollar Mains, Clackmannanshire; four written jointly with his grand-daughter Ann.

Alexander Williamson, Laird of Balgray (fl. 1802) [Mrs Williamson of Dollar Mains, Clackmannanshire, Scotland.]
Publication details: 
Six of the fourteen from Dollar Mains, Clackmannanshire, Scotland; one from 'Mrs. Fisher's Drummond Street', Edinburgh. Dating from 1799 (3), 1802 (5), 1803 (5), 1804.

Totalling: 32pp., 4to; 3pp., foolscap 8vo; 3pp., 12mo. Each letter a bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf, with various postmarks, wafers and seals, and each docketted by the Williamson. The collection in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The fourteen letters addressed by 'E. Williamson' to 'Alexr.

[James Ewing of Strathleven House, Dumbartonshire.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Ewing') to his sister Mrs Elizabeth Hyde of Bath, expressing relief on his removal from Parliament. On printed address 'To the Electors of Glasgow', after losing election

James Ewing (1784-1853) of Strathleven House, Dumbartonshire, Member of Parliament for Wareham, 1830-1831, and Glasgow, 1832-1835
Publication details: 
Letter dated 'Glasgow February 9, 1835'. Address by 'BELL AND BAIN, PRINTERS [Glasgow]', and dated 'QUEEN-STREET, January 15th, 1835.'

Letter and address are on a foolscap 8vo bifolium, with the address covering the first three pages, and the letter the reverse of the second leaf, which also carries the address ('Mrs Hyde | 31, Henrietta Street, | Bath', forwarded to Kew and then 10 New Street, Margate) with ten postmarks and a red wax seal. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a few nicks and short closed tears along folds. LETTER: 1p., foolscap 8vo. Addressed to 'My dear Elizabeth'.

Printed handbill requesting 'a Meeting of the Owners and Masters of Vessels' to discuss 'the establishment and maintenance of one or more Floating Lights', 'particularly on the East Coast' of England.

J. Herbert, Secretary, Trinity House, London [Dawson Turner; lighthouses]
Publication details: 
'TRINITY-HOUSE, LONDON, | 23rd November, 1826.'

On one side of a piece of laid paper, roughly 31 x 20 cm. 30 lines. Tipped in along one edge inside modern folder with grey paper boards. Good, on paper lightly creased at foot. Addessed 'To Dawson Turner Esqre' by 'Custom House | Yarmouth | 11 December 1826 | [signed]

Autograph draft reply by the Duke of Wellington, on printed circular invitation to 'the Anniversary Dinner of the Governors' of the London Hospital, from secretary William John Nixon.

Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington; William John Nixon (c.1820 to 1910), Secretary and House Governor of the Royal London Hospital
Publication details: 
The Circular dated from 'London Hospital, 9th April, 1847.'

The circular on 1p., 4to, on recto of first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. It reads: 'MY LORD, | The House-Committee and Stewards for conducting the Anniversary Dinner of the Governors of this Charity, present their compliments with the enclosed Card of Invitation for THURSDAY, the 22nd of APRIL, and request to be favored with your Lordship's [corrected in manuscript to 'Grace's'] Company on that day.

[Thomas Edmund Harvey, Warden of Toynbee Hall.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'T. Edmund Harvey') to 'Mr. Aldrich' [Stephen John Aldrich], with whom he had worked at the British Museum.

Thomas Edmund Harvey (1875-1955), Liberal politician, pacifist and Warden of Toynbee Hall, 1906-1911 [Stephen John Aldrich of the British Museum]
Publication details: 
First letter on letterhead of House of Commons Library; 8 November 1907. Second letter on letterhead of Rydal House, Grosvenor Road, Leeds; 3 January 1927.

Both items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Letter One: 4pp., 12mo. Harvey begins: 'Of course I well remember the too short time when I had the pleasure of being your colleague at the British Museum.' He would like to see Aldrich's 'old Dutch masters' but may not be able to visit him at Bowes Park before 'returning to reconstruction work in France in which I am interested'. He suggests a meeting in the new year, before enquiring whether Aldrich has 'got Sir Sidney Colvin's opinion of your Old masters. He is very interested in these things.' Letter Two: 2pp., 4to.

Typed Letter Signed ('Fitzroy Maclean') from Sir Fitzroy Maclean, thanking the London bookseller R. E. B. Sawyer for giving his opinion of his botanical drawings.

Sir Fitzroy Maclean (1911-1996), Scottish soldier and author best-known for 'Eastern Approaches' [R. E. B. Sawyer of the London booksellers Charles J. Sawyer & Co]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Strachur House, Argyll [Scotland]. 25 April 1978.

1p., 12mo. On light-blue paper. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He thanks Sawyer for his letter and enclosure, found on his return and read 'with the greatest interest'. 'It was extremely kind of you to come and look at my botanical drawings and I am most grateful for the information you have been able to give me. It was marvellous to be able to have the opinion of a real expert.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('L P D'Orléans') from Prince Philippe d'Orléans, Count of Paris, arranging a meeting with 'Mr. Benzon' (the merchant banker Robert Benson).

Prince Philippe d'Orléans (1838-1894), Comte de Paris [Louis Philippe d'Orléans], grandson of the French King Louis Philippe I and Union Army officer in the American Civil War
Publication details: 
On letterhead of York House, Twickenham, Middlesex [England]. 'Friday' [no date].

3pp., 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The lower part of the second leaf has been cut away, not affecting the text. He begins by stating that he has received the recipient's 'last telegram announcing that you had postponed till to morrow your visit to London'. He has in turn telegraphed 'Mr. Benzon to propose to him to come to the Charing Cross Hotel at 11 or 12. In that case I would offer to yourself & Mr. Benson [sic] a breakfast at the Hotel'.

Album containing 53 original photographs, with captions, by William Nichols, Farm Bailiff at Felix Hall, the country house of Sir Thomas Burch Western.

William Nichols, photographer and Farm Bailiff at Felix Hall, Essex, the country house of Sir Thomas Burch Western
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Felix Hall, Essex; 1860s.]

An evocative collection of photographs, in which, unusually, a Victorian servant has been allowed to make a record of his masters, their country house, and household. The 53 photographs are laid down on 17 leaves of a contemporary stitched 4to album. In fair condition, lightly-aged, and with the brown marbled wraps of the album detached and separated from one another. Three of the photographs are lacking from the album.

Printed Victorian handbill, with engraved illustration by S. Holden, of the 'Old House and "Plague-Stone" in the Wash-Lane, (near Warrington,) Cheshire. ['now in the possession of Dr. Kendrick, Warrington']

[Dr. James Kendrick (1809-1882), local historian; the Old House and Plague-Stone" in the Wash-Lane, near Warrington, Cheshire]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [c.1843].

1p., 4to. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Engraved illustration of the Old House at the head (signed 'S. Holden'), with an engraving of the Plague-Stone beneath it, followed by the text: 'The Relic represented above formed the corner coping-stone of a garden wall, immediately above the spot indicated in the drawing by the letter A. It is traditional in the neighbourhood that about the middle of the 17th century, (probably in the year 1665,) several cases of The Plague occurred in this house.

Two printed documents, 'In the Matter of the Hull and Selby Railway': 'In the House of Lords. [...] Copy of the Petition of Robert Raikes, Esq. in Opposition to the Bill' and 'Objections against the Bill, on the Part of Robert Raikes, Esq.'

[Robert Raikes (1765-1837) of Welton House, banker; The Hull and Selby Railway Bill, 1836]
Publication details: 
Both documents printed by 'Meredith and Reeve, Lincoln's Inn, For Wilkinson, Hull.' Both dated 1836.

The two items are uniform in layout, on folio bifoliums, with the text covering the whole of the recto of the first leaf, and the details printed lengthwise on the reverse of the second. Both in good condition, and folded into the customary packets. An early example of nimbyism, rather rich coming from a banker. The petition begins: 'In the House of Lords.

[Printed pamphlet.] Introducing . . . Integrated Circuits.

[Mullard Educational Service, Mullard Limited, Mullard House, Torrington Place, London WC1; integrated circuits]
Publication details: 
Issued by Mullard Educational Service. Mullard Limited, Mullard House, Torrington Place, London WC1. [Circa 1976.]

4pp., foolscap 8vo. With four photographic illustrations and a diagram. Bifolium on art paper. Printed in black, with cover illustration in half-tone over light-green background. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Sections titled 'A new revolution in electronics', 'The construction', 'The "bread-board" circuit', 'The production process', 'Types of IC' and 'Even smaller still!' From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed pamphlet in defence of the British House of Lords.] Civilisation and the Constitution. A Catechism.

Graham Bower [Sir Graham John Bower, RN] (1848-1933), Irish-born British colonial official, Imperial Secretary to High Commissioners for Southern Africa, 1884-1897 [Parliament; House of Lords]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [South Africa, 1880s or 1890s.]

2pp., 4to. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. Signed in type at end 'GRAHAM BOWER.' On laid paper with 'SOUTHERN CROSS | FINE QUALITY' watermark, suggesting, with the typographic style, that it was written during the period of that he served as Imperial Secretary. Very good, on lightly aged and creased paper.

[Parliamentary paper.] Cape of Good Hope: Botanical Collectors. Extract of a Letter dated 1st September 1814, from Sir Joseph Banks to George Harrison, Esquire, recommending the appointment of two Botanical Collectors at The Cape of Good Hope [...].

[Sir Joseph Banks; George Harrison; the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew; the Cape of Good Hope; British Parliamentary paper, 1821; S. R. Lushington; House of Commons]
Publication details: 
'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2 April 1821.' [Numbered '374.']

3pp., folio, paginated to 3. Bifolium. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper; folded twice into the customary packet, with the title printed lengthwise as usual.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Lugt.') from the Dutch connoisseur Frits Lugt [Frederik Johannes Lugt] to the English scholar Cecil Clarabut, thanking him for 'the solution of the bookplate' of a volume sold at Christie's.

Frits Lugt [Frederik Johannes Lugt] (1884-1970), collector and connoisseur of Netherlandish drawings and prints [Cecil Clarabut of Winchester]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 5 Place du Palais Bourbon, Paris, VIIe. 13 January 1959.

1p., small 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with slight loss to one corner. Docketed by Clarabut at the head of the page: 'Re book of hours Christie lot 194 8.xii.58'. He thanks Clarabut for 'the solution of the bookplate', and asks him if he knows 'how & when that library was sold', as it would be 'interesting to note'. 'When at the Hague I'll see in my catalogue-list if I find anything on the name of Bateman.'

[Two printed volumes, with the second volume containing memoranda on the corps by Major Thomas Fraser King.] Incidents and Anecdotes in the Life of Lieut.-General Sprot, Honorary Colonel of the Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

Lieut.-General Sprot [John Sprot (1830-1907) of Riddell House, Roxburghshire], Honorary Colonel of the Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders [Major Thomas Fraser King (d.1928)]
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation only. [Edinburgh: Gordon Wilson, Printer, 47 Thistle Street.] Vol. 1, 1906; vol. 2, 1907.

2 vols, 8vo. Vol.1 (1906): [8] + 106 + [1] + 17. Vol.2 (1907): [6] + 97pp. Both volumes with frontispieces and several plates. Both in original red cloth bindings with Sprot's crest in gilt on front board, and all edges gilt. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, and with the first volume (despite slight damp staining to the binding and damage to one plate) better and brighter than the second, which has wear at the foot of the spine.

[Pamphlet] What is this Socialism? Talks to 'The Man in the Street'.

G.D.H. Cole
Publication details: 
Clarion Texts, Victor Gollancz Limited, Clarion Presss Limited, Victoria House Printing Company, 1933. [Clarion Pres share the Pelican Press's address].

Pamphlet, 32pp., 8vo, printed paper wraps, good condition, advt for 'The New Clarion' on back cover (same address as the Pelican Presss of Francis Meynell and Stanley Morison). Three copies listed on COPAC/OCLC, Oxford and three US libraries.

Autograph Letter in the third person from Charles Manner-Sutton, Speaker of the House of Commons, acknowledging receipt of Thomas Moulden Sherwood's 'A Treatise on the Proceedings to be adopted by Members'.

Charles Manners-Sutton, 1st Viscount Canterbury (1780-1845), Speaker of the House of Commons [Thomas Moulden Sherwood]
Publication details: 
Palace Yard. 6 February 1828.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive closed tear and evidence of previous mounting on reverse. The letter reads: 'The Speaker presents his Compts to Mr Sherwood, and begs to return his best thanks for the work he has just received - The Speaker feels assured that Mr Sherwoods experience in and attention to the Private business of the House will have enabled him to collect much useful information on this subject so important to the Public at large | Palace Yard | Feby. 6 | 1828'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (one with a drawing) and an Autograph Note Signed from the editor of 'Ballet' magazine Richard Buckle to Dr Erich Adolph Alport, with typed circular from Buckle and Typed Letter Signed to Alport from his secretary.

Richard Buckle [Christopher Richard Sandford Buckle; 'Dicky'] (1916-2001),dance critic and editor of 'Ballet' magazine [Dr Erich Adolph Alport (d.1972), art connoisseur and book collector]
Publication details: 
One from Overstrand [Norfolk]; 27 May 1950. The other four on letterheads of 'Ballet', 'Ballet and Opera' and 'Ballet Publications Ltd'. Between 1949 and 1950.

The five items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Item One: Autograph Letter Signed (with a crude drawing of Buckle sitting on a rope slung between the printed names of the two magazines). 1p., 4to. On Fleet Street letterhead of 'Ballet Publications Ltd.' Dated by Alport 14 February 1950. The letter concerns an article on the conductor Karl Rankl, and begins: 'Dear Erich | I have just spoken to Harewood [the Earl of Harewood, co-founder with Buckle of 'Opera' magazine].

Typed Letter Signed ('Harewood') from George Henry Hubert Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood, as editor of 'Opera' magazine, to Dr Erich Adolph Alport, regarding a 'muddle' over an article on Karl Rankl, caused by a letter from the conductor's wife.

George Henry Hubert Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood (1923-2011) [Dr Erich Adolph Alport (d.1972), art connoisseur and book collector; Karl Frankl (1898-1968), English conductor, born in Austria]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Harewood House, Leeds. 14 February 1950.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. 36 lines. Harewood explains that he 'originally asked Mrs Rankl to think of someone who had known her husband for, at any rate, a portion of his continental career who would be prepared to review his career before he came to this country, and also to give some idea of what he had achieved since arriving here [...] when the moment came she had to say that there appeared to be nobody who had known him abroad who had the necessary musical qualifications. When I saw her about 10 days ago I said I would find someone myself.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sydney Smith') from Rev. Sydney Smith to the future Lord Chancellor Henry Brougham, regarding his ambitions and 'objects in the Church'. With annotations by Brougham.

Rev. Sydney Smith (1771-1845), author and wit ['the Smith of Smiths'], member of the Holland House Circle [Henry Brougham (1778-1868), Scottish lawyer, Whig politician and Lord Chancellor]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. Docketted by Brougham '1830 or 31', but in fact circa 1827.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. A thin strip has been torn from the head of the first leaf, resulting in loss to two lines of text, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A significant letter, in which Smith discusses his ambitions with a close and influential friend, and former colleague on the 'Edinburgh Review'.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Strand Union Workhouse. Copy of the Report made by R. B. Cane, Esq., Poor Law Inspector, to the Poor Law Board, after an Inquiry held by him on the 4th and 6th June 1866, into certain Allegations made by Matilda Beeton.

[R. B. Cane [Richard Basil Cane], Poor Law Inspector; Matilda Beeton, Head Nurse at the Strand Union Workhouse, Cleveland Street, London]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 25 June 1866.

28 + [1] pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. P. 1 has the drophead title: 'STRAND UNION WORKHOUSE. | RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, | dated 25 June 1866; - for, | COPY "of the REPORT made by R. B. Crane, Esquire, Poor Law Inspector, to the Poor Law Board, after an Inquiry held by him on the 4th and 6th June 1866, into certain Allegations made by Matilda Beeton, in reference to the Treatment of the Sick in the Strand Union Workhouse." | Poor Law Board, 25 June 1866.

Autograph Letter Signed from John Wishaw, Secretary to the African Association, to the Whig MP James Loch of Bloomsbury Square, regarding the picture galleries of Lord Stafford and Lord Grosvenor, also George Canning, Lord Brougham and elections.

John Wishaw (c.1764-1840), Secretary to the African Association, friend of Malthus and biographer of Mungo Park [James Loch (1780-1855), Whig MP for St Germains, Cornwall]
Publication details: 
9 May [1827]. 'L. I. Fields' [i.e. Lincolns Inn Fields, London].

2pp., 12mo. 40 lines. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. The reverse of the second leaf carries half of a red wax seal, as well as the address to 'James Loch Esqr | Bloomsbury Square'. The letter begins: 'My dear Loch | Some friends of mine from the Country are desirous of seeing Lord Stafford's & Lord Grosvenor's pictures some time next week; & they understand that the obtaining of Tickets is not a matter of course but that some little interest is necessary.' He asks for assistance 'with regard to Cleveland House [...] for Mrs Johnston & party (about 5 or 6 persons)'.

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