[Printed pamphlet.] The Case for the Establishment of Independent Universities of Manchester, Liverpool and Yorkshire. Being a reply to a pamphlet entitled 'The Case Against the Proposed Disruption of the Victoria University.'

[Victoria University; Owens College, Manchester; University College, Liverpool; The Yorkshire College, Leeds; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes, 27, St. Ann Street. 1902.

22pp., 4to. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition, aged and worn, with stamp, shelf-marks and red label of the Board of Education Reference Library.

[Three printed reports.] Association of Teachers in Technical Institutes. Proceedings. [1904-05, 1905-06, and 1906-07]

[W. J. Lineham, Chairman, Association of Teachers in Technical Institutes; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
All three volumes printed in London by E. G. Berryman & Sons, Steam Printers, Blackheath Road, S.E. 1905, 1906 and 1907.

The three volumes uniform, in light brown printed wraps. 12mo: [1] + 59pp., 84pp. and 134pp. All three with stamps, shelf-marks and red labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. The three volumes in good condition, on lightly aged paper, in worn and creased wraps. The first of the three volumes begins with a twenty-page address by the chairman W. J. Lineham, followed by eight and a half pages of discussions. The other two volumes print a variety of discussion papers and reports of discussions on them, and both have lists of members. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Relations and Functions and Work of Senate and Faculty of the Modern University in France and England together with an Account of the Faculty of Arts in Liverpool.

J. M. Mackay, M.A., Honorary Dean of the Faculty and Rathbone Professor of History Victoria University, University College of Liverpool; Owens College, Manchester; Board of Education Reference Library
Publication details: 
Liverpool: D. Marples & Comp. 1897.

Title-page headed: 'Victoria University, University College of Liverpool, Faculty of Arts.' 58pp., 12mo. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with central vertical crease, and with shelf-marks and red label of the Board of Education Reference Library, and the printing of Mackay's name on the front cover touched up in manuscript.

[Printed prospectus.] The Yorkshire College, Leeds. Departments of Tinctorial Chemistry and Dyeing. Built, Equipped, and Endowed by the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers of the City of London.

[The Yorkshire College, Leeds; Victoria University; the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers of the City of London; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
Leeds: Goodall and Suddick, Ltd. 1903.

16pp., 4to. Frontispiece and ten half-page black and white photographic illustrations. Stitched. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with stamps, shelf-mark and red label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Loosely inserted is a printed circular (1p., 4to) from W. F.

[Five printed reports.] Students of other Countries in the Universities and University Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland.

[Universities Bureau of the British Empire, London; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
All five by Universities Bureau of the British Empire, 50 Russell Square, London, EC1, and dated 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927-1928, 1928-1929. The first printed by Purnell and Sons, Paulton, Somerset, the others by C. F. Hodgson, Ltd, London.

The volumes for 1923-1924 and 1925-1925 both subtitled 'Interchange of Teachers Between the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland and those of other Countries'. The five volumes uniform, stapled and unbound. 12mo: 48pp., 40pp., 31pp., 33 + [1]pp., 33 + [1]pp. The volume for 1924-1925 with 'Supplementary List, with three-page 'Corrections of Original (printed) List' loosely inserted. All five in good condition, on aged and worn paper. The five with shelfmarks, and four with the red label of the Board of Education Reference Library.

[Three printed reports.] The Incorporated Association of Headmasters. Report of the Council for [1895, 1904, 1916], with Appendices.

[The Incorporated Association of Headmasters; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
The volumes for 1904 and 1916 both 'Published for the Incorporated Association of Headmasters by Whittaker & Co., London. To be had also of the Educational Supply Association, 42 Holborn Viaduct, E.C. The volume for 1895 printed without title page.

The three volumes all in original grey printed wraps. 1895: iv + 106pp.; 1904: 112 + [1]pp., 8vo; 1916: 65pp., 8vo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The three volumes with stamps, shelf marks and red labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. All three volumes include lists of members. No copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed items.] Nine pamphlets relating to the Yorkshire College, Leeds, Victoria University: five course prospectuses (including Agriculture and Day Classes), four reports (including Agriculture and Textile Industries, Dyeing and Art Classes).

[The Yorkshire College, Leeds; Victoria College; Leeds University; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
Five printed by McCorquodale & Co. Limited, Leeds, and three by Jowett & Sowry, Printers and Lithographers, 78 Albion Street, Leeds. Dating from between 1893-1894 and 1903-1904.

The Yorkshire College of Science was founded in 1874, and merged with Owens College, Manchester, and University College, Liverpool, to form Victoria University ten years later. In 1904, King Edward VII granted Leeds University its own Charter as an independent institution. The nine items from the Board of Education Reference Library, and carrying its stamps, shelf-marks and red labels. All nine in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Comprising: ONE. 'Department of Agriculture. Third Report, 1893-4.' 48pp., 8vo. In light-blue printed wraps. TWO. 'Department of Agriculture.

[Printed pamphlet.] Universities' Settlement in East London. Fourth Annual Report to the Members of the Association. (Private.)

[Philip Lyttelton Gell, Chairman; Report of the Universities' Settlement in East London, 1888; Toynbee Hall]
Publication details: 
Oxford [Horace Hart, Printer to the University], 1888.

15 + 1pp., 12mo. Stitched and unbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with shelfmark and red label of the Education Department, Reference Library. Four-page introduction by Gell followed by nine pages of 'Statements of Account for year ending June 30, 1888'. Included are four pages of accounts of the Endowment Fund, Foundation Fund, Literary Building Fund and Maintenance Fund at Toynbee Hall, and a page on the Spencer Ball and King-Harman Memorial Fund.

[Printed pamphlet.] Universities and Schools. [Containing transcriptions of a letter from Oliver Lodge to Sir David Roscoe, and of a 'Memorandum from Prof. William Ramsay, F.R.S., to the Principal of Birmingham University'.]

[Oliver Lodge, Principal of the University of Birmingham; Prof. William Ramsay, F.R.S.; Sir Henry Roscoe, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London]
Publication details: 
The "Journal" Printing Offices, 31, Cannon Street, Birmingham. December 1901.

6pp. 8vo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with stamp and red label of the Board of Education Reference Library. The author of the pamphlet begins by expressing the hope that 'at the forthcoming meeting of Principals in London, on the 19th and 20th December, time may be found to discuss part of the subject of the influence of the Universities and Colleges upon Secondary Schools'. Both transcriptions are more than two pages long. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Deputation to the President of the Board of Education and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Minutes of Proceedings.

[H. A. L. Fisher, President of the Board of Education; A. Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir Oliver Lodge; Sir Donald MacAlister; Sir Bertram Windle; Sir Alfred Ewing; Bragg; Gillespie]
Publication details: 
London: Universities Bureau of the British Empire, Imperial Institute, SW7. [Undated, but concerning a deputation on 23 November 1918.]

36pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rust to staple. With manuscript shelf-marks (of the Board of Education Reference Library). Compliments slip of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire tipped-in onto front cover. The first page begins: 'MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS of a Deputation of Representatives of the Universities of the United Kingdom and of certain other institutions doing work of University standard, which waited upon the President of the Board of Education (the Right Honourable H. A. L.

[Printed pamphlet by the 'Graduates Defence Committee'.] The Case against the proposed Disruption of the Victoria University.

[Graduates Defence Committee, The Victoria University; University College, Liverpool; Owens College, Manchester; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes, 27 St Ann Street. 1902.

39pp., 12mo. In grey printed wraps. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper, with stamp, shelfmarks and red label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Containing a full-page list of officers of the Graduates Defence Committee, full-page introduction.

[Printed parliamentary document.] Confidential. Board of Education. Special Statutes relating to Land held on Charitable Trusts in England Wales.

[Board of Education, London; His Majesty's Stationery Office; W. R. Ainsworth]
Publication details: 
Printed for official use only. London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1909.

171pp., 8vo. In original blue printed wraps. In good condition, on aged high-acidity paper, with chipping and wear to the wraps and first and last leaves. Ainsworth's ownership inscription at head of title-page. From the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

15 items relating to Lieut. A.H. Ross's service in the Second World War as Platoon Commander in the Hertfordshire Battalion of the Home Guard, including Platoon photographs, Special Army Orders, service certificate, letter from Lt-Col. H. K. O'Kelly.

Alexander Howard Ross (1880-1965), Commissioner, Southern Province of Sierra Leone, 1920-1928, Platoon Commander, Hertfordshire Battalion, Home Guard, 1940-1944 [Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kane O'Kelly]
Publication details: 
Items from the War Office, London, and Hertfordshire. From 1940 to 1944.

The fifteen items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, laid down or pinned to leaves removed from an album. Items One to Three: three black and white landscape photographs, each around 15 x 20 cm. The first photograph, captioned 'November 1940', shows Ross standing in a field, in front of a platoon in two columns, shouldering rifles with bayonets. The second photograph, captioned '7. C. Coy of Batt., Herts Home Guard 1943', shows twenty-six officers, in three rows, in front of the entrance to a municipal building. The front row, seated, consists of seven senior officers with batons.

Printed application by Edward Batty, son of Lieut-Col. Robert Batty and grandson of Sir John Barrow, 'To the Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Society of England', including 6 testimonials, from John Barrow, Charles Landseer, Henry Cartwright, etc.

Edward Batty (1839-1918), son of Lieut-Col. Robert Batty (1789-1848) and grandson of Sir John Barrow, Secretary of the Admiralty [Charles Landseer; Henry Cartwright; Royal Agricultural Society]
Publication details: 
Dated from Egdean, Petworth, Sussex, 23 September 1868.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased laid paper with Joynson watermark dated 1867. The document is headed 'To the Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Society of England', and it is the Secretary's post for which Batty is applying. He describes himself as '30 years of age, married, the son of hte late Col. Batty, of the Guards, and grandson of Sir John Barrow, Secretary of the Admiralty.

[Printed keepsake, with two illustrations.] In thankful Commemoration of the 90th Birthday of The Dowager Lady Barrow, January 5th, 1900. Printed by one who owes much to her loving spiritual help and letters when he was an Eton Boy in 1845.

'W.B.-M.' [Rev. William Bramley-Moore] [Rosamond Hester Elizabeth (1810-1906), Lady Barrow, daughter of William Pennell and adopted daughter of John Wilson Croker; Sir Thomas Lawrence; G.F. Zink]
Publication details: 
'W.B.-M., 26 R. Sq., [i.e. William Bramley-Moore, 26 Russell Square, London] Jan. 6th, 1900.'

4pp., ,4to. Bifolium. Printed in gold on shiny art paper, with the two illustrations in black. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The recto of the first leaf carries a memoir of Lady Barrow, 'Reproduced, by permission, from "The Surrey Comet," Dec. 25, 1899.': 'LADY BARROW - nee Rosamond Hester Elizabeth, daughter of the late William Pennell, Esq., Consul-General in Brazil - was born January 5th, 1810, and was the twenty-first child of her parents. Six weeks after her birth she became the adopted daughter of the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, who had married her eldest sister.

[Three coloured plates, tipped in onto three leaves in an illustrated portfolio.] The Bookman Portfolio. Containing Plates in Colour by Jessie Willcox Smith. Illustrating The Water Babies, by Charles Kingsley.

Jessie Willcox Smith (1863-1935), American children's illustrator [Hodder & Stoughton Limited, London publishers; Charles Kingsley]
Publication details: 
Hodder & Stoughton Limited, Warwick Square, London, E.C.4. Christmas 1920.

Each of the three coloured plates is 19 x 14 cm, and each is laid down on a piece of 31.5 x 20.5 cm cream textured paper, each mount with caption and vignette printed in green. The three are placed in a portfolio, made of the same textured paper as the mount, with the front carrying the title, publishers' details, and an illustration (of underwater baby balancing on a fish). In fair condition, aged and with wear to extremities.

[Children's book with coloured illustrations.] The Pucksy Man. ['A Collins Picture Book'.]

Agnes Grozier Herbertson [A Collins Picture Book, Collins' Clear-Type Press]
Publication details: 
London and Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press. [1920s.]

20pp., small 4to (16.5 x 13 cm). Sewn in card wraps, illustrated in colours. In fair condition, lightly and spotted, in worn wraps, with two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps coloured in. With ownership inscription on half-title, dated 18 September 1927. Eight attractive full-page colour illustrations (two out of register) in text, in a range of styles, suggesting stock images by different illustrators, and two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps, coloured in (by a child?), with another two illustrations on the front and back covers. This item is something of a mystery.

[Printed Press Extracts' relating to the geologist William Hobbs Shrubsole.] 'Biographical Sketch of W. H. Shrubsole, F.G.S.' from the East Kent Gazette; 'Presentation to Mr. W. H. Shrubsole, F.G.S., F.R.M.S.' from the Sheerness Times, and two others

William Hobbs Shrubsole [W. H. Shrubsole] (1837-1927), British geologist, who made discoveries at Sheerness
Publication details: 
Extracts from the East Kent Gazette, the Sheerness Times, the Proceedings of he Geological Society of London, and the Rochester & Chatham Standard; dating from 1894 and 1895.

Shrubsole was a frequent contributor to the Manchester Guardian, and its obituary of 21 May 1927 was headed 'DEATH OF GREAT SHEERNESS GEOLOGIST WHO WON FAME THROUGHOUT THE WORLD' ('Experts in every continent sought his wonderful advice, and it was during his researches at Sheppey that he made many valuable discoveries. Below we are able to give a detailed account of his brilliant career. He was a frequent contributor to the columns of the "Guardian" up to the time of his death.'). 3pp., foolscap 8vo, in a bifolium. Printed in three columns of small print.

Two press photograph of racing driver Mike Hawthorn, one showing him cutting a ribbon, and the other posing indoors astride a motorcycle, as delighted spectators including five schoolboys, look on.

Mike Hawthorn [John Michael Hawthorn] (1929-1959), English racing driver with the Ferrari Team, friend of Peter Collins and rival of Luigi Musso [Le Mans 24 Hour Race]
Publication details: 
Both stamped on the reverse: '"CHESTER CHRONICLE" | COPYRIGHT | PHOTOGRAPH'. [1950s.]

Both photographs in black and white, and both 25.5 x 20.5 cm. One landscape and the other portrait. The two in good condition, showing light signs of age and wear. Both clearly taken at the same event, as in both Hawthorn wears the same suit. Both taken indoors. In the first (portrait) he is seen cutting a ribbon, while a group of smartly-dressed men and women look on approvingly behind him. Signs for 'Silver Exide' and 'Mobilgas Special' are mounted on a wall.

Two sets of printed 'Plans of the New Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, W.C.2.' by Adams, Holden & Pearson.

[Charles Henry Holden (1875-1960), English architect; Adams, Holden & Pearson, London architects; The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, WC2.]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [London, c.1926.]

The two plans are both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper: each printed in black ink on one side only of a piece of white paper, and both folded twice. The first is landscape, 28 x 40.5cm, and carries the 'FIRST FLOOR PLAN' on the left, and 'GROUND FLOOR PLAN' on the right. The second is portrait, 40.5 x 29.5cm. It has two 'TYPICAL WARD PLANS' (third and fourth floors) above two 'SECTIONS A.B. & C.D. OF ELEVATIONS'. The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital was established on High Holborn in 1816.

[Printed poster.] Wonders of Many Lands. Burton's "Old Curiosity Shop." The African Room. Savage and Civilized Products. Glimpses of the World.

'A Californian Wanderer' [John Burton (1839-1907); Burton's 'Old Curiosity Shop', Falmouth, Cornwall]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from The Cornishman, Thursday April 30th., 1891.' [Burton's 'Old Curiosity Shop', Falmouth, Cornwall]

A native of Scotland, Burton set up a china business in Falmouth in 1862, but soon turned to the sale of unusual items from around the world, purchased from sailors, his shop acquiring an international reputation and royal patronage. Printed on one side of a piece of pink paper, 38 x 25.5cm. A frail survival, on aged and worn high-acidity paper, with loss and chipping to the margins, and a few closed tears, but with the text complete.

[Printed offprint: 'EXTRAIT de la Revue de Médecine, no de Septembre 1890.] Nouvelle Etude sur l'Action Therapeutique du Sulfate de Cinchonidine.

H. de Brun, Professeur à la Faculté de médecine de Beyrouth, Médecin sanitaire de France en Orient, Médecin de l'hôpital français de Beyrouth
Publication details: 
Paris: Ancienne Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie., Félix Alcan, Éditeur, 108 Boulevard Saint-Germain. 1890.

69pp., 8vo, paginated 689-757. With diagrams and table in text. In original olive printed wraps. Unopened. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in discoloured and chipped wraps. Stamped at head of front cover: 'HISTOLOGIE | Collège de France', with 'Physique & chimie 20' beside it in manuscript. No record of this item in the Bibliothèque Nationale, or on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Man who saw Heaven and Hell, foretold the Date of his own Death, lived in both Worlds at the same Time for twenty-seven Years. Reprinted from The Sunday Dispatch. "What Shall Man Believe?" No. 4. March 4, 1934.

Ian Coster [Emmanuel Swedenborg; The Campfield Press, St Albans]
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain by The Campfield Press, St. Albans. [1934? 1937?]

32pp., 12mo. Full-page portrait of Swedenborg, from painting, on p.3. In brown printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with corner of first leaf folded down, and slight spotting to front cover. Scarce: only three copies on COPAC, at the British Library, Oxford and the National Library of Wales; the first dated to 1934, and the other two to 1937.

Printed pamphlet giving the speech of Connop Thirlwall, Bishop of St David's, on the inaguration in Tenby of the 'Welsh Memorial of the Late Prince Consort', eulogising him as 'Albert the Good' in front of his son Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught.

Connop Thirlwall (1797-1875), Bishop of St David's from 1840 to his death [Prince Albert (1819-1861), consort of Queen Victoria; his son Prince Arthur (1850-1942), Duke of Connaught and Strathearn]
Publication details: 
W. Spurrell, Printer, Carmarthen. [1865.]

The Times, 4 August 1865, carried a report of the inauguration on the previous day at Tenby of the 'Welsh Memorial to the Late Prince Consort', in the presence of Prince Albert's son Arthur, Duke of Connaught. The present item carries, without comment, the main speech at a banquet on the occasion, in the Assembly Room of the Gate House Hotel, by the man considered by the young John Stuart Mill as the best orator he had ever heard. 3pp., 4to. Paginated [1]-3. Bifolium. On laid paper with Joynson watermark dated 1863. In fair condition, on aged paper, creased and discoloured at the foot.

[Printed act of parliament.] Anno Regni Gulielmi III. Regis Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, Septimo & Octavo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster [22 November 1695]. [An Act for Relief of Poor Prisoners for Debt or Damages.]

[British Act of Parliament: 'An Act for Relief of Poor Prisoners for Debt or Damages', 22 November 1695]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1695.

[1] + 14pp., 8vo, with the text paginated 349-359. Disbound. Good, on aged paper. At the head of the title, in a contemporary hand: 'Relief of poor prisoners'. The title carries the royal crest, and reads in full: 'Anno Regni Gulielmi II. Regis Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, Septimo & Octavo. | At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Two and twentieth Day of November, Anno Dom. 1695.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Catalogue of Record Works, Printed under the Direction of The Commissioners on The Public Records of the Kingdom, on Sale by Henry Butterworth, Publisher to the Public Record Department.

Henry Butterworth, Publisher to the Public Record Department, 7 Fleet Street, London
Publication details: 
Henry Butterworth, 7 Fleet Street, London. 1847.

16pp., 12mo. Stitched. In fair condition, aged, worn and a little dusty. Elegantly printed. A descriptive list, preceded by a two-page introduction beginning: 'The Catalogue here submitted to the Public, of Record Works published under the authority of the Record Commissioners and of the Secretary of State, has been in some measure compiled from a Work printed for private circulation under the title "Notes of Materials for the History of Public Departments," by Mr.

Two printed documents, 'In the Matter of the Hull and Selby Railway': 'In the House of Lords. [...] Copy of the Petition of Robert Raikes, Esq. in Opposition to the Bill' and 'Objections against the Bill, on the Part of Robert Raikes, Esq.'

[Robert Raikes (1765-1837) of Welton House, banker; The Hull and Selby Railway Bill, 1836]
Publication details: 
Both documents printed by 'Meredith and Reeve, Lincoln's Inn, For Wilkinson, Hull.' Both dated 1836.

The two items are uniform in layout, on folio bifoliums, with the text covering the whole of the recto of the first leaf, and the details printed lengthwise on the reverse of the second. Both in good condition, and folded into the customary packets. An early example of nimbyism, rather rich coming from a banker. The petition begins: 'In the House of Lords.

A Christian Philanthropist. A Sketch of the Life of Mr. Daniel Hand, and of His Benefaction to the American Missionary Association, for the Education of Colored People in the Southern States of America. [With manuscript 'Memo. of Hand Genealogy' etc]

[George A. Wilcox of Detroit; Daniel Hand (1801-1891) of Madison, Connecticut, Christian philanthropist, benefactor of the American Missionary Association]
Publication details: 
Rooms of the American Missionary Association, 56 Reade Street, New York. 1889.

31 + [1] pp., small 4to. With frontispiece engraved portrait of Hand. In original cream printed wraps, with 'DANIEL HAND.' printed on front cover in brown ink. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Presentation inscription at head of front cover: 'for Mrs. Evans - | with Compliments of G. A. Wilcox | Detroit.' Eight copies at American libraries on OCLC WorldCat, and the only copy on COPAC at the British Library. The manuscript, in Wilcox's hand, is 3pp., 12mo, on bifolium 1880s letterhead of the Hotel Metropole, London.

[Illustrated booklet.] Songs from Aldermaston | Some of the many songs made and sung as part of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

[Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger, Alex Comfort, et al.; the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; CND; Ban The Bomb]
Publication details: 
Collected together and produced by The Broadsheet King, 15 Mortimer Terrace, London, N.W.5. [Early 1960s.]

20pp., small 4to. Pagination includes card wraps. With damp staining, but in fair overall condition, on lightly-aged paper. Nineteen lyrics (including 'Song of Hiroshima', 'Strontium 90', 'Ban the H-Bomb' and 'The Bomb Has Got To Go'), with thirteen tunes in musical notation, and final 'Guitar Chords'. Attractively laid out in heavy black and white, with numerous illustrations. Striking cover by Kit Cooper incorporates the CND logo into a muscial note on a score, with the word 'SONGS' beneath it. The only copy on COPAC at the British Library, by whom it is tentatively dated to 1963.

[Mimeographed typescript.] I.E.E.T.E. London Meeting. Future Developments in Television.

F. C. McLean, C.B.E., B.Sc., M.I.E.E., Director of Engineering, British Broadcasting Corporation [The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers Limited; BBC]
Publication details: 
[The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician Engineers Limited] I.E.E. Lecture Theatre, Savoy Place, London, W.C.2. 1966.

[1] + 14 pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with last leaf loose. '16 DEC 1965' stamped on title and first page. Discussing such issues as 'colour service', 'improvements in performance of receivers' and 'Recording of television signals'. From the archive of Pat Hawker, and marked up by him. No other copy traced

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