['McGlennon's Cromlech Series': two printed pamphlets.] 'Irish Songs Old and New' and 'Songs of the Gael'.

[McGlennon's Cromlech Series; Felix McGlennon, Irish publisher in London]
Publication details: 
McGlennon's Cromlech Series, Felix McGlennon Ltd., Printers and Publishers, City Garden Row, City Rd, London, N1. Both undated.

The two uniform stapled pamphlets, both 32pp., 12mo, in illustrated wraps printed in green, and both printed on newsprint. Both items uncommon, with no copies of either on COPAC. ONE: 'Irish Songs Old and New.' In fair condition, on worn and toned paper, with crease to front cover. Contains the lyrics to 34 songs, from 'Angels Whisper' and 'Ballinamona Oro' to 'Young Kate of Kilcummer'. TWO: 'Songs of the Gael'. In good condition, toned and lightly worn. Contains the lyrics of 28 songs from 'Awake and Lie Dreaming No More' to 'Where is the Slave so Lowly?'

[Dr Pierre Magnin, French physician.] Inscribed copy of his printed thesis, 'De l'Action de la Quinine sur les Fibres Musculaires Lisses. Thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue a la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier le 13 août 1873.'

Pierre Magnin, 'Né a Laboisse (Ain) Docteur en Médecine | ancien Interne des Hopitaux de Lyon' [Frantz Glénard (1848-1920)]
Publication details: 
Montpellier: Imprimerie L. Cristin et Ce., rue Vieille Intendance, 5. 1875.

66 + [3] + [1] pp., 4to. The item has been disbound from a volume, and the title leaf is longer than the rest, in order to retain the ownership inscription in the top left-hand corner of the title-page, which carries a signed presentation inscription from Magnin to his colleague Frantz Glénard. The title leaf is creased and has a long vertical closed tear near the spine, which has been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Pp.53/54 and 61/62 have had text trimmed away by the binder.

[Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester booksellers.] Large printed order sheet for the supply of newspapers and periodicals to distributors.

Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester booksellers [newspaper distribution; twentieth-century book trade]
Publication details: 
[Abel Heywood & Son Ltd., Manchester.] 'WEEK - OCT. 31st to NOV. 5th, 1966'.

2pp., on a folio sheet (63 x 36cm). In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Not filled in. Stamped '577' in red. One side listing the newspapers available from the Monday to the Friday of the week, and the other giving those on the Saturday, 'Odd Papers', 'BRANCHES' and 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIES'. A range of periodicals is listed, including local and national newspapers, 'Continental Publications', comics ('Sparky', 'Wham' and 'Smash'), specialist ('Architect and Building News') and hobby ('Philatelic Mag.') magazines, 'Bolton Journal Series'

[Offprint from the Derbyshire Advertiser.] The Bemrose Library of Derbyshire Books. | Important Letter from Lord Curzon. | The Scheme adopted.

Sir Henry Howe Bemrose (1827-1911), printer and Conservative politician [The Bemrose Library of Derbyshire Books; Derby Public Library; George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Derbyshire Advertiser, October 3rd, 1913.'

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. Printed in small type. Curzon's letter, dated from Kedleston, 30 September 1913, is a long report, covering the first two pages of the document, describing his efforts to 'remove from the town and country the great reproach of losing a library devoted to Derbyshire persons and subjects' by securing it for the Borough of Derby. The third page of the document carries 'an appeal made by Lord Curzon of Kedleston to residents in the County and Borough of Derby', headed 'Lord Curzon and the Derby Free Library.

[Printed pamphlet.] Tom Cladpole's Jurney To Lunnun; Shewing the many Difficulties he met with, and How he got safe Home at Last. Told by himself and written in pure Wessex Doggerel, By his Uncle Tim.

'Uncle Tim' [Richard Lower (1782-1865)] ['Pure Wessex Doggerel'; Sussex dialect; Lewes]
Publication details: 
New Edition. Lewes: Printed and Published by Farncombe & Co., "East Sussex News." [Farncombe & Co., Printers, Lewes.]

34 + [1]pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, a little ruckled. Advertisement for 'Jan Cladpole's Trip to Merricur' ('Just published') on last page. A three-page preface is followed by the poem, in 152 four-line stanzas, with pp.33-34 carrying another poem titled 'Tom Cladpole's Return'. Surprisingly uncommon.

[Florida.] Printed guidebook, titled 'Into Tropical Florida. A Round Trip upon the St. Johns'.

W. B. Watson, Manager, and C. B. Fenwick, Central Passenger Agent, De Bary Merchants' Line, Florida
Publication details: 
'Issued by the Passenger Department De Bary Merchants' Line. Undated [circa 1882].

33 + [25] pp., including wraps. Stitched, in brown printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with repair to front cover. The inside cover and 24 of the last 25pp. are filled with advertisements, many of them illustrated. The volume begins with a 21-page description of 'The State of Florida' from 'Jacksonville (Duval County)' to 'Lake Monroe', with illustrationss of various views. It is followed by two pages by 'W. B. Watson, Manager' and 'C. B. Fenwick, Central Pass. Agent', headed 'A First Class Line'; a page of 'Distances to Landings on St. Johns River'; and a two-page 'Hotel List'.

['Forgery of the Commercial Bank of Scotlands Guinea Note.'] Lithographic notice in copperplate handwriting, 'given to enable the public to distinguish the forged from the genuine Notes', with illustrations.

[Commercial Bank of Scotland; George Salmond, Writer [solicitor], Glasgow [Procurator-Fiscal of Lanarkshire]; forgery]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but with reference to 'George Salmond, Writer, Glasgow'. Early nineteenth-century.

2pp., 4to. On leaf untidily torn from an album, resulting in a ragged edge with minor loss of text (a few parts of words). On aged and chipped paper.

[ohn Sewell, Clerk of the Chamber, Chamberlain's Office, Guildhall, London.] Printed handbill headed 'Instructions for taking apprentices by such freemen of the City of London, admitted by redemption without the intervention of a company.'

John Sewell (d.1866), Clerk of the Chamber, Chamberlain's Office, Guildhall, City of London
Publication details: 
Chamberlain's Office, Guildhall, London. Undated [1850s.]

Printed on one side of a piece of 23 x 19cm grey unwatermarked wove paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Attractively printed in a restrained style. Reads: 'Instructions | for taking apprentices | by such freemen of the City of London, admitted by redemption, | without the intervention of a Company. | An ACT of Common Council has been passed For facilitating the binding of Apprentices to such Freemen of the City of London as may not be free of any of the Companies of this City.

[Sir Francis Baring and H. L. Wickham.] Printed transcript of letter from Baring to Wickham, as Chairman of a 'Committee of Secrecy', inquiring into 'the recent Commercial distress', with a Wickham letter to the Bank of Scotland, signed by him.

Sir Francis Baring [Francis Thornhill Baring, 1st Baron Northbrook] (1796-1866), Whig politician; Henry Lewis Wickham, Chairman of the Board of Stamps & Taxes; The Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh
Publication details: 
Baring's Letter: Stratton, 28 December 1847. Wickham's Letter: Stamps & Taxes, London, 3 January 1848.

Both items are uniform in appearance, each 3pp., foolscap 8vo, with the texts printed in copperplate from engraved plates. Both in fair condition, on aged paper, and with loss along the spine where the two have been disbound. The reason for the printing of the two documents, as is clear from the text, is for their circulation to various banks. Baring's Letter: Facsimile signature reads '(signed) F. T. Baring', and is uniform with the copperplate text. The reason for the printing of the letter is for copies to be enclosed with Wickham's.

[The Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen.] Album compiled by Howard Fuller of Hove, filled with material (mainly Edwardian) relating to the Fisherman's Mission, including photographs, pamphlets, newspaper and magazine articles and ephemera.

The Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, London [Fishermen's Mission], British charitable organisation founded by Ebenezer Joseph Mather in 1881 [Howard Fuller of Hove; Sir Wilfred Grenfell]
Publication details: 
The Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, Bridge House, 181 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. The body of the collection dating from around 1906 to 1914, but containing items from 1938 and 1952.

Around 150 items, tipped in or laid down on 88pp. (on 59 leaves) of a 4to album. In good condition, on aged paper, with workmanlike repairs to the spine of the volume. An attractive and informative volume, gathering together material from before the Great War relating to a significant organisation in the British cultural landscape, profusely illustrated and with manuscript additions and captions.

['A Llanbrynmair Farmer'.] Printed pamphlet: 'Letters on Improvements, addressed to Landlords and Road Commissioners, with a Petition to Parliament for a Cheap Ocean Postage; and a Memorial to the Prime Minister for Franchise Reforms.'

'A Llanbrynmair Farmer' [Rev. Samuel Roberts (1800-1885), Welsh author on economic matters, and advocate of postal reform] [Royal Mail; the Post Office; postal reform; transatlantic postage]
Publication details: 
'Albion Office: Published and Sold by the Rev. S. Roberts, Llanbrynmair; and Henry Parry, Printer, Horse-market, Newtown.' 1852.

59pp., 12mo. Stitched. Front wrap present, with the title printed within an ornate border on yellow paper, and the price given as sixpence. In fair condition, on aged paper, with dog-eared corner and slight loss at foot of the worn front wrap. Two ownership inscriptions: 'David Davies his Book' on the inside wrap, and 'David Davies his Book | 1852 | Tynyfawnay Llanfair | Montgomeryshire'.

[Henry G. Bohn, bookseller and publisher.] Printed 'Catalogue of a Collection of Works on the Fine Arts, comprising Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, Treatises on Painting, Sculpture and Engraving, Lives of Artists, &c.'

Henry G. Bohn [Henry George Bohn] (1796-1884), British bookseller and publisher [Christie's, London auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, At their Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, London. [Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.] Sold on 30 March 1885 and following day.

30pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper, with a few closed tears. Full title: 'Catalogue of a Collection of Works on the Fine Arts, comprising Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, Treatises on Painting, Sculpture and Engraving, Lives of Artists, &c. Forming a Portion of the Library of that well-known Amateur Henry G. Bohn, Esq., Deceased, Late of North End House, Twickenham'. 395 lots. A few items priced in pencil, some with name of purchaser.

[Offprint of article by Dr Jules Béhier of the Beaujon Hospital.] L'Antagonisme Réciproque de l'Opium et de la Belladonne. Par M. Béhier, Médecin de l'hôpital Beaujon, professeur agrégé de la Faculté de médecine de Paris, etc.

M. Béhier [Jules Béhier (1813-1875)], Médecin de l'hôpital Beaujon, professeur agrégé de la Faculté de médecine de Paris
Publication details: 
Publications de l'Union Médicale (nouvelle série), du 5 Juillet 1859. [5 July 1859] Paris. - Typographie Félix Malteste et Ce, rue des Deux-Portes-Saint-Sauveur, 22.

8pp., 8vo. Stitched. In original plain yellow wraps. In fair condition, aged and a little worn at extremities, in stained and worn wraps. Stamp on title-page: 'HISTOLOGIE | Collège de France'. Scarce: the only copy located at the Bibliothèque Nationale.

[Robert Peake, London coach builder, father of Archibald Henry Peake, Premier of South Australia.] Printed handbill with anecdotes, a poem ('The Troubles of Lord Alphonsius Fitz Noodle'), and two jeux d'esprit.

Robert Peake, coach maker, Bloomsbury, London, born in Yorkshire in 1815, died in Australia in 1889, father of Archibald Henry Peake (1859-1920), Premier of South Australia
Publication details: 
[London. 1840s or 1850s.]

2pp., 12mo. Printed on facing pages on one side of a landscape 8vo leaf, with blank reverse. In fair condition, on aged paper, laid down on part of a leaf removed from an album. The left-hand page carries three items: 'The Confidence Trick. A scene in Oxford Street.' (a series of puns with a purpose now lost, beginning 'A stout "Nave," | Met a green "Felloe"'), 'Anecdotes of the old Coaching Days' (beginning 'Talleyrand bought a new coach, but did not pay for it.') and 'Lord Lyndhurst'. The last reads in full: 'Ordered Robert Peake to build him a Chariot. It was finished and approved of.

[Martha Sherman, wife of Rev. James Sherman.] Printed handbill notice of 'Hymns to be sung at The Funeral of Mrs. Sherman, at Abney Park Cemetery, On Thursday, May 25th, 1848.'

Martha [Patty] Sherman [née Tucker] (1806-1848), wife and helpmate of Rev. James Sherman (1796-1862), Congregationalist and abolitionist [Abney Park Cemetery, Stoke Newington]
Publication details: 
Name of printer not given. [Abney Park Cemetery, Stoke Newington, London. 25 May 1848.]

1p., 4to. Crisply printed with black border. In fair condition, on aged paper, with traces of glue from mount on reverse causing slight discoloration and ruckling. The three hymns are headed: 'After the reading of the Scriptures and Prayer.' (first line of hymn: 'WHY do we mourn departing friends'); 'At the Vault' (first line of hymn: 'UNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb,'); 'Before the Benediction' (first line of hymn: 'Farewell, dear saint, a short adieu!' No copy located on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Duplicated typescript from the International Court of Justice in the Hague, with text in both French and English.] 'Audience with the Queen of the Netherlands', including the text of a letter from the Queen to the Grand Master of the Court.

[Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (1880-1962); The International Court of Justice, The Hague]
Publication details: 
'Distr.272. | 17.3.1948.' The Hague [Netherlands], 17th March, 1948.

4pp., foolscap 8vo, on the rectos of four leaves. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The first two pages carry the French text ('C.I.J.') and the last two the English text ('I.C.J.'). One page carries instructions for the 'Audience de la Reine des Pays-Bas' ('Audience with the Queen of the Netherlands'), and the next carries an 'Annexe a Distr.272' ('Annex to Distr. 272'). The latter is a copy of a letter from Hardenbroek, Grand-Master of the Court of Her Majesty the Queen, to 'Monsieur le Président of the International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, The Hague'.

[Printed 'Agenda Buvard de la Maison des Magasins Réunis' (Parisian department store), filled with photographs, advertisements and illustrations, including twelve stylish full-page colour representations of the seasons by 'Fabiano'.]

[Maison des Magasins Réunis, Parisian department store, founded in 1866; 'Fabien Fabiano' [pen name of Jules Coup de Fréjac (1883-1962)]
Publication details: 
Maison des Magasins Réunis, Place de la République, Faubourg du Temple, Rue de Malte, Paris, France. [Paris. Imp. Henon, 11, rue Stendal. 10-12.] 1913.

4to. In red cloth binding, gilt, with the department store's logo on the front board and endpapers. In very good condition, on aged paper, with empty wallet on rear pastedown. Green cloth bookmark with printed advertisement 'pour la Toilette des Dames'. An attractively-designed volume, with a marked Art Nouveau feel, the highlight of which is the set of twelve full-page illustrations of the seasons on art paper by Fabiano.

[Victorian newspaper advertising.] Printed pamphlet, headed 'Provincial Advertisement Office. | List of Provincial Newspapers in which advertisements appear, | The weekly Circulation of which is estimated at UPWARDS OF A MILLION Copies.'

[Provincial Advertisement Office; Brown Gould & Co., 470 Oxford Street, W.C., London]
Publication details: 
With the oval blind stamp in one corner of Brown Gould & Co., 470 Oxford Street, W.C., London. '5.69', i.e. May 1869.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium on wove paper. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. 114 newspapers are listed, each with the 'Day Published', from 'Ayrshire Express | Saturday' to 'Yarmouth Independent | Saturday.' One title is added in manuscript, at the foot of the first page: 'Nottingham & Midland Counties Daily Express.' At the foot of the last page: 'Intimations of Alterations and Additions will from time to time be given. | 5.69.' Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

['Truth', Victorian satirical magazine edited by Horace Voules and owned by Henry Labouchère.] Spoof share prospectus for the flotation of 'The British Empire, Unlimited', with 'Memorandum of Association'.

[Henry Labouchère [Henry Du Pré Labouchère] (1831-1912), English politician, writer and theatre owner, proprietor of the satirical magazine 'Truth'; edited by Horace Voules; Lord Salisbury]
Publication details: 
'Supplement to "Truth" Christmas Number, December 25, 1898.' Printed by Love & Wyman, Ltd., Great Queen Street, London, W.C.

4pp., folio. Originally on a bifolium, but now with the two leaves separated and attached to a white stub from an album. In good condition, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, and trimmed at the head. Laid out in the conventional manner, With the reverse of the final leaf printed in landscape, so that the item can be folded into the customary package.

[Halifax Explosion, Nova Scotia, Canada, 6 December 1917.] Twelve postcards of scenes of devastation by the largest non-nuclear man-made explosion in history, by Underwood & Underwood of New York.

Underwood & Underwood, N.Y. [Halifax Explosion, Nova Scotia, Canada, 6 December 1917]
Publication details: 
Copyright Underwood & Underwood, N.Y. [New York.] 'Novelty Mfg. & Art Co., Limited, Montreal [Canada]'. Undated [1917 or 1918].

The largest man-made explosion before the the development of nuclear weapons, with a force equivalent to nearly 3 kilotons of TNT, occurred when the French cargo ship SS Mont-Blanc, laden with wartime munitions, collided with the Norwegian vessel SS Imo in the Narrows, a strait connecting the upper Halifax Harbour to Bedford Basin. The explosion devastated the Richmond District of Halifax, killing 2000 and injuring 9000. Each postcard carries the words 'Copyright Underwood & Underwood, N.Y.' next to the caption beneath the image, with 'Novelty Mfg.

Printed order of British Privy Council, 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846', describing 'the several duties of Customs' to be levied 'upon all goods, wares, and merchandize, imported into the district of Natal for consumption'.

William L. Bathurst [British Privy Council; Natal, South Africa; HM Customs and Excise]
Publication details: 
'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. Present, The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.'

Drop-head title: 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. | PRESENT, | The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.' 12pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1-12 and in two columns. No printer's slug. Signed in type at end 'Wm. L. Bathurst.' In fair condition, on aged paper with chips and short closed tears to central vertical fold. Spine repaired with archival tape. The first page headed in black ink manuscript 'Natal', and in red ink '144'. No other copy traced.

'A Picture Book for Country Voters. Being No. 5 of a Special General Election Issue of Picture Politics.' [Satirical supplement to the Westminster Gazette, with numerous cartoons by F. Carruthers Gould.]

F. Carruthers Gould [Francis Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), English caricaturist and political cartoonist [Picture Politics, supplement to the Westminster Gazette]
Publication details: 
No. 21. '15/7/95 [15 July 1895] Printed and Published for the Proprietor by John Marshall, at the Offices of The Westminster Gazette, Tudor-street, Whitefriars, London, E.C.'

16pp., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn newsprint with short closed tear at spine. Spoof articles ('The Secrecy of the Ballot', 'What the Villagers might make of the Parish Councils. By A Villager', 'What the Bishops tried to make of the Parish Councils', 'The Great Liberal Budget and the Wail of the Landlords', and others), with caricatures by Gould featuring Rosebery, Gladstone, Salisbury, the Archbishop of Canterbury and others. Also two full-page cartoons by Gould, titled 'The Tory Village.

[Printed pamphlet.] Beauty and the Beast. A Children's Operetta. Words by Constance E. Few. Music by Amy P. Woolley (Revised by B. Hale Wortham.)

Constance E. Few [of Shalford, Guildford]; Amy P. Woolley; B. Hale Wortham [The National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children]
Publication details: 
London: The National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 7, Harpur Street, W.C. [Wilson's Music and General Printing Co., Ltd., 67b, Turnmill St., London.] No date.

23pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged and chipped high-acidity paper with floral watermark. Elegantly letterpress printing. Priced at 6d on front cover. The third page carries an 'Index to Music', at the end of which the address in the following - 'Copies of the Music may be obtained at 7, Harpur Street, London, W.C., Price 2s.' - has been altered in manuscript to 'from Miss C. E. Few | Shalford | Guildford'. Excessively scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Presentation copy of printed pamphlet.] The University of Wales. Its past, its present, and its future. An Address delivered befoer the Cardiff Cymmrodorion Society, On November 7th, 1905, in reply to Professor Henry Jones and others.

T. Marchant Williams [Sir Thomas Marchant Williams], B.A., Stipendiary Magistrate for Merthyr-Tydfil, and Warden of the Guild of Graduates [University of Wales; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
Cardiff: Western Mail Limited, St. Mary Street. [1905.]

43pp., 12mo. Stapled. In grey printed wraps. 'With the Author's compliments' in manuscript at head of front cover. In good condition, with light age and wear, and stamp, shelfmark and red label of the Board of Education Reference Library.

Six printed items from the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, including charter and statutes, reports to the Court of Governors, prospectus, financial statement.

[University College of Wales, Aberystwyth; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
The University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Four items dating from 1916, the others from 1896-1897, 1899, 1907 and 1938.

The six items from the Board of Education Reference Library, and variously bearing its stamp, shelfmarks and red label. The collection in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: 'Brief explanatory statement to accompany the Degree Regulations of the University of Wales, and the Schemes of study in accordance therewith, submitted by the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and approved by the University for Session 1896-7.' Printed by R. Samuel, Printer, New Street, Aberystwyth. 8pp., 12mo.

Nineteen printed items from the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, including reports, prospectuses, regulations and schemes of study, studentships and scholarships.

[University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire. Seventeen of the items dating from between 1894 and 1921; the eighteenth from 1955.

The collection is in good condition, on aged and worn paper. The nineteen items all from the Board of Education Reference Library, and variously bearing its stamp, shelfmarks and red label. ONE: 'County Free Studentships and Scholarships.' Cardiff: Daniel Owen and Company, Limited, St. Mary Street. 1894. 12pp., 12mo. In grey printed wraps. TWO: 'County Free Studentships and Scholarships'. Cardiff: Daniel Owen and Company, Limited (as Item One). 1895. 12pp., 12mo. In grey printed wraps. THREE: 'Diplomas in Engineering, Mining, Metallurgy, and Mining and Metallurgy.

[Printed pamphlet.] University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Hall of Residence for Women Students. The Alexandra Hall (named by Special Permission), opened by H.R.H. Princess of Wales, 26th June, 1896. Rules and Regulations. [With application form.]

[Miss E. A. Carpenter, Lady Principal, The Alexandra Hall of Residence for Women Students, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth; Board of Education Research Library]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [University College of Wales, Aberystwyth.]

10pp., 12mo. Comprising fourteen leaves (the first three paginated to 6 and the rest unpaginated), with the central bifolium ('Fees (Exclusive of Vacations)' and perforated 'College Entrance Form') on pink paper and the rest in red. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, with stamp and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Library. Three perforated leaves, carrying the 'College Entrance Form' (as described above), 'Hall Entrance Form for Resident Women Students' and 'Entrance Certificate | To be signed by a qualified medical man.' The 'Rules and Regulations' are on pp.3-6, and include '5.

Two offprints on the Law Department, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth: 'Report of Meeting under the Presidency of Lord Justice R. Vaughan Williams [...] to promote the establishment of a Department of Law' and 'Education of Articled Clerks.'

[Lord Justice R. Vaughan Williams; University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Law Department; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
'Report' reprinted from the Cambrian News, 3 March 1899 [Aberystwyth: J. & J. Gibson, Printers, "Cambrian News" Office, Terrace Road. 1899]. 'Education of Articled Clerks' reprinted from the Welsh Gazette, 9 May 1907.

Both items from the Board of Education Reference Library, and bearing its stamp, shelfmark and red label. ONE: 'Report of Meeting under the Presidency of Lord Justice R. Vaughan Williams, held at 63, Chancery Lane, London, February 24th, 1899, to promote the establishment of a Department of Law.' 10pp., 12mo. Stapled. In grey printed wraps stamped at head 'EXHIBIT NO. 2'. Subtitled 'INFLUENTIAL MEETING IN LONDON' and giving a 'record of proceedings', with speakers including Sir Roland Vaughan Williams, Maynard Owen, A. J.

Four printed items relating to the University College of North Wales, Bangor: comprising Court of Governors minutes, statements of accounts, reports, and 'Prospectus of the Agriculturual Department' and handbill concerning the same department.

[John Edward Lloyd, Secretary and Registrar, University College of North Wales, Bangor; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
The four items from the University College of North Wales, Bangor. The Agricultural Department prospectus and handbill from 1901, the other items from 1917.

The four items from the Board of Education Reference Library, and variously bearing its stamp, shelfmarks and red label.The four in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: Set of eight documents bound together relating to the Court of Governors. 40pp., 4to. Comprising: Notice by J. E. Lloyd, 3 October 1917; list of 'Attendance of Members of Council At Meetings of Council and Committees from September 1st, 1916, to August 31st, 1917'; Minutes of 7 and 27 February, 29 March and 25 April 1917; Statement of Accounts for the Year ending June 30th, 1917.

[Printed pamphlets.] Board of Education. Memorandum on Class Instruction at Schools for Mothers.

[Janet M. Campbell; L. A. Selby-Bigge; Board of Education, London]
Publication details: 
'This Paper may be referred to as Circular 912.' London: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Eyre and Spottiswoode, Limited, East Harding Street, E.C., Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1915.

14pp., 12mo. Stitched and unbound. In very good condition, lightly aged and worn. The 'Memorandum' is by Campbell, with a 'Prefatory Note' by Selby-Bigge, dated May 1915. Divided into two main sections: 'Class Teaching on the Consultation Day' ('Health Talks' and 'Sewing Class') and 'Classes held other than on the Consultation Day' ('Mothercraft, Hygiene, &c.', 'Sewing Class', 'Cookery', '"Advanced" Classes', 'General Arrangements' and 'Teachers'). Final section on 'The Local Education Authority'.

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