[Printed pamphlet.] The Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Landed Property Agents. Report of the First General Meeting [...] 20th February, 1925, [...] and of the Inaugural Banquet [...] at The Savoy Hotel. [With mimeographed circular.]

The Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Landed Property Agents, London [Methuen A. Fluder, Secretary; Savoy Hotel]
he Incorporated Society of Auctioneers
Publication details: 
20 February 1925. Newnham, Cowell & Gripper, Ltd., 75, Chiswell St., E.C.1. [The Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Landed Property Agents, London.]
he Incorporated Society of Auctioneers

4to, 14 pp. In original brown printed wraps. Clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with one central vertical fold, and horizontal mark to blank rear wrap. The description of the 'First General Meeting' covers the first three pages, with the report of the 'Inaugural Banquet' on the next four. On the last seven pages are the 'Report of Council (Presented by Mr. E. K. House.)' No copy at the British Library or on COPAC. The mimeographed circular (4to, 1 p), dated 9 March 1925, is a covering letter with a facsimile of Fluder's signature.

[printed pamphlet] The Edinburgh Annual Register from 1808 to 1823

[Sir Walter Scott; Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson; The Edinburgh Annual Register]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, [1823]

12mo, 14pp, disbound, first leaf detached, good condition. Text clear and complete. In which the publishers outline their (historical) policy and ambitions for the various aspects of the periodical, and provide an Index by volume and subject. Sir Walter Scott took an almost proprietorial interest in this periodical. Scarce: COPAC lists NLS copy only (16pp).

[Printed pamphlet.] Catalogue of the Westbury Charities. 1896.

[The Westbury Charities] [J. E. Severne, Chairman; R. D. Bromley, Vice-Chairman; W. R. Croft, Clerk; of the Parish Council of Westbury]
Catalogue of the Westbury Charities
Publication details: 
Shrewsbury: W. G. Napier, Printer. 1896.
Catalogue of the Westbury Charities

12mo, 8 pp. Stapled. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged paper and in spotted wraps.

[Pamphlet printed at Canterbury College of Art.] The Garden of Pleasure. Translated from "La Maison Rustique" by Charles Estienne, 1572. With linocuts by Jessie Kennett.

Charles Estienne [Jessie Kennett, illustrator; Canterbury College of Art]
Charles Estienne [Jessie Kennett, illustrator; Canterbury College of Art]
Publication details: 
Canterbury College of Art, 1949.
Charles Estienne [Jessie Kennett, illustrator; Canterbury College of Art]

Small 4to, 4 pp. Stitched. In original brown and black decorative wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A pretty piece of printing, with the title-page printed in light blue and black, and the vignette on illustration on the reverse of the title leaf in the same light blue. The text covers two pages. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[Printed trade card for Folkard & Son (G. E. Mann), Jewellers, 355 Oxford Street, London, illustrated with 'The Connoisseur Chart of China Marks' and featuring a poem on 'Birth Stones'.]

Folkard & Son (G. E. Mann), jewellers, Oxford Street, London [trade cards]
Printed trade card for Folkard & Son
Publication details: 
Undated [early twentieth century]. Folkard & Son, London.
Printed trade card for Folkard & Son

12mo, 2 pp. Printed on thin card. Fair: aged and worn. The front of the card gives contact details, including phone number, for the firm, which is stated to have been 'Est[ablishe]d. in the Reign of King George III, 1814'. Its goods are listed as 'Jewellery, Gold and Silver Boxes, Diamonds, Pearls, Emeralds, etc.

Three printed reports of meetings held at the Council House, Chichester, of the West Sussex branch of the British 'War Agricultural Committee' (two from 1915 and one from 1916) and one report from the 'War Agricultural Executive Committee'.

[Herbert Padwick, Chairman, War Agricultural Committee, West Sussex Branch; First World War; British farming; women and agriculture]
Publication details: 
The three 'War Agricultural Committee' reports: 16 November and 22 December 1915, and 9 February 1916. 'War Agricultural Executive Committee' report: 29 January 1917. All meetings held at the Council House, Chichester [West Sussex Committee].

All four items clear and complete, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Item One: Report of WAC meeting of 16 November 1915. Folio, 6 pp. Includes 'Reports from District Sub-Committees' and section on 'Enlistment as to Skilled Agricultural Labourers'. Also section on 'Women's County Committee'. Item Two: Report of WAC meeting of 22 December 1915. Folio, 4 pp. Sections on 'Instruction in milking to women' and 'Employment of women on farm work'. Signed in type as Chairman by Padwick. Item Three: Report of WAC meeting of 9 February 1916. Folio, 4 pp. Signed in type as Chairman by Padwick.

[Privately printed volume.] Winchester, and a few other Compositions in Prose and Verse. [by Rev. Charles Townsend, Rector of Kingston-by-Sea, Sussex]

[Charles Townsend, Rector of Kingston-by-Sea, Sussex]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed.] Winchester: James Robbins, College Street. 1835.

Townsend was a member of the Holland House circle. Two of his poems were compared favourably with Wordsworth by J. G. Lockhart. 4to, 80 pp, followed by a manuscript leaf, paginated 81 and 82, with the poems 'Sonnet, On Viewing St Paul's from Blackfriar's Bridge' and 'Sonnet | Richmond late in the Evening'. In original brown cloth boards, worn, rebacked and repaired, with 'WINCHESTER.' in gilt on front. Internally sound and tight, on aged paper. Tipped on the recto of the front free endpaper is a presentation inscription: 'With the Authors | Kind regards:- | Jany: 30th: 1837'.

[Printed British 1944 'Notice for posting' by the Baking Trade Board (England and Wales), on 'Proposal to vary minimum rates of wages for workers employed in the south western district'. [Including table of 'Proposed General Mimium Time Rates'.]

G. H. Tregear, Secretary, Baking Trade Board (England and Wales) [Office of Trade Boards; Second World War]
Printed British 1944 'Notice for posting' by the Baking Trade Board
Publication details: 
'3/44' [i.e. March 1944]. 'Issued by order of the Trade Board' [i.e. the Baking Trade Board (England and Wales)].
Printed British 1944 'Notice for posting' by the Baking Trade Board

Printed on one side of a long sheet, equivalent to two leaves of landscape 4to on top of one another. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The opening paragraph lays out the purpose of the notice: 'The Baking Trade Board (England and Wales) hereby give notice that they propose to vary for certain classes of workers in certain areas the minimum rates at present operative in the trade and set out in the Trade Board's Notices BK. (SW.) and BK. (19).

[Printed.] Wholesale Price List (5th Edition.) [...] Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers, Reproducers of Old English Staffordshire China. [Containing 'about 200 illustrations' of 'English and Oriental China' figurines.] [With letter.]

Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers, Reproducers of Old English Staffordshire China [trade catalogues; porcelain figurines]
Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers
Publication details: 
Undated [early twentieth century]. Joseph Lyons & Co., Weavers Hall, 22 Basinghall Street, London, E.C.
Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers

Catalogue: 8vo, 32 pp. Stapled. In remains of original plain red wraps. All illustrations clear and complete. In poor condition: on aged, worn paper, with several leaves and the wraps as separate leaves. Slight loss at head of first leaf. The covering letter (4to, 1 p, undated, on worn and aged paper) is a printed advertisement, on the firm's letterhead ('Established 1877'), with ten small illustrations of figurines in the margins. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia. Signed at London, the 25th of March, 1793. Published by Authority.

[King George III; Catherine II, Empress of Russia; peace treaty of 1793]
Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Edward Johnston, in Warwick-Lane. 1793.
Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the Empress of Russia

4to, 8 pp. Stitched. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with dog-eared corner. In original blue plain wraps. In double column, with the French and English texts in parallel. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at the British Library.

[Printed.] Rapport Général fait a Mr. le Maire de Gand, Chambellan de sa Masjesté, par les Commissaires chargés des secours extraordinaires, accordés aux Indigens de cette Ville, depuis le commencement du mois de Decembre 1816 jusqu'au 2 Août 1817.

C. Dellafaille; P. J. De Smedt, Commissaires de la Ville de Gand [Ghent]
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (
Publication details: 
A Gand, Chez C. J. Fernand, Imprimeur de la Régence, Place du Lion d'or. [1817.]
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (

8vo, 15 pp. Disbound. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The opening paragraph makes clear the theme: 'Les pluies continuelles venaient d'enlever au cultivateur ses plus chères espérances; la récolte avait entièrement manquée, et ce désastre était commun à presque toute l'Europe: dèslors il fut facile de prévoir les malheurs qui affligeraient le continent et particulièrement la classe pauvre et sans travail jusqu'à la récolte prochaine.' Scarce.

[Printed] Copy of a Letter addressed to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department by the General Board of Health, Dated 20th July 1854; with a Digest of the Information [...] with regard to [...] Inventions for the Consumption of Smoke

General Board of Health, Whitehall [Tom Taylor, secretary; Inventions for the Consumption of Smoke; Victorian pollution]
Inventions for the Consumption of Smoke
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1855.
Inventions for the Consumption of Smoke

Folio, 29 + [i] pp. Disbound. Text complete and clear. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Faint accession stamp at head of title. 'In accordance with the request of Viscount Palmerston, conveyed in Mr. Fitzroy's letter of the 31st day of October 1853, the Board have instituted very extensive inquiries among those acquainted with the means for the prevention of smoke, a great part of the evidence thus received being given in abstract in the Appendix to this Report.' The appendix runs from p. 11 to p. 29. Scarce: the only individual copy on COPAC at Southampton.

[Printed offprint pamphlet relating to the American President George Washington.] A Washington Token. By William C. Wells. Reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal.

William C. Wells [President George Washington; numismatics]
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.
Publication details: 
London: Harrison and Sons, St Martin's Lane, W.C. 1915.
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.

4to, 7 pp. In original printed wraps. Fair, with an unobtrusive closed tear to the title leaf. The purpose of the article is to explain the relationship between John Washington, the issuer of the token the article describes, and the first American president. Both sides of the token are illustrated on the front page. The last page carries a family tree of 'The Washingtons of Northamptonshire, Sussex and Virginia'. The only copy of this offcut on COPAC is at the British Library.

[Printed House of Commons Select Committee report into the Calthorpe Street Riot, London, 1833.] Report from Select Committee on Cold Bath Fields Meeting: with the Minutes of Evidence.

House of Commons Select Committee report into the Cold Bath Fields Meeting [Calthorpe Street Riot, London], 1833
Publication details: 
London, 1833. ['Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 23 August 1833.']


[Printed House of Commons report into London police offices, 1837] Report from the select committee on Metropolis Police Offices; with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index.

House of Commons Select Committee report on Metropolis Police Offices [London policing], 1837 [Edward Gibbon Wakefield]
Publication details: 
London, 1837. ['Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 29 June 1837.']


[Printed House of Commons report, 1833.] Report from the Select Committee on Metropolitan Police.

House of Commons Select Committee Report on Metropolitan Police, 1833
Publication details: 
London, 1833. ['Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 16 August 1833.']


[Printed House of Commons report into policing in London, 1822] Report from the Select Committee on the Police of The Metropolis.

House of Commons Select Committee report on police of the metropolis [London policing], 1822
Publication details: 
London, 1822. ['Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 17 June 1822.']


[Printed House of Commons Select Committee report on policing in London, 1812] Report on the Nightly Watch and Police of the Metropolis

House of Commons Select Committee report on the nightly watch and police of the metropolis [London policing], 1812
Publication details: 
London, 1812. ['Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 24 March 1812.']


[Printed paper] Studies on the Mouth Parts and Sucking Apparatus of the Blood-Sucking Diptera. No. 4. The Comparative Anatomy of the Proboscis in the Blood-Sucking Muscidae. By Captain F. W. Cragg, M.D., I.M.S., King Institute of Preventive Medicine.

Captain F. W. Cragg [Francis William Cragg (1882-1924)], M.B., I.M.S.
Publication details: 
Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India. 1913. [Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. New Series. No. 60.]


[Printed paper] Snake-Venoms in relation to Haemolysis. By Captain George Lamb, M.D., I.M.S.

Captain George Lamb (1869-1911), M.D., I.M.S.
Publication details: 
Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India. 1905. [Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. New Series. No. 17.]


[Printed House of Commons report into policing in London, 1838.] Report from Select Committee on Metropolitan Police Offices; With the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index.

House of Commons Select Committee report into Metropolis Police Offices [London policing], 1838
Publication details: 
London, 1838. ['(Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed, 11 July 1838.']


[First issue of a printed periodical.] The Law Clerk.

[The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant, Edwardian English periodical]
The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant
Publication details: 
Vol. I. No. I. March, 1906. [For the proprietors: - Printed by F. HEARN, 113, Leyton High Road, Stratford, in the County of Essex, and Published by S. ENGLEMAN, 61, Fore Street, Moorgate Street, in the City of London.
The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant

4to, [ii] + 12 + [ii] pp [i.e. 16 pp in toto]. Prelims paginated I-IV. Boasting of being 'the first Journal to be devoted exclusively to the interests of legal assistants'. Containing some light-hearted matter, including 'Office Yarns. No. I - The Firm and the Feminine', 'Relevant Irrelevancies', but also with reviews ('The Law Book-Worm') and columns containing useful information ('Municipal Mems', 'Practice').

[Printed Victorian botanical handbill advertisement.] American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings, Kittatinny Variety. Imported by D. C. Lowber, 35, Chapel Walks, Liverpool. [Including text on 'THE AMERICAN BLACKBERRY.']

D. C. Lowber [originally of New Orleans], Liverpool Merchant [American Blackberries, Kittatinny Variety; botanical ephemera]
American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings
Publication details: 
[Circa 1875.] D. C. Lowber, 35, Chapel Walks, Liverpool.
American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Attractive engraving of a blackberry cutting. The second page is headed 'THE AMERICAN BLACKBERRY', and begins 'There is scarcely a more wholesome fruit than this, and one that has been more improved by judicious cultivation on the American side of the water.' The text, which continues to the last page and is signed in type by Lowber, contains two quotations from 'Rev. E. P. Roe, one of the most celebrated small fruit culturists on the banks of the Hudson'. In manuscript at foot of third page: '15/- per doz.

[Printed handbill libretto.] The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata. With Solos, Choruses, and Incidental Music, Composed expressly for the Royal Aquarium, by Mr. George Fox. The Juvenile Troupe, Under the Direction of Mr. J. E. Nolan.

George Fox [The Juvenile Troupe; J. E. Nolan; The Royal Aquarium and Winter Garden, London; Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street]
The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata
Publication details: 
[Circa 1880.] 'The Music Published by Messrs Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street, Regent Street'.
The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata

Small 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on browned high-acidity paper. Neat strip of stub from mounting in album still adhering to inner margin of verso of second leaf. Headed 'Words.' All but first chorus in double-column. A mixture of the original 'House that Jack built' with 'Jack and Jill'. Begins with 'Chorus. - "This is the house that Jack built."', the first lines of which are 'Our labours are done, our recompense won, | And anger has been on no back spilt, | So now with one voice we'll laugh and rejoice | As this is the house that Jack built.' Characters are: Mr.

Archaeologia Aeliana: or, Miscellaneous Tracts, relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries, of Newcastle upon Tyne. [Bound up by Rev. Joseph Cook of Newton Hall, with six significant manuscript and printed items.]

Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne [Rev. Joseph Cook (1759-1844) of Newton Hall, Northumberland, Vicar of Chatton and Shilbottle; James Losh (1753-1833)]
Publication details: 
All volumes printed in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Volumes I and II: 1832. Printed by Sarah Hodgson, Union-Street. Volume III, parts I and II: 1840. T. and J. Hodgson, Union Street. Volume IV, part II: 1842. Printed by G. Bouchier Richardson.

A total of six parts: Vols I and II complete in leather bindings; the rest (vol. III, pts I & II, and vol. IV, pt II, only) in original grey wraps with white paper printed labels. From the collection of the Rev. Joseph S. Cook, and with his bookplate by Bewick's studio (featuring his coat of arms, an illustration of Newton Hall, and a facsimile of his signature) in the first two volumes, and his ownership inscription to the two parts of vol. III. (Cook contributes a paper to the first volume.) Internally all parts are sound and tight, on lightly-aged paper.

[Printed pamphlet] The List of The Royal Society. MDCCLXXXI. [1781]

The Royal Society [List of officers and members, 1781.]
The List of The Royal Society. MDCCLXXXI. [1781]
Publication details: 
1781. The Royal Society. [Printer not stated.]
The List of The Royal Society. MDCCLXXXI. [1781]

4to, [16] pp. Drophead title. Disbound and with some leaves loose. Text clear and complete. On aged paper. From Patron King George III and President Sir Joseph Banks to the last of the 'Foreign Members' 'D. Eustatius Zanotti, Astronom. Bonon.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at the British Library.

[Printed illustrated handbill advertisement] A Graunde Fantesie Fayre schal be holden in a Marketynge Plaice in Ye Halles of Assemblie, or Jarratt Streete Roomes, situate in ye pleasaunte toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull.

[Christopher Sykes; Kingston-upon-Hull; M. C. Peck and Son; George Falkner and Sons, Manchester
Publication details: 
1881. 'Imprynted for Maister M. C. Peck and hys Sonne, in ye Market Gate, Number 10, in ye antiente toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull, by Maister George Falkner and hys Sonnes, of Manchester.'

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in brown on watermarked laid paper. Fair, on aged paper. An exercise in Wardour Street English, foreshadowing in some respects the Leadenhall Press with its mish-mash of fonts and point sizes, and its antiquated decorative rules. The fair will be opened by 'Maister Christophere Sykes, Member of Parlymente for ye East Ryding of ye Countie of Yorkshire'. Names of the great and good expected to attend. Vignettes of a tudor fair, three medieval women, two jousting knights, a posy, chairmen, two men in eighteenth-century garb, a dinner table.

[Printed handbill] Metropolitian Borough of St. Pancras. Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties the King and Queen. [King George V and Queen Mary.]

C. H. F. Barrett [Town Clerk, Metropolitan Borough of St. Pancras, London] [King George V and Queen Mary]
Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties
Publication details: 
London: 1911.
Celebration in St. Pancras of the Coronation of their Majesties

4to, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Specifically addressed to the 'District Committee for Ward 6. Comprising the Oakley Square and Ossulston Districts'. Summoning the recipient to the town hall, to deal with an 'Agenda' of six numbered points. Facsimile of the signature of Barrett, who is styled 'Honorary Secretary to the Central Executive Committee.' No copy on COPAC or in the British Library.

[Printed item a black and white steel engraving by John Thompson, from a design by W. Harvey, described by Buday as a candidate for 'The First Christmas Card']

John Thompson; W. Harvey; Allan Cunningham
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers
Publication details: 
London: John Sharpe, 1829.
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers

8vo, 1 p. Image clear on aged paper, with the leaf loosely attached to the letterpress title of the work whence it comes (see below), that title being laid down in a folder with a window cut into the front for viewing the card through. The dimensions of the engraved illustration are roughly 12.5 x 8 cm, with the main feature of the elaborate design being contained in a circle 8 cm in diameter.

Printed prospectus, with separate leaves of testimonials and illustration, for shares in 'The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited

The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [the Perry Green Gardiner Patent Elliptic and Sprial Spring; Victorian locomotives; nineteenth-century railways]
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [
Publication details: 
London: 1876.
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [

The prospectus is folio, 3 pp, in a bifolium. Loosely inserted is a folio leaf, with the testimonials printed on one side, and a quarto leaf with four engraved illustrations: two of wheels under carriages, and two showing details of the springs on those wheels. The three items are on aged paper, with the illustrated leaf in good condition, and the other two items with chipping and closed tears. The texts and illustrations of all three items are clear and complete, apart from some loss to a footnote to the testimonials, caused by the page being printed too low on the leaf..

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