
[ Sir Allan Wolsey Cardinall. ] Printed bibliography: 'A Gold Coast Library by A. W. Cardinall, F.R.G.S., F.R.A.I., Author of "Natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast."'

A. W. Cardinall, F.R.G.S., F.R.A.I. [ Sir Allan Wolsey Cardinall (1887-1956); the Gold Coast; Ghana; Africa; African ]
Publication details: 
Francis Edwards, 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W.1. 1924.

36pp., 12mo. Stapled in grey printed wraps. On worn and aged paper. A list of 791 titles, with commentary and index. In an introductory paragraph Cardinall explains that as 'the Gold Coast is merely a conventional term for a portion of Western Africa which belongs to the British Crown, and has no definite boundaries save arbitrary ones of European agreement', it is 'impossible to confine oneself to works dealing exclusively with that portion of the world which we know as the Gold Coast.

[ L. A. G. Strong, British author. ] 24 Signed Letters (5 of them in Autograph and 19 Typed) to Margaret Greenwood, mainly regarding her efforts to adapt his books for film. With copies of 26 letters from her to him.

L. A. G. Strong [ Leonard Alfred George Strong ] (1896-1958), author, poet and publisher (Methuen & Co., London) [ Margaret Greenwood ]
Publication details: 
Strong's 24 letters between 1946 and 1952, on letterheads of Shortfield House, Frensham, Surrey (21); Salterns, Eashing, Godalming, Surrey (1); Methuen & Co. Ltd, London (1). Greenwood writing from Bexley Heath, Kent.

A total of 50 items, all but the three earliest of Strong's letters held together with a brass stud. The collection in good overall condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Strong's 24 letters total 37pp., with the early letters signed 'L A G Strong' and the later ones 'Leonard', and occasional variant signatures in between ('Leonard Strong', 'LAGS'). The copies of Greenwood's 26 letters (two in autograph, the rest typed) total 32pp. An interesting correspondence, in which Strong responds with tact and patience to his inexperienced correspondent's proposals and actions.

[ Anthony Berkeley Cox, crime writer. ] Eleven Typed Letters Signed (nine 'Francis Iles' and two 'A. B. Cox') and one Typed Postcard Signed to Margaret Greenwood, on her wish to adapt 'Malice Aforethought' for film, with copies of her letters to him.

Anthony Berkeley Cox (1893-1971), British crime writer under the pseudonyms 'Francis Iles', 'Anthony Berkeley', and 'A. Monmouth Platts', best-known for 'Malice Aforethought' [ Margaret Greenwood ]
Publication details: 
Nine on letterheads of 86 Hamilton Terrace, NW8 [ London ]; and two on letterheads of Linton Hills, Welcombe, Bude. Between 8 June 1949 and 13 July 1950.

A total of 30 items. Cox's eleven letters total 16pp., and Greenwood's eighteen letters total 28pp. (several written on drafts of pages of her writing). In good condition, lightly aged, held together with a brass stud. An amusing correspondence, with Cox responding with amused bewilderment to the inexperienced approaches of his enthusiastic correspondent. Greenwood – who writes from 15 Horsham Road, Bexleyheath, Kent – is something of a bluffer.

[ Russian text; medical; Kiev ] Photographic album of the graduation of the pediatrician Doctor L. M. Shuster from the A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev, of the Medical Institute of the Ukraine.

[Doctor L. M. Shuster; A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev, of the Medical Institute of the Ukraine]
Publication details: 
A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev, of the Medical Institute of the Ukraine. 112th Graduation of Pediatric Faculty Doctors, 1950-1956.

Landscape 8vo album, containing eighteen leaves in embossed light-green card, each carrying a 17.5 x 23.5 cm black and white photograph. In embossed brown waxed imitation-leather cloth. Lightly-aged but good. The first photograph is of Shuster, and this is followed by three photographs each carrying numerous portraits of tutors, the rest of the photographs each carrying a portraits of a number of students, superimposed over images of Kiev, and of the students on their courses. A few photographs carry texts in Russian by Russian leaders.

[ Printed item in publisher's cloth. ] Doctor Grattan. A Novel.

William A. Hammond, Author of "Lal." [ William Alexander Hammond (1828-1900), Surgeon General of the United States Army during the American Civil War ]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street. 1885.

417pp., 8vo. A fair copy, on lightly aged paper, a little loose in worn publisher's brown cloth binding, with gilt title on spine and decorative cross on front board, and green patterned endpapers. Blind stamp of the W. H. Smith Library, Strand, to front free endpaper. According to Hammond's biographer Bonnie Ellen Blustein, 'The complex plot of Doctor Grattan revolved around the relation of insanity to neurological impairment, and touched on the subjects of neuralgia, headache, kleptomania, and delusions.' This English edition of Hammond's book is now uncommon.

[ Edward Askew Sothern, English actor. ] Autograph Signature ('E. A. Sothern | Haymarket Theatre.') on part of letter.

E. A. Sothern [ Edward Askew Sothern ] (1826-1881), English actor, best-known for playing Lord Dundreary in 'Our American Cousin'
Publication details: 
Haymarket Theatre [ London ]. Undated.

On one side of 6 x 10 cm piece cut from the end of a letter. In fair condition, aged, ruckled and a little faded. Reads: '<...> kindly pass | Very soon | If convenient | & oblige - | E. A. Sothern | Haymarket Theatre.'

[ James Augustus Hessey, cleric and educationalist. ] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('J A Hessey, D. C. L. | Archdeacon of Middlesex, | (late) Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School.') to 'the Governors of Bath College', for Rev. Robert Hutchison.

J. A. Hessey [ James Augustus Hessey ] (1814-1892), Archdeacon of Middlesex and Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford; Bath College ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 41 Leinster Gardens, Hyde Park, W. [ London ] 12 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An approving testimonial, closely and neatly written over thirty lines, beginning: 'The Rev: Robert Hutchison, M.A. was educated by me at Merchant Taylors' School, and, after having reached the distinguished rank of Fifth Monitor, (or Fifth in the whole School,) was sent up by me to Oxford, and obtained by competition an open Scholarship at Exeter College.

[ C. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology.'), confirming that Robert Hutchison of Exeter College has attended his lectures.

C. A. Ogilvie [ Charles Atmore Ogilvie ] (1793-1873), Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
'Ch. Ch. [ Christ Church ] Oxford, March 23rd, 1868.'

On one side of a 7 x 20 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Reads: 'I certify that Robert Hutchison, Scholar of Exeter College, attended my Course of Lectures of the Lent Term, 1868: | Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology. | Ch. Ch. | Oxford, | March 23rd, 1868.'

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee (British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem), ] Printed 'Certificate of Enrolment in a Voluntary Aid Detachment and Permit to wear the Uniform', signed by two officers (Henry Gandy and John Mason MD).

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee, London; British Red Cross Society; The Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower; Henry Gandy; John Mason, M.D. ]
Publication details: 
Headed: 'J. V. A. D. 24. | Joint V.A.D. Committee. | The Territorial Force Association. | The British Red Cross Society. | The Order of St. John of Jerusalem.' [ 83 Pall Mall, London. ] Dated 1 November 1916.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. A scarce piece of First World War ephemera, on creased and aged paper. The certificate has been made out in order to enroll 'Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower' into 'Detachment [8] in the County of [Westmorland]', but has not been signed by her. The first page carries the conditions of use, the second a declaration by the signatory, and the third the permit itself, with facsimile signatures of Arthur Stanley, Chairman, and Louis Pearson, Hon. Secretary, and the actual signatures of Henry Gandy, County Director, and John Mason M.D, Commandant.

Large handbill of specimens, one side with seventeen copperplate and zincographic engravings, the other with twelve letterheads under the heading 'Series A. PIerced Designs Engraved in Copperplate Style, at 1/20th of the Cost.'

W. A. Day, printer, of 25 South John Street, Liverpool. [Victorian printing; zincography]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: W. A. Day, 25 South John Street. Undated [1880s?].

A scarce piece of Liverpool printing ephemera. Dimensions approximately 63 x 51 cm. Both sides printed in light blue. Text and illustrations complete. In need of expert cleaning and repair: grubby and stained, with chipping to extremities and some closed tears. At the head of the one side is the masthead of 'The Employment Exchange | Edited by Charles H. Megson' ('The only recognized medium for speedy Employment. Absolutely without rival.') with illustrations of figures at work.

[ Sir John Simon, Lord Chancellor. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed, two Typed Letters Signed (variously 'John Simon' and 'J. A. Simon'), and one Autograph Note Signed ('J. A. Simon') to Sir Robert Ernest Dummett, on legal and political matters.

Sir John Simon [ Sir J. A. Simon; John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ] (1873-1954), Lord Chancellor, Liberal politician and lawyer [ Sir Robert Ernest Dummett (1872-1941) ]
Publication details: 
Two on letterheads of the Solicitor General, two from 57 Kensington Court, London, one from 4 Brick Court, Temple, one from All Souls College, Oxford. Between 1900 and 1912.

The collection in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: ANS ('J. A. Simon'). 17 January 1908. 1p., 12mo. From 4 Brick Court, Temple. Giving notice that he is that day 'applying to the Lord Chancellor for silk'. Accompanied by an undated Autograph Memorandum by Frederick Allan Wilshire (1868-1944), Recorder of Bridgwater, stating that it is 'of particular interest. When a Barrister applies for silk he has to write a similar letter to this to all members of the circuit who are his senior. | Simon recommended me to the King for the Recordership of Bridgwater. | F. A. W.' TWO: ALS ('J. A.

[ Printed item. ] Circular for the First Edition Club, London, by 'A. J. A. Symons, Secretary', inviting publishers to submit books to be included in 'the Fifty Books of the Year', and giving the criteria.

The First Edition Club, London, founded by A. J. A. Symons [ Alphonse James Albert Symons ] (1900-1941) [ Curwen Press? ] [ William Foyle ]
Publication details: 
The First Edition Club, 6 Little Russell Street, London. [ Printed by the Curwen Press? ] [ Between 1922 and 1931. ]

1p., 4to. Nicely printed (by the Curwen Press?) on watermarked laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. A nice piece of First Edition Club ephemera. The year to which the circular relates is meant to be added in manuscript, but has not been. Begins: 'The Committee appointed to choose the Fifty Books of the Year for [blank] will be grateful if, at your early convenience, you will submit such of your publications as seem to you most likely to be selected. I may perhaps remind you that the criteria by which judgment is made are | 1. TYPOGRAPHICAL DESIGN | 2. PAPER | 3. BINDING | 4.

[ E. A. Smith of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Edgar A. Smith') to fellow-malacologist Rudolph Bergh of Copenhagen.

E. A. Smith [ Edgar Albert Smith ] (1847-1916) of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist [ Ludvig Sophus Rudolph Bergh (1824-1909), Danish physician and malacologist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London. 11 May 1905.

In good condition, with stamp and postmarks. Addressed to 'Dr Rudolf [sic] Bergh | 6 Malmogade | Copenhagen | Denmark'. Reads: 'Dear Sir, | I have no record of any account of the soft parts of Amathina tricostata since the time of H. & A. Adams. I remember your visit to us many many years ago. With kind regards | Yours v. truly | Edgar A. Smith'.

[ E. A. Smith of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed to H. J. V. Lynge of Copenhagen

E. A. Smith [ Edgar Albert Smith ] (1847-1916) of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist [ Herman Johannes Vilhelm Lynge (1862-1945), Danish antiquarian bookseller and zoologist ]
Publication details: 
Five on letterheads of the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London. Between 1903 and 1910.

The seven items in good condition, showing light signs of age and wear. Four signed 'Edgar A. Smith' and three 'E. A. Smith'. The letters totalling 10pp. A learned correspondence, with Smith attempting, not always successfully, to identify Lynge's specimens, passing comment and suggesting publications.

[ A. J. Hall and Dr. James Stewart. ] Autograph Note Signed [ to Dr James Stewart ] by the Irish singer A. J. Hall, with biographical 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua")'.

A. J. Hall, Irish singer [ Dr James Stewart ('Sheamus Rua') of the Irish Medical Schools' and Graduates' Association ]
Publication details: 
Note on letterhead of the Junior Athenaeum Club, 116 Piccadilly [ London ]. 18 November [ circa 1898 ]. Stewart's memorandum undated.

The note and memo are on a 12mo bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter is signed 'A. J. Hall' and addressed to 'My dear Doctor'. He explains that he would gladly visit him, 'if at liberty', but that he is 'at Wolverhampton that night with Madame Albani'. The biographical note, presumably in Stewart's autograph, is on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium, beneath the following, in red ink: 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua") Hon. Secy.

[ Frederick Andrew Inderwick, lawyer and antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. A. Inderwick') to

F. A. Inderwick [ Frederick Andrew Inderwick ] (1836-1904), divorce lawyer, antiquary and Liberal Party politician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Winchelsea, Rye, Sussex. 20 September 1894.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. He is enclosing a contract, and asks to be sent a copy of 'some work on the antiquities of the Exchequer by Mr Hall'.

[ A. C. R. Carter, editor of 'The Year's Art'. ] Two circular letters, both in the form of facsimiles of signed autograph letters,

A. C. R. Carter [ Albert Charles Robinson Carter ] (1864-1957), English journalist and collector, editor of 'The Year's Art'
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of 'The Year's Art', 34, 35, 36 Paternoster Row, London. 31 October 1916 and September 1917.

Each 1p., 12mo. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both carry the stamp and manuscript mark of the Royal Society of Arts. Convincing facsimiles of signed autograph letters. The first reads: 'In the third year of war my publishers and myself are determined to carry on "The Year's Art" without a break. | Will you, therefore, be good enough to amend the enclosed extract describing the institution in your charge, with especial reference to changed conditions. | Please notify also names (with dates of death) of any of your members or staff dying at home or abroad.

[ College of Aeronautics, Cranfield. ] 'Secret' typed thesis, with 71 diagrams, on the interception of atomic bombers, titled 'Turning Performance and Manoeuvrability of Aircraft at Supersonic Speeds by Lieutenant (E) R. A. Langley, Royal Navy'.

Lieut-Commander R. A. Langley, Royal Navy [ College of Aeronautics, Cranfield; Nuclear War; Atomic Weapons ]
Publication details: 
The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield. May 1952.

The problem with which the thesis deals is summed up at the start: 'If war broke out in the near future, attack by atomic bombers would become an immediate possibility, and one of the biggest problems would be the defence of this Island, which, with its areas of dense population, particularly around its essential industries, would present many ideal targets to the enemy. It would, therefore, be essential to destroy, or attempt to destroy, each enemy bomber before it reached the coast.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Man-Power. A Speech delivered by General Sir A. Hunter-Weston, M.P. (In the House of Commons, January 24th, 1918.)

General Sir A. Hunter-Weston, M.P.
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain by Alabaster, Passmore & Sons, Ltd., 35-47, Whitecross Street, London, E.C.1.

8pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. Aged, worn and creased. Photograph (by 'Swaine') of author in uniform on front cover, and 'Introductory Note' on p.2, beginning: 'General Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, K.C.B., D.S.O., was elected Member of Parliament for North Ayrshire last year, and he delivered his maiden speech in the debate on the Military Service Bill (Man-Power) in the House of Commons on January 24th, 1918.

[ G. A. Beale, spelling reformer. ] Two Typed Letters (one signed 'G. A. Beale', the other incomplete) to Philip Howard of The Times, on his system of spelling reform. With his booklet 'Items: The First Book Printed in Advanced English Orthography'.

G. A. Beale [ George Alexander Beale ], proprietor of the Cadenza Press, and inventor of the 'Advanced English Orthography' [ Philip Howard (1933-2014), journalist at The Times ]
Publication details: 
Booklet ('Items . Publication Number . E35 | Printed & Published by Gilbert Beale at his Cadenza Press | 19 Wellington Road, London W5', and consisting of 'About 100 copies'. The two letters from the same address. All three items dating from 1989.

The three items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Booklet: [2] + iv + 29 + [2]pp., 8vo. With fold-out table at front. Nicely printed in green paper wraps with white label printed in red and black. According to the colophon 'The type is 14 point Monotype Bembo 270 augmented by 7 newly designd characters engraved by Ludlow Ltd Hertford | About 100 copies impressed on Archive Text paper in September 1989'.

[ A. J. Webbe, England cricketer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A J Webbe.') to 'My dear Crawfurd' [ the Irish cricketer John Crawfurd ], regarding rain at Lord's, an exciting match, and 'all the trouble' Crawfurd has had.

A. J. Webbe [ Alexander Josiah Webbe ] (1855-1941), English test cricketer and Middlesex captain [ John Crawfurd [ John William Frederick Arthur Crawfurd ] (1878-1939), Irish cricketer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 35 Eaton Square, S.W. [ London ] 16 July 1909.

2pp., 16mo. In good condition. He is 'due at Woolwich the moment the rain stops as we have a day's match there today & tomorrow, but I don't suppose that you will be at Lords the ground must be under water.' He 'couldn't come out of the boys' room on Friday, the cricket was too exciting for words & it was cruel that we could not win'.

[ Andrew Varick Stout Anthony, American wood engraver. ] Autograph Note Signed ('A. V. S. Anthony') to W. E. Ambler.

A. V. S. Anthony [ Andrew Varick Stout Anthony ] (1835-1906), American wood engraver
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the St Botolph Club, 2 Newbury Street, Boston. 8 January 1889.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Dear Sir: | I have nothing at present except some note book sketches, otherwise I should be pleased to acceed to your request. | Yours truly | A. V. S. Anthony'.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Winning Plans of the European Peace Awards | Offered in the British Empire, France, Italy, and Germany for "The best practical proposals for restoring peace and prosperity in each of those countries [...].

Edward A. Filene, foreword; Alice La Mazière, introductory note [ European Peace Awards; British Peace Award; Albert Mansbridge ]
Publication details: 
The European Peace Awards. 'Rouffe, Imp., Paris'. [ 1924. ] 'Additional copies of this pamphlet can be obtained for 1 sh. per copy, post free, on application to: Dr. Albert Mansbridge c/o British Peace Award, 13 John Street, Adelphi, London W.C.2.'

Full title: 'The Winning Plans of the European Peace Awards | Offered in the British Empire, France, Italy, and Germany for "The best practical proposals for restoring peace and prosperity in each of those countries through international co-operation"'. 180pp. Dimensions of pamphlet 19.5 x 9 cm. Three copies on COPAC: at Birmingham, the British Library, and Senate House. Nicely printed by Rouffe of Paris, with separate sections on the British, French, German and Italian Peace Awards, with an 'Annex' on the American Peace Award.

[ Three First World War printed pamphlets issued by the National War Aims Committee, London. ] 'Wilson's Message | The Conditions of Peace', 'Balfour's Message | The Obstacles of Peace' and 'Lloyd George's Message | Looking Forward.'

[ National War Aims Committee, London ] [ Woodrow Wilson; A. J. Balfour; David Lloyd George ]
Publication details: 
Nos. 3, 5 and 6 in the 'Message Series'. National War Aims Committee. Copies from W. H. Smith & Son, London; John Menzies & Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. [ All three from 1918. ]

The three items are uniform in layout with silhouette portraits of the authors on the covers, and measure 14.5 x 8 cm. All three in fair condition, aged and worn. NO. 3, 'Wilson's Message': [8]pp. Stitched in printed covers. 'President Wilson at Washington's Tomb, Mount Vernon, on Independence Day, July 4, 1918.' NO.5, 'Balfour's Message': [16]pp. Stapled in printed covers. 'Substance of a Speech delivered by the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P., Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in the House of Commons, August 8, 1918.' NO.6, 'Lloyd George's Message': [1] + 14 + [1]pp. Stapled.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Rev. Alex. Webster's Reply to the "Vivisecting" of "My Pilgrimage from Calvinism to Unitarianism," By H. A. Long.

Rev. Alexander Webster of Kilmarnock [ H. A. Long ]
Publication details: 
Kilmarnock: The Author, andn Booksellers. Glasgow: W. & R. Holmes, Dunlop Street. Aberdeen: A. Martin, George Street. [ J. Smith, Printer, Portland St., Kilmarnock. ] Undated [ October 1893 ].

22 + [2]pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. The reverse of the title (p.2) carries an advertisement for Webster's book. There is a preface on pp.3-4, dated to October 1893, and addressed by Webster from 41 Dean Street, Kilmarnock. The preface begins: 'Knowing that Mr.

[ The Patent Office, London. ] Signatures of 44 members of staff to manuscript calligraphic testimonial, in black, red and gold, paying tribute on his retirement 'To Ralph Griffin, Esq., F.S.A., Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks.'

[ Ralph Hare Griffin (1854-1941), Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks at the Patent Office, London, and Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries ] [ A. E. Housman; St John's College, Cambridge ]
Publication details: 
[ The Patent Office, London. ] 31 December 1919.

2pp., on bifolium with leaf dimensions 36.5 x 28 cm. On thick wove paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. The attractive calligraphic testimonial is on the recto of the first leaf, and is laid out in a sort of modified Gothic script, with initial capitals in red and gold. It is headed in large script 'To Ralph Griffin, Esq., F.S.A., | Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks.', with the date at the foot.

[ A. E. Glennie, computer pioneer. ] Article titled 'A. E. Glennie describes Electronic Computers' in 'AWRE News | The Journal of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment'. With photographs of the IBM 7090 at Aldermaston.

A. E. Glennie [ Alick Edwards Glennie ] (1925-2003), British computer scientist, developer of Autocode, colleague of Alan Turing [ Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, RAF Aldermaston ]
Publication details: 
A.W.R.E. News, vol. 8 no. 5. March 1961.

44pp., 4to. Stapled. The complete magazine, in printed wraps with green masthead, on shiny art paper, with attractive 'modern' layout and numerous illustrations. Incongruous image on cover of girl and lamb. Glennie's article is on four pages, with a photograph of the author accompanied by a brief biography (ending 'He came to Aldermaston in 1955 and is now in S.S.C.M.') and three photographs of the 'IBM 7090 Electronic Data Processing Machine', one of them small, and the other two each half-page, and accompanied by a lengthy caption.

[ Sir A. J. B. Beresford-Hope, Tory politician and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A J B Beresford Hope') to W. de Boinville, thanking him for uncovering information about the poet Christopher Smart.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope [ Alexander Hope; A. J. B. Hope; A. J. B. Beresford Hope ] (1820-1887), Tory politician and author
Publication details: 
Bedgebury Park, Cranbrook [ Kent ]. 4 February 1858.

3pp., 12mo. Writing in a difficult hand, he thanks him for his very curious & interesting letter respecting Chr. Smart, of whose birthplace I had been previously ignorant, tho' his name was not unknown to me in connection with Horace'.

[ Catholic Film Institute, London. ] Hon. Secretary's Report, 1949, and Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 30th June, 1949.

Rev. John A. V. Burke, Hon. Sec., Catholic Film Institute, London
Publication details: 
[ Catholic Film Institute, London. ] 1949. [ Carey & Claridge, Printers, 253 Fulham Road, Chelsea, S.W.3. ]

Stapled printed pamphlet. 11 + [1]pp., 16mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper with rusted staples. A page of officers, headed by the Archbishop of Westminster as President, and Rt Rev. Abbot Upson as Vice-President, is followed by Burke's five-page report, and then three pages of balance sheets for the organisation, 'Focus', general funds, 'Penny-a-Day' Fund, and 'Fatima' Fund. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ London bookseller's trade card. ] Unusual and attractive trade card of M. A. Harvey, 'Book & Printseller', with handcoloured engraving of three youngsters looking at his name and address, which are placed on an easel.

M. A. Harvey, Book & Printseller, 11 Red Lion Passage, Red Lion Street, Holborn, London
Publication details: 
M. A. Harvey, 11 Red Lion Passage, Red Lion Street, Holborn [ London ]. No date [ 1920s? ]

On one side of 7 x 11 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly-aged. An unusual and attractive piece of London booktrade ephemera. The whole design, including the text, is engraved, and is in the style of a children's book illustration. With the text represented on a piece of board placed on an easel, around which three children crowd. On the left is a girl in a red dress, with yellow bonnet and umbrella, beside her is a louche individual in a yellow and orange checked suit, and to the right is a zouave, with red hat, holding a paintbrush and palette.

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