[ French nineteenth-century provincial general bookseller's catalogue. ] Catalogue des Livres Anciens et Modernes, Français et Étrangers.

J. Frère, l'ainé, Rouen bookseller
Publication details: 
Qui se trouvent chez J. Frère, Libraire, sur le Port, No. 45, près le Pont, à Rouen. [ Paris, Imprimerie de Fain, Place de l'Odéon. ] Undated.

60pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Businesslike alphabetical catalogue of unnumbered priced general items, in double column. Short notes at the beginning and end, the former boasting that books will be sold 'aux prix de Paris', the latter offering for sale a 'nouvelle et très-belle édition' of Plato by Firmin Didot. The author was presumably Jacques-Christophe Frère, father of Édouard Frère (1797-1874), archivist, biographer, and historian specialized in the Normandy area. No copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, nor on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

[ Camilla Urso, 'The great violin virtuoso': pamphlet issued by the United States Lyceum Bureau. ] Drophead title: 'Camilla Urso. | A Tribute.' Title on front wrap: 'A Tribute | Charles Barnard | Camilla Urso'.

Charles Barnard [ Camilla Urso, French violinist and child prodigy who settled in America; Harry St. Ormond, Business Manager; United States Lyceum Bureau ]
Publication details: 
'Compliments of United States Lyceum Bureau, 757 Broadway, New York.' No year, but back cover gives details of 'Transcontinental Tour. | 1885 - Season - 1886.'.

[32]pp., 16mo. Not paginated. Stapled in brown wraps, with text on front and back covers in gold and dark brown, with closed tear at foot of spine. Contains one full-page engraving: 'Testimonial Presentation to Mme. Camilla Urso in the Town Hall, Melbourne.' Cheaply printed on browned high-acidity paper, in aged and worn wraps. The wraps are attractively designed, with the violinist's name printed in large decorative type diagonally across the centre of the front cover. The back cover gives details of Urso's 'Transcontinental Tour.

[ French law bookseller's catalogue. ] Catalogue des Livres Nouveaux, de Fonds, en nombre et d'assortiment.

B. Warée, oncle, Libraire de la Cour Royale, Paris [ French law bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Qui se trouvent à Paris, chez B. Warée, oncle, Libraire de la Cour Royale, au Palais de Justice, ou Cour de la Sainte-Chapelle, no. 13. Novembre, 1821. [ Lottin de S.-Germain, Imprimeur du Roi.' ]

8pp., 8vo. Disbound and without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged. Manuscript emendation on p.6. A law bookseller's careful and businesslike priced catalogue of unnumbered entries, several of which are accompanied by long descriptions by the author in small type. No copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, nor on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

[ Charles Adolphe Wurtz, French chemist, pioneer in the field of atomic theory. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ad. Wurtz') [ to Wilhelmina Maria Green ], encouraging her to translate one of his works into English.

Charles Adolphe Wurtz (1817-1884), Alsatian French chemist, writer and educator, pioneer in the field of atomic theory
Publication details: 
27 rue St Guillaume, Paris. 6 January 1881.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Mademoiselle', but from the papers of The item is from the papers of the second wife of the geologist Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), previously Miss Wilhelmina Maria Armstrong of Clifton, herself a scientist. He apologises for the late reply, which is to be attributed 'aux distractions du "Christmas" et du Tour de l'An'. His 'Traité de Chimie Biologique' has not been translated into English and it would please him to see such a translation made, with the agreement of his editor M. Manon'.

[ Leadenhall Press publication, with ownership inscriptions of Charles Sarolea and J. Laurie Coulson. ] The dear Neighbours! By the Author of "John Bull and his Island" &c., &c.

'Max O'Rell' [ i.e. Leon Paul Blouet (1848-1903) ] [ The Leadenhall Press, London; Professor Charles Sarolea [ Charles Louis-Camille Sarolea ] (1870-1953); J. Laurie Coulson; Blackie and Son, binders]
Publication details: 
[ The Leadenhall Press. ] London: Field & Tuer; Simpkin, Marshall & Co.; Hamilton, Adams & Co. [ 1885 ]

vi + 268pp., 12mo. In sturdy red morocco half-binding, with brownish-black boards in ribbed patterned cloth, and gilt tooling, marbled endpapers. Binders' ticket at rear: 'Bound by Blackie and Son'. On browned high-acidity paper, with slight damage to title-leaf. On the front free endpaper is the ownership inscription of 'Chas Sarolea', i.e. Professor Charles Sarolea [ Charles Louis-Camille Sarolea ] (1870-1953), noted Belgian philologist and author who settled in Scotland. Facing this, on a flyleaf, is the ownership inscription of 'J.

[ Herman Finck, composer and musical director of the Palace Theatre. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'J. McG.', regarding the Folies Bergère in Paris, music by Delormel, Desormes and Gannes, and a humorous remark by Cuvier.

Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer and conductor [ RMS Titanic ]
Publication details: 
8 Haycroft Road, Brixton Hill [ London ]. 30 April 1899.

3pp., 12mo. In poor condition, aged and worn, with the two leaves of the bifolium separated. The letter begins: 'My dear J. McG. | Pardon me, but M. Delormel did not write “The Boulanger” March (“En Revenat de la revue”) nor did he write “Père la Victoire” but I dont say he didn't publish them.' Finck attributes the first to 'M.

[ Richard Bentley the younger, London publisher: author's own copy. ] A Brief Note upon the Battles of Saintes and Mauron 1351 and 1352.

[ Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), London publisher and antiquary ]
Publication details: 
Edition limited to 100 copies. Printed at Guildford in 1918. [ Billing and Sons, Ltd., Printers, Guildford, England. ]

Bentley is without a doubt the author of this anonymous work, and the present copy comes from the Bentley Archives. viii + 67 + [1]pp., 8vo. In attractive paper-vellum quarter-binding, with red cloth boards on the cover of which the title is stamped in gilt. In good condition, lightly aged. Attractively printed, with title-page in black and red. Divided into six parts: 'Events in the Reign of Edward III', 'English Governors of Brittany'; 'Introductory: The Attack on Vannes', 'The Battle of Saintes', 'The Battle of Mauron' and 'After Mauron'.

[ Eugène Bersier, pastor and founder of the Evangelical Church of l'Etoile, Paris. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eug Bersier.'), in French [ to the wife of Robert Holland of Stanmore Hall? ], about a trip to England to raise money for his new church.

Eugène Bersier (1831-1889), Swiss-born French Protestant pastor, founder of tthe Evangelical Church of l'Etoile, Paris
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 216 Boulevard Péreire, Paris.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. The recipient is addressed as 'Chère Madame' and is not otherwise identified, although the conclusion connects her with 'Monsieur Hollard', i.e. he maried Marie Hollard. He writes that he will be in London in six days, and that he will only have 'douze ou quinze jours à passer en Angleterre', and that he wishes to spend his time 'de la manière le plus profitable au succès de mon oeuvre. Il s'agit de collecter pour ma nouvelle église'.

[ William Cooke, privateer in American War of Independence, afterwards appointed by Washington to command of the cutter Diligence. ] Autograph Signature ('Wm. Cooke') to Autograph Bill and Receipt ('Francis Peyrimant') for 'Ship Queen of France'.

Captain William Cooke (disappeared 1796), appointed by George Washington to the command of United States Revenue Cutter Diligence
Publication details: 
Note of receipt at foot signed by Cooke and dated from Wilmington on 12 April 1789.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed on reverse: 'Acct. | Capt W. Cooke | £51.2.9.' A bill for wages, in Cooke's autograph, headed 'Ship Queen of France | To William Cooke . . . Dr.' Listing monies due with dates and details. For example: '7 Jan [1789] wages . . .@ 18 dollars p. mo[nth]  30.9.7' (Other sums also on 7 Jan. and 12 April.) At the foot Cooke has written "Rec[eive]d Wilmington 12th April 1789 from Francis Peyrimant the above bal[anc]e. in full. | Wm Cooke.' The year of this transaction was also the year of the French Revolution.

[ François Guizot, French historian and statesman. ] Autograph Signature ('Guizot') and seal, franking letter to 'Monsieur le comte de Jarnac | Chargé d'affaires de France | à Londres'.

François Guizot [ François Pierre Guillaume Guizot ] (1787-1874), French historian and statesman [ Philippe-Ferdinand-Auguste de Rohan-Chabot (1815-1875), comte de Jarnac ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The 19.5 x 27 cm front panel of an envelope, with the flap. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration to the cover from the three seals. In the top right-hand corner of the cover is written the word 'Particuliere'; at bottom left is the signature 'Guizot'; slightly to the left of centre is the address: 'Monsieur le comte de Jarnac | Chargé d'affaires de France | à Londres'. The three seals in black wax adhering to the flap. None has the full impression and only one is complete.

[ John Spencer Smith, diplomat, politician and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. Smith. | president de la Société Linnéenne, vice prés. de celle des Antiqq. de Normandie, &c.'), in French, presenting two of his works to 'Mr. N[érée]. Boubée'.

John Spencer Smith (1769-1845), FRS, British diplomat, politician and writer, President, Société Linnéenne de Normandie; Vice-President, Société des Antiquaires de Normandie; Nérée Boubée (1806-1862),
Publication details: 
'Caen rue des Chanoines 3'. 2 August 1835.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse (with 'R.S.V.P.') to 'Monsieur N. Boubée | correspondant de la société linnéenne de Mormandie | Paris'. (Nérée Boubée, naturalist, Professor at the University of Paris.) He offers him two works: he is the 'compilateur' of the first, which is titled 'Souvenirs de Bayeux', and 'editeur-annotateur of the second, 'la biographie de Bochart', of which 'le texte est l'oeuvre d'un de mes fils'). It may be that in his reading of the two Boubée encounters 'quelques passages susceptibles d'être cités dans l'Écho du monde savant'.

[ Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique. ] Two printed forms listing in small print the 'Etablissements' of Paris and elsewhere (including concerts, circuses, balls, casinos, theatres), and giving the royalties of 'Madame Dutry'.

Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique [ SACEM ], French performing-rights society (Paris, France), founded in 1851 [ Madame Dutry ]
Publication details: 
Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs & Éditeurs de Musique [ Paris, France ]. The two documents are: the '248me Répartition (Avril 1911)' and the '249me Répartition (Juillet 1911)'.

The two forms are identical in layout, but the first has the printed date April 1911 and the second July of the same year. Each is 4pp., folio, on a bifolium. The form is divided into: 'Paris', 'Banlieue', 'Départements' and 'Etranger', and lists venues ('Etablissements') - those in Paris in larger print and the rest in smaller print - under the headings 'Concerts', 'Bals', 'Théâtres', 'Cirques', 'Casinos', 'Concours et Festivals', 'Forains'. The famous Paris venues of the period are there, including the Folies Bergère and the Moulin Rouge.

[ Albert Cazabon, violinist, composer and head of the Albert Cazabon Orchestra. ] Long letter of condolence to the widow of the conductor Herman Finck, containing personal reminiscences.

Albert Cazabon (1883-1970), violinist, composer and head of the Albert Cazabon Orchestra [ Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor ]
Publication details: 
32 Aberdeen Place, N.W.8. [ London ] 24 April 1939.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn. He informs her that Finck was 'a very old friend of mine & my father's. I knew Herman when I was a boy, & had always held his loyal friendship as something to be treasured as a great privilege. When I left for Australia in 1927 a radiogram of good wishes from him came to me at sea, & when I returned two years ago he received me in the same old warm-hearted way, & was the first friend to try to help to get me re-established in London.' He continues in the same vein, describing Finck as 'a great & well-beloved man'.

[ Lord Whitworth, as British Ambassador to France. ] Autograph Note in the third person, inviting Lord Glenbervie to dinner with himself and his wife, known as the Duchess of Dorset..

Charles Whitworth, 1st Earl Whitworth (1752-1825) [ Lord Whitworth, 1800-1813; Viscount Whitworth, 1813-1815 ], British diplomat [ Sylvester Douglas, 1st Baron Glenbervie (1743-1823) ]
Publication details: 
Hôtel de l'Empire [ Paris ]. Undated [ 1819? see note below ]..

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Lord Whitworth & the Duchess of Dorset [now his wife] request the honor of Lord Glenbervie's Company at dinner to morrow [sic] at ½ past five. | Hôtel de l'Empire | Sunday morn.' Whitworth was British Ambassador to Paris. 1802-1803. Note: "After the restoration of the Bourbons in France, which as a political expedient he [Whitworth] highly approved, he visited Paris in April 1819 with the Duchess of Dorset and a numerous train."

[ Thomas Spring Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T Spring Rice'), as Secretary of the Treasury, a Treasury Circular, re 'French Claims', 'Calling on Supplemental Claimants to present appeals within a fornight'.

Thomas Spring Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon (1790-1866), Whig politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1835-1839
Publication details: 
'Treasury Chambers' [ Whitehall, London ]. 17 December 1833.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. In poor condition, worn and stained. A corner has been cut away from both leaves. Addressee's name at foot of first leaf, difficult to decipher, but appearing to read: 'The Rep[resentati]ve of J D de Warter at Mr Davis | Parliament Street'. Docketed: 'Treasury Circular of 17th Decemr 1833 | Calling on Supplemental Claimants to present appeals within a fortnight'. At upper left: 'Claims rejected'.

[ The New Asbestos Company, Limited, London. ] Prospectus with application form, accompanied by reports by Sir Douglas Fox, T. J. Scoones and C. Lacoste.

The New Asbestos Company, Limited, London [ Société Française des Amiantes, Tarascon; Sir Douglas Fox; T. J. Scoones; C. Lacoste; F. Vidal; Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington ]
Publication details: 
The New Asbestos Company, Limited, 37 Lombard Street, London. All items undated but circa 1889. [ Prospectus printed by 'The Argus Printing Company, Limited, 31, Bouverie Street, E.C.' ]

The three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light damp staining to the Prospectus. ONE: Prospectus. 4pp., tall 8vo. Bifolium. First page headed 'Contractors to the French Government, Naval, Military, and State Authorities. | The New Asbestos Company, Limited. | Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1862 to 1886, whereby the liability of each Shareholder is limited to his Shares. | Capital - - £120,000, | Divided into 30,000 Shares of £4 each.

[ Le Comité de Montagnards d'Ecosse. ] Manuscript 'Chopy' [Copy] of communication in French to 'Le Premier Gentilhomme de la Chambre du Roi', regarding the presentation of a volume of Ossian's poems 'en langue celtique' to the King of France.

[ Comité de Montagnards d'Ecosse, 1815 [ Committee of the Mountaineers of Scotland; ]; nineteenth century Scottish mountain climbing ]
Publication details: 
'Paris le 27 December 1815'.

1p., 8vo. Headed 'Copy' and with a Britannia watermark implying an official origin. On aged and worn paper with chipping and loss at head and tail. Reads: 'Monsieur | Le Comité de Montagnards d'Ecosse ayant deputé My Lord , Les Colls. Macdonall et Mackenham et Mr James Hamilton pour faire l'hommage a Sa M. Le Roi de France d'un exemplaire original des Poesies d'Ossian en langue celtique L'Ambassadeur d'Angleterre profitte de l'intervention de Mr. Le Premier Gentilhomme de la Chambre pour faire connaitre cette intention a Sa Majesté et prier S. Exce.

[ Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation. ] Membership card of 'Sympathiser-Member' William R. Guillet, signed by him and by T. J. Guérille, President.

Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation [ William R. Guillet; T. J. Guérille ]
Publication details: 
Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London. 4 November 1941.

On both sides of a 7.5 x 12 cm card, with curved corners. A frail survival, heavily aged and worn. The text on the recto is printed in black, with the organisation's logo to the left in blue and red. The recto also has a large red 'S' superimposed at centre, and carries the two signatures, that of Guérille certifying that Guillet has been 'enrolled as a Sympathiser-Member'. Printed on the reverse are the 'Aims of the Association': 'To continue the war at the side of the British Government and of our Allies. | To co-operate with General de Gaulle's Free French Forces.

[Printed 'album', with programme. ] The exhibition Le Théatre de la Mode in London | Sponsored by the "Continental Daily Mail" | under the auspices of “L'Association Francaise d'Action artistique” | In aid of British and French charities.

Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Théâtre de la Mode, 1945-1946 [ Gérard Bauër; Christian Bérard; Jean Saint-Martin; Eliane Bonabel; Rebull; Boris Kochno; Michel de Brunhoff ]
Publication details: 
[ Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Paris. ] 'This album was compiled and produced by Aljanvic Publicité under the supervision of Boris Kochno and printed by l'Imprimerie de Bobigny. Paris, August 1945.'

Substantial unpaginated ring-bound 4to volume, with striking coloured cover illustration by Christian Bérard. Internally in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, in worn covers detaching from ring binding. A stylish volume, printed on both shiny art paper and thick rough grey stock. In three sections: 'The Story of this Exhibition'; 'Style in French Art by Gérard Bauër' and 'Twelve Scenes'. Profusely illustrated, including tipped-in plates. Several pages of advertisements for up-market Parisian shops at front and rear.

[ Sir Denis Dutry, Huguenot merchant and East India Company Director. ] Autograph Signature ('Denis Dutry') on Exchequer receipt, as assignee of Sir John Lethieuller.

Sir Denis Dutry [ Sir Dennis Dutry ], London Huguenot merchant, Director of the Honourable East India Company [ Sir John Lethieuller (1632/3-1719) ]
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 22 November 1720.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records a payment of £56 on an annuity by 'Sr. Denis Dutry assigne per Margent of Sr. John Lethieuller', with a reference to Lethieuller's annuity in the margin. Witnessed at foot by 'John '. Lethieuller has an entry in the Oxford DNB.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London. ] Exchequer receipt signed by ministers James Eynard and David Durand, and Elders John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London ] James Eynard and David Durand, ministers; John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior, Elders
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 13 November 1749.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records a payment of £12 10s 0d to the 'Ministers and Elders Of the French Church of St Martin Orgars of London as Assigned by Margin', and signed at foot by 'James Eynard Minister', 'David Durand Minister', and elders 'Jno Bonnet', 'Matthew Clarmont', 'Philip Rigail' and 'Peter De Visme junr'.

[ William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton. ] Autograph Signature ('Berkeley') on part of an Exchequer receipt, as 'Executr. of Ann Gendrault assignee of James Gendrault.

William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton (d.1741), Master of the Rolls in Ireland, 1696-1731, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1710-1714 [ Anne and James Gendrault, Huguenots ]
Publication details: 
Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 20 December 1714.

On 15 x 12 cm. piece of paper, cut from a printed document completed in manuscript. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, laid down on square of plain paper. Payment of an annuity ('for carrying on the War, and other Her Majesty's Occasions').

[ Printed item. ] Les Quatres Problèmes Sociaux par Jean Izoulet.

Jean Izoulet [ La Revue Bleue, Paris; Collège de France, Cours de Philosophie Sociale; Social Science in France ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Armand Colin et Cie, Éditeurs, 5, Rue de Mézières, 5. 1898. [ 'Extrait der la Revue Bleue du 8 janvier 1898.' ]

31pp., 8vo. Disbound pamphlet. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper, in worn wraps, with a few notes in light pencil. The title-page is headed: 'Collège de France | Cours de Philosophie Sociale | Leçon d'Ouverture | (16 décembre 1897)'. On p.6 Izoulet writes: 'cette leçon d'ouverture a pour but d'expliquer l'origine et le titre de la nouvelle chaire, la nature et l'esprit du nouveau cours'. Now scarce.

[ Anonymous printed item, in French. ] Le Rhin et la Vistule.

Anonymous [ Wladyslaw Czartoryski (1828-1894) ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Amyot, Éditeur des Archives Diplomatiques, 8, Rue de la Paix. Octobre 1861.

16pp., 8vo. In yellow printed wraps. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper, in worn wraps becoming detached from one another and the pamphlet. Part of stamp to one corner at reverse of title. Regarding Germany and the political situation in Europe. Begins: 'L'Allemagne est inquiète.

[ Printed item. ] Les Cosaques Pontificaux par Antonio Watripon.

Antonio Watripon [ Louis Veuillot (1813-1883), French journalist and supporter of Ultramontanism; Gustave Havard ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Librairie Moderne, 19, Boulevard Sébastopol (Rive Gauche). Gustave Havard, Éditeur. 1861.

32pp., 8vo. Disbound. In printed yellow wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and spotted, with the wraps detached from one another and the volume. An attack on Ultramontanism, and on Louis Veuillot in particular. Four copies on OCLC WorldCat and now scarce.

[ 'L'Affaire Dreyfus', scarce printed Dreyfusard pamphlet. ] 24 Heures a Rennes | Impressions d'un Spectateur.

H. Rialèse [ L'Affaire Dreyfus; The Dreyfus Affair; Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935) ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Imprimerie Maréchal et Montorier, A. Maréchal, successeur, 16, passage des Petites-Écuries, 16. 1899.

16pp., 8vo. Disbound. In original grey-paper wraps, with title printed on front. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. A few marks and a quotation in English in light pencil. Dated 12 August 1899, and signed (printed) at end 'H. RIALÈSE'.

[ Jean-Baptiste de Nompère de Champagny, French admiral and politician. ] Autograph Signature ('Champagny') to secretarial document sending condolences to the widow of the former minister Charles-François Delacroix and 'Monsieur & Madame Verninac'.

Jean-Baptiste de Nompère de Champagny (1756-1834), French admiral and politician, active in the American War of Independence [ Charles-François Delacroix (1741-1805), French statesman ]
Publication details: 
Paris, '17 Brumaire an 14' [ 8 November 1805 ].

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with the top corners snipped away. Document in a secretarial hand, signed by Champagny, with 'Paris' and 'Le Ministre de l'Intérieur,' printed at the head. Addressed 'à Madame Veuve Delacroix, Monsieur & Madame Verninac' (Delacroix's daughter Henriette married the diplomat Raymond de Verninac Saint-Maur (1762-1822)). Nine-line formal letter of condolence on Delacroix's death, with reference to 'S. M. L'Empereur'. Champagny was elected a member of the Society of the Cincinnati for his exertions in the American War of Independence.

[ Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau, French soldier and statesman. ] Three documents (all signed 'Gl Pelet'), one in autograph and the other two secretarial

Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau (1777-1858), distinguished French soldier and statesman
Publication details: 
The two secretarial documents from Paris, one in 1852 and the other in 1858. The autograph letter without date or place.

The three documents all in good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: Secretarial Letter to 'Monsieur le Rédacteur' (of the 'Journal de l'Empire'), Paris, 16 December 1852. 1p., 12mo. Requesting the rectification of the mistake of giving the name of 'Général Petit' instead of his own in the list of 'les Généraux qui ont assisté hier à la cérémonie Funèbre des invalides'. TWO: Secretarial Letter to 'Monsieur le Directeur et cher Collègue'. Paris, 26 July 1858. 1p., 4to. A letter of recommendation for 'Alfred Fassier, élève de la classe de M.

[ Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort , Duc de Duras, Maréchal de France. ] Autograph Document Signed ('Le Duc de Duras'), undertaking to pay a sum of money.

Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort , Duc de Duras (1715-1789), Maréchal de France, French soldier and politician
Publication details: 
Paris. 31 May 1766.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Twelve lines of text in a close hand. The document has been signed and docketed: 'Douzieme et derniere Inventoire cette soixante seize', with the underlining of passages in which Duras undertakes to pay the sum as soon as possible, and with exactitude.

[ Edmond-Frédéric Le Blant, archaeologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edmond Le Blant'), in French, to an unnamed recipient, discussing the practice of cremation, and listing periodicals to which he contributes.

Edmond Le Blant [ Edmond-Frédéric Le Blant ] (1818-1897), French archaeologist and historian
Publication details: 
'Paris, rue Leroux, no 7'. 14 May 1874.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with some wear at bottom edge. Addressed 'Monsieur'. After a reference to a newspaper article by the recipient and 'les journalistes Français', he communicates, on the subject of cremation, 'un fait que j'ai appris hier du rédacteur en chef d'un grand journal Suisse et qui n'a pas été rendu public par les gazettes', concerning an attack on those attempting a cremation in Berne.

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