['Gabrielle Réjane' [Gabrielle-Charlotte Reju], French actress.] Autograph Note Signed ('Réjane') thanking 'mon cher Maitre'.

Gabrielle Réjane, stage name of the French actress Gabrielle-Charlotte Reju (1856-1920)
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 'Mercredi' [no date].

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. The note reads: 'Mercredi. | Merci mille fois, mon cher Maitre, si vous êtes content, me voilà ravie! | Encore merci | Réjane'. In a postscript she states that she has profited from his criticisms.

[Henri Cernuschi, Italo-French banker and collector.] Autograph Letter Signed to the London parliamentary bookseller Philip Stephen King, apologising for not being able to supply him with autographs, as his collection has been stolen 'toute entière'.

Henri Cernuschi [Enrico Cernuschi] (1821-1896), Italo-French banker and collector, whose Paris mansion is now the Musée Cernuschi [Philip Stephen King (1819-1908), London parliamentary bookseller]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of his Paris mansion at 7 Avenue Velasquez, Parc Monceau [now the Musée Cernuschi]. 29 April [c. 1889].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to one corner. Signed 'H. Cernuschi'. He begins by stating that from King's 'première lettre' he had recognised his handwriting. He apologises for not being able to comply with a request of King's: 'Je possédais une importante collection d'autographes - mais elle m'a été volee toute entière'. He concludes by instructing King to send to Westminster '600 copies de Bimetalism in England aand Abroad et 50 copies de mon Speech a Paris 1889'.

[Isabelle Bogelot, nineteenth-century French women's activist.] Autograph Letter Signed [to the London bookseller Philip Stephen King and his wife]

Isabelle Bogelot (1838-1923), French activist, whose Oeuvre des Libérées de Saint-Lazare assisted former inmates of the Paris prison [Philip Stephen King (1819-1908), London parliamentary bookseller]
Publication details: 
4 rue Perrault [Paris]. 19 April 1886.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Not having had 'la facilté de profiter de la bonne recommendation de Miss Louisa Hardy', she writes a letter of recommendation for her son, who will be passing through London for a few days: 'c'est lui qui vous portera nos compliments et vous remercira des articles des journaux que vous m'avez fait parvenir et qu'il m'a traduit'.

Secretarial Letter Signed ('C Vaublanc') from the French Minister of the Interior the Comte de Vaublanc [to the English Member of Parliament John Blackburne], enclosing a facsimile of Queen Marie Antoinette's last letter by Pierre Picquet.

Vincent-Marie Viénot, Comte de Vaublanc (1756-1845), French Minister of the Interior; Pierre Picquet, engraver; John Blackburne (1754-1833), MP for Lancashire, 1784-1830; Queen Marie Antoinette
Publication details: 
Vaublanc's letter from Paris, 13 April 1816. Picquet's engraving without date or place.

The two items are in very good condition, on lightly aged paper. Item One: Secretarial Letter, in French, by 'C Vaublanc', Vincent-Marie Viénot, Count of Vaublanc (1756-1845), 'Le Ministre Secretaire d'Etat de L'Intérieur' [French Minister of the Interior]. Paris, 13 April 1816. He is sending the 'fac simile De la Lettre de notre Infortunée Reine', and in order to dispel any doubts as to authenticity has initialled the foot of the third page.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L P D'Orléans') from Prince Philippe d'Orléans, Count of Paris, arranging a meeting with 'Mr. Benzon' (the merchant banker Robert Benson).

Prince Philippe d'Orléans (1838-1894), Comte de Paris [Louis Philippe d'Orléans], grandson of the French King Louis Philippe I and Union Army officer in the American Civil War
Publication details: 
On letterhead of York House, Twickenham, Middlesex [England]. 'Friday' [no date].

3pp., 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The lower part of the second leaf has been cut away, not affecting the text. He begins by stating that he has received the recipient's 'last telegram announcing that you had postponed till to morrow your visit to London'. He has in turn telegraphed 'Mr. Benzon to propose to him to come to the Charing Cross Hotel at 11 or 12. In that case I would offer to yourself & Mr. Benson [sic] a breakfast at the Hotel'.

Manuscript Note, in a secretarial hand, signed ('Pache') by Jean-Nicholas Pache, Mayor of Paris, acknowledging a letter from the architect Charles-François Mandar, informing him that Mandar has 'ouvert un cours de fortification'.

Jean-Nicolas Pache (1746-1823), French politician supported by Jean-Paul Marat, Mayor of Paris 1793-1794, who helped bring down the Girondists [Charles-François Mandar (1757-1844), architect]
Publication details: 
'Paris le 21 pluviose l'an 2e. [i.e. 2 February 1794] de la république uni et indivisible'.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with loss to the two upper corners. Addressed on the reverse, with red circular 'PD' postmark: 'Au Citoyen Mandar architecte | Cour Mandar No. 3. | Mairie de Paris'. The note reads: 'Citoyen, j'ai reçu ta lettre du 18 de ce mois, qui a pour objet de m'informer que tu as ouvert un cours de fortification qui se tiendra a cinq heures du Soir, les premidi, tridi, Septidi et nonidi de chaque décade.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml Gurney') to Thomas Waddington in Rouen, father of th sometime French Prime Minister presumably, regarding his efforts to assist Edward Cherry in the same city.

Samuel Gurney the elder (1786-1856), Quaker banker and philanthropist [Thomas Waddington; Edward Cherry; Rouen, France]
Publication details: 
London. 30 October 1838.

2pp., 4to. On both sides of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the reverse of the second leaf cut down by a third, and carrying a red wax seal and three postmarks, with the address by Gurney to Waddington in Rouen. After explaining that he has been away in Yorkshire, he expresses regret that 'our efforts respecting Edwd Cherry have so terminated - it is however clear that the maintenance of fhis wife and family is an overwhelming duty to him'. He has himself made payments in London, and understood that 'our Friends in Rouen were to pay for the room &c'.

[Printed offprint: 'EXTRAIT de la Revue de Médecine, no de Septembre 1890.] Nouvelle Etude sur l'Action Therapeutique du Sulfate de Cinchonidine.

H. de Brun, Professeur à la Faculté de médecine de Beyrouth, Médecin sanitaire de France en Orient, Médecin de l'hôpital français de Beyrouth
Publication details: 
Paris: Ancienne Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie., Félix Alcan, Éditeur, 108 Boulevard Saint-Germain. 1890.

69pp., 8vo, paginated 689-757. With diagrams and table in text. In original olive printed wraps. Unopened. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in discoloured and chipped wraps. Stamped at head of front cover: 'HISTOLOGIE | Collège de France', with 'Physique & chimie 20' beside it in manuscript. No record of this item in the Bibliothèque Nationale, or on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Privately printed booklet, in French, on Admiral François Joseph Paul de Grasse and his role in the American Revolution.] Appel aux Etats-Unis. Un Grand Oublié.

[Admiral François Joseph Paul de Grasse (1722-1788), commander of the French fleet at the Battle of Chesapeake; Lady Marie de Grasse Evans (d.1907), American-born wife of Sir Francis Henry Evans]
Publication details: 
Imprimerie des Orphelins d'Auteuil, 40, rue La Fontaine, Paris. No date.

16pp., 12mo. Stapled. In cream wraps, with the title in brown on front cover. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with vertical fold and slight rust staining to cover from staple. From the Evans family papers, which include those of de Grasse's descendant Lady Marie de Grasse Evans [née Stevens]. No copy traced, either in English-speaking libraries or the Bibliotheque Nationale.

[Printed handbill poem.] "La Belgique Martyre." Poème du maître belge Emile Verhaeren, dont la publication a été autorisée par l'auteur comme contribution a l'oeuvre "Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges."

Emile Verhaeren [Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges; German war crimes in Belgium; the First World War]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1918.]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The poem, of 60 irregular lines, is placed (with a facsimile of Verhaeren's signature at the foot) within a thick floral border, reminiscent of the Arts and Crafts movement. It begins: 'Ce n'est qu'un bout de sol dans l'infini du monde. | Le Nord | Y déchaîne le vent qui mord. | Ce n'est qu'un peu de terre avec sa mer au bord | Et le déroulement de sa dune inféconde.' Scarce: no copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, on COPAC or in the Imperial War Museum.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'F. Cook' to the Secretary of the French Exhibition in Pall Mall, requesting the return of a painting 'by Mr. L. Veneaux', with reference to Ernest Gambart.

F. Cook of 4 Childs Place, Temple Bar [Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), Belgian-born proprietor of the French Gallery, 120/121 Pall Mall, London]
Publication details: 
4 Childs Place, Temple Bar [London]. 12 April 1860.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He has been 'requested by Mr. L. Veneaux to desire you to return the Picture (Boulonaise) which was delivered at your Gallery at the last Winter Exhibition but being a French Picture was not Exhibited, but allowed to remain for the French one'. He has already made an application 'in Berners Street and Mr. Gambart said the proper place to apply to was at the Gallery.' Graves claims 'L. Veneaux' as a misprint for 'V. Vemaux' of 30 Piccadilly, who exhibited 'Souvenir of Eguihen, near Boulogne-sur-mer' at the Royal Academy in 1853.

Autograph Receipt Signed by the Austrian art dealer Charles Sedelmeyer of Vienna, for a painting by T. Schmitson of Vienna, for an exhibition by the London art dealer Ernest Gambart.

Charles Sedelmeyer (1837-1925), Austrian art dealer, based first in Vienna and then Paris [Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), Belgian-born London picture dealer; Teutwart Schmitson (1830-1863), painter]
Publication details: 
London. 30 June 1862.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The receipt reads: 'Pour l'exposition de M. Gambart: | un tableau par T. Schmitson de Vienne representant des chevaux sortant de l'abreuvoir | prix (nette) frcs. 1500. - | Londre, le 30: Juin 862 | Charles Sedelmeyer | m[archan]d. de tableaux de Vienne'. Sedelmeyer has written some calculations in the bottom right-hand corner, and at the foot: 'Received back the above | Sedelmeyer'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Solon') from the French potter Louis Marc Emmanuel Solon of Minton's, Stoke on Trent, thanking the unnamed recipient and his friend 'Mr Bailey' for a parcel of circulars, and discussing his library of works on ceramics.

Louis Marc Emmanuel Solon (1825-1913), French potter, first at the Sèvres, and then with Minton's, Stoke upon Trent
Publication details: 
1 The Villas, Stoke on Trent, 8 July 1893.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Solon has been informed by their common friend 'Mr Bailey' that the recipient has 'been kind enough to gather the parcel of circulars issued at various time [sic] by your firm, and which reaches me this morning.' He is sending 'a small pamphlet of mine [...] as an inadequate acknowledgement of the trouble I have caused you'. He continues: 'Mr Bailey must have told you that all printed matter having reference to ceramics has a special interest to me.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alphonse Esquiros'), in French, from Henri-François-Alphonse Esquiros to a 'concitoyen', regarding applications for professorships at the military academies at Woolwich, Addiscombe and Sandhurst.

Alphonse Esquiros [Henri-François-Alphonse Esquiros] (1812-1876), French writer [Woolwich; Addiscombe; Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
6 St German's Villas, Lewisham. 2 April [no year].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged and slightly-creased paper. He begins by apologising for the lateness of his response, caused by work which was supposed to be finished at the end of the previous month.

14 Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed from French film actor and director Daniel Ceccaldi, 13 of them to his English translator and friend Edward Marsh ('Eddy', 'Teddy', 'Edouard)', with drafts of replies and manuscript notes.

Daniel Ceccaldi (1927-2003), French actor, writer and director [Edward Marsh of Edward & Gwen, translators, 35 Tanza Road, London]
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1965 and 1981.

Six addressed to 'Edward'; five to 'Teddy'; one to 'Eddy; one to 'Edouard'; one to 'Cher amis' and one to 'Dear Roger'. Totalling 22pp., 4to; 11pp., 8vo; 2pp., 12mo. Ten of the fifteen letters are dated, the other six having only month and year. With copies of two typed letters to Ceccaldi from Edward, one from 1973 in English (1p., 4to), and the other from 1980 in French (2pp., 8vo), the latter accompanied by a synopsis of Ceccaldi's 'The Flight of Icarus', with a foreword by him, and a biography (the three items totalling 4pp., 8vo); also manuscript notes (1p, 8vo; 3pp., 12mo).

Five Autograph Letters Signed, in French, from the French artist and designer Jean-Denis Malclès to an unnamed correspondent, regarding the sale of maquettes of costumes of a production of 'Orphée aux Enfers'. With price list of 31 items.

Jean-Denis Malclès (1912-2002), French artist, illustrator and costume, set and poster designer for film, theatre, ballet and opera, who worked with Cocteau, Anouilh and others
Publication details: 
The five letters from 152 rue Leon-Maurice Nordmann, Paris. One from 1980 and the other four from 1982.

The first four letters are each 1p., 12mo; and the fifth letter is 1p., 4to. The price list, which accompanies the last letter, is 2pp., 4to. All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In the first letter (4 May 1980) he replies to his correspondent, thanking him for a letter 'concernant la representation d'Orphée aux Enfers que vous avez vu à Oxford en 1977'.

Lithographed advertisement for 'Dry Sherry', by the Cadiz Wine Company, 8 Duke Street, St James's, London, in the form of a facsimile circular letter by William Paas. With printed advertisement for 'Sparkling Chablis', with quotations from newspapers

William Paas, Cadiz Wine Company (established 1847), 8 Duke Street, St James's, London [Guy Père et Fils; fine wines]
Publication details: 
Both items from the Cadiz Wine Company, 8 Duke Street, St James's, SW [London]. The facsimile of the Paas letter dated 18 May 1877. The printed advertisement with quotations dating from 1876 and 1877.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The facsimile Paas letter: 1p., 12mo. Begins: 'Among our many regular Shipments from Cadiz few wines have attracted more general attention than our C.W.C. a magnificent Dry Sherry, very pale an delicate quite the Amontillado Character, perfectly free from Spirit and harshness'. Printed advertisement: 1p., 12mo. Headed: 'SPARKLING CHABLIS, 40s. doz. - This light, elegant and exhilarating Wine will be found superior to cheap Champagne, and is particularly recommended to Invalids for its purity, at so moderate a price.

Printed price list, in French, for Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome, with 'Vins Rouges' and 'Vin Blancs'.

[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome] [the French wine trade; fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Thomas Frères, négociants à Valence, Départment de la Drome.] Undated [1840s?]

Nicely printed within a border on one side of a piece of 19 x 12 cm laid paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed: 'THOMAS FRÈRES, | NGTS. A VALENCE, DÉPT. DE LA DROME. | REPRÉSENTÉS VOYAGEUR.' 22 'VINS ROUGES' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Bordeaux') and 13 'VINS BLANCS' (from 'Hermitage' to 'Muscat de Beziers') are listed, followed by six items from 'Eau-de-vie vieille du Languedoc' to 'Truffes noires'. Prices are only given (in pencil) for three items.

Manuscript priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines (with vintage), made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families, titled 'Mariés le 24 September 1839. Régistre de notre mobilier.' With genealogical notes.

[Nineteenth-century priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines, made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families]
Publication details: 
The inventory is dated 24 September 1839. The genealogical notes date from the 1860s.

The inventory (14pp.) is at the front of a 4to notebook, with ten pages of genelogical and other notes at the back. In good condition, on aged-paper, in worn original vellum quarter-binding, with blue patterned paper boards, and ties. Label on front board: 'Mobilier Picard A Faurel'. The inventory is dated 1839 on a title-page, but includes entries from the 1840s. It is divided into the following four sections, under calligraphic headings: 'Argenterie' (2pp.), 'Meubles Meublant' (5pp.), 'Linge' (4pp.) and 'Vins Fins' (3pp.).

Original lithographic engraving by Dupare, from a drawing by Arago, of 'Nouvelle Hollande. Vue d'une partie de la presqu'île Péron, et 1re entrevue avec les sauvages', depicting a meeting of Aborigines and Frenchmen at Shark Bay, Western Australia.

[Jacques Etienne Victor Arago (1790-1855), artist; Louis Claude Desaulses de Freycinet (1779-1842), Paris publisher; [Dupare, French engraver; Australian aborigines; Shark Bay, Peron Peninsula]
Publication details: 
[Paris: de Freycinet. Circa 1825.]

Dimensions: 18.5 x 25.5 cm. Laid down on a piece of 19.5 x 26.5 cm grey paper. The print has been trimmed, so that there is no margin. In good condition, lightly-aged and ruckled. Against a rocky backdrop, with aborigines viewing from the top of a hill, a group of six aborigines are shown to the right, naked and waving sticks and spears. To the left are the five Frenchmen, with a stack of rifles in front of a tent at far left. In the centre of the image the leading Frenchman places gifts on the end of a long stick held by one of the aborigines.

Typed Letter Signed ('Alistair') from the historian of France Alistair Horne to the Sandhurst lecturer Antony Brett-James, regarding the trouble he has put him to over 'the Macmillan speech'.

Sir Alistair Horne [Sir Alistair Allan Horne] (b.1925), British historian of modern France [Major Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Lansdowne Road, London W11. 21 September 1979.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightl-aged paper. A short letter, in which he thanks Brett-James for writing to him 'about the Macmillan speech': 'I really feel badly at having put you obviously to so much trouble'. He suggests that Brett-James sends him 'the tape' and lets him 'have it transcribed here, by my secretary'.

Albumen carte-de-visite by the London studio of the French photographer Disdéri, showing Lord Alfred Henry Paget, Member of Parliament for Lichfield, Staffordshire, smoking a pipe.

Disdéri (1819-1889), French photographer [Lord Alfred Henry Paget (1816-1888) of Beaudesert, Staffordshire, MP for Lichfield, Staffs, 1837-65, and Equerry to the Queen, 1837-41]
Publication details: 
4 Brook Street, Hanover Square, London. Undated [1860s?].

The image is 9 x 5.5 cm, mounted on brown card, 10.5 x 6.5 cm, printed on both sides in red, with large facsimile of Disdéri's signature on reverse. In fair condition, somewhat aged. Page is shown seated at a table with a sculpture of a stag on it, with legs cross and the sole of his left show showing, smoking a pipe. In addition to being an MP, Paget held several positions in the Royal Household, acting as Equerry to Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1841. The present image is not among the four representations of Paget in the National Portrait Gallery collection.

[Printed offprint, in French, from 'L'Annotateur'.] Discours du Roi aux Chambres, Prononcé le 22 décembre 1824.' [An address from the new French king, Charles X, to the two chambers of Parliament.]

Charles X (1757-1836), King of France and Navarre, 1824-1830 [Sir William Hamilton (1788-1877), British Consul at Boulogne-sur-Mer from 1826 to 1873]
Publication details: 
'Supplément à l'Annotateur du 23 décembre 1824.' [Imprimerie de P. HESSE, rue des Pipots, à Boulogne.]

16mo, 2pp. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, attached along one edge to a piece of paper bearing part of the address of the English Consul in Boulogne, William (later Sir William) Hamilton.

Printed notice from the Vice Consul of Boulogne, informing the town's residents that 'Divine Service will be performed in his House on Christmas day'.

[Sir William Hamilton (1788-1877), British Consul at Boulogne-sur-Mer from 1826 to 1873]
Publication details: 
'Vice Consular Office | 23rd December 1817.'

1p., landscape 8vo (34 x 22 cm). In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to extremities. An attractive notice, in large type, reading: 'THE VICE CONSUL hereby notifies to the British residents in Boulogne that Divine Service will be performed in his House on Christmas day. | Vice Consular Office | 23rd December 1817.' With faint circular stamp of the 'VICE CONSULAR SERVICE'. Manuscript note on reverse, in a contemporary hand: 'Duplicate of the <?> affiche in the town of Boulogne | on Saturday 24th Decr 1817'.

Matching calling cards of Elihu Benjamin Washburne, United States Ambassador to France ('Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire des Etats-Unis d'Amérique), and his wife Adele Gratiot Washburne.

Elihu Benjamin Washburne (1816-1887), United States Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France, 1869-1877 [Illinois Congressman, 1853-1869]; his wife, Adele Gratiot Washburne (1826-1887)
Publication details: 
'75, Avenue de l'Impératice, (Entrée 2, rue Spontini)'. [Paris, France.] Undated [between 1869 and 1877].

Both cards 7 x 11 cm, printed in copperplate on one side only. Both in fair condition, on aged paper with a slight bloom. The Ambassador's card reads: 'Mr. Washburne, | Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire | des Etats-Unis d'Amérique | [in bottom right-hand corner] 75, Avenue de l'Impératice, (Entrée 2, rue Spontini)'. The Ambassador's wife's card reads: 'Mrs. Washburne. | [in bottom left-hand corner] Mondays | from 3 to 6 P.M.' Washburne had served as Secretary of State for eleven days before being made Ambassador. His Illinois house is now a museum.

[Printed broadside, in French, relating to the estate of King Louis Philippe.] Faits à l'appui de la défense du droit de propriété Contre les décrets, du 22 janvier, 1852.

[André Dupin [André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin] (1783-1865); Duc de Montmorency; Comte de Montalivet; Laplagne-Barris; Scribe; Louis d'Orléans (Duc de Nemours); Prince de Joinville; Louis Philippe]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Paris, France? 1852.]

2pp., folio (approximately 41 x 21.5 cm), in double column. Fair, on aged paper, creased and with outer margin trimmed. Tipped-in onto leaf removed from album. The first column introduces the problem, and is followed by a 'Lettre de M. DUPIN ainé, au Prince Président de la République', dated 'Paris, ce 23 Janvier, 1852'. This is in turn followed by a letter 'Au Prince-Président de la République', Paris, 26 January 1852 by five 'Les executeurs testamentaires du feu Roi Louis Phillippe'. They are: Dupin, Duc de Montmorency, Comte de Montalivet, Laplagne-Barris, Scribe.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Granville') from Liberal Foreign Secretary Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, to a 'Baron', stating his position on whether Louis Napoleon's 'mischievous motions' will bring about war in Europe.

Granville George Leveson-Gower (1815-1891), 2nd Earl Granville, Liberal Home Secretary, 1851-1852 [Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (1808-1873), Napoleon III, Emperor of the French; France]
Publication details: 
Bruton St [Mayfair, London]. 20 February 1852.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Of great interest, as giving the informal position of the British Home Secretary on what was at the time the most important problem facing him. Granville would only last as Foreign Secretary for a week after writing this letter, as Russell's Liberal Government would fall on 27 February. Ironically, his elevation to the post of Foreign Secretary the previous Boxing Day had been due to Russell forcing Palmerston's resignation over his unauthorized recognition of Louis Napoléon's coup d'état. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Baron'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas. Millar') from James Millar, Assistant Secretary, British and Foreign School Society, a letter of introduction in English for Captain Walter Bromley to Marc-Antoine Jullien fils, editor of the Revue Encyclopedique,

James Millar, Assistant Secretary, The British and Foreign Schools Society [Marc-Antoine Jullien fils (1775-1848), editor of the Revue Encyclopedique; Captain Walter Bromley (1775-1838)]
Publication details: 
London, 7 September 1826.

2pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'Mons. Marc Julien [sic] | Redacteur de la Revue Encyclopedique &c &c'.Jullien's address has been added in another hand: 'Rue d'Enfer St. Michel No. 18'. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Sir | I have the pleasure to introduce to you Captn. Bromley, who is a zealous advocate of the cause of general Education, & who is visiting Paris for a short time. He will deliver you a Copy of the 21st. Report of the B. & F.

[Printed handbill poem.] Part Song. | "The Torpedo and the Whale" | From Comic Opera "Olivette" | By Audran.

Edmond Audran (1840-1901), French composer of operettas [Henry Brougham Farnie (1836-1889), Scottish librettist]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p., 16mo. On a piece of watermarked laid paper, 17 x 10.5 cm. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a manuscript correction ('tracts' to 'tracks'). In three numbered stanzas, Farnie's version being in effect an entirely new poem: 'This Fish was indeed Oh! | A Woolwich Torpedo, | But Oh! But Oh! | The big whale did not know.' 'Les noces d'Olivette' was first performed in Paris in 1879; Farnie's English language adaptation starring Florence St. John was performed at the Strand Theatre in London from 1880 to 1881.

[Printed handbill.] Description (By Mr. Tom Taylor, M.A.) of the "Triumph of Christianity" painted by M. Gustave Doré

Tom Taylor, M.A.; Gustave Doré
Publication details: 
Bradbury, Evans, and Co., Printers, Whitefriars. [Circa 1867.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and ruckled. Doré's huge painting 'The Triumph of Christianity over Paganism' was first exhibited in the Egyptian Hall in Piccadilly in 1867.

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