[ Felix Stone Moscheles, English painter. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Felix Moscheles') to 'Mrs Lewis', acknowledging receipt of a cheque.

Felix Moscheles [ Felix Stone Moscheles ] (1833-1917), English painter of Jewish origin, peace activist and advocate of Esperanto
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cadogan Gardens, Sloane Street, S.W. [ London ] Undated.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn, with small hole affecting one word of text. He acknowledges receipt of her cheque for three guineas.

[ Naomi Jacob, author and actress. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Mickie') to W. Macqueen-Pope, on subjects including Ellen Terry, Bernard Shaw and Teddy Knox of the Crazy Gang's 'Nervo and Knox'.

Naomi Jacob (1884-1964), English author and actress [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), authority on theatre; Teddy Knox of the Crazy Gang's 'Nervo and Knox'; Clarice Mayne, music hall star ]
Publication details: 
Both from 'Casa Mickie [ the second spelled 'Casa Micki' ], Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy. 16 July [ 1953 ] and 5 August 1953.

Two chatty and characteristic letters. ONE: 15 July [1953]. 2pp., 4to. On aged paper, with wear to edges and vertical closed tear at foot. She begins by praising his books 'Ladies First' (1952) and 'Shirtfronts and Sables' (1953), adding in an autograph note 'Yes I bought them when in London.' The first contains 'that wonderfully beautiful tribute to Ellen Terry. I don't know when I have read anything which moved me so deeply, you rose to great heights when you wrote that. You are beginning to run James Agate very close on my shelves'.

[ John Braham, opera singer ] Autograph Letter Signed "J. Braham" to unnamed correspondent (theatre manager?), an interesting letter about an engagement offered, giving terms, and incidentally his imminent marriage.

John Braham, (c.?1774–1856), tenor opera singer
Publication details: 
No place [context = Manchester], 10 Nov. 1816.

One page, 4to, pasted to card frame, grubby and stained but text readable and complete. "I confess your offer to be liberal in the extreme - and if [excision] I possibly can,will be with you about the second week in January - I am now interestingly engaged being on the point of marriage with a young lady of this place (Manchester) therefore the excuse of 'being married and can't come' (at least these 2 months) must in this case be valid - Have the goodness to send the agreeement [...] to me at T. Wilson Esq.

[ 'Baron', London photographer. ] Twenty-four black and white photographs of his head printer and retoucher Mary Buchanan Owen, with an Autograph Reference by him, signed 'Baron & W Nahum', and genealogical notes by Owen's great-niece Kay Locker.

'Baron' [ Sterling [ Stirling ] Henry Nahum ] (1906-1956) ], London dance, film and celebrity photographer
Publication details: 
The reference on the letterhead of 'Baron | Camera Studies. 23 Grosvenor Street W.1. Mayfair 5069 [ London ]'. 2 August 1940. Some of the photographs are dated, between 1936 and 1947.

The collection of 26 items is in fair condition, aged and lightly worn. The 24 black and white photographic prints, of which there are 23 different images and one image duplicated in a smaller size, range in size from 29 x 24.5 cm to 8.5 x 11.5 cm. The pictures are tender and affectionate, in an informal style unusual for Baron. One picture, stamped 'UNRETOUCHED ROUGH PR<...>', shows Owen sitting on Baron's knee, on a wooden bench, the two smiling. The four largest are studies of Owen's smiling face, staring into the camera.

[ 'Baron', society photographer. ] Three family photographs of 'Baron' [ Sterling Henry Nahum ], one with a signed inscripion by him, and a contact sheet of nine shots of his face.

'Baron' [ Sterling [ Stirling ] Henry Nahum ] (1906-1956) ], London dance, film and celebrity photographer
Publication details: 
The inscription on the back of the photograph is dated May 1940. The other items undated.

Three black and white prints, ranging in size from 12 x 17 cm to 10 x 7.5 cm. The contact sheet is 12.5 x 13 cm. The four items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. One of the three pictures shows a smiling Baron outdoors with a young blonde boy (his son?), who is holding a camera tripd; another shows him standing with his arm on the shoulder of another man (his brother?), both on skis in the snow; and the third shows him in a heavy wool coat, on the steps of a European building, with a man in Slavic costume. The last is inscribed on the reverse: 'May 1940 |

[Printed Paper Wraps] De Pentateucho Samaritano ejusque cum versionibus antiquis nexu. Dissertatio inauguralis quam amplissimi philosophorum ordinis auctoritate in alma litterarum universitate Viadrina ... die VII. mensis Aprilis MDCCCLXV

Samuel Kohn, Rabbi, one of the founders of the Hungarian Literary Society [Jewish Encyclopaedia].
Publication details: 
Lipsiae: Typis G. Kreysing, 1865

8vo, [6], 68, [4] pp.. printed paper wraps, small label on front wrap (no. 138), front wrap chipped and detached (repaired on reverse with white tape), foxing, grubby, edges worn. Two minor annotations ("at" to "et", etc - posibly editorial). Only edition of this dissertation on the Samaritan Pentateuch. Kohn (1841–1920) was a Hungarian rabbi and scholar who served as president of the Hungarian Literary Society and as a member of the Jewish Congress of Hungary; this thesis was written while he was a student at the University of Breslau.


[Ernest Bloch, composer.] Collection of papers on music criticism by Joseph Sussman, including typewritten drafts of an unpublished monograph titled 'Ernest Bloch, Music's Prophet', an autograph notebook titled 'Ernest Bloch. The Piano Music'..

Joseph Sussman, instructor in the pianoforte and music theory [Ernest Bloch (1880-1959), Swiss-born American Jewish composer
Publication details: 
England. Dating from at least between 1963 and 1975.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, and can be grouped into three sections. ONE: Complete typewritten draft ([3] + 44pp., 4to) of Sussman's unpublished monograph on Bloch is contained in a large brown envelope, with the following note by Sussman on the front: '2ND COPY (without illustrations) of "Ernest Bloch - Music's Prophet" | JS'. It includes the contents, list of illustrations, introduction, and two-page 'Key and Bibliography'.

[The Jewish national anthem 'Hatikvah', sung in London at Gardiner's Corner ('the gateway to the East End').]

[Joseph Sussman of London, instructor in the pianoforte and music theory; 'Hatikvah', the Israeli national anthem; the establishment of the State of Israel; the East End of London]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [1940s]. With manuscript map of the Aldgate East area of the East End of London.

Six items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In addition to manuscript scores by Sussman of five parts (soprano, tenor, bass, alto and conductor) of 'Hatikvah' (the five parts totalling 6pp., 4to, with staves also drawn out in manuscript), there is a duplicated typescript of an English translation of 'Hatikvah', titled 'Men Awake!' ('Workers all!

Trade Card, text engraved by Ezekiel Abraham Ezekiel ("Ezekial Exon")

[Ezekial, Exon, engraver] Trewman & Son, Printers, Stationers, Booksellers & Binders
Publication details: 
Fore Street, Exeter c.1790 [see BBTI for details of R. Trewman & Son]

Trade card, apparently unrecorded, c.6.5 x 5cm, good condition. Text, "Trewman & Son | Printers, Stationers, | Booksellers & Binders. | Fore Street | EXETER || [minuscule] Ezekial, Exon."

[Alfred de Rothschild.] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed female correspondent.

Alfred de Rothschild [Alfred Charles Freiherr de Rothschild] (1842-1918), Anglo-Jewish financier
Publication details: 
On his monogrammed letterhead, New Court, St Swithin's Lane, E.C. [London.] 16 March 1900.

2pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Declining, in polite terms, to comply with her request that he consent to put his signature to 'a paragraph about myself, for the purpose of publication'. He explains that he would be 'very sorry that anything should be printed about me which I myself had [not] dictated or signed'.

[Jules S. Bache, German-born American banker and philanthropist.] Typed Letter Signed ('Jules') to the English biographer H. E. Wortham, regarding his seventieth birthday, the death of friends, the current 'crisis' and Wortham's latest book.

Jules S. Bache [Jules Semon Bache; Jules Bache] (1861-1944), German-born American banker, art collector and philanthropist [Hugh Evelyn Wortham (1884-1959), biographer of General Gordon]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 42 Broadway, New York. 19 November 1931.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Addressed to 'Hugh Wortham, Esq., | 75 Courtfield Gardens, | London, S.W.5, England'. Signed in green ink. He has received Wortham's book (probably 'The Delightful Profession: Edward VII, A Study in Kingship', published that year). He is 'still in the midst of a rather big book', but once he has finished it, he will send his comments on Wortham's.

[Anglo-Jewish Association] Three Typed Letters Signed "Phineas L. May", Administration Officer, Anglo-Jewish Association, to George Bilainkin, "the editor of 'Illustrated'" "famous diplomatic correspondent"

[The Jewish Monthly] Phineas. L. May, Administration Officer, Anglo-Jewish Association.
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Anglo-Jewish Association, Woburn House, Upper Woburn PLace, WC1 [London], January and February 1946.

Total 4pp., 12mo, good condition. Letter 1 (25 Jan. 1946) He gives brief biographical detail, showing prior acquaintance, and praises an article of Bilainkin on Yugoslavia in the magazine 'Illustrated'. He says the Anglo-Jewish Asociation is "considering the publication in the near future of a National Jewish Monthly Magazine [...] and the Publicity Committee have asked me to approach you to become a co-opted member". He suggests lunch.

[Mimeographed typescript of decision in case of Nazi confiscation of a Jewish printing press in Poland.] Supreme Restitution Court for Berlin. Decision. [...] In the Restitution Case of Mr. William (Wladyslaw) CYPEL, [...] versus the GERMAN REICH.

[Supreme Restitution Court for Berlin, Mr. William (Wladyslaw) Cypel (1909-1987) versus the German Reich, 1972]
Publication details: 
Berlin [West Germany], the 30 August 1973. [ORG/A/5987 | 3 2 659.69 | (151/146/152 WGK) 11 WGA 2769.57 (222.61)]

6pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1-6 at the head of the page, and 867-872 in the corners. On three leaves stapled together. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Corrected Autograph Draft and Corrected Page Proofs of the twenty-second lecture, 'The Youth of David', from the second part of 'Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church' by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster.

Arthur Penrhyn Stanley [Dean Stanley] (1815-1881), Dean of Westminster, theologian [King David]
Publication details: 
[London: John Murray, 1865.] Autograph draft undated. Proofs dated by Stanley to 1 August 1864.

The second of the three volumes of Stanley's lectures, subtitled 'From Samuel to the Captivity', was published by John Murray in 1865, the first volume having appeared two years earlier. The autograph draft is 4pp., 12mo, on a bifolium embossed with the Stanley crest (motto: 'Sans Changer'). Good, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Palgrave') from Sir Francis Palgrave, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, to his son Inglis, complaining of 'avalanches of business' and difficulties over a 'future residence' and helping 'Frank' [his son F. T. Palgrave]

Sir Francis Palgrave [formerly Cohen] (1788-1861), English archivist and historian of Jewish descent, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, 1838-61; his son Sir Robert Harry Inglis Palgrave (1827-1919)
Publication details: 
'Rolls [Rolls House, Chancery Lane] - | 15 June [no year]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Palgrave begins: 'My dear Inglis/ | I have had such avalanches [last word underlined] of business - and most of a confidential nature - that I have really been unable to write to you. By confidential business I mean business of a class which I cannot open to mhy clerks - and what must be either copied by my own hands or at home - If it had not been for Fanny Brown in addition to her sister I do not know what I should have done'.

Autograph Signature of the novelist Gilbert Frankau, cut from letter.

Gilbert Frankau (1884-1952), popular British novelist
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 12 x 21 cm rectangle, cut from the base of a 4to leaf. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with part of the card mount adhering to the reverse. A firm flowing signature which reads: 'Yours sincerely | Gilbert Frankau'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Hugo') from Anglo-Jewish poet Hugo Manning to Gerald Long, with a copy of Manning's book 'Modigliani', inscribed to Gerald and Anne Long.

Hugo Manning (1913-1977), Anglo-Jewish poet, journalist and mystic [Gerald Long (1922-1998), General Manager of Reuters, 1963-1981]
Publication details: 
Letter: 46 Belsize Square, London, NW3. 15 September 1976. Book: Enitharmon Press, London. 1976.

Letter: 1p., 4to. Good, on blue paper. Addressed to 'Dear Gerry', it reads: 'Please accept the enclosed book. I hope you & your family are well & flourishing. We have to soldier on - with some hope in our hearts - despite the molestations of a dark age. | The best there is | [signed] Hugo'. Book: 34 + [i] pp., 8vo. Very good copy; in fair dustwrapper, with slight spotting at head. Limited to 550 copies. Inscribed on half-title 'To Gerald & Anne Long | wishing them peace & all good things | [signed] Hugo Manning | 1976'.

Galley proofs of an article by the violinist Yehudi Menhuin entitled 'A Chivalrous Tradition', with a couple of minor corrections, for a volume celebrating Benjamin Britten's fiftieth birthday.

Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999), Anglo-American violinist and conductor of Russian-Jewish extraction [Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), English composer]
Galley proofs of an article by the violinist Yehudi Menhuin
Publication details: 
Published in 'Tribute to Benjamin Britten on his Fiftieth Birthday' (London: Faber & Faber, 1963).
Galley proofs of an article by the violinist Yehudi Menhuin

On two slips, both 15.5 cm wide, and totalling 59 cm long. Fair, on aged paper, with minor rust marks from a paperclip. The second slip headed with pagination '48', and running title 'Festschrift in Honour of Benjamin Britten'. He is grateful 'for the eerie fog, for the rain, as for the sixth sense, rich imagination and irrepressible humour of this people, as I am for all that has been absorbed of outlandish and exotic rendered proper, of wisdom and experience rendered intuitive - as I am particularly for their having absorbed and adopted me.' With one of Menuhin's compliments slips.

[Manuscript] Terms of Partnership between Mr Hermann Landau and Mr James Moses Alexander.

[Hermann Landau, Jewish banker and philanthropist, and James Moses Alexnder]
Publication details: 
29 Feb. 1885.

3pp., large folio. Signed by Landau and Alexander. Their agreement was for a business as "Dealers on the Stock Exchange", revealing the investment of both partners, and their terms, covering terms of liquidation etc. Attached: Letter Signed 'Jas M Alexander', to Landau, 26 Feb. 1885 with information about insurance policy on his life. Note: 1885, the year of this agreement, was the year in which the Jews Temporary Shelter was founded, the improved version of which, founded 1886, attracted Landau's benevolence and active support.

[Offprint from the 'Jewish Chronicle'] The Treves Family in England: A Genealogical Sketch. By Lucien Wolf, Past President of the Jewish Historical Society of England, etc., etc..

Lucien Wolf (1857-1930), President of the Jewish Historical Society of England
The Treves Family in England
Publication details: 
London: "Jewish Chronicle" Office, 2, Finsbury Square, E.C. 1896.
The Treves Family in England

8vo, 20 pp. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. A fair copy, on lightly-aged paper; wraps discoloured and chipped. Printed in small type, with 123 footnotes, and containing a mass of information. This separate printing is excessively scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Sheffield.

Signed Autograph legal opinion of Sir George Jessel ('G. Jessel'), regarding an 1849 action regarding the 'Title to Haskins Orchard in Payhembury Devon' between Elizabeth Harbin Gooddin, John Gooddin, Mrs Wain.

Sir George Jessel (1824-1883), English judge and Liberal Member of Parliament, Master of the Rolls from 1873 to 1883, the first Jew to achieve high judicial office [Goodden family, Payhembury, Devon]
Publication details: 
'G. Jessel | 5 Stone Buildings | Lincoln's Inn | 26 Feby 1849'.

Folio, 3 pp. On two pieces of paper, 33 x 41 cm. 84 lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-discoloured paper. The reverse of the last leaf is docketed '1848 | Abstract of the Title to Haskins Orchard in Payhembury Devon'. The upper part of the first page carries the last part of a deed of covenant, transcribed in another hand, with a query in the left-hand margin in Jessel's autograph, initialed by him. Beneath this, and continuing to the end of the third page, is Jessel's opinion, beginning 'I have perused this abstract on behalf of Mrs.

Autograph Reference Signed for Mr. J. Buzzacott. With his calling card

Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer
Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer
Publication details: 
[headed] 24 Oxford Road, Kilburn, N.W., 19 Feb. 1894.
Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer

One page, 12mo, good condition, saying Mr. J. Buzzacott was in my employment in the capacity of compositor (apprentice) at my printing works, 12 Wilson St., Finsbury, for about two years, and during the whole of that time was satisfactory with respect to conduct, work, & punctuality. He is a gentlemanly lad & I can recommend him. With Zangwill's calling card, name and address printed, adding With complements embracing his name.

[Pamphlet; inscribed by author] The Exchequer Note versus the Sovereign: The Great Want of the Country, A State Paper Money expanding with population and wealth.

James Harvey, author of Paper Money
The Exchequer Note versus the Sovereign:
Publication details: 
Liverpool: Edward Howell . . . London . . . , 1865.
The Exchequer Note versus the Sovereign:

Printed pamphlet, 24pp., 8vo,sewn as issued, wraps grubby, contents good. Inscribed Jacob Waley, [?] with the author's respects. Jacob Waley was the first president of the Anglo-Jewish Association and Professor of Political Economy at University College London.

"Rot und glühend ist das Auge des Juden". Gedichte zu 8 Radierungen von Jacob Steinhardt

Arno Nadel (1878-1943), German Jewish poet and musicologist; Jakob Steinhardt [Jacob Steinhardt] (1887-1968), Israeli artist and engraver of Polish and Jewish extraction; Fritz Gurlitt, publisher
Publication details: 
Berlin: Verlag für Jüdische Kunst und Kultur. Fritz Gurlitt. 1920.

Only edition. The dimensions of the volume, which is bound in grey paper printed wraps, are roughly 29.5 x 24 cm. It consists of 25 unpaginated leaves and a frontispiece (sometimes lacking). The other illustrations are eight tipped-in plates and a facsimile of a music score. Some ruckling to the wraps, otherwise a good copy on lightly-aged paper. Striking woodcut on front cover, 13 x 16 cm, showing and old Jew with a boy before a table with two candles. An attractive work, delicately and sensitively illustrated with images of Jews at prayer.

Autograph Note Signed

Berthold Auerbach, German Jewish novelist and poet
Publication details: 
No place [docketed April 1876]

One page, 8vo, 10 lines including bold signature. Not translated. Scan on request.

Autograph Signature ('F. Palgrave') on fragment of letter.

Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861) [born Francis Ephraim Cohen], English historian and antiquary, best-known for his poetry anthology 'The Golden Treasury'.
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of grey wove paper cut into a rough rectangle, 5 x 8 cm. Good, but with light traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Reads '<...> | I have honour to remain | Dear Sir | Yr obt. & hble. Servt | F. Palgrave', with the flourish to the 't' of 'Servt' forming the top horizontal stroke to the 'F.' in Palgrave's signature. Reverse reads '<...> | In conformity <...> | my letter to you <...> | July last, I requir<...> | my name may be <...>'.

Presentation copy of offprint of article: 'Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East: A Review Article'.

Theodor H. Gaster [Theodor Herzl Gaster (1906-1992)], Anglo-American anthropologist, an authority in the field of comparative religion [Sir James Frazer]
Publication details: 
Copyright 1945 by Columbia University Press | Reprinted from THE REVIEW OF RELIGION March, 1945'.

8vo: 15 pp, paginated 267-281, In grey printed wraps. Inscribed by Gaster on front cover: 'With kindest regards | T. H. G.' Good, on lightly-aged paper, in grubby and lightly creased wraps.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mel. Alcan'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Conseiller d'Etat Commissaire Général'.

Michel Alcan (1801-1877), French politician and engineer who made numerous innovations in the field of textiles [Exposition Universelle de 1867, Paris, France]
Publication details: 
Paris le 13. Dbre 1866'.

4to (27 x 21 cm), 1 p. Nine lines of text. Text clear and complete on lightly aged, creased and foxed paper. Small closed tear at edge along crease line (not affecting text). Bearing the numbered stamp of the Exposition Universelle de 1867, Commission Imperiale. Accepting the position, conferred on him by the Commission, of 'membre de Jury de l'Exposition dans la 55me. classe': 'J'accepte cette tâche de confiance, et ferai tous mes éfforts pour la remplir avec l'activité reclamée par le reglement concernant les travaux du Jury'.

Offprint entitled 'Two Remarkable Letters to Lord Beaconsfield on Trade and Peace.' ['Lord Beaconsfield and Trade' by 'JEW', and 'Lord Beaconsfield and Peace' by 'RABBI'.]

[?] Baker; the Bolton Guardian [Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield; William Ewart Gladstone; Victorian anti-semitism; nineteenth-century judaism]
Publication details: 
Undated. 'Reprinted from The Bolton Guardian.'

In three columns of small type on one side of a piece of unwatermarked wove paper, dimensions 39.5 x 29 cm. Text clear and complete, on aged and lightly creased paper. Four short closed tears at the extremities of folds. An unusual production, docketed in pencil in a contemporary hand at the head: 'These letters were written by Baker, Consul out in the Principalities & a great protege of Gladstone'. Begins 'We have been favoured with a copy of a remarkable letter addressed to the Premier by an old friend of his father's.

Signed publicity leaflet with photographic portrait.

Shula Doniach, pianist, author and composer
Shula Doniach
Publication details: 
Undated [1930s?]; 'All Communications to Harold Holt, 3 Clifford Street, London, W.1. Telephone: Regent 6845'.
Shula Doniach

Octavo bifolium on shiny art paper. A bit grubby, with two horizontal fold lines across photograph of Miss Doniach's head and shoulders in profile. Signed beneath photograph in blue ink. Central section contains twelve press opinions, ranging from Ernest Newman in the Sunday Times to the Amsterdam Handelsblatt.

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