[John Brewster, Under Sheriff of Nottingham.] Autograph Note Signed to John Goodall, enclosing an account of legal charges in the cases Grammer against Lord Melbourne and Grammer against Hides, relating to Greasley Moor Green, Nottinghamshire.

John Brewster, Under Sheriff of Nottingham [William Lamb (1779-1848), 2nd Viscount Melbourne [Lord Melbourne]; Thomas Grammer of Greasley Moor Green, Nottinghamshire; John Goodall, solicitor, Derby]
Publication details: 
Letter dated from Nottingham, 19 March 1845. Account of charges at 12 March 1845.

On 4to bifolium, with the account of charges on the recto of the first page, and Brewster's letter on the recto of the second. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with Nottingham and Derby postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf, to 'John Goodall Esq | Solr. | Derby'. Docketted: 'Brewster Jno. | Under Shff of Nttm | with acct. of Charges in Grammer at Melbourne | Same at Hides'. The letter reads 'Inclosed I forward you the Account of Charges relating to these

[Alex Younie, for Andrew Lang, Sheriff-Clerk of Selkirkshire.] Autograph Letter Signed to Melrose writers [solicitors] Erskine & Curle, explaining why Lang will have to delay payment of the dividends from 'John Brydens funds'.

Andrew Lang, Sheriff Clerk of Selkirkshire, grandfather of the writer of the same name, and friend of Sir Walter Scott; Alex Younie; Messrs Erskine & Curle, Writers [solicitors], Melrose
Publication details: 
Selkirk. 17 April 1818.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, which is docketed 'Mr A. Lang | About dividend from John Brydens funds'. In good condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. The letter reads: 'Gentlemen, | Mr. Lang has just now received your letter of yesterday's date. - Bryden's funds are not yet drawn from the Bank, and the dividends cannot be paid sooner than the latter end of next week, as Mr. L. goes from home on Sunday and will not return till that time. - You will get notice what time to send for Mr. James Brydons [sic] dividd.'

[Royal Military College, Lanvers, Perthshire.] Printed circular letter from the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, regarding cadets 'incurring Debts with Tradesmen'. Addressed in manuscript to H. G. Watson, concerning his ward D. R. Williamson.

[Royal Military College, Sandhurst; H. G. Watson of Edinburgh; Cadet D. R. Williamson]
Publication details: 
Royal Military College [Sandhurst]. 9 June 1845.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'H. G. Watson Esqr. | 13 St. Andrew's Square | Edinburgh', with three postmarks, and docketted 'Lawers | Military College 9 June 1845. | Tradesmens Bills'. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with a few closed tears. The signature is illegible, but does not appear to be that of the Governor, General Sir George Scovell.

[William Cleland, lunatic, of Upper Canada.] Autograph Petition Signed to Lord John Russell, and Autograph Letter Signed to George Ross, regarding his claim to have been cheated by the Bank of Scotland. With forwarding letter to the bank.

William Cleland of Upper Canada [Bank of Scotland; Lord John Russell (1792-1878), Whig Prime Minister; Sir James Stephen (1789-1859), civil servant]
Publication details: 
Letter from Governor Road near St George, Dumfries, Upper Canada. 1 November 1839 [but with 3 June 1840 postmark]. Petition stamped received on 1 June 1849. Forwarding letter: Downing Street [London]. 9 June 1840.

ONE: Autograph Petiton Signed. 'Unto the Right Honble. Lord John Russell Secrety of State &c &c | The Petition of Samuel Cleland residing near St George Dumfries Upper Canada'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. In poor condition, aged and worn at edges, with one corner apparently nibbled away by mice. At least some of the damage would appear to be contemporary with the document, as Cleland has written within the boundaries of the loss to the corner, and there is no loss to text. Docketed in red at head '1091 U. Canada' and stamped 'Received | C. D. | June 1 1840'.

[William Maynard, 2nd Baron Maynard.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Maynard') to Sir Richard Bulstrode, expressing puzzlement that his grandson should have visited Brussels without calling upon him, and asking him to show the boy favour.

William Maynard, 2nd Baron Maynard (c.1623-1689) [Sir Richard Bulstrode (1617-1711), British ambassador at Brussels]
Publication details: 
'Windzor' [i.e. the Royal Court at Windsor]. 25 June 1686.

2pp., 12mo. 49 lines of text. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf (which also carries his seal): 'For Sr Richard Bulstrode | Envoy from his Matie of greate Brittaine Att ye Court | Att Bruxells | these'.

[Sir Thomas Dyke Acland.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Dyke Acland') to an unnamed recipient, explaining how he has ceased to make charitable payments to the widow of an artist 'labouring under loss or decay of sight'.

Sir Thomas Dyke Acland (1787-1871), successively Conservative Member of Parliament for Devonshire and North Devon
Publication details: 
From the Waterloo Hotel, on his crested letterhead. 10 June 1863.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of glue from mount along one edge. A hurried letter, illegible at points. 'You will see the name of yr. respectable at the end of the enclosed Petition from My Own Hand. She has no right to refer to me for any further knowledge of herself and her husband, or his position of art - than that of my having understood him to be an artist in a state of much distress, labouring under loss or decay of sight, & that I for some years I might almost , I gave him occasional relief.

[John Williamson of Tynron Cottage, Thornhill, Scotland.] Autograph Letter Signed to Edinburgh lawyer David Williamson, regarding his immediate voyage to St Kitts in the West Indies, ship called the "Nevis Planter', with six gallons of Scotch whisky.

John Williamson (b.1750) of Tynron Cottage, Thornhill, Scotland [David Williamson (d.1837), Lord Balgray, of Lawers, Perthshire, Lord of Session; Scotch whisky; St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies]
Publication details: 
Tynron Cottage [Thornhill, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland]. 4 January 1801.

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with red ink postmark and broken black wax seal, to 'David Williamson Esqr | Advocate | George's Square | Edinh'. There is no indication in the letter that the two men are kinsmen. 'My Dear Sir, | I am happy to inform you that the ship called the Nevis Planter sails from Liverpool for St. Kitts on the 12th. Inst - with your approbation, I propose sailing with her - | Mr.

[J. G. Ueberfeld, Principal Agent, Frankfort Ready Money Lottery.] Secretarial Letter, signed by 'J. G. Ueberfeld | Principal Agent', explaining in detail why Alexander Blair, Treasurer of the Bank of Scotland should become interested in the scheme.

J. G. Ueberfeld, Principal Agent, Frankfort Ready Money Lottery [Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Alexander Blair, Treasurer, Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
'Frankfort a/m' [Frankfurt am Main, Germany] 10 November 1842.

2pp., 4to. 59 neatly and closely written lines. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Addressed to Blair at the head. From the start the tone of the letter must have rung alarm bells: 'Encouraged by one of my Dublin Correspondents, who has just very lately won a rather considerable prize in my office as General Agent to the Board of Management for the Frankfort Ready Money Lottery, I beg hereby to take the liberty of tendering you my services in the purchase or sale of public securities, recovery of Debts, &c &c.

[Horace Voules, de facto editor of Henry Labouchère's satirical magazine 'Truth'.] Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Ababrelton

Horace Voules, de facto editor of the satirical magazine 'Truth' [Henry Labouchère [Henry Du Pré Labouchère] (1831-1912), Conservative politician and writer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of "Truth" Buildings, Carteret Street, Queen Anne's Gate, London. 25 May 1897.

1p., 12mo. On aged and marked paper. Addressed to Ababrelton at 1 Northumberlandn Avenue. He thanks him for the letter and its enclosure. 'We have received copies of the latter by the dozen and we shall probably be dealing with the matter either in this or next week's issue of "Truth."'

[Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.] Autograph Note, initialled 'W', to 'My dear Charles' [Charles Arbuthnot?], regarding the sending of his letter to King William IV.

Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington [Charles Arbuthnot (1767-1850), diplomat and Tory politician]
Publication details: 
London. 18 March 1835.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, with the reverse of the second leaf docketted by the recipient. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with one small nick in spine causing minor loss. Reads: 'London March 18 1835 | My Dear Charles | I don't like to send an answer about the communication of your Letter without having it before me. I sent it to the King, and have not yet received it back; but I will look at it as soon as I shall receive it; and will let you know what I think | Ever Your's

['Public Baths for the Working Classes' in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh.] Three items relating to the project, two in manuscript (long circular letter, and accounts with 'Remarks') and printed prospectus.

'Public Baths for the Working Classes' in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh; Charles Gardner, Secretary to the Committee; D. McLaren and William Johnston]
Publication details: 
Printed prospectus dated Edinburgh, 14 July 1847. Circular letter from Committee Rooms, Cranston's Temperance Coffee House, High St, Edinburgh; 1 August 1844. Accounts at 12 August 1844.

Surprisingly little appears to have been written about the public baths at 12 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh; with no references to it on the Scottish Archives Network. There is however an informative reference to the subject in Francis H. Groome's 'Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland' (1884): 'Good public baths, of various kinds and various extent, for the upper and the middle classes, are in several parts both of the city and its environs. Public baths for the working classes were long a desideratum, though earnestly desired by many of the working classes themselves.

[Sir Alexander Young Spearman (1793-1874), Assistant Secretary to the Treasury.] Secretarial Letter, signed by Spearman ('A Y Spearman'), to the Directors of the Bank of Scotland, regarding the remittance of Scottish Revenue to London.

Sir Alexander Young Spearman (1793-1874), Assistant Secretary to the Treasury [Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Treasury Chambers [Whitehall]. 28 June 1837.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with slight loss to one edge from disbinding. On mourning paper (for King William IV).

[James Smith.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Ja Smith'), the first headed 'Note for Alexr. Blair Esqr. Treasurer of the Bank of Scotland', and docketted 'Report on City [of Edinburgh] Improvements'.

James Smith [Alexander Blair, Treasurer, Bank of Scotland; George Smith (1793-1877), architect to the Edinburgh Improvement Commissioners]
Publication details: 
First Letter: No place. 25 July 1837. Second Letter: Edinburgh. 31 July 1837.

Both 1p., foolscap 8vo, and disbound. Both in good condition, on aged paper, with loss at edge from disbinding, causing slight loss of text in second letter. Letter One: Docketed on reverse of second leaf 'James Smith | July 25 1837 | Report on City Improvements.' The document begins: 'Having carefully examined the state No. IV. made up by the Improvement Commissioners, and submitted to the Bank of Scotland &c, and also, inspected the works with Mr Geo. Smith Architect for the Commissioners, I take leave to submit the following observations thereon'.

[James Dickson of Edinburgh, inventor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas Dickson') [to the Bank of Scotland], requesting funds in order to capitalise on the successful trial [of his 'Patent Water Engine'].

James Dickson (1738-1822) of Edinburgh, Scottish inventor, engineer and lapidary [Bank of Scotland; Patent Water Engine]
Publication details: 
29 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh. 14 August 1820.

1p., 4to. 26 lines, closely and neatly written. Good, on disbound leaf of aged and worn paper.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland.] Manuscript Letter, signed by James Hope of Rickman & Hope, solicitors, to the Bank of Scotland, regarding 'dues collected for the passage of Vessels through the Caledonian Canal'. With detailed accounts of receipts.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland, designed by Thomas Telford and completed in 1822; James Hope of Rickman & Hope, Edinburgh; George Sanby of the Bank of Scotland]
Publication details: 
31 Moray Place, Edinburgh. 27 December 1825.

4pp., foolscap 8vo, on two bifoliums. On aged and worn paper, with slight bloom at head and a little loss to spine from disbinding.

[An young English Quaker relief worker in Germany.] Seven Autograph Letters Signed from 'David' [to the Tennant family?], describing in vivid terms his work in Lower Saxony (Harzburg, HIldersheim, Goslar) in the aftermath of the Second World War.

'David', a young English Quaker relief worker in Germany [The Tennant family of High Wycombe; British Army of the Rhine; Friends Relief Service]
Publication details: 
The first five from 124 Friends Relief Section [or 'Service'] (Quakers), B.A.O.R. [British Army of the Rhine]; the sixth letter from 17 Friends Relief Section; seventh from Work-Camp at Hildesheim,. Between March and July 1947.

66pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each of the letters kept together with rusty staples. All the letters are signed 'David' and addressed to 'My Dear All'. Accompanying them is an envelope addressed in another hand to S. W. J. Tennant, Beechcote, Brands Hill Avenue, High Wycombe, and this may provide a clue to the identity of the recipients, to whom 'David' makes it clear on a couple of occasions that he is not related, signing off one letter 'from your muddle-headed friend'.

[John Lawson Petingale, artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Lawson Petingale') to the architect Sir Albert Richardson. Together with a copy of the Ealing Arts Club magazine 'Miscellany', inscribed to Richardson.

John Lawson Petingale (1897-1965), English artist [Sir Albert Richardson (1880-1964), English architect; Ealing Arts Club]
Publication details: 
Letter: From 4 Birkbeck Way, Greenford, Middlesex. 23 December 1956. Magazine: 'Published by the Editors' (same address). No. 9. 1956.

Letter: 2pp., 8vo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressing his letter to 'Dear Sir Albert', Petingale thanks Richardson for his letter 'arising out of your visit to the Ealing Arts and Crafts Exhibition', which has encouraged Petingale to send him 'the latest number of "Miscellany", which is the contribution of the Literature Group to the Ealing Arts Club, and which my wife and myself have been editing for the last nine years'. He discusses a visit to Holy Cross Church, designed by Richardson.

[Fitzroy Somerset, Lord Raglan.] Secretarial Letter, signed 'Fitzroy Somerset', informing 'Ensign Bickerstaff' [Robert Bickerstaff] that he may purchase a lieutenancy in the 64th Foot Regiment.

Field Marshal Fitzroy Somerset [FitzRoy James Henry Somerset], 1st Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan] (1788-1855), British commander in Crimean War [Lt-Col. Robert Bickerstaff (d.1894), 6th Dragoon Guards]
Publication details: 
Horse Guards [London]. 18 November 1846.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Raglan signs and addresses Bickerstaff at the foot of the letter, otherwise it is in a secretarial hand. It reads: 'Horse Guards | 18 November 1846 | Sir, | I am directed by The Commander in Chief [the Duke of Wellington] to acquaint you, that, on your lodging the Sum of £250 - in the hands of Messrs. Cox & Co of Craigs Court His Grace will submit your name to Her Majesty for the purchase of a Lieutenancy in the 64th Foot - | I have the honor to be, | Sir, | Your humble Servant, | Fitzroy Somerset | Ensign Bickerstaff | 64th Foot'.

[Henry Montagu Butler.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Montagu Butler') to 'Mr Maddy', praising choristers [from Gloucester Cathedral] for ministering to the sick at his hospital, and discussing the good works of a nun of All Saints, Margaret Street.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, Dean of Gloucester Cathedral, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and Vice-Chancellor of the University
Publication details: 
Gloucester. 31 December 1885.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on mourning paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'It was indeed a great happiness to see those young choristers finding part of their Christmas happiness in ministering to the invalid little ones.

[Erasmus Wilson.] Autograph Note Signed to Mrs Buchanan, sending new year's greetings.

Erasmus Wilson [Sir William James Erasmus Wilson] (1809-1884), dermatologist and philanthropist
Publication details: 
17 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square [London]. 2 January 1882.

1p., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'My Dear Mrs. Buchanan, | Many thanks for kindest New Year's greetings: - | A Happy New Year to you and yours | Faithfully yours | Erasmus Wilson'.

[Chandos Leigh, 1st Baron Leigh.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leigh') to 'Mr. Brodie', regarding a 'rather singular letter' he has received from one of his parishoners, offering his services as a shoemaker at a prison.

Chandos Leigh (1791-1850), 1st Baron Leigh, of Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire, minor poet, cousin of Jane Austen and friend of Byron and Leigh Hunt
Publication details: 
57 Portman Square, London. 14 July 1849.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The recipient presumably held a living near Leigh's Warwickshire mansion Stoneleigh Abbey (said to be the model for Sotherton Court in his cousin Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park'). Leigh apologises troubling Brodie 'with the enclosed rather singular letter which I have received from one of your Parishioners'.

[Dame Freya Stark and Peggy Drower.] 15 items from the papers of Stark's assistant Peggy Drower, including two letters to her from Stark's biographer Jane F. Geniesse, with a copy the book, an Autograph Card Signed from Caroline Moorhead.

Peggy Drower [Mrs Margaret Hackforth Jones] (1911-2012), Egyptologist and Dame Freya Stark's last assistant at the Ikwan-al-Hurriayah in Cairo [Jane Fletcher Geniesse; Caroline Moorhead]
Publication details: 
Material from London and Washington. Dating from between 1993 and 2001.

The material is loosely inserted in a copy of 'Passionate Nomad. The Life of Freya Stark' by Jane Fletcher Geniesse (New York: Random House, 1999). xxvi + 402 + [2]pp., 8vo. Very good, in like price-clipped dustwrapper, and inscribed to Drower by her daughter. Drower is described on p.296 as 'daughter of Freya's old Baghdad friend Lady Drower, [who] followed Pam Hore-Ruthven as her assistant and spent two years trying to get repaid for the cost, not to mention the enormous effort, of packing up Freya's belongings and sending them to Asolo after the war'.

[Peter Levi, poet and Jesuit priest.] Holograph collection of nine poems, titled 'The Element', with signed autograph note from Dom Moraes explaining their background.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford, 1984-1989, and Jesuit priest [Dom Moraes (1938-2004), Indian poet]
Publication details: 
Dated by Levi to the period November 1957 to January 1958. Moraes' note dated 10 June 1963.

14pp., 4to. In exercise book with green printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. The first page carries the title 'The Element', with the words 'Peter Levi S.J. | Nov. '57-Jan. '58' in the top right-hand corner. With occasional light corrections. The second poem ('Out of shaking') has the directions: 'No title & no commas', and the last but one ('Unfinished Elegy'), which is the longest at 4pp., is annotated: 'There ought to be three parts or possibly four.

[Peter Levi, S.J., English poet.] Unpublished holograph poem ( 'P. L.') titled 'For Henrietta and Dom. | (December, 1960.)' Addressed to the Indian poet Dom Moraes and his wife Henrietta Moraes, lover of Lucien Freud and model for Francis Bacon.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford and Jesuit priest [Dom Moraes (1938-2004), Indian poet; his wife Henrietta Moraes (1931-1999)]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. December 1960.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. A fair copy of a twenty-eight line poem, arranged in seven four-line stanzas. Signed at end 'P. L. | December 1960.' The first stanza reads 'Rain-threaded gull-wheeling bell-clamorous air, | by wind shifted, by smoke lightly weighted, | in which sirens beautifully despair, | no monumnet crumbles uncelebrated,'. The poem ends with a simile of 'Adam when he woke: | stood for a moment as if he had been blind, | and bent suddenly over Eve, and spoke.' There is no indication that the poem has been published.

[Peter Levi, S.J., English poet.] Autograph Card Signed to the bookseller Eric Korn, with copies of his 'Three Poems' and the Jesuit bulletin 'To our friends', the latter with signed autograph note: 'This I did write & hideous [...] it is'.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford and Jesuit priest
Publication details: 
Card postmarked from Campion Hall, Oxford, and with postmarked date 21 November 1971. Three Poems: Sycamore Press, 4 Benson Place Oxford; Spring 1970. 'To our friends': No. 33, April 1962; with note on letterhead of Heythrop College, Chipping Norton.

The three items in good condition, with light age and wear. CARD: He has been told about Korn by 'Barbara and Cyril Connolly': 'Maybe we might meet, though I shall now be leaving England for a time. Do you ever have a catalogue? If so please put me on your list. I chiefly want classics & archaeology & (old) travels in Greece & Central Asia, but sometimes modern poetry. I am always at or c/o this address. Peter Levi.' THREE POEMS: Landscape 8vo, folded twice to make three panels. Printed in blue. The first poem is titled 'Riddle' and the other two are untitled.

[Frederick Gorringe's Department Store.] Manuscript subscription list of donations by staff to the Daily Telegraph fund for 'the Sufferers' by the Edgware Road Fire, giving more than 200 names and sums. With two press cuttings.

[Frederick Gorringe (1831-1909), draper; Frederick Gorringe's Department Store, 75 Buckingham Palace Road, London; the Daily Telegraph; the Edgware Road Fire, 30 May 1888]
Publication details: 
[London. May and June 1888.]

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. First page headed: 'The Edgware Road Fire | The proprietor of "The Daily Telegraph" have as hitherto on similar occasions opened a Subscription list for the Sufferers and it is estimated that £3,000 will be required to meeet the urgent claims for relief which are already too well known | I shall be glad to receive any donations you may be pleased to give on their behalf | (JNER.)'. Arranged in eight columns, two to a page, with running totals and a grand total of £16 1s 0d. The first donation is for 10s 6d from 'Mr.

[Captain G. P. Rimington, Hon. Representative, Royal Life Saving Society, Nairobi, Kenya.] Sixteen documents relating to his post, including five Typed Letters Signed from Chief Secretary Alwyn E. Briscoe, certificate, diploma, printed supplement.

[Captain G. P. Rimington, Hon. Representative, The Royal Life Saving Society, Nairobi, Kenya; Alwyn E. Briscoe, Chief Secretary; lifeguard; swimming]
Publication details: 
Most documents from The Royal Life Saving Society, Desborough House, 14 Devonshire Street, Portland Place, London. Between 1950 and 1963.

The documents include a printed 'Certificate of Thanks' from the RLSS, with facsimile signature of Earl Mountbatten of Burma, made out to 'Captain G. P. Rimington | Nyeri', and dated 1963; 1p., foolscap 8vo. Also present are five Typed Letters Signed from Alwyn E. Biscoe, Chief Secretary, to Rimington in Kenya. All on RLSS London letterhead, 2 May and 21 July 1950, and 16 February, 4 May and 19 June 1951. All 1p., 4to. The first two discussing 'the appointment of Mr. Tattersall as Hon. Representative for the Kisumu district' and Rimington's resignation as 'Hon.

[E. Bayley, Printer.] Printed handbill of three verses of the British National Anthem, under the title 'The Patriot's Hymn', beginning 'GOD save Great George our King'

E. Bayley, Printer (of Macclesfield, Cheshire?) [The British National Anthem]
Publication details: 
Printer's slug: 'E. BAYLEY, PRINTER.' Place not stated (Macclesfield, Cheshire?). Undated [during the Regency period].

1p., 12mo. On aged and worn wove paper. Headed with the royal crest and title 'The Patriot's Hymn.' Twenty-one lines arranged in three verses, numbered I to III. Printer's slug beneath swelled short rule at foot of page. The printer is possibly the Edward Bayley stated by BBTI to have been active in Macclesfield between 1788 and 1825. The absence of the long s, and the use of wove paper, suggest nineteenth-century publication before 1830, and probably during the Regency period.

[James Stuart, Viscount Stuart of Findhorn, as Secretary of State for Scotland.] Typed Letter Signed ('James') to Sir Thomas Moore, MP for Ayr Burghs, thanking him for his help 'last night with the problem of the children's officer at Ayr'.

James Stuart (1897-1971), 1st Viscount Stuart of Findhorn, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1951-1957 [Sir Thomas Cecil Russell Moore (1886-1971), MP for Ayr Burghs]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Secretary of State for Scotland, Scottish Office, Fielden House, 10 Great College Street, London, SW1. 24 April 1952.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. After thanking him for his assistant Stuart informs Moore that he is 'delaying a further approach to the Council until you tell me that the new Provost has been appointed and you have been able to make unofficial approaches to him about a Deputation meeting me in Edinburgh'. Annotated in pencil by Moore.

Autograph draft reply by the Duke of Wellington, on printed circular invitation to 'the Anniversary Dinner of the Governors' of the London Hospital, from secretary William John Nixon.

Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852), 1st Duke of Wellington; William John Nixon (c.1820 to 1910), Secretary and House Governor of the Royal London Hospital
Publication details: 
The Circular dated from 'London Hospital, 9th April, 1847.'

The circular on 1p., 4to, on recto of first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. It reads: 'MY LORD, | The House-Committee and Stewards for conducting the Anniversary Dinner of the Governors of this Charity, present their compliments with the enclosed Card of Invitation for THURSDAY, the 22nd of APRIL, and request to be favored with your Lordship's [corrected in manuscript to 'Grace's'] Company on that day.

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