[Sir Robert Liston, Scottish diplomat, British Envoy Extraordinary (Ambassador) to the United States.] Autograph Note Signed to William Jerdan ('My Dear old Boy'), editor of the Literary Gazette, agreeing to come to 'the free masons'.

Sir Robert Liston (1742-1836), Scottish diplomat, British Envoy Extraordinary (Ambassador) to the United States [William Jerdan (1782-1869), editor of ‘The Literary Gazette’; Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
30 January [no year]. No place.

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Reads: ‘Jany 30. / My Dear old Boy / Ill come on Thursday with great pleasure to the free masons / Yrs faithfully / Robt Liston / W. Jerdan Esq’.

Sir Walter Elliot, Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company servant.] Autograph Letter Signed to the German orientalist Reinhold Rost, regarding books he donated to ‘the Library’, needing a ‘Pandit’ to read them.

Sir Walter Elliot (1803-1887), Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company functionary [Reinhold Rost (1822-1896), German orientalist in England]
Publication details: 
11 November 1876; on letterhead of Wolfelee, Hawick, N[orth]. B[ritain]. (i.e. Scotland).

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to ‘R. Rost Esq Ph.D’ and ‘Dear Dr Rost’, and signed ‘Walter Elliot’. He thanks him for taking the trouble to ‘hunt out the books. I gave a large number in 1866 & some in subsequent years but it is difficult to recal [sic] to mind the details of transactions of so distant a date’.

[Sir Herbert Maxwell, 7th Baronet, Scottish writer, salmon fisher and Conservative MP.] Autograph Letter Signed to Grant Reid, sending a copy of one of his books, and explaining that his days of drawing are over.

Sir Herbert Maxwell [Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell, 7th Baronet] (1845-1937), Scottish writer, artist, antiquarian, horticulturalist, salmon angler and Conservative MP
Publication details: 
4 December 1895; on his crested letterhead from The Airlour, Whauphill, Wigtownshire, N[orth]. B[ritain]. (i.e. Scotland).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient would appear to have been an impudent autograph collector. Addressed to ‘Grant Reid / Esq’ and signed ‘Herbert Maxwell’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir / I have directed a copy of Post Meridiana to be sent to you according to your desire.’ He cannot however comply with Reid’s other request. ‘I have no time to give to drawing now, and my family have possessed themselves of all my old drawings.’

[‘The Colossus of Roads’: Sir James Nicoll McAdam, Scottish builder and administrator of roads.] Autograph Signature cut from document.

Sir James Nicoll McAdam (1786–1852), ‘The Colossus of Roads’, Scottish builder and administrator of roads
James Nicoll McAdam
Publication details: 
No date or place.
James Nicoll McAdam

See his joint entry with his father John Loudon McAdam (1756-1836) in the Oxford DNB. On slip of paper roughly 11 x 6.5 cm, cut from document. In good condition, lightly aged, and laid down on part of brown paper leaf from an autograph album. (Part of an autograph by ‘[...] Perry’ is on the reverse.) Good large disciplined autograph ‘James Mc Adam’ (with the initial ‘J’ closely cropped at the head and left-hand side), beneath which is written, in a contemporary hand ‘The Colossus of Roads’. See Image.

[Princess Sophia of Gloucester, niece of King George III.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Sophia Matilda’) [to Sir Herbert Taylor, Private Secretary to George IV], regarding ‘the kind Legacy from the late Queen at Wirtemberg’.

Princess Sophia of Gloucester [Sophia Matilda] (1773-1844), daughter of the Duke of Gloucester, niece of King George III [Lieut-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839), Private Secretary to the Sovereign]
Publication details: 
‘Bagshot Park / Septr. 16th. [1829]’.

See Taylor’s entry, and that of Princess Sophia’s brother William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1776-1834), in the Oxford DNB. Bagshot Park was the residence of her brother the duke (Silly Billy’), to whom she was very much attached. The siblings were not entirely accepted by the Royal Family due to the unequal nature of their parents’ marriage. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Taylor, who is not named but is clearly the recipient, has marked the letter as ‘Private’. Good firm signature ‘Sophia Matilda’.

[Admiral Sir Phipps Hornby, hero of the Battle of Lissa, Lord of the Admiralty.] Autograph Letter Signed Phipps Hornby, as Superintendent of the Victualling Yard, Plymouth, discussing what to do with the butter and cheese for 'the Ordinary'.

Admiral Sir Phipps Hornby (1785-1867), senior Royal Navy officer, hero of the Battle of Lissa, 1811, Lord of the Admiralty, Superintendent of the Naval Hospital and Victualling Yard, Plymouth
Publication details: 
‘Navl Hospl [Naval Hospital, Plymouth] / June 21st. [1834]’.

See his entry, and that of his son, in the Oxford DNB. Hornby served as Superintendent of the Royal Naval Hospital and Victualling Yard at Plymouth between 1832 and 1838. This item is 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium with thin mourning border. Fifty lines, neatly and closely written. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage and a few closed tears around gutter. Folded for postage. Signed ‘Phipps Hornby’, and with recipient (‘My dear Sir’) unnamed. Pencil note giving note by recipient at head of first page, giving prices for butter and cheese ‘for the Year 1834’.

[Sir Frederick Joseph Bramwell, mechanical engineer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr Lanyon’

Sir Frederick Joseph Bramwell (1818-1903), mechanical engineer, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, associated with the Stockton and Darlington Railway
Publication details: 
8 April 1888. On letterhead of 1A Hyde Park Gate, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small strip of discoloration at head of first page and traces of previous mount on discoloured blank reverse of second leaf. He thanks Lanyon for his ‘renewed kindness’ durimg his ‘recent visit to Belfast’, and extends an invitation to ‘a party of a few friends we are about to have on the 5th of May’. With respect to Lanyon’s visit, ‘and to the earlier call I hope you will make on my wife (who is generally not in from her drive till 5.0)’, he makes him a street plan (on lower part of second page).

[Sir Thomas Beecham and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby]. Autograph Signature ‘Thomas Beecham’ and ‘Betty Beecham’, on printed menu of Festival Luncheon for the Scottish Music Merchants’ Association.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), conductor, and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby] (1908-1958) [Scottish Music Merchants’ Association Festival Luncheon, 1950]
Sir Thomas Beecham
Publication details: 
30 August 1950. Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh.
Sir Thomas Beecham

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Menu printed in blue on one side of 4to leaf, folded into 16 x 15 cm bifolium-style card. Front cover with patches of discoloration, and back cover bearing evidence of previous mounting (layer of dried out glue), otherwise in good condition. Front cover reads: ‘Scottish Music Merchants’ Association / Festival Luncheon / Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh / Wednesday, 30th August 1950 / Chairman: / R. W. Cresswell’. In space between ‘1950’ and ‘Chaiman:’ is large clear signature ‘Betty Beecham.’ At foot of page is large signature ‘Thomas Beecham’.

[Sir William Smith, classical and biblical scholar and lexicographer, editor of the Quarterly Review.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking his daughter Annie for the birthday present of a pair of slippers.

Sir William Smith (1813-1893), classical and biblical scholar and lexicographer, editor of the Quarterly Review
Publication details: 
20 May 1881. On letterhead of 94 Westbourne Terrace, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and with slight discoloration to corners of second leaf from previous mounting. Folded once for postage. With large firm signature. Begins: ‘My dear Annie, / Please accept my best thanks for your kind present of a pair of slippers on the anniversary fo my birthday, & especially for your kindness of thinking of me.’ He comments on his improved health since the previous year, the long time since their last meeting, and his anticipation of their next.

[Fitzroy Kelly; attempted murder is as bad as murder] {Part of?] Autograph Letter OR Note Signed with initials (probably a Postscript?) 'FK [FitzRoy Kelly]', later Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, to an unknown correspondent defining murder.

Sir Fitzroy Edward Kelly (1796-1880), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, judge and Conservative politician [Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), writer, judge and politician]
Publication details: 
No place or date. See Image.

One page, 8vo, strip on left edge from origins in an album(?), fair condition, completely legible if hasty. Text: I will let you off now - but you had better let me ask Gunning whether he has further occasion for you.| I think too that an attempt to murder is as bad as murder - But inasmuch as punishment is not to revenge [underlined] but to deter [underlined]; as long as murder is punishable with deat you have all the security that you can have against attempts to murder. | JK.

[Sir Francis Baring, 1st Baronet, merchant banker, major beneficiary of the slave trade.] Autograph Letter Signed, inquiring for information about journey times between Jamaica, Havannah and Vera Cruz.

Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810), 1st Baronet, merchant banker, founder of one of the leading London houses, said to have made a fortune from the slave trade by the age of sixteen
Publication details: 
‘Bath 27. decem. 1803.’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged; piece of card from autograph album laid down on part of the reverse. The card bears the following pencil note (concerning another lost item), in a Victorian hand: ‘This is not an autograph. / But it is a most amusing & interesting letter and so finds a place in this book / F H A’. Baring’s letter, to an unnamed recipient, reads: ‘My dear Sir / I will thank you for an answer to the following questions as to the number of days each voyage will require.

[Richard Holt Hutton, journalist and theologian.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, from the Spectator office, to Rev. F. Daustini Cremer, justifying a statement made by him about a rumour regarding Sir William Harcourt.

Richard Holt Hutton (1826-1897), journalist and theologian, joint-editor of the Spectator and National Review [Rev. Frederic Daustini Cremer (1848-1927) of Hirstpierpoint, Sussex]
Publication details: 
9 and 16 March 1875; both on letterheads of ‘ “The Spectator” Office’, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters closely written. Both folded for postage. The letters concern the following statement in the Spectator, 6 February 1875: ‘Rumour says that Sir William Harcourt has ascertained from his friend, Mr. Disraeli, that while he will treat the Marquis of Hartington with all the respect due to the leader of a great party, he could not have accorded that deference to Mr. Forster. If rumour does not speak falsely, we could wish that the meeting of the Reform Club had received that very significant message.’ ONE (9 March 1875): 4pp, 12mo. Fifty-seven lines.

[Edmond Holmes, educationalist and poet; and Admiral Sir Reginald Neville Custance.] Autograph Letters Signed from both men to Lt-Col. John Glas Sandeman, regarding Holmes’s pamphets on education.

E. G. A. Holmes [Edmond Gore Alexander Holmes] (1850-1936), educationalist and poet; Admiral Sir Reginald Neville Custance (1847-1935), Royal Navy officer; Lt-Col. John Glas Sandeman (d.1922)
Publication details: 
ONE (Custance to Sandeman): 8 August 1911; on letterhead of 42 Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, W. [London] TWO (Holmes to Sandeman): 19 August [1911]; 'c/o Messrs Constable & Co / 10 Orange Street / Leicester Square / W. C. [London]'.

See the entries for Custance and Holmes in the Oxford DNB. According to the latter: ‘On his retirement in November 1910, Holmes published What is and What Might Be (1911), a condemnation of the existing education system, which stressed competition rather than co-operation, emphasized visible results, and demanded the mechanical obedience of the child. The book attracted wide public attention. [...] Shortly before his retirement, he became involved in the furore over the so-called 'Holmes–Morant circular', a highly confidential memorandum which he had issued in January 1910 to inspectors’.

[Dean Stanley’s ‘execrable handwriting’.] Autograph Letter Signed from Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster, to 'My dear Dictionary ' [i.e. Sir William Smith, editor of the Quarterly Review and lexicographer], about a friend of Duckworth's.

Dean Stanley [Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815-1881), Dean of Westminster, theologian [Sir William Smith (1813-1893), classical and biblical scholar and lexicographer, editor of the Quarterly Review]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the entries for Stanley and Smith in the Oxford DNB, the former drawing attention to Stanley’s ‘execrable handwriting’. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Nineteen lines of text. Addressed to ‘My dear “Dictionary” ’, and signed ‘A P Stanley’, but with much of what comes in between only deciperable with effort: ‘[...] salutation [...] addressing [...] Could you do anything for the enclosed? I know nothing beyond what the writer says of himself - & Duckworth’s recommendation of him which I also enclose.

[Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet associated with the London Magazine, secretary to sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey.]

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author associated with the London Magazine, superintendant and secretary to the sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey (1781-1841)
Allan Cunningham
Publication details: 
19 December 1835; 30 Belgrave Place [London].
Allan Cunningham

See his entry and Chantrey's in the Oxford DNB. On one side of a trimmed-down piece of paper, roughly 11 cm square. Discoloured, and with damage to the corners (affecting one word at top right) from removal from mount. With postage folds, and evidence on otherwise-blank reverse that Cunningham was re-using an envelope: part of address in another hand to 'Mrs Pa[...]'. Reads: 'Mr. Allan Cunninghams respects to Mr. Tindal and begs to inform him that Sir Francis Chantrey is at Holkham at present and will not likely be back till after Christmas: should he come sooner Mr A. C.

[Sir Fitzroy Kelly, judge, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Tory politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Aspinall’, regarding his secretary taking his chance, and prospects in the legal profession.

Sir Fitzroy Kelly (1796-1880), judge, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Tory politician
Publication details: 
1 June 1878; on letterhead of 3 Connaught Place, W. [London]

A spirited and characteristically-forceful letter, casting interesting light on the social side of London legal practice in the Victorian period. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 8vo. On Bifolium with thin mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with some nicking and light creasing at edges. Begins: ‘D[ea]r Aspinall, / I suppose from my not having heard from you no one knows of a case in point. So, unless you tell me there is some precedent - of danger, I’ll recommend my secretary to take his chance.

[Sir John Easthope (1784-1865), proprietor of Morning Chronicle, employer of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Note Signed 'J E', with full signature in frank, to Thomas Joseph 'Mummy' Pettigrew.

Sir John Easthope (1784-1865), proprietor of Morning Chronicle, Whig politician, employer of Charles Dickens as a reporter [Thomas Joseph Pettigrew (1791-1865), doctor, antiquary and Egyptologist]
Publication details: 
'Barnet June five / 1831', with frank of 6 June 1831.

See his entry, and that of Pettigrew, in the Oxford DNB. Easthope was a difficult employer, nicknamed ‘Blast-hope’. Dickens worked for him as a parliamentary reporter between 1834 and 1836. 1p, 12mo, on recto of first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, aged and discoloured. Reads: 'My dear Pettigrew / Will you please to leave out Lancaster letter which I'll send for tomorrow / haste / Yrs. / J E / Sunday'. The letter is addressed on the reverse of the second leaf, with slight loss to one corner from the breaking of the red wax seal. Black 'BARNET' postmark and customary frank in red.

[Sir Courtenay Ilbert, Clerk of the House of Commons and Viceroy of India’s Council.] Autograph Letter Signed to his daughter Joyce, written from SS Cedric, White Star Line, describing the holiday.

Sir Courtenay Ilbert [Sir Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert] (1841-1924), Clerk of the House of Commons, 1902-1921; drafter of the ‘Ilbert Bill’ as Viceroy of India's Council
Publication details: 
25 November 1913. On letterhead of SS Cedric, White Star Line.

Written while Clerk of the Commons. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Joyce Violet Ilbert (1890-1957) was the youngest of his five daughters. 8pp, 12mo. Two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to ‘My Dear Joyce’ and signed ‘Yr. loving father | C. P. I.’ Begins: ‘I wish for my sake that you were on board the Cedric - for I miss my [?]-valet-secretary very much. If you were here, you would be hoping that the voyage would never come to an end’. They have had ‘almost perpetual sunshine since we left New York’. ‘The ship is extremely comfortable.

[General Sir Robert Gardiner of the Royal Artillery, Master Gunner, St James’s Park.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Mr Pettigrew’, i.e. Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, doctor and Egyptologist, regarding ‘General Anderson'.

General Sir Robert Gardiner (1781-1864) of the Royal Artillery, Master Gunner, St James’s Park [Thomas Joseph Pettigrew (1791-1865), doctor, antiquary and Egyptologist]
Publication details: 
No date. ‘The Gun House / Parade / St James’s Park’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, with Pettigrew’s. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. Reads: ‘Sir Robert Gardiner presents his compliments to Mr Pettigrew - / He begs Mr Pettigrew will forgive his taking the liberty of asking whether he is acquainted with General Anderson, and if so, he begs Mr. Pettigrew will do him the favor of calling here as soon as convenient in his round of Professional calls this morning’.

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt], explorer and travel writer.] Autograph Note Signed: a quotation with signature provided for an autograph hunter.

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt (1856-1933)], explorer and travel writer, aide-de-camp to his brother-in-law Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak
de windt
Publication details: 
No date or place.
de windt

See the entry for Sir Charles Brooke in the Oxford DNB. On one side of an 18 x 9 cm piece of paper, the upper part torn from a larger sheet, with neatly-torn bottom edge resulting in a little loss to the flourish beneath the signature and the tip of the downstroke of the ‘y’ in ‘Harry’. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a central vertical fold. The text, in a bold hand, reads: ‘ “Though obstacles beset you - struggle still!” / Even a worm may climb this highest hill! / Yrs Sly / Harry de Windt’ See Image.

[Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake, journalist and writer on art, wife of painter Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of the Royal Academy and first Director of the National Gallery.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Alderson, reporting a death in the family,

Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake [née Rigby] (1809-1893), writer on art, wife of painter Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of Royal Academy and first Director of National Gallery [Georgina, Lady Alderson]
Publication details: 
‘7. FitzRoy Sqre. [London] / 27. Novr. 1867’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, and that of the recipient’s husband, the judge Sir Edward Hall Alderson (1787-1857). 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium with thick mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘Dear Lady Alderson / Fresh, & very heavy sorrow has befallen us, or I wd. sooner have answered yr ot of last Saturday. The death of Captn.

[Charlie Chaplin [Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin], English comedian, star of the silent screen.] Autograph Signature to matt bromide print of portrait by Witzel of Los Angeles of Chaplin playing his violin.

Charlie Chaplin [Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin] (1899-1977), English comedian, star of the silent screen; Albert Witzel (1879-1929), Los Angeles photographer
Publication details: 
Photograph by [Albert] Witzel of L[os] A[ngeles]. [Said to have been taken on 1 May 1928.]

The present image is not in the National Portrait Gallery, but the licencing rights are held by Getty Images, by whom it is dated to 1 May 1928. 24 x 18.5 cm bromide print, on 25 x 18.5 cm matt.In fair condition, discoloured and with light creasing at extremities. Chaplin's genuine signature is at bottom right: 'Yours Truly / Charlie Chaplin'. Wittzel's monogram (featuring 'WITZEL' and 'L A') is printed at bottom left. An excellent and unusual artistic image of a figure of world renown.

[American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders (in fact Tarleton’s Legion).] Autograph text of newspaper advertisement by Sir Banastre Tarleton, for his ‘Southern Campaigns in America [...] by Major General Tarleton.'

American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders [in fact Tarleton’s Legion]. Sir Banastre Tarleton (1754-1833), British soldier and Whig politician
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1787, when the work was published.

Tarleton has become a quasi-mythical figure in the early history of the United States, his actions misrepresented and his character traduced. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and the magnificent portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the National Portrait Gallery, London. The present item is 1p, landscape 12mo, on one side of an 18 x 10.5 cm piece of gilt-edged watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, aged, worn and lightly creased, with central horizontal and vertical folds, and evidence of mount on the blank reverse.

[Sir Francis Chantrey, sculptor, and his secretary Allan Cunningham, poet.] Manuscript Letter, written and signed by Cunningham on behalf of Chantrey, to William Tindal, regarding a monument to Colonel Page, with letter from Tindal to Mrs Page.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey (1781-1841), sculptor; his secretary Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author; William Tindal [Colonel Frederick Page (1769-1834), Royal Berkshire Militia]
Publication details: 
Cunningham (signing as Chantrey) to Tindal: 'Belgrave Place [London] 7 January 1836'. Tindal to Mrs Page, 'Temple 7 Jany 1835'.

An excellent document, providing an invaluable view of the practicalities of commissioning and executing public monuments in the Georgian period. See Chantrey's entry in the Oxford DNB, and Cunningham's, which states: 'In 1814 he was engaged by Chantrey as superintendent of his establishment, and gave up writing for newspapers. He lived afterwards at 27 Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico. He acted as Chantrey's secretary, conducted his correspondence, represented him during his absence, and occasionally offered artistic assistance. He became a favourite of Chantrey's sitters and visitors.

[Sir John Barrow, geographer and author, Second Secretary to the Admiralty.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Mr. Clowes’, regarding his ‘Art[icle]. on Egypt’.

Sir John Barrow (1764-1848), geographer and author, Second Secretary to the Admiralty, 1804-1845
Publication details: 
'Tuesday' (no place or date).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down by the four corners to piece of paper neatly cut down from a leaf of an album. Reads: 'Sir J. Barrow will thank Mr. Clowes to let him have the Art. on Egypt, as soon as set up, as he will have considerable alterations to make towards the

[John Morley, Viscount Morley of Blackburn, Liberal politician and writer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and an Autograph Note Signed to Lady Ilbert, wife of Sir Courtney Ilbert, Clerk of the Commons, regarding dinner arrangements.

John Morley (1838-1923), Viscount Morley of Blackburn, Liberal politician and writer [Lady Jessie Ilbert [née Bradley] (1850-1924), wife of Sir Courtenay Ilbert (1841-1924), Clerk of the Commons
Publication details: 
ALS ONE: 19 December 1910; on embossed letterhead of United Service Club, Pall Mall. ALS TWO: 2 July 1911; on letterhead of Flowermead, Wimbledon Park, S.W. ANS: 5 July 1911; on letterhead of the Privy Council Office, Whitehall, S.W.

See his entry, and that of Lady Ilbert’s husband, in the Oxford DNB. The three items in good condition, lightly aged, and folded for postage. ALS ONE (19 December 1910): 1p, 12mo. ‘I am sorry you have had domestic anxieties. They are the most poignant.’ He continues: ‘It would delight me to have a peaceful hour with you and Ilbert, without prejudice to Fisher and his wife.’ Signed ‘M.’ ALS TWO (2 July 1911): 2pp, 12mo.

[Sir Herbert James Read, Governor of Mauritius, and his wife Lady Violet.] Six items including autograph speech by him for members of Second Colonial Office Conference to British Empire League, and other speech, and commonplace book by Lady Read.

Sir Herbert James Read (1863-1949), Governor of Mauritius, and his wife Lady Violet Kate Read [n?e Maclachlan] (d.1951) [Second Colonial Office Conference, 1930]
Publication details: 
Second Colonial Office Conference speech from 1930, on letterhead of Government House, Mauritius. Lady Read's commonplace book dated March 1924. Another item from 1934.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Six items. Items Two and Five in fair condition, somewhat creases; the other four items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Autograph fair copy of speech by Read on behalf of his ?fellow-members on the [Second] Colonial Office Conference? [1930] to the British Empire League and the British Empire Club. Apparently unpublished. Unsigned. 5pp, 12mo. On bifolium and single leaf, both with letterhead of Government House, Mauritius.

[Aylmer Bourke Lambert, disgtinguished botanist, vice-president of the Linnaean Society of London.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Captn. Ross? [the future Sir James Clark Ross], asking him to show his drawings to the King and Queen of New Zealand..

Aylmer Bourke Lambert (1761-1842), distinguished English botanist, vice-president of the Linnean Society of London [Sir James Clark Ross (1800-1862), Antarctic explorer]
Publication details: 
?Friday Eveng. 4th. April [no year or place].?

See his entry, and that of Ross, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on first leaf of bifolium. Aged and worn, with small sections torn away at top corners, damaging the first letter of the text. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to ?Captn. Ross.? Neatly written in an elegant hand with a good firm signature. Unusually punctuated. The letter presumably relates to botanical illustrations made during Ross?s Antarctic explorations, from 1839 onwards. Reads: ?My Dear Sir / There are some friends of mine Lord Mountnorris & his Sister & The King & Queen of New Zealand.

[Sir Sidney Gerald Burrard (1860-1943), Surveyor General of India.] Large printed coloured map of ?Tibet and Adjacent Countries?, during the First World War.

?Tibet and Adjacent Countries?: Sir Sidney Gerald Burrard (1860-1943), Surveyor General of India; Survey of India
Publication details: 
?Compiled under the direction of Colonel Sir S. G. Burrard, K.C.S.I., R.E., F.R.S., Surveyor General of India, 1917?, ?Helizincographed at the Survey of India Offices, Dehra Dun.?

The original item. On one side of a piece of a piece of paper roughly 70 x 100 cm, folded into a 10.5 x 15.5 cm packet of fifty panels. An attractive item, but in need of some attention: on brittle and discoloured paper, with several closed tears. The map was the work of Col. H. B. Hudson. A significant map, still cited in the Sino-Indian border dispute. For the background see 'Two Important Maps from the Survey of India', Geographical Journa, October 1915. First published in 1914, but the only copy of this 1917 version located in the National Library of Australia.

[Sir Robert Ker Porter [‘Reynhold Steinkirk’], historical painter to Tsar of Russia, British consul in Venezuela; botany] Two Autograph Letters Signed to the Hon. Mrs Villiers, regarding the procurement in Venezuela of the ‘rarest seeds’.

Sir Robert Ker Porter [pseudonym ‘Reynhold Steinkirk’] (1777-1842), Anglo-Irish artist, diplomat and author, historical painter to Tsar Alexander I of Russia, British consul in Venezuela [Villiers]
Publication details: 
ONE: 1 April 1830; Esher [England]. TWO: 18 October 1830; Caracas [Venezuela].

Artist, author, diplomat and horseman, present at Sir John Moore’s death in Corunna, knighted by the king of Sweden, historical painter to Tsar Alexander, British consul in Venezuela: see the entry on this renaissance man in the Oxford DNB. Both in good condition, with folds for postage. Both signed ‘R Ker Porter’. The recipient (known to her family as the ‘Queen Bee’) was the widow of the Hon. George Villiers, who resided with her family at Kent House, Knightsbridge, home of her brother the Earl of Morley.

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