Six Typed Letters Signed from officials of the Cambridge University Press to J. G. Wilson of London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus: four from Walter Lewis, Printer, and one apiece from S. C. Roberts, Secretary, and assistant manager R. J. L. Kingsford.

[Cambridge University Press] Reginald John Lethbridge Kingsford (1900-1978); Sir Sydney Castle Roberts (1887-1966); Walter Lewis (1878-1960) [John Gideon Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus Ltd, Oxford Street]
Publication details: 
The six letters, all on Cambridge University Press letterheads (three different types), Cambridge (5) and London. Dating from between 24 September 1931 and 5 July 1932.

The six items in good condition, lightly-aged and with slight rust spotting. Four of the letters concern an exhibition of the CUP's work at the Bumpus store, 350 Oxford Street. Lewis's four letters are all signed 'W. Lewis' and on his own CUP letterhead. One: 24 September 1931. 2pp., 8vo. In reply to Wilson's congratulations over the exhibition he informs him that he will be sending his son ('subject of course to your consent'), 'who has been in the printing [sic] now for two years and should know something of types.

[Pamphlet] What is this Socialism? Talks to 'The Man in the Street'.

G.D.H. Cole
Publication details: 
Clarion Texts, Victor Gollancz Limited, Clarion Presss Limited, Victoria House Printing Company, 1933. [Clarion Pres share the Pelican Press's address].

Pamphlet, 32pp., 8vo, printed paper wraps, good condition, advt for 'The New Clarion' on back cover (same address as the Pelican Presss of Francis Meynell and Stanley Morison). Three copies listed on COPAC/OCLC, Oxford and three US libraries.

[Pamphlet] The Economics of Reparation

Sir George Paish [Pelican Press; Francis Meynell
Publication details: 
London: THe Challenge, Limited, Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, WC2, Printed at the Pelican Press [1921?]

[13]pp., cream printed wraps, staples as issued (rusted), good condition. Scarce.

[Pamphlet] Race Renewal. The Ideal of a Ministry of Health.

Dr. C.W. Saleeby [Pelican Press; Francis Meynell; Stanley Morison]
Publication details: 
Published by the National Council of Public Morals for Great and Greater Britain and the National Birth-Rate Commission [...], Printed at the Pelican Press, [1918].

10pp., 8vo, printed paper wraps, stapled as issued (rusty), The officers of the National Council of Public Morals are listed on the back cover, Publications, inside back cover. good condition. Saleeby's significant achievements in the world of medicine are described in the DNB. The printers of this pamphlet were the significant firm of the Pelican Press, founded by Francis Meynell, but run at this time (1918) by Stanley Morison.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Montagu Sims') from the editor of the Manchester 'free Lance' to copy editor 'Mr. Alvarez', regarding the journal's system of punctuation.

J. Montagu Sims (fl. 1870s), editor of the Victorian Manchester periodical 'free Lance' [Alvarez, copy editor]
Publication details: 
'Southport. Tuesday.' [no date] On letterhead of 'The Editor's Department', "free Lance" Office, 36, Corporation Street, Manchester.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by informing Alvarez that the periodical 'somehow made a sad hash of the printing of ye last No. which I have sent to the works | As you are now definitely engaged to read, I will tell you our system. | No high pointing, the other plan being both more scholarlike & less expensive. | All proofs read after my signature is attached (in page) to be only altered for literals.' He ends by informing Alvarez that he has 'sent on something of yrs'.

[Presentation copy of a printed pamphlet containing a poem on the death of his young daughter.] Pattie's Christmas Tree. By J. A. Langford, LL.D.

J. A. Langford, LL.D. [John Alfred Langford (1823-1903); the Herald Press, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation. 1892. [Printed by Wright, Dain, Peyton & Co., at the Herald Press, Birmingham]

[2] + 8 + [1] pp., small (18 x 14 cm.) 4to. Sewn with green ribbon into white wraps, with 'Pattie's Christmas Tree' in gilt on front. In good condition, with the wraps slightly sunned in panels. Inscribed at head of title-page 'With kind regards'. The pamphlet contains a single poem titled 'Pattie's Christmas Tree', printed on eight pages each with decorative border in gilt. Printer's slug on revers of title, and colophon on last page. The beginning and end of the poem indicate the theme.

Six printed promotional items for 'The Collected Works of William Morris, to be issued in twenty-four volumes under the editorship of Miss May Morris' by Longmans, Green & Co, comprising prospectuses, specimen pages and engravings, and an order form.

[William Morris; May Morris; Kelmscott Press; Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Longmans, Green & Company; fine printing; typography]
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910.

An interesting collection of typographical ephemera. ONE: Landscape 8vo wood engraving, captioned 'This illustration, entitled "Psyche in Charon's Boat," was engraved on wood by William Morris from a design by Edward Burne-Jones and forms one of a series in illustration of the story of Cupid and Psyche in "The Earthly Paradise." It is proposed to issue one or two of these designs, which have never been published, though one of them formed the frontispiece to the "Note on the Kelmscott Press" by Mr. S. C. Cockerell.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Typed Letter Signed ('Ballantrae') from Lord Ballantrae [Brigadier Bernard Edward Fergusson, Baron Ballantrae] to Antony Brett-James of Sandhurst, on topics including his editing of 'The Oxford Book of Military Anecdotes' and his wife's death.

Brigadier Bernard Edward Fergusson (1911-1980), Baron Ballantrae [Lord Ballantrae], military historian and Governor-General of New Zealand [Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Auchairne, Ballantrae, Ayrshire. 29 March 1980.

1p., 4to. 30 typed lines, with the last two lines in autograph. In good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Brett-James is addressed as 'Head of Department, War Studies & International Affairs, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Vera Meynell') from Lady Vera Meynell, wife of the typographer Sir Francis Meynell, to 'Dear Jack' [the anthropologist J. H. Driberg], asking him to 'let bygones be bygones' and visit her at Toppesfield, 'Hitler permitting'.

Lady Vera Meynell [née Vera Rosalind Wynn Mendel] (1895-1947), wife of Sir Francis Meynell (1891-1975), publisher and typographer, founder of the Nonesuch Press [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 39 Woburn Square, WC1 [London]. 5 July [no year, but during the Second World War].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Jack | It is a long time since we met - but perhaps that is my fault. If so, will you let bygones be bygones - and come over to Toppesfield some time?' She suggests a date, 'Or any Sunday lunch in the immediate future', stating that 'after July, all plans are "Hitler permitting"!' Driberg has noted his acceptance of the invitation up one margin. [Driberg was a Lecturer in Anthropology at Cambridge University from 1934 to 1942. His brother was the colourful Labour MP Tom Driberg.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E J Lindgren') from Dr Ethel John Lindgren to fellow-anthropologist J. H. Driberg, concerning a book by another author, accepted for publication by the Council of the University of Cambridge in 1904, and returned in 1928.

Dr Ethel John Lindgren (1905-1988), anthropologist [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42; brother of Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-76)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 34 Causewayside, Fen Causeway, Cambridge. 8 November 1939.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She asks him if he can 'shed any light' on a book or paper (not named), 'or indicate what amount of interest it is likely to have': 'The author wrote it in 1904, added to it in 1907. Council [of the University of Cambridge] accepted it for publication in 1916. It was returned to the author, at his request, in 1928!' She could send it to Driberg, 'to look through, if you like (or rather if you are willing!)' A postscript regarding Sir E. E. Evans-Pritchard, emphatically underlined, reads: 'Is it true that E-P is married???'

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Mitchell') from the classical scholar Thomas Mitchell to an unnamed editor ('My dear friend'), discussing his work translating Demosthenes.

Thomas Mitchell (1783-1845), English classical scholar, who produced a number of editions of Greek authors for the Clarendon Press, Oxford University
Publication details: 
Ramsdon [sic]. 24 January 1822.

2pp., 12mo. In a windowpane mount on a leaf removed from an album. The letter itself very good, on aged paper; the mount worn at extremities. He begins by informing the recipient that his 'last Letter has made ample atonement for the provocation of the preceding', and he has 'ever been the foremost, both in word & deed, to keep my wings in motion. I speak this seriously: my former note was only a temporary petulance'. The second paragraph begins: 'I must positively have another Paper for my Orators'. He has 'run to a fearful length, & yet have cramped myself all the way.

[Two printed documents in one.] St. Thomas's Hospital | Royal Charter. | 12th August, 5th Edward VI. (1551). [Dated 26th June, 7th Edward VI. (1553) incorporating the Hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, & St. Thomas.]

[Royal Charters of St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, 1551 and 1553; Bridewell; Christ's Hospital] [Chiswick Press, Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane]
Publication details: 
Chiswick Press: - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. [1860s]

7 + 10 pp., folio. Stitched and unbound. Printed front wrap, with vignette and 'St. Thomas's Hospital | Royal Charter.' in black letter. Worn and aged, with heavily-worn front wrap detached. Each of the two sections has its own drophead title, and printers' slug on last page. Tastefully printed on thick paper, with vignettes above the two drophead titles. All text in Latin. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC. Whittingham and Wilkins were active in Tooks Court in the 1860s.

Autograph Letter Signed from the printer and Congregationalist minister John Curwen, praising in the most affectionate terms his 'loving old friend' the typefounder and Liberal politician Sir Charles Reed.

John Curwen (1816-1880), Congregationalist minister, printer, and founder of the Tonic sol-fa system of music education [Sir Charles Reed (1819-1881), typefounder, philanthropist, Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
Plaistow, E. (on reversed 1875 letterhead of the Tonic Sol-fa College, Plaistow, London, E. 18 December 1874.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 40 lines. In fair condition, creased and with minor damage to second leaf from previous mounting. Addressing Reed as 'Dear Charles', Curwen explains that when asked who he would like as chairman for a forthcoming meeting, 'it was natural I should mention you, because of our old regard'. He is sorry that his 'friends' applied 'again - after your declining'.

[Printed book.] The Hymn of Bardaisan rendered into English by R. Crawford Burkitt.

F. Crawford Burkitt [The Hymn of Bardaisan; Laurence Hodson and C. R. Ashbee; The Essex House Press]
Publication details: 
'Printed at the Press of the Guild of Handicraft, Limited, under the supervision of C. R. Ashbee.' [Essex House Press production] Published by Edward Arnold, 37 Bedford Street, Strand.

30 + [ii] pp., 12mo. One of 300 copies. Printed in Caslon in red and black on Batchelor handmade paper. Wood-engraved initial and press-mark. Worn grey paper-covered boards with printed labels on spine and front board. Internally good in worn binding with discoloured spine splitting. Inscribed 'With every kind thought from C. Persis Burkitt. | July 17th.' Bookplate in green and black of D. Tecwyn Lloyd. The "second book printed at the Essex House Press".

Autograph Letter Signed ('M. Combe') from Martha Combe, wife of the 'Printer to the University' Thomas Combe of the Oxford University Press, discussing the terms of lodgings with 'Mrs. Capel', with a reference to 'Mr. Hunt' [William Holman Hunt'].

Martha Combe (1806-1893), wife of Thomas Combe (1796-1872), 'Printer to the University' at the Oxford University Press [William Holman Hunt (1827-1910), Pre-Raphaelite painter]
Publication details: 
'The University Press' [Oxford]. 19 April 1862.

2pp., 12mo. 14 lines. With the address and date on the second leaf of the bifolium, the top part of which is lacking. Fair, on aged paper. Writing to an unnamed male correspondent, Mrs Combe states that if he should arrive during her absence, he will find his lodgings 'at Mrs. Capel 7. St. Giles's, Pastry Cook'. She describes the terms as '£1 a week including attendance, plate, cooking linen, with a gratuity to the servant at the end of the term'. She concludes: 'I hope Mr.

Printed handbill anti-Catholic poem by Mary Frances Tupper of Albury, titled 'The Ritualists, Beware! They are Fooling Thee.'

Mary Frances Tupper, daughter of the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889) [the Middle Hill Press of Sir Thomas Phillipps]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1870.]

On one side of a piece of wove paper, 15.5 x 9.5 cm. In fair condition, on aged paper, with one creased corner and a small nick at the head. The drop-head title is in capitals, with the second line having only the opening quotation marks (before the initial word 'BEWARE'). The poem is 29 lines long, with three seven-line stanzas followed by an eight-line one. At the foot of the poem: 'Albury. Mary Frances Tupper.' The first stanza reads 'The stamp of Rome is on their heart, | Take care! take care! | They play the Jesuits' crafty part, | Beware! beware!

Autograph Letter Signed ('Hugo') from Anglo-Jewish poet Hugo Manning to Gerald Long, with a copy of Manning's book 'Modigliani', inscribed to Gerald and Anne Long.

Hugo Manning (1913-1977), Anglo-Jewish poet, journalist and mystic [Gerald Long (1922-1998), General Manager of Reuters, 1963-1981]
Publication details: 
Letter: 46 Belsize Square, London, NW3. 15 September 1976. Book: Enitharmon Press, London. 1976.

Letter: 1p., 4to. Good, on blue paper. Addressed to 'Dear Gerry', it reads: 'Please accept the enclosed book. I hope you & your family are well & flourishing. We have to soldier on - with some hope in our hearts - despite the molestations of a dark age. | The best there is | [signed] Hugo'. Book: 34 + [i] pp., 8vo. Very good copy; in fair dustwrapper, with slight spotting at head. Limited to 550 copies. Inscribed on half-title 'To Gerald & Anne Long | wishing them peace & all good things | [signed] Hugo Manning | 1976'.

Long telegram to the British Legation in Reykjavik [from the Home Office in Whitehall] instructing them on position to take with the press depending on the result of the impending 'GERMAN AIROFFENSIVE CONTRABRITAIN' [i.e. the Blitz].

[The British Legation, Reykjavik, Iceland; Icelandic; The Blitz, 1940; Rev. Dr John Charles Fulton Hood (1884-1964), editor of 'The Midnight Sun' newspaper]
Publication details: 
On 'Landssimi Islands' telegram form. From London to 'PRODROME REYKJAVIK' on 19 August 1940.

From the papers of Rev. J. C. Fulton Hood who, having been Chief Chaplain British Forces in Norway in 1940, worked in Iceland between 1940 and 1941. A pencil note on the telegram (see below) refers to 'The Midnight Sun', the troops’ newspaper in Norway and Iceland which Hood founded and edited. He was made a Knight of the Icelandic Order of the Falcon in 1949. The telegram is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and bears an oval blue 'LANDSSIMINN' stamp. It is headed 'PRESSE PRODROME REYKJAVIK' ('Prodrome, Reykjavik' being the British Icelandic Legation's telegraph address).

[Printed handbill poetical Christmas keepsake by Victor B. Neuburg, with wood engraving by 'O. W.']

Victor B. Neuburg [Victor Benjamin Neuburg (1883-1940), poet and author, proprietor of the Vine Press, Steyning, Sussex]
Publication details: 
The Vine Press, Steyning, Sussex. Christmas, 1921.

1p., 12mo. On piece of aged and lightly-creased laid paper. The engraving, at the head of the page, is 7 x 9.5 cm., is a stylised full-length depiction of a young man in eighteenth-century dress, wearing a cravat, with hands on hips, standing between two trees. The poem reads 'Dear He - / Or She - / This from me, / Victor B. / Neuburg, to thee.' Second stanza: 'Not me: we, / I forgot, you see.' In bottom left-hand corner, in italics, 'Christmas, 1921.' And in italics in bottom-right: 'The Vine Press, / Steyning, / Sussex.' No other copy found listed.

Typed Letter Signed ('James Bryce') from the historian and Liberal politician James Bryce, Viscount Bryce, to E. Byrne Hackett of Yale University Press, discussing the American Booksellers Association banquet.

James Bryce (1838-1922), Viscount Bryce, jurist, historian and Liberal politician [Edmond Byrne Hackett (1879-1953), Director of Yale University Press; American Booksellers Association]
Publication details: 
The British Embassy, Washington; 14 April 1911.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Bryce writes that he has not forgotten Hackett's 'invitation to the American Booksellers Association's banquet' in New York, but that it is unlikely that he will be able to attend 'seems to be extremely small, so that I must ask you not to announce me as being present.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Chs G. Greene') from the American newspaper editor Charles Gordon Greene to W. F. Allston, regarding the involvement of 'Capt. Sturgis' [William F. Sturgis?] with a newspaper article.

Charles Gordon Greene (1804-1886), newspaper editor, associated with Boston Statesman, Taunton Free Press, Boston Spectator, National Palladium, United States Telegraph [Captain William F. Sturgis]
Publication details: 
Boston; 17 November 1841.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In reply to Allston's letter Greene assures him that 'Capt. Sturgis did not write the paragraph' Allston alludes to, 'nor did he contemplate the publication of his decision in a newspaper at the time he made it known to the gentleman who furnished me with the information'.

[Printed handbill.] Books Printed for and Sold by Cornelius Crownfield at the University-press in Cambridge.

Cornelius Crownfield (fl.1710-1740), Inspector of the Press, Cambridge University [Richard Bentley, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge; Cambridge University Press]
Books Printed for and Sold by Cornelius Crownfield at the University-press in Ca
Publication details: 
Cambridge. [Circa 1716.]
Books Printed for and Sold by Cornelius Crownfield at the University-press in Ca

12mo, 2 pp. On disbound leaf. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Drop-head title. First page with, and second page without, catchword. Ten learned works are listed, beginning with the ill-fated 'Suidae Lexicon, Graece & Latine' ('3 Vol. Folio, 1710'). The earliest dates from 1706 and the latest from 1716. According to the Victoria County History, it was under Richard Bentley that 'Crownfield ('a Dutchman . . .

English manuscript translations of three 'Moral Tales from the Original German of Augustus Lafontaine translated by J Powell [James Powell of the Custom House)] Vol III', titled 'The noblest Man', 'The Intrigue' and 'The Power of Conscience'.

August Lafontaine (1759-1831), author; James Powell of the Custom House (and Newington Place, Surrey), translator
Moral Tales from the Original German of Augustus Lafontaine
Publication details: 
Circa 1804 (date of watermark). London?
Moral Tales from the Original German of Augustus Lafontaine

4to, 134 pp. In original loose grey wraps, with 'Moral Tales | Vol III' in manuscript on front. Texts clear and complete, with numerous manuscript emendations. Fair, on aged paper, with slight creasing to corners of a few leaves. Wraps worn. Comprising 34 bifoliums (watermarked 'RW | KENT'), with a single leaf (watermarked 'TW | 1804') carrying the title 'Moral Tales. | from | the Original German of Augustus Lafontaine | translated | by | J Powell | Vol III | Contents of Vol III | The noblest Man. | The Intrigue | The Power of Conscience'.

[Printed item.] Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography 1796-1896. [With introduction by Louis Prang.]

Louis Prang [The Grolier Club, Artistic Lithography Exhibition, 1896; The De Vinne Press]
 Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography
Publication details: 
[The De Vinne Press.] At the Grolier Club, 29 East 32nd Street, New York, 6 to 28 March 1896.
 Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography

12mo, 73 pp. Introduction followed by bibliography (pp.11-19). In original red and black printed wraps. Good tight copy, in lightly-worn and chipped wraps. Unlimited edition, without illustrations. The only copies of this edition at the British Library and University of London.

[Printed Prospectus] The Swallow Press and The Sonnets

[William Shakespeare]
Publication details: 

Four pages, folio, faint browning of edges, mainly good. Specimen page has Sonnet 34. Enclosed: Order For,

[Printed illustrated handbill advertisement] A Graunde Fantesie Fayre schal be holden in a Marketynge Plaice in Ye Halles of Assemblie, or Jarratt Streete Roomes, situate in ye pleasaunte toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull.

[Christopher Sykes; Kingston-upon-Hull; M. C. Peck and Son; George Falkner and Sons, Manchester
Publication details: 
1881. 'Imprynted for Maister M. C. Peck and hys Sonne, in ye Market Gate, Number 10, in ye antiente toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull, by Maister George Falkner and hys Sonnes, of Manchester.'

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in brown on watermarked laid paper. Fair, on aged paper. An exercise in Wardour Street English, foreshadowing in some respects the Leadenhall Press with its mish-mash of fonts and point sizes, and its antiquated decorative rules. The fair will be opened by 'Maister Christophere Sykes, Member of Parlymente for ye East Ryding of ye Countie of Yorkshire'. Names of the great and good expected to attend. Vignettes of a tudor fair, three medieval women, two jousting knights, a posy, chairmen, two men in eighteenth-century garb, a dinner table.

[Printed illustrated handbill advertisement] A Graunde Fantesie Fayre schal be holden in a Marketynge Plaice in Ye Halles of Assemblie, or Jarratt Streete Roomes, situate in ye pleasaunte toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull.

[Christopher Sykes; Kingston-upon-Hull; M. C. Peck and Son; George Falkner and Sons, Manchester
Hull: A Graunde Fantesie Fayre
Publication details: 
1881. 'Imprynted for Maister M. C. Peck and hys Sonne, in ye Market Gate, Number 10, in ye antiente toune of Kyngeston-upon-Hull, by Maister George Falkner and hys Sonnes, of Manchester.'
Hull: A Graunde Fantesie Fayre

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in brown on watermarked laid paper. Fair, on aged paper. An exercise in Wardour Street English, foreshadowing in some respects the Leadenhall Press with its mish-mash of fonts and point sizes, and its antiquated decorative rules. The fair will be opened by 'Maister Christophere Sykes, Member of Parlymente for ye East Ryding of ye Countie of Yorkshire'. Names of the great and good expected to attend. Vignettes of a tudor fair, three medieval women, two jousting knights, a posy, chairmen, two men in eighteenth-century garb, a dinner table.

Autograph itemised 'pay Bill for Captain Carrs. Recruiting Party', signed, with receipt, by 'Geo: Deans Serjeant'.

[Captain Carr's Recruiting Party, 1778; George Deans, Recruiting Sergeant; the British Army; press gangs]
Autograph itemised 'pay Bill for Captain Carrs. Recruiting Party'
Publication details: 
Receipt dated 28 March 1778.
Autograph itemised 'pay Bill for Captain Carrs. Recruiting Party'

12mo, 1 p. Neatly written with six items, beginning with '2 weeks pay for Serjt: Deans and Dr. Marton', and ending with 'Expences Contracted on account of Mc.Dougall'. Includes 'A Cockade for Joseph Harriegat & one for Dr. Harris'. Deans acknowledges receipt of £2 11s. The last item, of 5s is not included in the payment, and the bill is docketed on the reverse '1778 | Serj. Deans Bill a 5s Mist[ak]e.' The identity of the relevant regiment is unclear.

[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, And spoken by him at the opening of the Theatre, Strawberry Hill, Nov. 1800.'

Richard Edgcumbe (1764-1839), 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe [Anne Seymour Damer (1748-1828; née Conway), whose guardian Horace Walpole left her his villa at Strawberry Hill; Strawberry Hill Press]
[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
Publication details: 
Without place or date [Strawberry Hill Press? c.1804'].
[printed handbill] Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe

4to, 1 p. On bifolium of wove paper, watermarked 'J LARKING | 1804'. Nicely printed. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The poem is thirty-four lines long, beginning 'Hold, hold! What's this? No prologue to our play? | Down with the curtain - let it down, I say; | Let me go forth - I must, I will have way!' It is preceded by title and 'Noise and disputing behind the Sccenes. - The Curtain begins to rise.

Substantial collection of articles (mainly to the 'Glasgow Argus' and 'Wigtownshire Free Press') and other writing by William Durrant Cooper (1812-1875), antiquary, mainly political and much of it anonymous, collected by Durrant himself.

William Durrant Cooper (1812-1875), antiquary
Publication details: 
Between 1842 and 1844.

4to, 194 pp. (paginated by Cooper). In original calf half-binding, with marbled boards and endpapers. All texts clear and complete. On aged paper chipped at extremities, and coming away from binding, which has been covered in plastic. With Durrant's armorial bookplate, and signed 'Wm Durrant Cooper' on first page.

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