[Roy Fuller, poet.] Three Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Letters Signed (the first 'Roy Fisher' and the other four 'Roy') to the literary scholar Miriam Allott, regarding an edition of the collected poems of her late husband Kenneth Allott.

Roy Fuller (1912-1991), English poet and novelist [Miriam Allott [née Farris] (1920–2010), literary scholar and wife of the poet and criticKenneth Allott (1912-1973)]
Publication details: 
All five on his letterhead, 37 Langton Way, London SE3 7TJ. 26 May, 12 and 17 July, and 10 and 20 August 1973.

Each letter 1p., 8vo. In very good condition, lightly aged and worn. The first two letters in autograph, the other three typed. ONE (26 May 1973): He condoles with her on her husband's death. 'I always greatly admired his poetry & then his work as a critic. I've just been writing down hisname in the index of my second book of Oxford lectures, where I refer briefly to both these activities of his. It is a sad loss, particularly to those of us who admire creative & sensitive scholarship, so rare & so much needed now.

[Printed pamphlet.] Association of Technical Institutions. Paper read at the Annual General Meeting Friday, 26th February, and Saturday, 27th February, 1937 on "Salesmanship".

F. Hickinbotham, J.P. (Birmingham Central Technical College and the City of Birmingham Commercial College)
Publication details: 
[Echo Press, Ltd., Loughborough.] [1937.]

6pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with shelfmarks, stamps and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Printed voting slip (1p., 12mo, creased) of the 'Association of Technical Institutions. Election of Council, 1937.' loosely inserted. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on OCLC WorldCat, and only two copies on COPAC.

[W. S. Cowell Limited, Ipswich printers.] The firm's 'Address Book', containing thousands of signatures of British printers, publishers, artists and book illustrators over a forty-year period, sumptuously-bound with unique printed prelims.

W. S. Cowell Limited, Ipswich printers [Beatrice Warde; Ruari McLean; Francis Meynell; Sebastian Carter (Rampant Lions Press); Charles Batey; Brooke Crutchley; Hans Schmoller; Ralph Steadman]
Publication details: 
W. S. Cowell Limited, 8 Butter Market, Ipswich, Suffolk, England; 23 Percy Street, London, W.1. Dating from between 7 June 1952 to 20 March 1991.

Founded in 1818, the Ipswich firm of W. S. Cowell Ltd ('The Press in the Butter Market') grew into one of the leading British printers, known for its high-quality catalogue work. The firm's papers are in the Suffolk Record Office at Ipswich, whose catalogue entry provides a good summary of its history.

[Prospectus printed by the Chiswick Press.] The Junior Art-Workers' Guild. What it is - and where it stands. An Appeal to Craftsmen.

Hugh Arnold and Dudley Heath, Hon. Secretaries, The Junior Art-Workers' Guild [The Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London; Board of Education Library]
Publication details: 
Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. June 1905.

7 + [1]pp., 8vo. In grey-green printed wraps, with vignette and title on cover. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with loose stitching. Light pencil annotation in margins. Shelfmark, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Subtitles: 'Early History of the Movement', 'The Emergence of New Art', 'The Economic Question', 'Back to Tradition', 'The Limitations of the Arts and Crafts Movement', 'An Appeal to Artists and Craftsmen'. Only copy on COPAC at NLScotland.

[Inscribed first edition.] Poems by A. Romney Green.

A. Romney Green [Arthur Romney Green (d.1945); C. Curtis; The Astolat Press Guildford; R. Brimley Johnson [Reginald Brimley Johnson] (1867-1932), journalist and editor]
Publication details: 
A. C. Curtis | The Astolat Press Guildford | Brimley Johnson | London Office | MDCCCCI' [1901].

vii + 96pp., 8vo. In grey cloth binding, with title printed on cover and spine. Internally good, on lightly-aged paper (with minor discoloration in three openings from pressed flowers), in worn and discoloured binding. Title-leaf printed in red and black (including publisher's device on title-page). On reverse of title: 'Seven copies of this edition on Japanese vellum and 500 on handmade only for sale printed by hand at the Astolat Press Guildford and there published November nineteen hundred & one.' Inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper: 'E. M. H. | from A. R. G. | 14 Dec.

[Printed book.] Lavender Harvest.

Constance Farmar [The Cayme Press, Kensington, owned by Humphrey Toulmin (1893-1971)]
Publication details: 
Printed at the Cayme Press, Kensington. 1926.

50pp., 12mo. In light-blue boards, with white label on front board carrying title and illustration of sickle with sheaves of lavender. Internally good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn and aged boards. Uncommon: only three copies on COPAC (British Library, Oxford and National Library of Scotland), with a further four in American institutions on WorldCat. Farmar's only other book appears to have been 'Castles in Spain' (1907). She also produced the lyrics to a song titled 'Bluebell-time', with music by Ruby Holland.

[Book of type specimens.] Old Faces of Roman and Medieval Types lately added to the De Vinne Press.

[The De Vinne Press] [Theodore Low De Vinne (1828-1914), American printer and authority on typography]
Publication details: 
Printed at the De Vinne Press, No. 12 Lafayette Place, New York. 1897.

[4] + 47pp., 8vo. In printed wraps. Internally in fair condition, on aged paper, with slight staining to the corners; in worn and chipped wraps. A handsome production, as one might expect from one of the nine founders of the Grolier Club, with a two-page introduction followed by a full-page reproduction of the Ascensius printer's device, and 47 examples of pages set in various point sizes of Cushing, Ancient Roman, Jenson, Satanick, Louis XV, and Century Roman. No copy on COPAC, six American and one French on WorldCat.

[Royal Visit to Canada, 1959.] Typed 'draft of Press Release to be issued in Ottawa with the itinerary'.

[Royal Visit to Canda, 1959; Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip]
Publication details: 
[Ottawa, Canada.] 'Not for publication or broadcast before 3.30 G.M.T. Tuesday, January 20, 1959.'

Press release and itinerary totalling 6pp., foolscap 8vo, and 1p., 4to. Stapled and folded into a blue cover with a duplicated map of Canada with the 'Queen's route' on the reverse.

[The Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps (RNZAC).] 'Restricted' information document, duplicated typescript with illustrations.

[The Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps (RNZAC)]
Publication details: 
Communications Wing, School of Armour, Army Training Group, Waiouru [New Zealand]. 2 November 1975.

6pp., 8vo. On three leaves stapled together, with punch holes for ring binder. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With 'RESTRICTED' at head and foot of each page. Corps badge at head of first page and six illustrations in text. Divided into 24 sections, with headings: Formation; Early History; The First World War; The Second World War; Post War; Alliances; The Badge; Corps Colours; Dress Distinctions; Corps Day; Official Music; Patron Saint; Corps Motto. Written in a no-nonsense style. For example, the final two sections read: 'Patron Saint | 23.

[Offprint.] Things and Sensations. [From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. II.]

G. F. Stout [George Frederick Stout (1860-1944), philosopher and psychologist] [The British Academy]
Publication details: 
London: Published for the British Academy By Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, E.C. [London. 1905.]

13pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, with slight wear at spine from disbinding. Copies on COPAC at the British Library and five other locations.

[Chiswick Press.] Small collection of material by director F. J. Newbery, including a manuscript account of the press and a typewritten chronology by him, an address by him titled 'Picture Making' and a booklet of 'Interesting Facts' about the firm.

F. J. Newbery [Francis James Newbery (b.1881)], director and manager of the Chiswick Press [Adam Maitland; Christopher Sandford; Charles Whittingham & Griggs Ltd; The Golden Cockerel Press]
Publication details: 
[Chiswick Press, London.] One of the printed items from 1930; part of the correspondence from 1953.

The collection is in good condition, lightly aged and worn, apart from Item Seven. ONE: Autograph notes by Newberry on the firms of 'Chiswick Press Tooks Court' and 'Wm. Griggs & Sons Ltd. Peckham'. 4pp., 12mo. Closely written, with corrections. The first section concludes: 'Jacobi was certainly an experienced and successful printer of fine printed volumes and H.M. paper. William Morris drew inspiration from Chiswick Press that led to his founding the Kelmscott Press. His first experiments in the use of type designed at K. P. were carried out under Jacobi. C. P.

[BBC TV International Balloon Race, May 1965.] BBC Press Service press pack with two maps (one of the 'Revised Route'), plan with text of 'The Free Balloon', biography of producer Brian Branston, 'Who's Who', 'Topographical Background' and 'History'.

BBC TV International Balloon Race, May 1965 [Brian Branston (1914-1993); Jacques Demenint; Charles Dollfus; ballooning]
Publication details: 
One item on BBC Press Service (London) letterhead, dated 'May 1965 | CMG'

Eight items, in good condition on aged paper, with the three photographic illustrations darkened. In blue card folder. ONE: Mimeographed typed biography of 'Ronald Victor Brian Branston'. On BBC Press Service letterhead; May 1965. 1p., 4to. TWO: Mimeographed typed 'Who's Who'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. With entries on nine balloonists (from Albert van den Bemden to Anthony Smith, and including Charles Dollfus, 'curator of France's air museum') and two passengers. THREE: Mimeographed typed 'Topographical Background'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo.

[Arthur Campbell, Victorian photographer.] Memorandum of Agreement in which he undertakes to teach Leonard Langsford 'how to prepare the photographic paper called "Gelatino-chloride glossy printing-out paper"'. With three associated signed documents.

Arthur Campbell of 6 Brooks Road, Gunnersbury, Victorian photographer [Leonard Langsford of the Lisle Press, 24 Whitcomb Street, London, printer; Campbell Studios?]
Publication details: 
Memorandum: 17 June 1910. Receipt by Campbell: on letterhead of The Acacias, Brooks Road, Gunnersbury, W. [London]. 8 July 1910. Letter by Langford: on letterhead of The Lisle Press Ltd., 24 Whitcomb Street, Pall Mall. 17 June 1910.

The collection consists of four items. All four in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing. ONE: Typed Memorandum. 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Signed over a stamp by Campbell, and witnessed by Florence Campbell of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Campbell agrees to teach Langsford 'how to prepare the photographic paper called "Gelatino-chloride glossy printing-out paper" by the same formula and process as he uses and put him in the way to start and carry on a business for himself'.

[Sir Michael Clapham, while proprietor of the Cloanthus Press, Cambridge.] Scrapbook of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth, containing forty examples of items either printed by him, or with woodcuts by his sister Christiana, or a combination of both.

Sir Michael Clapham (1912-2002), printer and industrialist; his sister Christiana Muriel Clapham (d.1967), engraver; children of Sir John Harold Clapham (1873-1946) [Cloanthus Press, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Items dating from between 1932 and 1937; many from the Clapham family home, Storey's End, Cambridge.

The 40 items range in size from 25 x 19cm to 5 x 4.5cm. All in good condition, lightly-aged, and all but five laid down on the grey paper leaves of a heavily-worn album, with back cover loose, and with ownership signature of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth Clapham at head of first page. The couple married in 1935, and one of the 40 items is a card with text in red featuring Elisabeth's maiden name. It conveys 'Good wishes for Christmas & the New Year from Elisabeth Rea | 6 Barton Street, S.W.1'.

[Hannen Swaffer and Walter Macqueen-Pope.] Collection relating to an abortive collaborative attempt at a 'biography' of Swaffer for Odhams Press, with drafts of chapters (with anecdotes on Churchill, H. G. Wells, Lloyd George) and original letters.

Hannen Swaffer (1879-1962), doyen of English journalists, known as 'The Pope of Fleet Street'; Walter Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian [Odhams Press; Maurice Barbanell]
Publication details: 
[London: 1955.]

In very good condition, on aged paper, in a brown card folder. The material in this collection relates to a book that was never published, and included here are copies of two typed letters from WMP to HS, casting light on the nature of this doomed collaborative project. In WMP's first letter, dated 26 July 1955, he writes to 'Dear Swaff' to 'finalise the manner in which your book is to be written'. Presaging future problems he urges him: 'I do entreat you to remember the fact that a book is different to a series of paragraphs. It must have cohesion.

[Printed volume, with autograph poem from Meyerstein presenting the volume to Mrs Margaret Scott-Snell.] Wade's Boat. By E. H. W. Meyerstein.

E. H. W. Meyerstein [Edward Harry William Meyerstein] (1889-1952), scholar and poet [Mrs. Margaret Scott-Snell, mother of the author and illustrator Edward Scott-Snell (latterly Edward Godwin)]
Publication details: 
London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, W. [London] 1921. ['Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury, England.']

[2] + 77pp., small 4to. A good tight copy, on lightly-aged paper, with foxing to pp.40-41. In original lightly-worn grey paper boards, with white printed labels on cover and spine. Autograph correction by Meyerstein on p.72. Meyerstein's autograph presentation poem is on the front free endpaper, and is dated by him, in decorative style, to 1949.

[Rev. Dr George Croly.] Autograph drafts of three passages from an anonymous article in Blackwood's Magazine entitled 'Russia', dealing with Napoleon Bonaparte's coronation as Emperor of the French. and his entry into and retreat from Moscow.

Rev. Dr George Croly (1780-1860), Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer, editor of the Tory weekly The Constitution [Blackwood's Magazine, Edinburgh and London; Napoleon Bonaparte; Napoleonic Wars]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Published in Blackwood's Magazine (Edinburgh and London, April 1826).]

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Unsigned, but certainly in Croly's hand. The first page is headed: '- for tho' the Old Law was established in the promises of temporal prosperity, yet the gospel is founded in temporal adversity'. The three extracts, fiercely critical of the French emperor, follow over a total of 61 lines, with a few minor emendations.

[Peter Levi, S.J., English poet.] Autograph Card Signed to the bookseller Eric Korn, with copies of his 'Three Poems' and the Jesuit bulletin 'To our friends', the latter with signed autograph note: 'This I did write & hideous [...] it is'.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford and Jesuit priest
Publication details: 
Card postmarked from Campion Hall, Oxford, and with postmarked date 21 November 1971. Three Poems: Sycamore Press, 4 Benson Place Oxford; Spring 1970. 'To our friends': No. 33, April 1962; with note on letterhead of Heythrop College, Chipping Norton.

The three items in good condition, with light age and wear. CARD: He has been told about Korn by 'Barbara and Cyril Connolly': 'Maybe we might meet, though I shall now be leaving England for a time. Do you ever have a catalogue? If so please put me on your list. I chiefly want classics & archaeology & (old) travels in Greece & Central Asia, but sometimes modern poetry. I am always at or c/o this address. Peter Levi.' THREE POEMS: Landscape 8vo, folded twice to make three panels. Printed in blue. The first poem is titled 'Riddle' and the other two are untitled.

[George Bilainkin, English journalist.] Typescripts of three articles, two in the form of diary entries (one on an Egyptian Embassy reception and the other on an international conference on crime); the third a dialogue between monks and journalists.

George Bilainkin (1903-1981), English journalist and expert on foreign affairs [Ernest Bevin; Lev Nikolaevich Smirnov; Admiral Sir Dudley Pound; Egyptian Embassy; Laurence Cadbury; Tom Bairstow]
Publication details: 
Two dated entries: 23 July and 18 August 1960. The third entry ('Monastery') undated.

The three items derive from the Bilainkin papers. Each is separately paginated and stapled, with the text on one side only of the leaves. All three in good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with rusty staples. Item One: Titled 'ADD 1960 DIARY. Saturday, July 23.' 7pp., foolscap 8vo. With carbon copy of the same.

[James Stevens Cox, antiquary and bookseller.] Two of his pamphlets, published by his Toucan Press: 'The Richard Curle Collection of the Works of Cicely Veronica Wedgwood' and 'Surrealism and the Coiffure'. With Richard Curle's monograph on Cox..

[James Stevens Cox (1910-1997), antiquary, bookseller and proprietor of the Toucan Press; Richard Curle (1883-1968); surrealism; hairdressing]
Publication details: 
'The Richard Curle Collection': Published by J. Stevens Cox at the Toucan Press, Beaminster, Dorset, 1961. 'Surrealism and the Coiffure', 2nd edition, Toucan Press, Mount Durand, St Peter Port, Guernsey, C.I. 1977. Curle's monograph Stirling, 1962.

The three items in good condition, with minor aging and the last two items lightly-creased. ONE: 'The Richard Curle Collection of the Works of Cicely Veronica Westwood'. Published by J. Stevens Cox at the Toucan Press, Beaminster, Dorset, 1961. 19pp., 16mo. In green printed wraps. Stapled. '65 copies printed'. Four-page introduction, in which Cox writes: 'I wish to emphasise, however, that, despite the amplitude of the muster, this is not a Bibliography.

[Catalogue] St. Dominic's Press Ditchling, Hassocks, Sussex. BOOK LIST 1930

[H.D.C. Pepler; Cyril Costick]
Publication details: 
Ditchling, Hassocks, Sussex, 1930.

16pp., 8vo, inc. printed wraps, small closed tears, front wrap, slightly rusted staples, other unobtrusive staining at edges. It comprises an Introduction by Pepler on the historyof the St Dominic's Press, a Book List, list of Notepaper and Postcards, and entries for individaul works with woodcuts. ENCLOSED: Typed Note Signed "Truscott Hargrave" ("Secretary", Saint Dominic's Press) to Messrs E. Whitby & Son, The Library, 17 Princes Street, Yeovil, Somerset, 27 Feb.

Typed Letter Signed ('Beaverbrook') from the press baron Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, proprietor of the Daily Express, to the London bookseller Charles J. Sawyer, regarding 'the United States Tariff Act'.

William Maxwell "Max" Aitken (1879-1964), 1st Baron Beaverbrook [Lord Beaverbrook], Anglo-Canadian press baron, proprietor of the Daily Express [Charles J. Sawyer, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lord Beaverbrook's Office, 29 Bury Street, St James', SW1 [London]. 14 July 1930.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with strip from mount adhering at head of blank reverse. He thanks Sawyer for his letter: 'I am obliged to you for sending me the front page of the United States Tariff Act'. 'The Americans are out for their own prosperity all the time. I only wish our own Government would show the same propensity.' He addresses the letter to 'Chas. J. Sawyer, Esq., 12 & 13, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W.1.

Typed Letter Signed ('Arthur') from the science-fiction writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke, sendng personal news to Arthur Bourne of the Academic Press Inc., including that he is 'happily retired with theh completion of my last and best novel.

Sir Arthur C. Clarke [Sir Arthur Charles Clarke] (1917-2008), English science and science-fiction writer [Arthur Bourne of the Academic Press Inc, British science journalist]
Publication details: 
'Leslie's House', 25 Barnes Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka. 7 November 1978.

1p., 12mo. Air mail letter on blue paper, addressed to Arthur Bourne, Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd, 24-28 Oval Road, London, NW1 7DX, England. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Clarke begins by thanking Bourne for his letter, and informing him that he has 'sent a card of thank [sic] to Dr. Allan Cottey'. 'I am now happily retired with the completion of my last and best novel "The Fountains of Paradise" (Playboy January and February - HBJ; Gollancz, January). I expect to be back in England in August to attend the World S. F.

[Children's book with coloured illustrations.] The Pucksy Man. ['A Collins Picture Book'.]

Agnes Grozier Herbertson [A Collins Picture Book, Collins' Clear-Type Press]
Publication details: 
London and Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press. [1920s.]

20pp., small 4to (16.5 x 13 cm). Sewn in card wraps, illustrated in colours. In fair condition, lightly and spotted, in worn wraps, with two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps coloured in. With ownership inscription on half-title, dated 18 September 1927. Eight attractive full-page colour illustrations (two out of register) in text, in a range of styles, suggesting stock images by different illustrators, and two uncoloured illustrations on the inside wraps, coloured in (by a child?), with another two illustrations on the front and back covers. This item is something of a mystery.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Man who saw Heaven and Hell, foretold the Date of his own Death, lived in both Worlds at the same Time for twenty-seven Years. Reprinted from The Sunday Dispatch. "What Shall Man Believe?" No. 4. March 4, 1934.

Ian Coster [Emmanuel Swedenborg; The Campfield Press, St Albans]
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain by The Campfield Press, St. Albans. [1934? 1937?]

32pp., 12mo. Full-page portrait of Swedenborg, from painting, on p.3. In brown printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with corner of first leaf folded down, and slight spotting to front cover. Scarce: only three copies on COPAC, at the British Library, Oxford and the National Library of Wales; the first dated to 1934, and the other two to 1937.

[Mimeographed pamphlet alleging that Aristotle Onassis was behind the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.] A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File. Credit will go where credit is due after the mess has been cleaned up.

[Stephanie Caruana?; Bruce Roberts; The Jesse James Press; assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1963; Aristotle Onassis; conspiracy theories]
Publication details: 
'Printed by the Jesse James Press - London & New York. December 1976.'

16pp., foolscap 8vo. Stapled into white printed covers, with 'ransom note' design on front and facsimile on back of letter from the Warren Commission members to the President of the United States, 24 September 1964. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The document ends, under the publication details on the last page: 'Meanwhile back at the peanut farm: A PRESIDENT FOR AMERICA | The difference between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter is one of style and personality. Theirs [sic] policies are remarkably similar. | The Economist Oct.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New York printer Walter Gilliss, presenting the journalist Clement Shorter with 'a little book written and made by me many years ago'.

Walter Gilliss (1855-1925), New York printer [The Gilliss Press; Clement King Shorter (1857-1926), British journalist and literary critic]
Publication details: 
On Gilliss's own letterhead (with device of The Gilliss Press), Room 903, Mohawk Building, 160 Fifth Avenue, New York. 8 December 1923 [amended by Gilliss from 21 November 1923].

1p., landscape 12mo. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Mr. Shorter: | You were so good as to admire the Stevenson printed by Doubleday, Page & Co., which was my handiwork to a large extent, and so, I am sending you a copy of a little book written and made by me many years ago, which I hope may interest you for an idle quarter-hour, (if you ever have one at your disposal). | Wishing you all the compliments of the season. | Yours sincerely | Walter Gilliss'.

Printed collection of four Irish poems, with scores and illustrations, headed 'A Broadside': 'Pharao's Daughter' ['attributed to Michael Moran - 'Zosimus'']; 'The Riddle Song'; 'The Rose Tree' by W. B. Yeats (music by Arthur Duff); 'Famine Song'.

[Irish ballads; Cuala Press; Colm O Lochlainn]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Ireland, 1960s?]

4pp., 4to. Printed on brown paper. In good condition, lightly-aged and with one corner dogeared. The only copy traced on OCLC WorldCat in the Thomas P. O'Neill Library at Boston College, in whose entry it is tentatively dated to the 1960s, with the note about the series to which it belongs: 'Primarily a selection and reprinting from Cuala Press' collected edition of Broadsides (new series), originally issued Jan.-Dec.

[Mimeographed typescript of decision in case of Nazi confiscation of a Jewish printing press in Poland.] Supreme Restitution Court for Berlin. Decision. [...] In the Restitution Case of Mr. William (Wladyslaw) CYPEL, [...] versus the GERMAN REICH.

[Supreme Restitution Court for Berlin, Mr. William (Wladyslaw) Cypel (1909-1987) versus the German Reich, 1972]
Publication details: 
Berlin [West Germany], the 30 August 1973. [ORG/A/5987 | 3 2 659.69 | (151/146/152 WGK) 11 WGA 2769.57 (222.61)]

6pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1-6 at the head of the page, and 867-872 in the corners. On three leaves stapled together. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed from Bartholomew Price, Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Oxford, proposing to Julian Yonge ('Yonge') that his sister Charlotte Yonge write a series of educational books for the Clarendon Press.

Bartholomew Price (1818-1891), Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy and Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, mathematician [Julian Yonge (1830-1892), brother of writer Charlotte Mary Yonge]
Publication details: 
Bude, Cornwall. 24 July 1865.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. With mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'My dear Yonge, | I dare say you remember my telling you of the proposed series of educational books to be issued from the Clarendon Press, Oxford, and asking whether your sister would be willing to undertake any English books, if the Delegates of the Press should make an offer to her.

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