
[Walter Starkie, Irish author, Hispanic and Romany scholar.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Christopher Fry regarding Spanish translation, W. B. Yeats and Abbey Theatre; with five letters from Geoffrey Cumberlege of OUP, two from G. W. S. Hopkins.

Walter Starkie (1894-1976), Irish author, Hispanic and Romany scholar; Geoffrey Cumberlege (1891–1979); Gerard Walter Sturgis Hopkins (1892-1961) [Christopher Fry (1907-2005); Oxford University Press]
Publication details: 
All items dating from 1955. Two of Starkie's three letters from Madrid, the other on letterhead of the Athenaeum, London. Seven letters on letterheads of the Oxford University Press, London.

Fourteen items, including three letters from Starkie and seven letters from the Oxford University Press – five of them from Geoffrey Cumberlege and two from G. W. S. Hopkins – and copies of two letters from Cumberlege to Fry's agent Emanuel Wax, and a copy of a letter from the OUP to Starkie. All dating from 1955. The collection is in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The three Starkie letters are all in autograph, and total 7pp. The first two are written from Madrid, and the last from the Athenaeum in Pall Mall.

['Wee Georgie Wood', i.e. George Wood, music hall performer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('George.') to 'C. B.' [impressario C. B. Cochran?], regarding two photographs and a 'cutting from the NY Daily Mirror'.

'Wee Georgie Wood', i.e. George Wood (1894-1979), popular English music hall performer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Savage Club, 1 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1. 25 September 1947.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight rust staining at head from paperclip. Reads: 'Dear C. B/ | Choice of two photographs with pleasure that you so flatter me as to want one. | Thought the enclosed cuttings from the NY Daily Mirror would interest you. Dont trouble to retain them. | Yours | George.' Wood was a screen and stage actor and comedian. A dwarf, he usually performed as a child. He wrote a weekly column in The Stage, and was a stalwart of the Savage Club. He is mentioned by John Lennon in the Beatles song 'Dig It'.

[The Glasgow book trade: John B. Wylie of Jackson, Wylie & Co. booksellers to the University, on the death of an employee.] Typed Letter Signed ('John B. Wylie') to John G. Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus, discussing 'Dalglish' and his demise.

John B. Wylie, director of Jackson, Wylie & Co, booksellers to the University of Glasgow [John G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963)] of the London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus; Dalglish]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Jackson, Wylie & Co. ('Booksellers, Librarians, Stationers & Bookbinders'), 73 West George Street, Glasgow. 10 April 1931.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He acknowledges Wilson's 'kind letter regarding Dalglish', who 'suffered a good deal during the latter weeks of his life, but I am glad to say that even then he still retained that brightness of disposition of which you speak'.

[ French law bookseller's catalogue. ] Catalogue des Livres Nouveaux, de Fonds, en nombre et d'assortiment.

B. Warée, oncle, Libraire de la Cour Royale, Paris [ French law bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Qui se trouvent à Paris, chez B. Warée, oncle, Libraire de la Cour Royale, au Palais de Justice, ou Cour de la Sainte-Chapelle, no. 13. Novembre, 1821. [ Lottin de S.-Germain, Imprimeur du Roi.' ]

8pp., 8vo. Disbound and without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged. Manuscript emendation on p.6. A law bookseller's careful and businesslike priced catalogue of unnumbered entries, several of which are accompanied by long descriptions by the author in small type. No copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, nor on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

H. B. Irving [ Harry Brodribb Irving ], actor-manager and criminologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H B Irving') to 'Mr Forsyth [ Neil Forsyth, General Manager, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden ]

H. B. Irving [ Harry Brodribb Irving ] (1870-1919), actor-manager and criminologist; the eldest son of Sir Henry Irving [ Neil Forsyth, General Manager, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'Mr. H. B. Irving & Co. ('Under the Direction of Messrs. Nixon & Zimmerman'). 29 June 1906.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with light pencil line by Forsyth through first page. She hopes that she is not 'asking too much' in requesting 'two stalls or a box for the premiere of “Eugene Oneghin” - Friday evening'. If 'not impossible', he would like 'a lunch to be present that night. He asks to be sent word to the Garrick Club.

[ Helen Burness Cruickshank, suffragette and Scottish Renaissance poet. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Helen B Cruickshank') to Brian Lambie, curator of the Biggar Museum, granting permission for use of a poem, and discussing other matters.

Helen B. Cruickshank [ Helen Burness Cruickshank ] (1886-1975), suffragette and Scottish Renaissance poet [ Brian Lambie (1930-2014) of the Biggar Museum, Lanark ]
Publication details: 
Both on her letterhead, 4 Hillview Terrace, Corstorphine, Edinburgh. 21 September and 22 November 1973.

Lambie is the subject of a long obituary in The Scotsman, 21 January 2015. Both items 2pp., 4to. Both in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. ONE: 21 September 1973. She has 'heard good accounts' of the Gladstone Court Museum, and a friend 'now promises me to motor me there some time soon. At 81, I am no longer able to go “under my own steam”'. She agrees to let him use her poem 'Background' in a Christmas card, but would like to see the design before printing.

[ Marcus Bourne Huish, editor of the Art Journal and director of the Fine Arts Society. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marcus B Huish') [ to Arthur Allchin ] regarding 'the Phiz exhibition'.

Marcus Bourne Huish [ Marcus B. Huish ] (1843-1921), author, editor of the Art Journal and first director of the Fine Arts Society
Publication details: 
No place or date. [ London, 1883? ]

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He has been called away at the last moment, and asks him to 'tell Mr. Brown anything that you may have to arrange respecting the Phiz Exhibition'. From the papers of Arthur Allchin. The Athenaeum reported in 1883 that 'Mr. Arthur Allchin, who was an intimate friend of the late Hablot K. Browne, has written an article on his life and work which will appear shortly in the Century Magazine, and will be copiously illustrated from original drawings by " Phiz."'

[ Harold Baily Dixon, FRS, Professor of Chemistry at Owen's College, Manchester. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H B Dixon') regarding his requirements for a lecture at 'the Exchange Hall'.

H. B. Dixon [ Harold Baily Dixon ] (1852-1930), FRS, British chemist and amateur footballer, Professor of Chemistry at Owen's College, Manchester, 1886-1922
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Birch Hall, Rusholme, Manchester. 5 October 1888.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with light staining to the signature. He thanks the unnamed recipient for his 'programme of Lectures' and states that he will not 'want a Lanthern, [sic][ but I shall want a good Supply of gas to the table'. (Dixon was an authority on the explosion of gases.) He asks the size of 'the Exchange Hall', as he wants 'to adjust exp[erimen]ts. to the size of hall'. Dixon played football for Oxford University in the FA Cup Final in 1873.

[ Edward Bennett Marks, New Yorks music publisher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Edward B Marks'), a letter of condolence to the widow of the English composer Herman Finck

Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, New York City [ Edward Bennett Marks (1865-1945) ] [ Herman Finck [born Hermann Van Der Vinck] (1872-1939), composer, conductor, musical director of Palace Theatre ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead fo the Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, Publishers and Importers of Music, RCA Building, Radio City, New York. 11 May 1939.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper, with chipping along one edge. He begins: 'Word of the loss of your dear husband reached us some time ago, but I was not able to write you until just now when I received your address from Ralph Hawkes.' He offers his condolences 'on behalf of our whole organisation'. According to Hawkes 'the funeral service was a most impressive one' and 'Mr. Finck was a great figure in the musical world and that he shall be missed a great deal.

[ Sir Bertram Sausmerez Carey on the Burma Labour Corps: signed presentation copy. ] A Recruiting Speech made by the Hon'ble Mr. B. S. Carey, C.S.I., at Sagaing, on 1st November 1917.'

B. S. Carey [ Sir Bertram Sausmerez Carey (1864-1919), Commissioner at Sagaing in the Burma Civil Service; the Burma Labour Corps, First World War ]
Publication details: 
'Printed by order of the Government of Burma. | G, B. C. P. O. [i.e. Government of Burma Central Printing Office ] - No. 867, Chief Secy, 9(a), 19-11-17 [ i.e. 19 November 1917 ] - 150. [i.e. 150 copies ]'

11pp., 8vo. Unbound as issued: on three bifoliums attached at one corner with string. In good condition, lightly aged. Inscribed by Carey above the drophead title: 'Mrs. H. Tonkinson with grateful thanks for her work in connection with the Corps | B. S. Carey'. (See p.10: 'I cannot leave the subject without paying a tribute to Mrs. Tonkinson for her untiring and successful efforts as Honorary Secretary of the Committee.

[ 'Madame Delysia' entertains the British troops in the Middle East. ] Duplicate copy of Autograph Letter Signed by Sir John Pollock, countersigned by her, giving conditions for her use of 'Mlle Fifi' and 'Darling'. With Typed Letter Signed from her.

'Madame Delysia' [ 'Alice Delysia'; 'Elise Delisia' ], stage name of Alice Henriette Lapize (1889-1979), French entertainer; Sir John Pollock [ Sir Frederick John Pollock ] (1878-1963), author
Publication details: 
Pocock's letter from 173 Cranmer Court, Chelsea, London, 3 March 1941. Delysia's letter from 54 Buckingham Court, Kensington Park Road, London, 7 March 1941.

Both C. B. Cochran, who promoted her career, and Noel Coward, who wrote 'Poor Little Rich Girl' for her, wrote highly of Delysia and her work. Three items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All three in an envelope addressed to Pollock and docketed by him 'Delysia (tour) Contract March 1941'. ONE: Typed Letter Signed from 'Alice Delysia' to Pollock. From her London address, 7 March 1941. 1p., 12mo. She writes that she agrees with his letter and has signed the copy (Item Two below).

[ Edward Byron Nicholson, Bodley's Librarian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. B. Nicholson') to an unnamed party [ Alexander Ramsay ], regarding non-payment for a periodical [ 'The Scientific Roll' ]..

E. B. Nicholson [ Edward Williams Byron Nicholson ] (1849-1912), Bodley's Librarian, 1882-1912 [ Bodleian Library, University of Oxford ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. 18 August 1881.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: 'Dear Sir, | I got your last no. all right. I meant one particular day to pay you, and at the end of the day forgot whether I had or had not written to do so - coming to the erroneous conclusion that I had.' Postscript: 'No. 4 received and paid for also'. From the Ramsay papers.

[ John Bertram Askew, socialist writer and associate of Engels, Trotsky and Lenin. ] Two long parts of Autograph Letters, one signed 'J. B. Askew', on topics including the state of Russia, August Bebel, Karl Kautsky, SDP Congress in Breslau 1895.

J. B. Askew [ John Bertram Askew ] (1869-1929), socialist writer, associate of Engels, Trotsky and Lenin [ August Bebel; SPD Party Congress, Breslau 1895 ]
Publication details: 
No details of date, place or recipient. [ Breslau Congress, 1895. ]

The two parts, apparently from different letters, are both on bifoliums: the first, numbered '2', is 4pp., 12mo; the second, numbered '5', is 4pp., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The second bifolium signed at end: 'Best Wishes to Mrs C. | Yrs | J B. Askew'. Written in a neat if somewhat eccentric hand. The first bifolium begins: '[…] is very sore. Nothing will be done at the Congress except Bebel [August Bebel (1840-1913), German socialist] will speak and move a resolution to the effect that the Party stands by its present program and tactics.

[ James Beresford Atlay, writer on the law and crime. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J. B. Atlay') to Sir Richard [ Harington ], the first regarding the Hereford Mappa Mundi, and the second the murder trial of Edmund Walter Pook.

J. B. Atlay [ James Beresford Atlay ] (1860-1912), writer on the law and crime
Publication details: 
15 April 1895; on letterhead of the Athenaeum [ Pall Mall, London ]; and 16 February 1897; 14 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn [ London ].

Both items in good condition. ONE: 3pp., 12mo. After a reference to 'Mr. Lang' he turns to the Hereford Mappa Mundi (his father was Bishop of Hereford): 'I am very glad you were interested in the introductory Essay to the "Mappa," and the commentary renders it easy to work out the whole thing: I once gave a lecture on it in my youth'. (The lecture was given in 1880.) A reference follows to the 'introductory dinner' at Lincoln's Inn of 'Dick' - Harrington's son Richard, the future 12th Baronet - at which he was 'in company with Bosanquet and myself'. TWO: 3pp., 12mo.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Home and Church of St. Gregory the Great.' [ With eight plates. ]

Rt. Rev. T. B. Snow, O.S.B.[ Church of St Gregory the Great, Rome ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Downside Review.' Printed by the Western Chronicle Company, Limited, Yeovil. 1890.

24pp., 8vo. With frontispiece and seven plates. In grey printed wraps. Disbound. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The only copy on COPAC at Aberdeen, and now scarce.

[ Printed items. ] Steel engraving by 'R. O'Brien' of Bloodgood H. Cutter, 'The New York Farmer Poet', from a photograph by 'Beniczky'. With another leaf bearing a wood-engraving of Cutter, together with another portrait [ of Mark Twain ].

Robert O'Brien, engraver; K. W. Beniczky, New York photographer [ Bloodgood H. Cutter [ Bloodgood Haviland Cutter; Bloodgood Cutter ] (1817–1906), 'The Long Island Farmer Poet'; Mark Twain ]
Publication details: 
American. Circa 1860.

On two leaves. The illustrations on both are undamaged, but both leages are aged and worn, with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Fragile. ONE: Steel engraving: 'Photo. by Beniczky. | Engd by R. O'Brien.' Captioned with a facsimile of Cutter's signature, with 'THE LONG ISLAND FARMER POET' beneath it. 30 x 24 cm. On thickish wove paper. Head and shoulders image of a middle-aged Cutter, with goatee beard, smartly dressed with bow tie, waistcoat and jacket. TWO: Two small wood engravings on a 31 x 24 cm leaf of wove paper (thinner stock than Item One).

[ Printed item. ] Pedigrees of Sir Nigel Loryng, K.G., and Hylle of Spaxton, with References, Wills, etc. [ 'Supplement to M. Halliday's "Description of the Monument and Effigies in Porlock Church, Somerset."' ]

B. W. Greenfield, Barrister-at-Law [ Sir Nigel Loryng, Hylle of Spaxton, Haryington, Peyvre, Cogan, Fitz Waryn, Broughton, Courtenay, St. Maur, De La Zouch, Hyll, Botreaux, Hankford, Bourchier ]
Publication details: 
'Privately Printed. | 1883.' [ London: Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W.' ]

7 + [1]pp., 8vo, with fold-out pedigree. Unbound and stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The 25 x 42 cm fold-out is headed 'Pedigree illustrative of the marriages of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Nigel Loryng, K.G., XXth Founder of the Order of the Garter, and of the families with whom they and their descendants became allied, namely: Haryington, Peyvre, Cogan, Fitz Waryn, Broughton, Courtenay, St.

[ Anthony Berkeley Cox, crime writer. ] Eleven Typed Letters Signed (nine 'Francis Iles' and two 'A. B. Cox') and one Typed Postcard Signed to Margaret Greenwood, on her wish to adapt 'Malice Aforethought' for film, with copies of her letters to him.

Anthony Berkeley Cox (1893-1971), British crime writer under the pseudonyms 'Francis Iles', 'Anthony Berkeley', and 'A. Monmouth Platts', best-known for 'Malice Aforethought' [ Margaret Greenwood ]
Publication details: 
Nine on letterheads of 86 Hamilton Terrace, NW8 [ London ]; and two on letterheads of Linton Hills, Welcombe, Bude. Between 8 June 1949 and 13 July 1950.

A total of 30 items. Cox's eleven letters total 16pp., and Greenwood's eighteen letters total 28pp. (several written on drafts of pages of her writing). In good condition, lightly aged, held together with a brass stud. An amusing correspondence, with Cox responding with amused bewilderment to the inexperienced approaches of his enthusiastic correspondent. Greenwood – who writes from 15 Horsham Road, Bexleyheath, Kent – is something of a bluffer.

[ Printed cinema programme, illustrated with photographs. ] G. B. Samuelson's Dramatic Spectacle | The Game of Life By Lauri Wylie & G. B. Samuelson.

The Samuelson Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd., London [ Lauri Wylie (1880-1951) and G. B. Samuelson (1889-1947); Isleworth Studios; West End Cinema, Coventry Street, London ]
Publication details: 
World's Rights Owned and Controlled by The Samuelson Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 28 Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. [ 1922 ]

8pp., 4to. Stapled in coloured wraps. A frail survival, aged and worn with closed tears. The front cover has the words 'The Game of Life' printed in large gothic type over an illustration of a tapestry. The title page carries the motto: 'The Picture that makes the Dimples to catch the Tears'. There is a long poem of the same title on the second page, and the third page carries the 'Argument' of the film by Walter G. Summers. There is a cast list on the fourth page, and pages five to eight tell 'The Story. There are nine black and white illustrations.

[ Herbert Mills Birdwood, Anglo-Indian botanist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H. Birdwood') to H. B. Wheatley of the Royal Society of Arts

Herbert Mills Birdwood (1837-1907), Anglo-Indian botanist and jurist [ H. B. Wheatley [ Henry Benjamin Wheatley ] (1838-1917), Assistant Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
Both from Dalkeith House, Cambridge Park, Twickenham (one on letterhead). 25 January and 12 June 1901.

Both items in good condition, on grey-paper bifoliums, the first with the Society's stamp and both docketed. ONE: 25 January 1901. 1p., 12mo. Concerning the binding up of his copies of the Society's journal, and the supply of missing parts. TWO: 12 June 1901. 3pp., 12mo. Concerning his 'promised letter' for 'Friday's Journal': 'I cannot hope to have a proof sent me, but if you accept the letter & should be correcting a proof yourself & would, when ordering a proof, order a spare copy for me to see at your office, I shd. be greatly obliged & wd. call in tomorrow afternoon to look through it'.

[ Printed Victorian children's book with hand-coloured plates and two stories named on title-page. ] Prince Arthur; or, The Four Trials | A Fairy Tale. By Catherine Mary Stirling. Tales by the Flowers. By Caroline B. Templer.

Catherine Mary Stirling; Caroline B. Templer [ James Hogg & Sons, London publisher; Camden Press, London printers ]
Publication details: 
London: James Hogg & Sons. [ Camden Press, London ] [ 1861. ]

124 + [4] pp., 12mo. Four hand-coloured plates including frontispiece. A four-page publisher's advertisement at rear, for 'A New and Attractive Series of Juvenile Books'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. In worn brown-cloth binding with decorative design featuring titles in gilt on cover; split hinge at rear. Stirling's story continues to p.50, and is followed by Templer's collection of 27 'improving' poems, from 'The Invitation' and 'The Holly Tree's Tale - Christmas' to 'Heartsease - Thoughts of Peace' and 'The Misseltoe - A Missionary Tale'.

Album of 95 original detailed illustrations (drawings) of antique wrought iron door knockers (70 from Switzerland and 25 from Italy and France) by the English artist Arthur Elliot, titled by him 'A Book of Knockers'. With short essay by Elliot.

Arthur Elliot, English illustrator [Swiss door knockers; doorknobs; Switzerland; architectural hardware]
Publication details: 
The majority of the illustrations dated, and all those to 1907. Mainly taken at Berne and other Swiss cities.

Elliot's illustrations, attractively executed in great detail, recall the style of those in the volumes produced by the publisher B. T. Batsford during the same period. All in excellent condition, the majority with tissue guards; album in good good condition. Fifty-eight of the illustrations, all of Swiss knockers, on paper ranging in size from 21 x 5 cm to 23.5 x 16 cm (the latter the majority), are laid down on the rectos of the first 45 leaves of a 47-leaf landscape folio album (leaf dimensions 36 x 16 cm). All have tissue guards.

[ J. M. Synge's 'Playboy of the Western World'. ] Front-page article from 'The Gaelic American', carrying a report of 'New York's Protest against a Vile Play!', accompanied by a caricature of W. B. Yeats and Lady Gregory.

[ John Devoy (1842-1928), proprietor and editor of 'The Gaelic American', New York [ J. M. Sygne [ John Millington Synge ]; George Bernard Shaw; W. B. Yeats; Lady Gregory; The Abbey Theatre, Dublin ]
Publication details: 
New York. 2 December 1911. [ 'Vol. VIII, No. 48, Whole No. 429'. ]

The front and back covers of the newspaper are present, forming a bifolium. A frail and scarce survival. Heavily-aged newsprint, chipped and worn, with the top and bottom halves of the front page separated along a horizontal fold line. The article on Synge's play covers the first two of the six columns on the front page, with a further quarter-column on the back page.

[ R. E. B. Crompton, inventor and electrical engineer. ] Autograph Card in the third person, paying his subscription to the Royal Society of Arts.

R. E. B. Crompton [ Rookes Evelyn Bell Crompton ] (1845-1940), British inventor, electrical engineer and industrialist [ Crompton & Co. ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Thriplands, Kensington Court, W. [ London ] 31 January 1901.

On both sides of a 9 x 11 cm. grey card with embossed letterhead. In good condition, lightly aged. Docketted and with Royal Academy of Arts stamp. 'Lt. Colonel Crompton begs to enclose a cheque in payment of his subscription and will be greatly obliged to the Secretary if he will send him a form to enable his Bankers - Messrs. Barclay & Co. to pay the subscription in future.' Crompton's firm Crompton & Co. was one of the world's first large-scale manufacturers of electrical equipment.

[ Richard Cobden-Sanderson, publisher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('R. Cobden Sanderson') to literary agents J. B. Pinker & Son, declining to publish three titles they have submitted.

R. Cobden-Sanderson [ Richard Cobden-Sanderson ] (1884-1964), publisher, son of printer T. J. Cobden-Sanderson of the Doves Press, Hammersmith [ J. B. Pinker & Son, London literary agents ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'R. Cobden-Sanderson: Publisher | 17 Thavies Inn, Holborn, E.C.1' [ London ]. 9 February 1925.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He has 'given consideration to the following MSS.': 'THE WEB OF FATE by M. Garahan | ANTONY IN LOVE [by] C. E. Rose | THE NIGHT MOTH [by] Amy Miller'. As he cannot make any offer for their publication he is returning the manuscripts forthwith.

[ C. B. Cochran, theatre impressario. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Chas B. Cochran') to 'dear Popey' [ theatre historian Macqueen-Pope ]

C. B. Cochran [ Sir Charles Blake Cochran ] (1872-1951), English theatre impressario [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian; Edward John Henley (1864-1921), actor ]
Publication details: 
On his Old Bond Street letterhead. 30 November 1949.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He begins by thanking Macqueen-Pope for a 'kindly reference' to him in his 'admirable book about The Gaiety'. He has noted a reference to 'Henly' in the index, and identifies this figure as Edward John Henley, brother of William Ernest Henley, whose poem 'Ballade of Dead Actors' he transcribes. He explains that Henley stayed some time in America after going there with a production of 'Deacon Brodie', a play by his brother and R. L. Stevenson, 'and, in 1897, I made my first production, "John Gabriel Borkman," in New York, with E. J.

[ Sir A. J. B. Beresford-Hope, Tory politician and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A J B Beresford Hope') to W. de Boinville, thanking him for uncovering information about the poet Christopher Smart.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope [ Alexander Hope; A. J. B. Hope; A. J. B. Beresford Hope ] (1820-1887), Tory politician and author
Publication details: 
Bedgebury Park, Cranbrook [ Kent ]. 4 February 1858.

3pp., 12mo. Writing in a difficult hand, he thanks him for his very curious & interesting letter respecting Chr. Smart, of whose birthplace I had been previously ignorant, tho' his name was not unknown to me in connection with Horace'.

[ Terry Jeeves, science-fiction artist and fanzine editor. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Terry') to Don Malcolm, on a number of topics including his lifelong interest in aeronautics and space travel.

Terry Jeeves [ Byron Terry Jeeves; B. T. Jeeves ] (1922-2011), Science-Fiction artist, writer and fanzine editor [ Don Malcolm, Scottish science fiction expert; Glasgow, Scotland; British sci-fi ]
Publication details: 
On his illustrated letterhead, 230 Bannerdale Rd, Sheffield. 8 July [no year, but circa 1970 ].

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On two leaves stapled together. The letterhead, printed in red, is a cartoon portrait of the artist with palette and brush, pointing to the address on a blackboard. A long chatty letter, listing the titles and prices of an order Malcolm has made, describing his activities at a time when he is 'pushed like mad', arranging an 'interview for ERG', discribing the contents of the four albums of his stamp collecting ('I wouldn't call myself a philatelist . . . .

[ Edwardian Huddersfield auction catalogue] Sale of Library of Books. By instructions of the Executors of the late J. B. Robinson, Esq. J.P. Catalogue of the valuable Library of Books [...].

[ J. B. Robinson, J.P., of Huddersfield [ Eddison, Taylor & Booth, Huddersfield auctioneers ]
Publication details: 
Eddison, Taylor & Booth, 6 High Street, Huddersfield. Auction on 15 March 1907. [ J. Broadbent & Co., Printers, High Street and Albion Street, Huddersfield. ]

14 + 1 pp., 12mo. Stapled. In fair condition, aged and worn, with rusted staples and loss to last leaf (not affecting text). A few pencil notes to the margins. 170 lots. The titles listed on the cover give an indication of the nature of the library: 'Ruskin's Modern Painters, 5 vols. | "Punch," 113 vols. | Encyclopaedia Britannica, 22 vols. | Blackie's Imperial Dictionary, 4 vols. | Royal Academy Pictures, 1891-1894. | Hogarth's Works, large folio. | Berwick's History of British Birds. | Whitaker & Thoresby's History of Leeds. | Gent's History of Ripon, 1733. | Notes and Queries, 60 vols.

[ B. F. Stevens of Vermont and his 'Index of all the documents of American concern in private or public Archives of Great Britain, Holland, France and Spain', 1763-1783 ] Printed pamphlet: 'American Manuscripts in European Archives.'

[ Benjamin Franklin Stevens (1833-1902) of Vermont, American bookseller in London ]
Publication details: 
Without place [ B. F. Stevens, 4 Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, London ] or date [ 1887 ].

18 + [1]pp., 8vo. In red cloth half-binding, with brown marbled boards. Stamp of the Royal Historical Society on endpaper, and pencil shelfmarks. In fair condition, aged and worn. A curious production. The intent of the author (certainly Stevens) is to facilitate 'definite and permanent organisation', by his 'preparation of an Index of all the documents of American concern in private or public Archives of Great Britain, Holland, France and Spain that accumulated between the years 1763 and 1783'.

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