[‘His knowledge of Marxist philosophy is zero’: a Maoist attack on the sinologist Joseph Needham.] Printed pamphlet by A. H. Evans titled: ‘Against Dr. Needham / An Exposure of his Anti-Marxism’.

A. H. Evans [Arthur Henry Evans (b. 1902)], Anti-Revisionist Maoist Welsh communist and poet, proprietor of David-Goliath Publications [Joseph Needham (1900-1995), biochemist and sinologist]
Publication details: 
‘A David-Goliath Publication’ [‘Enquiries to: - A. H. Evans, 27, Gerrard Road, London, N.1.].

A. H. Evans was born in the village of Aber Clydach, near Talybont on Usk, Breconshire. He gives biographical information in his ‘English Historians and Welsh History’ (1975). See also Needham's entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is excessively scarce: no other copy found on OCLC WorldCat, JISC, ViaLibri or the National Library of Wales.

[‘Missionary to the World’: Joseph Wolff, Jewish-German traveller and Church of England Vicar of Isle Brewers, Somerset.] Autograph Letter Signed attempting to clear up a confusion over agreeing a date.

Joseph Wolff (1795-1862), traveller and Christian ‘Missionary to the World’, of Jewish-German origin, Vicar of Isle Brewers, Somerset, and father of Conservative politician Henry Drummond Wolff
Publication details: 
26 December 1851; Isle Brewers [Somerset].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly creased and discoloured paper. Folded three time. Signed ‘Joseph Wolff’ and addressed to ‘My very dear Sir’. The letter concerns a confusion over a planned date, due to one of the recipient’s letters miscarrying and the other being received only ‘this moment’, and after his return from Norfolk. ‘I am most heartily grieved that unforeseen Parochial business of my own Parish will prevent me from leaving it before the 23d January. I therefore beg you to let me know when it will be convenient for you.’

[Sir Oliver Lodge, physicist, inventor and Christian spiritualist.] Typed Letter Signed to Rev. A. H. Sayers, declining to speal to the Monmouth Town League of Nations Union.

Sir Oliver Lodge [Oliver Joseph Lodge] (1851-1940), physicist, inventor and Christian Spiritualist [Rev. A. H. Sayers of the Monmouth Town League of Nations Union]
Publication details: 
18 April 1928; on letterhead of Normanton House, Lake, Salisbury.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed ‘To the Rev. A. H. Vayers’, but with the ‘V’ corrected in manuscript to ‘S’. Signed ‘Oliver Lodge’. Reads: ‘My dear Sir, / I am exceedingly busy, and a visit to Monmouth is quite out of the question. There are many others better qualified to speak for The League of Nations Union; and I trust you will have a successfull meeting.’

[Marshall Hall Higginbottom, Nottingham surgeon, nephew of eminent neurophysiologist Marshall Hall.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Rev. Samuel Walker], recommending the ear-surgeon Joseph Toynbee.

Marshall Hall Higginbottom (1822-1895), Nottingham surgeon, nephew of Marshall Hall, eminent physician and neurophysiologist, vivisectionist and abolitionist [Rev. Samuel Walker; Joseph Toynbee]
Publication details: 
7 April 1856. Nottingham.

A nice item, casting light on the practice of the provincial medical profession in Victorian England. See Higginbottom’s obituary in the British Medical Journal, 16 March 1895. There are a number of references to Higginbottom in the memoir of 1861 memoir of Marshall Hall (1790-1857) by his widow. For information about Hall, who died the following year, see his entry in the Oxford DNB, together with that of the otologist Joseph Toynbee (1815-1866). The item is from the papers of Rev. Samuel Walker, successively of Nottingham and Liverpool.

[Oscar I, King of Norway and Sweden.] Part of document, with Autograph Signature (‘Oscar’), date and large embossed seal under paper.

Oscar I, King of Sweden and Norway (born Joseph François Oscar Bernadotte; lived 1799-1859; reigned 1844-1859)
Publication details: 
'Stockholms Slott [Stockholm Castle] den 6 Maj 1847.'

On 22 x 14 cm piece of laid paper, cut from the foot of a document. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with tiny closed tear to one edge. Folded three times. At head, in the kings hand: ‘[...] terrattelse lander. Stockholms Slott den 6 Maj 1847. / Oscar’. Directly beneath the firm, clear signature, is the embossed circular seal, under paper, 6 cm in diameter, with motto ‘OSCAR SVER NOR GOTH OCH W KONUNG / RATT OCH SANNING’.

[Joseph Jekyll, Regency politician and wit.] Autograph Letter Signed to George Agar-Ellis, on missing the 'Academy Dinner' by dining with the king; and manuscript copy of pun-laden account of ‘Bazaar in Mr Penn’s Garden for Charing Cross Hospital’.

Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837), Welsh lawyer, Whig politician and wit, Master in Chancery and Solicitor-General to the Prince of Wales [George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron Dover]
Publication details: 
Letter written on 'Sunday Morning'

The first item is fairly witty, while the second exhibits the sort of ‘excruciating puns’ for which Jekyll is, according to his entry in the Oxford DNB, largely remembered. See also Agar-Ellis’s entry in the same work. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Letter of ‘Sunday Morning’ to ‘Dear Ellis’. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Joseph Jekyll’. Folded twice. Minuted by recipient at head of first page: ‘May 1825 / Jekyll’.

[From crow-scarer to Member of Parliament: Joseph Arch, Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed [to A. G. L. Rogers], approving of a ‘rural’ leaflet on behalf of the Liberal Party.

Joseph Arch (1826-1919), agricultural worker who became a prominent trade unionist and Liberal Member of Parliament [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
21 February 1892; Barford, Warwickshire.

See Arch’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of this letter the 1892 general election was looming, and the recipient was Secretary of the Publications Department of the National Liberal Federation. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.

[Joseph Cotten, Hollywood and Broadway actor.] Signed Autograph Inscription ‘For John’.

Joseph Cotten [Joseph Cheshire Cotten Jr.] (1905-1994), Hollywood and Broadway actor, associated with Orson Welles, in whose ‘Citizen Kane’ he starred
Publication details: 
1947; no place.

On 16 x 14 cm leaf of green paper, with rounded outer edges, torn from autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘For / John / With every good wish, / Joseph Cotten / 1949’. Above the inscription has been laid down a photograph of Cotten cut from a newspaper. See image

[Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease, Liberal politician and industrialist.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Joseph W Pease’) to ‘Dale’, noting the ‘happy’ state of England and improved governance of London, on the opening of the Darlington Junior Liberal Club.

Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease (1828-1903), Liberal politician, Quaker industrialist and banker.
Publication details: 
19 April 1884; from Hotel de Luxembourg, Nimes; on letterhead of 24 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. [London]

4pp, 12mo. Fifty lines of neatly-written text, addressed to ‘My Dear Dale’. On bifolium. In good condition, with creases from being folded into a packet. Minuted by recipient at head of first page. He is sorry that his ‘continued absence abroad’ will prevent him from attending the formal opening of ‘the Committee of the Darlington Junior Liberal Club’. He describes the ‘several reasons to look forward to the opening day as a very auspicious one’.

[Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm, R.A., sculptor and medallist.] Autograph Note Signed (‘J. E. Boehm’), thanking Lord Wolseley for a 'Norfolk jaquet'

Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm (1834-1890), R.A., sculptor and medallist, born in Austria but settled in England, who depicted Queen Victoria on coins and designed a number of London statues [Lord Wolseley]
Publication details: 
19 September 1885; on letterhead of The Avenue, 76, Fulham Road, S.W.

Boehm had executed a bronze bust of Wolseley two years before. It may be that the present letter is in response to congratulations from Boehm on his forthcoming elevation to the viscountcy, with occurred 28 September 1885. 1p, 12mo. Folded once. In good condition, with unobtrusive folds to two corners. Reads: ‘Dear Lord Wolseley | Many thanks for your kind note & the Norfolk jaquet which arrived safely this morning | Yours sincerely & obliged | J. E. Boehm’.

[Oriental Customs and Manners, as viewed in Georgian England.] Two original hand-coloured copperplate engravings, both published in London by John Joseph Stockdale, and both ‘A Freschi sculpsit’: ‘INDIAN INK’ and ‘MONKEYS GATHERING TEA.’

Andrea Freschi (1774-1815), Italian engraver active in London [John Joseph Stockdale (c.1770-1847), London publisher and pornographer [Oriental customs and manners]
Publication details: 
One of the two ‘Pubd. 25 April 1812 by I. I. Stockdale [i.e. John Joseph Stockdale], 41 Pall Mall’. The other from same period.

Two attractive small original hand-coloured copperplate engravings. Both in good condition, lightly aged, and each with slight traces of previous mount on blank reverse. ONE: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | MONKEYS GATHERING TEA. | Pubd. 25 April 1812 by H. Stockdale, 41 Pall Mall’. Portrait: 10.5 x 17.5 cm. Depicts a Chinese man beneath a tree taking leaves from a monkey on the ground, whilst three other monkeys in the tree collect more leaves. TWO: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | INDIAN INK.’ No place or date. Landscape: 17.5 x 10.5 cm. Depicts three men preparing the ink.

[Joseph Fesch, Prince of France, French cardinal, diplomat, art collector, and uncle of Napoleon Bonaparte.] Autograph Letter in the third person, welcoming 'Monsieur Payne', i.e. bookseller John Payne of Payne and Foss, and his wife, back to Rome.

Joseph Fesch, Prince of France (1763-1839), French cardinal, diplomat and art collector, uncle of Napoleon Bonaparte [John Payne, bookseller of London firm Payne and Foss; his wife, born Sarah Burney]
Publication details: 
[Rome.] 7 August 1833.

1p, 12mo. On bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf, with the cardinal's seal in red wax to one corner, 'A Monsieur Payne'. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to inner edge. Folded twice. In a close, neat hand, the letter reads: 'Le Cardinal Fesch fait ces compliments à Monsieur et à Madame Payne et les Félicites de leurs heureux Retour a Rome. | Le Cardinal est toujours visible vers midi mais il tachera de visiter les aimables voyageurs, à leurs auberge avant leur depart.

[Notable Quakers in Georgian England.] Autograph Album of Lydia Davis of Alstone Green, with 120 contributors including Thomas Pole, Joseph Storrs Fry, Thomas Shillitoe, Joseph Sturge, Jeremiah Holme Wiffin, Christopher Healy and John Wilbur.

Lydia Davis of Alstone Green, Gloucestershire [Thomas Pole, Joseph Storrs Fry, Thomas Shillitoe, Joseph Sturge, Jeremiah Holme Wiffin, Christopher Healy and John Wilbur; Quakers; Society of Friends]
Publication details: 
[Alstone Green, Gloucestershire.] Between 1800 and 1862 (mainly between 1820 and 1847).

Apart from one contribution dating from 1800, three from the 1850s and two from the 1860s, all manuscript contributions date from between 1820 and 1847. 237pp., 4to, with eight items loosely inserted (including four coloured botanical drawings on card) and three-page partial index of contributors. In contemporary black leather binding, with embossed pattern and gilt border on front board, marbled endpapers, and all edges gilt. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, in rebacked binding, worn at spine, with new label.

[Olga Grabowsky] Typescript (carbon), A Study of 'Lord Jim' [by Joseph Conrad]

Olga Grabowsky [Joseph Conrad].
Publication details: 

138pp., sm.fol, paper wraps, faded in parts, good condition. Unpublished. INSCRIBED by the Author on the titlepage, To my dearest friends Mrs and Mr Gray, as a remembrance of our friendship and a souvenir of my English studies. | With all my love. | Olga Grabowsky | 3/954 [Almeres?].

[Henry George Bohn, bookseller and publisher.] Autograph Note in the third person, from 'Mr & Mrs. Bohn', accepting an invitation from [Joseph Hubback], the Lord Mayor of Liverpool.

Henry George Bohn (1796-1884), bookseller, publisher and translator [Joseph Hubback, Lord Mayor of Liverpool]
Publication details: 
25 August 1870. On letterhead of North End House, Twickenham.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of yellow paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. Reads: 'Mr & Mrs. Bohn present their compliments to the Mayor of Liverpool and Mrs. Hubback, and have much pleasure in accepting their polite invitation for the 15th. proxo.'

[Horace Smith, poet and friend of Shelley, author with his brother Joseph of the 'Rejected Addresses'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Horatio Smith'), playfully thanking Joseph Blunt for making him 'a present of a pair of horns'.

Horace Smith [Horatio Smith] (1779-1849), poet, author his brother Joseph Smith of the 'Rejected Addresses' (1812), friend of Percy Bysshe Shelley [Joseph Blunt]
Publication details: 
3 November 1831. Brighton.

2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Twenty lines of text. In fair condition, aged and worn, with chipping and short closed tears to extremities. Folded twice. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Joseph Blunt Esqre.' Signature underlined with a flourish.

[Joseph Shepherd Munden, comic actor at Covent Garden and Drury Lane.] Autograph Signature ('Jos: S: Munden') on part of letter.

Joseph Shepherd Munden (1758-1832), English comic actor at Covent Garden and Drury Lane
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of a slip of laid paper cut from the end of a letter: roughly 4 x 17 cm, the reverse being blank. In good condition, lightly aged. Good neat signature to the valediction of a letter. Reads: 'I am my d [Phippen?] | (in great haste | Yours very truly | Jos: S: Munden'. Munden eas the subject of one of the "Essays of Elia" (Charles Lamb).

[Edward Lowbury, bacteriologist and poet, to playwright Christopher Fry.] Nineteen items including Ten Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Edward') by him, two by his wife, three printed poems, including material relating to his father-in-law Andrew Young

Edward Lowbury [Edward Joseph Lister Lowbury] (1913-2007), physician, bacteriologist, pathologist and poet [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet]
Publication details: 
The twelve letters between 29 June 1972 and 20 March 1989; all from 79 Vernon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham (nine on letterheads). Card: 10 December 1986; Birmingham. Three Phoenix Broadsheets (Toni Savage of Leicester), 1986 (2) and 1992.

See the appreciative obituary of Lowbury by Christopher Hawtree, Guardian, 15 October 2007. Nineteen items, five of which are accompanied by envelopes addressed to Fry at his home The Toft, East Dean, Chichester, Sussex. The material is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Edward Lowbury's ten ALsS and one ACS, 1972-1989, with one undated Christmas card. A total of 17pp, 12mo.

[George Whitley, surgeon.] Autograph syllabus of lectures (by J. H. Green of St Thomas's Hospital?), 'Observations' by anatomist Edward Grainger, extracts from 'Pharmacopoeia Nosocomii Regalis Sancti Thomae. Londinensis' and 'Guy's Pharmacopoeia'.

George Whitley, surgeon, of Halton, Cheshire [Joseph Henry Green (1791-1863), surgeon and lecturer at St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London; Edward Grainger (1797-1824), teacher of anatomy]
Publication details: 
St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, London: 1819 and thereabouts. Halton, Cheshire: 1820.

Two items in the hand of George Whitley, surgeon, of Halton, Cheshire (not to be confused with his namesake the epidemiologist George Whitley (1816-1881), for whose career see Fraser Brockington, 'Public Health in the Nineteenth Century', 1965). The two items are accompanied by the front board of a volume, with the following ownership inscription and note on the pastedown: 'George Whitley, Surgeon, | St. Thomas' Hospital. | London. | Novr. 22. 1819. | NB. See in this Book a Copy of a Letter to Lady Cunliffe pr. Mr. [?] Surgeon, about an Ulcerated Leg of her House Keeper, Mrs.

[Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Austen Chamberlain.') to his neighbour 'Mr Kynnersley', declining to part with 'a piece of the meadow', suggesting that his tenant acquire an allotment instead.

Austen Chamberlain [Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain] (1863-1937), Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer [Thomas Clement Sneyd Kynnersley (1803-1892) of Moor Green, Moseley, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
6 November 1889. On letterhead of Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. The letter, which deals with domestic matters, but has some interest considering the writer's father's views on land reform, is written a year after Chamberlain's return from his studies in Germany, where he had been alarmed by the rise in Prussian militarism, and with him on the verge of his entry into politics in the footsteps of his father Joseph Chamberlain. (He was also the older half-brother of the future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.) It begins: 'Dear Mr.

[Sir J. B. Lawes and Sir J. H. Gilbert, agricultural scientists.] Three printed works: 'Report of Experiments on the Growth of Wheat', presentation copy; 'The Effect of Different Manures'; 'On the Chemistry of the Feeding of Animals', by Lawes alone.

J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert [Sir John Bennet Lawes (1814-1900) and Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert (1817-1901), agricultural scientists] [Royal Agricultural Society of England; Royal Dublin Society]
Publication details: 
First two: [Royal Agricultural Society of England.] London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross. 1863 and 1864. Third: [Royal Dublin Society.]: Dublin: Printed at the University Press, by M. H. Gill. 1864.

See the entries on the two men in the Oxford DNB. In an impressive description of their joint achievements, the entry on Gilbert describes his association with Lawes as 'one of the longest and most productive scientific partnerships on record [...] In agricultural circles their names are for ever linked'. The first two items are in uniform light-blue printed card covers; the last is of similar appearance, in printed card covers of the same colour. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Thomas Hughes, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Tho. Hughes') to 'Mr. Kynnersley', discussing: meeting Rugby schoolfellow 'Blandford', educating an abandoned boy, his co-operative beliefs, Joseph Chamberlain.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'
Publication details: 
ONE: 3 March 1884; 52 Promenade, Southport, Lancashire, on letterhead of the County Courts, Circuit No. 9, Chester. TWO: 30 November 1885. On letterhead of Uffington House, Chester.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 3 March 1884. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to 'Dear Mr. Kynnersley'. Having received Kynnersley's undated letter he writes: 'I shall meet Blandford as you propose on the 11th. with very great pleasure. He was one of the heroes on whom I used to look with awe as a 3rd. form boy in 1834 in which year I joined & he I think left Rugby.' He is sitting at Congleton on the day of the meeting, and 'there is just a chance that some perverse suitor may be in full blast at my train time in which case (as I never leave a cause part heard) I may be late'.

[Sir Oliver Lodge, physicist, inventor and spiritualist.] Autograph Signature ('Oliver Lodge') for autograph collector.

Sir Oliver Lodge [Oliver Joseph Lodge] (1851-1940), physicist and inventor in the field of radio, and Christian Spiritualist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The signature 'Oliver Lodge' is firmly written in the bottom of three rectangular panels printed in red, with no other writing on the page, on one side of a 12mo leaf removed from 'The Meredith Birthday Book', the other side featuring quotations from the novelist for 13 to 15 June. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Joseph Sams of Darlington, Quaker bookseller and traveller.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Sams.'), explaining his practice with regard to the return of items, and including a list of 'fine & curious coloured prints' and drawings.

Joseph Sams (1784-1860) of Darlington, Quaker bookseller, dealer in antiquities, traveller in Egypt and Palestine
Publication details: 
'Darlington 21/7mo (July) 1853'.

See Sams's entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. On a bifolium, the second leaf of which has had a rectangle, almost amounting to half, cut away from the bottom. The text of the letter is complete, but the priced list of the prints and drawings on the last page, lacks the lower half. A long letter, closely written. Signed 'J. Sams.' Aged, worn and lightly stained, but nevertheless in passable condition. The recipient, saluted as 'Esteemed Friend', is not named.

[Richard Howitt, Quaker poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to the 'Editors of the “Aurora Borealis” | Care of Joseph Watson', in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, including an unpublished poem, and complaining of the treatment of his contributions to the periodical.

Richard Howitt (1799-1869), Quaker poet, who spent four years in Australia with his brother the entomologist Godfrey Howitt (1800-1873), [Joseph Watson and George Atley Brumell of Newcastle-upon-Tyne]
Publication details: 
23 November 1832; Nottingham.

Despite the four years (1840-1844) Howitt spent in the colony with his brother the entomologist Godfrey Howitt (1800-1873), the present letter has nothing to do with Australia. The letter is addressed to the editors of 'The Aurora Borealis: A Literary Annual edited by Members of the Society of Friends'. This periodical was the work of a group of Quakers in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with George Atley Brumell (1800-1877) one of the founding editors. Another of those involved was Joseph Watson (1807-1874), named in the letter's address.

[Joseph Sams of Darlington, bookseller and traveller.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J. Sams'), to prospective customer Godfrey Meynell, describing the merits and deficiencies of 'a rare edition of Chaucer', and another book, in his catalogue.

Joseph Sams (1784-1860) of Darlington, bookseller, dealer in antiquities, traveller in Egypt and Palestine [Godfrey Meynell]
Publication details: 
Both from Darlington. 15 and 17 August 1847.

See Sams's entry in the Oxford DNB. Two letters providing an interesting glimpse of the practicalities of Victorian antiquarian bookselling. Both letters 3pp, 12mo, and bifoliums addressed on reverse of second leaf, with broken seals and postmarks, to 'Godfrey Meynell Esqre | at Mr Stamp's, | Surgeon, | Seaton Carew, | nr Hartlepool.' Both addressed to 'Respected Frd.' In fair condition, aged and worn. ONE: 15 August 1847. He begins by explaining that he was 'from home in the city of Durham' when Meynell's letter came.

[Sir James Anderson, captain of SS Great Eastern.] Autograph Letter Signed to J. C. Parkinson of the Daily News, on his return from laying first transatlantic cable, complaining of 'amateur advisers'. With East Indian Railway, Special Tourist Ticket

Sir James Anderson (1824-93), captain of SS Great Eastern during the laying of the first transatlantic telegraph cable in 1866 [Joseph Charles Parkinson; Isambard Kingdom Brunel]
Publication details: 
Anderson's letter: '”Great Eastern” | Augst. 24th. 1865'.

Four items from the papers of Joseph Charles Parkinson (1833-1908), journalist, civil servant and social reformer, contributor to the Daily News, All the Year Round, Temple Bar, and associate of Dickens and Wilkie Collins. The material relates to Parkinson's book 'The Ocean Telegraph to India: A Narrative and a Diary' (1870). The four items are laid down on a leaf removed from an album, with typed explanatory notes at the head of both pages. ONE: ALS (signed 'James Anderson') from Anderson to Parkinson, 24 August 1865. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[John Landseer, landscape engraver, father of Sir Edwin Landseer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Landseer') to 'J. Scoles Esqr', i.e. the architect Joseph John Scoles, asking for tickets of admission to his church.

John Landseer (1769-1852), landscape engraver, father of Sir Edwin Landseer [Joseph John Scoles (1798-1863), Gothic Revival architect]
Publication details: 
'Monday Morng.' [no place or date]

1p, 12mo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf, with small seal in black wax, to 'J Scoles Esqr | Argyll Place'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with damage to second leaf from breaking of seal. Folded twice. Written in a tight, florid hand. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I hear there will be no admission into Your Church tomorrow without tickets. If you should have any of said Tickets to spare, please to favour with one two or three according to circumstances – Yours Very Faithfully | J Landseer'.

[Edward Lowbury, physician and poet.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Edward') to the playwright Christopher Fry, regarding various topics including his poetry and Fry's praise of it.

Edward Lowbury [Edward Joseph Lister Lowbury] (1913-2007), physician, bacteriologist, pathologist and poet [Christopher Fry ()1907-2005), playwright; Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterheads of 79 Vernon Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham; 24 September 1969 and 24 November 1987.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged, as is an enclosure to the second letter, a photocopy of Lowbury's pamphlet 'A Letter from Hampstead'. ONE: 24 September 1969. 2pp, 12mo. In envelope addressed to Fry at his East Dean home The Toft. He is grateful for Fry's letter praising his collection of poems 'Figures of Light'.

[George Combe, founder of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Combe') supplying a paragraph by his brother Dr A. Combe on Sir Walter Scott's 'conduct', which he suggests Joseph C. Neal insert in 'The Pennsylvanian'.

George Combe (1788-1858), Scottish phrenologist and lawyer, founder of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society [Joseph C. Neal (1807-1847), editor of The Pennsylvanian'; Sir Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
Marshall House [i.e. Marshall House Hotel, Philadelphia]; 11 March 1839.

1p, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is addressed to 'Joseph C. Neal Esq | Pennsylvanian office'. He was gratified at Neal's 'notice of Rogets re-publication'. He has sent Roget 'and also the Editor of the Phren: Journal a copy of the Pennsylvanian containing it'. He quotes a paragraph from a 'letter from my Brother Dr. A. Combe', which he suggests Neal makes use of 'as a piece of literary news, only suppressing all allusion to the source from which it is derived'.

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