[Arthur Beresford Pite, English architect.] Twelve Autograph Letters Signed and one Autograph Note Signed (all 'Beresford Pite') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood and G. K. Menzies, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts, on his Cantor Lectures on Town Planning.

Arthur Beresford Pite (1861-1934), English architect, Professor of Architecture, Royal College of Art, 1900-1923 [Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
Eleven of the items on his letterhead, Royal College of Art, South Kensington, London, SW7. The other two items from 21 Willow Road, Hampstead, NW. One from 1915, four from 1916 and eight from 1917.

The thirteen items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All but one bear the purple oval stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, and most are docketted. Totalling 10pp., 4to; 3pp., 12mo. The earlier letters are addressed to Wood and the later ones to Menzies. The first letter (14 August 1915), in which Pite proposes becoming a member of the Society, is the only one not to concern the course of lectures.

[Sir George Hayter, artist.] Autograph Receipt Signed ('George Hayter'), to Messrs Crace, for the loan 'of two spear axe pikes, and a body & helmet suit of armour'.

Sir George Hayter (1792-1871), painter and engraver [Messrs Crace & Son, 14 Wigmore Street, London, interior designers]
Publication details: 
'33 Gloucester Place in the new Road [London]'. 25 April 1855.

On one side of a piece of cm blue paper. Reads: 'April 25, 1855. | 33 Gloucester Place in the new Road | Received of Messrs Crace | The favour of loan of two spear axe pikes, and a body & helmet suit of armour, to be returned. | George Hayter | with Thanks & Compliments.'

Two sets of printed 'Plans of the New Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, W.C.2.' by Adams, Holden & Pearson.

[Charles Henry Holden (1875-1960), English architect; Adams, Holden & Pearson, London architects; The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, WC2.]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [London, c.1926.]

The two plans are both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper: each printed in black ink on one side only of a piece of white paper, and both folded twice. The first is landscape, 28 x 40.5cm, and carries the 'FIRST FLOOR PLAN' on the left, and 'GROUND FLOOR PLAN' on the right. The second is portrait, 40.5 x 29.5cm. It has two 'TYPICAL WARD PLANS' (third and fourth floors) above two 'SECTIONS A.B. & C.D. OF ELEVATIONS'. The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital was established on High Holborn in 1816.

Duplicated typewritten report titled 'The Magdalen Street Project', describing an influential experiment in 'civic design', carried out by the Civic Trust in conjunction with Norwich City Council.

[Magdalen Street Project; Norwich City Council; Norfolk; The Civic Trust, London; Sir Misha Black (1910-1977), Russian-born British architect, founder of the Artists' International Association]
Publication details: 
The Civic Trust, 79 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1. [1959]

[1] + 7pp., foolscap 8vo. On eight leaves, stapled together in one corner. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight rust marking to title leaf. The title leaf reads: 'THE MAGDALEN STREET | PROJECT | Further information obtainable from: | THE CIVIC TRUST | 79 BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD | LONDON S.W.1. | TATe Gallery 0891'. The background to the experiment is explained in the first two paragraphs: 'This is the story of an experiment in civic design. It is also a story of civic co-operation in which self-help was seen to be synonymous with public spirit.

Autograph Manuscript by Sir Albert Edward Richardson, Professor of Architecture, University College, London, titled 'Brief History of Painting and Analysis of Masterpieces', with 156 postcards laid down as illustrations.

Sir Albert Edward Richardson (1880-1964), Professor of Architecture at University College London; President of the Royal Academy; editor of Architects’ Journal; founder of the Georgian Group
Publication details: 
Avenue House, Ampthill, Bedfordshire; St. Catherine's College, Cambridge; University College, London. 1939 to 1940.

79pp., 8vo. In stout, thumb-indexed diary for 1930. In fair condition, on aged paper, in heavily worn binding, lacking spine and bowed by the excess material it contains. Ownership inscription by Richardson on flyleaf: 'A E Richardson ARA | Avenue House, | Ampthill Beds. | St. Catherine's College Cambridge, | 1939-1940 | University College, London.' Richardson published a number of works on architectural matters, but nothing on the history of art.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Jn Summerson') from architectural historian Sir John Summerson, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, to Peter Rhodes and his wife Felicity, regarding Soane's Piercefield Hall, Shotesham Hall and Hay Castle.

Sir John Summerson [Sir John Newenham Summerson] (1904-1992), architectural historian, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, 1945-1984
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Sir John Soane's Museum, 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 2 May 1972 and 1 August 1974.

Both letters in very good condition, and each in a stamped, postmarked envelope, and each addressed by Summerson to Cuddesdon Manor, Oxon. Letter One (2 May 1972): To Peter Rhodes. 2pp., 12mo. He is 'rather surprised' to find that the ruins of Soane's Piercefield House are 'still there!' The best he can do is 'to warn the National Monuments Record of the approaching dissolution'. They are 'seriously overworked but they might have a photographer in the area who would improve on Miss Stroud's snap-shots'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Jn Summerson') from architectural historian Sir John Summerson, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, to Peter Rhodes and his wife Felicity, regarding Soane's Piercefield Hall, Shotesham Hall and Hay Castle.

Sir John Summerson [Sir John Newenham Summerson] (1904-1992), architectural historian, Curator of Sir John Soane's Museum, 1945-1984
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Sir John Soane's Museum, 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 2 May 1972 and 1 August 1974.

Both letters in very good condition, and each in a stamped, postmarked envelope, and each addressed by Summerson to Cuddesdon Manor, Oxon. Letter One (2 May 1972): To Peter Rhodes. 2pp., 12mo. He is 'rather surprised' to find that the ruins of Soane's Piercefield House are 'still there!' The best he can do is 'to warn the National Monuments Record of the approaching dissolution'. They are 'seriously overworked but they might have a photographer in the area who would improve on Miss Stroud's snap-shots'.

[Cloth-backed lithographic engraving.] A Chart of Anglican Church Architecture: Arranged Chronologically with Examples of the Different Styles.

F. Bedford [Francis Bedford (1816-1894), lithographer and photographer; R. Sunter, York publisher; John Weale, London publisher; Standidge & Co., London printers]
Publication details: 
Drawn and Lithographed by F. Bedford, 40 Ely Place, Holborn. Published as the Act directs by R. Sunter, 23 Stonegate, York, and John Weale, 59 High Holborn, London: 17 August 1843. Printed by Standidge & Co. 77 Cornhill, London.

An attractive Gothic Revival item, tastefully printed in red and black. Printed on nine 13 x 9 cm panels, laid down on a cloth backing opening out to 39.5 x 28 cm; in original 14 x 10 cm printed card cover, with engraved title on front, within a gothic arch. In fair condition: aged and worn in worn and rubbed covers, with small white circular label on front board. Arranged, appropriately enough, in four columns headed: Name of Style; Reign A.D.; Illustrative Examples; Characteristics.

69 engravings, mostly of libraries, extracted from the 'Encyclopédie d'Architecture' of Victor Caillat and Alfred Lance, and bound by George Pymm in a volume with 'BIBLIOTHEQUES' on the spine. From the collection of English architect Marshall Sisson.

Victor Caillat and Alfred Lance [Marshall Sisson [Marshall Arnott Sisson], RA (1897-1978), British architect; George Pymm, London bookbinder]
Publication details: 
Paris; 1855 (according to stamping on spine).

69 engravings, in brown 4to quarter-binding, with 'BIBLIO- | THEQUES' in gilt at head of spine, and 'PARIS | 1855' at foot. In fair condition, on aged paper, in binding worn at hinges. All engravings in 4to, with 12 double-page and 57 single-page. Two are in colour, the rest in black and white. Binder's stamp on front pastedown: 'BOUND BY G. PYMM'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the herald painter for the College of Arms Gerald Cobb to the architectural historian Peter Reid, regarding a staircase in Bishopswood and his new book.

Gerald Cobb (1899-1986), Queen Elizabeth II's herald painter for the College of Arms at the time of her coronation, and authority on ecclesiastical architecture [Peter Reid, architectural historian]
Publication details: 
College of Arms, London EC4. 7 June 1979.

1p., 12mo. Seventeen lines of neatly-written text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He apologises for the delay in replying to Reid's letter, and knows 'nothing about the staircase you mention as coming from a house in Holborn, & now in a house in Bishopswood.' He 'looked it up in R[oyal]. C[ommision]. H[istorical]. M[onumments]., (Vol. II) Hertfordshire (par. of Walford-on-Wye) but Bishopswood is only mentioned re some romann remains.' He hopes Reid is 'enjoying the Herefordshire countryside', and is himself finding life 'rather hectic'.

Album of 95 original detailed illustrations (drawings) of antique wrought iron door knockers (70 from Switzerland and 25 from Italy and France) by the English artist Arthur Elliot, titled by him 'A Book of Knockers'. With short essay by Elliot.

Arthur Elliot, English illustrator [Swiss door knockers; Switzerland; architectural hardware]
antique wrought iron door knockers
Publication details: 
The majority of the illustrations dated, and all those to 1907. Mainly taken at Berne and other Swiss cities.
antique wrought iron door knockers

Elliot's illustrations, attractively executed in great detail, recall the style of those in the volumes produced by the publisher B. T. Batsford during the same period. All in excellent condition, the majority with tissue guards; album in good good condition. Fifty-eight of the illustrations, all of Swiss knockers, on paper ranging in size from 21 x 5 cm to 23.5 x 16 cm (the latter the majority), are laid down on the rectos of the first 45 leaves of a 47-leaf landscape folio album (leaf dimensions 36 x 16 cm). All have tissue guards.

Small archive of 22 Typed Letters Signed ('Frank Baines') and one Autograph Letter Signed, to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with documents including a draft speech by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, with Baldwin's emendations.

Sir Frank Baines (1877-1933), British architect, Director of Works, Her Majesty's Office of Works [Stanley Baldwin]
Publication details: 
1927 to 1928; on letterheads of the Director of Works, H.M. Office of Works, and 34, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. [London].

The collection is in very good condition, on slightly aged and dusty paper. Several items bear the Society's stamp. An interesting and significant correspondence. The letters, in a variety of formats from 12mo to foolscap, are often long, and are written in an informal tone. Indicating Baines's deep involvement in the Society's affairs, they most significantly concern an appeal, organised by Baines on behalf of the Society, 'for the preservation of the cottage architecture of Great Britain', with the backing and involvement of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.

66 albumen print photographs of Belle Epoque decorative mouldings [moldings] and other architectural features; with one drawing of an overmantel.

Le Roy & Cie, Brussels, Belgium [architecture; architectural design; interior decoration; furniture; nineteenth century albumen print photography]
Publication details: 
Brussels, Belgium. Undated [Edwardian?].

Stamped on front pastedown 'LE ROY & CIE. | DECORATION GENERALE | 58, Avenue Fonsny, 58 | TEL. SABLON 2061'. In a landscape 12mo (roughly 12 x 17 cm) album of 29 leaves, bound in coarse brown cloth. The majority of the photographs are in good condition though lightly aged, with around 20 showing varying degrees of damage involving staining and chipping. The album itself is worn and aged, in a binding heavily-worn at spine and corners, and with spotted and aged leaves.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Herbert') to Wyatt, on the subject of 'the lighting of the Wilton Chapel'.

Edward Herbert (d.1870?) [Thomas Henry Wyatt (1807-1880); Wilton House]
Publication details: 
Cairo. Feby. 18. 1864.'

12mo, 2 pp. With mourning border. 42 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with slight chipping to extremities. Herbert has not yet received Wyatt's 'promised letter', but wants 'to say one word [...] about the lighting of the Wilton Chapel. The Gap must be brought to the centre of the Ceiling before the works are completed, as Mr. Olivier wishes to give Eveng. Lectures to the Servants on different occasions & I thought a Corona in the centre would light the whole [...] I can quite trust to yr. Taste to choose one.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M Ross') to Spottiswoode & Robertson, regarding her neighbour Wyndham Lewis being 'In a fidget' about insurance.

Lady Mary Ross [Spottiswoode & Robertson, Solicitors; Wyndham Lewis; Park Lane, Grosvenor Gate, London]
Publication details: 
31 March 1830; Park Lane, Grosvenor Gate, London.

12mo, 2 pp. Fifteen lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged and stained paper, with 3.5 cm closed tear in gutter, corner torn with no loss of text. Addressed, with postmark and remains of red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf. Docketed 'Lady Mary Ross | Park Lane 31 March 1830 | ans. 17 Apl'. Her neighbour 'Mr Wyndham Lewis' is 'In a fidget, as to Insurance'. She hopes it has been regularly paid, and 'must trust to yr not allowg it to be neglected'. She believes the insurance is 'for the House only & that I did not wish furniture'. According to the 'Survey of London', No.

Final General Report on Hospital Construction and Management. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.

Professor H. B. Allen, M.D. [Sir Harry Brookes Allen (1854-1926)] [Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; medicine, architecture]
Publication details: 
[1891. Victoria.] By Authority: Robert. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.

Folio (34 x 21 cm): 32 pp. With all eighteen foldout plans. Unbound and stapled. Text and plans clear and complete. In fair condition, with slight rust to staples and the last leaf (carrying Plan XVIII) loose. The report is addressed to 'The Honorable the Premier of the Colony of Victoria', and dated 'University of Melbourne, 2nd November, 1891. This is, as Allen sets out his aims in the first paragraph, explaining that he is submitting 'the Third and Final General Report concerning my visit to Great Britain and the Continent of Europe.

Seven Typed Letters Signed (one 'Charles Allom' and the other six 'Chas. C. Allom') to various secretaries (Wood, Menzies and Perry) of the Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Charles Allom [Sir Charles Carrick Allom] (1865-1947), British architect and decorator, knighted for his work on Buckingham Palace
Publication details: 
1914, 1916, 1918 and 1921; all on letterhead of 15, George Street, Hanover Square, London W.

All seven items 4to, 1 p. Each good, on lightly-aged paper. All bearing the Society's stamp, and six docketed. Letter Two to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Three to Six to G. K. Menzies, and Seven to W. Perry. Letter One: 9 July 1914. Querying whether members of the Society can describe themselves as 'Fellows'. Letter Two: 22 March 1916. Being 'unable to get an earlier passage [to America] owing to cancellation of boats', he will be delighted to preside over a meeting.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ed G. Paley') to an unnamed sculptor providing a piece for a niche in the Storey Institute, Lancaster.

Edward Graham Paley (1823-1895), Gothic Revival architect based in Lancaster, designer of many buildings for that city [Storey Institute; Sharpe, Herbert James Austin; Lancaster and Morecambe College]
Publication details: 
26 February 1890; Lancaster.

12mo bifolium: 2 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged, spotted and lightly-creased paper. Relates to the Lancaster landmark the Storey Institute, designed by Paley and his partner Hubert James Austin (1841-1915) for Sir Thomas Storey, built on the site of the old Mechanics' Institute, and opened in 1891. It now houses the Storey Art Gallery. Paley states that his firm 'will put the work in hand for the completion of niche of the Storey Institute & when this is finished in, say, a month we shall be glad to have the marble group down'.

Archive of thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed and fifty-two Typed Letters Signed, to Baker, with two Autograph Letters Signed from Campion's wife, and drafts of three of Baker letters (two autograph and one typed), exhibition catalogue, etc.

Sidney Ronald Campion (1891-1978), O.B.E., F.R.S.A., English sculptor, painter and author [Edward Cecil Baker (1902-), M.B.E., Post Office Librarian [Archivist?]]
Publication details: 
1953 to 1978. 22 Erridge Road, Merton Park, Wimbledon (until 1971); 13 Argyle Court, Argyle Road, Southport (from 1972).

The archive is in very good condition, with very slight creasing and aging, and with all items entirely legible. Most items quarto, and most of two pages or more (one running to seven pages). One letter has the head and first paragraph cut away. All but the first two items, which date from 1953 and are signed 'Sidney R Campion', are signed 'Sidney'. The bulk of the correspondence dates from the 1970s. An important archive consisting almost exclusively of long, interesting and discursive letters addressed to a close and trusted friend.

Collection of the firm's estimates, invoices and receipts, mainly addressed to Percy Young of Messrs. H. Young & Co. Ltd., Constructional Engineers, and concerning items for a 'House at Sheen' designed by the architect H. V. Milnes Emerson.

Doulton & Co. Limited, Manufacturers of Sanitary Equipment, Lambeth [Royal Doulton Potteries; bathroom fixtures and fittings; Percy Young; H. V. Milnes Emerson]
Publication details: 

A collection of twenty-two items, with one printed envelope, all in good condition, and relating to a complex order to one of the United Kingdom's best-known business concerns. Interesting for the light it casts on the best business practice in the British building industry of the 1930s. Includes typed two-page foolscap estimate, dated 1 November 1930, initialed and on the firm's letterhead, addressed to H. V.

Three Typed Letters Signed (all 'John : Gloag -.') to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts; with copy of letter from Gloag to A. B. Read, Royal Designers in Industry; and copies of two of Luckhurst's replies.

John Gloag [John Edwards Gloag] (1896-1981), English author specialising in the fields of industrial and interior design, architecture and social history
Publication details: 
Gloag's three letters: 17 February and 9 October 1950 and 19 March 1951; all on letterheads of 3 The Mall, East Sheen, London S.W.14.

All six items are good, on lightly aged paper, with pin holes to the top left-hand corners. Gloag's first letter (4to, 1 p, 13 lines) concerns a 'most unfortunate error, made by the Rotary Club of London in printing a paper which I recently gave on "Design in Industry,". The copy of Gloag's letter to Read (typed, 17 February 1950, 4to, 1 p) reveals this to have been the describing of Gloag 'on the luncheon menu as an "R.D.I." ' In the copy of Luckhurst's reply (12mo, 1 p, 16 lines) he comments that he has 'read enough press reports to know how unavoidable such things are'.

Seven Typed Letters Signed (all 'R. W. Dana', and one of the signatures cyclostyled) to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Washington Dana (1868-1956), British naval architect, assistant to Barry on the construction of Tower Bridge, London, and 'Resident Engineer for reconstruction of Kew Bridge'
Publication details: 
1911 (3 letters) and 1913 (4 letters); all on letterhead of the Institution of Naval Architects (of which Dana was the Secretary).

Six of the letters are 4to, 1 p; the other is 12mo, 1 p. All good, on lightly aged paper. All bearing the Society's stamp and most docketed. On a variety of subjects: a proposed paper by 'Herr Frahm', the use by the Institution of the Royal Society's library for a council meeting, the delivery to the Society of a 'model tank that is coming from Germany' ('the reader of the paper is sending his representative over from Germany to superintend matters'), and a 'Proposed Memorial to the late Sir William White' ('with reference to Mr. Bailey Saunders and Mr. C. R. Graves.

Autograph Letter Signed, a reference for Robert Abraham.

Edward I'Anson (1775-1853), surveyor and architect [Robert Abraham (1775-1850), architect]
Publication details: 
26 April 1825; Laurence Pountney Lane, London.

4to, 1 p, 7 lines. Text clear and entire on lightly aged and discoloured paper. Nicely connecting two notable nineteenth-century London architects. I'Anson has 'great pleasure in stating from long and intimate personal acquaintance with Mr Robert Abraham that his experience Talent and integrity qualify him to fill any office connected with his profession creditably to himself and beneficially to his patrons'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf of bifolium 'No 9 | Edwd I'Anson Esq'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Canon Knowles

Henry Hayman (1823-1904) [Canon Edward Hadarezer Knowles (c.1823-1899); Rugby School; Matthew Holbeche Bloxam]
Publication details: 
3 December 1875; on printed letterhead of the Rectory, Aldingham, Ulverston.

12mo, 1 p, 8 lines. With mourning border. Good, on aged paper, with small closed tear at head neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape. Blank second leaf of bifolium stained from previous mounting. Printed as part of the letterhead at top of page are two lines giving Hayman's terms as a private tutor. (Begins 'The Rev. H. HAYMAN, D.D., ex-Head Master of Rugby, prepares Pupils for the Universities, &c.') Hayman writes to say that he has mislaid the letter from the 'Secry Archl Socy [Matthew Holbeche Bloxam (1805-1888), Secretary of the Oxford Architectural Society]'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Matt H Bloxam') to Reginald H Pope, Standlake Rectory, Witney, Oxfordshire.

Matthew Holbeche Bloxam (1805-1888), architectural historian [Rugby School]
Publication details: 
17 May 1887; Rugby.

12mo, 2 pp. Very good. Several of the letters of congratulation he received on his birthday were from 'old Rugbeians', and Pope's was 'one of the first'. He has been 'invited by the President and Council of the Royal Archaeological Institute to be President of one of the Sections at their meeting this year at Salisbury but age and infirmity have obliged me to decline'. Although 'not under the Doctor's hands' he feels he is 'going down hill apace'. The previous Tuesday 10 boys from Rugby 'came in to partake of Cake Gingerbreads and fruit 9 of whom were from your old boarding house now Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Cor<dier>'), 'A Monsieur <Jukeur?> opticien - rue de Conde Paris'.

Joseph Cordier (1775-1849), French engineer, in charge of work on the Simplon Pass in 1800
Publication details: 
Without date or place [Paris].

12mo bifolium: 1 p. 11 lines of text. Address and docketing on second leaf. Good, but with 1 cm hole in first leaf of bifolium, possibly caused by breaking open of blue wafer, which still adheres. Hole causing loss to two words, including latter part of signature. Asks the recipient 'de remettre a Mr. Pousin conducteur des ponts et chaussees, un double demi metre en Cuivre et un metre en cuivre avec quatre petites roulettes pointilles'. He will pay for the order in a few days time.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. H. Wyatt') to the connoisseur and print collector the Rev. Charles Henry Middleton (1828-1915); with manuscript 'resolution'.

Thomas Henry Wyatt (1807-1880), English architect
Publication details: 
19 May 1881; on embossed letterhead of the Art Students' Home, 4 & 5 Brunswick Square, London W.C.

12mo, 2 pp, letter of 8 lines, resolution of 9 lines. Good, on lightly spotted paper with small pin holes to top inner corner. He is appending 'a copy of a resolution agreed to at a Meeting of Committee held this afternoon at No 1 Station St., the Baroness Burdett-Coutts presiding'. The resolution, on the recto of the second leaf of the bifolium, thanks Middleton, 'for services rendered to the Art Student Home, & for the constant interest he has displayed in advancing its welfare'.

Two Typed Letters Signed ('H. Gordon Griffin' and 'H. G. Griffin') to 'The Secretary' and K. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts; with carbon of Luckhurst's reply; and draft of 'C.P.R.E. Publication on the Design and Layout of Small Houses.'

Sir Herbert Gordon Griffin (died 1969), General Secretary, The Council for the Preservation of Rural England [Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
Letters of 12 January 1927 and 10 December 1956, both on Council letterhead; carbon reply, 11 December 1956; draft, November 1956.

All items very good. A couple with slight staining at head from paperclip. Letter One (to 'The Secretary', 4to, 1 p, 5 lines): Apologising for delay in acknowledging the 'letter and enclosures of 31st ultimo': 'my office was only opened on Wednesday last and I have had much correspondence with which to deal'. Letter Two (to Luckhurst, 4to, 1 p, 18 lines): Concerning 'a booklet on the layout and design of small houses' which the C.P.R.E. 'is hoping to publish this spring'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. d'Olincourt.') to 'Monsieur Bance, aine, Editeur & Proprietaire, rue Saint-Denis, No. 271, a Paris.' In French.

F. Gigault d'Olincourt, Ingenieur Civil [Lithographie, Imprimerie et Librairie]
Publication details: 
23 Janvier 1839; Bar-le-Duc. On elaborately printed letterhead.

4to: 2 pp. Eleven lines. Good, on lightly creased and discoloured paper. Column of printed advertisements in left-hand margin of first page, which is headed by a printed description of d'Olincourt's qualifications, enclosed in an engraving of a jumble of disparate items including a book-press, beehive, scientific instruments, laurel wreath and sailing mast. He has begun to publish an 'immense ouvrage d'architecture', and he hopes Bance will subscribe for a number of copies which he will be able to sell 'chez vos clients'.

Thirteen Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with one Autograph Note Signed to Menzies, and a printed prospectus for Adams-Acton's 'Domestic Architecture and Old Furniture'.

Murray Adams-Acton (1886-1971), English historian of art and architecture
Publication details: 
5 October 1927 to 14 August 1933; most on letterhead of Acton Surgey Ltd., 'London, Paris & Crews Hill'.

Sizes range from quarto (nine items) to 12mo (two items). Very good. Subjects include a request for 'a photograph of the winning design for the petrol filling station', the award of a Hyde Travelling Scholarship ('Mr. Mitchell appears to have so greatly distinguished himself'), 'Mr. Bossom's suggestions for the wording and particulars for the Proscenium opening for Cinema', the drafting of a reply to Morley Horder's comments ('he errs when he declares the screen is not of the period as I think only a small section of it was added by Mr.

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