Printed examination paper headed 'LLANDOVERY. | June, 1862. | WELSH EXAMINATION.'

Llandovery College, Carmarthenshire, Wales [Rev. William Done Bushell (1838-1917)]
Publication details: 
[Carmarthenshire, Wales?] 1862.

Printed on one side of a piece of paper, 22 x 14 cm. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, and still laid down on a leaf from an album. Twelve questions, the eleventh being ten lines to translate from Welsh into English, and the twelfth being ten lines to translate from English into Welsh. From the album of Rev. William Done Bushell (1838-1917).

Unpublished manuscript poem, titled 'The lament of a gyp', humourously recounting the 'troubles of a Cambridge man, a careful hardworked gyp' on the disappearance of Bushell on a mountaineering trip.

[William Done Bushell (1838-1917) of St John's College, Cambridge University; later assistant master and honorary chaplain at Harrow School; Victorian mountaineering
Publication details: 
Undated (around 1861).

From Bushell's own collection, and possibly in his hand. On both sides of a piece of light-blue paper, 27 x 22 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with four labels from previous mounting (one with small closed tear) on the reverse. A delightful item, casting light on the social history of Victorian Cambridge. Thirty-six lines in couplets. Written from the point of view of Bushell's 'gyp' (college servant). Begins 'Oh! listen to me now all ye who give anyone the slip.

Printed circular, signed 'Hervey', putting himself forward as Parliamentary 'Representative of our University'.

Frederick William Hervey (1800-1864), 2nd Marquess of Bristol [Trinity College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
23 October 1822; Trinity College, Cambridge.

4to (22.5 x 18.5 cm), 1 p. Eighteen lines in four paragraphs. Text clear and complete, crisply printed in italic. On aged and grubby paper. Begins 'The lamented death of Mr. SMYTH having occasioned a vacancy in the Representation of our University, I am induced to offer myself as a Candidate for the honour of succeeding him in that distinguished situation.' He is 'unfettered by political engagements', and must forever feel 'affection and gratitude' for 'a Body, amongst whom I have passed some of the happiest and most profitable years of my life'. Hervey was unsuccessful.

Manuscript volume titled 'Notes on the familary of VICARS of South Yorkshire. Collected by Alfred Scott Gatty.' With illustrations, family trees, insertions.

Alfred Scott-Gatty (1847-1918), Garter Principal King of Arms at the College of Arms [genealogy of the Vicars and Vickers families of South Yorkshire]
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield Vicarage, Sheffield. 1876.'

4to volume (leaf dimensions 23 x 18.5 cm). Written out in Gatty's neat close hand over 96 full pages of a brown cloth notebook with decorative enadpapers. With 30 extra 4to pages of notes, and three loose family 8vo leaves of family trees. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with split hinges. With title page and names underlined in red throughout.

To Mr. Law. ['One of thirty copies reprinted from the original edition in the Library of Worcester College, Oxford.']

Allan Ramsay. [Worcester College, Oxford; Oxford University Press; John Law; South Sea Bubble]
Publication details: 
[1924.] [With facsimile of title of the original anonymous Edinburgh edition of 1720.]

Folio pamphlet: 8 pp. In brown wraps with 'TO MR. LAW. BY ALLAN RAMSAY.' on the front wrap and the publication details on its reverse. On aged and lightly-creased paper, in worn, creased wraps. Nicely printed, with the long s, at the University Press. Originally published anonymously in 1720. Facsimile of title ('EDINBURGH: Printed for the AUTHOR at the Mercury, opposite to Niddrey's-Wynd, MDCCXX.'). A scarce (unattributed) Oxford University Press item: of the thirty copies COPAC lists four: at the British Library, Oxford, Cambridge and the National Library of Scotland.

Typed Note Signed ('A. C. Egerton') to Dingle, enclosing two pages of typed scientific calculations relating to the annual worldwide consumption of fossil fuels. With carbon copy of Dingle's typed reply.

Sir Alfred Egerton [Sir Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton] (1886-1959), chemist [Professor Herbert Dingle (1890-1978), physicist and President of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1951-1953]
Publication details: 
Note dated 11 March 1944. Note and calculastions on letterheads of Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.

All three items fair, on aged and creased paper. Slight rust-spotting at head of note, and short closed tear to leaf of calculations. Note (12mo, 1 p): He is enclosing 'a few figures' and hopes they are what Dingle wants. The calculations (4to, 2 pp) begin with working out of the 'Annual coal production in world' in therms. This is followed by similar figures for 'Petroleum' and 'Natural gas', giving the 'Total fuel (bar wood and peat) used per annum in the world'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Herbert Fisher') to 'My dear Gore', the first conferring upon him an honorary fellowship, and the second containing an assessment of Ormsby-Gore's son David.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Fisher; Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), English historian and Warden of New College, Oxford [William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore (1885-1964), 4th Baron Harlech]
Publication details: 
7 October 1936 and 12 March 1937; both on letterheads of 'The Warden's Lodgings, New College, Oxford'.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One: 4to, 1 p. Begins 'The College today at its Special General Meeting did itself the honour of electing you to an Honorary Fellowship. We trust that it may not be unacceptable to you to be thus associated with our Society. There are no duties, save that of wearing a surplice in Chapel on Sundays and Feasts of the Church.' He thanks Gore for his 'generous words' of the previous day. Letter Two: 4to, 2 pp.

The Dangers and Safeguards of Ethical Science. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in the Clarendon, May 25th, 1836.

The Rev. W. Sewell [William Sewell (1804-1874)], M.A. Sub-Rector of Exeter College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
Oxford: D. A. Talboys. 1837.

8vo: 66 pp. Stitched pamphlet. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Tight copy on lightly-aged and foxed paper, with light staining at foot of wraps and first and last few leaves. List of 'Publications by the same Author' on the reverse. Worn inscription at head of title, to 'The Revd Vaughan Thomas | With the Authors best comptss & regards'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Bristol, Lambeth Palace and Oxford.

Catalogue of Sale by Auction of Valuable Printed Books, Manuscripts, Modern Books including duplicate books from Trinity College Library, Dublin, Maynooth College Library, Maynooth, and other properties.

Town & Country Estates (Ireland) Limited [Trinity College, Dublin; Maynooth College Library; duplicates; auction catalogue]
Publication details: 
[1955?] Dublin: Town & Country Estates (Ireland) Limited M.I.A.A. [Printed by Cahill & Co. Ltd. Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin.]

8vo: [ii] + 30 pp. Stapled pamphlet on art paper. Text clear and complete. In fair condition, with covers slightly grubby and a little rust staining from staples. 1241 lots. Provenance of individual lots not given. Basic descriptions beginning with '1 Hallam's Mid. Ages, 3 vols.; and Maitland's Dark Ages, 2 vols. (5).' Lot 1168 is 'A most interesting collection of mementoes of the War of Independence. Letters, etc., to and from members of the Ceannt. A post card written by Pearse to Ronan Ceannt. Letter from T. M. Healy to Mrs. Ceannt at the time of the execution. School accounts from St.

Sketchbook filled with pencil drawings by Wright of the English countryside, some captioned and two signed 'HBW'. Four pages finished in watercolour.

Horace Boardman Wright (1888-1915), English artist from Beckenham, Kent [Royal College of Art; Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers]
Publication details: 
Dated by Wright: 'July 28th. 1904. [signed] H Boardman Wright | Technical Institute School of Art | Beckenham | Kent'. [Sketchbook by D. W. Richard & Co., 29 High Street, Croydon, Artist Colourmen and Picture Frame Makers.]

Landscape sketchbook of eighteen leaves. Leaf dimensions roughly 17.5 x 13 cm. One leaf loose. A further leaf has been removed. Drawings on twenty-five pages and the rear pastedown. Bound in rough grey cloth with printed design on front board. Printed stationer's ticket (label) on front pastedown. Grubby, and with the inevitable pencil offsetting, but good and tight on good paper, lightly-aged but unaffected by damp or stain. Contains some charming images, showing the promise that would win Wright a scholarship to the Royal College of Art three years later.

Autograph Note Signed ('Eleanor M Sidgwick') to 'Miss Chittenden, Cambridge Training Corps, Wollaston Road, Cambridge'.

Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick [née Balfour] (1845-1936), Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
16 August 1907; on letterhead of Newnham College, Cambridge.

16mo, 1 p. In a bifolium. Seven lines. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In stamped, addressed envelope. Asks if Chittenden will 'come to luncheon' on one of the two following days, as Sidgwick 'hardly saw' her on the previous day.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ed G. Paley') to an unnamed sculptor providing a piece for a niche in the Storey Institute, Lancaster.

Edward Graham Paley (1823-1895), Gothic Revival architect based in Lancaster, designer of many buildings for that city [Storey Institute; Sharpe, Herbert James Austin; Lancaster and Morecambe College]
Publication details: 
26 February 1890; Lancaster.

12mo bifolium: 2 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged, spotted and lightly-creased paper. Relates to the Lancaster landmark the Storey Institute, designed by Paley and his partner Hubert James Austin (1841-1915) for Sir Thomas Storey, built on the site of the old Mechanics' Institute, and opened in 1891. It now houses the Storey Art Gallery. Paley states that his firm 'will put the work in hand for the completion of niche of the Storey Institute & when this is finished in, say, a month we shall be glad to have the marble group down'.

Autograph Manuscript musical score of 'The Curates Gavotte', signed 'W G. Webber'.

William George Webber, English organist and composer [Royal College of Music]
Publication details: 
Dated 'Feb 1928'.

On one side of a piece of printed music paper, roughly 21 x 22 cm. Laid down on a page removed from an album. Good, with one dogeared corner. Seventeen grand staff bars, arranged on four levels, followed by 'Yours sincerely, W G. Webber | Feb 1928'. Webber was at the Royal College of Music at the same time as the father of Andrew and Julian Lloyd Webber, who changed his name from W. S. Webber to W. S. Lloyd Webber to avoid confusion with him. No record of "The Curate's Gavotte" found.


T. F. Cattley [Thomas Frank Cattley (1874-1958)], House Master (1914-30) and School Librarian (1942-58) at Eton College
Publication details: 
1941. Eton College: Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd. ['Printed at Eton College by Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd.']

12mo: 36 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Internally tight and clean, in worn and creased wraps. Signed 'T F Cattley' on title-page. In pencil at head of front wrap 'one of only 60'. A collection of jeux d'esprit, addressed to individuals only identified by their initials. Uncommon: copies on COPAC at the British Library, Oxford, National Library of Scotland and Trinity College Dublin.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. M. Stone') to Mrs Metcalfe, on an 'eulogium' to her father Frederic Carpenter Skey, delivered by the President of the Royal College of Surgeons, Henry Hancock.

Thomas Madden Stone (d.1894), Librarian to the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London [Henry Hancock (1809-1880); Frederic Carpenter Skey (1798-1872), surgeon to St Bartholomew's Hospital]
Publication details: 
28 February 1873; on the letterhead of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London.

12mo: 2 pp. 18 lines of text. Good. Reporting that 'Mr. Hancock our President' has 'paid such a well deserved eulogium to your honoured sire in his Hunterian Oration published fully in "the Medical Times & Gazette" of last Saturday'. Stone was 'much moved by it', and said to himself 'how pleased I should have been, had his children been present to hear and see how well it was rec[eive]d.' Makes a Latin quotation that has been 'truly [...] said of your noble father'. Skey is not mentioned by name, but the item is from the Skey family archives.

Double Crown Club Anecdote No. 1. Peter de Walpergen against the Executors of John Fell 1687-88.

[Harry Carter; Double Crown Club; Corpus Christi College; John Fell types]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed.] Oxford: 1964. [Printed in the Fell types at the University Press, Oxford by Vivian Ridler, 'and given to the Double Crown Club at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, by Harry Carter 26 June 1964'.

12mo (leaf dimensions): 20 [+ 1] pp. Stitched, and in original grey printed wraps. Internally tight and clean, in creased, worn and spotted wraps with chipping to extremities. Uncommon: the only copies on COPAC at the British Library, National Library of Scotland, Oxford, Cambridge and the V & A.

Typed Note Signed ('A. C. Fox-Davies') to H. S. Vade Walpole.

Arthur Charles Fox-Davies (1871-1928), English writer on heraldry, and Gold Staff Officer at the Coronation of King George V
Publication details: 
8 June 1899; on letterhead of Hastings House, Norfolk Street, Strand, London.

4to: 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Regarding 'certain verses concerning this street', Walpole will 'find an explanation of the whole circumstance in this week's Notes & Queries'.

Signed Autograph Inscription to Edward Bawden.

Lionel Ellis (b. 1903), English wood engraver, artist and book illustrator [Edward Bawden]
Publication details: 
Siena; May 1926.

On a piece of paper, roughly 14 x 12 cm. Creased, and with a few pin holes (not affecting text). Edges untidily cut. Possibly the ffep of a presented book. Text in purple ink, with good firm signature (roughly 4.5 cm long). Reads 'To my very dear Friend | E. Bawden | [signed] Lionel Ellis | Siena May 1926'. The '6' in the date slightly cropped.

Three printed plans (numbered 1, 2 and 3) each entitled "Plan of Property in the Isle of Ely belonging to the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Clare College, Cambridge. To be sold by auction by Messrs. Bidwell & Sons. June, 1912."

Bidwell & Sons, Surveyors & Auctioneers [Clare College, Cambridge; Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire]
Publication details: 
All three plans by Bidwell & Sons, Surveyors & Auctioneers, Ely; & 11, Benet Street, Cambridge. 1912.

Each plan printed in black on one side of a piece of paper, with areas picked off in blue, green, orange, pink and yellow. Plan No. 1: 72 x 86 cm. Plan No. 2: 88 x 68 cm. Plan No. 3: 76 x 89 cm. The first two very good on lightly aged and creased paper; the third as the first two apart from some wear along a crease resulting in two areas of loss each roughly 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 cm. The various properties (over seventy lots) are numbered, with names of the proprietors of neighbouring estates given.

Chronicles of Wingham. (Being a contribution towards the History of the Parish.) Compiled from Various Works by Arthur Hussey, (Member of the Kent Archaeological Society.)

Arthur Hussey [Kent Archaeological Society; Wingham]
Publication details: 
Canterbury: Printed & Published by J. A. Jennings, City Printing Works. 1896.

8vo: 211 pp. In original brown cloth binding, with title in gilt on front board. A good tight copy, on aged paper with occasional spotting, in worn binding with fraying at head and tail of spine. Four-page list of subscribers at rear. Fifteen chapters, with subjects including Wat Tyler, John Cade, Wingham College; the Oxenden and Palmer families, and the manor house of the Archbishops of Canterbury.

Science at Cambridge, by Dr. Monckman. (Of Downing College.)

[Dr James Monckman of Downing College, Cambridge; Bradford]
Publication details: 
Cambridge - Deighton, Bell & Co., Trinity Street. Bradford - Honorary Secretaries of the Scientific Association, - Mr. J. Skelton, Crossley Hall; Mr. Wm. Pickles.' [J. Green, Printer, &c., 311, Manchester Rd., Bradford.] [1888]

8vo: 16 pp. Unbound and stitched. On brittle, discoloured paper chipping at extremities and with the first and last leaves detached from one another. All but the first four pages consisting of a 'list of Original Papers, published by resident members of the University during the years 1886 and 1887', compiled to indicate the 'extent to which the country is indebted to the endowments of the University'. Including works by J.J. Thomson, Francis Darwin, George Darwin. Scarce: no copy in the British Library and the only copy on COPAC at Cambridge University Library.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Rev. S.S. Lewis.

J.W. Blakesley, Dean of Lincoln, former "Apostle" (as Tennyson, etc.)(DNB).
Publication details: 
Deanery, Lincoln, 27 May 1879.

3pp., 12mo, good condition. "It is not in my power to let any MS go out the Library or Muniment Room, without the consent of the Chapter . . . I should be glad if you would send me a formal application . . . describing the MS so as to identify it exactly . . . "

Autograph Letter Signed to Henry Fawcett.

[G.O. TREVELYAN] Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), Liberal politician and author [Henry Fawcett (1833-1884), English economist and politician]
Publication details: 
9 October 1882; on letterhead of the Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle.

12mo, 4 pp. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. The 'appointment of examiners' is entirely a matter for 'the Commissioners of Intermediate Education'. However Trevelyan will be glad 'to send the papers on to the proper quarter, and will do so accordingly'. He is 'much obliged' to Fawcett for his 'kind expressions about my proceedings here. It is a very queer post, and I always feel as if on the brink of an appalling escape.' He has been 'much struck' with the success of Fawcett's policy at Trinity College, Dublin. The Trevelyans 'spent some days in Salisbury in 1879.

Autograph Letter Signed by Talbot ('C <?> Talbot') to Hawtrey on Gladstone's behalf.

C. Talbot, senior clerk [William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister; Edward Craven Hawtrey (1789-1862), Provost of Eton College]
Publication details: 
30 May 1854; Great George Street [Westminster].

12mo, 2 pp, 20 lines. Bifolium with mourning border. Text clear and entire, on lightly aged paper with a few stains. He is enclosing 'Mr. Gladstone's answer on the subject of the inscriptions [not present]' which he asks to be returned to him. 'I had no opportunity of submitting it to him till Sunday last, and as you see I lose no time in passing on his answer to you [...] I drew his attention specially to the question of the two languages as you desired me to do'. Asks to be remembered to 'Miss Hawtrey'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. C. Purser') to the classical scholar John Percival Postgate (1853-1926).

Louis Claude Purser (1854-1932), Classical scholar, President of the Royal Irish Academy, a fellow pupil of Oscar Wilde and close friend of Yeats's sister Lollie [Trinity College, Dublin]
Publication details: 
22 February 1915; 35 Trinity College, Dublin.

4to, 1 p, 22 lines. On aged paper, with chipping at extremities neatly repaired with archival tape. Text clear and entire. He thanks him for his 'interesting paper', commenting on the 'Lucretian passage'. Postgate's 're-arrangement [...] is undoubtedly more attractive & logical than the ordinary arrangment, and as such I welcome it: but must we suppose always that artists do as well instinctively as they might if they had taken counsel?' 'Ex silentio I judge that all is well with you, as far as anything can be well for any of us these terrible times.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. R. Planché') to unnamed male correspondent.

James Robinson Planché [J. R. Planché] (1796-1880), English playwright and herald
Publication details: 
Saturday [no date]; Michael's Grove Lodge [Brompton].

12mo, 1 p, 11 lines. Very good. He begins by giving R. J. Smith's Brompton address. He was 'delighted to hear of Lord Powis' and hopes 'there is no mistake about it'. 'Remember in printing his Title he is a Knight of the Garter. - On the back of our 2nd. No. I see Lord Southampton printed as "the Earl of Southampton"!' Asks the recipient's view of the previous day's 'Times': 'And look at the Morning Post to day.'

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Brougham.

John Henry Bernard
Publication details: 
21 June 1900; on letterhead of Trinity College, Dublin.

Irish churchman and philosopher (1860-1927). Four pages, 12mo. Good, though grubby and a tad spotted, and with remains of previous mount adhering to lower-half of verso of second leaf of bifoliate (not affecting text). Begins 'My dear Brougham | I have read over the article in the Gazette on SPG, and have ascertained that Mr. White had nothing, directly or indirectly, to say to it. I think that the scope of the article precluded any mention of individual workers of recent years, as it was meant to give a general view.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Louis Havet, professeur au Collège de France, 16 place Vendôme') to 'Monsieur le Directeur du Journal de Bruxelles, Belgique'.

Louis Havet (1849-1925), French philologist whose classical library was acquired by the University of California
Publication details: 
14 May 1889; Paris.

12mo, 1 p, 14 lines. Good, on light-brown paper, with the address, stamps, and postmarks on the reverse. In French. He sends his thanks to the 'Journal de Bruxelles' for reproducing his 'article sur la réforme de l'orthographe'. He is sending a petition (not present) which 'en ce moment ce couvre de signatures à Paris', and will be personally grateful if his correspondent can see to it that it is reproduced 'avec les indications qui l'accompagnent'. Loose in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the letter laid down on front.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sédillot, professeur d'histoire, Secrètaire du Collège de France') in French to 'Monsieur Le Maire' [of the XIe arrondissement of Paris].

Louis Pierre Eugène Amélie Sédillot (1808-1875), French orientalist
Publication details: 
12 January 1849; on letterhead of the Collège de France.

4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper worn at extremities. Text clear and entire. Gives details of his placement in 1837 in the 'cadre de reforme de la Garde Nationale', and of the registration of the decision by the Mayor. 'Cette décision [...] m'est réclamée par le nouveau Sergent major de la compagnie, M. Alger, et je viens vous prier de m'en faire délivrer une copie dûment légalisée.'

Autograph Manuscript headed 'Proposed Porson Scholarship is open to Freshmen only - Examination in the October term, exclusively Classical. | Objections to the Grace for accepting this Foundation.'

William Gilson Humphry [sometimes misspelt 'Humphrey'] (1815-1886), biblical scholar, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London
Publication details: 
21 October 1846; Trinity College, Cambridge.

4to (26.5 x 22 cm), 2 pp, 30 lines of text. On discoloured and lightly creased and stained paper, with some chipping to extremities, but with text clear and entire.

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