Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Paget') from the future Bishop of Oxford, Francis Paget of Christ Church, to 'Mr. Dowdeswell' [Rev. Edmund Richard Dowdeswell], suggesting his brother-in-law Rev. Henry Lewis Thompson as a lecturer.

Right Rev. Francis Paget (1851-1911), Bishop of Oxford and Dean of Christ Church [Edmund Richard Dowdeswell (1845-1915); Henry Lewis Thompson (1840-1905), Rector of Iron Acton; Mandell Creighon]
Publication details: 
Christ Church, Oxford. 20 July 1887.

4pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper, with one small spot at head of first page. He feels sure that 'if Canon Creighton [Mandell Creighton, then Canon of Worcester] could be persuaded to undertake the Lectures he would do the work far better and far more worthily than I can hope to do it', but he does not know Creighton well enough to ask him to take his place. 'And so, in view of your letter, I think that I had better look forward to coming and doing my best: though I greatly fear that the work may be less thoroughly prepared than it shold be'.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Sociological Experiment among Factory Girls. A Report of the Matsuyama Factory Girls' Home.

Sidney L. Gulick [Sidney Lewis Gulick (1860-1945); Matsuyama Factory Girls' Home, Japan]
Publication details: 
Dated 1 August 1907.

12pp., 4to, plus three leaves of plates on art paper. Stapled, in original buff printed wraps. A fragile item. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper, in chipped and worn wraps. Images captioned 'The First Photograph of the Sympathy Society', 'At School', 'At Play' and 'The Home'. Sections on the conversion of Shinjiro Omoto, and the 'Sympathy Home' ('Dojokwan'). Final 'Financial Statement' and 'Plans for Enlargement'. No copy on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H G Liddell') from Henry George Liddell, grandfather of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, to 'Dear Dundas', concerning the Abbotsford Subscription. With print of the 'Ape' cartoon of Liddell from 'Vanity Fair'.

Rev. Henry George Liddell (1787-1872), father of the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, and grandfather of Alice Pleasance Liddell, on whom Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland was based [Sir Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
Letter: Ravensworth Castle; 2 February 1833. Print: Without date or place.

Letter: 4 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He addresses him 'as Provisional Secretary to the Abbotsford Subscription Committee', to inform him that he has instructed his bankers in Newcastle to transmit forty pounds from his account to bankers in the Strand, 'to be added to the Abbotsford Fund - being the Amount collected in small sums between 1.£ & 1.s. by Mrs. Liddell in the town of Alnwick & vicinity'. She will forward a book of subscribers' names to the Committee.

Photograph of Dame Peggy Ashcroft at her country home Vine Cottage, from the collection of Jill Balcon (taken by her?), with an inscription by Balcon.

[Dame Peggy Ashcroft [Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft] (1907-1991); Jill Balcon [Jill Angela Henriette Balcon] (1925-2009), actress]
Dame Peggy Ashcroft
Publication details: 
Undated (1980s?).
Dame Peggy Ashcroft

Colour photograph in grey card wallet frame. Dimensions of photograph 13 x 18 cm. Dimensions of frame 18 x 23 cm. In good condition. A head and shoulders shot of a smiling old Ashcroft in overcoat outdoors in the countryside. Captioned by Balcon on frame at foot of photograph 'Peggy Ashcroft at Vine Cottage (called by her "The Tiny Palace")'. Part of Balcon's own collection.

Signed bromide print of photograph by Mark Gerson of the actress Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis.

Mark Gerson (b.1921), photographer [Jill Balcon [Jill Angela Henriette Balcon] (1925-2009), actress]
Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis
Publication details: 
'London. Mark Gerson. AIBP/ARPS'. Circa 1961.
Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis

Black and white matt bromide print photograph in card frame with covering flap. Dimensions of photograph 20 x 25 cm. Dimensions of frame 25.5 x 32 cm. A head and shoulders shot of Balcon, staring across the photograph from the right, left hand at right shoulder, with the bust of Day-Lewis facing her from the left. Inscription in pencil on frame beneath photograph: 'London. Mark Gerson. AIBP/ARPS'. Photograph and inscription in excellent condition; frame aged and worn.

Printed handbill reproducing a letter from Hensley, headed '(From "THE TIMES," October 17, 1888.) | SLOUGH AND M. ARAGO. | TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES.', deploring the proposed change of the name of the twon from Slough to Upton Royal.

Canon Lewis Hensley (1824-1905), Vicar of Hichin [Slough, Berkshire; Upton Royal]
Printed handbill: Slough and Mr Arago.
Publication details: 
Hitchin Vicarage, Oct. 16, 1888.
Printed handbill: Slough and Mr Arago.

On one side of a piece of wove paper, 32 x 24 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with slight wear to extremities. Headed '(From "THE TIMES," October 17, 1888.) SLOUGH AND M. ARAGO. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES.' The letter is thirteen lines long, ephatically printed in good-sized type. Signed in type 'LEWIS HENSLEY. | Hitchin Vicarage, Oct.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M Ross') to Spottiswoode & Robertson, regarding her neighbour Wyndham Lewis being 'In a fidget' about insurance.

Lady Mary Ross [Spottiswoode & Robertson, Solicitors; Wyndham Lewis; Park Lane, Grosvenor Gate, London]
Publication details: 
31 March 1830; Park Lane, Grosvenor Gate, London.

12mo, 2 pp. Fifteen lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged and stained paper, with 3.5 cm closed tear in gutter, corner torn with no loss of text. Addressed, with postmark and remains of red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf. Docketed 'Lady Mary Ross | Park Lane 31 March 1830 | ans. 17 Apl'. Her neighbour 'Mr Wyndham Lewis' is 'In a fidget, as to Insurance'. She hopes it has been regularly paid, and 'must trust to yr not allowg it to be neglected'. She believes the insurance is 'for the House only & that I did not wish furniture'. According to the 'Survey of London', No.

Wyndham Lewis and Vorticism. The Tate Gallery. 6 July - 19 August 1956.

Wyndham Lewis [Tate Gallery, 1956; Sir John Rothenstein]
Publication details: 
London: Tate Gallery, 1956.

4to: 36 pp + 12 pp of prints on art paper. Stapled. In striking original printed red card wraps. With A4 addendum leaf loosely inserted. Good, with light stain to bottom outer corner. Important two-page introduction by Lewis, reviewing his career, followed by three-page essay by Rothenstein on 'Wyndham Lewis and Vorticism'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Lewis'.

Ludwig Straus (1835-1899), Austrian violinist
Publication details: 
4 April 1891; Rosstrevor Priory Road West Cliff, Bournemouth.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper. He explains that the 'remaining dates of the 4tett Class had to be alterered', given the alternatives. 'I hope you will not be inconvenienced by that change and that you kindly will assent to it.' He gives the date of her next lesson, to which he looks forward.

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Thompson, Edinburgh.

James Thomson (1768-1855), editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica (1795-6); from 1805 parish minister in Eccles, Berwickshire [Rev. Thomas Lewis (d.1852) of the Union Chapel, Islington]
Publication details: 
Date not given (before 1852). 17 Stamford Street, Blackfriars.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip of black mount adhering at head on reverse (not affecting text). He has received Thompson's note 'intimating to me the necessity under which the Revd Mr Lewis and the Committee of Union Chapel find themselves reluctantly placed, to refuse our deputation an opportunity of pleading the Cause of our Society on the present occasion'. Refers to the 'great liberality of the Members of the Union Chapel' and 'their attachment to the good Cause'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir H[enry]. Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir James Lewis Caw
Publication details: 
22 December 1916; on National Gallery [of Scotland], Edinburgh, letterhead.

Scottish art critic and engineer (1864-1950). One page, octavo. Very good. Bearing the Society's stamp. 'It is very good of the Council of the Royal Society of Arts to ask me to become a member, but, while thanking them, I regret that I do not see my [^ way,] at present, to join any more societies.' Signed 'James L. Caw'.

Some Correspondence on the Subject of the Grant of £1,800, made to the National School of the Hamlet of Highgate, by the Committee of Privy Council for Education.

[Highgate National School] [John Holmes, of the British Museum; Nathaniel Basevi; Robert Lingen; Harry Chester; Lewis Vulliamy; William Ford]
Publication details: 
Privately printed [1853?]. [Printed by Cox (Brothers) and Wyman, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.]

8vo: 30 pp. on sixteen leaves (including final blank). Unbound and stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. A scarce item (the only copies on COPAC at the British Library, Lambeth Palace and the Guildhall). On aged, worn and damp-stained paper, with chipping to extremities. Regarding the ' "rumours" alleged against' Ford and Chester ('in reality a definite statement made by a gentleman on the authority of Mr.

The first four numbers of 'The New Athenian Broadsheet'. No.1, 'Festival Issue - Scottish Poems of Place'. No.3: 'Spring and Summer Poems'. No.4: 'Scottish Lore and Legend'.

The New Athenian Broadsheet [The Favil Press; Lewis Spence; William Soutar; Sydney Goodsir Smith; George Campbell Hay; Edwin Muir; Naomi Mitchison; Maurice Lindsay; Scotland; Scottish poetry]
Publication details: 
No.1: August 1947; No.2: Christmas 1947; No.3: April 1948; No.4: July, 1948'. All printed for 'The Editor, The New Athenian Broadsheets, 45 Plewlands Gardens, Edinburgh, 10' by The Favil Press Ltd., 152 Kensington Church Street, London.

All four items printed on both sides of a piece of paper roughly 57 x 25 cm, folded twice to make 6 pp, each 19 x 25 cm. Aged and a little grubby and creased. The second number with title printed in red, the third with title in green, and fourth with title in blue. Each with engraving of park with neo-classical buildings by William McLaren. No.1: poems by Lewis Spence, R. L. Cook, Joe Corrie, W. H. Hamilton, Alexander Buist, A. V. Stuart, Hugh N. Maclachlan, A. A. C. Blackie, Dorothy Margaret Paulin and Helen B. Cruikshank. No.2: poems by William Soutar, Alexander Buist, A. V.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis Melville') to Messrs George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Lewis Melville' [Lewis S. Benjamin (1874-1932)], English author and actor
Publication details: 
5 August 1903; 1 Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square, W.C., on cancelled letterhead of the Weekly Dispatch.

12mo, 1 p. 7 lines of closely-written text. Clear and complete. On aged and slightly-grubby paper. He has received their letter regarding his 'Life of Thackeray', and appreciates 'the reason for your delay in deciding whether or no to issue a cheap edition. Undoubtedly the inclusion of my book in a series would benefit us both, & I hope Mr Lee may be able to make me an offer.'

A folio leaf containing seven 'Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y, including the title-page and frontispiece of the limited edition of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden'.

The Walpole Printing Office, in New Rochelle, N.Y. [Peter Beilenson; Edmund B. Thompson; Peter Pauper Press; Herb Roth; American fine printing; typography; T. S. Eliot]
Publication details: 
1929-1932. The Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y.

Printed in black and sepia on both sides of a leaf of watermarked wove paper, 45 x 30 cm. On lightly-aged paper with one vertical and two horizontal fold lines. The seven sample pages feature a total of six illustrations, in a variety of styles, two by Herb Roth. The arrangement is as follows. Recto: Title ('Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y. 1929-1932') with vignette of Walpole. Specimen One, titled 'Piratical Barbarity, &c.', with illustration of pirate ship by Roth. Specimen Two, title-page of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden. The Poet.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. K. F. Gatty') to 'Mrs. Wakefield'.

Horatia Katharine Frances Eden (née Gatty) (born 1846), sister and biographer of Mrs Juliana Horatia Ewing
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, Sheffield; 22 March [year not stated].

Four pages, 12mo. Mourning border. Aged and spotted, with remains of three mounts adhering to one edge. She is enclosing a note from 'Miss Yonge', and 'one from Miss Roberts [Margaret Roberts] who wrote "Madlle Mori", "In the Olden Time", "The Atelier du Lys" &c. She refers to Miss Yonges mother in her note'. She is also sending a note 'from Mr. Dodgson too. Who is "Lewis Caroll'. (Alice in Wonderland) - & one from Isa Craig - now Mrs. Knox.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. J Stewart Perowne') to 'Mr Lewis'.

John James Stewart Perowne (1823-1904), Bishop of Worcester
Publication details: 
9 March 1882; on government letterhead embossed with royal crest.

12mo: 2 pp. On first leaf of bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with dogeared corners. Nine lines of text. The 'man for your purpose' is 'Mr G. Gray, the Diocesan Registry Peterboro''. 'He is intelligent & will do the work well I doubt not on receiving your instructions.' Loosely inserted is a leaf carrying biographical information in a contemporary hand.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C S.Calverley') to Mrs [?] Lewis [of Ickleton?].

Charles Stuart Calverley (1831-1884), English poet and wit [Sir George Grove]
Publication details: 
Bishopsbourne Rectory, Canterbury; 19 August [year not stated].

Three pages, 12mo. Very good. The blank verso of the second leaf of the bifolium laid down on remains of leaf detached from autograph album. Begins 'At length by certain Proofs 'tis plain (to quote a hymn familiar to my childhood but forgotten now all but that first line) that the readers of Macmillan will know all that is to be known about the mistletoe, thanks to your labours, before Christmas.' He hopes she has received the proofs, and says that 'Grove, the Editor, writes to me that they are in type & he is forwarding them to Ickleton'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Samuel') to unnamed male correspondent.

Herbert Louis Samuel (1870-1963), 1st Viscount Samuel [GOLF; GOLFING]
Publication details: 
15 July 1898; High Cliff, Felixstowe [on cancelled letterhead 49 Palace Court. W.].

Two pages, 12mo. On aged and somewhat grubby paper, with a few closed tears to extremities. Text clear and entire. The recipients 'account for clubs' supplied to Samuel in June 1896 'has not been presented between that date and now'. Samuel thinks he paid the amount at the time'. '[O]n my return to town I will look through my receipts and communicate with you further.'

A Catalogue of Letters, Manuscript Papers and Books of Frederick Rolfe (Baron Corvo).

Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary Rolfe [Baron Corvo] [George Frederick Sims]
Publication details: 
Harrow: George Frederick Sims. [Printed by Purbrook & Eyres Ltd. 20 St. James' Walk, London, E.C.1]

Eighteen pages, octavo, with four plates on art paper. In original grey printed wraps. Some light staining, creasing and wear. One of 600 copies. Lists seventy-seven items, with addenda of a further eleven. This milestone catalogue was published, according to Sims (A Life in Catalogues, 1994), in May 1949. At foot of title-page: 'N.B. This collection, with the exception of the Addenda of Books, has been sold.'

Engraving by Lewis, after Cooke, of 'CALAIS PIER'.

Edward William Cooke (1811-80), marine painter; Charles George Lewis (1808-80), engraver
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On India paper roughly three and a half inches by six and a half wide, mounted on a thick piece of wove paper ten inches by fourteen and a half. Cooke's name is engraved on the illustration, and printed on the mount are the title, Lewis's name and a double ruled border. Good clear impression. The mount is a tad grubby, with foxing to the extremities. Atmospheric representation of a populated pier snaking to the left, with a number of sailing ships and a row boat taking advantage of the low tide nearby. No reference found.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-70)
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Crescent; 11 July 1852.

Three pages, 12mo. Good. He did not receive the letter till his return from the continent the previous week. '"The Grove" is a comfortable mansion but there is nothing in any way remarkable about it - Clutterbuck's history of Hertfordshire contains all that is known respecting the persons who have possessed it. There is a fine collection of pictures, many of them by Vandyke & Sir P. Lely, wch. belonged to the Chancellor Clarendon & of them you will find an accurate description in the 3d. Vol. of the "Clarendon Gallery" published a few months ago by my sister Lady Theresa Lewis.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript Additions, and Autograph Signature, for 'the Sum of twelve pounds ten Shillings [...] 3 Months Annuity, due at Midsumer last past, of 50 Pounds per Annum'.

Lewis Watson (1655-1724), 1st Earl of Rockingham
Publication details: 
2 July 1717; [London].

One page, quarto. Aged, trimmed at head and with fraying at foot. 'Received by me the Right Honble. Lewis Lord Rockingham Assignee of Thomas Wentworth'. Witnessed by and with the signatures of George Cradock and Edward Vincent. Signed 'Rockingham'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'G Remington Esq'.

Charles Lewis Gruneisen
Publication details: 
27 September 1873; on letterhead '16, Surrey Street, | Strand. W.C. | London.'

Journalist and musical critic (1806-79), Paris newspaper correspondent, 1839-44, who sent dispatches by pigeon. One page, 12mo. In poor condition: grubby and heavily stained. 'Dear Sir | I have been abroad or I would have replied to your note ere this. I will be at home until Noon next Monday. | Yours faithfully | [signed] | C J Gruneisen'.

Autograph Letter Signed to S[amuel]. Redgrave.

Sir George Cornewall Lewis, 2nd Baronet
Publication details: 
Kent House | 4 April' [no year].

Author and politician (1806-63). The recipient (1802-76) was author of a dictionary of English artists, and successively private secretary to several English statesman. Two pages, 12mo. An odd request. 'I have been asked by a friend to ascertain for him whether any person has ever been tried in England for suffocating a human being supposed to be affected by hydrophobia. If you shd. be in possession of any information which throws light upon the subject, would you have the kindness to enable me to answer the question'. signed 'G C Lewis'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent, an autograph-hunter.

Walter Lewis Emanuel [PUNCH]
Publication details: 
17 April 1910; on letterhead '17, Holland Park Avenue, W.'

English humorist (1869-1915), a long-time contributor to 'Punch' magazine. One page, 12mo. Good on somewhat discoloured paper. Reads 'Dear Miss Manook. | No, of course I was not annoyed. I am sorry I have not a copy of any book of mine by me, and I have not time today to write one for you.' Signed 'Walter Emanuel'.

Typed Letter Signed to [Brian?] Mercer, [Secretary,?] Royal Society of Arts; together with a carbon of the Typed Letter to which it is a reply.

Cecil Day-Lewis
Publication details: 
22 July [1961]; on letterhead '6 CROOMS HILL | GREENWICH | S. E. 10'; carbon of Mercer's letter dated 21 July 1961.

British Poet Laureate (1904-72). Day-Lewis's letter, 1 page, 8vo. On grey paper. Good, but lightly creased and with a few staple holes. Thanks Mercer for the 'kind invitation'. 'I am afraid I could not manage to prepare the paper you suggest for January 24, since I have to be busy till near the end of this year on a play.' Suggests deferment to February or March. Signed 'C. Day Lewis'. Docketed by '' on 24 July 1961, 'We can offer other times, I think, in March.' and with 'Mar 21 | 2.30' beneath this in pencil.

A memorial service for Dorothy Leigh Sayers (Mrs. Atherton Fleming) M.A. (Oxon.): Hon. D.Litt. (Durham) Born 13th June, 1893 Died 17th December, 1957

[Dorothy Leigh Sayers]
Publication details: 
ST. MARGARET, WESTMINSTER [...] on WEDNESDAY, 15th JANUARY, 1958 at 12.30 p.m.'

Unbound bifoliate. Four unpaginated pages. Dimensions of leaf roughly 8 inches by 5 inches. In very good condition, but with two instances of light creasing. The lessons were read by Val Gielgud and Judge Gordon Clark, and the panegyric was by C. S. Lewis.

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