Social history

Autograph Letter Signed "R.L. Ellis" to R. Rothman, M.D., applying mathematics to a political economy issue.

R.L. Ellis, English polymath (1817-1859), remembered principally as a mathematician and editor of the works of Francis Bacon.
R.L. Ellis, English polymath (1817-1859)
Publication details: 
No place or date.
R.L. Ellis, English polymath (1817-1859)

Three pages, 8vo, good condition. He commences with a mathematical supposition (in formula terms) then proceeds with putting the suppositions of "the master" [Malthus, Ricardo or their like?) in mathematical terms, concluding a fall of price to "3/4d or one quarter", adding that "The suppositions he makes are incompatible with the ratio theory ...", doing sums which he concludes with the an answer he describes as "absurd".

[Printed offprint pamphlet relating to the American President George Washington.] A Washington Token. By William C. Wells. Reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal.

William C. Wells [President George Washington; numismatics]
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.
Publication details: 
London: Harrison and Sons, St Martin's Lane, W.C. 1915.
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.

4to, 7 pp. In original printed wraps. Fair, with an unobtrusive closed tear to the title leaf. The purpose of the article is to explain the relationship between John Washington, the issuer of the token the article describes, and the first American president. Both sides of the token are illustrated on the front page. The last page carries a family tree of 'The Washingtons of Northamptonshire, Sussex and Virginia'. The only copy of this offcut on COPAC is at the British Library.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Bernard') from Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard, 16th Duke of Norfolk, to 'Arthur', concerning the sale of land in Sheffield and elsewhere.

Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (1908-1975), 16th Duke of Norfolk,
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (
Publication details: 
13 January 1938; on letterhead of Everingham Park, York.
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to close relation or agent. He agrees to 'the two sales in Sheffield of £52,000 and £90,000', but does not consider 'under £200 an acre' a good price. He wonders 'whether Sandford is inclined to give a bit to get a deal through without much trouble'.

[Printed.] Rapport Général fait a Mr. le Maire de Gand, Chambellan de sa Masjesté, par les Commissaires chargés des secours extraordinaires, accordés aux Indigens de cette Ville, depuis le commencement du mois de Decembre 1816 jusqu'au 2 Août 1817.

C. Dellafaille; P. J. De Smedt, Commissaires de la Ville de Gand [Ghent]
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (
Publication details: 
A Gand, Chez C. J. Fernand, Imprimeur de la Régence, Place du Lion d'or. [1817.]
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (

8vo, 15 pp. Disbound. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The opening paragraph makes clear the theme: 'Les pluies continuelles venaient d'enlever au cultivateur ses plus chères espérances; la récolte avait entièrement manquée, et ce désastre était commun à presque toute l'Europe: dèslors il fut facile de prévoir les malheurs qui affligeraient le continent et particulièrement la classe pauvre et sans travail jusqu'à la récolte prochaine.' Scarce.

Typed Letter Signed "F.S. van B. Stafford", to Dr. Eric Dingwall, "Assistant Honorary Keeper of the Printed Books, British Museum, London", about the corrupt practices of merchants in the colony. With related typescript.

(Mrs) F.S. van B. Stafford [British Guiana; Guyana]
(Mrs) F.S. van B. Stafford [British Guiana; Guyana]
Publication details: 
Trent House, Main Street, Georgetown, B[ritish] G[uiana], 10 June 1947.
(Mrs) F.S. van B. Stafford [British Guiana; Guyana]

One page, folio, fold marks, good condition. She has approached Dingwall as someone who could help make conditions in British Guiana better known in England. She refers to the enclosure of "Resolutions" from public meetings, identifying herself as the wife of a King's Counsel "who has acted as a judge on the Supreme Court Bench of this Colony." They need help to take on the merchants who are standing in the way of improving the standard of living. "The extreme poverty of the working classes of this Colony makes it imperative that steps be taken to bring down the cost of living . .

[Printed] The Whigs and the Press. Report of the Trial of the Proprietors and Printer of the True Sun, ... [continued below]

Report of the Trial of the Proprietors and Printer of the True Sun
Publication details: 
London: Published at the True Sun Office, 366, Strand, 1834.
Report of the Trial of the Proprietors and Printer of the True Sun

[title continued] ...For Recommending Non-payment of theAssessed Taxes; upon an Ex-officio Information, filed by His Majesty's Attorney-General. Before M.Justice Patteson and a Special Jury. 14pp., 8vo, disbound, foxed, final leaf detached, better than poor and worse than fair. Note: Charles Dickens wrote Parliamentary Reports for the True Sun in his early days. Scarce. COPAC lists copies at the V & A and London, WordCat lists five US copies and one European.

[Photographs] Window Displays arranged by FCB [Foote Cone and Belding Ltd, public relations company] on behalf of the National Tourist Organisation of Greece [c.1951]. With Report.

[Large paper Folder of Photographs; Birth of Greek Tourist Industry]
 Birth of Greek Tourist Industry
Publication details: 
[London etc., 1951].
 Birth of Greek Tourist Industry


[Pamphlet] The History of a Poor Black Widow; shewing How she grieved for the death of her Child, and the consequences of her doing so.

[Legh Richmond]
The History of a Poor Black Widow;
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Augustus Applegath and Edward Cowper, Duke-street, Stamford-street; Sold by F. Collins, 56, Paternoster-row; and Evans and Sons, 42, Long-lane, Smithfield [London], no date [c.1830??]
The History of a Poor Black Widow;


[Pamphlet] Facts and Opinions in Favour of legalising Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister

Opinions in Favour of legalising Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister
Publication details: 
Printed for The Marriage-Law Reform Association, 26 Parliament Street, [London], no date [1851?]
Opinions in Favour of legalising Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister


[Pamphlet] The Gospel in Paris. Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.

Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.
Publication details: 
Warrington: Printed at the Guardian Office [1871?].
Miss de Broen's Mission to the Communists at Belleville.


Supplément à la Gazette nationale [Thomas Paine's debate with Sièyes]

[Thomas Paine; Newspaper Debate with Emmanuel Sièyes [Syèyes]]
Thomas Paine; Newspaper Debate with Emmanuel Sièyes [Syèyes]]
Publication details: 
Samedi, 16 Juillet 1791
Thomas Paine; Newspaper Debate with Emmanuel Sièyes [Syèyes]]


[Printed Prospectus] Memorandum regarding Garden Village Scheme On part of the Burgh Land in Townhill. [Private and Confidential]

[Garden City movement]
 Memorandum regarding Garden Village Scheme
Publication details: 
[Townhill, 11 March 1914]
 Memorandum regarding Garden Village Scheme

3pp., folio, with enclosed printed letter from William Yule, Interim Secretary, one page, fol., and blank forms for prospective shareholders and stockholders, one page, fol. Top edge dusted and chipped, small closed tears on right edge, punch-holes (extracted from file of Easton Gibb material on housing for workers at Rosyth (see my #10028)). A meeting had been held, leading to the suggestion that an Association should be formed> A committee is named, and terms given.

[Manuscript notebook of an anonymous English plane spotter, containing detailed entries of planes coming in to various airports in southern England between 1947 and 1950. In notebook containing publicity material for the Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd.]

[British plane spotting in the 1940s; Ingersoll-Rand Co. (air compressors and pneumatic tools)]
British plane spotting in the 1940s
Publication details: 
Compiled between 1947 and 1950. [Ingersoll-Rand Co., Limited, 165, Queen Victoria St., London, E.C.4]
British plane spotting in the 1940s

12mo, 133 pp. Hundreds of neat entries, in a small hand, written lengthwise on graph-paper pages in a red-cloth 'Memoranda' book ('Compliments of Ingersoll-Rand Co., Limited, 165, Queen Victoria St., London, E.C.4.'). Good: with text clear and complete on lightly-aged paper, in the original worn red binding. Many entries are dated (with a few also giving the dates on which various planes crashed), and among the airports referred to are Northolt, Yeovil, Radlett, Cowes, Rochester, Guernsey, Jersey, Peterborough, White Waltham, Hanworth Park, Elstree, Cranfield, Luton.

Essai de Psychologie. La Bête et l'Homme. With authorial inscription and tipped in Autograph Letter Signed

Dr Edouard Fournié
Essai de Psychologie. La Bête et l'Homme.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1877.
Essai de Psychologie. La Bête et l'Homme.

xvi.566pp., half-lea. worn and damaged but intact, contents good condition. Inscribed by author: "Mr le rev. W.B. Bailey D.D.| Hommage de l'auteur | Dr Edouard Fournié". With tipped in ALS, "Edouard Fournié", presumably to Bailey, [printed heading name and address], Paris 16 Juin 1877, saying, "Je recois un lettre de Mr d {?] Kane dans la quelle il me dit que vous voulez bien prendre connaissance de mon Essai de Psycholigie [title underlined] et en rendre compte dans une revue.

[Manuscript] The Household Expenses of the family Commander G.Y. Paterson, son of Admiral Paterson, sometime Governor of Portchester Castle (DNB)

[Household Expenses, 1880s; Brockhurst House, Gosport, Hampshire]
Household Expenses, 1880s; Brockhurst House, Gosport, Hampshire
Publication details: 
[Brockhurst], 10 Dec. 1882-11 Feb. 1889.
Household Expenses, 1880s; Brockhurst House, Gosport, Hampshire

106pp., 4to, black limp cloth, worn, remnants of paper on which is written a biblical passage in Greek on back, hinge strain, but contents clear and complete, text in an extraordinarily small neat hand, sometimes (amazingly) hard to read. The author has used a double entry system, recording Income on one side and Expenditure on the other. The balance (income less expenditure) is brought forward. Expenditure is listed daily, usually all expenses appearing on one line, nature of expenditure and outlay, and a total for the day appearing in the final column.

Autograph Note, Third Person, Charles D'Eyncourt , Tennyson's uncle, to the G.P.O., giving forwarding address.

Charles (Tennyson) D'Eyncourt. Tennyson's uncle [Postal History]
Charles (Tennyson) D'Eyncourt. Tennyson's uncle [Postal History]
Publication details: 
6 June 1844.
Charles (Tennyson) D'Eyncourt. Tennyson's uncle [Postal History]

Two pages, 12mo, bifoliate, section (presumed postal history or blank) from second leaf. Addressed to General Post Office, countersigned D'Eyncourt. Text of note: Mr. d'Eyncourt will be obliged to the officers of the G.P.O. to send his Letters to | No.1 John Street St James's Sqre | 6 June 1844. From 48 Dover Street in different hand at top of page. Verso of note is stamped No. [8527] Regd. June 7 1844 with notes by various employees of the GPO who were putting the request into effect.

A small archive of printed ephemera (none listed on COPAC) and manuscript material accumulated by J.L. Buzzacott, Sec. & Hon. Treas. of the "Local Contingent" relating to the Direct Veto Bill (Temperance Movement), 15 printed and MS. items

[Temperance Movement; United Kingdom Alliance; Hyde Park Demonstration, 1893]
Direct Veto Bill (Temperance Movement)
Publication details: 
May-August 1893 [Hyde Park Demonstration 10th June]
Direct Veto Bill (Temperance Movement)

Good condition, comprising in date order: Handbill ("Places without Public Houses", a rant against pubs), n.d.; Handbill ("Manifesto of the Committee of the London Auxiliary of the United Kingdon Alliance", n.d.); ALS headed United Kingdom Alliance, Dawson Burns ("Metropolitan Superintendent") to Buzzacott promising placards to help him educate "the public mind", 29 May 1893; MS. "Minutes of a Meeting" "for the purpose of forming a Local Contingent in connection with the 'Direct Veto Demonstration'", 3pp., 1 June; MS. article on the Public Meeting "Re.

Autograph Reference Signed for Mr. J. Buzzacott. With his calling card

Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer
Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer
Publication details: 
[headed] 24 Oxford Road, Kilburn, N.W., 19 Feb. 1894.
Louis Zangwill, novelist and printer

One page, 12mo, good condition, saying Mr. J. Buzzacott was in my employment in the capacity of compositor (apprentice) at my printing works, 12 Wilson St., Finsbury, for about two years, and during the whole of that time was satisfactory with respect to conduct, work, & punctuality. He is a gentlemanly lad & I can recommend him. With Zangwill's calling card, name and address printed, adding With complements embracing his name.

Autograph Letter Signed from Rosa Baughan, graphologist and writer on fortune-telling, to 'Dear Miss James'.

Rosa Baughan (fl. 1880), graphologist and writer on palmistry, physiognomy and astrology
Autograph Letter Signed from Rosa Baughan, graphologist
Publication details: 
28 November [no year]. 44 Queens Road, Bayswater.
Autograph Letter Signed from Rosa Baughan, graphologist

Landscape 12mo. 17 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper. For a graphologist Miss Baughan's handwriting is curiously angular and crabbed. Explaining that 'these together with some 2 dozen others were overlooked in the July packet - at least this was how it was - each week a packet is sent & I do the packets in rotation of their dates'. She is 'really now doing the September studies'. Continues in same vein. Baughan published a number of works on what would now be called 'new age' subjects in the 1880s.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir R.L. Harmsworth about the publishing history of Little Goody Two Shoes. With part of a substantial letter from [F.Contes?] on the same subject

P.J. Dobell, Antiquarian Bookseller
Publishing history of Little Goody Two Shoes
Publication details: 
[Headed] P.J. & A.E. Dobell, Sons of the late Bertram Dobell, Dealers in Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, 8 Bruton Street, New Bond Street, London W1, 20 & 23 Jan. 1926.
Publishing history of Little Goody Two Shoes

Three pages, 4to, good condition. Harmsworth has obviously consigned two copies of the History of Little Goody Two Shoes to Dobell for evaluation and Dobell is now returning them with a learned disquisition on the publishing history of the work. He discusses the advertising and other background of the Newbery imprint, speculation on the rights being sold to a syndicate of booksellers (explaining worsening quality of printing), speculation on the undated one being pirated. He cites a memorandum by a British Library principal Librarian, J.

Collection of correspondence, membership cards and other ephemera tracking Carey's career as Newspaper Reader.

[Sunday Graphic/Times] L.G. Carey, Newspaper Reader
Publication details: 

All items freshly mounted in a photo album, very good condition. The core of the collection is a full series of membership cards for the Association of Correctors of the Press (1949-1965), London Typographical Society (1966), National Graphical Association (1967-1988). With their variant typographical and colour, these make an attractive display.

[Printed item a black and white steel engraving by John Thompson, from a design by W. Harvey, described by Buday as a candidate for 'The First Christmas Card']

John Thompson; W. Harvey; Allan Cunningham
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers
Publication details: 
London: John Sharpe, 1829.
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers

8vo, 1 p. Image clear on aged paper, with the leaf loosely attached to the letterpress title of the work whence it comes (see below), that title being laid down in a folder with a window cut into the front for viewing the card through. The dimensions of the engraved illustration are roughly 12.5 x 8 cm, with the main feature of the elaborate design being contained in a circle 8 cm in diameter.

[Pamphlet] General Basis of Estimates for Labor and Material, as prepared by the United States Light-House Establishment.

[From the papers of Montgomery Meigs, Jr, son of The Union Army's Quarter-Master-General] Anon.
United States Light-House Establishment
Publication details: 
United States Light-House Establishment

Pamphlet, 'Published for the Information of Officers of the Quartermaster's Department', 9pp.,12mo, original grey printed wraps, good, on aged paper, in worn and stained wraps, tiny cross shape neatly punched through the leaves in bottom outer corner.

Substantial collection of press cuttings relating to the arts and crafts firm of F. B. Goodyer of 55 New Bond Street (The Aesthetic Gallery), assembled for the firm by press cuttings agencies. With a few photographs and other items of ephemera.

The Aesthetic Gallery, 55 New Bond Street (F. B. Goodyer, proprietor) [Arts and Crafts Movement; funiture; fabrics; silk]
The Aesthetic Gallery, 55 New Bond Street (F. B. Goodyer, proprietor)
Publication details: 
From the firm's foundation in 1889 to 1947.
The Aesthetic Gallery, 55 New Bond Street (F. B. Goodyer, proprietor)

Goodyer has long been recognised as a significant figure in the arts and crafts movement (see Adburgham's 'Shops and Shopping' and Aslin's 'Aesthetic Movement, Prelude to Art Nouveau'), but surprisingly little is known about him. A former partner in the firm of Liberty's, he founded his Aesthetic Gallery at 55 Bond Street in 1889. It specialized in 'English silks, cashmeres, velveteens, fans, cushions, handkerchiefs, table covers, and other dainty manufactures', and numbered Voysey among its suppliers.

[printed Government circular, Poor Law, 1845, with seal and facsimile signatures] (Audit Districts.) Officers' Salaries. To the Guardians of the Poor of the several Unions and Incorporations [...] Churchwardens and Overseers [...] Clerks or Clerks.

[The Poor Law Commissioners, 1845; George Nicholls, G. C. Lewis, Edmund W. Head]
Printed Government circular, Poor Law, 1845
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George E. Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1845.
Printed Government circular, Poor Law, 1845

Folio, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper.

Album of 95 original detailed illustrations (drawings) of antique wrought iron door knockers (70 from Switzerland and 25 from Italy and France) by the English artist Arthur Elliot, titled by him 'A Book of Knockers'. With short essay by Elliot.

Arthur Elliot, English illustrator [Swiss door knockers; Switzerland; architectural hardware]
antique wrought iron door knockers
Publication details: 
The majority of the illustrations dated, and all those to 1907. Mainly taken at Berne and other Swiss cities.
antique wrought iron door knockers

Elliot's illustrations, attractively executed in great detail, recall the style of those in the volumes produced by the publisher B. T. Batsford during the same period. All in excellent condition, the majority with tissue guards; album in good good condition. Fifty-eight of the illustrations, all of Swiss knockers, on paper ranging in size from 21 x 5 cm to 23.5 x 16 cm (the latter the majority), are laid down on the rectos of the first 45 leaves of a 47-leaf landscape folio album (leaf dimensions 36 x 16 cm). All have tissue guards.

[printed Belgian numismatic auction catalogue] Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc. formant les Collections delaissées par feu M. le Major A. Daufresne de la Chevalerie et provenant de divers autres amateurs.

[Major Auguste Daufresne de la Chevalerie (1818-1881); H. Cordemans-de Bruyne; Charles Dupriez; Belgium; printed Belgian numismatic auction catalogue]
Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc.
Publication details: 
Malines: Imprimerie L. & A. Godenne, Editeurs, 28, Grand' Place, 28. 1896. [To be sold 26 May 1896, 'sous la direction de H. Cordemans-de Bruyne & Ch. Dupriez, Experts, à la Salle Bluff, 10, Rue du Gentilhomme, 10, Bruxelles'.
Catalogue des Monnaies, Médailles, Méreaux, etc.

12mo, [ii] + 28 pp. In original pink printed wraps. Card frontispiece in three panels, folding out to 18.5 x 37.5 cm., carrying facsimiles of 48 numbered coins in collotype. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor damp staining at foot, in chipped and faded wraps. 893 lots, beginning with 'Monnaies Grecques et Gauloises', and ending with 'Jetons' and 'Médailles'. Excessively scarce: no copy on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat in the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Collections Jacques Doucet, Paris.

Printed 'List of Members' of 'The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, with which is incorporated The Self-Propelled Traffic Association', October 1901.

[The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901; Royal Automobile Club]
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901
Publication details: 
October 1901. The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 4 Whitehall Court, London, S.W. [Printers: F. KING & Co., Ltd., 62, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.']
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901

4to, 15 pp. In small type. Text clear and complete. On brittle green high-acidity paper, with chipping and loss to extremities and three of the leaves detached. Begins by listing 'General Council of the Automobile Club | (appointed to confer with the Club Committee on questions affecting Automobilism generally).' Headed by 'His Grace the Duke of Sutherland'; followed, on second page by Club Committee and officers, and then (pp. 3-10) the list of members in three columns, giving name, optional address, and date of election; ends (pp.11-15) with lists of 'Members of Affiliated Clubs'.

Spoof handbill advertisement, by 'Humphrey Higginbottom & Co.', for 'The Dark Lanthorn, Or, Suffolk Twinkler, and Woodbridge farthing Rush-light', headed: 'To all who have the interest of ignorance & bigotry at heart, This Statement is addressed.'

'Humphrey Higginbottom & Co.', 'The Dark Lanthorn, Or, Suffolk Twinkler, and Woodbridge farthing Rush-light' [J. Munro, Printer, and Bookseller, Woodbridge, Suffolk]
Spoof handbill advertisement
Publication details: 
Dated 'WOODBRIDGE, SUFFOLK, | July 13th, 1826.' [printer's slug: 'J. MUNRO, PRINTER, AND BOOKSELLER, WOODBRIDGE.']
Spoof handbill advertisement

Nicely printed, in a variety of types and point sizes, on one side of a piece of laid 4to paper. Twenty-two lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper.

Five mounted publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities: showing the interior of restaurant cars in the first and third class compartments, the first class smoking saloon, the kitchen, and an exterior shot of the cars.

[Great Eastern Railway; British railways]
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1910?].
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities

The five photographs are all in sepia and 15 x 20 cm. Each is mounted, with a 17.5 x 22.5 white backing, on a piece of grey 25 x 30 cm card. Each is neatly captioned in black copperplate, with red underlining. The photographs are all in good condition, on discoloured and worn mounts. The items were clearly produced for display by the company, as they all have pinholes in their mounts. The captions read: 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Cars.' [exterior shot]; 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car - Kitchen', 'G.E. Rly. Restaurant Car Third Class Compartment', 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car.

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