A Catalogue of a Library of Books, [...] Prints, Books of Prints, Paintings, [...] and miscellaneous Articles, the Property of a Gentleman, removed from Southampton. [priced by auctioneers for proprietor]

J. C. & S. Stevens, auctioneers, 38 King Street, Covent Garden [Victorian book auction catalogue; Alexander Hoyes of Bittern Grove, near Southampton]
Publication details: 
Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. J. C. & S. Stevens, at their Great Room, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, On Thursday, the 18th day of July, 1844. [Alfred Robins, Printer, 101, Long Acre.]

8vo, 8 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with wear to extremities. According to the title-page the sale contains 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Johnson's Poets, Scott's Works, Swift's ditto, Annual Register, British Theatre, and other Works, in various branches of Literature; Prints, Books of Prints, Paintings, Mahogany Cabinets, Antiquities, Gold Repeater, Grand Piano-Forte, by Zeitter'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. C Lyall') to Lane-Poole.

Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall (1835-1911), Indian civil servant, poet and historian [Stanley Lane-Poole (1854-1931), British orientalist and archaeologist,]
Publication details: 
Undated; Flitwick, Swift Hill (on cancelled letterhead of 16 Queen's Gate, London S.W.

12mo, 1 p. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with a neat cut (not affecting text) neatly repaired on reverse. The Registrar at the India Office has informed Lyall that Lane-Poole's name is 'on the list of those to whom the India Archaeological Reports are sent'.

Autograph draft of letter to the Editor of the Daily Chronicle, rebutting in strong terms the claim that Knowles was editor of the Contemporary Review.

Alexander Strahan [Alexander Stuart Strahan] (1833-1918), English publisher [Sir James Thomas Knowles (1831-1908); Alfred Tennyson]
Publication details: 
14 February 1908; on letterhead of Oakhurst, Ravenscourt Park, W.

12mo (17.5 x 11 cm): 5 pp. On two bifolium letterheads and half of a third. The text of each page is clear and complete on aged and lightly-spotted paper, but gaps between the various sections indicate that the draft is incomplete. Begins 'Sir | I see that in your obituary notice of Sir James Knowles inn today's paper you say that he was the Editor of the Contemporary Review from 1870 to 1877. | This is news to me. I was the Editor and proprietor of the Contemporary Review all these years, and I think I ought to know the facts of the matter.

Typed Note Signed ('A. C. Egerton') to Dingle, enclosing two pages of typed scientific calculations relating to the annual worldwide consumption of fossil fuels. With carbon copy of Dingle's typed reply.

Sir Alfred Egerton [Sir Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton] (1886-1959), chemist [Professor Herbert Dingle (1890-1978), physicist and President of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1951-1953]
Publication details: 
Note dated 11 March 1944. Note and calculastions on letterheads of Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.

All three items fair, on aged and creased paper. Slight rust-spotting at head of note, and short closed tear to leaf of calculations. Note (12mo, 1 p): He is enclosing 'a few figures' and hopes they are what Dingle wants. The calculations (4to, 2 pp) begin with working out of the 'Annual coal production in world' in therms. This is followed by similar figures for 'Petroleum' and 'Natural gas', giving the 'Total fuel (bar wood and peat) used per annum in the world'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. F. Hamilton') to 'My dear Harmsworth' (Viscount Northcliffe?). With a copy of his booklet translation: 'In St. Patrick's Praise: The Hymn of St. Secundinus (Sechnall)'.

[G. F. Hamilton, Rector of Moylough, Co. Galway] [Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 13 March 1919; on letterhead of the Rectory, Moylough, Co. Galway. Booklet: Dublin: The Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., 61 Middle Abbey Street.

Letter: 12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'Your hands must be full just now, judging from the Daily Papers.' He presents the 'booklet' as 'a small memento of friendship for you', and describes as 'just published by me on a hymn considered (by Bernard, Bury etc.) to be a contemporary of St. Patrick. An 11th. cent MS. containing it is in T. C. D. Library. And it is also given in a 7th. cent. MS. at Milan.' Postscript referring to an article he has sent Harmsworth, 'for which I received thanks (quite unsolicited) of the Prof. of English Literature, T.C.D.!

Bohemia (New Series) The Official Organ of the Bread and Cheese Club, Melbourne.

The Bread and Cheese Club, Melbourne, Australia [Joseph P. Quaine (d.1970), bookseller; Judge Alfred William Foster (1886-1962)]
Publication details: 
No. 5. Melbourne, 1st November, 1945. [Printed by J. Roy Stevens. Mebourne.]

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Complete issue, paginated 17-20. Good, on aged paper. The first page announces J. D. Corbett ('Writer of "Canberra Commentary" in "The Argus") as guest speaker ('And he's sure to be good'). The first of two articles on the second page is the report of a speech by 'His Honor Judge Foster'. The second article, under the heading 'A Blood and Thunder Merchant', is an interview, with small photograph, with 'the Sanguinary-minded Fellow J. P.

Autograph Letter Signed to Pryor's mother.

John Hopkinson (1844-1919), English geologist [Alfred Reginald Pryor (1839-1881); Royal Geological Society]
Publication details: 
5 March 1888; St Albans, Hertfordshire.

12mo: 3 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Concerns Pryor's posthumous 'Flora of Hertfordshire' (1887), which contained an introduction co-written by Hopkinson. Four copies of the book are being presented to Mrs Pryor 'by our Society'. 'This is partly the cause of the delay in sending them to you, for we had to wait for authority from the Council of the Society, to present them.' The rest of the letter concerns the large paper edition of the book, a copy of which Hopkinson offers to procure for Mrs Pryor 'at the subscription price'.

Signatures of 'Russell Thorndike' and 'Harry Alfred Harding', and manuscript score of music by 'E. H. Thorne', transcribed by 'A. E. Thorne'.

Dr Edward Henry Thorne (c.1835-1917), organist at St Anne's, Soho; Alfred E. Thorne, organist, Christ Church, Newgate Street; Arthur Russell Thorndike (1885-1972); Harry Alfred Harding (1855-1930)
Publication details: 
The score and two signatures all dated 1929.

On a leaf of pink paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. The score, on the recto, consists of eight grand staff bars, titled 'St. Andrew | A + M 403. | Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult | E. H. Thorne'. The score is folowed by the signature 'A. E. Thorne | 30th. Aug 1929.' The autographs, on the reverse, read 'Yours Very Sincerely | Russell Thorndike. | (Death in Everyman.) | Grey Friars Mar. 1929.' and 'Harry Alfred Harding | June 1. 1929.' Thorne was a leading figure in the late-Victorian Bach revival. Thorndike was the detective novelist.

Autograph Note Signed ('George A Lawrence') to unnamed publisher [Tinsley?].

George A. Lawrence [George Alfred Lawrence] (1827-1876), English novelist
Publication details: 
Undated. On monogrammed letterhead of 25 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London.

12mo, 1 p. Six lines. Mourning border. Text clear and complete. Aged, creased and a little grubby. Asking to be sent '4 copies of "The Butterfly", if ready', and if not to be told 'when it will be'. Lawrence published his 'Breaking a Butterfly; Or Blanche Ellerslie's Ending' anonymously by Tinsley in 1869.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George A Lawrence') to an unnamed publisher [George Routledge?].

George A. Lawrence [George Alfred Lawrence] (1827-1876), English novelist [Miss Caulfield; George Routledge]
Publication details: 
22 March 1858; Plymouth.

16mo (leaf dimensions 13 x 10 cm), 3 pp. Bifolium. Twenty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper with small closed tear in margin (not affecting text). He has been asked by 'Miss Caulfield' to 'perform the ceremony of "introduction" with a view to your publishing (if you approved of it) a work she has lately written [...] <"Janet de Rinzy?">'.

Autograph Signature ('F. Palgrave') on fragment of letter.

Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861) [born Francis Ephraim Cohen], English historian and antiquary, best-known for his poetry anthology 'The Golden Treasury'.
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of grey wove paper cut into a rough rectangle, 5 x 8 cm. Good, but with light traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Reads '<...> | I have honour to remain | Dear Sir | Yr obt. & hble. Servt | F. Palgrave', with the flourish to the 't' of 'Servt' forming the top horizontal stroke to the 'F.' in Palgrave's signature. Reverse reads '<...> | In conformity <...> | my letter to you <...> | July last, I requir<...> | my name may be <...>'.

No. 8 Catalogue of Coins & Medals comprising: Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Early British, Anglo-Saxon, English, Irish, Scotch, etc. in Gold, Silver, and Copper, offered for sale by J. Verity, Earlsheaton, Dewsbury.

J. Verity of Earlsheaton, Dewsbury, nineteenth-century dealer in coins and medals [Victorian numismatics]
Publication details: 
[circa 1875] Dewsbury: Alfred Green & Son, Bond Street.

12mo: 50 pp. Stapled. In original green printed wraps. Engraving of both sides of the 'Pontefract Siege Shilling' on title, with 38 engravings of both the obverses and reverses of coins in text. Printed on light-blue paper. Internally tight and clean, with rusty staples, foxing to edges and wear and chipping to the faded and spotted wraps. Blank back wrap loose and repaired. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC, although there is a copy among the Fitzwilliam coin catalogues. Another Verity catalogue, from the 1870s, is in the V & A Library.

Printed programme of the 'Arrangements for the Ceremony of the Presentation of the Freedom of the City of London to The Right Hon. Lord Milner of St. James' and Cape Town, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.'

Alfred Milner (1854-1925), 1st Viscount Milner [Lord Milner] [The Corporation of the City of London; freedom of the city; Guildhall]
Publication details: 
Tuesday, 23rd July, 1901.'

4tp bifolium: 3 pp. Text clear and complete on aged and lightly-creased paper. The first page is headed by the crest of the City of London. Gives the timetable for the ceremony, and the routes to be followed by the holders of 'three distinct Cards [white, pink and blue] assigning seats in different localities'. 'The Prime Warden and Wardens of the Fishmongers' Company will present Lord Milner with the Freedom.

Memorial keepsake obituary of 'Jane Bissell Grabhorn 1911-1973' by David Magee.

David Magee (1905-1977), San Francisco bookseller of English extraction [Jane Bissell Grabhorn; Grabhorn Press; Book Club of California; Andrew Hoyem; Frederic W. Goudy; Lawton & Alfred Kennedy]
Publication details: 
November 1973. [California.]

8vo bifolium on good wove paper. Leaf dimensions roughly 22.5 x 14.5 cm. Good, on lightly creased paper. Illustration of horse, 7.5 x 9 cm, on recto of first leaf, with 'JANE BISSELL GRABHORN | 1911-1973'. Memorial, with same title, across inner pages, signed in type by Magee. The following on reverse of second leaf: 'This memorial is presented to the members of the Book Club of California by Andrew Hoyem, who composed the text in Friar, a type given to Jane by its designer, Frederic W. Goudy, and by Lawton & Alfred Kennedy, who did the press work, Nov. 1973.'

Autograph Letter Signed to John William Stuart, on the occasion of his brother Benjamin Whitworth's death.

Robert Whitworth, philanthropist [Benjamin Whitworth (1816-1893), Liberal M.P. for Drogheda, Manchester cotton merchant; Whitby Lifeboat; temperance; Sunday observance]
Publication details: 
2 October 1893. 14 Brown Street, Manchester.

8vo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Sixty-eight lines of text. Complete and legible, but damaged: grubby and creased, with short closed tears and small hole at gutter. Interesting and informative letter. Stuart's message of condolence on Benjamin Whitworth's death is one of many which 'have been very acceptable more especially to his widow who has been laid aside so long with bad health, his daughters have been quite worn out'. Describes how his brother's health 'began to break down after a slight attack of paralysis some two or three years ago when at John Brown & Co Ld.

Collection of six items, including publicity material, invoice and receipt, some relating to an order for a house in East Sheen, Surrey.

J. W. Gray & Son, Limited. 'Lightning Conductor Experts. Electrical Engineers. Steeplejacks. Chimney Shaft Builders & Repairers. Church Steeple Restorers. Flagstaff Makers & Erectors.'
Publication details: 

The collection of six items, with an envelope, is in good condition. An interesting sidelight into 1930s business practice, and an insight into an unusual business concern. First, copy of letter, 14 November 1930 (4to: 1 p), to the firm from Percy L. Young of Messrs H. Young & Co. Constructional Engineers, confirming a verbal order 'for the installation and supply of lightning conductors' to 2 Orchard Rise, Sheen Common Drive, East Sheen.

Autograph Note Signed ('Count de la Chapelle') to 'C. Law'.

Alfred, Comte de la Chapelle (b.1830) [Alfred de la Chapelle; Count de la Chapelle; Napoleon III; Franco-Prussian War]
Publication details: 
5 July 1872; 200 Fleet Street, E.C. London.

12mo, 1 p, 5 lines. Text and signature clear and entire, but on brittle, aged and creased paper, with loss and closed tears to extremities. Reads 'by order of his majesty the Emperor I beg to forward at your adress [sic] an exemplary "les forces militaires de la france en 1870". De la Chapelle is the named as author of this volume.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Fouillée, Membre de l'Institut'), in French, to unnamed male correspondent.

Alfred Fouillée [Alfred Jules Emile Fouillée] (1838-1912), French sociologist and philosopher [solidarism; solidarist; André Beaumier]
Publication details: 
13 March 1902; 'Menton, villa Fouillée'.

12mo, 2 pp, 13 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He is sending his reply (not present) to an article by André Beaumier 'qui me concerne (Figaro du 11 mars)'. The question of university reform is important and 'à l'ordre du jour', consequently he asks his correspondent to make use of his reply. Fouillee was, according to J. A. Scott, 'the founder of French solidarist philosophy'. Loosely inserted in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the item laid down on front.

The Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents formed by Alfred Morrison (Second Series, 1882-1893). The Blessington Papers.

[Alfred Morrison (1821-1897), English collector of autograph material; Marguerite, Countess of Blessington; Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, Count D'Orsay; Gore House]
Publication details: 
Printed for Private Circulation. 1895. [London: Printed by Strangeways & Sons, Tower Street, Cambridge Circus, W.C.]

Quarto: ii + 234 pp. In original grey boards and cloth spine, with chipped white label. Unopened. Good, with slightly discoloured endpapers. Extensive transcriptions from the Countess of Blessington's correspondence, the writers ranging from Mrs Abell ('Napoleon's pet English child at St. Helena') to Nathaniel Parker Willis.

Proof ('Saunders sculp.'), 'Engraved for Ashburton's History of England', of 'Henry II after having his Son crowned King serving the first dish to his Table'.

[Charles Alfred Ashburton; Ashburton's History of England; Joseph Saunders, engraver; W. & J. Statford, Print Sellers, High Holborn, London]
Publication details: 
Published by W. & J. Stratfords, No: 112 Holborn Hill March 16, 1793.'

On wove paper, with watermark '179< >'. Dimensions roughly 22.5 x 39 cm. Very good on lightly aged paper. One small unobtrusive spot of foxing. The illustration is within an oval roughly 21.5 cm wide, enclosed in a decorative box of dimensions 18 x 27.5 cm. A couple of bishops with croziers and a mass of nobles in ermine look on in a vaulted castle hall while Henry II presents what looks like a pie to his bemused offspring, who is seated beneath a canopy.

Offprint of article entitled 'Protection Against Lightning. What is a lightning conductor? How does it protect against lightning? And how should it be applied to be effective?'

Alfred Hands [J. W. Gray & Son, Lightning Conductor Experts]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from "The Field" newspaper, May 16th, 1914.'

8vo: ii + 14 pp. Unbound. Stapled and in original brown printed wraps. Very good on art paper. Six photographic illustrations, including 'Clothing of a man struck by lightning' and 'Farm-house at Whaddon, near Stamford, struck and practically wrecked by lightning.' Hands is described as 'Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, Member of the Astronomical Society of France, Senior Partner of J. W.

Legal manuscript, signed by the three parties, entitled 'Messrs. Alfred Riehl and W. F. Mohr to W. E. Page Esqre. Agreement for Sale of a Share of certain Royalties arising from Patent applied for and now known as the Boran Lamp'.

Alfred Riehl; William Frederick Mohr, Electric Lamp Merchants; William Edwin Page [the Boran Lamp; Edwardian inventions, patents]
Publication details: 

On three pages of a foolscap bifolium, supplied by J. Warner & Co., Law Stationer of New Oxford Street, ruled and with red borders. Good, on lightly stained paper. On 25 July 1912 Mohr and Friedrich Hansen 'made an application for a Patent for an improvement in the process of the manufacture of a filament for an electric incandescent lamp (at present known as the "Boran Lamp") accompanied by a complete specification at the Patent Office', but the application has not yet been accepted.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Picard') to Georges Berger (1834-1910), Directeur général de l'Exploitation de l'Exposition de 1889.

Alfred Picard (1844-1913), Vice-Président du Conseil d'État [Exposition Universelle de 1889; Paris Exhibition]
Publication details: 
24 April 1890; Paris. On letterhead of the Conseil d'État.

8vo: 3 pp. Bifolium. Very good. Written in French. After an 'etude attentive de rapport de M.M. de Lacretelle et Millas et des autres documents en ma possession' on the Exposition's foreign returns he finds 'certaines lacunes et certains points douteux' concerning which he hopes Berger can enlighten him. He gives a list of seventeen officially-participating countries, each with the subsidy it has received in francs, complaining that 'huit de ces chiffres sont douteux'. This is followed by a similar list of six countries which did not participate officially.

Manuscript Signed Indenture Mortgage and Surrender of Leasehold premises 'Between Louis Schnabel of No.79 North End Croydon [...] Watchmaker [...] and Alfred Marden Nicoll of No. 8 Surrey View Villas Ross Road Wallington [...] Painter and Decorator'

Alfred Marden Nicoll; Louis Schabel [Croydon, Surrey], watchmaker.
Publication details: 
Mortgage dated 3 April 1891; Surrender dated 6 May 1898.

Seven pages. On four skins of vellum, each roughly eleven inches by nine wide. Attached with green ribbon, and with various stamps and two wax seals. Good: lightly aged and creased. The premises are at 77 and 79 North End, Croydon.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Savoir'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Major'.

'Alfred Savoir' (1883-1934, pen name of Alfred Poznanski), French dramatist and editor of Polish/jewish extraction
Publication details: 
Paris, 37 rue Bassano; date not stated.

One page, quarto. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with strip from mount adhering to right-hand margin. He is pleased to be of assistance to General Ponsonby and his officers, and is happy to agree to the authorisation for Banso, as far as it concerns him. His English rights have been purchased by Curtis & Brown of London, to whom application must be made. He does not think they will ask for any remuneration. Asks the recipient to pass on his respects to the general, and in a postscript wonders whether he can tell him a good story concerning a lion hunt.

Autograph Card Signed ('J. Ashby-Sterry') to 'My dear Harmsworth' [Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount Northcliffe (1865-1922), newspaper publisher].

Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1836-1917), English novelist, poet, journalist and painter [Lord Harmsworth]
Publication details: 
Saint Martin's Chambers, Trafalgar Square [London]; 26 June 1894.

One page, 12 x 9 cms. Rust stain from paperclip and strip of offset discolouration. In purple ink. A recent letter to Harmsworth was sent to the wrong address. He has 'another letter of Yates's [Edmund Yates (1831-1894), journalist and writer?], better than the one of which you had a copy'. Wonders whether Harmsworth wishes 'to make use of it'. Would also like to know whether 'shares in "Answers" [Harmsworth's magazine 'Answers to Correspondents']' can 'be got through a broker in the ordinary way'.

Autograph Card Signed from Sutro to Hicks.

Alfred Sutro (1863-1933), British author and dramatist; Seymour Hicks (1871-1949)
Publication details: 
26 October [no year, but c.1910]; on letterhead 31 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park [London].

One page, on piece of grey card roughly three and a half inches by four and a half wide. Very good. Twelve lines and one-line postscript in Sutro's tiny and difficult hand. Sends his 'sincerest congratulations on the best volume of memoirs I have read this many a day' (Hicks published his autobiography in 1910). 'There isn't a dull line in it from start to finish; I could dine out for a week on the stories'. Reference to Irving and other actors. Ends 'A damned good book, Seymour! Tous mes compliments!' Postscript reads 'This does NOT require an answer!'

Autograph Note Signed to the Rev. E. J. A. Davies.

Alfred Sutro, British dramatist and translator (1863-1933)
Publication details: 
13 August 1930; on letterhead of Gurdons, Witley, Surrey.

One page, small octavo. Very good, though with a little offsetting of ink from folding of letter, and a small closed tear at head. A reply to a request for an autograph - in a close, neat, hand - reading 'Dear Sir | With much pleasure as I assure you that I am | Sincerely yours | Alfred Sutro'.

Paper entitled 'DISCUSSION: (I) Philosophy Without Science'.

Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, Sir Alfred Jules Ayer; Herbert Dingle
Publication details: 
Reprinted from PHILOSOPHY, Vol. XXIII, No. 84, January 1948.'

12 pages, octavo. Unbound. Folded once, down the centre, vertically. Good, though grubby, and with marks from paperclip. Each of the three contributes a section. PRESENTATION COPY, with slip from Samuel, on his notepaper '32, PORCHESTER TERRACE, W.2.' on which is typed 'WITH LORD SAMUEL'S COMPLIMENTS'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Henry Robertson, Secretary, Covent Garden Theatre, together with draft of Robertson's reply.

Publication details: 
T[heatre]. R[oyal]. D[rury] Lane | August 4th 1835'. With red wax Theatre Royal seal.

Theatrical manager (1796?-1860) and poet, manager of Drury Lane and Covent Garden theatres, 1833-48. One page, quarto. Good, but somewhat grubby on lightly-creased, discoloured paper. Reads 'My dear Sir | I do not remember at this moment any point, beyond those we discussed yesterday, that requires adjustment, except the return of £63-4-8 overpaid on the rent account up to July 5th. and the four weeks salaries to your watchmen & firemen from that day up to last Saturday, amounting to £27 - | The balance of the "Warwick Box" is still unpaid.' Signed 'A Bunn'.

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