[ Dwight D. Eisenhower, as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. ] Printed address to the 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!', spurring them on to 'full Victory' (in Operation Overlord). With facsimile signature/

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), 34th President of the United States of America, and Supreme Allied Commander in Europe in the Second World War [ Operation Overlord, 1944 ]
Publication details: 
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. 1944.

1p., 12mo. A frail survival of a historic document, aged, worn and stained, with slight loss to one corner. On reverse, in blue pencil, with illegible signature: 'No Report for 30th'. The document is headed 'SUPREME HEADQUARTERS | ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE', followed by the insignia. The address begins: 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! | You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

[ North African Campaign, 1940-1943. ] Duplicated four-page document giving 'Some Golden rules for the desert', 'Tips for the desert' and 'Hints on desert driving for "B" vehicles'. With signature of Lt M. P. M. Ollard, Leicestershire Yeomanry.

North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943 [ Lt M. P. M. Ollard of 154 (Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; Field Marshal Montgomery of Alamein ]
Publication details: 
[ North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943. ]

4pp., 4to. On four leaves. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with minor rust marks from paperclip. Ownership signature at top right of first page: 'Lt M P M Ollard'. The pages are numbered in type 5 [corrected in manuscript to '1'], 2, 3 and 4. The first page is headed 'Some golden rules for the desert', with subheadings 'Desert March Discipline', 'Protection', 'Navigation', 'Messing, Rations etc.', 'Maintenance' and 'General'. The next section is headed 'Tips for the desert', with subheadings 'Clothing', 'Stores and Equipment', 'M.

[Signed 'T.S. Eliot''] Italian News' [featuring 'Talk on Dante' by T. S. Eliot, the printed version of a lecture entitled 'What Dante Means to Me''].

T. S. Eliot [The Italian Institute; Dante Alighieri]
Publication details: 
July, 1950. 'This journal is edited by The Italian Institute [39 Belgrave Square S.W.1]'. Printed by T. G. Norris, London, N.W.8.

Gallup C552. 4to (leaf dimensions 28 x 22.5 cm), 40 pp. Stapled. In original blue printed wraps. Worn and dogeard on aged paper, with minor staining at foot of front wrap and first leaf. The signature "T S Eliot" (possibly his but more words would have helped) appears top front wrap. The 'Calendar' at the front lists, on 4 July [1950], the 'Lecture by Mr. T. S. Eliot, O.M.: "What Dante Means to Me," with H.E. the Italian Ambassador in the Chair.' The printed version, titled 'TALK ON DANTE | by T. S.

[Chinese Miners] Testimonial, in English, in the form of a printed poster, presented to Robinson on the occasion of his retirement as Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., with list of names.

'The Chinese Miners of the F.M.S. [Federated Malay States]' [Charles Ingle Robinson, Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S.; Malaysia; Malaya]
Publication details: 
'IPOH 11th MAY, 1933.' ['Printed at the Kuang Ming Press, Ipoh. [Malaya]']

Printed in blue on one side of a piece of white paper roughly 60 x 40 cm. Good: lightly-aged and creased. The text is enclosed within an ornate decorative border, and is headed 'Charles Ingle Robinson Esqr., | B. Sc. (Lond.), Associate R. S. M., | M. I. C. E., M. I. M. M., | Senior Inspector of Mines, F. M. S.' This is followed by nineteen lines, expressing 'deep regret and genuine sorrow' at his 'departure for Europe on retirement'.

[ Oxford University ephemera.] Examination certificate 'in Literis Humanioribus in tribus libris et in SS. Evangeliis' for Robert Hutchison of Exeter College, signed by moderators John Coningham, North Pinder, Henry Fanshawe Tozer and David B. Monro.

John Conington (1825-69), Corpus Christi Professor of Latin Literature at the University of Oxford; Henry Fanshawe Tozer (1829-1916); North Pinder; David Binning Monro (1836-1905) [ Robert Hutchison ]
Publication details: 
[ University of Oxford. ] 'Die 5to Mensis Decris. Anni 1866'. [ 5 December 1866. ]

On one side of a 10.5 x 16.5 cm slip of grey paper. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged. Reads (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[Hutchison Robertus e Coll. Exon.] | Die [5to] Mensis [Decris.] Anni [1866] | prout Statuta requirunt Examinatus in Literis Humanioribus in tribus libris et in SS. Evangeliis satisfecit nobis Moderatoribus. | Ita testatur { [J Conington | N. Pinder | H F. Tozer | David B. Monro] } Moderatores in literarum Graecarum et Latinarum Schola.' Thorley's1874-5 Lit. Hum. mark-book appears to be the earliest extant.

[ Oxford University, Victorian ephemera.] Examination certificate 'in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis', for Robert Hutchison of Exeter College, signed by examiners George Rawlinson, Frederick G. Walker, G. E. Thorley and G. W. Capes.

George Rawlinson (1812-1902), Camden Professor of Ancient History at the University of Oxford; Frederick G. Walker; G. E. Thorley; G. W. Capes [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
[ University of Oxford. ] 'Die Xmo Mensis December. Anni MDCCCLXVIII.' [ 10 December 1868. ]

On one side of a 10.5 x 16.5 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[Hutchison Robertus e Coll. Exon.] | Die [Xmo] Mensis [Decembr.] Anni [MDCCCLXVIII.] | prout Statuta requirunt Examinatus in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis satisfecit nobis Examinatoribus. | Ita testatur { [Georgius Rawlinson | Fred. G. Walker | G. E. Thorley | G W Capes] } Examinatores Publici in Literis Humanioribus.' Thorley's1874-5 Lit. Hum. mark-book appears to be the earliest extant.

[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets. ] Two printed forms, proofs completed in manuscript, one with diagrams, the other 'Private Signals for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom [...]'.

[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets, signals of 1812 ]
Publication details: 
[ Royal Navy. ] Dating from May 1812, with later notes referring to cancellation in March 1818.

Four items, in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight creasing. ONE: Printed form, partially completed in manuscript. On one side of 31.5 x 19.5 cm piece of laid paper with Britannia watermark. Headed: 'PRIVATE SIGNALS for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom, Commanded by Lieutenants, viz.' Above the heading, in manuscript: 'Proof | See letter 1st. October 1812.

[ C. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology.'), confirming that Robert Hutchison of Exeter College has attended his lectures.

C. A. Ogilvie [ Charles Atmore Ogilvie ] (1793-1873), Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
'Ch. Ch. [ Christ Church ] Oxford, March 23rd, 1868.'

On one side of a 7 x 20 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Reads: 'I certify that Robert Hutchison, Scholar of Exeter College, attended my Course of Lectures of the Lent Term, 1868: | Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology. | Ch. Ch. | Oxford, | March 23rd, 1868.'

[ Henry J. Wake of Cockermouth, Victorian bookseller. ] Lithographed 'Catalogue of Books, MSS., Coins, Antiquities, &c,'

Henry J. Wake of Cockermouth (Lake District), Victorian bookseller and auctioneer
Publication details: 
'On Sale by H. J. Wake, 18, Station Street, Cockermouth. Imo. 1877.' [ At foot: 'Henry J. Wake, Bookseller &c. Cockermouth. 10/1/77 [ i.e. 10 October 1877 ]'. ]

1p., folio. An unusual production, containing 78 numbered items in two columns, with illustrations, lithographed to look like a manuscript in tight, neat handwriting. In fair overall condition, on aged paper, with a triangular hole with 5 cm edges and minor damage sympathetically repaired with archival tape. The books range from 'No. 1. Eugene Aram's Trial, Life, Letters, Poems, &c. 12mo. Facsimile Letter. 1/2 cloth, scarce s4/ Richmond, 1832' to '78. The Stowe Catalogue Priced & Annotated by H. R, Forster. Sm. 4to cloth leather back.

[ Empire Industries Association, London. ] Printed pamphlet titled 'Mandated Territories | The Constitutional Position'.

Empire Industries Association, London [ German Mandated Territories; League of Nations Class C Mandates ]
Publication details: 
Empire Industries Association, 9 Victoria Street, London SW1. November 1938. Printed by Burrup, Mathieson & Co., Ltd., 31, Throgmorton Street, London, E.C.2.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In fair condition, aged and with rust spotting. The document begins: 'In view of the numerous discussions with regard to the status of the Mandated Territories, and the possibility of a request from Germany for the restoration of some or all of the former German Colonies, and in view of the many misconceptions as to the constitutional status of a Mandated Territory, the Empire Industries Association has prepared these brief notes in the hope that they will be helpful to those who may be taking part in any discussions on the problem.

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee (British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem), ] Printed 'Certificate of Enrolment in a Voluntary Aid Detachment and Permit to wear the Uniform', signed by two officers (Henry Gandy and John Mason MD).

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee, London; British Red Cross Society; The Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower; Henry Gandy; John Mason, M.D. ]
Publication details: 
Headed: 'J. V. A. D. 24. | Joint V.A.D. Committee. | The Territorial Force Association. | The British Red Cross Society. | The Order of St. John of Jerusalem.' [ 83 Pall Mall, London. ] Dated 1 November 1916.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. A scarce piece of First World War ephemera, on creased and aged paper. The certificate has been made out in order to enroll 'Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower' into 'Detachment [8] in the County of [Westmorland]', but has not been signed by her. The first page carries the conditions of use, the second a declaration by the signatory, and the third the permit itself, with facsimile signatures of Arthur Stanley, Chairman, and Louis Pearson, Hon. Secretary, and the actual signatures of Henry Gandy, County Director, and John Mason M.D, Commandant.

Large handbill of specimens, one side with seventeen copperplate and zincographic engravings, the other with twelve letterheads under the heading 'Series A. PIerced Designs Engraved in Copperplate Style, at 1/20th of the Cost.'

W. A. Day, printer, of 25 South John Street, Liverpool. [Victorian printing; zincography]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: W. A. Day, 25 South John Street. Undated [1880s?].

A scarce piece of Liverpool printing ephemera. Dimensions approximately 63 x 51 cm. Both sides printed in light blue. Text and illustrations complete. In need of expert cleaning and repair: grubby and stained, with chipping to extremities and some closed tears. At the head of the one side is the masthead of 'The Employment Exchange | Edited by Charles H. Megson' ('The only recognized medium for speedy Employment. Absolutely without rival.') with illustrations of figures at work.

[ Printed item. ] Circular for the First Edition Club, London, by 'A. J. A. Symons, Secretary', inviting publishers to submit books to be included in 'the Fifty Books of the Year', and giving the criteria.

The First Edition Club, London, founded by A. J. A. Symons [ Alphonse James Albert Symons ] (1900-1941) [ Curwen Press? ] [ William Foyle ]
Publication details: 
The First Edition Club, 6 Little Russell Street, London. [ Printed by the Curwen Press? ] [ Between 1922 and 1931. ]

1p., 4to. Nicely printed (by the Curwen Press?) on watermarked laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. A nice piece of First Edition Club ephemera. The year to which the circular relates is meant to be added in manuscript, but has not been. Begins: 'The Committee appointed to choose the Fifty Books of the Year for [blank] will be grateful if, at your early convenience, you will submit such of your publications as seem to you most likely to be selected. I may perhaps remind you that the criteria by which judgment is made are | 1. TYPOGRAPHICAL DESIGN | 2. PAPER | 3. BINDING | 4.

[ Sir Allen Lane, founder of Penguin Books. ] Nicely printed funeral service and ticket (designed by Jan Tschichold or Ruari McLean?, the former titled: 'Allen Lane | 21 September 1902 - 7 July 1970 | A Service of Thanksgiving for his Life and Work'.

[ Sir Allen Lane [ Allen Lane Williams ] (1902-1970), founder of Penguin Books ] [ Ruari McLean? Jan Tschichold? ]
Publication details: 
[ St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. 18 August 1970. ] The funeral service printed by 'Carter, Cambridge.'

Both items are printed with elegant restraint, and  designed by Sebastian Carter (from the horse's mouth). Both are in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The service with a horizontal central fold and the ticket with a vertical fold. The funeral service is printed in black and red on deckled-edged wove paper. The second page gives details of 'The Music' and the third 'The Order of Service', which features Michael Morpurgo, Richard Hoggart, Robert Lusty and Harry Paroissien, with Rev. Austen Williams officiating. The last page gives details of the eight musicians.

[ The Soakers' Club, a 'convivial club' in Covent Garden. ] Club rules and 'Promoter's Address' by Julian Sharman, printed by the Chiswick Press.

Julian Sharman, 'Promoter' of the Soakers' Club, Covent Garden, London [ The Chiswick Press, London ]
Publication details: 
'Printed at the Chiswick Press' [ Chiswick Press: - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane ]. 1874. [ Sharman's address dated from 'Covent Garden, | May, 1874.'

[1] + 13pp., 12mo. Stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A tasteful production in grey printed wraps. Elaborate pseudo-seventeenth-century design to title-page replicated on front cover. Five-page 'Promoter's Address'' to 'My Friend and Pitcher', signed in type by Sharman, followed by a page listing the five members of the 'Committee, 1874-5' (Julian Sharman; Henry S. Leigh; Bourchier F. Hawksley; Jas. J. Railston; F. W. Robinson), and five pages carrying the club's fourteen rules.

[ J. C. Williamson Ltd., Australian theatre management firm. ] Collection of 15 numbers of 'J. C. Williamson Ltd. Magazine Programme' and two numbers of 'Theatre Royal Magazine Programme'.

J. C. Williamson Ltd., Australian theatre management firm, founded by American actor James Cassius Williamson (1845-1913)
Publication details: 
[ Printed by Whitmarks Ltd, Sydney, Australia, for the publishers City Ads. Ltd. ] The 17 numbers dating from between 1928 and 1941.

The collection is in fair condition, with rusted staples, and slight age and wear to the covers of most of the numbers, with a handful in not such good condition, the covers of one of them being almost detached. All 4to, and ranging in length between 20pp. and 64pp. Well-illustrated, with coloured covers, biographies, news and gossip, relating to actors, plays, the chain and its theatres, as well as wider topics such as 'Russian Ballet in London', 'A Few Toilet Hints. By Phyllis Monkman', 'The Grenadier Guards Band. Shortly to Tour Australia', and 'Modern Make-Up'. By Miss May Murray.

[ The Australian Club, Sydney. ] Printed notification of the election as an honorary member of Arthur Grubbe, completed in autograph and signed by the club secretary.

The Australian Club, Sydney, gentlemen's club founded in Australia in 1838 [ Arthur Grubbe ]
Publication details: 
Australian Club, Sydney. 15 June 1875.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. Lithographed form. The first page (recto of first leaf) is headed 'Australian Club', and carries an acknowledgment that Grubbe has been 'duly proposed and elected an Honorary Member'. Completed in autograph and signed by the club secretary (). The second page (recto of second leaf) carries paragraph 11 of the club rules, in sixteen lines of small print, regarding honorary members. From the Grubbe family papers.

[ University College, University of London. ] Printed ticket of admission to lectures for BA student Edward M. Lake, signed by his professors Sir William Ramsay, A. W. Porter, M. J. M. Hill, N. T. M. Wilsmore, F. T. Trouton and W. G. Hartog.

University College, University of London; Sir William Ramsay (1852-1916), Nobel-prize-winning chemist; M. J. M. Hill; Alfred William Porter; N. T. M. Wilsmore; Frederick Thomas Trouton; W. G. Hartog
Publication details: 
University of London, University College. Session of 1909-1910.

On both sides of a 11.5 x 15 cm piece of card. Printed in black ink, and completed in manuscript. An interesting piece of University of London ephemera. Aged and worn. The front is headed 'UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.' and records that Lake has paid his fee of thirty-six guineas. At bottom left: 'This Ticket must be presented for signature to the Professors of the Classes for which it is issued.' On the reverse is a grid, with the signatures of: 'M. J. M. Hill' [ Micaiah John Muller Hill (1856-1929) ] for 'Pure Mathematics'; 'Alfred W.

[ St Thomas's Hospital, Lambeth, London. ] Printed document, headed 'The New St. Thomas's Hospital', addressed to its 'Grand Committee', being an 'explanatory statement of the design for the proposed New Hospital' by its architect Henry Currey.

St Thomas's Hospital, Lambeth, London; Henry Currey (1820-1900), architect
Publication details: 
4 Lancaster Place, Strand, W.C. [ London ] 13 June 1865.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. Text clear and complete on aged and spotted paper. Addressed 'To the Grand Committee, | St. Thomas's Hospital.' An interesting document, in small print, describing in great detail Currey's principles behind the design of the design of the hospital, from 'Water Closets, Lavatories, and Bath Rooms' to 'Administration Block'.

[ Festival of Britain, 1951. ] Printed 'Festival of Britain | May 3 - September 30, 1951 | Information Summary'.

[ Festival of Britain, 1951 ]
Publication details: 
Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by Messrs. Fosh & Cross Ltd., London for Festival of Britain 1951, 2 Savoy Court, W.C.2. [ Dated '3/51', i.e. March 1951. ]

16pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, aged and dogeared. Cover reads 'FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN | MAY 3 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1951 | INFORMATION SUMMARY'. The lettering of the words 'FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN' is in the distinctive style, and the festival's logo is on the back cover. A list of contents on the second page includes an introduction on 'The Festival Organisation', information on events around Britain, 'Travelling Exhibitions' (including the 'Festival Ship Campania'), 'The Churches' Participation', and sections on books, films and 'Admission Charges'.

[ Arundel Estate of the Duke of Norfolk. ] Printed 'List of Toasts' at a dinner for the Arundel Estate, amended in manuscript with names of proposers and responders.

[ Arundel Estate, Sussex; Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk (1847-1917), Roman Catholic nobleman, Unionist politician and philanthropist
Publication details: 
[ Arundel, Sussex? Between 1861 and 1868. ]

1p., 4to. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Watermark reads: 'T & F H | 1861'. (The document must date from between this year and the end of the Duke's minority in 1868; and Arundel is not named on it, its connection with this place is confirmed by the presence of land agent Captain E. H. Mostyn..) Neatly printed in two columns within a border. Thirteen toasts, from 'The Queen' to 'The Law Agents and the Stewards of Manors'. The toast to the Queen followed by 'God Save the Queen', each of the other twelve toasts followed by a 'Glee'.

[ Stratford-upon-Avon Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Shakespeare, 1864. ] Chromolithographic invitation to the 'Banquet', strikingly designed in vivid colours.

Stratford-upon-Avon Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Shakespeare, 1864 [ Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen, London ]
Publication details: 
By Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen, London. [ Banquet at Stratford-upon-Avon on 23 April 1864 at 3p.m. ]

On one side of a 12 x 16.5 cm piece of card. In good condition, with light aging and spotting. Printed in gold, red, light-brown and black. Ornate border in the Tudor style, incorporating Shakespeare's coat of arms within a circular band with quotation 'Take him for all in all I shall not look upon his like again'. The border encloses: 'SATURDAY APRIL 23, 1864. | BANQUET | ONE GUINEA. NO. 54 | At 3 P.M.' Added in manuscript: 'Table D'. The lithographers slug, very faded, is in small letters at bottom right.

Series of ten printed handbills by Mrs. Humphry Ward, on behalf of the Unionist Party in the General Election of 1910, under the title 'The Coming Election | Letters to My Neighbours | by | Mrs. Humphry Ward'.

Mrs. Humphry Ward [ Mary A. Ward (1851-1920), novelist ] [ Jerome K. Jerome ]
Publication details: 
Addressed from 'Stocks, Aldbury, Tring.', and dating from between 10 and 17 January 1910. Published by Smith, Elder, & Co, London, and printed by Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd, London.

A total of 41pp., 4to. Complete run of ten issues (a second edition, expanded to 63pp., appeared in the same year). In black cloth binding, with manuscript note on front pastedown: 'George H M Ricketts - | Lent to Mr Blackman with a hope that he will read it & circulate it amongst his friends.' Eight of the ten numbers are of 4pp.; one (no.4) is of 6pp; and another (no.10) of 3pp. Uniform in design and all printed in blue ink.

[ Sarony Virginia Cigarettes. ] Printed 'Travel Album' titled 'A Day on the Airway', with foreword by Sir Alan Cobham, containing complete set of 25 cigarette cards depicting a journey from Croydon Aerodrome to Amsterdam.

[ Nicolas Sarony & Co., New Bond Street, London; Sir Alan Cobham; Imperial Airways; British aviation; Croydon Aerodrome; Amsterdam, Holland ]
Publication details: 
Issued by Nicolas Sarony & Co., New Bond Sreet, London, W.1. [ 1928 ]

A charming and evocative production. Cards in very good condition; album in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Initial note: 'This Travel Album is issued without charge to hold a complete set of twenty-five "A Day on the Airway" pictures, as issued with all packings of Sarony Virginia Cigarettes, plain or cork tipped.' The album comprises eight pages printed in black and green, on thick paper, stitched into black card wraps. Embossed on the front cover in faded gold is the title and an illustration of the plane (an Imperial Airways 'Argosy') flying in clouds.

[ Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968. ] Duplicated typed document issued by 'Kilburn VSC', titled 'Czechoslovakia - A Marxist Analysis'.

Kilburn Vietnam Solidarity Campaign [ VSC ] [ Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968; Aubrey Walter? ]
Publication details: 
At foot: 'published by Kilburn VSC, 329a West End Lane, London NW6' [ 1968 ].

1p., folio. Printed in red. Sixty lines of text. In fair conditon, lightly aged and worn. The first paragraph reads: 'The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia has provoked the expected emotional outburst from the reformist Left, tailing as usual behind the hypocritical phrases of the British ruling class, who weep over "poor Czechoslovakia" while actively supporting the 100-times-worse suffering inflicted by the US on the Vietnamese.

[ The Gallery First Nighters' Club, London. ] Duplicated accounts and balance sheet by 'F. H. Long, Auditor'.

[ The Gallery First Nighters' Club, London ] [ F. H. Long, Auditor; Ken Sephton (Sefton) ]
Publication details: 
[ The Gallery First Nighters' Club, London. ] 'Profit and Loss Account for year ending September 30th. 1910.'

1p., landscape 12mo. Spirit duplicated with purple ink. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded three times. The page is headed 'The Gallery First Nighters' Club', and is divided into two section: 'Profit and Loss Account for year ending September 30th. 1910.' and 'Balance Sheet'. At foot of page: 'G. F. Rigden, Hon. Secretary. | John Page, Hon. Treasurer. | I have examined the Club Books and Vouchers and found them correct. | F. H. Long, Auditor.' From the papers of Ken Sephton (Sefton).

[ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London literary dining club. ] Two pieces of ephemera: 1920s invitation form in envelope, printed in characteristic style in red and black; and handbill regarding 'Ladies' Night | April 24th, 1928'.

[ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London literary dining club; Margot MacGibbon; Mirian Duncan; Admiral Sir Arthur Cavenagh Leveson ]
Publication details: 
[ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London. ] Invitation from the 1920s; handbill relating to meeting on 24 April 1928.

ONE: Invitation. Tastefully printed in red and black on one side of an 11.5 x 15 cm piece of card. The club's monogram in a red square in top left-hand corner. Headed: 'YE SETTE OF ODD VOLUMES | United once a month to form a Perfect Sette | Object: Conviviality and Mutual Admiration.' The form, which has not been filled in, invites the recipient to one of the Tuesday meetings at the Imperial Restaurant, No. 7 Glasshouse Street, Regent Street. In envelope with circular 'Odd Volumes' device in red on flap.

[ 'The Bath Contest' for the Office of Master of Ceremonies, 1769. ] Printed handbill by 'A Neutral Observer', addressed 'To the Ladies and Gentlemen, who are yet uninfluenced by Party or Faction in the Present Election.'

'A Neutral Observer' [ 'The Bath Contest' for the Office of Master of Ceremonies, 1769, followinng the death of Samuel Derrick ]
Publication details: 
[ Bath, Somerset. ] [4] April 1769.

1p., 8vo. (roughly 27.5 x 18.5 cm). On a piece of watermarked laid paper. The present item is the original handbill reproduced on pp.41-44 of 'The Bath Contest: Being a Collection of all the Papers, Advertisements, &c. Published Before and Since The Death of Mr. Derrick, By the Candidates For the Office of Master of Ceremonies, And their Friends, Digested in Regular Order' (Bath: Archer and Cruttwell, 1769). It is scarce: no other copy being traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC. A frail survival, on aged, worn and creased paper, with loss at head and to left-hand margin.

[ Henry Russell, song writer and entertainer. ] Printed ticket of admission to 'Mr. Henry Russell's Entertainment' at the Lyceum Theatre, signed 'Henry Russell'. With newspaper cutting of letter from Russell concerning reports of his death.

Henry Russell (1812?-1900), English song writer and entertainer [ The Lyceum Theatre, London ]
Publication details: 
Lyceum Theatre [ London ]. 7 September 1858.

On one side of a 7.5 x 10.5 cm piece of grey paper. Laid down on a piece of cream paper cut from an album. In fair condition, aged. Reads (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'LYCEUM THEATRE. | Mr. Henry Russell's Entertainment, | ADMIT [Four Dress Circle] | On [ Wed ] day, September [ 7th ] 1853. | [Henry Russell.] | Not admitted after a quarter to 8.' Also included is an undated newspaper cutting of a letter from Russell 'To the Editor of the Daily News', from '74, Kensington-gardens-square, Bayswater, Nov.

[ Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club. ] Printed handbill for a 'Private Farewell Matinee' for Mr and Mrs Luther Munday, at the Green Park Club, London, with facsimile signatures of 'Stars in the firmament of Art'.

[ Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club; Constance, Countess of Romney; the Green Park Club, London; the Old Lyric Club; Herbert Beerbohm Tree ]
Publication details: 
'at the St James' Theatre, kindly lent by Mr. George Alexander, On Friday, June 7th, 1907, at 3 p.m.'

4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper slightly worn at head. The front page is headed 'H.R.H. Princess Christian and the Royal Members, are Patrons of a Private Farewell Matinee arrranged by Lady Romney on behalf of the Green Park Club for Mr. and Mrs. Luther Munday'. The names of twenty performers are listed beneath this, headed by Herbert Beerbohm Tree, with various other individuals named.

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