[Cardinal Manning.] Autograph copy of memorandum on 'the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith', addressed to the Home Secretary Spencer Walpole, and docketted by Nicholas Wiseman.

Henry Edward Manning [Cardinal Manning] (1808-1892), Roman Catholic Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminster [Spencer Walpole (1806-1898), Conservative politician; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865)]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Bayswater [London]. 14 September 1858.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. On two grey-paper bifoliums. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Docketted by Wiseman on the reverse of the last leaf: 'Dr Manning's Mem[orandu]m to Walpole on Reform[ator]ies'. The document (presumably copied by Wiseman expressly for Manning) is addressed to 'The Right Hon. Spencer Walpole M.P.', and is complete to the valediction, but unsigned. It begins: 'Sir | I beg leave to lay before you a subject of much importance affecting the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith which is under my direction.

[John Brewster, Under Sheriff of Nottingham.] Autograph Note Signed to John Goodall, enclosing an account of legal charges in the cases Grammer against Lord Melbourne and Grammer against Hides, relating to Greasley Moor Green, Nottinghamshire.

John Brewster, Under Sheriff of Nottingham [William Lamb (1779-1848), 2nd Viscount Melbourne [Lord Melbourne]; Thomas Grammer of Greasley Moor Green, Nottinghamshire; John Goodall, solicitor, Derby]
Publication details: 
Letter dated from Nottingham, 19 March 1845. Account of charges at 12 March 1845.

On 4to bifolium, with the account of charges on the recto of the first page, and Brewster's letter on the recto of the second. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with Nottingham and Derby postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf, to 'John Goodall Esq | Solr. | Derby'. Docketted: 'Brewster Jno. | Under Shff of Nttm | with acct. of Charges in Grammer at Melbourne | Same at Hides'. The letter reads 'Inclosed I forward you the Account of Charges relating to these

Manuscript Interrogatories in a law suit over Colonel Nicholas Shuttleworth's alleged abuse of Richard Greene, with claims that he has beaten him, cheated his estate and taken his wife as mistress. With transcript and letter by William Beamont.

William Beamont (c.1797-1889) of Orford Hall, antiquary and first Mayor of Warrington [Sir Nicholas Shuttleworth; Richard Greene [Grene]; Richard Green of St Martin's in the Fields]
Publication details: 
1653. Beamont's letter and transcript both 15 March 1878, the letter on letterhead of Orford Hall, Warrington.

1p., 4to. On a piece of watermarked laid paper. Aged, and with chipping and loss along the fold lines, which have been repaired on the reverse with (nineteenth-century?) tape. The words 'Cromwells Protector' in a later hand at the head of the reverse, which is otherwise blank. Accompanied by a autograph transcript (3pp., foolscap 8vo) by Beamont, 'Copied from the original Mar. 15, 1878', and an Autograph Letter (2pp., 12mo) from him to 'Miss Blackburne', on letterhead of Orford Hall, Warrington, also dated 15 March 1878. Beamont begins his letter: 'I return your paper with a transcript.

[Printed pamphlet.] An Account of Warrington Siege, A.D. 1643; and of some manuscripts of that period recently discovered at Houghton Green, near Warrington.

James Kendrick, M.D. [the Siege of Warrington, 1643; Houghton Green; English Civil War]
Publication details: 
'Read before a Meeting of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, on the Evening of Thursday, December 11th, 1852 [corrected to '1851'].' Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, Cook Street, 1852.

15pp., 12mo, with six plates on art paper. In grey printed wraps with title on front cover. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The plates include engravings by H. C. Pigeon of illustrations by S. Holden and a plan by T. B. Ryder.

Manuscript 'Inventory of Plate and other articles bequeathed by the Fifth Codicil to the Will of The Right Honourable John Manners Earl of Hardwicke, to go and be held and enjoyed with the Title and Honours of Hardwicke.' Signed by the trustees.

Messrs Green & Abbott, 33 Davies Street, Berkeley Square, London; Richard Woollcombe, solicitor, 36 Theobald's Road, London [John Manners Yorke (1840-1909), 7th Earl of Hardwicke]
Publication details: 
In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, London. 1920.

14pp., small 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in ruled notebook, in worn black morocco binding, with marbled endpapers, and the following stamped in gilt on the front cover: 'The Right Honble John Manners | Earl of Hardwicke deceased | Inventory of Heirlooms'.

'Keith Grant Tribute' issue of 'The Daub', 'Group IV's magazine', for painting students at the Working Men's College in Camden, with review by Grant of 'diploma week' at the Royal College of Art', and 'Sketch Club Cuttings'.

[Group IV; Working Men's College, Camden, London; Sketch Club; Keith Grant [Keith Frederick Grant] (b.1930), landscape painter, born in Liverpool, who studied at the Royal College of Art, 1955-1958]
Publication details: 
[Working Men's College, Camden, London.] July 1958.

An interesting and scarce item. There are no copies of any issues of this magazine on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC, and there is no record whatsoever of 'Group IV' itself. Now acknowledged as one of Britain's finest landscape painters, Keith Grant joined the Working Men's College on finishing his National Service with the RAF; he then enrolled at Willesden Art School, before joining the Royal College of Art, where he studied under Colin Hayes, John Minton and Kenneth Rowntree. 22pp., 4to.

Autograph Signature of the English botanist and horticulturist John Lindley.

John Lindley (1799-1865), English botanist and horticulturist, Professor of Botany, University College, London
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On strip cut from letter. Dimensions: In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Reads 'have complied with my suggestion | Yours Trly | [signed] John Lindley'. The signature has been cut close, and the downward loop of the final letter of the signature is lacking.

Six printed promotional items for 'The Collected Works of William Morris, to be issued in twenty-four volumes under the editorship of Miss May Morris' by Longmans, Green & Co, comprising prospectuses, specimen pages and engravings, and an order form.

[William Morris; May Morris; Kelmscott Press; Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Longmans, Green & Company; fine printing; typography]
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910.

An interesting collection of typographical ephemera. ONE: Landscape 8vo wood engraving, captioned 'This illustration, entitled "Psyche in Charon's Boat," was engraved on wood by William Morris from a design by Edward Burne-Jones and forms one of a series in illustration of the story of Cupid and Psyche in "The Earthly Paradise." It is proposed to issue one or two of these designs, which have never been published, though one of them formed the frontispiece to the "Note on the Kelmscott Press" by Mr. S. C. Cockerell.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Holograph essay by the Nantwych antiquary T. W. Jones, entitled 'Notices of Richard Brathwayte and his Works.' Accompanied by an Autograph Letter Signed ('T: W: Jones.') from Jones to Rev. Henry Green, regarding Brathwaite.

T. W. Jones, Attorney at Law, Barker Street, Nantwich, antiquary [Rev. Henry Green; Richard Brathwaite [Brathwait; Brathwayte; Brathwayt] (1587-1673), English poet, Shakespeare contemporary]
Publication details: 
Holograph essay dated 'T. W. J. | June 1866.' Letter: Barker Street, Nantwich. 3 July 1866.

Both essay and letter on aged and brittle paper, with some chipping to extremities (not affecting text). Both are written in a tight, close hand. The letter: 2pp., 12mo.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd. Morris') from the philologist Rev. Richard Morris, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, giving publication details of two of his works.

Rev. Richard Morris (1833-1894), English philologist, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, 1875-1888
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, Wood Green, London. 10 June 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed by Morris to Baron at 18 Griffin Street, Witton, Blackburn. Morris begins by giving details of the availability of his 'Etymology of Local Names' and 'Historical Outlines', before informing Baron (a brazen autograph hunter) that he does not know 'Wm. Morris' Address, but a letter addressed to him & sent to his publisher would be forwarded'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M Berry') from the diarist Mary Berry, sister of Agnes Berry and friend of Horace Walpole, [to her publishers Longman & Co] regarding proofs [of her book 'A Comparative View of the Social Life of England and France'].

Mary Berry (1763-1852), author and diarist, sister and companion of Agnes Berry (1764-1852), and friend of Horace Walpole [Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, publishers, of Paternoster Row, London]
Publication details: 
'Petersham Wedy. Mony' [1828].

1p., 12mo. 12 lines. Good on lightly-aged paper. She is requesting 'an alteration to be made in the Contents of Chapr 9. to the necessity of which I had not adverted till I saw that Chapr. in Print'. After correcting the chapter she 'desired a Revise', but 'foolishly forgot to Revise the Contents of the Chapr.' 'It cannot however be too late & must be done, as the Chapr: ends with Mr Fox'. The work referred to is clearly Miss Berry's 'Comparative View', published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green in 1828, the ninth and last chapter of which does indeed end with Charles James Fox.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D Green') from Duff Green, editor of the 'United States Telegraph', to the Hon. David Henshaw of Boston.

Duff Green (1791-1875), American soldier, author and journalist, editor of the United States Telegraph [David Henshaw (1791-1852), United States Secretary of the Navy]
Publication details: 
Washington; 29 April 1829.

1p., folio. Nineteen lines of text. Text of letter on the recto of first leaf of bifolium, with address on verso of second, with red postmark. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Green writes that Roberts is in Washington, but that although 'great exertions have been made for him' he does not believe he will be appointed. He refers to 'late developements [sic] in the 4th Auditors Office'. He asks if he can get his 'note renewed'; he finds himself 'hard pressed to make the arrangements for the next winter - buildg &c is expensive & I have much to bring up'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Josh: Green, Junr:') from the Boston poet Joseph Green, giving instructions regarding an 'Adventure' to his agents in Bermuda 'Mr: John Stevens & Mr: John Phillips Junr.'

Joseph Green (1706-1780), Harvard-educated Boston merchant, poet and British Tory loyalist, friend of Mather Byles, and owner of one of the largest libraries in the city
Publication details: 
10 February 1759; Boston.

2 pp, folio. Bifolium. A frail survival, on brittle, aged paper: a horizontal closed tear across the head and other damage has been obtrusively repaired with archival tape.

Autograph Note Signed "The Blacksmith of Gretna Green" to unnamed correspondent.

"The Blacksmith of Gretna Green".
Autograph Note Signed "The Blacksmith of Gretna Green"
Publication details: 
"Gretna Hall | April 10th 1852".
Autograph Note Signed "The Blacksmith of Gretna Green"

Two pages, 12mo, some creasing and staining, and a few wards faded, but text readable and complete. A letter or spoof letter from (or purportedly from) "The Blacksmith of Gretna Green", with newspaper clipping attached giving the text of this letter and commenting on it.

Printed prospectus, with separate leaves of testimonials and illustration, for shares in 'The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited

The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [the Perry Green Gardiner Patent Elliptic and Sprial Spring; Victorian locomotives; nineteenth-century railways]
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [
Publication details: 
London: 1876.
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [

The prospectus is folio, 3 pp, in a bifolium. Loosely inserted is a folio leaf, with the testimonials printed on one side, and a quarto leaf with four engraved illustrations: two of wheels under carriages, and two showing details of the springs on those wheels. The three items are on aged paper, with the illustrated leaf in good condition, and the other two items with chipping and closed tears. The texts and illustrations of all three items are clear and complete, apart from some loss to a footnote to the testimonials, caused by the page being printed too low on the leaf..

Original typescript with manuscript corrections by Elbert Hubbard, regarding Tennyson's friendship with Arthur Hallam, and with a quotation from Whitman.

Elbert Hubbard [Elbert Green Hubbard (1856-1915)] [Alfred Lord Tennyson; Arthur Hallam; Walt Whitman]
Original typescript with manuscript corrections by Elbert Hubbard
Publication details: 
Undated [c. 1910?].
Original typescript with manuscript corrections by Elbert Hubbard

12mo, 3 pp, on separate loose leaves. Forty lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on browned paper. Laid out for printing, and with the page numbering 21 to 23 (from 12 to 14). Loosely inserted in a folder with 'Original Manuscript of Elbert Hubbard' printed on the front, which also carries two accession marks.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Dick Lauder') to William Mitchell of Parsons Green.

Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Fountainhall (1784-1848), Deputy Lieutenant of Moray and Haddington, Scottish writer and academic
Publication details: 
7 January 1840; The Grange House.

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. 61 lines of text; clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Having recovered from 'the surprise which I received from the communication made to me today by our mutual friend Sir James Gibson Craig', his 'first idea was to go directly to Parsons Green to give full vent to my gratitude' for Mitchell's generosity. The rest of the letter gives fulsome expression Lauder's his feelings at 'the generous - the magnificent gifts' (unspecified) which Mitchell is 'dispensing - with so little parade'.

Autograph Signature ('Edward Bradley') on portion of letter to Lady Huntly.

Edward Bradley [pseudonym 'Cuthbert Bede' ('Cuthbert M. Bede, B.A.')] (1827-1889), English novelist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Text on both sides of a piece of paper 6 x 11 cm. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of glue marks from previous mounting on reverse. The bottom part of the letter, cut away for the signature. Side with signature reads '<...> yet heard from the Bp. of Petebro on that point. I have to write hastily for our 3.45 post. | Believe me dear Lady Huntly yours very sincerely obliged | [signed] Edward Bradley'. Reverse reads '<...> of the Dining room and Study - & some of the bedrooms - and also paint the whole of the outside of the house.

Nugae Sacrae et Philosophicae by Some Members of a Common Room.

Some Members of a Common Room' [the University of Oxford; Green Philosophical Prize]
Publication details: 
Oxford: B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, 1905.

12mo, 27 pp. Pamphlet stitched with red ribbon. In original wraps, with title printed in red on front cover. Title-page in red and black. Lord Rosebery's unobtrusive ownership blindstamp in top right-hand corner of title. Good tight copy, in grubby and lightly-spotted covers. Containing three jeu d'esprit: two poems ('Ruth' and 'Esther') and a spoof 'model essay', 'to assist candidates' to the Green Philosophical Prize, titled 'The Reciprocal Relations of Morals and Metaphysics'.

Two printed texts, each illuminated by hand in colours.

Elbert Hubbard [Elbert Green Hubbard] (1856-1915), American writer, publisher, artist, associated with the Arts and Crafts movement [Roycroft Press]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated. Each carrying the Roycroft Press device.

Each item is on a sheet of laid paper, 39 x 29 cm, and each with the Roycroft watermark. Both items are grubby, with wear and creasing to extremities, but with the design and much of the margin entirely undamaged. Both have an identical block of printed text (roughly 13.5 x 9 cm) at the centre: 'THE truth is that in human service there is no low or high degree: the woman who scrubs is as WORTHY of RESPECT as the man who Preaches | ELBERT HUBBARD'.

Manuscript and Printed Marriage Certificate on parchment, signed by thirty individuals.

Eli Nixon; James Child [The Quakers; Bethnal Green]
Publication details: 
Wandsworth; 16 June 1825.

Dimensions roughly nineteen inches by thirteen inches. Aged and a tad grubby, but in very good condition overall. Small piece, roughly one inch square, cut away from bottom left hand corner. Government five shilling stamp in top left-hand corner.

Engraving ('Benjamin Green sculpt.') in red and black, with explanatory letterpress, titled 'A View Of The Library Founded In 1429 By RICHARD WHITTINGTON.'

Benjamin Green ('Pott') [Thoams Pennant; Richard ('Dick') Whittington; London topography; Christ's Hospital; libraries]
Publication details: 
London Pubd. Jany. 1 1793 by N Smith Gt. Mays Buildings St. Martins Lane.'

Printed on one side of a piece of thick wove paper, 21 x 17.5 cm. At the head of the page is the engraving, enclosed in an oval 12.5 cm high and 15 cm wide. A clear impression of a scarce print, on grubby, spotted paper. Within the border is engraved in red 'Part of Christs Hospital taken from the Stewards Office 1765.' According to the six lines of copperplate text at the foot of the page 'It was 129 feet long and 31 feet in breadth, [...] It was furnished with Books at the expence of £556 . 10s of which £400 were given by the founder, and the remainder by Dr.

No. 8 Catalogue of Coins & Medals comprising: Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Early British, Anglo-Saxon, English, Irish, Scotch, etc. in Gold, Silver, and Copper, offered for sale by J. Verity, Earlsheaton, Dewsbury.

J. Verity of Earlsheaton, Dewsbury, nineteenth-century dealer in coins and medals [Victorian numismatics]
Publication details: 
[circa 1875] Dewsbury: Alfred Green & Son, Bond Street.

12mo: 50 pp. Stapled. In original green printed wraps. Engraving of both sides of the 'Pontefract Siege Shilling' on title, with 38 engravings of both the obverses and reverses of coins in text. Printed on light-blue paper. Internally tight and clean, with rusty staples, foxing to edges and wear and chipping to the faded and spotted wraps. Blank back wrap loose and repaired. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC, although there is a copy among the Fitzwilliam coin catalogues. Another Verity catalogue, from the 1870s, is in the V & A Library.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Harrison') to 'Mr Green, Messrs Stewart & Co, Old Bailey'.

William Henry Harrison (1795?-1878), English physician and author, best-known for his book 'The Humorist', published by Rudolph Ackermann in 1832
Publication details: 
Monday' [no date, but docketed 'Dec 1837']; '33 New B. S.' [i.e. 33 New Burlington Street, London].

12mo, 1 p, 10 lines. On worn, discoloured paper, with slight loss due to the breaking of two seals. Text clear and entire. The letter has been readdressed in another hand (hence the two seals) to 'Mr Price, Crease & Sons, Smithfield'. Harrison quotes his 'friend of the L. G. [i.e. the Literary Gazette]' as follows: 'Your D'Israeli paper may be useful as there is a new Edition. May I do as I like with its matter?' He asks for 'an answer as soon as possible'.

Advertisement for 'Dorking Urban District Book, Waste Paper and Cardboard Drive'.

Dorking, Surrey, England [Recycling; the Environment; the Green Party; Publishing History; Bookselling; the Book Trade; Austerity]
Publication details: 
12th April to 1st May 1948.

Striking advertisement, in red ink, on one side of a piece of paper roughly seven inches by seventeen wide. With something of a prewar feel, it reads 'DORKING URBAN DISTRICT | BOOK, WASTE PAPER | and CARDBOARD DRIVE | [in box on right] 12th April | TO | 1st May | 1948 [end of boxed text] | Save the Nation from having to import Waste Paper from abroad | PROVIDE | MORE Employment = MORE Cartons for Food | = MORE Materials for Housebuilding ='.

Autograph Note Signed to [?] Locker [Arthur Locker or Frederick Locker-Lampson]

Charles Hamilton Aidé [Aide, Aïdé]
Publication details: 
Without date; on letterhead 'Aston Clinton, | Tring.'

Author and musician (1826-1906), described by Louise Jopling as 'a rich bachelor' and 'a noted figure in the seventies'. 1 page, 16mo. In good condition despite slight creasing and discoloration. Letterhead in green and black ink. Reads 'My dear Locker, | Many thanks - I will meet you at the Athenaeum at 3 o'Ck. on Tuesday - I have done, & shall do nothing till then. | Every yrs. | Hamilton Aïdé'.

Manuscript bill presented to him by Edward Green, and bearing Green's signature.

Sir Kenrick Clayton
Publication details: 
Dated 7 April 1746; no place.

Clayton (c.1713-1769) was MP for Bletchingley. 1 page, dimensions roughly 6 inches by 7 inches. In poor condition: creased, discoloured and with several closed tears. 12 items - mainly bushells of malt and hops - amounting to £31 12s 3d. Beneath this the receipt in another hand, signed in the same hand as the bill 'Edward Green'. Docketed on reverse: 'Edwd. Greens Bill for Malt'. Typewritten on reverse 'GREEN, Edward, 1747.' and 'CLAYTON MSS.'

1 Autograph Card Signed; 1 Typed Letter Signed. Both to 'Mr Wilson'.

W. H. Shelford
Publication details: 
Card, 1 August 1929, on letterhead 'Horncastle, | Sharpthorne, | East Grinstead, | Sussex.'; letter, 27 December 1930, on letterhead 'HORNCASTLE, | SHARPTHORNE, | SUSSEX.'

On 1 June 1935 Shelford bowled the first jack at the opening of West Hoathly Bowls Club. The card, dimensions roughly 4 inches by 5 inches, is 2 pages. The letter, 2 pages, 4to. Both somewhat grubby but in good condition. The card thanks Wilson for sending a copy of Francis Hackett's 'Henry VIII'. 'I dipped into it in the train this morning & it so <?> me that I had to skim my newspaper'. The letter begins with some Christmas chitchat, before discussing a lecture given by Shelford, a copy of which he encloses (not present).

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