
Mimeographed typed Malayan stock market report, 'For Private Circulation Only', from Charles Bradbury & Co. (1930) Ltd, Stock & Share Brokers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.

[Charles Bradbury & Co. (1930) Ltd., Stock & Share Brokers, Kuala Lumpur, Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]]
Publication details: 
Charles Bradbury & Co. (1930) Ltd. (Members of the Malayan Stock Exchange). Stock & Share Brokers, 28 & 30 Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]. 'CIRCULAR LETTER No.7/60 | 30th September, 1960.'

10pp., foolscap 8vo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Sections on Industrials, Tin, Rubber, Company Reports; with full-page table of 'Market Price of Rubber and Nett Profit per Pound'. Begins: 'September was a strange sort of month - quiet by recent standards with hte market suspended between shade and shien as bearish and bullish-looking clouds scudded across the scene in jumbled sequence leaving investors and speculators confused and cautious.' From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force.

Unpublished youthful autograph poem by Sylvia Lynd [née Sylvia Dryhurst], dealing in a humorous style with the perils of buying footwear in Edwardian Finchley, North London, beginning: 'By some devil surely sent | Sandal hunting off I went'.

Sylvia Lynd [née Sylvia Dryhurst] (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, novelist and essayist, wife of the Irish essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, before 1909.]

2pp., 12mo. On bifiolium of ruled paper, with 'HIERATICA' watermark of 'J. S. & Co.' From the Lynd archive, and judging from the handwriting a youthful effort, almost-certainly dating from before Sylvia Dryhurst's marriage to Robert Lynd in 1909. In fair condition, on aged paper. In seven stanzas, the first three giving a taste of an amusing and unusual jeu d'esprit and excellent piece of Edwardian social history: '1) By some devil surely sent | Sandal hunting off I went, | And my footsteps never slowed | Till I reached the Finchley Road. | Chorus: (with fervour) Damn them ! | Damn them !

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Madden') from James Madden, of London publishers Madden & Malcolm, informing the unnamed recipient that his paper on 'Cycles of Civilization' will be published in firm's periodical 'The Monthly Prize Essays'.

James Madden of Madden & Malcolm, 8 Leadenhall Street, London, publishers of the Monthly Prize Essays
Publication details: 
Addressed from Madden's home address of 23 Artillery Place, City Road, London, with the business address of Madden and Malcolm (8 Leadenhall Street) scored through. 4 June 1846.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to corners. The context of the letter is apparent from the following advertisement in The Times, 29 June 1846: 'On the 30th of June, will be published, in 8vo., price 2s. 6d., the first number of | THE MONTHLY PRIZE ESSAYS. Each number will contain six Essays in Prose and six in Verse. The first prize for prose will be £20; the second, £15; the third, £10; and the other three, £5 each. There will be but three prizes for poetry - £5, £3, and £2. The Essays must be delivered by the 30th of the previous month.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C D Yonge') from Rev. Charles Duke Yonge to autograph hunter J. T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing his publishers, Chapman & Hall.

Charles Duke Yonge (1812-1891), classical scholar and historian, born at Eton College, the eldest son of Revd Charles Yonge (1781-1830), Eton schoolmaster [J. T. Baron of Blackburn; Chapman & Hall]
Publication details: 
Notting Hill, Belfast [Ireland], on letterhead of the Ulster Club. 28 January [1882].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium, with mourning border. In envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Yonge to 'J. J. Bacon [sic] Esq | 18 Griffin St. | Welton | Blackburn | Lancashire'. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn envelope. He informs him that his edition of Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives' was published by Chapman & Hall.

Printed card of Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham, advertising 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits'.

[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham] [fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham.] Undated [1820s].

An attractive example of provincial printing, in letterpress on one side of piece of 9 x 6 cm card. Headed: 'RICHARD TUCKEY, | WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, | High Street, | FAREHAM.' Giving prices in shillings and pence for four Wines (Fine old Port; Sherry; Maderia [sic]; White Cape) and six 'Genuine Spirits' (Cognac, Fine old; Jamaica Rum, old and soft; English Geneva; Hollands ditto. pure white; Porter; Cyder). Printed in roman, with four words in black letter ('FAREHAM', 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits') and two words in italic ('High Street,').

Engraved receipt of C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London, listing twenty-six types of wine and spirit.

[C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London]
Publication details: 
[C. Bertram & Son, Importers of Wines and Spirits, No. 162, New Bond Street, London.] Undated [1820s].

1p., 4to. On thin paper. In good condition, lightly-aged, and laid down on a piece of card. The receipt has not been filled in in any way. Beneath the decorative letterhead are the 26 categories, in copperplate: Port; E. J. Madeira; W. J. Madeira; Malmsey Madeira; Cape Madeira; Bucellas; Lisbon; Teneriffe; Sherry; Mountain; Calcavella; Hock; Moselle; Hermitage; Burgundy; Claret; Sauterne; Champagne; Vin de Grave; Barsac; Frontigniac; Constantia White & Red; Brandy Cognac; Rum Jama.; Hollands; Shrub.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Harrison Ainsworth') from the English historical novelist William Harrison Ainsworth to the writer Stephen Watson Fullom, regarding a meeting at the London publishers Hurst & Blackett, and Fullom's 'future career'.

W. Harrison Ainsworth [William Harrison Ainsworth] (1805-1882), English historical novelist [Stephen Watson Fullom (1818-1872), English author; Hurst & Blackett, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Kensal Manor Hourse, Harrow Road; 11 March 1846.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Ainsworth begins: 'My dear Mr. Fullom, I am happy to tell you that you are under a great mistake. Your manner, on the occasion you refer to, produced the most favourable impression upon me.' Fullom 'exhibited great delicacy and modesty', and Ainsworth 'stated as much to Mr. Hurst'. The omission was in fact on Ainsworth's own part, in neglecting to thank Fullom for his 'flattering proposal to dedicate your romance to me'.

Manuscript Memorandum and Manuscript Receipt, both signed ('Mortimer Collins') by the poet and novelist Edward James Mortimer Collins, assigning copyrights of his works to the London publishers Henry S. King & Co.

Mortimer Collins [Edward James Mortimer Collins] (1827-1876), English poet and novelist [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Both dated from Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks. 19 March 1872 and 14 December 1872.

ONE (memorandum): Headed: 'Memorandum of an Agreement between Messrs: Henry S. King & Co: of 65 Cornhill London of the one part and Mortimer Collins Esqre. of Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks of the other part.' 19 March 1872. 1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Pencil annotations. Five stamps at head (four embossed and one ink).

Six printed promotional items for 'The Collected Works of William Morris, to be issued in twenty-four volumes under the editorship of Miss May Morris' by Longmans, Green & Co, comprising prospectuses, specimen pages and engravings, and an order form.

[William Morris; May Morris; Kelmscott Press; Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Longmans, Green & Company; fine printing; typography]
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910.

An interesting collection of typographical ephemera. ONE: Landscape 8vo wood engraving, captioned 'This illustration, entitled "Psyche in Charon's Boat," was engraved on wood by William Morris from a design by Edward Burne-Jones and forms one of a series in illustration of the story of Cupid and Psyche in "The Earthly Paradise." It is proposed to issue one or two of these designs, which have never been published, though one of them formed the frontispiece to the "Note on the Kelmscott Press" by Mr. S. C. Cockerell.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Printed auction catalogue.] Catalogue of the Valuable Library and the Collection of Old Play-Bills and Theatrical Prints of Sir Henry Irving, Deceased. [...] Commander of the Saxe-Ernestine Order, Late of 17 Stratton Street, W.

[Sir Henry Irving [John Henry Brodribb] (1838-1905), British actor-manager; Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, London auction house; Christies auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Revised Edition. Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, at their Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James's Square. Monday, December 18, 1905 and following day.' [London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited.]

8vo., 69pp. Unbound as issued. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper, with worn and chipped printed front wrap still present, with ownership inscription at head (''). 482 lots, with several of the books ticked in pencil. Included, as lots 95 to 112A, are 'specially printed copies of the various Lyceum Plays, as arranged for the Stage by SIR HENRY IRVING; they contain numerous manuscript alterations in the text in the handwriting of the great Actor, and are in consequence of very great interest'.

Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York in 1866.

H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York
Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss
Publication details: 
H. G. Hotchkiss & Co's Bank, Lyons, New York. 1866.
Rare $1 [one dollar] banknote issued by H. G. Hotchkiss

7.5 x 15 cm. With green overprint. In poor condition: worn and with one small hole, and faded manuscript signature and endorsement.

[Cloth-backed lithographic engraving.] A Chart of Anglican Church Architecture: Arranged Chronologically with Examples of the Different Styles.

F. Bedford [Francis Bedford (1816-1894), lithographer and photographer; R. Sunter, York publisher; John Weale, London publisher; Standidge & Co., London printers]
Publication details: 
Drawn and Lithographed by F. Bedford, 40 Ely Place, Holborn. Published as the Act directs by R. Sunter, 23 Stonegate, York, and John Weale, 59 High Holborn, London: 17 August 1843. Printed by Standidge & Co. 77 Cornhill, London.

An attractive Gothic Revival item, tastefully printed in red and black. Printed on nine 13 x 9 cm panels, laid down on a cloth backing opening out to 39.5 x 28 cm; in original 14 x 10 cm printed card cover, with engraved title on front, within a gothic arch. In fair condition: aged and worn in worn and rubbed covers, with small white circular label on front board. Arranged, appropriately enough, in four columns headed: Name of Style; Reign A.D.; Illustrative Examples; Characteristics.

[Printed item.] Evening Pastimes; or, Amusements for Hearths and Homes: A Magazine of Fun and Frolic; Containing Parlour Games and Forfeits, Riddles, Enigmas, Charades, Conundrums, Practical Puzzles, and Paradoxes, [...]

[Victorian Scottish puzzle book; parlour games; charades; riddles, pastimes; Cameron & Co., publishers, Glasgow, Scotland]
Evening Pastimes
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Cameron & Co., Publishers, and sold by all booksellers. [1880s?]
Evening Pastimes

128pp., 12mo. In original wraps, with 11.5 x 7 cm label pasted on cover with coloured illustration of a man performing a magic trick for a group of ladies, beneath the title 'EVENING PASTIMES | OR AMUSEMENTS FOR | HEARTHS AND HOMES'. In fair condition, a tight copy on aged paper, in worn wraps. Ownership stamp of the Sussex ornithologist H. L. F. Guermonprez on front free endpaper.

[10 printed items] Schedule of Contract for Carpenters' [Bricklayers'; Slaters'; Plasterers'; Plumbers'; Painters'; Glaziers'; Smiths'; Cast-iron and Metal] Work for the Service of the War Department, at [blank] in the South-west and Sussex District.

[Ten printed Schedules of Contract for work for the service of the War Department, in the South-West and Sussex District; W. H. Dudley; Robert Stratton; George Wheeler; Isle of Wight; Hurst Castle]
Publication details: 
All ten schedules: 'London: Printed by Harrison & Sons. 1858.'

The collection is of great interest, providing a mass of information regarding the Victorian building trade. The owner of the volume, W. H. Dudley, would appear to be a War Office official, and, as described at the end of this entry, it contains manuscript details of two contracts. The ten printed schedules - totalling [34 + 17 + 14 + 10 + 12 + 13 + 12 + 10 + 16 + 11 =] 149 pp., folio - are uniform in design and format, bound together in a contemporary half-binding, with brown leather spine and corners, and marbled boards. All ten are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding.

Printed 'Information & News Sheet published by British Prisoners of War Funds [...] No. 21 - Far East'.

[Miss Christine Knowles, Founder and Hon. Director, British Prisoners of War Books & Games Fund and Forge-Me-Not League]
Publication details: 
Carrington House, Hertford Street, London, W1. [1944.]

27pp., 12mo. Unbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Articles include: Parliamentary News (November 1944); Far East Conditions; Food and Medical Supplies; Minister of Cabinet Rank; Government Inter-Departmental Committee; Telegrams; Radio Message Scheme; Sunk Japanese Transports; List of Names of Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees; Inspection of Prisoners of War Camps; Pay; Leave; Mail.

[Offprint; Inscribed by Author] The Bentley Papers [Describing the purchase of a substantial part of the archive of Richard Bentley & Son, Publishers]

Gordon N. Ray
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Transactions of the Bibliographical Society The Library, London. The Bibliographical Society, 1952.

Pamphlet/Offprint, paginated [175]-200, inc title. original green printed paper wraps, faded, corners sl. turned and chipped, good condition. Inscribed on title by author: "For Mrs Richard Bentley | Gordon N. Ray | New York City, 11 March 1953".Pencil note on front cover, "Please retrun boo or pamphlet. Lucy [=Mrs Richard Bentley].

[Manuscript] Chapters IV (continued) to VIII of the "Memoir of the Revd. Richard Harris Barham

[R.H. Barham, author of "The Ingoldsby Legends"] R.H.D. Barham, son of R.H. Barham
Publication details: 

Notebook, 9 x 7", black leather covers, worn, sl. hinge strain, some foxing, pages numbered 88-223, legible, scattering of pencil notes usually about placement of notes. It appears to be a fair copy, in R.H.D. Barham's hand, possibly a copy retained by the author or a family copy of the first Memoir of R.H. Barham which appeared in the first edition of the Third Series of the Ingoldsby Legends (1847). According to the Preface to "The LIfe and Letters of the Rev. Richard Harris Barham" (2 vols, 1870), written by R.H.D.

[Book; Limited Edition; Senhouse copy; HEAVILY ANNOTATED LIST] Bentley's Standard Novel Series

Michael Sadleir
Michael Sadleir and Richard Bentley
Publication details: 
"Printed in Edinburgh, Scotland, for the Colophon, April 1932"
Michael Sadleir and Richard Bentley

Cloth-backed boards, [16]pp. + frontis., 4to, edges and corners rubbed, sl hinge strain, Title on upper cover, frontis (illustration of Bentley bindings), pages within red borders. This is an offprint (no. 44 of 50 copies only) of Sadleir's essay in "The Colophon" in 1932, which later appeared in a slightly revised form in "Nineteenth-Century Fiction", vol.II, revisions of "style rather than content". This copy was apparently acquired by Roger Senhouse, co-owner of Secker & Warburg, in 1936 (according to a note by Alex Fothergill, bookseller, former owner).

Autograph Signature of the German composer and conductor Peter Josef von Lindpaintner, received after his death from the London music publishers Wessel & Co.

Peter Josef von Lindpaintner (1791-1856), German composer and conductor [Wessel & Co., music publishers, 18 Hanover Square, London]
Publication details: 
With note stating that it was received 'from Wessel & Co - 1859'.

The signature, cut from a letter is on a strip of paper roughly 1.5 x 10 cm, laid down on a piece of paper, 7 x 11.5 cm. Lindpaintner's signature ('Js. Lindpaintner') is bold and florid; a small part at the head has been trimmed away in cutting the strip. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with one pinhole at head of mount, and traces of grey paper on reverse. The mount is neatly captioned 'Autograph of Lindpaintner, composer of "The Standard Bearer" | &c. &c. &c. | Recd. from Wessel & Co - 1859'.

Three financial documents from 1880 on 'Vanity Fair': holograph 'Report' by the editor Thomas Gibson Bowles, accompanying 'Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account' and 'Comparative Statement of Income and Expenditure' by accountants Masson & Lewis.

Thomas Gibson Bowles (1841-1922), editor of the London society magazine 'Vanity Fair', founded by him in 1868 [Masson & Lewis, Accountants, 27 Leadenhall Street, London]
Publication details: 
Bowles's report dated 10 November 1880. 'Balance Sheet' and 'Comparative Statement' both by Masson & Lewis, Accountants, 27 Leadenhall Street, London, and both for the half-year ending 30 September 1880.

The three items, all in manuscript, are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All three are folded into the usual packets, with the two items by the accountants each titled in manuscript on the outside. Item One (Gibson's report): 'Report to accompany the Accounts of "Vanity Fair" for the six months ending 30th. Septr. 1880'. In Bowles's autograph, and signed by him at the foot, 'Thos. G. Bowles | 10 Novr 1880'. 1p., foolscap 8vo.

Printed leaflet advertising 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION' of King George V in 1911, with a pricing scale for the floors and roof of 41 King William Street, 'FINEST VIEWS ON THE ROUTE.'

Buzzacott & Co., London estate agents [1911 Coronation Procession of King George V]
Publication details: 
[Buzzacott & Co., 40, Praed Street, Paddington, London, W. 1911.]

2pp., 12mo; with the reverse folding out to make 1p., landscape 8vo, with the words 'CORONATION, 1911.' printed in red. The text begins on the first page beneath the firms letterhead: 'HOUSES LET OR SOLD. | RENTS COLLECTED IN ANY DISTRICT. | WEEKLY PROPERTIES MANAGED. | REPAIRS ECONOMICALLY EXECUTED. | DISTRAINTS LEVIED. | [...]'. The text of the announcement is headed, in red: 'SEATS TO VIEW . . . | THE CORONATION PROCESSION.' The first page reads: 'We have pleasure in submitting prices of Seats which we have To Let at | 41, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C., | to view the Procession on June 23rd.

[Printed pamphlet.] Facts for Inventors and Manufacturers. By W. P. Thompson & Co. (F.C.S., M.I.M.E., M. Council S.C.I., &c.)

[W. P. Thompson & Co., Liverpool and Manchester patent offices]
Publication details: 
Printed at the Patent Offices, 6, Lord Street, Liverpool. 6, Bank Street, Manchester. 1887. Entered at Stationers' Hall.

16pp., 16mo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight staining to last leaf. Printed in red on the title-page: 'NOTE. - After perusal, please file this Pamphlet for reference, or to lend to others interested in Patents.' An introductory note by the firm sets out the aims of the work: 'To Patentees and Manufacturers. | This Pamphlet, describing the Law and Practice relating to Patents, is designed as a useful guide to Patentees.

[Offprint.] The Wilde Lecture. V. The Mechanical Principles of Flight. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. Delivered February 13th, 1900.

Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt (1842-1919), 3rd Baron Rayleigh, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics] [The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society]
Publication details: 
Manchester: 36, George Street. 26 April 1900. [Manchester Memoirs, Vol. lxiv. (1899), No. 5; Memoirs and Proceedings of The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society 1899-1900.]

26pp., 12mo. Stitched. In remains of original printed wraps. On aged paper, in chipped wraps, with several leaves loose. An important work in the history of eronautics by one of the great experimental physicists of the nineteenth century. Excessively scarce: no copy of this offprint in the British Library or on COPAC. 'In this lecture Rayleigh discusses the method of calculating the mechanical forces on a plane presented obliquely to a current of air, so far as this can be done. At best, the calculation is very incomplete.

[Printed pamphlet.] Abstract of the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1896; General Rles and Special Rules [...] Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham. [With 'Bye-Laws'.]

[Messrs. John Brown & Co.'s (Limited) Aldwarke Main Collieries, Swallowwood Seam, Rotherham; Committee for Yorkshire; coal mining; Victorian coal industry]
Publication details: 
No. 046. Jenkinson, Marshall & Co., Stationers, Printers, Paper & Twine Merchants, &c., Surrey Street and Tudor Street, Sheffield. Dated 9 August 1888, and amended in manuscript to 7 February 1902.

The 'Abstract' and 'Bye-Laws' total 45pp., 12mo, attached in one unbound pamphlet. Complete, but aged and dusty: an item that certainly saw duty in its colliery. The 'Abstract' is 41pp., 12mo, paginated 1-40; with a single page headed 'Timbering in Mines. | Special Rules' on a leaf tipped in after p.38. The title-page is headed 'Published under the direction of the Committee for Yorkshire.', and the full title includes: '[...] General Rules and Special Rules to be observed by the Owners, Agents, Managers, Under-Managers, Under-Viewers, Enginewrights, Deputies, and Work-people of Messrs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Trollope') from Rev. William Trollope, classics master at Christ's Hospital, offering the London publishers Cadell & Davies his 'Analecta Theologica'. Together with the a statement of account by Cadell & Davies.

Rev. William Trollope (1798-1863), MA, Pembroke College, Cambridge, one of the masters of Christ's Hospital [Cadell & Davies, London publishers; Thomas Cadell (1773-1836); William Davies]
Publication details: 
Trollope's letter: Christs Hospital. 12 September 1827. The statement of account at 28 December 1829 (volume 1) and August 1835 (volume 2).

Trollope's letter: 3pp., 12mo. 48 lines. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Messrs. Cadell & Co. | Booksellers | Strand.' Trollope begins by announcing that he has 'a work nearly ready for the Press, wh. may probably be worth your attention [...] It is designed as companion to Mr Horne's work on the Scriptures, of wh. as you are the publishers, you may perhaps have no objection to engage in another, wh.

Ten manuscript business letters, seven in English and two in French, from six different British wine merchants, to the French cognac house Messrs. Otard Dupuy & Co., placing orders, reporting news of the Brandy trade in Britain and shipping.

[Messrs. Otard Dupuy & Co, French cognac house founded in 1795 by Jean-Baptiste Antoine Otard [later with Léon and Jean Dupuy], based in the Château des Valois (Château de Cognac), Cognac, Charente]
Publication details: 
From Aberdeen, Exeter, London, Liverpool , Stockton, Sunderland. Between 1828 and 1859.

The ten items total 19pp., 4to. Each is a bifolium, with the address and postmarks on the reverse of the second leaf. Each is docketed by Otard Dupuy. All ten are in excellent condition, on lightly-aged paper. The six firms are: Bevan & Smith, Liverpool, two letters (both 1850); Christopher Bushell & Co., Liverpool (1859); John Currie, two letters, both in French: London (1828) and Stockton (1828); A. Leveau, three letters: Aberdeen (1849), Exeter (1850) and Sunderland (1850); William Strachan & Co, London (1828); George Wildes & Co., London (1828).

Manuscript receipt, signed ('Arch Forbes') by the war correspondent Archibald Forbes, for £50 from the London publishers Henry S. King & Co., for the right to publish an edition of 1000 copies of his 'Soldiering and Scribbling'.

Archibald Forbes (1838-1900), British war correspondent, born in Scotland [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 27 June 1872.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, on aged paper. Signed by Forbes over a purple one penny Inland Revenue stamp. Reads: '£50 : 0 : 0 | 27th. June 1872. | Received of Messrs: Henry S. King & Co. of 65 Cornhill London, the sum of Fifty Pounds in payment for the right to publish an edition of 1000 copies of "Soldiering and Scribbling" | [signed] Arch Forbes'. The book was published by the firm in the same year as the receipt.

Manuscript Memorandum of Agreement between J. Hain Friswell and the London publisher Henry S. King, setting out the terms of publication of Friswell's 'The Better Self'. Signed 'J. Hain Friswell'.

James Hain Friswell (1825-1878), English essayist and novelist [Henry S. King & Co., publishers, 65 Cornhill, London]
Publication details: 
22 October 1874.

1p., foolscap 8vo. On laid paper, with red embossed tax stamp in top left-hand corner. In fair condition, lightly-aged. The memorandum is seventeen lines long, and begins: 'Memorandum of an Agreement made this twenty second day of October One thousand eight hundred and seventy four. Between Mr J. Hain Friswell of Fair House, Bexley Heath, Kent, of the one part and Messrs. Henry S. King & Co. of 65 Cornhill London publishers of the other part. | The said Mr J. Hain Friswell has written a Work entitled "The better self" which he herby assigns to Messrs. Henry S.

Autograph Letter Signed from the novelist Michael Sadleir to the diplomat Ernest Frederick Gye, congratulating him on his posting to Tangier.

Michael Sadleir [born Michael Sadler] (1888-1957), English novelist and director of the publishers Constable & Co. [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat, son of Ernest Gye and Dame Emma Albani]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of [the offices of the publishers Constable & Co.,] 10-12 Orange St, London. 1 March 1933.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'dear Ernest'. Marked by Gye 'Ansd.' He is sending Gye 'a word of congratulations on the august appointment to Tangier'. He apologises that he cannot be 'part of the celebration on March 23'. He concludes: 'I hope you are pleased and that everything will prosper. | No answer required of course'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Syd Smirke') from the architect Sydney Smirke, advising 'Mr. Lloyd' [William Watkiss Lloyd?] not 'to be made instrumental in dunning', in a case involving Saunders & Co. and 'Sir Robert' [his brother Sir Robert Smirke?].

Sydney Smirke (1798-1877), English architect, younger brother of Sir Robert Smirke (1780-1867) [William Watkiss Lloyd (1813-1893), antiquary]
Publication details: 
Grosenor St [London]. 5 March [1859].

2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor water staining and a couple of spike holes. An intriguing communication, beginning: 'I would not, if I were you, allow myself to be so worried.' Smirke feels that, as 'Mess: Saunders & Co have not been backward in representing themselves as Principals in the matter', and as they 'are as largely as - or more largely, interested' than Lloyd himself 'in obtaining a payment, they had better themselves address Sir Robert'.

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